Strange names~



[Ani's C☕ffee-mate #3] [Shady Merchant], Male
Blog Posts:
Okay this is something that has been happening for ages, but recently I’ve seen a couple of stories in websites that has made me ask, “What the fuck is up with these dumb names that people give their kids?”

In the past I’ve seen celebrities give their kids names that I consider strange. Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow named one of their children Apple. A bit strange but I can accept it. Now on the other side there’s the names Jamie Oliver and his wife gave to their children. I won’t name them all but there’s one called Petal Blossom Rainbow. For the knowledgeable people out there you’ll notice the kid is named after a my little pony toy.

..............Wtf right?

There are other celebrities who have given names to their kids that are a little you know.... take Kanye West and North West. I can still remember how people laughed at that. Was Kanye high when he came up with that name?

And with this I go back to the stories I mentioned earlier. The first is a woman who named her son Squire Sebastian Senator. I shook my head at this. I read the story so I can understand where the names coming from. But, c’mon, that’s a name that’ll get the kid teased by others or laughed at. Like the case of what happened in the second story. A woman at the airport had staff laugh at her daughters name. The girls name was Abcde, pronounced ‘ab-see-di’ (I think). I don’t condone the laughing at the child part, it’s disgusting. But when you give your child a name like that, shouldn’t you have expected such a situation would happen at some point?

Why do people give strange names to their children? Do they think they’re being cool? Do they think their own name is dull and they don’t want their child to have a dull name as well? Do they want they child to stand out from other kids? Do they hate their kids? Do they not realise their kid would get laughed at? Do the kids like their names? Do they hate it? Do the kids grow up hating their parents? How many change their names after they grow up?

Just some questions I have. Not a lot, just some haha.

What strange names have you seen/heard of?


    1. Blitz Dec 12, 2018
      There's also people who give their children names after popular fictional characters:facepalm:
      Abcde wouldn't be a big deal if it had a better spelling such as Absidy.
    2. Bad Storm Dec 12, 2018
      I personally know someone whose name is Abcde and I have a friend who's name is Alyn Frncys (pronounced as Alyon Francis).

      Teachers kept pronouncing their names wrong.
      Dountmindme and akki like this.
    3. pridian Dec 12, 2018
      At least they're not named Chlamydia! Poor girl's mother thought it sounded pretty. o_O I had a colleague named Blue Sky, his sister is Rainbow and his brother is called Star... :blobjoy:
      Bad Storm and akki like this.