LCD Tales of The Reincarnated Lord

Discussion in 'Latest Chapter Discussion' started by Shin Ah, Jul 26, 2016.

  1. Evilnemesis7

    Evilnemesis7 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Patriarchal societies or attitudes doesn't meant that woman are oppressed to oblivion. Look at today, besides a few aboriginal societies our western first-world countries have been the least patriarchal in the history of mankind. And yet, there's still things that can be improved even now.

    The Academy was also the Academy. It's an urban area with wealth, power and education. The city was a shining jewel that people from around the world would come to study and congregate. The Northlands is a rural area, and in general attitudes are a bit more "outdated" historically. Lorist's Knights from the academy might not care much, but younger silver Knights or grunt soldiers might have a different attitude.

    That we saw women teacher or that we saw Lorist's cousin having a certain status does not mean that women might not be discriminated in the military/knight circle. They could be exceptions or products of circumstances. The cousin might have status and respect because she's the second highness' woman. Perhaps when no one is around, some less than stellar language might be uttered?

    For example, it's pretty common for women to be bullied/sexual harassed in the police/military around the world today.
    Just in the last 3 years we've had ( in Canada and the US ) a couple of newspaper of renown do reporting on that very issue and the numbers are really damning. Men simply don't respect their woman "brothers". You don't rape your brother-in-arms if you respect them as equal. Their world is still very much an "old boys' club" in many aspects. This is mainly because their world is very physical, and since women are in general weaker than their male counterpart, there's a sort of attitude that women are not "tough/strong" enough, they are inferior.

    So unless this point is addressed, perhaps in Pesha's storyline, it isn't entirely possible to know how women are represented in the military/knight circle. I am not saying that it IS the case, but rather that it remains to be seen.

    Lorist has just formed a woman's squad. Perhaps because they are already a thing in the world, but I don't think we've seen one(?). This might just his own idea, but it might also not be considering how fast his train of thought went from Pesha ---> Women squad.

    In reply to your last line, society is obviously not what I think it is because we've only seen glimpses of it. We're ignorant of a whole lot of things. For example, we haven't interacted enouh with royalty aside from their infighting. How's the society in the big city, how's the general mood of the citizenry? I could guess some things but I could turn out to be wrong when we've been given more information by the author.

    But one thing is clear, certain circles might not represent the rest of society as it is the case in police/military circles in real life. Not all circles have the same level of inclusivity.

    TL;DR I think we don't have enough information to make a definitive statement.

    Edit : About Hennard, did he not say something along the line of : I won't hit a woman.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2017
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  2. CodeZero

    CodeZero Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    Certainly not, but from what I had understood of your previous post, was that not what you had tried to show? If women are being openly mocked and scorned at, I would think that it represents the society in which that happens as one where women are being highly oppressed. If it's done in secret or in private, then of course I wouldn't say that things like that never occur, since I simply don't know. But at the same time, I would say that the women wouldn't be criticised/harassed simply because they're women, but because they and other people are considered 'weak', which is what you had even used as justification/reasoning behind why the women in the story could be harassed. Like I had said in my previous post, it all comes down to the strong preying on the weak. If the woman themselves are strong, or at the very least has good connections or a strong background, then it's less likely for them to be looked down upon. But if they are strong, then there's no reason to think that they would ever be looked down upon.

    And I feel as though your assumption that those from the Northlands are 'backwards' or are more 'outdated' are unwarranted. There's no reason to believe that. Yes, they may be outdated technologically, because of the minimal resources that they have access to. However, there's no reason to think that they are outdated philosophically. The underlying prerequisite for rural areas being outdated stem from the fact that urban areas need to have had a change in their way of thinking. But thus far in the story, we have had no indications that should make us think that. Nobility from the Northlands have relationships with the Krissen Empire (both past and present), thus there shouldn't be much of a reason why they wouldn't have also had the same way of thinking as those from the Empire. If anything, the nobility of the Northlands came from the Empire (such as the Norton's ancestors), so given that what we've learnt thus far still shows that the world is one where the strong prey on the weak, there would likely be minimal if any public opposition towards Pesha's position.

    It should also be mentioned that prior to Lorist coming into power, Pesha had always been a knight. If the local knight populace had been able to acknowledge her then, why wouldn't the local knight populace, or the new foreign knights (from Morante City, or the cities within the former Empire that followed Lorist) react differently? Not to mention the fact that it seemed as though Pesha had plans to lead the family (presumably on behalf of her adopted son until he came of age). If what you had thought about society in the Northlands was true, what would be worse for Pesha, her being a simple knight, or her leading the family?

    So while I'm also not saying that there's no possibility of women in general, or specifically Pesha being harassed or discriminated against, there's no reason to think that they are, and even if they are, it's likely on the because of them being weak, and in a world where the strong prey on the weak, they, along with others who are weak, would suffer from it. But if they were strong, there's no reason to think that they would.

    As for your real life example, while I do get your point, I don't think it applies, simply because the concept of the strong preying on the weak isn't as prevalent in our world like it is in the novel's world.

    As for Lorist creating a female only unit, I should remind you that Pesha was the one who created it. Lorist simply accepted it. Pretty significant difference.

    TL;DR While we don't have conclusive evidence, there's enough to suggest that the world revolves around the concept of the strong preying on the weak, not whether or not one has male genitalia.
  3. Evilnemesis7

    Evilnemesis7 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2015
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    When I was speaking of criticized and other things I was more looking like a scenario like this : There's a grade 1 silver male and female Knight and they have relatively the same skill level and good personality and I have to choose which one to pick, is there any culture of discrimination or bias? I apologize if I thought I mislead you into thinking I meant more overt attitudes. This is not what I meant, although It's possible I wrote too fast and didn't proofread myself. I agree that we would've most likely seen it by now had that been the case.

    I don't count background because it's something that might be borrowed from men's influence. You've seen this in history, in heavily Patriarchal societies women of nobility gained much more power and protection by being born or wed to powerful men. It has nothing to do with how women are judged normally. They are a sub-group with different rights not allowed to the vast majority of other women. This is what I meant by exceptions or circumstances in my previous post.

    When asking yourself if women are judged more harshly, you needn't count those cases. Pesha might've gained influence points vis-a-vis the Norton family because she was the lover of one of Lorist's brother. The same could be said of Garcia. We've yet(I think?) to meet a self-made woman in a position of power. I ask, how easy is it for a woman to make it on her own compared to a man?

    The other reason why I don't count status is because status and bloodline is VERY VERY important in this world. With how succession works and everything if an individual has XYZ status it would skew results by a very large margin. When trying to get a feel for how a sex (or any two given groups) fair against the other, you've got to try to remove other superfluous metrics as much as possible. Although in this situation it's very tough, in a feudal society like theirs blood is everything.

    Yes there is reason to believe they might be outdated compared to the Academy and it's city. People from around the world come there to learn. This is similar to how top tier university like Harvard in Law receives rich students from across all countries. From the very start, the individuals coming have a different status/background and education than your typical Northlander/rural serfs turned soldier.

    You're right about the other Knights lack of negative response, I'm pretty convinced by your argument there.

    Another thing. Today in the military there's plenty of female Generals. They are respected because of their rank which is pretty strict. We could easily compare it to a Knight's power level. You respect those with power and those over you.

    But are soldiers in the lesser ranks respected by their peers?
    For example, if there's a sort of drill/contest between squads or if a female asks something to a fellow iron ranked male counterpart is he going to react/interact differently?

    This is a bit more details on what I meant by Pesha having to prove her or her squad. Pesha might've not be discriminated as you've established earlier in that post but what of women Knights under her who might not have the same degree of strength.
    This is similar to how someone in a country where he/she is discriminated because of her race/religion/sexual orientation might achieve a high rank, but that is because he/she is stellar and possibly better than her/his counterparts. But what of those who are just average, what's the attitudes towards those individuals in the general public or with their peers.

    That being said, after giving it some thoughts and reading your posts, it's quite likelythere isn't a lot of discrimination of female Knights. You've mostly won me over.

    Still, It's hard to say with certainty because we've seen so little female fighters. I get it that most women make babies and stay at home but We've just seen so little ( if any ) female Knights and mercenaries(bands or individuals) and correct me if I'm wrong but no female Knights were seen fighting during the dueling marathon between nobles a while back.

    But wait a sec... It was a feign, I've got Proof right there! :ROFLMAO:

    Hennard must've recognized by her attire and possibly her battle force that she's not just some random woman. She obviously is silver and not gold ranked but there's a chance he might not even hit a female gold equal to his.

    Checkmate friend! Just kidding, Hennard is quite the character this is definitely just his own thoughts. There's two types of women to him, those he beds and those he doesn't :LOL:

    If she's a beauty enough he might just flirt with some female blademaster! That'd be a funny situation. Hennard falling in love with a strong independant tsundere and dropping all his beauties for his chase of "the one"!
    CodeZero likes this.
  4. CodeZero

    CodeZero Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    I personally don't think that in the scenario you've given, that there would be any cultural discrimination involved. I think that the scenario would be very similar to the one in which the two participants were male, in that the recruiter would then look for other traits to make the decision, but perhaps I'm just being overly optimistic.

    You're right in saying that we have yet to see any self made female knights. Though I do still think that they are out there somewhere, given that they seemingly have the same opportunities and chances to become one. I mean, just look at the Academy. When he was teaching the Battle Force Awakening Course, there were both female instructors as well as students.

    Speaking of the academy, while it's true that many people flock there to learn, but they usually do disciplines related to fighting, no? And given that they also don't discriminate against female students, but instead allow them, I would think that there is at least one female knight out there somewhere xD

    As for your typical peasant turned soldiers, I would think that it's because they are the main bread winner of the family, and are trying to make ends meet by becoming a soldier/knight. Female knights are likely to only come from the more wealthy households, since you said it yourself, males tend to be stronger than females, so unless a female has amazing talent, it's more reasonable to think that peasant families would be more willing to invest in their sons, in which case, I feel like they would be unlikely to criticise their female peers, given their humble backgrounds.

    In regards to Pesha's unit. Then yes, it's possible that they could get mocked, but I don't think it's because of their gender, but due to their education, background and other circumstances. Their strength and talent shouldn't be much of an issue, since they were able to awaken their Battle Force using what Pesha was able to provide for them. However, since these women were the widows of those that had died from the town, or were slaves/prostitutes/refugees from elsewhere, they may not have had the formal education that a knight requires, so I think that would be the source of any mockery.

    As for Hennard, maybe that's just his own personality. I don't know if you've read/watched One Piece, but it reminds me of how Sanji reacts. He absolutely refuses to hit or attack by women, which has often resulted in him getting pummeled by females who are relatively strong, whilst doing nothing in return, much to his teammate's annoyance xD

    If he was brave enough to try and court an independent female blademaster, then kudos to him if he can convince her that he's worthy enough.

    So yeah, while I'm still inclined to think that the novel depicts society as one where strength is the universal factor in deciding hierarchy, you've certainly opened my eyes to certain aspects, so thank you for that :)
  5. asriu

    asriu fu~ fu~ fu~

    Jan 9, 2016
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    I'm looking forward how magical beast characteristic told since, it been against human for quite long time
    or just like Lorist say before~ he will die because of woman~
    Black Frost likes this.
  6. Evilnemesis7

    Evilnemesis7 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2015
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    The optimist and the skeptic. I must confess there was a bit of devil's advocate going in this discussion. Discussing for the sake of discussion is great. I also love speculating.

    I'll say that getting female instructors for women is not always necessarily a good thing.
    Norway(that I know of, it was back in 2014) has done pilots about gender mixed bunking in the military and it's been yielding very positive results for cohesion as well bridging the gap between sexes in terms of respect and understanding. Turns out separation of genders leads to a certain distance that makes certain problems occur with more frequency.

    As for which group of women would be more prone to enter and/or stay as Knights... I'd wager lower tier nobles and rich(er) merchant families who might be more willing to send their girls if they're talented. Trying to social climb and extend their influences in any way they can.
    The poor peasants need their girl at the farm, and then they'll send her to marry. She'll be someone's else problem then. The very top of nobility is probably interested in alliances and using your daughters as alliance is a tale as old as times when it comes to families with status.

    You know, I've been thinking. I can't recall but is the elements of people's battle force separated by gender like most of the Xianxia-ish novels?

    If that is the case, it's possible there is less battle force manuals that are suitable for women because less women try to be Knights because women are busy with child rearing. A lot of manuals might've been thrown away as time went on. Possibly seen not as useful because they're less of a demand. This would be consistent with some comments Lorist made about things lost in history though time. He's alluded to the possibility of some knowledge being lost a few times when he was reading and musing on different subjects back in his time in the academy.

    Battle force manuals are already pretty guarded by families, if there's less of them suitable for females ( water, wind attributes ) then it makes it even it doubly more difficult for women to achieve high strength like their male peers. There might be a shortage of those battle force manuals.

    I say this because, if I recall correctly, we've seen a LOT of fire/earth/metal male battle force users among those Lorist fought or fighting with compared to the typical female elements in Chinese novels. Can you recall multiple male with wind or other attributes than the typical male ones? I remember during his trip to the north Lorist fought a wind attribute individual and their might've been one individual when he dueled XYZ idiots when the Principal forced him to chain duel in his money scheme shenanigans.
    The reason why this thought popped in my head was when I read the last chapter. He's given fire and earth and metal battle manuals to 3 of his half-brothers. We know using wrong battle manuals is bad, Lorist is even an example of this.

    Could this be a factor? Again, if only I wasn't too lazy to check back when we had "the" info dump about battle force attributes and their possible relationship to the different sexes.
  7. redleaf97

    redleaf97 Lurker

    Feb 13, 2016
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    hi hi why so many paragraph too long to read.
  8. hb338

    hb338 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2016
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    After reading this to latest chapter, I wonder when the Archery and Arranged Marriage come into play?
    So far, the MC does not even using the bow or cross bow so how come there is a archery tag o_O

    Also, why do I feel that the maid in this feel kinda like a prostitute rather than ... maid?
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2017
  9. CodeZero

    CodeZero Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    Don't mind us, just some discussions going on xD. Feel free to participate if you'd like, otherwise you can simply talk about other aspects (like the chapters for example xD)

    I think the archery tag comes from how the MC has archers in his army, which he uses during battles and such. Though I do think that the tag is a bit misleading.

    Why do you think the maid is a prostitute? o.0

    While it may not be the best thing to do in the long term, if it's only for the short term, then I see nothing wrong with it. I would assume that the reason why they tried to separate the genders is simply so that the girls get used to it. After all, many females in these types of novels are usually portrayed as the shy/quiet/timid type, in which case the logic behind assigning female instructors for them is to help them open up, which would of course help with the learning process. In the quote I provided, the course seems to be a freshman course (in which case, in the other courses, they will probably keep things co ed), otherwise they would've said that most of the students were those that had failed previously (which wasn't the case, only a few of them were if I'm not mistaken).

    As for female knights, while I do agree with your analysis, if the top tier nobility/royalty had females with talent in becoming a Knight, I would also think that they would allow her to become one, since that would make her more valuable in arranging alliances and whatnot, which would benefit the parties involved. Of course, if she's like a genius, they may want to simply keep her instead, rather than marry her off into another household.

    As for the battle force types, I don't remember it being mentioned anywhere that there were gender specific elements/manuals or gender restrictions in learning, though it is a possibility, since it could also explain the minimal female knights that we've seen in the story.
  10. asriu

    asriu fu~ fu~ fu~

    Jan 9, 2016
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    ah tea.png well Lorist I welcoming you to thing called being Dominion Lord lel
    ai too bad the magical beast shown only that much~
  11. CodeZero

    CodeZero Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    It's a bit of a shame that the magical beasts are simply stronger animals. Would have been nice to see proper magical beasts with abilities and stuff. Oh well, perhaps we'll see it when Lorist investigates the ancient magi?
  12. asriu

    asriu fu~ fu~ fu~

    Jan 9, 2016
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    this chapter really remind me that CN WN sometime use last or near last paragraph as title~
  13. ultragunner

    ultragunner Self-taught Mage

    Jul 27, 2016
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    Sadly that's what some maids amounted to in our real history. Read up on British maids having to jack off (or more) their young masters to give them a good night sleep. And sadly doing that is a lot less trouble than fighting against it (irritated and unkind benefactors).
  14. CodeZero

    CodeZero Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    Chapter 171 - 172: While I wasn't exactly fond of the way the two had their first time together, I don't exactly think that either party were against it. Lorist took advantage of the situation (so obviously he wasn't against it, lol), and Telesti was just like "Yo wtf, you want to do that now, of all times?"

    That being said, I do find it kind of funny how the author has to emphasize it more in the next chapter, by talking about how she eventually liked it and started taking the initiative, lmao.

    Also, as opposed to the gods making the mountain range full of minerals, it was likely the work of the ancient magi, which is pretty interesting. I'm curious as to whether Lorist will start focusing on researching and bringing back the Magus Era.

    As for the Second Prince ... it seems as though we're finally going to get the clash between Lorist and the Second Prince. It's going to be great to see him get utterly destroyed by Lorist.
  15. Anon Ymous

    Anon Ymous Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2016
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    chapter 173
    top kek get exported into another world
    i wonder if if will become famous
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  16. Evilnemesis7

    Evilnemesis7 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2015
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    If someone keeps the message or Lorist mentions it at another point in time. If no one knows it was written besides Lorist and the Prince it'll just be something lost in history.

    Unfortunately for you, that wasteland has a lot of minerals in it's soil. Lorist will also introduce better farming tools and techniques so that the soil will yield better result per acres. The rest of the food, he might be able to trade some of it. Second Prince might try a land embargo. It's a possible thing to do. We'll see how much food can be produced and if there's a shortage of it.

    Second Prince thinking with his ego and not with his head. There's no real reason why Lorist needs to show more power than is necessary. Building multiple village/cities and developing the military necessary to defend those positions is much better than spreading your forces thin and raiding the nobles in the Northlands for a couple more hundred thousands gold.

    When Lorist is able to fix the problem of trade routes and manages to go by sea, his trading power will skyrocket and he'll circumvent the problem with making money in his isolated position. At that point, the isolation of the Northlands via mountains will only be positive in terms of defensive position. Island Nations like England and Japan only needed a strong Navy to stop invaders, if no one can manage to get to a favorable battle position and land on your soil you won't lose a lot of battles and wars. If Lorist controls the chokes with huge fortresses and good siege weapons no army can pass.

    Well, besides the barbarian hordes to the North. They still remain a threat/nuisance to him.
  17. Anon Ymous

    Anon Ymous Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2016
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    yeah he don't know the most important is to secure a stable base
    which is why now he don't have a place to train his soldiers
  18. CodeZero

    CodeZero Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    I hope so. How great would it be for that to become part of the history books? Lmao.
  19. Evilnemesis7

    Evilnemesis7 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Oh my... That's a lot of beasts, forget the Prince or the Barbarians. The real threat is the million(s) of beasts suddenly running about every winter.

    With this I guess the food shortage isn't an issue... Salt it up and you've got meat jerky forever and an almost unlimited amount of beasts to kill. Looks like Lorist might need to look into better hunting techniques and equipment to severly reduce the number of beasts that can come down and rekt his dominion. Training soldiers and/or regular subjects to be specialized and form hunting squads might be something to look into.

    This looks like a multi-year effort and would need a strong mobilization. The population levels have clearly been left unchecked and his dominion was just sparsely populated. Now that he's got a lot of people and they're settling everywhere there is a big need to do some wildlife population control.
  20. CodeZero

    CodeZero Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    The problem I'm seeing is the sheer number of the beasts. Small squads don't seem as though they would be enough to deal with a problem of this magnitude. That being said, I do agree with you in regards to the food shortage problem. WIth so many beasts around, that likely won't be an issue, as long as it is done carefully and properly.