Discussion Speculations : The Novels Extra

Discussion in 'Novel Discussion' started by Thousandswords, Dec 9, 2018.

  1. Thousandswords

    Thousandswords SWORD OF PENETRATION

    Nov 3, 2017
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    So, The Novel's Extra has reached 207+ chapters in the raws and from the pattern of most Korean novels it should be walking towards it's end (unless the author decided to write one of those 800+ chapter novels).
    I'll say it first, since the author hasn't even written it yet, whatever I say can't be regarded as spoilers. Here we go...

    →Get ready to not get a "happily ever after" ending. If you've read the authors previous work "A Monster Who Levels Up" you should understand what I'm talking about. So, no happy ending.

    →Just give up on romance already! And can someone please remove the romance tag from the NU page of this novel? I'll say it again there is no romance, just misunderstandings. If I had to comment about the relationship between the girls and the protagonist, I'd say that he was trying to break their minds by torturing them mentally. How?
    (1) He clearly knows Nayun loves him and knows that she's suffering, and that suffering will clearly go away if he tells her the truth about the matter. But Hajin will not tell her and he will let Nayun suffer untill she breaks. What is Hajins reason for doing so? It's because he thinks that Nayun will become stronger this way, he doesn't even care about the girl's feelings, so no love.
    (2) In case of Yeonha, it's the opposite. Hajin will tell her everything and then ask her to keep it a secret. This way Hajin makes sure that Yeonha too suffers from mental distress. We all know that whatever she does, Yeonha is fundamentally a good girl. When she is kept to watch her friends suffering and she knows that she can solve it, but she can't. The guilt is immense and this guilt leads to greater psychological suffering. Hajin made sure that Yeonha takes over the guild at an young age. No matter how capable she is, the stress she will have to face by doing so will be can be imagined. This way Hajin wants to break her too, and I think in chapter 178 we are already seeing Yeonha breaking down and becoming a twisted person. So, no love here either.
    (3) Rachel is still a work in progress and Hajin has already prepared a secret weapon to make her fall in mental distress, it's called "Evandell". We will have to see if Hajins plan (of breaking Rachel) is successful or not. Come on people! Plans doesn't always work.
    (4) Boss, well she's already pretty broken, so Hajin thinks she's cute.

    In the end, Kim Hajin the guy we thought as the protagonist of the story was the villain all along. Hajin never thought the people around him as "real people" (or he forced himself not to) and does not want to get emotionally involved. He works hard to further the plot and ending the story quickly so that he can go home; and he will in the end.
    When Hajin will happily return home, the author will create a bittersweet atmosphere by telling us that the girls still remember him and has lingering feelings towards him but life goes on. Hajin who happily returned home will try to finish his unfinished story.

    [THE END]
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2018
    Lil K.O, Wujigege, doggo and 8 others like this.
  2. Estarossa

    Estarossa 《Master of Dessert》°Resurrected Ghoul°

    Nov 10, 2015
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  3. Bolsonaro

    Bolsonaro 『 Sensitive Tyrant | Ever Gone Guy 』

    Jan 26, 2016
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    Sadly I aggre with you, I think that the author will start to rush the plot and destroy the novel, probably a soap drama ending, because It's what koreans like. Romance? I think that he will pair the girls with another guys and Go back to his world. Being honest I will probably drop the novel before the ending like I did with his previous novel
  4. Cosmic_

    Cosmic_ [Novel Addict] [Lazy Writer] [Meh Editor]

    Sep 26, 2016
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    Same. I’ve already dropped it. It’s sad too as it was one of my favorite novels that I used to regularly follow and even was what got me to start donating for the first time. I just don’t think my heart can take it.
    witan likes this.
  5. juniorjawz

    juniorjawz Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2016
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    Proceeds to spoil below it :blobpopcorn:
  6. Thousandswords

    Thousandswords SWORD OF PENETRATION

    Nov 3, 2017
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    These are just speculations... it's not like I've read the authors mind! (0.0)
  7. Blitz

    Blitz ⛈️ awakened from the reverie❄️

    Mar 21, 2016
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    The stories spiralling around everywhere cause of the authors love for cliche drama
  8. FriendlyDemon

    FriendlyDemon Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2018
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    What about Hajin making her trust him, depend on him and maybe even love him just to leave her in the end because he deems CT unnecessary or because he goes back to his world?
    It is also still beyond me how his character didn't grow in the slightest during the time skip after that with Nayuns brother happened. That was like the point in the story where Hajin should've stopped his delusions about it only being a "game".
  9. Godgrid

    Godgrid Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2018
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    Nah, Im reading the raws right now and it's nowhere near the end
  10. oblueknighto

    oblueknighto Blue Person

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Things going everywhere
    Justcallmejust likes this.
  11. Setra

    Setra Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2016
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    Would you like some extra ship sinking with this story?
    Justcallmejust likes this.
  12. autumnscarf

    autumnscarf Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2018
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    I don't think so. TNE is a remix of Hajin's original story. Cube was just Act 1 in Hajin's original story. This period after the 3-year timeskip should be the beginning of midgame. 10 years after the beginning was when end game started in the original novel, which would be when the story should be moving toward its ending in this story.

    Eh... I think the story as written really points away from that. Hajin doesn't want to be too invested, but he doesn't treat the characters as people who aren't real. He treats them as people he wants to eventually separate from so he can go home, but the story is forcing him to invest. He is obviously emotionally attached to Suho, Nayun, Yeonha and Evandel.

    I disagree Hajin hasn't grown. It's hard to track, but Hajin starting to ask questions about Chundong's past and his recent revelation about Chundong is actually a pretty big indication of how different his mindset is about the story compared to when he first entered it. Same for how he treats Boss and Nayun. Hajin originally just wanted to make it to the ending so he could leave, and to do that he had to help his characters, but if you look at his mindset now he seems to want to preserve the world (including the NPCs in the Tower he's currently grinding) and help his friends (rather than his characters) reach good endings.
  13. Yunchii

    Yunchii Best Waifu - Tamamo-no-Mae

    Nov 15, 2015
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    I hope it will be harem end.....
    Cosmic_, madness- and Eternalce1 like this.
  14. Arexio

    Arexio Blob Fanatic | AG Player

    Jun 14, 2018
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    All of y'all should just give up on Hajin now.

    I think the only CP we'll get is Kim Suho and his older gf. Although I wish Jonghak would get someone too bc Nayun is too cray cray for even him now.
  15. Thousandswords

    Thousandswords SWORD OF PENETRATION

    Nov 3, 2017
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    That's quite the dream you have there.... unfortunately dreams are...well, just dreams.
  16. rhianirory

    rhianirory Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2016
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    i think the end will be similar to the monster who levels. he'll end up back in his world having lost his memories and any strength/ awesome abilities he might have gained as well as all character growth (if he has any). he'll basically be reset to who and what he was before the story started therefore rendering the entire story pointless.
  17. oliver

    oliver Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2016
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    Loads of Korean novels are above 300-350 chapters. I'd say the range is something like 100-400 chapters on average. Like, Overgeared is at chapter 926 and still ongoing. You can't really base speculations like this on arbitary numbers with a very large margin of error like that. Hell, going by your logic, the author's first novel is only 174 chapters long, so The Novel's Extra should've already ended 30 chapters ago.

    And, as autumnscarf said, we havent even gotten that far in the grand scheme of the original novel. The only way the author could possibly end the novel within like 50 chapters would be if he suddenly made a 5+ year time skip, skipping a fair amount of the real meat of the story, which would obviously make no sense. Why would you cut down your own successful (atleast over here, idk about Korea) story for no reason?

    Imo the only way for it to be as bad as you predict in any way is if the author decides to fuck us over like he did in the first one, but i am pretty sure that was mostly due to bad writing skills at that point, and him having written himself into a corner. Hopefully he's grown as an author since.

    I do agree tho that currently he has a very hands off approach to all the other characters, but hopefully that'll change, and he'll start loving his characters again, since that kinda seems like the point of the story (remember how the whole thing started cuz he was in a slump while making numerous bad plot points/holes, and then someone comes along hoping to improve that, while putting him into the world as well. In the latest translated chapter he even remarked something like how his character isnt just an extra.)
    Arexio and viprei like this.
  18. Yunchii

    Yunchii Best Waifu - Tamamo-no-Mae

    Nov 15, 2015
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    Wait and Hope. attendre et espérer, Machinozonde kibō
  19. Evil_Ginger

    Evil_Ginger 『Lawful Neutral』『Cheese Master』『安德鲁』

    Apr 19, 2016
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    *cough cough*

    Good sir, did you say the author is the same as Monster Who Levels Up? Drat. I vehemently hated that novel to the bones.

    Thankfully (though probably because of a better translator), I feel like this story will end differently.

    Now, I know he is making himself out to be the villain. He shouldered the responsibility to
    Kill Naeyun's brother.

    However, we have to remember 2, that's right, TWO key characters you forgot to mention.

    Hero and Villain of the story. Yep, our stick loving 'MC' and the gender bent antagonist (forgot their names)

    I believe these two have a way to alter that seemingly terrible ending.

    FIRST off. The previous main character is a bro with our current MC. Like...
    "you mean the whole world to me bro. I feel like telling the entire world."
    "Bro. Then do it!"
    *whispers bro*
    "Bro, why did you whisper it to me?"
    "You're my whole world, bro."

    Yeah, sappy. Heh. But right now, those two are actually friends, though old mc feels like there is a rift between them. If anyone has a chance to throw out all the misunderstandings, it's him.

    As for the villain(ess), I feel like she might turn good. I really do. In like a Vegeta sort of way. She seems self centered and oriented, so perhaps MC will fail to kill her and instead have her either work for him in Chameleon Troupe or join old MC.

    What are your thoughts?
  20. Thousandswords

    Thousandswords SWORD OF PENETRATION

    Nov 3, 2017
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    So you conveniently chose to ignore what was said in the bracket after that? Bravo!