Spoiler How to Hide the Emperor’s Child/ 황제의 아이를 숨기는 방법

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Deleted member 262282, Jan 12, 2021.

  1. seoktonin

    seoktonin burning eyes

    Nov 23, 2020
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    serbel is the tutor astelle chose for theor. he is nice and friendly and ml gets jealous of him because hes young and all and tells fl that he is jealous and she gets surprised and embarrassed.
    hes the adoptive son of count ecklen.
    doesnt have much of a role except to show ml's jealousy and shows up at the end to frame the duke and his followers for attacking the knights for the trap set by astelle. he also believes that ml hates him lol.

    count ecklen used to be commoner/low ranking noble? that was the commander of grandpa's knights. he and fl's mother were in love but because he made a mistake during battle that broke the formation, grandpa sent him far away. by the time he came back, fl's mother had married the duke and she was also pregnant with the count's child.
    count also has pale green eyes like duke and astelle. apparently fl's mother miscarried that child so idk if fl is his child or not. anyway he does treat her very nicely and thats what he has taught serbel too.

    grandfather is a marquis but one that had his property taken away by one of the previous emperors. he doesnt even get oension anymore but he still took astelle in and helped her and theor. he loves them alot and hates both ml and the duke. he also loves fritz but their relationship was a little stretched.
    when ml asks the grandpa where fl is, he doesnt answer no matter what. he is very pissed when he sees ml falling in love with fl. he constantly reminds ml of how useless he is.
    in the beginning when fl made the excuse of grandpa being ill, grandpa sent out all servants and so ml thought that astelle had been taking care of the old man instead of the grandpa taking care of him so he was pissed but then he saw how much grandpa loved both fl and theor.
    grandpa was the one who told ml of fl's feelings before the divorce and was actually surprised that ml had no idea she loved him.
    when ml had completely given up on even hoping for fl's love he had asked the marquis to name fl as his heir in return for returning the estate. grandpa agrees and knows that hes doing it so fl doesnt have a hard time after 5 years.
    grandpa still doesnt like ml but acknowledges that he did have no scandals or seek other women but focused completely on work for 6 years, he was doing his best to make theor happy and astelle happy while failing. but he was happy that astelle did find happiness.

    astelle was not in love w ml lol, atleast not at that point.
    her first thought when she heard he might die was that if he dies, theor who is 5 will become emperor and will have to shoulder such huge responsiblity.
    her thoughts of how she never wanted him to die come way after that so...

    when fl saw theor getting along with ml and being happy, she thought of how maybe she should atleast try to have a comfortable relationship between them regardless of the past and to make sure that theor grows up to be happy.
    for fl, personal feelings were involved at the very end when she says - that she had come to love this man again. this happens like 1 paragraph before end lol
    but before that she was always thinking of ml as theors father and not as someone she could or would love.

    duke asked theorif he wanted another sibling but theor refused and said that he didnt want his mom to get sick and that having a sibling will make his mom sick. when fl gets pregnant again, he is very worried that while his hidden wish for a sibling is coming true, his mom is getting sick.

    when theor first learns that ml is his father he doesnt accept it. he asks why ml had never come to them or lived with them. fl tells him that its because he was busy and in danger but theor thinks of how the emperor is the biggest person so how could he be in danger.
    throughout the novel he points out that grandpa and fl both hate ml and thats why theor doesnt want to call ml father.
    ml asks theor if he should not live with fl and theor, theor doesnt say anything but ml leaves. fl asks him if he really doesnt like it, theor replies that he can see fl is uncomfortable so he doesnt like it.
    slowly both theor and fl get used to ml's presence and when fl and ml reach the point of conversing easilt, theor is very happy and even tells astelle that she doesnt look uncomfortable anymore.
    theor only calls ml dad when ml gets sick from poisoning but ml doesnt hear it ofc. when he gets better fl tells him that theor called him dad and theor calls him dad again. ml picks up theor and spins from happiness.

    this one time theor was drawing and ml looked at it to see that theor, fl and grandpa were all on one side while ml was in the opposite corner.
    for some reason ive lost all memory of all the incidents that happened so quote me if there is smth you specifically want to know.

    note - the novel doesnt fit ideal regret ml but i find it a lot more realistic. maybe its because ive seen it happen in front of me and happen to my own family. but in a way worse manner so yeah. if you look at it realistically, its a great novel but ideally not so much.

    im done giving overview spoilers and hope i did justice to the story. ill be going on/off for a while so i can study so just leave question and mention me if you have any. thanks
  2. pastelroses

    pastelroses Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2021
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    Fun fact about the manhwa illustrator;
  3. Deind

    Deind Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2021
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    So that why I feel familiar with the art
  4. Sea_Minato

    Sea_Minato Active Member

    May 19, 2021
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    Still hoping if someone can give us full translation or mtl for chapters with fluff. I just really came here for romantic scenes. Not going to lie about that. Heeehee. :X3:
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  5. aoiren

    aoiren Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2021
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    ohhh thats why... sometimes i think that astelle is pretty similiar with psyche :)
    ma_lavander, DOHere and Yerunidian like this.
  6. rafa

    rafa Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2017
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    Omg thank you so much for the spoiler :blobmelt:
  7. chococaramellt

    chococaramellt Active Member

    Jan 2, 2022
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    i want to cry
  8. YuviellaHart

    YuviellaHart Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    Tbh my only problem with this story is how does ML fall for FL.

    I tried to read both novel and manhwa but i still couldn't understand the reason.

    I get that he couldn't completely love her when they were still engaged because of her parents but i see no reason for him to fall for her after 6 years.

    The only slight, itty teeny bitty reason i can grasp is because he feel guilty. That one asshle divorce move from him basically crumble FL's whole world but it's not like he was bothered by it until he found her 6 years later.

    Even if it's because he thought she would still live a noble life, no matter how high your position is, being divorced after only being married for one day is still an incredibly shameful thing to happen to a person. And yet, this supposedly smart ML does not even consider that kind of emotional damage?

    Besides, FL was immediately kicked by her family after her divorce, and i'm pretty sure everyone including the ML immediately know about it. Why doesn't he feel guilty then? Why only feel guilty 6 years later after seeing FL in rags?

    Honestly his love feels so rushed for me. Like all of a sudden he just finds her lovely and suddenly blush and feel possessive like bruh. I would have accepted it if there's any mention of him actually having a fondness for her in the past (doesn't have to be a romantic one) but restrained himself because of her parents but nah. All i see is a flashback about how he was being an asshle to her lol.

    He was so bland to her in the past then 6 years later after seeing her being poor and pitiful for few days he suddenly acts so possessive as if he had actually been in love with her for years lol it's just feels incredibly... weird to me.
  9. seoktonin

    seoktonin burning eyes

    Nov 23, 2020
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    i also thought about this lol and came to the conclusion that in the beginning he just felt guilty.
    that guilt made her look at her even more and pay attention even more and he just fell in love with her. with how she was, how she interacted with theo and i doubt he had 0 feelings fo her back then either. they may not have been pretty solid back then, but there definitely were.
    also cause he knew astelle as someone who was obedient to her dad he probably thought of them as close. close enough that the dad would help her live, which in normal circumstances he would but hes a btch, and then he found out that she didnt live well. i mean dude didnt even know that the grandfather wasnt getting his pension yk? so yeah, man has a LOT to apologise for

    and i finished side stories so i just wanted to say that, even until the end, hes apologising and shes telling him dont but hes still apologising and i love it.

    i love that the author pointed out how ml will always and forever feel guilty for what he had done. will always keep apologising and not to mention he will have to tell theor about it too and go through alienation again. the grandfather and brother may have accepted their remarriage but they constantly bring up his past and he can do nothing but keep quiet

    in the side story, we saw gretel and fritz’s love story and they decided to get married quickly cause gretel was pregnant.
    fritz came to ask the emperor’s approval and emperor asked him if gretel was willing/had agreed, then fritz looked at him dead in the eyes and said, “which marriage is done one sidedly? obviously both people have to agree.” astelle was sitting right there and said nothing and neither did gretel lol.
    emperor just kept quiet and looked down.

    so yeah ultimately author shows that his onw mistake, cost him so much and uts something that will never be removed from history nor disappear. everyone will remember and he will always be ashamed of it.
    i love it lol. stay guilty your entire life. one sorry doesnt correct it all :sneaky:

    edit - also since the novel is mostly fl’s pov, we can only make plausible theories lol
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2022
  10. Berry.Blast.20

    Berry.Blast.20 Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2020
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    Can someone post the MLT where the shit secretary gets caught for spying and is demoted and sent away ?

    I'll be extremely satisfied after reading that part...He deserves all the crap he's gonna get
  11. YuviellaHart

    YuviellaHart Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    True true, I love how she finally fell for him only until the very end of the novel. ML like this shouldn't get off so easy haha. Reminds me of one chinese historical novel where the FL is an empress and the ML is also emperor but it was only after the main story end and the side story told us that the empress only opened her heart again after 15 years of marriage lol. These men deserves to roll in regret.

    By the way thank you for all the spoilers!
  12. seoktonin

    seoktonin burning eyes

    Nov 23, 2020
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    right?? i love how its so much more realistic, no magic involved, no traumatic past involved just an overconfident 20 year old emperor making a dumb decision which came back to bite 26 years old emperor back in ass. its just so so fun to see everyone offhandedly comment on his stupidity and him having to shut up. And how till the day he dies, the ‘what if’ will always remain in his mind. it gives me a lot of peace of mind :whistle:
  13. Furuta222

    Furuta222 Active Member

    May 10, 2021
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    I heard that the ML and FL had another child.. is that true ?
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  14. Amaryllis bubblegum

    Amaryllis bubblegum Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2021
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    Thank you for spoiler bc i hate the red haired knight. I hope he continues to suffer until the end of his life after being exiled
    snzzykitten, cjburaira and tk_10 like this.
  15. hazycasa

    hazycasa Active Member

    Feb 9, 2022
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    how did the others react after finding out theor is the emperor's son??
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  16. Berry.Blast.20

    Berry.Blast.20 Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2020
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    Yes.. Much later and I think its in the side stories
  17. wasabisazzdafirst

    wasabisazzdafirst Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2020
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    I love gramps LMAO
    seoktonin likes this.
  18. Missy2894

    Missy2894 Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2020
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    Google it and we all know the definition of Stockholm syndrome
    But let me tell you why I use that words in my comment
    It is for "SARCASM"
    I don't know about anyone else, but i know this REAL LIFE story of a woman left by her husband just few months after they are married.
    Atm, this woman was abandoned and cast out by her family for marrying that guy. She is willing to go to the extent of rebelling against her family just to be with her husband
    But you know? After a few months, she was left all alone by this man. Atm, she was already pregnant
    Imagine her situation
    She has no one to rely on after that, she was abandoned, both by her family and by her husband, she need to work her ass to support her pregnant self and her unborn baby. Woman experience change of hormon during pregnancy, so of course her emotional state in not stable, and adding salt to the wound, she was left by the man she had sacrifice everything for. But what did she get? She was left alone, even no money to support her. It was the worst feeling she can experience
    After the baby boy was born she was going from one job to another just to support the family. She often need to leave her baby to the neighbor just to go to work.
    It was the moment where her son need his mother love and attention the most, but the mother cannot give that, because she has to be a father and mother at the same time for her son.
    It was a hard time, and a bitter story
    This single mother is a so bitter that she never want her son to meet the irresponsible husband who left her alone when she needed him the most. Even when her son grow up she was against her son decision to meet his biological father

    I know that this story and this novel story is not really the same. But they have common experience, where FL left by his husband soon after they get married. The worst thing is, this shit ML took her virginity just few hours before he divorce her.
    Can you put yourself in FL shoes? Atm, she was still in pain, because ML took her virginity. But the next morning he told her that let us get divorced. She was still in pain at that time after receiving him for the first time. But this man, after ejaculate, few hours later said, let us divorce??????
    Imagine that feeling. Not only that, after he divorced her, he never really care to look for her well being, or at least make sure that she has decent life
    Oh my God, this is very unethical. Not only that, he treated her coldly during their engagement. I know it was a political marriage, but I can't accept the fact that the author make this miserable FL fall in love again with that same shitbag that cause a wound to her heart

    That is why i use the word Stockholm syndrome as a "sarcasm"
    The author may never meet a woman who has similar story with the FL, the author doesn't know what they actually feel, that is why i can't believe that just because that man try to approach her again, try to win her heart again, author make them fall in love again. Even write a "poisoning drama" part to make him look miserable so he can get a sympathy
    And the author also write his political background is the way to justify his behavior.
    Yes i can understand his action, but to write the story that way so it is make sense that FL go back with ML, that is just a nonsense.
    I am not saying that he doesn't deserve forgiveness. But my opinion is he can repent himself and accept the fact that FL will be more happy with a new love
    If the author met many woman with similar story in real life, she/he will realize that most of those woman was so brokenhearted that even if they get back together their shit ex, they will still keep that bitterness in their heart and never really find a happy ending like what the author of this story write
    I hope this will make you understand why i use that term as "sarcasm" for this story
    Only woman who diagnosed with stockholm syndrome, or woman with a saint heart (which is so rare) can accept the same trashbag into their life again
    Normal person(which is a majority) can never really be happy like this novel story
    Edit : to all the people who still defend ML and rant us for ranting ML, i just want to say this :
    just accept the fact that everyone might have different opinion and perspective from you, you might not like it, but accept that not everyone can be as forgiving as you are. Because they might have different experience in real life.
    So you don't have to force your opinion on us, and we also don't want to force ourselves on you
    That way this spoiler thread can be peaceful
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2022
  19. Delusion

    Delusion Dark lord

    Oct 3, 2017
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    Based on spoiler thread, the FL saved ML's life at the risk of her own life in the past. Yet, the ML did not care for her wellbeing. Not only that, he was ready to kill their child and FL (had he known she was pregnant). There is no justification for his behavior. No amount of tragic background is going to whitewash him
    If he wanted to divorce her, he could have. But no, he took her virginity and then divorced her the very next day. That is not a "political play". That is an "As*hole play".
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2022
    louddd3, Ruta yifla, velven and 13 others like this.
  20. Johnwill12

    Johnwill12 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2020
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    Indeed the ML made a terrible mistake, and he will always live with regret because of it. But we all make mistakes, so surely we can acknowledge that the ML accepts responsibility for his actions, and makes an effort to be a better guy right? Surely both the FL’s brother and grandfather have to know that she forgave and accepted him near the end right? Both of them will also grow to accept him and they have to accept how much he truly cares for the FL regardless of how they may have felt about him before? This story is as much about forgiveness as it is about regret is it not?