the little red hen is poisonous storytale



Do the dead suffer, or is it a sweet release?
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A master narrative is an overarching story, full of stereotypes and sending a message to a certain culture or population, about certain peoples and behaviors. Master narratives influence how people see the world, and treat it around themselves. People see themselves in stories, and a master narrative is the common theme seen in many stories and word of mouth. The little red hen had the moral of the story that if you work hard you get what you worked for, and if you don’t contribute then you shouldn’t receive a morsel. This is harmful because it perpetuates the every man for himself fallacy, where people can support themselves all alone and reap their profits all alone for what they worked for, while throwing out anyone who didn’t directly help them in the process. The little red hen ignores that while the cow may not have helped make the baked goods, the cow sure did make the milk the hen used. Maybe the cow was just too tired looking after calves and being milked and walking about the pasture with an eye out, to help the hen with too much free time make the bread. But the narrative of the little red hen has that the cow and any other animals that didn’t help the hen were just lazy. It ignores that the other animals are also part of the farm, and they have different functions in their society of the farm. Another dangerous idea the little red hen spreads, is that anyone who doesn’t go out of their way to help the hen must be lazy, ignoring that people need to go out of their way to do things they aren’t used to, that they aren’t skilled in, and that anyone who isn’t immediately useful to you, or the hen, is lazy. That diminishes peoples worth as anything except tools to ease you, or the hen’s life, reducing people from their own beings to means to an end.

Also I misremembered and thought the hen made cake but I believe the result would be the same.