Spoiler Quick Transmigration Cannon Fodder’s Record of Counterattacks

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by kieshi, Dec 24, 2017.

  1. Chuchuchama

    Chuchuchama Oh hey there

    Aug 14, 2020
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    I am still at arc 23.
    Can anyone tell in which arcs will the docter uncle show up
  2. Bockris

    Bockris Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2020
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    Next arc has an interesting interaction between tasktakers, but it need some background from "the office" plot (i.e. the plot outside of the task worlds were MC interacts with other taskers and learns more stuff). I find this plot not as interesting to read as the counterattack plots, so I may comit some mistakes while explaining the background. If anyone else can correct me, that would be nice.

    • There are many taskers on many levels, MC is relatively a low-level one.
    • There are things called "laws" and "law cities". A law is the ability to control a certain aspect of the world, like water, fire, time, space, etc. If a tasker obtains the mark of this law, it will grant him a certain amount of control over this aspect in the task worlds. The level of this control depends on the level of the world, the more high level, the more it will be suppressed.
    • A Law City is a city where the taskers can find and obtain the mark of the law and effectively gain control of both the city and the law. They can collect taxes and ban people from entering the city.
    • A person can have multiple laws, but a law can not be had by multiple persons. Only one person can have a specific law at a time and it will only be available for others when the first person dies.
    • There are some veteran taskers, when compared with MC, that have some "friendly" rivalry between then: A'wan (阿绾) and HongYu (红玉). A'Wan has the law of fire and because of this, is stronger than HongYu.
    • MC got the Law of Water.

    The original plot: Is the standard "female being raped and getting pregnant by a mysterious man that turned out to be the king of demons and the baby is a natural genious" plot, but set in a urban-fantasy world. The world has demons (intelligent beasts that can do some magic, cultivate and take a human form) and humans. Because of the advanced technology, the aura of the world has thinned and the demons have become weaker, this has also lead to the humans becoming stronger. The humans know that the demons can live in disguise, but they don't care as long as the laws are followed. There's a special bureau in charge of pursuing criminal demons and suspicious demon activities.
    The Client is a male eagle living as a cartoonist in an apartment. He rescues pregnant FL from some demons that want to eat her and her baby, as the baby's aura is so strong that it attracts the demons around her and made them see it as an elixir in this dying world. FL has twins and they are already conscious and communicate with her. They are snakes demons and their father (ML) is the king of snakes. Snakes and eagles are natural enemies, so they distrust the client. The client obviously falls in love with FL and help her until the babies are born. But at this moment, ML arrives and kills the client, without earing an explanation from anyone (he may have killed him anyways), FL mourns him a little bit, as he was really good to her, but leaves with ML and her twins to live as the queen.
    The wish: To not die
    The counterattack:
    • MC tries to cultivate but can only do so at night, the aura on the world is thin and the demon body can not handle the power of the sun, so she cultivates using the power of the moon.
    • She tries to avoid saving FL but this proves impossible.
    • She takes FL home and sets a barrier around her apartment to avoid her being detected by other demons.
    • MC starts drawing a BL comic using The Uncle and The Silver-Haired Man (two of the most powerful entities she has met) as the main characters. She says the client's work is pretty generic and lost in the middle of many other artists, she hopes the BL content make it stand out so the client can have better job opportunities in the future (and maybe it awakens something in the client).
    • She occasionally bickers with the baby snakes (still in the belly of the mother, mind you) as they act like entitled little MCs that thing it is natural for people to help them and their mother and don't feel very grateful towards MC. They specially dislike that MC makes the mother help doing housechores.
    • Because of this bickering, they distrust the client even more than in the original plot and made the mother not lay their eggs (oh yeah, they are on eggs inside the FL) and wait until they are fully formed. They have made FL pretty paranoid and distrustful of MC, so she agrees.
    • One day FL says she doesn't feel well and goes to her room. MC can see that the baby snakes are being born and the eggshells remain inside the mother, that can not be good for the body. FL refuses MC's offer of going to the hospital.
    • That night they sneak around the kitchen looking for food, MC finds them and ties the into a knot. When the mother comes out of her room, MC says she's going to cook them and if she would like some of it. FL panics, takes them and says she's leaving. Just at this time, the barrier is broken and ML arrives.
    • The little snitches complain to her dad that MC mistreated them, and ML tries to kill MC. MC fights back and suppress him, she notes that she may not be able to defeat him, but also notices that he seems to be in a hurry, so she only needs to keep him here until the special police comes to find him.
    • The fight drags on, and both ML and MC use all of their moves, MC's most effective moves imply using the law of water to create barriers and freeze ML.
    • The little snakes realize that their father is not winning and that the eagle is a lot stronger than they thought.
    • The bureau arrives and MC puts on a water helmet to avoid being recognized. The agents fight the ML and the chief talks to MC, trying to convince him to join them in the bureau. MC distrust her, not because of the urban legend that none of the demons that enter the bureau comes out, but because she distrust the chief.
    • MC realizes the Chief is another task-taker, HongYu.
    • While they are chatting, it is revealed that ML stole a special pearl form the bureau, it allows a demon's power to grow stronger, and he was planning on using it to wage war against the humans.
    • HongYu uses some special illusion spell to show the ML (and the FL) the babies being killed, this enrages ML and makes him distracted, using this chance to kill him. The illusion is removed and then the babies are killed for real. FL goes insane.
    • The pearl is recovered (ML did use it in battle but it didn't have time to obtain all of its power before being killed).
    • HongYu says to MC that she wants the water law in order to defeat A'Wan's fire law, but MC notices that she can not just let the water law go. HongYu says that that is correct, and brings out a special Soul Nail in order to kill MC and set the water law free. This special nail will bypass the saving talismans MC has, so her soul will vanish forever if she gets hit.
    • The Soul Nail chases MC and all she can do is run away.
    • She gets an idea and proceeds to make all the blood vessels on HongYu's host to burst, killing her and expelling her form this world.
    • As she dies, the Soul Nail loses its owner and 2333 can take it away.
    • This fight was hidden behind another illusion, and when it breaks, the surviving members of the bureau chase MC. She kills them, takes the pearl and any other important thing and set the crime scene to look like the client was innocent and that the snake king escaped.
    • She flies to the countryside to throw the snake king body and takes a break.
    • The mission is completed, she dos not use the magical pearl, as that would be the client's own choice.
    • Back on her space, she buys a feature that avoids her being tracked by other task-takers.
    • She issues a Ban of HongYu in Water City.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2021
  3. billet

    billet Member

    May 20, 2021
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    I used the spoiler curator post to organize summaries of arcs :blobsmilehappy:. 4,17,19, 22, 23, 26, 36, 38, 43, 46, 53 are the gaps we have so far.
    Last edited: May 21, 2021
  4. Bockris

    Bockris Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2020
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    Filling a Gap:

    Setting: Modern Thriller
    The Plot: The client was a nice and pretty woman raised by a pair of good parents. She got married to an almost perfect man, who treated her good and took care of her. She felt lucky and everyone around her, including the parents, told her how lucky whe was of getting such a good man. Somehow, she started feeling thins weren't as they seemed, but she couln't find out why. She suspected her husband was not as good as he appeared, and grew afraid of him. Then her parents died, she was sad and feel that her husband was responsible, but could not find any proof. And then she died. Up to the moment of her death, she she could not find out wheter she was right about her husband or not.
    The Wish: To find the truth, protect her family, and live
    The Counterattack: Well, this is a hard one for MC, as she's acting on a hunch of the client, rather than any concrete evidence. She realizes that The Husband really care for the client, but in a "I want you to keep you safe so don't go out" kind of way. He doesn't want her to go out to work or study, because she may hurt herself. She can go visit her family but can rarely go out with friends.

    She finds out The Husband has a Track device in her (he's a doctor and put the device when she cut her arm and he cure her wound). She also finds out that he has a lot of spy cameras in their house, which creeps MC out.

    This is a very slow burning story (by comparison with other arcs), so I'll put things to make it as fast as posible

    She divorce him. It's a huge deal with him and her family (He's an orphan), but her father finally agrees when she reveal the things about the tracking device and the hidden cameras. The father thinks the Husband shouldn't have done that and it's too much. The mother doesn't really want the divorce, but since both MC and the Father are in favor of it, she folds.

    MC continues monitoring the Husband, and ask for Private detectives to dig his past. She finds out he was adopted by a rich couple, presumably as a potential organ donor for their sick daughter (Wow!), but the family died in a housefire while the husband was at school not long before the date of the operation. MC deduces that The Husband found out about this couple's plan and decided to get rid of all the family. After that he inherited the money, moved to the client's country and became a doctor.

    One day, the mother get's kidnapped and drag to the roof of the University where the father works, the kidnapper is a student that was failing on the father's lecture. He makes some demands and both MC and The Husband arrive, as the news were broadcasting the event. The mother gets saved thanks to the intervention of the husband and he is treated as a hero, but booth MC and the Father don't buy it.

    Finally, MC gets kidnapped in a foreign land she was visiting, it's were the Husband was born. She was trying to find out more about him and gambled going there with him. He drags her to this basement where he reveals his plan, to turn the client into a plastic doll so to keep her forever young and with him. MC tries to make him confess more stuff, but he's to vague about stuff. When he's about to start the palstification process, MC fights back and hurt him, then the police arrive: MC had a wire, and his father had secretly traveled to this country and contacted the police, that were hearing everything The Husband said.

    He's trialed, but ends up in a psyquiatric facility rather than in prison as MC wanted. She visits him a lot of time, and it seems that he will be released in some years, as he seemed to be doing some progress. MC just can't allow that and put some needles in his head, it took a lot of time, as he was extremely cautios and wouldn´t allow for MC to touch him. Even after that, he took decades before dying and MC was creeped evry time he visited him.

    After he died the task was completed, but MC was informed that The Husband has been recruited as a System.

    I found this arc too slow for my taste, though the thriller elements were not bad.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2021
    Aeiru28, billet, spiduola and 2 others like this.
  5. Mandyj

    Mandyj Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2018
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    There's 30 pages and don't see this title on the ToC, so can someone tell me if there is a ml please? Is it the uncle/teacher/doctor guy? I can't recall his name.
  6. Wr3n

    Wr3n Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2019
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    No. No ML and if there was, it wouldn't be the doctor uncle, because he could never put Ning Shu first.
  7. MMWO

    MMWO *pout*

    Nov 25, 2018
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    Sad but I secretly ship them and imagine snu snu scenes of them in my mind hihihihi (。・//ε//・。)
    gracecfe likes this.
  8. RealityGod

    RealityGod Active Member

    Oct 13, 2020
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    Of all of the MC I had read, this MC is one most pitiful among them. Even Taylor Hebert's life from Worm could be said to be rainbow and sunshine compared to Ning Shu. My poor little darling.
  9. Kylieboard

    Kylieboard Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2021
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  10. nikomaru

    nikomaru 「Will of the Newtype」「NullPointerException」

    Feb 17, 2016
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    San Liang and Uncle's death a bit rushed cmiiw
    any novel like this (non BL, with technological gap or modern knowledge)
  11. MMWO

    MMWO *pout*

    Nov 25, 2018
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    Kuroiishii and gingkotree like this.
  12. Reverand Insanity

    Reverand Insanity Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2021
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    Is this novel still ongoing? or has its chinese version finished?
    Also what happens to Zhang Jiasen?
    I kind of find it irritating that author foreshadows all these potential male leads but nothing happens of them later on.
  13. MMWO

    MMWO *pout*

    Nov 25, 2018
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    The Chinese version has been completed long ago... The only thing that's ongoing is the translation... I don't know what happened to Zhang Jiasen...
    i do know what happened to uncle... Uncle died and his sibling... Yes he has a sibling... He left his sibling to Ning Shu's care before he died... The cheongsam man is now working under Ning Shu's world
    gracecfe likes this.
  14. Bockris

    Bockris Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2020
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    More spoilers!

    Setting: Female Cultivation Novel
    Plot: What happens when the FL is not "humble" but self-centered and entitled? The Client was an elder in a cultivation sect located in an island, she was friends (with the possibility of settling down later) with another elder, until he found a new student, the FL. She was the typical FL that found an inheritance from a previous era, which was better than the current one. She found a palace that contains a space with weapons, pills, cultivation techniques, ingredients, etc. Because of that she looked down on the world and showed no respect for anyone but his master, the client's friend. The client tried to discipline her, but she ended up challenged and defeated, which turned into her dao devil and couldn't improve anymore. FL came to the sect to steal the sects sacred treasure, a magical space. While the sect has it, they don't own it, as they haven't been able the bond with it, they can only open it every few years to test disciples. FL enters takes it and then destroys the sect or leaves, can't remember. Her master actually betrays the sect and goes with her when she leaves.
    The wish: to protect the sect and defeat the FL.
    The counterattack: MC enters the mission after the client's defeat.
    She does what she can in order to heal the client and tries to use the Martial Arts, but it seems incompatible with the cultivation of the client, still she does as much as she can. She avoids interacting with the FL and her old friend. She leaves the sect in order to explore the world.

    In a mortal village she acts as a doctor and helps healing people. She finds a boy that says his sister is sick, MC goes to see her and finds out she's contaminated with Ying energy, the MC helps her and ask the boy if there's something abnormal that may have get his sister sick. He talks about a mysterious mountain where ghost appear. MC goes to the mountain and she finds that she can't enter the earth, the mountain seems to be made of some very hard material. She asks her sect for help.

    The sect sends her old friend and the FL (because of course they do), they of course ended up fighting and while she can't defeat the FL, the FL can't defeat her as quickly as before. They figure out that there's a lot of souls trapped in this mountain, but they can't enter or take it. FL realizes that this mountain is just half of a mountain, and the other half is in her magical space. She sneaks and takes the mountain away. MC accuses her of taking it, but she denies it. They return to the sect and MC takes both brother and sister as her disciples.

    Somewhere around here, the brother finds and egg and takes it with him, it later hatches and an ugly bird cames out of it.

    In the sect, the space opens and the disciples go in. The FL bonds with the treasure, killing some disciples in the process. The sect realizes the treasure has an owner and want to see who's the lucky disciple. They ask them but no one answer. The FL refuses to give up the treasure, or any benefit from it, to the sect. One disciple comes out and accuses the FL of taking the treasure, killing fellow disciples while doing so. The elders try to reason with her but she refuses and tries to leave, her master has become attached to her and wants to leave with her (There's not even romantic love, at least not explicit, the old man just seems enchanted by the main lead aura)

    A battle ensues, all the elders fight and still can't defeat the FL. MC uses her water mark to create a barrier around the island preventing them from leaving. As a last resort, FL goes into her space with her master and tries to leave in that way (they are now in a small glowing ball) but MC captures it with a water barrier, using all of her power.

    She tries to destroy the space, but she can't. The FL first tries to get out, but she later starts to cultivate inside the space, she gives her master a cultivation method, he's grateful.

    MC gives out trying to destroy the treasure, she comes out with a plan to kill the FL. She asks the FL for the ghost mountain and she will let them out of the sect. She agrees, making sure MC swear with her fate (or something like that).

    MC goes to the sect master and tells him she has a plan. She lets the mountain out and starts chanting the reincarnation Mantra, ghosts come out and the portal to the afterlife opens, she throws the treasure through the portal and lets it close. The elders are sad that they lost all the treasures, but agree that it was the only way, considering the strength of the FL and her growing rate.

    The other world is black and grey, there's not water nor clouds, just a grey desert land whith black plants growing around, the treasure glows beautifully in this place. The FL shouts for MC to release them, the water barrier grows weak and is about to break, eroded by the wind. A pale and slender hand picks it up and someone complains "Really just throwing their trash here", the fingers crush the palace easily, the barrier was broken like it was made of paper, and the immortal palace that almost breaks MC's head was turned into dust in an instant. FL and her Master were gone before they knew it. The hands patted themselves, trying to get the dust off. They went their way, picking up some flowers, black as he night.

    In some places some people are gods, and everything is possible.

    The ugly bird turns out to have phoenix bloodline. Everything is as good as possible, mission ends.

    I like the creative way MC disposes of the FL, using some previous tricks to help her solve the issue. (The black hole to the afterlife was first shown in the Arch 45: Chaotic world). And more importantly, we have a glimse of someone who appears to be a big shot (or at least, a glimse of their hands). Man, I love how we can use some popular template of novels and tweak them a little bit to get to see just how bad things can be if you're not one of the leads.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2021
  15. PERSON6372

    PERSON6372 Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2020
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    could you post the arc with the FL with the worst martyr complex?
    If I read it ill probably get high blood pressure
  16. Efu-sama

    Efu-sama Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2019
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    Is there anyone? I have finished this novel a few days ago and I feel empty. One of the reason I like this novel is because Ning Shu did not only use the body of a young woman but use every body available (and I love it when Ning Shu use the male body). I am practically noob when it comes to straight romance novel, so I wonder if there is other quick wear novel that has the same premise like Ning Shu who can use male or female?

    I have read this novel as well! I like it. Uncle is cold blooded as ever, and I think this novel foreshadow the timeline right before Uncle stuffed ZhengQing to Ning Shu? Like, after interacting with Fu Jia, ZhengQing is not so crazy anymore and can act like normal person when he becomes system 2333, lol (plus I finally know the origin of ZhengQing's idea to kiss Uncle and make him caught off guard, and finally see how rotten Uncle's luck was when it comes to peach blossom, every woman either just wanted to have his seed and vitality or just wanted to kill him, lol)
    Kuroiishii and Wr3n like this.
  17. Kuroiishii

    Kuroiishii Member

    Jan 24, 2022
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    Same, I just finished reading it all today and I couldn't believe it just ended, like I wished there were more but nah ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ I feel quite empty as well tbh. Fortunately though for me, I got to know about that novel here with the timeline before Ning Shu comes in, so I have a new one to focus to! xD I'll probably reread this again in the future.
    Efu-sama likes this.
  18. Efu-sama

    Efu-sama Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2019
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    Oh! Finally finding someone who got a book hangover for Ning Shu! lol! Tbh, what makes me feel couldn't extricate myself from Ning Shu is not the Transmigration stories (sure a lot of the transmigration arcs are great), but because the plot about the Organization is Goddamn interesting! Even the super common scene about Ning Shu picking up Plane Debris or dealing with the Star Stones is interesting, lmao!
    And I definitely have a severe craze about the open ending, especially about ZhengQing and Uncle, and of course I wanted to know if Peerless Martial Art truly would develop into a Void-like universe in the future, plus I definitely want to see more about Ning Shu and the others' shenanigans, LOL.
    This novel definitely deserves more extra chapters!
    Kuroiishii and MMWO like this.
  19. FindingReads

    FindingReads Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2022
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    Arc 17: Carefree Matriarchal Country/Valiant Kingdom of Women

    Was the one were Ning Shu as the poisoned empress and the guy from Phoenix Boy was an agent in the princess?
  20. MMWO

    MMWO *pout*

    Nov 25, 2018
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    Yes, that's what I remember