Spoiler How to Hide the Emperor’s Child/ 황제의 아이를 숨기는 방법

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Deleted member 262282, Jan 12, 2021.

  1. Riftan is a softie

    Riftan is a softie Spoiler Hunter

    Nov 8, 2020
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    When they were married, he didn't like her (or that was what he thought) bcs he thinks that their relationship was only the agreement between the families, not his own will. That's why he divorced her the moment his father died.

    But no worries, bcs the table has turned and the emperor was being the one who beg Astel to stay and remarried him even though he learnt the fact that Theor is her child with another man (he didn't know that Theor is his child bcs the eye color was neither like his or Astel's)
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2022
    Shion Lee, bigredqueen, Tem and 60 others like this.
  2. Riftan is a softie

    Riftan is a softie Spoiler Hunter

    Nov 8, 2020
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    The will only contains about the Southern land and no mention about to ask them to remarry, bcs the empress dowager knew the feeling of the forced marriage and she didn't want Astelle to be ended up like her (bcs she was forced to married the late emperor)
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2022
    bigredqueen, Tem, Nefroza and 52 others like this.
  3. hoangmai331

    hoangmai331 Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2020
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    I wait another spoiler for this novel, well if they dont have love. It s better she end with the other guy?? Why must be this guyyyyy
    zozoshawky, akera93 and syofiaa like this.
  4. hoangmai331

    hoangmai331 Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2020
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    Plsss spoil moreeee
  5. Riftan is a softie

    Riftan is a softie Spoiler Hunter

    Nov 8, 2020
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    I wished for this too, it's too sad for her to be with the one who dumped her, but fortunately there's no other prominent love rival for Kaizen. Although he was kinda jealous with Theor's teacher who seemed to like Astell, but that's it, no other mention about their moments or love sparks between the two
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2022
  6. hoangmai331

    hoangmai331 Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2020
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    Wait, if he only need her for the empress' s will then after the will they will seperate, why they end up being together in same place? And he supposed not to know theo identity
    boom2424 and syofiaa like this.
  7. Riftan is a softie

    Riftan is a softie Spoiler Hunter

    Nov 8, 2020
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    Bcs he fell in love with her

    although many times she asked him to sent her back to the countryside, he didn't allow her and kept her in the mansion near the palace with many guards and even proposed her in front of many people in the ball.

    At first he believed that Theor is Astell's cousin, but one night when the 3 of them went to the night market and Theor collapsed bcs of his allergy, Kaizen asked his aide to find his identity bcs he shared the same rare allergy with Astell. So he learnt that he is Astell's child with another man (he didn't know that Theor is his child)
  8. psychofreak

    psychofreak Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Did he at least beg or grovel or something to win her back? What did he do to win her back? Thanks for the spoilers!
  9. lavidaloca

    lavidaloca Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2020
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    Long summary version of the full story - don't read it unless you want it all spoiled.

    Much of the early parts of the story consist of the MC trying to keep the emperor from realizing Theor is their son while en route. She puts in eyedrops 2x/everyday to make his red eyes turn blue (black hair + red eyes known only in royal family). Also she had her grandfather fake an illness to try to speed up the trip (didn't work due to bad weather) and later insisted that her grandfather and Theor should go back home while she went to the capital to deal with the dowager empress's will. Along the trip to the capital ML falls in love with her and bonds with Theor while she keeps re-buffing him (he sent her dresses, she sent them back). In FL's mind, this will be a short trip once she resolves the will and she'll go back with her grandfather and Theor to the east and never return.

    ML doesn't want to let her go so he insists on bringing Theor & grandpa to the capital and lets them stay in a nearby mansion. Rumors start spreading about Theor being her illegitimate son in the capital after he has an allergic reaction to a specific fruit.:blobdead: It was a known allergy of Astelle's when she was a kid and Emperor remembered she got sick after eating it so he starts getting suspicious.

    Later at a ball, the Marquis wife (whose daughter is the strongest empress candidate and hates Astelle) calls out MC for having an illegitimate child in front of all the nobles gathered. MC doesn't deny it and Emperor proposes to her saying he already knew that. MC goes home pissed at ML cuz she just wants to leave and possessive ML calls up the imperial guards to put her on house arrest so she won't run away again. :facepalm:

    She sends Theor and grandfather to run away first in the night and then plans to make her own escape later. Problem is Theor gets kidnapped by MC's father and by the time he gets rescued, he hasn't received eye drops so his eyes are red and everyone knows now he's the emperor's son. MC considers her options and realizes Theor would be safest living in the palace so she finally agrees to marry ML, but she's still pissed at him and he's excited she agreed but also pissed at her for not saying anything earlier.

    Once in the palace ML keeps trying to appeal to MC, but MC is still cold though not as much as before. There's some flashbacks to their childhood when they were still crown prince & princess. Garbage ML would go off hunting and ignore her at balls, arriving to the ball late and leaving immediately after refusing to dance. She wouldn't be able to dance with anyone else since she was considered crown princess and waited up for him all evening, even getting someone to bring him tea after hunting. Another time he went hunting and nearly drowned in an icy lake. She tried to pull him out of the water and later gets severely sick from falling in too, but he checked on her while she had fractured bones and high fever. All that time she's in love with him up until he pulls the divorce on her the morning after the wedding (why would you sleep with her if you hated her and were planning to divorce the next day?) and she officially gives up on him.

    Eventually between ML getting poisoned, ML bonding with Theor, and ML's guilty groveling, she comes to forgive him and love him back (took a longgg time). ML finds out from grandpa that MC was in love with him their entire childhood and feels mad guilty throughout the later half cuz he never realized and finally came to the conclusion that all his groveling wouldn't make MC forgive him. There's also some jealousy moments with Theor's tutor cuz he's young and handsome.

    Some political stuff goes down with her dad and pharmacist comes back into the story to heal ML from poison (Pharmacist later ends up married to the MC's brother). After MC + ML get together, they're all happy for a while. Later they make a trip to the east to see their old place, and ML gets another guilt trip seeing how shabby the old house was. They make a commitment to visit more often after the trip and MC+ML recommit to each other.

    I forget if it was side story but MC gets pregnant with a daughter and has trouble with her pregnancy (dizzy spells, can't eat, etc). Everyone's worried cuz MC's mom died after she gave birth to MC so ML, MC, Theor, Grandpa, pharmacist, MC's brother, and all their servant crew head out on vacation. Grandpa tells ML + MC's bro the story of her first pregnancy with Theor and how painful it was. ML+MC's bro both felt more guilt over not supporting MC earlier. After vacation, MC is better and eventually gives birth to daughter named Estelle. Ending side story is basically emperor becomes overprotective father and goes beserk on the daughter's cousin (MC bro + pharmacist's son). MC and ML fight over it and the fact that MC kept the 5 year contract by accident (forgot to toss it). They reconcile with him making her some origami flowers by hand to apologize and she makes him a dessert to apologize and agree to give each other more of these gifts.

    Overall there's some cute fluff moments here and there with Theor, but all the guilt trips got repetitive and I still say emperor is still garbage... who confines someone they love and expects to be loved back after multiple rebuffs?:blobpopcorn_two::blobtriumph:
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2021
  10. Riftan is a softie

    Riftan is a softie Spoiler Hunter

    Nov 8, 2020
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    He did everything she asked, he even willing to do the contract marriage as Astele wish and divorce again after 5 years and after Theor got bigger. And when he was poisoned by her father, he didn't want anyone outside to know the fact that he was poisoned by Duke Reston bcs that way can affect Astele and his son, so he thought that it didn't matter if he died, if he can make Astele and Theor safe, he also handover the emperor's authority to Astele and she leads the empire by regent while he was lying on the bedsick and waited for his death, but Astele didn't want to lose Kaizen and asked Gretel (her parmachist friend) to find the antidote together.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2022
  11. psychofreak

    psychofreak Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2020
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    That poison bit reminds me of that one other novel with the FL who also remarried the emperor(title escapes me atm) and realized her feelings as he laid there dying and also found the antidote then boom, happily ever after. Is that how this FL also realizes her feeling for the ML? Again, thank you for spoiling this! Though I'm still miffed with this ML somehow.
    icay1x, beazacha, Corunee and 13 others like this.
  12. Hypothon

    Hypothon Semi-known disqus/NUF smut/shoujo commenter.

    Mar 10, 2020
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    Thanks for the spoilers. Well... I guess... it could be worse. I mean, the man had a looonnnggg guilt trip grovelling, realized his current efforts of pleading will never be enough. Guess its best to accept this. There are much worse MLs. But eh. MC could've done better
  13. Rakshanu

    Rakshanu Immortal Ero

    Jan 23, 2016
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    Oh no, not another one.
    Dropped. :(
  14. hoangmai331

    hoangmai331 Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2020
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    I dont understand, that í funny when u said u dont love her in many years And later divorce after one night, only short trip and he fell in love that is ridiculous for me the author didnt have any better excuse for this like he fear she got involved in politic problems etc.
    TyShaye, Shoshi, Elren and 26 others like this.
  15. Riftan is a softie

    Riftan is a softie Spoiler Hunter

    Nov 8, 2020
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    That's actually the reason why he divorced her, bcs he was afraid that the Duke will use his empress daughter to control the empire (bcs he was the leader of the great or corrupt nobles), that's why he divorced her without thinking twice, and it's not like he didn't really love her at all, there were times when he liked her, but bcs of her father is the corrupt nobles leader, he couldn't fully believe her.

    And I think it's bcs he saw another side of Astele during that short trip and the way she acted indifferently toward him and rejected everything he gave for her made him realized his feeling toward her.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2022
    TyShaye, Shendee90, icay1x and 71 others like this.
  16. Niaosaf

    Niaosaf Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2020
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    Yes, regret always comelate
  17. theilikepie

    theilikepie Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    NOOOOOO don't talk about my poor ML . It wasnt his fault he was misudnetstood. If only the MC was a better wife and communicated with him better.

    Good that she finally learn her place in the end. Women always support your men no matter what they do
    TyShaye, bigredqueen, DOHere and 23 others like this.
  18. Reio

    Reio 【Random】

    Oct 3, 2019
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    I dropped around chapter 80 and the translation got striked down though it was complete.
    Kid has red eyes as you know cliche fantasy trope (red eyes are empiral bloodline.)
    She with the strike of fate finds a pharmacist that produces a potion to change eye color, but for suspense and plot it only works for 12 hours, so she has to use it twice a day.

    The emperor never remarried, he was to busy in politics, witling down the power of the nobles, and her father is his biggest obstacle.

    When they divorced he thought she'd go back to the family casually, but her father disowned her. She went to her maternal grandfather but he was living in poverty since his pension is cut off. Before that he(emperor) offered her money but she refused and he didn't think of her past that.
    The emperor wants the FL to help pass the inheritance of his grandmother, she had something in her will to have FL present. (Its some land shared between two kingdoms and he needs her urgently idk it's something for plot progress).
    Fl agrees with the condition of returning her grandfather pension. But tries to send the brat back with her grandfather, She sends her grandpa a secret massage to fake illness to change the party's travel route to where he is and send them both back.
    BUTT... The emperor is now conscious of her feels guilty, and angry at her grandfather(the nerve of him -_-) sinc offical story is that the brat is her nephew and she's raising him instead of her dead cousin, and now she's acting as his nurse though it's her child and her grandfather is healthy.
    The stroy just kept dragging along with her not caring about the emperor, wanting to limit the time the kid is with the emperor, narrowly escape being found out, some bitches trying to pick a fight, and the emperor being jealous or wanting to spend more time with her.

    FL is a strong character somewhat like Naveir, though she loved the prince alot it never made her irrational. But he was always a brat never opening up to her or giving her proper care.
    There was a flashback where he was going hunting, and was annoyed of her tagging along, him falling in a freezing lake and FL jumping in to save him then pulling each other back up. And you guessed it she cought a cold and was down with fever the next day, She even apologized for being sick! and being in the way of enjoying his hunt and he can go on and leave her, the trash prince agreed and actualy left her with the maids without caring for her or even some kind of nice words. He didn't want to be nice to her, I don't if he's being a tsun or what but that's fked up.
    There was even a time when she hosted an empiral ball since there was no queen back then and he stood her up the whole time and she can't even dance with anyone else since first dance has to be with her escort or fiance i don't remember. And FL back then liked dancing. Sigh
    And the audacity he confessed after some party they attend to as a partners, when they were engaged for so long and never cared for her in five years. Telling her he'll even raise the brat as prince.
    Ofc FL rejected him and even said never even to imagine it, something along those those lines. AND HE STILL DOESN'T KNOW IT'S HIS BRAT!!

    After reaching the capital I just got emotionally drained but I think FL father the duke will figure out the blood relation first.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2021
  19. Reio

    Reio 【Random】

    Oct 3, 2019
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    I can't recognize sarcasm when I see it. ..
  20. psychofreak

    psychofreak Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Yeaaah it really is better if they don't end up together. Or maybe her ending up with someone actually better, like, someone who actually loves her from the get go. Dude's a goddamn dick no matter how much he says he loves her later.