


[Ani's C☕ffee-mate #3] [Shady Merchant], Male
Blog Posts:
I’ve not done a blog in ages so might as well dump this here~

I’ve noticed something strange recently.
It’s confused me and I can’t explain it at all.
In my garden there’s an old bin. It’s just standing there chilling.
Then it starts raining. It rains for a day. It rains again the next day.
The weather has been shitty and it rains on and off the whole week.
Now when I walk past the garden door I look out and see the bin nine tenths filled with water.
Okay cool it has been raining so that’s to be expected.
Then the following week it’s shitty and it rains again.
I look out after the first day and the water is still at nine tenths.
I look out again after the second day and the water is still at nine tenths.
I look out again after the third day and the water is still at nine tenths.
At the end of the second week of rain the water is, yup you guessed it, still at nine tenths.
Now what the hell is going on? It’s raining. The raindrops are going into the bin. So why is it never getting filled?
That last one tenth, just where does the rain disappear to? Is it some kind of bottleneck that’s hard to break through?

Thank you all for your time. If you are pleased with what I wrote I’ll graciously accept donations. I’m not asking for much. Just $46 should be enough~ ;)

Emmyy and yuzuki like this.


    1. Anitadhiman18 Apr 26, 2018
      Why is this a big Question??? It really doesn't matter as the water is getting wasted....LOL
    2. GonZ555 Apr 21, 2018
      Depending on the temperature and air flow of the place, the evaporation rate can change..

      Oh and might it be possible that a family member of yours fills it with water everyday when they're watering the plants?
    3. akki Apr 21, 2018
      @GonZ555 becauas it hasn’t rained all week. If there was leaks then the water level would drop and not stay the same right?
    4. GonZ555 Apr 21, 2018
      How do you know there's no leak? Did you try and add more water to the bin? Did you set up a time-lapse camera to monitor the bin?

      And i think i agree with @Clozdark it's probably evaporated
    5. akki Apr 21, 2018
      @GonZ555 @Blitz @Reached_The_Apex there are no cracks. It hasn’t rained all week and it’s still at the same level.

      Though it might rain later so let’s see what happens then.
      Blitz likes this.
    6. Clozdark Apr 14, 2018
      The rain drop bounced at 9/10 and the chemistry let some of it become gas..
      Like when you mopped the floor at first it was wet then slowly becomes dry.
    7. Reached_The_Apex Apr 14, 2018
      Agreed, the handles may have cracks or holes to enable em them to swing around
      Anitadhiman18 likes this.
    8. Blitz Apr 13, 2018
      Hmm. It could contain small cracks or openings for the water to leak out or maybe a part of it evaporates and the rain from the very next day returns it back to 9/10