"What is Philosophy?" A class assignment due 7 hours from now



RynDeeVuo, Male
Blog Posts:
Philosophy: Answers to Questions

To me, Philosophy is the pursuit of what is right. What would be the right thing to do if you were to find a wallet on the ground? What kind of beautiful things look just right to you? Is it right to aspire to be someone rich and powerful? These questions and many others have different answers for different people. This is what I believe Philosophy is: the right answers to the questions we find in life. It is the construct of reality that is built upon the answered questions that surround us. It could be that most of these answers are copied from others, maybe some of them we have answered on our own, and perhaps there is a multitude of questions left that we still don’t know the right answers to. The answered questions are what shaped us to who we are now and the unanswered questions are what shapes us to who we will be in the future. This is what Philosophy is to me.

Laling and Bad Storm like this.


    1. Phaeous Jun 29, 2019
      "Philosophy studies the fundamental nature of existence, of man, and of man’s relationship to existence. As against the special sciences, which deal only with particular aspects, philosophy deals with those aspects of the universe which pertain to everything that exists. In the realm of cognition, the special sciences are the trees, but philosophy is the soil which makes the forest possible." http://aynrandlexicon.com/lexicon/philosophy.html
    2. sebv13 Jun 24, 2019
      The word philosopher (philosophos) was formed in opposition to sophos. It is the lover of knowledge (knowledge) unlike the one who being in possession of knowledge called sapiente or wise. This sense of the word has persisted until today the search for the truth, not the possession of it, is the essence of philosophy, often by betraying it in dogmatism, this is in a knowledge enunciated in definitive proportions, perfect and teachable Philosophy means: go on the way. Your questions are more essential than your answers and every answer becomes a new question.
      "The philosophy" Jaspers​
      RynDeeVuo likes this.
    3. Bad Storm Jun 24, 2019
      That doesn't sound like philosophy, but it's branch which is ethics.
      RynDeeVuo likes this.