Spoiler Shadow queen (manhwa)

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by ChuChi, Jun 8, 2020.

  1. the Legendary Frog

    the Legendary Frog Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2020
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    The crown prince
  2. Migrad

    Migrad Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2020
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    from what i read on the current RAW MC swore to not love him again, when her son born CP is devastated and said that MC will flung the empire into abyss, but maybe something will change

    also, this novel/manhwa full of revenge target like from chapter 1 to 16 theres already :
    - the duke/grand duke
    - his secretary
    - the knight who murdered MC parent
    - veronica brother/cousin
    - the maid who abandoned MC
    - the last but not the least veronica her self

    i personally love that MC act like a white lotus to taunt and insult her enemy lol
  3. the Legendary Frog

    the Legendary Frog Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2020
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    Last edited: Aug 16, 2020
  4. rock.doll

    rock.doll Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2018
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    any more spoilers? :blob_plusone:
  5. Anju2021

    Anju2021 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2018
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    Is the ML really the Crown prince?, I thought it will be other prince, I might purchase this novel, now you can buy it from RidiBooks
  6. Rin.rinaaa

    Rin.rinaaa Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2020
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    Are there more spoilers for this? I still don't get why the REAL Veronica and the duke wanted a FAKE Veronica. It just doesn't make sense??? I was thinking maybe REAL Veronica hates doing work and just wanted a fake "her" so when the time comes that the fake has absolutely done so much success and achievement then she could take over as the empress so easily. But I also think that maybe there is something more to just hiring a double to take her place. Is there some shady conspiracy going on that we have yet to find out?
  7. Migrad

    Migrad Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2020
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    while we wait for proper spoiler, i want to share (my personal favorite of) MC white lotus moment~

    - when MC/elena and the duke finally met, he cry a crocodile tear and act so relieved, as if his daughter are alive again (bleargh), MC then shamelessly act over familiar at him and called him father. MC done this because she knew the duke really hate it when she, a daughter of a fallen aristocracy act like both of them are loving family and it disgust him, his face trying to hold all of it is priceless. from this interaction MC learned that she also in control of the situation (although not much) and shouldnt be afraid of small mistake.
    - every study session MC will act like a ditz and sometime whine a bit to irk and frustrated liz (the blue haired bitch). when liz give up and left the room MC continue to polish her plan and complete her studies easily since she already learned it on the previous timeline.
    - when she arrived on the main building, MC immediately act like she own the place. she pressured every maid (especially ann, the maid who abandoned MC with a smile) and throw away veronica furniture lmao. liz is fuming and ask her what are you doing and MC are like "oh im sorry i just dont like it, please forgive me?" while crying a bit. liz can only clench her fist and leave, MC back to sip her tea peacefully
    - MC then visited the knight training ground to scout her own personal knight, she use her beauty and white lotus act to smitten the knights and announce that she will hold the ceremony to select her own bodyguard, the knights is thrilled. she done this to ensure that she will able to choose her own knight, if liz or the duke interfered or cancelled it, it will hurt veronica reputation and upset the knights.
    - liz is angry at MC since she didnt discuss it with her and threatened to send MC back to her home, MC is grovelling and crying and apologizing but she knew that liz will forgave her since they need her.
    - liz then invite MC into a secret room to meet lorenz (the knight who killed MC AND her parents, yes he is on the top of the shit list :blobhyperthink:), he wear a nice suit and act as knightly as possible and kissed MC hand, for a split second MC looked at him with murderous intent, then act very flustered and thanked liz to meet her up with such a cool person. liz do this to manipulate MC to choosing lorentz as her personal knight (notice that liz didnt ask MC to choose lorentz as her knight? :blobjoy:)
    - the day of the ceremony, MC began to choose her knight. she look at the knights one by one but no one are choosen so far until lorenz, she stop act shyly and flustered, grabbing her skirt, lorenz smile smugly thinking she will choose him for sure and she nonchalantly walk away. lorenz is dumbfounded with his mouth open, liz is like WTF why. then she choose a greenhorn knight who will be one of the strongest knight in the future.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2020
  8. PAMN

    PAMN Member

    Aug 17, 2020
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    Oooh thanks!! Are these from the manhwa? I saw there are 20 chapters out. I really can’t wait for this new novel/manhwa to be translated
    syofiaa likes this.
  9. PAMN

    PAMN Member

    Aug 17, 2020
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    I’m curious about these too...what happened. And what is the behind the scenes reason for her to need a fake person?
    syofiaa likes this.
  10. sjmcc13

    sjmcc13 Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    So am I, I can think of a couple reasons, but want to know what the author went with.
    1. the real daughter is barren
    2. the real daughter is sick/weak in some way and would not survive child birth
    3. They were ordered to tie their bloodline with the crown through the marriage and for some reason do not want to
    4. Once they has succeeded in swapping the daughter for the MC, they would then switch the kid with the child of the daughter and someone else (hopefully not conceived in a Lannister style)
    5. The real daughter was not a virgin, and they needed to present a virgin.
    6. the real daughter hates the prince and would refuse to sleep with him
    7. It is part of some conspiracy to take down the crown (or just the prince) using some technicality of the MC's lineage to weaken him
    My guess would be one of the first 2, since you do not tie yourself to a fake heir if you do not have to. Though depending on the politics I could see #3 as well since that would also necessitate killing all witnesses.
    Either way, unless the real daughter got pregnant and had a kid at the same time, or before the MC did, swapping a girl for a new mother is risky due to there being lasting effects of pregnancy, unless the prince was not paying any attention to his bride.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2020
    Nia2760, By.Eve, Marie_0720 and 12 others like this.
  11. Elste

    Elste Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2018
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    I don't think is any of the first ones. Cuz the real Veronica tells Helena before killing her that she will keep Ian (the child) until she conceives another child with the emperor.

    It may be that the real Veronica is building connections or something like that behind the curtains. In the spoilers glimpses is told that clearly the Duke's family is growning and may be as powerful as the Imperial family.
    Nia2760, Marie_0720, Bella94 and 12 others like this.
  12. sjmcc13

    sjmcc13 Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    The "keep until" gives me a more dark idea, hopefully it is wrong.
    Kill the first kid to have a tragedy so they can "bond and grow closer" and make the prince more attached to, protective of , and spoiling their "next" kid. He experiences a tragedy, they lose nothing, and possibly lets them mold the next heir more to their liking then the prince's.
  13. momomo5

    momomo5 Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2020
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    Does anyone whether her parents make it this time ?
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  14. ketchupblood

    ketchupblood Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2020
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    Hmm I bought the first volume from ridibooks before realizing how hard it is to MTL from there :sweating_profusely:

    Note that I'm in the first volume and it's also MTL so who knows how accurate this is... but it looks like the real Veronica was poisoned and the only cure is for her to let it run its course while in a coma. That's why her cousin (Len?) immediately suspects/knows that Elena is a fake.

    At that time. Len was walking down the stairs toward the annex with the banquet hall.

    "It's strange. The more I think about it, the more strange it is."

    Len's footsteps did not stop while the accident was continuing, as if he was carrying out the internal structure of the main building.

    "I'm sure you're addicted to poison...….”

    Len's gaze, muttering to himself, was deeper than ever.

    "How the hell did you wake up?”

    The poison was known to be impossible to decipher once it was poisoned. It could only prevent the toxicity from spreading, but that was the limit. To stop toxicity, I had to sleep all day. To be alive but not to be alive.

    "Have you found the desiccant?"

    We have no choice but to reach that conclusion. Because Veronica's still alive. Len looked into his swollen hand and repeated clenched and unfolded his fist.

    I think so, based on the webtoon raws? She gives them a map and tells them to run away, and then you can see the knight that goes to kill them getting frustrated because they were missing. Plus they try to control her by threatening her parents (apparently they did this in TL1, which means they didn't tell her they were already dead?) and she thinks to herself, "lol not gonna work"--which I think means that they got away.
  15. Migrad

    Migrad Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2020
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    dont worry~
    lorenz, the knight who originally killed them lost their track and cant find them and he ordered by liz to stop chasing them and focus on elena/helena, so its safe to assume that they successfully escape to the neighbouring empire and live a new life with a new identity with the wealth that the duke gave them, at very least until everything is settled.

    this is also the main reason liz suspect elena as the main cause of their escape because to be able to run away from a skilled knight like lorenz without knowing anything is an incredible feat, when liz tried to bait elena and lied about her mother being a little sick, but because elena already played her white lotus act correctly, cease her suspicion and brush it off as over sensitive.

    now we need to wait for the slappening of the entire duchy especially lorenz and liz

    yep from manhwa, but i heard the novel version also available on ridibooks, maybe i should take a look if i got some time
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2020
  16. greencynefin

    greencynefin Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2019
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    So the ML is not the soldier from ch 18-20? This makes me sad. He is so cute and it has been a long time since I have read a story w a shy and quiet ML
  17. Viviyan

    Viviyan Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2020
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    This might sound stupid but...Who exactly is the crown prince who is the ML? Is it the guy she married before in her previous life? i think I’m just in denial because I really liked the knight. I have this feeling in my heart that the ML will turn out disappointing, lol. But too early to judge.
  18. Rin.rinaaa

    Rin.rinaaa Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2020
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    Ok, I'm not gonna lie but the crown prince based from the webtoon raws seems like a superstitious jerk. My assumption is just based on what papago's translation meant. He said something along the lines about MC bringing misfortune to the empire after their son Ian was born. But I might be wrong or whateva soo I want to know if this ML is redeemable.
  19. sjmcc13

    sjmcc13 Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Am I the only one who thinks that is not really a valid reason for needing a substitute well definitely not as a full reason. Combined with the prince being superstitious like @Rin.rinaaa mentioned or a fear of showing weakness I could see it, but the risks of the prince noticing the swap (back to the duke's daughter) are still to great if those are legitimate fears.
  20. Ariawolfgar

    Ariawolfgar Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2020
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    I have no clue from I read this but I think it’s like he knew Elena wasn’t the real Veronica. And that she having a child put Elena in danger and because the imperial family needed the support of the grand duke the fake having a child jeopardised everything. Or something like that. Really I could be a 100% wrong but I think it was something like that.

    From what I know I think the dude knew they where gonna swept them at some point. So I think that’s why he was so desperate over ten child thing. And actually it kinda makes sense if that was the reason. You dunno how long she will be on a coma, so you just have a replacement do all the hardwork until a proper time to put the real thing on the role. Imagine the real Veronica being in a coma por 10 years. When we would be ready to go back to Noble Society her chances would be null.