Spoiler Latest Chapter Discussion Thread for Death Mage Raws

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by FussyBadger, Nov 25, 2017.

  1. ssj4maiko

    ssj4maiko Welcome Back Sadpanda!

    May 5, 2018
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    Here is a name-change for me. The Rock Titan Gohn (Previously Goon) and Zohna (Cause I always felt that Zorna was too weird, but I didn't think anything better at the time, and I didn't expect her to turn into such an important character)

    As Van arrived while carrying Zohna, and Dandolip appeared from behind him, Alex understood that he “stepped on a Dragon’s tail”, because he understood that both sides were not taking them (Alex and Towa) as war potential (Meaning that even Dandolip knew they were fucked). While Van looked cold as usual, Dandolip was releasing extreme killing intent (The famous Sakki), and the two? They couldn’t even move their eyeballs now.

    But worst is that if he does anything wrong now, it would not be a joke that he could be killed, as besides not being able to see Van’s, he was not able to see Dandolip’s either, if the man himself decided to join Van… It was not impossible (in his mind). He understood that it was his fault, there was the coincidence of having the same cooking class as Vandalieu, so he decided to take the chance and check.

    Of course, one must understand that the reason why Alex does it is because he had this ability since he was born, he is dependent on it just like people are dependent on their legs to walk, so it's arguable if he should be ashamed of it, as the ability is technically also part of his body, plus nobody ever noticed his checks, even when he checked really stronger people or monsters that he could only see mosaics, even then nothing was triggered from checking on them.

    And although he is young, he has already reached the strength of a C-Rank Adventurer, as such he is already stronger than the majority of D-Rank adventurers in the guild, as such he didn’t feel any sense of crisis from checking others. Only now however he can understand the level of problems he had been playing with, he and Towa didn’t even notice that Gufardgarn’s spell has already been released, so they are free to move (yet they can’t, not even the eyeballs), they couldn’t even stand still anymore.


    Randolph however seems nervous, he is worried that Alex could do something stupid at this critical moment, he couldn’t look at them, but he still hoped they wouldn’t. Although he refers to them (Alex and Towa) as brats, he does not use the same term to Van, it could be said before, but now it’s a feeling that would make Randolph the True ready for a battle to the death, however he doesn’t feel any killing intent from Van, it’s like he is certain that once he needs to kill, the target will die, it’s like someone watching from a really tall mountain completely secure of himself. It weird, he doesn’t feel killing intent, however he still feels as if he is watching the grim reaper with the scythe at his neck.

    Also as a Spirit Mage, he can hear the voices of spirits, although rather than being able to communicate with them, it’s more like being able to detect a possible natural disaster or when the weather is changing. Because he noticed that all the spirits suddenly went noisy as if some emergency had happened, with his intuition he rushed to the source, but on the way he found a boundary, so he used his real ability and broke through it, but he knew that Van shouldn’t be able to use Space-Attribute, so he is not alone, and the caster should be close by, in fact, just this blocks any chance of him winning as the 2 can’t even escape, in fact, the only chance would be to target his weak point, that is the current Zohna, but that doesn’t work either, since the reason he is protecting Alex is because he was hired as a teacher, but he attacks another student, he would lose the reason why he is there, plus even if he did, he felt that it wouldn’t increase his chances at all.


    But by confronting his teacher, Van was regaining his calm, and while not feeling much of anything from Randolph’s killing intent, he thought that things could be resolved without killing Alex, basically, when he was a child, he thought that Appraisal would be a super ability, just to find out it isn’t, so he was surprised that Alex had something that looked like a superior Skill, but maybe what he saw was limited in some way too. Van already had in mind that Alex had a Magic Eye, although it shouldn’t be an aggressive skill, it could be something that could view talents or qualities of his target.

    Van didn’t think that Alex should be killed for spying on Pauvina either, after all, it’s a valid reason to get information on his competition, if he has the skill there is no reason not to use it, such things happen in between nations, usually leading to some secret fight killing a bunch of people, but what Alex is doing now is just for school results, so there is no reason to kill for that. But it’s another story if he was able to see his job history, titles and skills due to the Great Demon King and skill names there, it would lead to a huge scandal, and would lead to problems both to himself and Duke Alcrem.

    But his current school life is fun, and he doesn’t want to lose that, plus the teacher came after breaking through Gufardgarn’s barrier, it’s quite strange that he is not an S-Class Adventurer. He feels unlikely that he would lose if he were to fight with Full Power, and with Legion and Gufa who are inside his Inner World he would surely win, however other students could get caught up in the aftermath, as such, it’s not enough reason to fight Dandolip-sensei for those two.


    Zohna is confused with the situation, she was suddenly princess carried by Van while she was courting him, then she was carried in extreme speeds and now this situation, she can’t even breath, she feels like she is going to die from the killing intent Randolph is emitting, her vision is turned blurry, she sees a flower field with a river, the many Vandalieu’s arrived from the river and started talking with her. (Guidance!?)


    Van noticed that Zohna was in a near-death situation, he understood it came from the huge killing intent being released, so he asks Randolph to stop it for her sake, of course, upon hearing this, Randolph couldn't really do that under such circumstances, Van is of course ignoring Alex and Towa who should be suffering just as much or even more than Zohna. So Van argues that he will guarantee their life if he stops, and so Randolph stops. The two behind Randolph are finally able to breath, and Zohna returned for her experience, looks at Van with “Are? Another Vandalieu?”

    Randolph called the students, although Zohna wasn’t really in danger, but he asked the two to be careful, only their lives are guaranteed. Although Randolph knew that was true, he wasn’t confident in the situation, in fact Van could still Mind Encroach them to seal their mouths. Alex couldn’t imagine the depth of his problem, but from Randolph’s tension he prepared himself

    So Van makes the first question, are there any other assassins besides his party members. Alex doesn’t understand, but assures he is only with his party members.

    Next question, is he with with some organization… A criminal organization or something unrelated to the Adventurer’s Guild, is he working of some of those? Alex again finds it weird, so he replies that no, only deals with the Adventurer’s Guild.

    Is he hired by nobles, their vassals, or officials from temples? Alex replies that he isn’t, neither are his friends.

    Alex started to understand more about the questions, but Van was getting confused, if he wasn’t hired nor requested, then why do such a dangerous thing? Van doesn’t understand that Alex is a dependent on his ability. When he saw his status there was no Divine Blessing much less Spirit Descent, so he guessed that he was unrelated to Alda

    Van asks if he received an Oracle, which surprises Alex that he would receive such a rare thing, but he replies he doesn’t remember receiving one.

    “Then, why did you try to see my status?”

    Alex understood that he was caught, Randolph suddenly looked at Alex, while Zohna looked at Van. Randolph was surprised, did Alex notice who he really was? And now Randolph understood the motivation besides all of this. He knows that those who can see the secrets of those with power are often targeted for life, this time it was only Van’s status, not someone’s past criminal history or secret children. Randolph doesn’t know what secret Van is hiding, but from his reaction, he doesn’t want to know either.

    Randolph asks Alex, but Van replies instead revealing his “Magic Eye of Great Appraisal” Unique Skill, and adds that it’s thanks to this ability that he was able to select talented companions at school. Randolph is surprised, meanwhile, Alex saw his secret just being revealed by another person, and Towa glared at Van for revealing such an important secret of his master, but Van didn’t even look at her. But Zohna seemed more scared now.

    Someone (I’m not sure who, but I’m guessing it’s Towa?), said that Alex only shares his results with his friends, if there are others that can do the same thing, he can warn his friends, and “Do you know what I’m talking about?”, and another voice agreed with it. It seems she is indicating that Van can also do it, so she was trying to shift the blame on himself.

    Upon that, Van is very annoyed from that, and releases some killing intent directed at her while moving his arms so Zohna doesn’t feel it. Towa felt intimidated, and Alex couldn’t stop her before he himself got stuck.

    Someone (I’m guessing Randolph, but I’m not sure) tells him that they are quite sensitive to his killing intent right now, so Van stops and does something else. Van found a Rock, a Rock the size of a carriage of 2 or 3 horses, it’s about 30m away from them. From his finger.

    “Mana Bullet”

    A giant black sphere is formed from his finger, to the 4 people’s surprise, and as it reaches about 1m in diameter it flew towards the rock making a big hole, no staff, no medium, no chanting, yet, this was not a normal power, this was an indirect way of telling Alex to guess how much magic was needed to do that, and how much he could do.

    Van tells them that if they say anything that is not related to answering their questions, he will shoot. If they lie, refuse to answer, or mislead, he will shoot. But 3 people answer they understood, as Zohna was also apprehensive. So he asks again, why did he check his status. Alex replied that he wanted to confirm, he had already seen the status of Pauvina and the subordinate monsters, but with his current status he couldn’t see anything, and because he is in Elizabeth’s party, he had to confirm.

    So basically, Alex had this power since he was an infant, and due to that his insight has not grow up as it should, and now he is used in measuring and comparing things mostly through numerical values, and because of the ambiguous values as he taught the teachers, yet was a student himself was something unbearable to him.

    Van finds it curious, so he wasn’t able to see anything? Even with such a skill? Van was not concerned by Alex feelings, only by a small part of his answer. Alex explains that he can’t see the status of a target much stronger than him, this is something he learned after he arrived in Orbaum.

    Van asks what was seen from his status then, to which he replies as “Full of Mosaics", he couldn’t read anything, but he knows the fact that the has a huge amount of skills and a really high mana value.

    From these answers Van was able to understand Alex, he is just a normal boy who has been using this ability to compete over the best grades, and also that his status were not technically fully seen because of the difference in power, so there is little reason to kill him.

    Darock suggests that he could be lying. Although Van is not really a good lie detector, and Gufardgarn doesn’t really understand much of humans. Darock is similar to Chipuras and Isla in regards to infiltration, he is not a combat person, but he used his experience to remember that humans are used to lying. Usually the ones seeing to this sort of things would be the specialists like Chipuras and Kymberley, but they were deployed to secure Mact and Elizabeth, but it’s not like he thinks that it would be better to have sent Darock and kept one of the two, but Darock usually thinks of humans (besides Van’s acquaintances and people from Vidal Empire) as lower lifeforms.

    Darock suggests not caring for the boy and girl, he should take measures towards the magic eye, it could also be useful on Luciliano and the undead research. But Van says that would lead to killing Dandolip-sensei, so Darock suggests sending them to one of the inner worlds, then with connections with someone strong like Dandolip he would finally be able to dominate the school! But Van doesn’t want to dominate the school… But Darock had a point.

    So Van mentions that although he understands everything, in the future he should be able to read them, so to prevent it, he could gouge both eyes, or rather, it’s just easier to kill all the related people. Alex and Towa get really nervous through that, and Randolph also understands, but he is still preparing to get between them if something happens. So Van complements that it however would lead to having to kill Dandolip-sensei, and his school life would be over, so he suggests an agreement.

    First that he can use his Magic Eye freely under his own will and responsibility, however the results are not allowed to be shared with anyone besides his party members, not even relatives, clients, nobles and so on. Alex is surprised, but Van then remembered and added that he can still invite people with sleeping talents by telling them the reason. Of course, once that person leaves the party, they should keep the agreement too.

    Alex seem dumbfounded, but Zohna seems to wonder if that’s all right, considering that they have such information. As she says, Alex has always done that, so it technically doesn’t seem to change anything. Information on status are not usually revealed, some people do share one specific thing or another to express their capabilities, but that’s about all. Even Guild leakage is rare, and once it happens it will be remembered for a long time. But this is not a case for Alex, if he is known to hold such an ability, he will receive many visits from nobles and criminal organizations, either to get his magic eye or to kill him before he is captured by a rival, and he can’t protect himself right now about it. Van answers her that it’s fine and natural, it’s normal to collect info. And it’s useful to deal with many adverse conditions, so it would give less problems to Dandolip-sensei.

    As such, it’s a proposal based on that, he knows that Alex is unrelated to Alda gods or some noble. Alex couldn’t get anything from Van, but Van grabbed his weakness now. So Van gives the other side of the agreement: If information is leaked, he will reveal publicly that he owns the Magic Eye of Great Appraisal (And Alex face turned white again), and he will add a lie that “Alex was able to see the status of Vandalieu Zakkart, his friends and his Subordinate Monsters and also knows his secrets”.

    And so Alex understood the threat, Randolph understood that the deal was done, at least Alex kept his eyes and his life, this won’t be a problem as long as he works normally as an adventurer. And as Randolph walked to Vandalieu’s side Alex knew he had no other option, and accepted it. Now the risks of his secret being revealed have just jumped several times higher, but otherwise, it will be the same as before.

    Alex says that he will try to convince Robin and the others himself, and asks if it’s alright with him, and Van replies that if they are unsatisfied, he could call him (to deal with the rest), but Alex ensures he will do it. Van’s intention was just to “persuade” them with a similar show of his Mana Bullet, but seeing Alex desperate, he didn’t go after it anymore.

    Alex asks if he can make a question, Van tells him that, if it’s in regards to how he noticed, he has a skill that reflects back the effects of Magic Eyes, and this is also part of the secrets he is supposed to keep. Regardless, there may be different situations, but Van can be consulted or offer support in case-by-case scenarios. By revealing this, Van is able to keep as the one leading the conversation, and also avoids Alex going desperate and traumatized over his blunder, also in case his mother was to suddenly be kidnapped, he guesses there was no way he would be able to keep the agreement.

    But that seems to not be what Alex wanted to ask, he asks if it’s ok with Zohna to know this, since they are more likely to be related to nobles then him. Zohna however seems nervous now and tells him to stop, although she had forgotten up until this point, she was also ordered by noble families to find stuff about him. As Van moves his gaze towards her she gets scared while still in his arms, but he tells her not to worry, he already knew of such things. She asks him not to kill her, but stops once she understood what he said.

    Van explains that Elizabeth-sama is related to central nobles, and it’s natural for them to want info on him.

    Although their connection came from a misunderstanding, after one month they are still friends, and none of them even lied about their names or who they are. Zohna asks why he still went with it, but he replies that it’s something trivial, and he is not good in treating his friends in such an unfriendly way just because they have ulterior reasons for meeting him. Everyone has ulterior reasons after all. These are the reasons that trigger many changes in life, love, friendship, ambition and so on, having an ulterior motive is natural and no reason to think bad.

    Of course, he would not treat as friends if the feelings were one-sided, so Van tells Alex that Elizabeth and the others are much better people than he could think of. At first there seemed to be some weird chemical between them, but over time there have been no more of those problems. Most of all, the proof for that is that all of them are already counting his subordinate monsters as “subordinate monsters people” (It’s weird in english). To Van this is an unconscious sign that they recognize them as people. He added that they also didn’t seem very active in their information gathering, for example, they never entered his house, they didn’t even appear when his house was open to nobles from Darcia’s introduction event.

    Zohna nodded awkwardly, the reason they never asked to visit his home at first was because they were scared, and after she was not scared anymore she missed a good timing. And the reason they didn’t participate in the party was because their standing as nobles was not enough, and even if they had received an invite, she wouldn’t have appropriate clothes to go.

    However, in her mind, this is the first time she felt someone appreciating her so much. After so many misunderstandings, her heart was beating fast now.

    Alex then questions Van about why he is still with them? Is it just the girls? Alex couldn’t understand, he asks Van if he is wrong or something? Would things have changed if he was the first to-? But Van cuts him out denying him, reminding him that after he saw Pauvina’s status he left without saying anything. Alex couldn’t deny that. Van reminds him that he and his companions should be friends, so isn’t it ok? Build up experience, polish your skills, and make achievements together. He is doing it with the people that reached out to him, there is nothing else besides that.

    This is Van’s idea, if someone offers their hand to him, let’s hold hands, and if someone asks for help, keep your hand extended until they can hold it. But you don’t need to act differently with those that are good by themselves.

    And so Van turned to his back and walked out. Alex still didn’t seem to understand, but he guessed that his and Vandalieu’s values were that different.

    Randolph says that nothing happened here, nor he heard anything here, so the test will continue as is. He tells Alex to make haste, as 1 hour has passed since the start. Randolph tells that to Alex and Towa, and followed Vandalieu and Zohna.


    Things in mind.

    Van may not have noticed, but if he opened a hole in a dungeon stone, it could be one that is not supposed to be breakable, so not only he intimidated them by his power, but also by the fact he can break dungeon parts.

    Zohna seems to have been influenced by Van, although still somewhat sly, it seems her impression of Van grew up quite a lot.

    Seems like Towa has actually good feelings towards Alex to the point of glaring at Van. She did not gain any favors now, but at least she is well treated.

    Randolph may have discovered that Van is bad news, but at the same time, may have understood him as a person with some upholding ideals. Maybe he thinks that Van is playing around, but I don’t think he sees Van as someone who would treat his current friends as disposable toys.

    Rod is still able to see things from his perspective, so I’m guessing that this will be used in some way, or at least until Alex ends up guided (Maybe?).

    But now, with Zohna’s active help, Van’s place in the party may increase, I can imagine Elizabeth and Maheria wondering what happened to them, and the trio wondering if Maheria was able to get what she wanted, just to find out that the one who was charmed was her. I can also imagine Elizabeth thinking that Van may be taking over the party to reach her maybe? Not sure how paranoid she still is.

    And this is the related game. http://yurudora.com/sagaforest/index.html
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2019
    Korleone, IceFenix, Bla8bla and 3 others like this.
  2. toxinpsd

    toxinpsd Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2019
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    ssj4maiko and hillo315 like this.
  3. jemini

    jemini Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2018
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    Wait, Van's gong to mention that Alex knows his skills!? DANG!!! Van's freaking devious!!! His blank face and his attitude of being easily lead and not complaining as he goes with the flow all the time really makes you forget that he's got sky high intelligence and a bit of a mean disposition for those who cross him.

    Yeah, if I had to place Van on a D&D alignment scale, I would call him true neutral leaning toward lawful. Or, maybe even straight up lawful neutral. (Following his own set of predictable behaviors, not that he follows the laws of man.) He is too nice to his friends and those he likes to be evil, but it is just way too easy for him to completely destroy people's lives for him to be good. Therefore, neutral. He helps his friends and heaps on the good will because he likes them and likes to help, but he has absolute emotional detachment from those who he considers enemies allowing him to dispatch them in ways that could easily be considered evil.

    That said, I might even say he's leaning slightly evil. True, attacking and killing evil people does not shift your alignment, and even allows you to keep a good alignment (let alone neutral,) but the kinds of things he does to the evil people he kills or captures really cross the line on what can be considered good, and the zombie swarm he sent against Mig Shield nation, the 100% wipe out of those troops, and the mere fact that his disposition is such that I 100% believe he really would make good on his threat against Alex (who is young and seems to be neutral in alignment as well for the best I can tell) leaves me absolutely unable to see him even slightly leaning toward the "good" portion of the scale.
    Bla8bla and hillo315 like this.
  4. heiro001

    heiro001 Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2017
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    "The Camaraderie of a Hanger-on, and a Contract with an Honor Student"

    I thought it was very cute when Alex asked Van why he's so attached to Liz's team (but is coming after him), if it's just because she invited him first instead of them, Van points out that Alex said nothing and ran away when he saw Pauvina's status, while Elizabeth was being honestly empathetic with Van. blobmelt_thumbs

    Also Van is very devious to ask all those questions about if Alex is part of any organizations that could be a threat to him, and then putting Alex in the same boat of being under threat from those organizations if he says anything about Van's status sheet (and also offering to protect him if anything like that does happen to Alex, hooray for the carrots and sticks of v-cream diplomacy).

    Thought the side discussion of Alex not having a very good sense of what a potential invasion of privacy his eyes were was also kind of interesting. It's kind of sad that a unique skill has made this teenage kid so dependent on it he has trouble making proper judgements about what he should even do without it.

    Also interesting that Randolf follows Van at the end of the chapter. Are we going to finally have a heart to heart between him and Van? Will Van offer him a deal with the great demon king to regain his village after all these years in return for becoming an ikemen idol in Kanako's touring concert? Find out next week on The Death Mage Who Doesn't Want A Fourth Time! :blobpopcorn:
    Korleone, IceFenix, NekoMK2 and 5 others like this.
  5. kari-no-sugata

    kari-no-sugata Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2016
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    He threatened to reveal Alex's special skill if Alex ever blabs about his special skill. In addition, if that happened, Van would also leak info that Alex knows Van's skills. Basically, "if you abuse your special skill I'll make you the enemy of all society"

    I don't want to get too into the weeds about alignment but I see Van as lightly chaotic neutral:
    Van feels somewhere between "chaos" and "neutral" by the above definitions. A character who lives by a strict set of moral codes would be defined as "lawful" but in Van's case it's more like "whatever's best for me an my friends, including all factors", which is flexible and adaptable rather than rigid.

    Van's attitude of "so what if the law is on your side" (eg with regards to killing Darcia or other Vida members) is very much not lawful I'm sure you'd agree.


    Of the above, Van feels closest to neutral but can do a bit of all of the above. Van definitely treats those who he judges to be "innocent" differently to those he judges to be guilty/evil and he can be very hard on the latter. He's also a proponent of "vengeance" even if the person acted morally/legally from their own point of view or those of their society - what matters is Van's point of view.
  6. RichardNova

    RichardNova Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2018
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    Randolf can't comunicate (have conversation) with spirits, but is able to see and listen whatever they're saying. He noticed the spirits were very angry as if somenone has made a great ofense towards them and rushed to discover what have happened.

    Van was just showing his power for everyone present understand the diference in habilities as well as let it clear he isn't joking.
    The stone he destroyed don't count as a main part of dungeon, just it's surface, otherwise it would be impossible to mine the dungeons in talosheim or any dungeon in the world. Anyone strong enough can destroy it, but no one can make a big and clean hole with a non-atribute, unrealistic enormous, magic bullet without chanting and wands nonchalanctly as if you've just spent 1 of mana on it.

    Alex did see vandalieu and Pauvina status, just isn't able to understand what's written on it and is able to figure out how many skills, titles and digits of status value they posses so its not a lie LoL.
    Everyone would want either control him or steal Alex magic eyes and knowing that he does apraisal everyone around him as well as nobles without a care would add more fuel to fire, since he isn't a S class adventurer only hell would waits him.

    Personally, I though Van would have taken a bottle of truth serum from his (world inside body) pocket, tell its a medicine without side efects to make someone tell only the truth, even let dandlip sensei apraisal it to confirm it's safety and make Alex drink for sake of authencity of his answers.

    Well, it can't be helped Van didn't think about this, but everything went well and everyone reaction of van mana bullet was funny so all well when ends well. :blobokhand:
    hillo315, Eddy andres and Bla8bla like this.
  7. sjmcc13

    sjmcc13 Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    I would put him as neutral good myself. He just comes from a different viewpoint then most people so it is not as intuitive to see, and is not the stupid good trope you see form idiots who have no understanding the systems they claim to be implementing (Alignment and HP in D&D are misunderstood by like 90+% of players from my experience) That is Lambda is so messed up be moron god's lies and stubbornness that the lines for being good and evil are heavily skewed from most societies, because moron god has led most of the world to be evil and think they are good, making most of the world enemies by default which severely changes how he has to interact with people. The worse things he has done are all to people who would do the same or worse to him and his own if given the chance.
    The problem is acting in accordance with your society does not make you a good person, especially if your society is based on evil like alda's followers are.

    Van judges from his viewpoint yes, but his viewpoint is much closer to understanding absolute and relative good and evil then most of the world. His insanity has freed him from so many hold ups that we have it is not funny.

    There are lots of different views on morality out there, but there are none that can justify things like slavery or xenocide without jumping through several hoops and conditions, and my insane gods who insists he is sane tells me to is no where near sufficient.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2019
    hillo315, Eddy andres and Bla8bla like this.
  8. FussyBadger

    FussyBadger Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2017
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    I think Alex will be spared but eventually becomes Rokudou's Disciple or incarnation body
    hillo315 likes this.
  9. jemini

    jemini Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2018
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    I would say you're late on the draw on this one, but there's actually still room for this to happen. (Although I doubt it.)
    hillo315 likes this.
  10. FussyBadger

    FussyBadger Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2017
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    I had only read the summaries after I commented about that. Now that I've read the summaries I can only agree with you
    hillo315 likes this.
  11. Mesaphrom

    Mesaphrom Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2017
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    In other words:

    Alex: Why did you not choose me!? Is it because she have tits!?

    Van: 'cause you are rude.

    And now somewhere a fujoshi is getting off....
    Korleone, NekoMK2, Claus and 4 others like this.
  12. Eddy andres

    Eddy andres Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2019
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    the most hilarious thing about this chapter is that zohna already has two (and possibly three) chapters in vandeliu's arms, and that her seduction plan worked the other way, being she in love (guided) by vandeliu, because they don't always dead are the ones that get the girls?

    hillo315 sorry, I had problems with my internet and I could not enter the forum for a while among other things, I corrected it, thanks for letting me know. Pd:What appears when you are on the verge of death is a group of androgynous shotas? Or depending on the tastes there are lolis too?
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2019
    hillo315 likes this.
  13. hillo315

    hillo315 Intact but Tactless

    Jun 27, 2018
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    I suspect Densuke deliberately made Van too complex a character to perfectly fit in any one spot on the classic alignment chart. Van's alignment is Yes, and the alignment chart can go fuck itself.

    @Eddy andres You might want to fix your post duplicates, pal.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2019
    Korleone, Arbelbyss, Claus and 4 others like this.
  14. kari-no-sugata

    kari-no-sugata Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2016
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    Just in case it's not clear, Randolph's attitude at the end of this paragraph is effectively "Van has big enough secrets in his status that he's willing to kill over it, so investigating Van's secrets is something to avoid at all costs". Not that all that is said directly, but it's clear enough that his attitude is something along those lines.

    btw, I doubt Van has any issues with Randolph (or rather Danlip-sensei) willing to face him over his students. Van probably approves in general even if it's unfortunate in this specific case. This is just my speculation but I doubt there's any hard feelings on either side and probably both impressed each other in various ways.

    The MTL probably garbled it pretty bad but the verb form of "tokimeki" is used here for Zohna (with regards to Van). Basically, she just got shot with Cupid's Arrow. Imagine her blushing or being flustered / embarrassed but also happy. She's a gonner, I'd say, based on what little we see of her reactions. At a minimum, it's very strongly hinting where things are going.

    Hmm, wonder if Zohna's going to get Botin's divine protection soon at this rate? :aww:
    Korleone, Bla8bla, NekoMK2 and 5 others like this.
  15. jemini

    jemini Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2018
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    Yep, sure enough, just added a Dwarf wifu to the mix of minimum 1 wife from each race. What's missing now? I think Harpy, Centuar, Naga (depending on whether or not Yamata is counted) Drakonid (depending on whether or not Tiamat is counted,) and, interestingly enough, Human. (In other words, I guess we've got a spot open for Katie Hartner.)

    Also, this is only counting the original and Vida races. What happens if the sentient demon races get thrown into the mix? :blobfearful::blobdizzy:
    Eddy andres and hillo315 like this.
  16. sjmcc13

    sjmcc13 Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    That and the alignment chart is horribly flawed, and does not function as anything past the most basic of guidelines.
    Trying to play any alignment as written almost always results in someone who is to mentally damaged to function in society. There is a reason Paladins have been called lawful stupid and it is because they had to follow the alignment which was horribly described.
  17. Mesaphrom

    Mesaphrom Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2017
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    Pretty sure he is chaotic good though...
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  18. ssj4maiko

    ssj4maiko Welcome Back Sadpanda!

    May 5, 2018
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    Technically I understood that mostly through his character, I'm pretty sure he means what he says, not only the part about not wanting to know about Van, but also the final part where he didn't see nor hear anything, and I believe it's quite unlikely he will tell Meorilith about what happened because this is the type of character he seems to be.

    I believe he may have gotten a better impression of Van considering the way things were solved, his answer in the end seemed quite relaxed considering the level of threat, showing that this really was an unexpected most positive result Alex could have hoped for: Don't do anything stupid and nothing will happen, do something stupid and you will find yourself responsible over your own actions now.

    Indeed, now that you mention it, I went to check over where is this verb to find out it's not a kanji. The MTL was giving angry/nervous, I didn't see any sense from it, so I left it out, but now that you mention it, it's hard to get these hiragana only parts right. the moment I searched for tokumeite, everything made sense, but I would never know that would happen.

    So now I wonder if they will come back holding hands. I can imagine Eisen seeing that and being really nice to her. Her stock of sweets will increase from now on. I wonder what she will think once she knows the truth in regards to all other waifus, I mean, sure the natives are most likely used to such possibilities, but she suddenly finds out her reliable younger kouhai is an emperor with multiple fiances

    Originally I would see this type of stuff and think "how the heck did you get such an idea", but now I think that Alex will do something dumb and his eyes will be lost. I don't expect Van's team to ever have this ability, but I also don't expect the enemy to have it, or at least not for long, as such, I'm fully expecting for something to happen where either Alex will lose his eyes, or he will die (Most likely the first).

    I have been thinking that Rokudou has quite the cheat with Sahadeva, he was able to control Telkatanis just through some psychology and a telepathic link, but shouldn't he be able to control at least one person constantly? Even if that's not the case, Rokudou could still sweet talk Alex into saying what he wants to hear, stuff like Van is an hypocrite, he is the demon king and so on, and then asking his help to defeat Van.

    I feel like Alex would follow something dumb like that, even though he should have already understood that he should not do such a thing.

    Anyway, we now have multiple paths to follow, so prediction is hard. I'm still waiting for Katie, the Genius child to meet Zadiris, the Princess Guider
    Bla8bla, hillo315 and Eddy andres like this.
  19. FussyBadger

    FussyBadger Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2017
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    Thinking about it a little more with what you said about Rokudou and Sahadeva I have to agree. Wouldn't Rokudou sweet words be enough to turn Alex into a pawn. Alex seems like the kind of character who would be swept up in the "you could be a hero" if given the opportunity.
    Bla8bla and hillo315 like this.
  20. Eddy andres

    Eddy andres Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2019
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    With the matter that Maiko mentioned, I imagine more a situation in which Alex receives a divine message from Rokudo full of information and then realizes the threat that is vandeliu and decides to join him thinking that he is the most reliable side, Everything under the premise that Alex is smart enough to read a summary of this novel after he realizes how incompetent people are who want to hire him.
    hillo315 likes this.