LCD Extraordinary Mechanical City

Discussion in 'Latest Chapter Discussion' started by jacobpaige, Mar 2, 2021.

  1. jacobpaige

    jacobpaige Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    C1: When you're training mission is S class difficulty, its pretty clear that you're cannon fodder and not meant to survive...

    "Aren’t we all just getting paid to do our jobs anyway?” They're getting paid? I thought they were all slaves?

    Where are they getting the fuel for a city sized steam engine? Shouldn't it require like an entire forest every day?

    "be dead within the month.” That slow? There's a lot that can happen in a month.

    C3: It sure did take Tyger a long time to realize why the MC had used an antidote. Though, I do have to wonder why antidotes weren't standard issue. Its not like they were strong enough to overcome Zombie Potion after all.

    C6: "I felt as if I had picked up what looked like an antidote to the poison in the wreckage" Other than desperation, I wonder what made him think that.

    C7: Ah, of course, in a world with classes, the MC must have ALL the classes. My expectations fall lower by the chapter.

    "For Rayne, with his “Wisdom Brain”, this task is as easy as breathing!" Of course it is. We wouldn't want the MC to have to put in actual effort.

    C11: So, since he took the wrong class' potion, how is he going to explain not being able to use the class skills of the potion he was supposed to take?

    C12: If its a 20:1 learning rate, and it should take him a decade to learn normally, then shouldn't it take him at least half a year? Somehow, I doubt it'll even take him a week.

    C13: Why pull out a real potion recipe to teach potion symbology? Shouldn't one of his books contain a full listing of the symbols and their meaning? It would definitely be more effective, and he wouldn't have to pull out his recipes (which he should have an ingrained aversion to doing, regardless of how dead he thinks the MC is).

    I wonder if the MC is going to let him live. I'm not really sure he'd care about keeping the gold grade potion's recipe a secret enough to bother killing the guy to retrieve it. Honestly, without sufficient backing, he can't really profit off of the recipe safely anyway.

    C14: If they've only been using the zombie potion for three years, then why would the senior members have taken it? Unless the doctor formed the bandit group himself, there'd be no reason for the leader to trust the doctor more than his senior members, nor any reason to poison them and then cure them.

    C16: Man, this series sure does require you to turn your brain off every time the MC's cheat is mentioned.

    C17: "the other was [Frost Sword Maiden] Ymir Spoglin, the eldest princess of the Omar Royal Family and also a top sword master!" AKA: Harem Member No 1.

    C18: If he's going to be so unsubtle about it, then what's even the point in attacking? He might as well use that time to run harder. Or does he have reason to believe that Pythius' reinforcements won't be at least as good as the guy he's wasting time on killing so noisily?

    C20: The poison being expelled was extremely obvious and his opponent is practically guaranteed to have antidotes on him that are proven to be effective against this poison. Why did he die?

    C21: "it failed to draw the eyes of these two big shots." That's a lie.

    C23: My eyes just kinda glaze over when the story starts going on about its psuedoscience. If the author wants magitek, then he should just call it magiteck and be done with it.

    I was wondering why he insisted on remaking the antidote that he wouldn't need for three years. It would have been nice if the author had given him an actual reason to have done so rather than simply having him do it and then having it immediately save his life from something he couldn't possibly have known he'd need saving from.

    That aside, he's still surrounded by the catalyst. How's he going to make it out of town without triggering the poison again?

    C24: "he had to admit that the person who had set up this layout was brilliant." Or, he could remember that this plan was what allowed the bandits to kidnap innocent people and force them into slavery only to be later murdered for the sake of political profit by said mastermind.

    Why is he so certain that people will be able to identify him? If he gets far enough away, solves the parasite problem, and changes his looks a bit, it should be nearly impossible to identify him.

    C25: This is clearly the Prince's super secret ambush plan. How would his sister and rival for the throne being murdered during it not be laid directly at his feet by anyone with a functional brain?

    That aside, I'll be surprised if Metternich doesn't turn out to be from the crashed ship.

    C26: Its difficult to describe how silly steam powered motorcycles sounds to me.
  2. jacobpaige

    jacobpaige Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    "When the resources are exhausted, the cities will migrate, like shepherds looking for the greener pastures to settle down in." Sounds more like locusts to me really.
  3. Emissary Nouvelle

    Emissary Nouvelle Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2020
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    Lol, you savage

    You sure have a lot of complaints, personally I've given up on novels being perfectly logical. He's at least a lot better than some simping protagonists who would genuinely accept the Zombie Potion Maker Py-Whatever as their master on all fours cough Devil's Son in law. I'm glad he actually killed him instead of their relationship 'slowing' turning into a real master disciple relationship in the same of two days.
    Point is, he's a lot better than standard hero of justice, heart of gold yet completely 'smart and ruthless' mcs we usually have to deal with and their dumb ass logic, I guarantee if it was them they'd:
    1. Suddenly grow attached to the bandit group and treat it or at least some of it's members as family and die hard brothers, sharing all his secrets and wealth except for his rebirth.

    2. Accept the Zombie potion master as master respectfully, shortly surpassing him but not before giving him the info on recipes and after wards bringing him a long as dead weak and being his sugar daddy carrying him up to great heights.

    3. As a simp, he'd immediately try to get on the princess or imperial side by appealing to his worth instead of doing the smart thing of running away. Whereby he'd be continuously exploited and not think anything of it and follow their manipulation like a good little boy. (Not that I wouldn't take her as a heroine just not the manipulative kind)

    4. Somehow hitch a ride with a 'nice' group of Bandits and catch feelings, calling them brothers and hissisters new family. Whereby he joins the pack and feels pain when some of them die, vowing for revenge on the perpetrators of the incident.

    Long story short my friend, it could be WAYYYYYYYYYYYY worse since we've seen plot take turns like this ALOTTTTT of times.

    It's still early so it could still go wrong but for now I'm satisfied.

    Was about to make a thread for this myself by you beat me to it. I do actually want more chapters so I left a review to try to increase it's appeal ish. I just told the truth.

    Let's not even mention the trope of multiple masters:
    1. his first would be some kind old theif from the bandit group who helped him survive and taught him skills and showed him care, before dying, he'd entrust a mission of some sort to the mc.

    2. The guy he got the ring from Maureen. While 'severely injured and dying' he'd use his remaining power which was still enough to 'crush the mc like an ant' and force to accept his legacy and carry out another mission as well. Then the mc would accept him as his father and praise and worship his memory after finding out the legacy he passed down contained 'many treasures he could never hope to obtain' thus successfully selling his live and loyalty.

    3. I already mentioned the Zombie potion master so I won't go in detail.

    4. There could've been another as he left the ambush. 'Failing to escape and falling unconscious' he wakes up to find someone saved his life ,one thing leads to another and bam!! Another master with another mission.

    Thus the mc has his future goals all planned out, given to him by his 'masters'. So honestly, I prefer the current development compared to this one. His hack brain is way better than dealing with this sht because he was weak and incompetent.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2021
  4. jacobpaige

    jacobpaige Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Oh, I definitely know it could be worse. I would have already dropped it if I didn't believe that ;)
  5. SerialBeggar

    SerialBeggar Hate your family? Got no friends? Gimme your stuff

    Dec 29, 2016
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    No matter how big the lake is, how could it be that nobody noticed it rising from the lake? The lake was practically surrounded by bandit mobile-cities. The water sloshing off of it while it rose should have been deafening. And I'm assuming this Overlord Behemoth-Grade Mechanical City is steam powered like the others, so how does that work while underwater?
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  6. jacobpaige

    jacobpaige Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    "The boiler made very little noise, and the shaking sensation was almost negligible." What about the heat from having a literal stove strapped to you? Or the smoke?

    "The only downside to this mechanical arm was probably its weight." And its fuel consumption. And its link to a probably dead noble and their extremely unhappy family. And its bulk that will make fighting in tight spaces harder and might interfere with his normal fighting style.

    "To kill one with Rayne’s current strength would require at least a hundred slashes from him." Then why not stab instead? Sure, a scalpel's stab isn't as effective as a slash normally, but it would certainly be better in this situation, provided he didn't have the arm.

    I was wondering how he'd meet the princess in order to save her and have her fall in love with him. It was always guaranteed to happen, but I was unsure of the particulars.
  7. Emissary Nouvelle

    Emissary Nouvelle Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2020
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    Ch 29: I knew we'd be seeing her again soon. I hope it's just for a short while where she helps him find a good place to laylow or something and doesn't make him join her faction
  8. Emissary Nouvelle

    Emissary Nouvelle Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2020
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    Read ahead, I'm dropping this. Honestly, I should've seen the signs from his personality. Instead of getting stronger and then trying to permanently remove his poison/parasyte, he accepts a strange master and hires a bodyguard to protect himself and loves to find 'golden thighs' to latch on to despite his already op cheats. I should've seen that things would eventually diverge with his dumb personality, he's not a normal run of the mill simp , he's closer to a scaredy cat. He also plans to reveal his secret and bring people with him when he eventually goes to the EMC. In $such a dog eat dog world he was actually dumb enough to think that, I'm sure he'll bring some 'seniors' and 'brothers' to share in the discovery and not Keep it for himself, he's immune to betrayal unlike the baron because he's a protagonist so he'll probably not get back stabbed. The logical thing safety wise in my opinion is to slowly explore the city by himself and not form a team which he'll probably do.

    Of course this is just my personal tastes, I hate it when mcs give away their cheats to their friends and 'seniors' the most. So if you're like me and like to see an mc who doesn't rely on other people to much you can continue.

    I'm not saying there's anything fundamentally wrong with his personality and the direction his actions are heading towards , it's just not my cup of tea. Though a lot of people like when mcs share their secrets of reincarnation, and super cheats saying they don't like too op protagonists who don't help their 'acquaintances' who are apart of the plot to get stronger. I'm probably among the minority who thinks this way from chats and forums, other people seem to love the baggage protagonists bring with them on journeys so just a heads up for you other minority folks.