Genshin impact

Discussion in 'Gaming Discussion' started by Bobasis, Apr 21, 2021.

  1. Junweizhu

    Junweizhu Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2017
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    They did a good job adjusting difficulty for f2p. Case in point one popular streamer finished spiral abyss with just the free handout characters they get, not even enough to fill the 8 slots.

    I think the primo geovishap vs shield mechanism is something I'd say would be interesting to explore further as well as other things that doesn't rely on pure dps. That's extra damage just for putting up the right shield at the right time and it doesn't factor your characters' stats. It would really be interesting if they use more mechanics like that.

    Your friend may not have noticed it, but you can see which elements the weekly boss has by looking at the the symbols/colors next to the entrance. You can easily set up your team based on that.

    Zhongli was decent before, but he is literally unkillable now post-buffs. While it's nice, I don't think he needs that much extra power.
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  2. SayMrrp

    SayMrrp 抱抱爆爆宝宝

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Yeah, I've seen people solo things with Amber. Maybe they're super skilled or have an OP (whale) build, but like.... Amber, a free starting 4*. Free characters and 4*s are still viable, thankfully.

    uuuhhh, putting up a shield at the right time? :blobwhistle: More like when am I not shielded...
    But yeah! I've never thought of it that way. It's an interesting feature, kinda like how you can burn shields/heavy attack shields.

    Oooh, thanks for the tip! I'll let them know, and I'm sure it'll be useful for me too when I try it!

    Haha, pre-1.3 Zhongli was kinda underwhelming, but I could deal with it. I'm glad he's buffed now, but I can see why he's a bit OP. My dodging skills suck a little, hehe. My catalyst friend (aka squishy and Klee is SHORT) is an expert at dodging and makes fun of me for being spoiled by Shield Archon.
  3. Khaos-Thanathan

    Khaos-Thanathan Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2021
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    I'm not saying that the game becomes unplayable, but that you're able to cripple your account which you can only really remedy by spending a lot of time and/or spending cash. Take the example I've mentioned. A level difference of 10 levels isn't insignificant. If you want to bridge that, you need high-leveled artifacts and weapons which take a lot of time to get due to several time-gating game mechanics. You could obviously save that time if the game would be properly balanced.

    Events like the current one also scale to WL and are thus an unreliable source for "free" characters. The problem with the gacha is - obviously - RNG. You can't really chose in which direction you want to gamble. At the very least my RNG is so very rotten that I constantly roll weapons which don't suit the characters I play and characters which aren't helpful due to being elemental duplicates. Gambling is gambling after all.

    That's only available from WL5 onwards and doesn't help in the lower level regions.
  4. jbturkle

    jbturkle Fruit

    Oct 26, 2018
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    Now that I think about it, you mentioned your WL going from 1 to 3 all of a sudden. That's strange, because I think that there is a rank up quest you need to complete to get to WL 2. In addition, artifacts really shine after AR 45, so before then it shouldn't be too hard to pick stats and/or sets that work. You don't need the perfect set in lower levels. As for weapons, I've never once had trouble with leveling one no matter my level. Ore should be in abundance. I really can't emphasize this enough, but you can 100% bridge that gap by playing well. For example, I've killed a level 72 cryo regisvine with only a level 40 Bennett and a level 50 Yanfei.

    Also, the issue you're describing is one that really only causes when someone only completes their dailies for a long time. If you even clear just one boss a day, you could get the resources you need to ascend and pretty much make this whole conversation pointless. There's really no need to rework the entire system and turn it into something really unreliable and weird when this occurs more as a consequence of your own actions.

    Yep, gacha is gacha. It's part and parcel of the game, not a problem. We chose to download the game knowing perfectly well what that comprises and it's not some sort of balancing issue. It's a feature. Save primos and pick your banners and you'll be fine, regardless of how bad your RNG is. But once again, there are free alternatives for everything. The non-gacha weapons that you can craft are often more than strong enough to use. For the events, when you're farming currency you're up against normal mobs, not bosses. Normal mobs have lower levels than bosses and you shouldn't have much trouble even if you are under leveled. The (practically) free Diona should be easy to get.

    As for gacha characters, I don't know if you know this or not, but just because a character has the same element as another doesn't mean you shouldn't use them. In fact, you get elemental resonances for using two of the same elements in the same party. More than elements, what you should focus on when picking characters for your party is the role they will fulfil (i.e. healer, dps, buffer). Who do you use right now?

    Sorry, that's my bad. They implemented this after I'd already reached WL 5 so I never bothered to check if there was a restriction.

    As someone who runs Ning+ Zhongli a lot, I've gotten wayyyy too used to facetanking every enemy. Perma-shields are the best.
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  5. Junweizhu

    Junweizhu Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2017
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    Fairly sure there's an ascension quest from wl0->1 and wl2->3. Wl 1->2 goes automatically after reaching AR 20. Yes we start at wl0.
    This only happens when you delay ascending for so long that you instantly level to AR 20 or beyond after finishing the quest.
    I read that a lot of people do that to level all the characters first without knowing that it can skip this wl and that rewards are generally better at higher wl.

    Level difference is only significant in the early game. You can get by if you keep a single character (like the traveler, Noelle, Kaeya and/or Xiangling) at max level until about level 80 for the dps and 70 for support characters. After that, level difference becomes pretty negligible compared to other methods of improving characters.
    You don't need to level artifacts before that either except for the feather because the increase is pretty insignificant before you get to that point. Plus you don't have a guarantee in getting 5 star artifacts until ar 45 so farming artifacts can gimp you by a lot. Better focus on guaranteed damage increase like character and weapon materials and character skill books. People tend to forget the skills, which is pretty much a guaranteed ~10% damage increase per level.

    Character, weapon and skills, then at the end artifacts. And you only farm artifacts after you reach AR 45, and ignore substats until you want to tackle the spiral abyss. Focus on getting at least one character strong enough to tackle the most difficult level domains.

    At least that's how I played the game in the beginning.
    SayMrrp likes this.
  6. SayMrrp

    SayMrrp 抱抱爆爆宝宝

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Out of curiosity, how would you monetize the game?
    Also, I haven't felt the need for paying and I'm AR55. I did spend once right when I started though, to get the 5* I wanted the most.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2021
  7. zetsuen_dark

    zetsuen_dark [blue is the color of distance]⚓️

    May 7, 2020
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    I played the game due to the fanarts and fanfics. The game is a bit time hungry(?) for me and there are quite a lot of things you can do. The gameplay is fun, I really liked the elemental reaction setting as it was kinda cool freezing a guy after throwing water at it. Some tips I think is try to make it so that you play in the least amount of time possible if you're a f2p player because you can get addicted to the game in no time. Also, Aether has a harem is the best tag in AO3 period.
  8. Bad Storm

    Bad Storm coz with you right here, I'm a rocketeer

    Jun 8, 2017
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    I don't think it's time hungry, if anything the late game playerbase are clamouring for more contents because you could finish up dailies within an hour (some do it within 30mins)
  9. zetsuen_dark

    zetsuen_dark [blue is the color of distance]⚓️

    May 7, 2020
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    An hour is still way too long and it feels even longer at the start. It's pretty fun though to play with friends so I only play it if someone's with me but alone? I'd rather play other games. It's just me though
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  10. Bad Storm

    Bad Storm coz with you right here, I'm a rocketeer

    Jun 8, 2017
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    Guess that depends on the perspective, I used to play an rpg game with dailies that takes a minimum of 2 hours, it's very grindy too. There are other timed activities too besides the dailies like arena, dungeons and guild wars and raids. Genshin was quite the refreshing change for me and I really like the single player aspect of it.

    But afterall, games are for enjoyment, so yah if genshin isn't for you, that's fine as well :blobokhand:
    SayMrrp likes this.
  11. zetsuen_dark

    zetsuen_dark [blue is the color of distance]⚓️

    May 7, 2020
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    Yeah I just play genshin for fanfics and friends... I really don't like grindy rpgs as i usually play smth like dota2, league, starcrafts and such... single player games are also good esp AC origins
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  12. Bad Storm

    Bad Storm coz with you right here, I'm a rocketeer

    Jun 8, 2017
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    I see, I see. It really is a difference in taste, I don't play games that has a heavy pvp focus. I wanted chill games so I usually play in the ps4 or some casual games on phone :blobrofl:
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  13. aintg

    aintg Fairy Queen of the Demonic Sect

    Jul 22, 2016
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    I haven't tried to play the game, but I definitely love this song. It's been my jam for a while.
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  14. SayMrrp

    SayMrrp 抱抱爆爆宝宝

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Also, this is a newer song with the actual CN VAs!

    and then this fansong that's super awesome! Art by the same artist.

    Also, Xiao song sung by CN VA!

    Also, CN VAs have done covers of JP/Vocaloid songs~

    Yeah, I'm done babbling now.
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  15. aintg

    aintg Fairy Queen of the Demonic Sect

    Jul 22, 2016
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    Uwao, uwao. I don't mind the babbling. More songs to add to my playlist! Tysm! :blobuwu:
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  16. nonsensical

    nonsensical Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2021
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    biggest tip (for me): just have fun

    if you don't care about the dmg of your characters or the artifacts you will get, that's fine.

    recently, I've fallen into the "i must get my characters stronger" wormhole and it's not fun at all. I've also fallen into the gacha hell (but by saving up all my primogems ofc not giving mihoyo any money).

    i miss those days when all i cared about was the lore and kaeya's tiddies (ehem) don't worry about dmg it still can't compare to paid players that unlocked full constellation. the game is supposed to be enjoyed for years, so you shouldn't whale on everything when they've just been released.
    SayMrrp likes this.