Adventurers Guild Adventurer's Guild - Receptionist Desk

Discussion in 'Roleplaying Games' started by shad12ow, Aug 25, 2016.

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  1. JinVodka

    JinVodka 「Back to Work Back to Suffering _(-ω-`_)⌒)_」

    Jul 1, 2016
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    Reading List:
    Goel "Well finally done and here is the quest report. Hope nothing wrong with this..."
    Gallant Mine|#SE1|E-Ranked|Slay 5 Snow Goblin [80G]
    Gallant Mine|#GE1|E-Ranked|Mine 5 Ice Crystal [80G | 1 x Refined Ice Crystal]
    Gallant Mine|#GE2|E-Ranked|Mine 5 Wind Crystal [80G | 1 x Refined Wind Crystal]
    Gallant Mine|#GD1|D-Ranked|Mine 12 Mithril Ore [60G | 1 x Mithril Ingot]
    Gallant Mine|#GD2|D-Ranked|Mine 3 Fire Crystals [100G | 1 x Refined Fire Crystal]
    Gallant Mine|#GD3|D-Ranked|Mine 3 Earth Crystals [100G | 1 x Refined Earth Crystal]

    [Day 1: Early Morning, Askain Hamlet]


    Goel 'Well, taking this quest made me thought how I can take advantage to mine legally using the adventurer's privilege. Those useful crystals and ore are quite expensive in the market. But now, it seems impossible due to certain events that seem to warn me about not doing evil deeds. I never believe with divine intervention but meeting lord Vodka in his demonic form has already triggered my awareness. That black stain on my clothes is already a sign. Well... This quite scary if you might ask.'

    Flyx "We shouldn't allow Goel to pick quest next time. This is a bit... If we need materials then it is alright but we don't really need it for now I guess?"
    Lavri "Master Vodka is planning to give us equipment at the right time."
    Bernard "Isn't it alright! It's just mining so it would be pretty quick!"
    Sanie "Umm... I can use my earth affinity to easily trace the ores."
    Goel "Sorry... I also a bit sad that I can't do what I plan-- *cough cough* I mean, let's just be done with this."
    Presia "Oh my~ Are you okay Goel? You seem down for some reason. You also got a bloat of ink in your clothes."
    I ignore their inquiries as I walk ahead to the Gallant Mine. The choice was simple since it is only in one area but will be pretty cold. I'm not like my other followers that have fur. So I need to at least wear thick clothes. Plus, there is no need to visit Eadwine since it was just a mining quest.

    [Day 1: Mid Morning, Gallant Mine]

    Since we are already on the Great Plains, we just have to walk towards the Gallant Mine. It was quite cold even with my thick attire.
    Goel "Then shall we be done this already." I impatiently look at the others while holding a pickaxe. It was something I borrow on the way.
    Presia "Oh, my~ Aren't you in too much of a hurry..?"
    Flyx "I think it's fine Presia, Goel might be wanted to start to make the wooden fence around the hamlet. Since there is no longer man-power, it would take a lot of time and money." I remember how the Orcs ]who was supposed to be my subordinates were killed by Shamal which made me shiver from fear. Aahh... I should do my best to avoid that guy.

    Bernard "Hey~ How do we do this mining! There are only a few crystals to mine so how do we divide it..?"
    Lavri "Let's just work it out somehow. Sanie can you locate the crystals?"
    Sanie "Umm... I can!" She taps her Trent staff to the ground as she releases mana. Due to her natural ability and high earth attribute. She can trace the mana irregularity in the environment. Letting her notice the crystals that emit the specific mana. Since she was being thought in alchemy by Granny Alchea. She was able to recognize and distinguish different elemental energies. "There are ice crystals beneath us over 2 floors which seems to the coldest area. There is wind crystal above us over 3 floors. While fire crystals just near the entrance on that further end. While earth crystal just ahead of us---"

    Goel "Stop... Just lead the way since the cave in this mine change due to the ice. Telling us the direction would be useless."
    Sanie "...I'm sorry."
    Lavri "Don't mind it Sanie," he gently pats Sanie head.
    Bernard "Sanie you did good! This guy just lack some sense to fully understand simple instruction!" I feel the urge to hit this kid.
    Flyx "You're just gonna headlong even if you don't fully understand the plan direction."
    Presia "Oh, my~ Goel please be careful with your words and have some manners."
    I clicked my tongue as I grumbled while looking away and sigh. I rub my head as I reflect my action. I'm not really good at dealing with other people. I'm used to the idea of 'to be used or to use'. Seeing these easy going guys irritated me. Yeah, they are always like that rushing to help others. I only care for my family during the raid and plan not to sacrifice my life for strangers. But... Ain't being an adventurer more dangerous than being a bandit? I could sigh, dreading to the future for this dangerous occupation.

    .........Mine 3 Fire Crystals

    Sanie lead us to the area where there are fire crystals since it was the nearest. The heat was intense like we are in the desert.

    Goel "Why the sudden heat, I can barely breathe..."
    Bernard "Ahahaha! This heat is nothing to me!"
    Lavri "Your tongue is exposed, Bernard..."
    Flyx "It is alright to me though..?"
    Presia "Can't we just finish already! I don't like the heat! It feels sticky!"
    Sanie "The crystals are just here..." She points out the bright red crystals that are attached to the wall.
    Bernard "We only need 3 fire crystals! So ladies leave it to us!"
    Lavri "Take care they are volatile."
    Goel "Volatile..? This could be used as explosives... If I could only mine a lot." I start to take one fire crystal carefully and look to the others. Lavri was very quickly and carefully to it that I never notice how he mine it. Meanwhile, Bernard is...

    Sanie "Brother!" She quickly towards Bernard who was thrown to the floor who quickly sit down like nothing happen.
    Bernard "Wow! Didn't expect that..! I mess up~ Ehehehe~"
    Presia "Why are you laughing? You got your paw burnt!" She holds Bernard's paw who only laugh dryly saying not worry. Sanie quickly uses her mending to heal Bernard's burnt.

    Goel "Just as Lavri said be careful sigh..."
    Flyx "I'm just glad the explosion is not that powerful to affect the mine."
    Sanie "Please be careful next time brother..."
    Bernard "Sorry~ I'll do my best not to do it again. Ah, right the fire crystals!"
    Lavri "Don't worry, I already take another one so I have two." He shows 2 fire crystal while Bernard gives a thumbs up.
    Presia "Oh my~ Guess we can finally leave this hot place."

    Since I already got 1 fire crystal plus Lavri 2, this completed the quest.
    Sanie then leads us to next destination which was the earth crystal just ahead.

    .........Mine 3 Earth Crystal

    Presia "Oh my~ Thank good the temperature is normal."
    Flyx "Hmm... It seems hard to recognize the earth crystal from the rocks here."
    Goel "Tsk... This will take a lot of time."
    Sanie "I'll try my best to identify one!"
    Bernard "I heard the earth crystals are hard so we can just try breaking it!" He takes two pieces of rock and starts hitting them at one another.
    Lavri "Sigh..." He hits Lavri head lightly. "You don't have to do that... Earth crystals are translucent so we can differentiate it easily." Bernard's eyes sparkle and nods while giving thumbs up saying about when the two ideas combine it be perfect.

    Sanie was able to point out 1 Earth Crystals which I mine. While Bernard and Lavri are able to find 2 more Earth Crystals completing the quest. It didn't take a while since it was only 3 earth crystals. We then went towards below for the ice crystals.

    .........Mine 5 Ice Crystal

    Presia "Oh, my~ The temperature is getting colder~"
    Flyx "We should avoid going deeper cause it will be dangerous..."
    Bernard "Eh..? What's something located deeper!? Is there anything that is exciting there!?" His tail excitedly waggles as he jumps up and down.
    Lavri "Calm down yourself..." He hits Bernard's head.
    Goel "Sanie... Where is the nearest ice crystals and safer from any strong monsters." I ignore Bernard and decided to continue.
    Sanie "Umm... It is just over that path. There is no sign of dangerous monsters."

    I nod to that word as Bernard quickly run to that direction while Lavri catches up to him tackle the idiot. Presia laughs while Flyx sighs as we quickly go to the direction.

    Bernard "Wow this place is really cold"
    Presia "Oh, my~ There is high amount of ice crystal here. Might be the cause of the coldness."
    Sanie "Brother... Please be careful!" She tries to hold her brother who was pretty excited.
    Goel "Okay, let's start getting this ice crystal. I'm gonna freeze to death!"
    Flyx "Alright, I'll do my best to lessen the coldness with my music."

    While Flyx was playing a music that lessens the coldness on the surrounding. Bernard and Lavri are able to mine 3 ice crystals. It was supposed to be four but Bernard accidentally breaks one. I have mine 2 while Sanie assisted me.

    Presia "Oh my~ That was quick~ Good job everyone fufufu~" She giggles as she fans herself.
    Goel "Hey! Now that I notice it, you didn't do any work at all!"
    Flyx "Can't help it, it not like all of us can mine when there is the only small amount."
    Bernard "I can do all the work you know! I volunteer!"
    Sanie "Umm... Geez... Brother!" She pinches Bernard's cheeks who continue laughing.
    Lavri "There others beside us..." His eyes look to the right as he lightly moves his head. I notice someone peeking around the corner a bit away which slowly moving towards us.

    Goel "Anyone can identify their race..?"
    Sanie "I could feel ice mana seeping on their body..."
    Bernard "They aren't that big and the size is like children. They seem to have pale skin and pointy ears!"
    Presia "Oh my~ I wonder what they are~"
    Flyx "Did they follow us earlier..?"

    A grin suddenly appears on my face as I finally saw the stalkers. They were a group of Snow Goblins seemingly planning to ambush us. Perfect, as they are a target to complete a quest.

    ........Slay 5 Snow Goblins

    Flyx "Seems like they are waiting for us to the pass the route we went through."
    Presia "I should handle this since you guys did all the mining fufufu~"
    Goel "That's relief, I'm quite exhausted."
    Bernard "That kind of work doesn't make me tired at all! Let's go Presia!" He pulls her bow from the item box.
    Lavri "Remember.. Don't overdo it." He quickly rushes forward towards the Snow Goblin surprising the monsters. He quickly passes the snow goblins as his phantom claw is covered in blood. The 2 Snow Goblins near him slowly falls to the ground. Presia rush forward as she swings her whip and binds 2 Snow Goblins crushing them to the ground. The remaining Snow Goblins scream as they quickly ran away noticing they can't win. Bernard quickly releases an arrow to the last Snow Goblin and killing it.

    Goel "Look how funny they run~"
    Flyx "Good job everyone, that's already 5 snow goblins."
    Bernard "Shall we continue! Where are we going next Sanie..?"
    Sanie "Umm... to the upper floor but before we reach the 2nd floor. We might pass some mithril ores."

    .........Mine 12 Mithril Ore

    Sanie leads the way as we climb back to the ground floor. When we reach the second floor. Sanie release mana to the surrounding as the light was emitted to the ores on the walls.

    Presia "Oh my~ So pretty~"
    Flyx "This is the mithril ore right? Since they are reacting to the magic Sanie release. The mithril, after all, has high conductivity with magic."
    Lavri "Let's start mining."
    Bernard "Since we need to mine 12 mithril! We can mine 2 each!" He looks to the six people in the room while smiling widely.
    Sanie "Umm... That's good... Since I also wanted to try something."
    Goel "Does it really matter...? Oh well, I'll just mine 2 ores then." I mine to the mithril ore that Sanie pointed out. Bernard starts to mining as Lavri already finishes with his. Presia grumbles as she starts mining 2 ores and also helps Flyx who was having a hard time. Sanie uses earth magic to easily mine 2 mithril ore making us amazing. Finally after Flyx mine 2 mithril ore we completed the 12 Mithril Ores as each of our mine 2 ore. We then to the upper floor towards the wind crystal location.

    ........Mine 5 Wind Crystal

    There was a slight breeze escapes from the cave that we are going inside. Even though the place has no holes for the air to pass through there was still wind.

    Goel "Wow the breeze feels nice here but not that cold."
    Presia "Oh my~ It does fufufu~"
    Bernard "Alright! Let's do this everyone!"
    Lavri "Wind crystals are fragile just like the ice crystal. Please be careful with it..." Bernard only gives a thumbs up.
    Sanie "Umm... I will also do my best to help."
    Flyx "Can I pass with mining... I feel tired of mining the mithril."

    Since there are only 5 wind crystals, all of us were the task to mine one crystals each beside Flyx. Lavri and Sanie did there best to make sure Bernard don't break any wind crystals. Presia and I easily got 1 wind crystal each as a minute pass that others able to mine, completing the 5 wind crystals.

    Goel "Finally completed mining through my plan to get more profits failed sigh..."
    Presia "Oh my~ At least there is no much problem fufufu~"
    Bernard "But it was pretty boring~ I want to fight and face more challenge!"
    Flyx"This type of quest is still important."
    Lavri "Good job Sanie, you did a lot of work."
    Sanie "Umm... I just did my best..."

    Since all the quests are completed, we went back to the Guild to report.
    leegood likes this.
  2. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Gallant Mine|#SE1|E-Ranked|Slay 5 Snow Goblin [80G]
    Gallant Mine|#GE1|E-Ranked|Mine 5 Ice Crystal [80G | 1 x Refined Ice Crystal]
    Gallant Mine|#GE2|E-Ranked|Mine 5 Wind Crystal [80G | 1 x Refined Wind Crystal]
    Gallant Mine|#GD1|D-Ranked|Mine 12 Mithril Ore [60G | 1 x Mithril Ingot]
    Gallant Mine|#GD2|D-Ranked|Mine 3 Fire Crystals [100G | 1 x Refined Fire Crystal]
    Gallant Mine|#GD3|D-Ranked|Mine 3 Earth Crystals [100G | 1 x Refined Earth Crystal]
    "Welcome back everyone! Wait for a bit, Hikari will check the report now... Manami-san, could Manami-san help Hikari?"

    *cleaning girl moves closer and reads the quests taken and the report aloud*

    "Uhm! Seems like everything is in order, thanks for the hardwork!

    Please be careful when mining the fire crystals, alright? It could be really dangerous if one explosion triggered others!" >.<

    "The reward will be of 500G and the listed items! Please keep on working hard!" ^^)/
    JinVodka and leegood like this.
  3. Prismatic Glaive

    Prismatic Glaive Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2018
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    Reading List:
    Great Plain|#SE2|E-Ranked|Slay 10 Goblins [50 G]
    Great Plain|#SE3|E-Ranked|Slay 10 Orcs [100 G]
    Great Plain|#SE4|E-Ranked|Slay 5 Boar Warriors. [70 G]
    Great Plain|#SE5|E-Ranked|Slay 15 Kobolds [70 G]
    Great Plain|#SD5|D-Ranked|Slay 3 Kobold Leader [120 G]
    Great Plain|#SD7|D-Ranked|Slay 5 Bandits [150 G]

    *drops a sack full of bloody heads in @AliceShiki 's desk*

    "Receptionist-sa~n, I'd like to report my victory!" *peace sign*

    "too bad I didn't get to collect human head..." *droops head and pouts*

    *perks up* "But at least I have demi-human heads!" *guts pose*
    "Guahahahaha! That's it men! Sing! Dance! Be merry! For Tomorrow, we will strike those goddamn tree huggers!"

    "Hahahaha! That's right!"

    "A toast for gold!"

    "And for slaves!"

    Grantz couldn't help himself but to laugh out loud as he watched his battle brothers in their merrymaking. In just two years, their moteley crew of fifteen brigands have grown into a sizeable force that is capable of taking over a village.

    Who would have thought that fifteen army deserters could become a force this large. As One-armed Finn, Goddess bless his soul, used to say, "the future is uncertain".

    Well, it damn is!

    When they found out the darkness of the so called "Holy Empire", they were all disgusted.

    Genocide, Xenophobia, Misogyny, Hypocrisy, you name it, they have it.

    So they left under the cover of the moonless night. But it seems that they have never planned things out in the first place.

    No sane country would ever accept someone from the Empire (that shows the opinion of others to the Empire). Of course they couldn't just go back.

    So they resorted to banditry. At first, it was due to desperation. But a few months later and they found out how rewarding it is to be a bandit!

    Take whatever you want! Kill whoever you want! A comrade died? Well, more loots for us!

    The feeling of superiority was euphoric, and they were addicted to that feeling!

    And so here they were, merrymaking on the eve they were about to strike at an elven settlement.

    Just as Grantz was about to join in the fun, pandemonium erupted.

    "Ahhh!! My arm!"


    "George! F*cker! Why did you kill him!"

    "I... I can't control my body!"

    "M-me too!"



    "What sorcery is this?!"

    Screams of terror rang out as the fallen rose up and took arms. A sudden chill tingled Grantz which he suppressed. Taking his large cleaver, he barked out orders to his battleband.

    "Move away from them corpses! Tight formation! And keep an eye out for the caster!"


    Under his command, the bandits rallied and organized themselves. They formed their battle-groups, slowly backing up while guarding against the risen dead.

    Just as Grantz was about ti give out another order, screams rang out once more.

    What Grantz saw made his asshole tightened with enough force to crush rocks.

    Grantz couldn't believe what he saw. In his lifetime, he never encountered such vile magics!

    One by one, his comrades were shredded into tiny pieces. One by one, his band was slowly being reduced.

    "Come out ya f*cking coward! Fight like a true man!"

    With his remaining courage, Grantz shouted out, hoping that his enemy would be taunted to show his face.

    What Grantz didn't expect was the appearance of a red clothed female with blood red eyes.

    "Ara~ ara~ ara~. Such uncouth language."

    The woman- no, the witch - smiled. To others, this smile would look like a serene and kind smile. But not in Grantz' eyes. To him, this was the smile of the devil.

    "A-a-attack! Kill that f*cking b*tch!"

    Although fear plagued the minds of his remaining men, they immediately responded to his command. A small feeling of pride bloomed in his heart. This was his men! Trained to fight even under the threat of death!

    However, his pride was soon replaced with fear.

    Not one of his men was able to reach within a hand's reach of the witch. Whenever a bantid was about to take a step closer, he would immidiately burst into a shower of red!

    Grantz' stomach clenched. This... This was not a battle! This was an extermination!

    Soon, only him was left standing. Around him was a river of blood and gore. The green grass was stained red. The coppery smell of blood mixed with the pungent odor of piss and shit pervaded the air.


    Grantz' couldn't help himself but let out a pitiful laugh. The Goddess! The Goddess of Death herself has come to claim their souls!

    Grantz' closed his eyes, awaiting for his death.

    Except it did not come.

    Slowly, he opened his eyes. What he saw was still unchanged, the witch was still standing there, his comrades were still dead, he can still feel his feet soaked by their blood.

    "Ne~ ne~, Bandit-sa~an. Let's play a game~! You'll run, if you're fast enough then you'll live. However, if I catch you, we'll play another game!"

    Grantz just looked at the cheery witch.

    Grantz took out his hidden knife...

    And plunged it into his throat.


    "Awww~ Why do they always do that? I just wanted to play more..."


    "What do you mean I'm scary!? I even smiled!"


    "No! You're lying! I'm cute, not scary!"


    "Forget it..."

    With a pout on her face, the "beautiful and demure lady" took out three empty spools, which was soon filled with blood soaked wires.

    Then, she kneeled and placed her hands on the bloodied ground, seemingly uncaring of the blood and gore caught between her fingers.

    With a grunt, sparks flew off as a large magic circle appeared.

    "Ritual Circle established."

    Two more magic circle, each smaller than the other, grew from her hand and overlapped the existing circles.

    "Overlay stable, now initiating material collection."

    The blood and gore gathered and coalesced at the center of the circle, forming a floating crimson sphere.

    "Commencing material decomposition."

    The blood orb shuddered for a moment before it was blanketed in white light. A few seconds later and the now glowing orb seperated into many smaller orbs.

    "Alteration start."

    One of the larger spheres shuddered before it slowly transforms into thin threads of light. At the same time, all the other spheres shuddered and, they too, slowly changes.

    A few moments later and one of the smaller spheres finished first. From it came three empty metal spools. Then, one after another, the spheres have finished glowing.

    [3x Spools of Carbon Fiber Acquired]

    Two orbs that combined became a sphere of water, which then drops to the ground. Another forms into a cristalline substance which the "beautiful and demure lady" gathered.

    Soon, others have finished forming and the "beautiful and demure lady" collected most of them.

    Then, she manipulated her wires to bring all of the undamaged items of the bandits to her, which is sadly lacking due to her methods of extermination.

    [3x Rusty Short swords acquired]
    [4x Poorly built spear acquired]
    [5x wooden shields acquired]
    [5x dull axes acquired]

    [32x Bottles of Various Elements and Compounds acquired]

    "Now then, let's hunt some more!"


    A group of 14 goblins were patrolling when their bodies suddenly turned into paste.

    A horde of 12 orcs were resting when their bodies turned to blood slush.

    A passel of 6 Boar warriors were eating when their bodies were chopped to pieces.

    A large pack of 34 Kobolds and 3 Kobold leaders soon found their heads bodiless.

    Of course, the cause of it all, the "beautiful and demure lady" didn't forget the main rule of being an adventurer: "loot everything that isn't nailed down".

    [7x Spools of Carbon Fiber Acquired]
    [14x Goblin heads acquired]
    [12x Orc heads acquired]
    [6x Boar Warrior heads acquired]
    [31x Kobold heads acquired]
    [3x Kobold Leader heads acquired]

    "Yay~ First quest is done!"




    "Oh... I have to report it first. Tehehe~"
    [3x Rusty Short swords]
    [4x Poorly built spear]
    [5x wooden shields]
    [5x dull axes]
    [32x Bottles of Various Elements and Compounds]
    [10x Spools of Carbon Fiber]
    [14x Goblin heads]
    [12x Orc heads]
    [6x Boar Warrior heads]
    [31x Kobold heads]
    [3x Kobold Leader heads]
  4. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Great Plain|#SE2|E-Ranked|Slay 10 Goblins [50 G]
    Great Plain|#SE3|E-Ranked|Slay 10 Orcs [100 G]
    Great Plain|#SE4|E-Ranked|Slay 5 Boar Warriors. [70 G]
    Great Plain|#SE5|E-Ranked|Slay 15 Kobolds [70 G]
    Great Plain|#SD5|D-Ranked|Slay 3 Kobold Leader [120 G]
    Great Plain|#SD7|D-Ranked|Slay 5 Bandits [150 G]
    *hears the large thud*
    *smells the iron coming from the dropped things*

    "Uhn... Ple-please t-try cleaning those things before bringing them here... I-it's too much for Hikari..." *backs away and almost falls, but gets held by a nearby staff*

    "Hi... Hikari will take a look as soon as it is cleaned, alright?"

    *stumbles away somehow*
    *desk gets cleaned by a nearby girl*
    *girls goes on the direction Hikari went and comes back with her*
    *girl reads the report and the Guild Card out loud for Hikari*

    "Thanks again Manami-san... Eto...

    Everything seems alright Purisma-san... Hikari found the report to be a bit lacking, but... Considering what Manami-san said that were those things... It should be okay...

    The rewards will be of 560G.

    Take care and keep up the good job!"

    ((I'm accepting it this time, but please try to make a proper report for each individual quest... I mean, it's not like you can't do 2 at the same time (example: A group of Kobolds with 5 leaders that were mounting Boar Warriors), but make sure to depict all of them.

    This looks as if you made the Bandits' quest, got lazy, and decided to just skip on all the rest.

    The bandits' quest was great and I really enjoyed the read! But the rest was... Super lackluster... T.T

    Try a bit harder next time! >.<))
    shad12ow likes this.
  5. Prismatic Glaive

    Prismatic Glaive Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Gallant Mine|#SE1|E-Ranked|Slay 5 Snow Goblin [80G]
    Gallant Mine|#GE1|E-Ranked|Mine 5 Ice Crystal [80G | 1 x Refined Ice Crystal]
    Gallant Mine|#GE2|E-Ranked|Mine 5 Wind Crystal [80G | 1 x Refined Wind Crystal]
    Gallant Mine|#GD1|D-Ranked|Mine 12 Mithril Ore [60G | 1 x Mithril Ingot]
    Gallant Mine|#GD4|D-Ranked|Mine 25 Iron Ore [60G | 4 x Iron Ingot]

    *gives quest report to @AliceShiki *
    After sending the falcon in it's way, Prisma took out a spool of Carbon Fiber. Using her abilities, the string uncoiled and floated around her.

    With a thought, the long strand of string coalesced at her back, forming a majestic pair of angelic wings.

    In a single flap of her string wings, her entire figure shot up into the clouds.

    Prisma took a moment to admire the scenery. The golden dunes in the south, the hellish plains of the north, the verdant canopies of the west, and the white peaks in the east.

    With a mental command, she shot forth like an arrow towards the freezing peaks directly to the north-east.

    In a single instant, she broke through the sound barrier, leaving a large boom in her wake and parting the clouds as she go. Within a scant few seconds, she traveled the vast distance and arrived at her destination.

    She descended slowly and searched for the entrance of the Mine. A few seconds later and she entered a hole in a mountain.

    "Brrr! It's cold! [Flame]!"

    Above her outstretched palm was a floating orb of golden flames, banishing the cold and darkness of the cave.

    "Now where's my quarry?"

    With a thought, she took out 18 spools of Carbon Nanofiber and uncoiled it. The strings shot forth deeper into the cave, searching for it's targets.

    After a few minutes of waiting, light footsteps was slowly getting louder. A moment later, three Ice goblins can be seen approaching the "beautiful and demure lady".

    Although the goblins were getting nearer, Prisma haven't made any efforts to move. When the goblins were only a few paces away from her, they stopped and just stood there.

    Another hour passed and the situation just repeated itself, goblins arrive, and just stands away a few paces away from Prisma.

    Soon, three lines of six goblins wielding a variety of weapons were standing in front of Prisma.

    "Now my puppets, you know what to do~"

    Honestly, there was no need for Prisma to verbally command these goblins. After all, these goblins were just her meat puppets.

    The strings she spread out earlier were her method to control these creatures. Using the thin long threads, she used it to locate a creature, burrow into its body, and coil itself into its bones.

    When the wire is spread out inside the creature's body, she's now free to control its actions.

    The creature in question is still alive, it just can't move on its own.

    The goblins separated and looked for crystal and ore veins to mine.

    Meanwhile, Prima just hung out there, floating in silence.

    Three days later, and Prisma gathered the required amount of crystal and ores to complete the quests. As for the goblins, two-thirds died due to non-stop working while the rest is about to die.

    Seeing as there were no further use for the remaining goblins, she ordered the wires to expand outside the goblins' bodies, shredding their muscles in the process, before ordering it to contract again, thus slicing their innards in pieces.

    This was the move she used against the bandits the previous day. Carbon nanofibers are so thin, but insanely strong. With enough force, it can cut through almost anything!

    Using her wires, Prisma collected the ores and crystals and placed it into her inventory before returning the wires into their respective spools.

    With a flap of her wings, she shot out from the cave back to the guild.

    'Hmmm... I've been awake for three days already. I better get some sleep after the report...' She thought as she approached the guild.

    ((*whistles innocently* seriously though, got it in one :p... I'm doing this stuff before I go to sleep as my daily writing exercise... So sometimes I get lazy/crazy when writing... won't happen again~))
  6. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Gallant Mine|#SE1|E-Ranked|Slay 5 Snow Goblin [80G]
    Gallant Mine|#GE1|E-Ranked|Mine 5 Ice Crystal [80G | 1 x Refined Ice Crystal]
    Gallant Mine|#GE2|E-Ranked|Mine 5 Wind Crystal [80G | 1 x Refined Wind Crystal]
    Gallant Mine|#GD1|D-Ranked|Mine 12 Mithril Ore [60G | 1 x Mithril Ingot]
    Gallant Mine|#GD4|D-Ranked|Mine 25 Iron Ore [60G | 4 x Iron Ingot]
    "Welcome back! Hikari will check the report in a bit!"

    *cleaning girl already comes in before being called and starts reading it out loud*

    "Thank you Manami-san!

    Purisima-san seems to be really tough! Hikari wouldn't be able to stay awake for 3 days!" >.<

    "Hikari is glad things went well though, the reward will be of 360G, 1 Refined Ice Crystal, 1 Refined Wind Crystal, 1 Mithril Ingot and 5 Iron Ingots.

    Please keep up the hard work!" *bows*

    ((Oh, the read was fun, nicely done!

    Sorry for taking so long, only had time to look at it now! >.<))
  7. Zynros

    Zynros Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Great Plain|#SE1|E-Ranked|Slay 20 Slimes [50 G]
    Great Plain|#GE1|E-Ranked|Gather 10 Moonlight Flower & 10 Healing Plants [50G | 1 x Rejuvenation Potion]
    Great Plain|#GE2|E-Ranked|Gather 3 Moonlight Water [50G | 1 x Bottled Purified Moonlight Water]
    Great Plain|#SE2|E-Ranked|Slay 10 Goblins [50 G]
    Great Plain|#SE3|E-Ranked|Slay 10 Orcs [100 G]
    Delta Town|#SE1|E-Ranked|Slay 100 Rats [100 G]


    As Morgan pushed open the door to the Guild, her coat finally had enough as it tore apart and fell to the floor. Seeing what it had been through in the previous week, she wasn't surprised.

    Taking the paperwork she had summarized her quests on, she approached the counter and set it down, waiting there for the receptionist to check it.

    Taking her first steps through the gate into Delta, Morgan finally let out a sigh of relief. The journey here had been a little more than a week, with her catching a boat at the edge of the Sand Desert and the Great Plain. It was around halfway through the journey that she realized she could have dealt with the rest of her quests at the Plains first, then traveled to Delta, but it was too late for regrets by then. Now she stood in Delta, and could set off on her first Quest. If she knew where could find rats, but she had a general idea on where to look first.

    With her hood pulled over her head and her wings hidden under her coat, she made her way through the streets toward the docks. She paused there for a for minutes to marvel at the towering ships, the headed west towards the most point most likely to house the outflow for the sewers. The way she saw it, with the size of this place, even if it wasn't a city in the truest sense of the word, the chances of it having a sewer system were high enough.

    When she found the outflow, a short distance from the city walls, she immediately turned back and went for the market. After a short search, she stumbled on a merchant selling fabric, and stared collecting the scraps laying around. Most of them were unusable, but she did manage to pick up a decently sized piece of grey cloth, which she wrapped around the lower half of her head to cover her mouth and nose. It would probably have been a better idea to pick up a proper mask of some sort before setting off, but she had completely forgotten about it.

    After returning to the outflow, she made her way inside, following the circular tunnels while listening for signs of her quest targets. A few minutes in, she heard her few first squeals from one of the connecting tunnels and, quietly approaching, stumbled upon a small nest.

    There were about seven rats there, the largest the size of a small hound, with the rest being about half that. 3 hairless babies squealed in the mess of wood and sticks, and two of the seven stood nearby, while the other 5 seemed to be sleeping. It was built between two of the light beams from the opening letting water flow from the street to the sewer, and Morgan stood hidden just beyond the first beam.

    As she watched, a loud *crack* resounded through the tunnels as the nest was suddenly frozen. A thin layer of frost covered the nest's immediate surroundings, and the rats were motionless. Morgan quickly stuffed them in the Item Box, then continued on.

    A similar scene played out three more times as she traveled through the sewers, and she was beginning to hear the sounds of rainfall on the streets above. She thought about turning back for a minute, but decided to continue on after checking her Item Box and counting 42 rat corpses.

    As she passed by the frosted nest, she found herself at the edge of a large circular space, with numerous passages connecting around its edges. The water in the sewers had risen slightly due to the rain, and each step she took caused a small ripple to echo down the tunnels, and as she watched, the room was quickly filled with ripples from her footsteps, then the water went silent again.

    Taking a moment to think, she turned back from the room and went back the way she came, and after an hour-long walk, was back outside in the pouring rain. With her coat rapidly growing heavier as the rain was absorbed by the fabric, she trudged back through the gates into Delta.

    After a moment to composer herself, she called out to one of the Guards by the gate.

    "Hey! Uh, do you know if there are any decent Inns nearby?"

    The location the Guard gave her wasn't that far, and after passing him a coin in thanks she made her way there, finding a relatively large two-story building. Nobody else was at the front desk, so after a few words with the Innkeeper and a few coins exchanging hands, she was given a key the a room on the second floor.

    She could hear plenty of other people chatting and joking in one of the adjoining rooms, a tavern, from what the Innkeeper said, but she passed it by and went straight to her room. Hanging up her dripping wet clothes, she curled up on the bed, letting her wings stretch out behind her as she closed her eyes.


    Her clothes weren't completely dry by the morning, but they weren't soaked, and it wasn't raining anymore, so she though it was acceptable. After she was dressed, she locked the door and went back downstairs, returning the key to the Innkeeper and leaving the city again, heading back to the sewers. Now that the rain was gone, the water level had returned to normal, and her footsteps were no longer accompanied by the splashing of water.

    As she traveled through the tunnels again, she came across one more nest, or to be precise, one of the nests she had previously wiped out, with new inhabitants. Four new rats appeared to have stumbled upon it at night, and salvaged most of the materials before they had been washed away by the rising water.

    their new nest was directly around a corner, causing her to walk right into it, startling both parties. Morgan recovered first, drawing her sword, and the rats hissed at her, the nearest lunging. Taking a step back, Morgan brought her sword to a stabbing position, one hand on the hilt, the other against the pommel, the midair rat slamming headfirst into the blade, the black steel piercing its skull.

    The eyes of the other two shrunk when they saw the death of the first, and they quietly slunk away into the darkness. Flicking the sword to clean off some of the blood, Morgan stored the 43rd corpse and continued, making her way back to the circular room with no more accidents.

    When she arrived, a look of confusion crossed her face as she studied the room. The previous day, the room had been empty, but now it was swarming with rats. There were too many to count, but she felt safe in assuming there was more than 100. In the center of the room was a towering silver rat, as tall as she was, which the rest of the rats were looking up at, with what appeared to be reverence in their eyes.

    It took less than a second for Morgan to step back, intent on leaving the vicinity of this event as soon as possible. Ten rats, she could take on, with relative ease. Twenty, Dangerous, but acceptable. Thirty? Exercise EXTREME caution. Hundreds? Give up, run away, hope they don't catch you.

    It was to her misfortune then, that as she turned around, she heard something behind her hiss. Without looking back, she took off down the tunnel, with the sounds of hundreds of little rat feet following her a second later, a much louder thumping, of much larger paws slamming against the brick pathway.

    As the their footsteps grew closer, she threw herself down a nearby side tunnel in hopes of avoiding the swarm, but came to a sudden stop a few meters in. Before her was a brick wall, hidden earlier by a beam of light that came down right in front of it. As Morgan turned around, The towering silver rat entered the tunnel, the hundred rats behind it staring with shining eyes.

    Her face was twitching as she backed up, only stopping once her back hit the wall behind her, her breath increasing rapidly as the swarm approached. In a last ditch effort, she used her power to create something in the space around her, and a sudden flash blinded her as she suddenly froze in place and collapsed as the world went dark.


    When she opened her eyes again, she was still in the sewer. For unknown reasons, she felt numb, and her head was spinning, but aside from those she was perfectly fine.

    Getting to her feet, she shuffled forward, almost tripping over something on the floor of the now lightless tunnel. Glancing down, she could just make out the corpse of a rat in the darkness, and when she bent down to collect it, she noticed quite a few more at the edge of her vision. Raising her hand, she fumble a bit with her power, before managing to make a get a small flame flickering above her fingers.

    With her new light source, she glanced over the tunnel, the hundred-rat swarm formerly chasing her now lying dead. After a moment of contemplation, she started them into the Item Box.

    On the edge of a beautiful clear lake, Morgan pocketed the a couple glowing flowers, filled a few vials with the shimmering lake water, then proceeded to flop down on the soft dirt at the lakeside.

    The shimmering of the water wasn't just a reflection of the moonlight, but had been that way earlier when the boat Morgan was one passed by. Since this seemed the most like something which could be described as "Moonlight Water", she had come back to pick up a few vials, but with the setting of the sun, the flowers had followed the lake and started to glow, so she grabbed some of them too.

    Due to the catastrophe that had occurred during her rat hunting, she had decided to pass on the the hunting quests for now. One near-death experience per week was more than enough. As she lay on the lakeside though, everything seemed to melt away, and she felt that it was fine.

    Half her quests were finished, and others adventurers could do their own hunting. For now, she was fine just laying beside this lake.

    Final Objective Count
    Rats: 163
    Glowing Flowers: 12
    Glowing Water: 4 Vials

    Last edited: Mar 18, 2018
  8. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Great Plain|#SE1|E-Ranked|Slay 20 Slimes [50 G]
    Great Plain|#GE1|E-Ranked|Gather 10 Moonlight Flower & 10 Healing Plants [50G | 1 x Rejuvenation Potion]
    Great Plain|#GE2|E-Ranked|Gather 3 Moonlight Water [50G | 1 x Bottled Purified Moonlight Water]
    Great Plain|#SE2|E-Ranked|Slay 10 Goblins [50 G]
    Great Plain|#SE3|E-Ranked|Slay 10 Orcs [100 G]
    Delta Town|#SE1|E-Ranked|Slay 100 Rats [100 G]
    "Welcome back! Hikari will check the report, please wait a bit!

    Manami-san, please help Hikari again!"

    *cleaning girl quickly gets near and reads the card and the quests out loud*

    "Ah, Hikari sees... Morugan-san had a hard time... Hikari is glad Morugan-san was able to handle the rats somehow though!" >.<

    "Hikari never heard of those silver rats... Hikari hopes it is not anything troublesome...

    In any case, Hikari is sorry for failing the other quests, but there is also a problem on the quest that needs the Healing Herbs... Morugan-san only brought the Moonlight flowers...

    Since it's Morugan-san's first time though, Hikari will consider it cleared anyway though, but please clear the whole requirements next time!" >.<

    "The reward will be of 200G, a bottle of Purified Moonlight Water and a Rejuvenation Potion.

    Take care and better luck on future quests!" *bows*

    ((Sorry for taking so so long!! >.<))
  9. A.I.M.E-02847

    A.I.M.E-02847 [Trying to understand Humanity]

    Sep 30, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    "Good Day Guildmaster, we have finally completed the quest without any problems." I handed the quest report as I also didn't forget about that message. "I have sent your regards to one of the Masayori Clan's Workers. He also sends his gratitude in return."

    Great Plain|#GC1|C-Ranked|Gather Cyclops Eye [150G | 1 x Earth Orb]
    Iceberg Sea|#GD1|D-Ranked|Gather 3 Water Orbs [60G | 1 x Refined Water Orb]
    Treacherous Port|#SD1|D-Ranked|Slay 5 Bandits [150 G]
    Masayori Clan|#EE1|E-Ranked|Repair the Walls Of the Fujira Town [90 G]
    Masayori Clan|#ED1|D-Ranked| Help In Building Construction [140 G | 1x Qi-Infused Quartz]
    Masayori Clan|#EC1|C-Ranked| Guard Farm Lands from Enemy Raids [200 G]

    | Location: Aeternus Floating City [Tavern]
    | Objective: Preparation for the Quests

    I opened the hologram that shown the map of this world. I already made a layout on how we would proceed the quest. The only thing I needed was to get the permission of the two who joined me with this quest=. I looked at the blond child with silver eyes who seemed around 12-14? He was the one who saved my life in the Orc Raid. Now that I remembered, I was always saved during difficult battles. Just like the first raid I participated with that Nalmika. It can't be helped since I tend to work myself until I fulfill the objective. After, I lost my father and send to this world. I was dedicated to follow the mission and contribute to the guild. What worried me was how the others would feel when the accompanied me with these quests. I'll also need to take note of the girl named Leeanne that who joined us. I don't know her exact abilities besides the peaches. She was a friendly little girl and likes to get close to people. I'll just do my utmost best to my capabilities and not disappoint them or place them endanger.

    "The quest was already confirmed thus we can proceed if everyone is ready?"
    I looked at Leeanne and Jin while I pointed towards the Great Plain in my hologram. "We will first go to the Great Plains and start the Cyclops quest."

    "Un~ It's the closest after all~"
    Leeanne had nodded after thinking about it, not noticing mister sniffles and follower 1 following behind her.

    "Thank you very much for consideration." I smiled as I noticed the pig that followed behind with another one next to it. I also have two companions named Ezero and Skia which I'm planned to take with me. I glanced next to me as a hulking golem-like mech was sitting quietly and a wisp floating around it.

    "It's okay with me! Since Leeanne is fine with it then I'll make a teleportation circle to the Askian Hamlet since I have something to do there if you don't mind~" Jin smiles as he starts creating a magic circle beneath them glowing yellow. It grows brighter as it engulfs them as they teleported to the Askian Hamlet.

    "Understood," I stayed still as I waited for the light to engulf us. I don't really know what can sorcery was this. But it seemed to be similar to a teleporter from my world.

    | Location: Great Plains [Vicinity of Askian Hamlet]
    | Objective: Gather Cyclops Eye

    The place was busy with construction from the last damage. A white-fur Nekomata takes notice of their arrival and runs towards them.

    "Oh, my~ Nice to see you again Leeanne and this blue-haired girl is?" Presia asks as she covers her mouth with a fan. She looks interestedly to the three as her tail wiggles left and right.
    "How did the shopping go master Vodka?" Lavri suddenly arrives behind Jin without notice as Bernard was running towards them excitedly. "Master Vodka! Welcome back! What did you get? Is there anything awesome!?"

    "Oh, this is an adventurer, Aime. We are going to the quest now. I just came here to left something I got~" Jin smiles as he looks towards Bernard while patting his head. "Here a pet wolf, I think it would suit you best~"

    "This is..." Bernard's tail waggles strongly as he grins widely. "Thank you very much master Vodka! I'll definitely take a good care of it! Yay! I'll make you grow strong and big so you can become my special mount!"
    "Master Vodka, can we watch on the quest you're doing if it's only around the Great Plains?"
    "Oh my~ That would be totally fun fufufu~"
    "We only had one quest on Great Plains so you can observe as long as you leave the work to us. Maybe..?" Jin glances to Aime as the other Kobolds take notices of it and stares to Aime. "Almost forgot, this nekomata here is Presia. The two Kobolds is Bernard wearing a red hood and Lavri wearing a blue scarf."

    "Good Day Presia, Bernard, and Lavri. I'll confirm that there is no problem for you guys to observe us. We are gonna deal with a Cyclops and I was hoping to let Ezero deal with it since it only one." I looked towards Ezero who was behind me he was finally able to stand up and beep in confirmation. Skia decided to hide inside his body for now since she was afraid of strangers.

    "I'm fine with it~"

    "Since Leeanne agreed then shall we head to search for the Cyclops?" I started to walk ahead as I activated my sensors and looked at my mini-map for a nearby Cyclops. We are only going to deal one and take it's eye so there won't be that much problem.

    "Oh, my~ It is really a fine day~"
    "YAY!! This will be fun! Plus that golem looks amazing! Wow, awesome! Adventurers are the best!" Bernard jumps around the golem excitedly as he follows the adventurers. Lavri nods to Aime while hitting Bernard lightly to behave himself. Presia only giggles as she also follows to watch the amusing battle.

    "Well, that be alright with you Leeanne? We are going to deal with only one Cyclops. So it would be unfair to gang up on it. Also--" Jin looks to the hulking Golem that reminded him about Eris and Ara due to how large it was. He hasn't seen them in the guild since he turned to a child. He shakes his head as he tries to focus on the quest while weakly smiling towards the golem. "What is the name of that golem..? He looks quite strong~"

    Beep! Beep!
    Ezero happily waved his hand and nodded to Jin. He then carried Bernard and placed him on his shoulder while he made a beeping sound which conveyed his joy of seeing animals.

    "His name is Ezero and he's like a family to me. If I used the ranking system in the guild. His power level will be around Rank C. I decided to take the Cyclops quest to test Ezero's abilities and while at it take the Earth Orb that would enhance Ezero's armor." I smiled as I looked to Ezero who was enjoying himself. I'm glad that he was finally fixed and was enjoying the scenery as he looked around to the beautiful nature around us. Even though, Ezero was reluctant to fight in this environment. I hope he could get used to it so we could contribute more to the guild.

    Leeanne looked curiously at the machine companion AIME brought along, though she did not know what a machine really was in the first place and thought it was a rather large sentient golem. "Lead the way~"

    "Understood, there is a Cyclops just 2 kilometers ahead to the East. We will arrive there shortly," I pointed out to the east where there is an abundant forest. As I zoomed my sights, I noticed the Cyclops walking and hunted some deer in the distance.

    "Sup' Ezero let's get along well~" Jin smiles towards Ezero as he waves his hand. He lightly giggles as he saw Bernard happily sits on Ezero's shoulder.

    "WOW! The view here is great! Come here Lavri!" Bernard waves his hand towards Lavri while tapping the area next to him.
    "Sigh..." Lavri leaps to next to Bernard as he holds on Ezero's shoulder. He then nods as he agrees the sight was nice.
    "Oh, my~ Shall I join fufufu~" Presia leaps to the other shoulder as she feels the metal coldness. "This indeed feels nice and cool~"I could sleep here~"

    "Come down guys, the fight will start any minute now." Jin's eyes turned serious as he looks to the east seeing the Cyclops. His followers quickly leap from Ezero's shoulder as they went to the trees for a better view. Bernard even takes a beef jerky to watch as the Wolf hang on his head.

    "Whats our plan of attack~?"

    "Please Ezero, deal with the Cyclops and avoid damaging the eye." I looked to the Cyclops as I commanded Ezero. He quickly took a stance as his eyes suddenly went bright as he focused on the Cyclops.

    Ezero dashed forward as he made a loud stomping sound. Each step seemed to shock the ground.

    Ezero released a strong punch that pushed the Cyclops back. The Cyclops shouted as it tried to retaliate while it raised club towards the golem. Ezero beeped as he immediately caught the right arm holding the club. Ezero then held the other Cyclops' arm and tried to push it with brute strength.

    "Let them fight," Jin glances to Leeanne as he stares back to the Golem which currently fighting the Cyclops. Ezero is winning as it made of metal and has a stronger power. Jin thinks that help will not be needed.

    "The tremor is remarkable! I almost fall to the tree ahahaha!" Bernard chews the beef jerky as his eyes sparkle seeing the fight.
    "Oh, my~ The Cyclops has no chance since it's fighting a giant armored golem~ I wonder how well we do as a group against a cyclops fufufu~" Presia giggles while looking to her fellow followers.
    "We can manage..." Lavri silently observes the golem noticing it's armor is made of solid steel and something like gold. Fighting something like that will be a difficult battle. But the Cyclops will be easier but not guarantee that easy.

    Ezero dragged the Cyclops to the other side as Ezero slowly broke its hands. The Cyclops screamed loudly and try to kick Ezero's legs but it was a futile endeavor as Ezero is made of steel and have no sense of pain. Ezero threw the Cyclops to the ground with a large force.

    The loud impact scared the birds as they flew away. This distracted Ezero as he looked at the birds in the Sky. The Cyclops stood up and tried to run away with its broken arm.

    "Ezero, the target is escaping,"
    I called back the attention of Ezero who was enjoying the view of the sky.

    Beep... Beeeeep... Beep!
    Ezero made an apologetic sound before he gave a confirmation one. He raised his right arm as it started to release out a cold atmosphere.

    | Initiating Ice Ray Augmentation: Freezing Ray type A

    Three shots of ice ray were released from Ezero's gauntlet as it pierced the back side of the Cyclops. Blood has flowed from its back as the Cyclops stopped its movement. It then slowly dropped on the ground lifeless as the ice stuck on it's back.

    "Excellent job Ezero, please carry the Cyclops' corpse towards here so we can take its eye." I smiled as I looked at Ezero. Ezero quickly carried the Cyclops and placed in-front of us. I analyze the eyes which didn't contain any damage. "Shall we finish the objective?"

    *clap clap clap*
    "That was fast~! good job Ezero~!" Leeanne looked at the Cyclops though it seemed a bit like they were bandits taking out someone for the loot they have...shaking her head she looked at the size of the cyclops up close.

    "Alright! Good Job Ezero! Now then shall I take the eye~" Jin hums as he creates an ice blade to slowly extract the eye of the Cyclops. He then gives it to Ezero so Aime can place it in the item box. "Since Aime is the one needed it, then I think she will carry the items for now?"

    "Oh, my~ That was a spectacle~ Thanks for letting us saw a good show~" Presia smiles as she elegantly bows towards Ezero and Aime.
    "If it's us then we will get difficulties but with Ezero height, strength and defense advantage. The Cyclops already has no chance winning." Lavri looks to the Cyclops' corpse as he compares it to Ezero. Even though the Cyclops is twice the human height. Ezero was thrice the human height plus made of metal so he has the absolute advantage.
    "That's so cool! Hey! Hey! I wonder if we can do quest next time! Fighting beside a golem will be totally cool! It would be absolutely exciting!" Bernard grins excitedly as he looks to Ezero with amazement. He was so happy his tail seems to move fast. Lavri quickly hit his head and tries to calm him down. But it has no effect since Bernard's excitement is max.

    Beep~ Beep~
    Ezero happily moves his hand while receiving the compliments. Ezero was shaking his head and hands trying to say it was nothing. Though, it betrayed the purpose since Ezero was beeping happily while he felt proud.

    "Affirmative, I'll take the materials for now since I'm the one whose gonna send the report to the Guildmaster. Thank very much for the extraction Jin." I nodded at Jin as I took the eye that was extracted from Ezero. I safely placed it in the item box together with the Cyclops that I might use later. "Objective Complete, next Objective is to gather 3 water orbs... Destination Iceberg Sea to the Northwest."

    "Pfft... Geez, Bernard calm yourself." Jin pats Bernard and smiles at him. "You should ask Aime instead since she is the adventurer." Upon hearing those words, Bernard then stares to Aime with puppy eyes. Lavri could only sight as he shakes his head in defeat while Presia giggles on the side.

    That's when Leeanne heard a rustling sound behind her and out appeared mister sniffles and follower 1 dragging four goblin corpses to add that extra nitrogen to their later meals. Leeanne could only sigh and store the corpses, and them withdraw the corpses when it's mealtime.

    "Oh! There are pigs and they look very deli--" Bernard attention suddenly changes as he looks to mister sniffles and it's follower 1. Before he could continue his mouth from talking it is covered by Lavri.
    "Please avoid being rude to master Vodka's friends." Lavri could only sigh as his tactless friend. He just hopes Leeanne and her pet is not offended by it.
    "Oh, my~ Goblins? Well, I heard pigs can eat anything but a demi-human race~ How enlightening fufufu~" Presia giggles as she covers her mouth with a fan.

    Beep... Beeeep...
    Ezero sighed with relief as the excited Kobold Bernard finally left him. He was worried about how to react and reply to the Kobold's excitement.

    "Understood, if you guys need any party in the future please don't hesitate to search for me and ask for my assistance. I would do everything within my capabilities to aid in those future tasks."
    I smiled towards Bernard and the rest as I give my confirmation. If they wanted to quest with me then it would be great. Since I'll be able to learn more about how to communicate to others which I have difficulty. Probable, I could learn how to interact properly with others after I observed them.

    "Now we are done~ I can teleport us to Aeternus to ride an Airship towards the Iceberg Sea. I can't directly teleport to a place that I haven't visited so I'm sorry about that." Jin weakly smiles as he looks at the others. He then glances at his followers. "We are going to leave later. So you guys go back to your works~"

    "You don't have to be troubled Jin. It is already a great thing to have someone able to lessen the duration of traveling between the quest. To be exact, I'm very grateful for such convenient abilities." I smiled at Jin as I look to Leanne. "Then shall we proceed to the next quest?"

    "Lets~ go~"
    still as cheery as ever, Leeanne agreed an by default, her partners did too.

    "Alright! I'll take us to the Aeternus near the Airship Port!" Jin smiles as he creates teleportation magic circle beneath them as it glows yellow. He waves his hand towards his followers while smiling. "I'll be back~"

    "Take care master Vodka fufufu~"
    "Goodbye, everyone! See you next time! Have fun!"
    "Bye," Lavri nods towards the adventurers. Bernard energetically waves his hand as he jumps up and down.

    The light engulfs Jin, Aime, Leeanne and her followers together with Ezero. They got a teleport to the Aeternus just next to the boarding station for the Airship.

    | Location: Aeternus City [Airship Boarding Station]
    | Objective: Ride towards the Iceberg

    "It is my first time riding an Airship." I looked to the giant airship that seemed to float to the sky. I was interested in how it works and wanted to know what materials were used. Still, I needed to focus on the current objective. I looked towards Ezero that was a bit large. Ezero's weight might cause a bit problem to the airship so I decided to place him in the item box. "Ezero, would you stay back to the item box?"

    Beep! Beep!'
    Ezero happily nodded as his hand made an okay gesture. I moved him to the item box as I started to board the Airship. "Let's ride it now and head to the Iceberg Sea"

    Leeanne happily boarded the airship along with Mr.sniffles and co, "Let's go~"

    "Welcome aboard to the Airship!"Jin smiles as the airship starts to float to the sky and move to the North towards the Iceberg Sea. "Well, we are going to the Iceberg Sea so that mean underwater. Plus, we are gonna gather water orbs in the water surface. So I will create a magic air bubble to each of us so we can go underneath the water. Will that be alright?"

    "Understood that is a good method. But I'll pass the offer since I'm water-proof and doesn't need air to survive. I'm able to dive into the sea without problems and my body is sturdy enough that the sea pressure would not affect me." I explained to Jin as I observed the surrounding. It seemed we finally arrived at the destination after several minutes. The Airship stopped mid-air to a wide sea surrounded by ice.

    | Location: Iceberg Sea
    | Objective: Gather 3 Water Orbs

    "We finally arrived at the location. Shall we begin the mission?" I went ahead and leaped into the water to make sure it is safe. The water was pretty cold and dangerous for living beings. Still, my minimap has alerted me of large monsters under the sea. The deeper we go, the more dangerous it would be. I looked above me where the airship carrying Leeanne and Jin. "The water is pretty cold and there are several high-level monsters so we should be careful."

    "Alright! I'll make the water bubbles now Leeanne and mister Sniffles" Jin glance to Aime as he gives thumbs up then looks to Leeanne. He creates a magic circle underneath her as a gentle wind and water emerge with it. It starts to surrounds Leeanne, Mister Sniffles and follower one as it turns into a bubble.

    "Next is~ [Stolz Form],"Jin's eyes turned blue as he ices wings, antlers, and tails emerge from his body. An ice then spread to his mouth and nose covering it. "I'm ready and I'll use this form! I wanted to test something!"

    I activated all my sensors to see the surroundings. The water was quite deep and the surface is quite the distance. It was going to be darker as I went deeper. In my sensors, there were several large monsters in the vicinity. To fight underwater will be difficult especially that the monster has the environmental advantage.

    "It would be probable that if anything happens we can handle it since we have a ranker with us."
    I looked behind seeing no one followed me. They were still on the airship, should I return to the surface to call to them or I'll proceed and do reconnaissance. I decided to choose the later as I went deeper the sea but I made sure to left someone to convey my message.

    "Skia please appear,"
    I talked to the wisp that was hiding inside of me. Since Ezero was inside the item box and Skia was unable to enter there due to being a spiritual being. She went and hid to my body instead.

    Swee~ Swee~

    Skia glowed as she appeared in front of me.

    "Please convey to Jin and Leeanne that I'm going ahead to search for the water orbs and lead them to my location."
    I smiled at the sight as I stop in the water. It would be nice to have a communicator so I could contact them anytime. Skia was a bit reluctant and scared but after several persuading. She accepted and went to the direction of the airship. I went ahead deeper to the sea to search for the water orb.

    "Jin-senpai~ I'll go after Aime first~"
    Leeanne looked around happily as she 'swam' toward the place Aime was only to find a little creature. "Hnn~? that way~? thanks~!" Leeanne happily followed after the little creature, not noticing mister sniffles and follower 1 already off-track, and eating seafood.

    Swee~ Swee~
    Skia glowed as she led Leeanne to the Aime. They finally reach the seafloor as they saw beautiful corals and strange shape fish.

    "I'll just follow behind~" Jin dives towards the sea as he kept an eye watch. He activates is mana sense to detect any lifeforms. Just as Aime warn earlier, there is a strong monster but enough to pose a threat to him if they form a group. He continues onward and found the others on the seafloor. "Since we are gathering 3 water orbs, then each of us will get one."

    "Alright senpai~"
    Leeanne swam off looking for the water orb, having seen a picture of it before, she's certainly able to find it. She looked around, looking around the areas that water orbs are most commonly found.

    I noticed them coming near as I looked to their direction and waved my hand as I pointed something. Even if I have the [O.E.L.System] to be able detect mana. I'm not perfectly sure about the elemental properties of an object. The place I pointed a clam that opened and closed which revealed a blue translucent orc. While on the other side was a large rock with several blue orbs that leaked a mana signature. I wanted to convey my opinion but I'm unable to talk due to being underwater. I quickly took a blue orb in the rock and the orb on the clam and quickly went to Skia and Leanne.

    "Hmm~? Aime~ is there something~? did you find it~?"
    Leeanne was still surprised that Aime could breath underwater disregarding the other things it was the first time she saw a humanoid that does not have gills do it.

    I smiled and shown the water orb I found and a large pearl. I also pointed to the direction where I got them so Leeanne could easily take one.

    "Aime did you get one..?" Jin glances Aime that pass him and went to Leeanne. "It seems like Aime already found one. Alright, I'll do my share then." Jin went to the seafloor in search of the water orb. He focuses on sensing the water mana as he looks around. He finally found a water orb on a rock. As he tries to pull it but he senses something moving in his direction.

    Jin immediately stops the monster rushing to him with his right arm while his left holds the water orb. He observes the monster noticing it was similar to the dragon and a serpent monster.

    "Tche... I forgot how I seem tasty to dragon types." Jin remembers how Ragshelm really likes to eat him. This might be due to his mana that has different elemental properties. He places the water orb in the item box and then punches the face of the Lindworm stunning it for a bit. Jin notices incoming Lindworms who are drooling towards him. "There's more! I never knew how appetizing I am now." He then notices a stary Lindworms heading to Aime and Leeanne direction. "Watch out!"

    Swee! Swee!
    Skia glowed erratically as she rotated around us trying to alert about something. As I looked behind there was a lone serpentine monster which was the Lindworms heading location. Meanwhile, Jin was surrounded by multiple Lindworms not far away.

    I looked at Leeanne and pointed to the water orbs on the rocks below and her. I then pointed to myself and the coming lindworm. I headed to the lindworm to engage combat and hoped Leeanne took a water orb before the situation grown worse.

    Leeanne seeing that nodded, taking a lure peach she threw it in the opposite direction of Aime while grabbed the last water orb. "I've got it~!" turning back to see Mister Sniffles and Follower 1 joining the fray, charging toward the sea creatures near the group.

    "Nice! Then we are done here~" Jin looks around him as he kept dodging the incoming lindworms. He takes a deep breath activates his demonic aura.

    I engaged to the Lindworm with difficulty while Skia hid inside my body. My Exoframe was under repair while the other weapons might attract attention. I pulled the desert eagle on my inventory and grabbed the [TDE] bullet.

    Bang! Bang!
    The bullet exploded in-front the eyes of the Lindorm as it was dazed by the light and stopped. I quickly grabbed the grenade launcher and released an [Airbusting Grenade].

    "Back off!" Jin shouts to the Lindworm using his [Devitalizing Howl]. They got stunned and shakes their head as they feel dizzy. Jin then quickly take this chance and went near Leeanne and Aime direction as he starts to create a teleportation magic circle to everyone. The magic circle beneath glows as it started to engulfs the adventurers and their companions.

    Boom! Boom!
    The grenade released a wind pressure that pushed the water and the Lindworm. The Lindworm swiftly recovered as it swam towards me. Before I could get another grenade. A magic circle beneath me and glowed as it engulfed my body.

    | Location: Aeternus Floating City [Airship Boarding Station]
    | Objective: Ride towards Treacherous Port

    We got safely transported back to the Aeternus City by Jin before everything become dangerous.

    "Is everyone alright?" I quickly stood up and check if everyone was safe. Leeanne was there together with mister sniffles and follower one. The bubble enclosed them was already gone. Jin was still on his [Stolz Form] and looked unhurt by what happened. I observed their body for any wounds and found nothing.

    "Un~ I'm okay~"
    Leeanne twirled around to show that she was 100% healthy, while mister sniffles and follower 1 seemed to be busy munching on one of the creatures they managed to one of the creatures that attacked.

    It seemed that they already did a critical hit before the teleport, and after it, the air and land made it impossible for the creature to do anything to the hungry swine. "That escalated so quickly~"

    Jin deactivates his [Stolz Form] as he looks to everyone. Hearing Leeanne words gives him relief as he sighs. He didn't expect that this body of his will bring more troubles. He wonders if it's because of the abundant different mana on his body. He could only shake his head in defeat and show a weak smile.

    "Yes, I'm fine..." Jin weakly smiles as he returns to his normal form. "I'm sorry for what happened. I didn't expect that my current body will attract monster. Guess I'll be careful from now on."

    "Understood, I'm glad none is hurt."
    I smiled towards Leeanne and Jin.

    "So we are heading to the next quest. Since we already have 3 water orbs." Jin smiles as he looks to the Airship and to the rest.

    "Alright let's head the Treacherous Port for the next quest since we already completed the mission." I nodded to Jin as started boarding the Airship.

    Leeanne nodded too, getting on the airship with her followers.

    | Location: Treacherous Port
    | Objective: Slay 5 Bandits

    As we descended from the Airship we saw a port filled with houses that are almost broken down. The place was dreary as the people were eyeing on us. In my mini-map, I detected a lot of possible hostiles enemies as they exhibit the traits of being dangerous. They looked at us as an easy target due to our appearance. It couldn't be blamed since two are women and one is a child.

    "Please don't separate with me while I gather information."
    I softly talked to the Leeanne and Jin so no one can hear me. This place was like a dean for thieves and bandits. So it would be dangerous to get separated. I talked around the merchants to asked for information but they always derailed the conversation and instead, they kept selling off their items. Which I could easily be identified as rip-off and counterfeits.

    "Hmm~" Jin looks to the ware in the port there are many interesting objects. It seems he was only one to notice it but some of the items are cursed. If the buyer doesn't know anything about the item then their lives will be endangered. As he looks interestedly to wares while he looks their magic signatures to few items. Suddenly Jin is pushed behead thru the crowds being separated from the rest. He can fly to them but that he notices some people approaching him. "Shall I'll play with them~"

    The two bandits quickly abducted Jin as they cover his eyes dragging him somewhere. Three other bandits followed Aime and Leeanne waiting that they go to a dark corner. Jin didn't worry about them since Aime and mister Sniffles could easily handle the bandits. What interested him was where is the bandit hideout. So he let himself get caught to be carried to the bandit hideout.


    Several moments later, Jin feels that his captor stop moving and tied him down. His eyes are covered but he could still activate his ability to sense mana. He notices that he was in an old house and quietly listens to the bandits.

    "This is a jackpot, I couldn't believe we captor a noble child here." "He might think this place is a playground. What a stupid child." "Isn't it weird that he has no guards but only women with him?" "Probably his friends, rich kids like him probably escape the guards." "What about the two women?" "The others are already following them. They should return now with those ladies." "By the way the kid is pretty docile." "It just too scared of what happening hahaha."

    The bandits laugh as they anticipate the arrival of there comrades.
    But little did know that the harmless looking child was slowly taking out his binds and blindfold. Jin merely looks at their behinds with an uninterested face.


    "Un~! I Will~"
    Leeanne looked around and thought they were a bit lazy for not going out and building their own buildings together, that's what the people did at her old village when one broke down, though sometimes the volunteers would get too eager and build things the size of half the mayors house, which was about the same size as the adventurer's tavern give or take a few rooms.

    Though It's a shame that people moved away from the village since there was not much of an economic incentive, but one silver lining is that Leeanne heard from her grandpa that they started a new village elsewhere in the great plains but she was not told where.

    To make sure she did not get lost, Leeanne had already held Aime's hand, while mister sniffles and follower 1 seemed to be getting more and more ready for combat.

    "This method is a great choice not to gets separated,"
    I smiled as I looked at Leeanne who held my hand. As I walked around searching for information I noticed someone is missing. I looked behind to noticed Jin was no longer following us. Instead, my mini-map alerted me about certain beings that were following us. I glanced shortly and noticed they were bandits. I was an excellent chance since we don't need to locate them.

    "Leeanne, there are 3 bandits following us. Please prepare to engage combat. I'll deal with the two and you can deal with one."
    I searched for a place which was isolated. As I we turned into a corner and faced a dead end. The bandits finally appeared while the grinned and holding knives.

    "Target confirmed,"
    While I held Leeanne's hand. I pulled a single desert eagle in my free hand. Before the bandits reacted as to what I was pointed at them.

    Bang! Bang!
    Two bullets flew to the heads of the two bandits. The remaining screamed and fell down on his knees as he saw his allies drop dead on the ground. He started to stumble as he tried to stand and run away.


    "[Cold Mist]" A cold mist appears to Jin's mouth as he lightly opens it. The cold mist spread to the room as it freezes the bandits and everything it touches. He walks around searching for any information that would be useful in the information.

    "There is nothing useful. Tche... Waste of time. It seems like I just caught by regular bandits instead." Jin sigh as he rubs his head. He looks to the two bandits who are unable to move. "Break..." The bandits frozen starts to crack as they break apart into pieces. Jin walks outside as he starts walking back to Leeanne and Aime as he detects their life signature. "I should head back to them now since I killed two bandits and there was nothing interesting here."


    putting on a serious face, Leeanne prepared to take down the last remaining one, that was, of course, until Mister Sniffles chased the last one down and stomped on him, for nobody shall try to think of him as walking food and gets away with it and is hostile. "Hnn? Where's Jin-senpai~?"

    "It's unlikely that he's in a dangerous situation due to how he is strong. I'll locate him for now since the bandits are already slain." I looked towards the two dead bandits and the last one trampled by mister Sniffles. I then looked at my mini-map to locate Jin as I held Leeanne's hand and walked towards the crowds searching for Jin. "Let's proceed to search Jin and complete the objective."

    "Sup' I'm back~" Jin waves his hand while looking a bit unsatisfied. He jump from the rooftop as he lands in-front Leeanne and Aime. He could only sigh with disappointment on not finding any interesting stuff. "I thought I could gather interesting information from the bandits himself but there nothing in there hide-out. Seems like they are only lesser bandits~"

    "Let's get to our objective~"

    "I already killed 2 bandits earlier and I heard some followed you guys. So how did it go?" Jin tilts his head as shows 2 right frozen thumb finger symbolizing his kills.

    "I already killed two bandits while Leeanne's companion killed the last one. Which means we already completed the objective but---" I looked at Jin and held his hand with my free hand as my other led Leeanne. It was a good thing that we don't have to search far but still being separated will lessen the reason for the team-up. "Please forgive me for being tactful. I know you're strong and able to protect yourself. But leaving and not informing your allies would create troubles. Please do take mind that we are working on the quest together. It would be nice that we don't get separated."

    Leeanne added on "Un~! Jin-senpai should keep together~"

    "Eh..? Well, my bad... I'm sorry for disappearing. I thought it would be fine since I believe you guys can handle it." Jin looks away feeling guilty. He rubs his head as he tries to explain himself but gave up. "Alright, I will not do it again. Then shall we go to the next quest? To the Fujiwara Town in the Far East."

    Leeanne smiled "as long as you learn jin-senpai~" She would have given him a hug, but it would have turned it into a group hug, in fact, now that she thinks of it, why not have a group hug?

    "Understood, then shall we go back to the Aeternus--" Before I could continue I noticed a hooded man as I glimpsed the scar on his neck. It was the same type of scar that I found to the bandits' neck that attacked the caravan during my last escort mission. Those bandits I captured and left to the merchants and mercenary suddenly died mysteriously.

    Leeanne hugged Aime, then hugged Jin-senpai "Now it's all better~"

    My thoughts suddenly returned as Leanne hugged both me and Jin. I guess it was a method of reconciliation. I smiled as I patted both Leeanne and Jin. "Thank you, Leeanne, and also--"

    "I'm sorry but I wanted to follow that man a bit. There is something I wanted to know."
    My expression turned serious as I pulled Leeanne and Jin with me as I carefully followed the man who was heading to the port. The hooded man entered the large ship which was preparing to sail. I moved towards a person who seemed like a sailor and asked a question. "Where is that ship heading?"

    "Ah... That's heading to the Far East, Fujiwara Town. Since it finally opened its border, some took this chance to visit that place and do some trade. If you want you can ride it as long as you pay to the captain." The sailor said as he carried a crate and pointed to a man who was ordering the other sailors.

    I wanted to ride the ship so I could keep an eye on that mysterious man. But I have no money for the transaction in boarding the ship besides the guild gold. I looked at the Leeanne and Jin that I was holding to. "Do you guys have any money to pay for the fair? The ship is heading to the Far East. So we could ride and heed immediately to the quest destination."

    Leeanne looked into her inventory, "Nnnn~ I also only have guild gold, I do have a bottle of purified moon water, 2 puppy plushies, an empty pumpkin, death flags and other boring things~"

    Thinking about it, Leeanne had an idea, "I could give them peaches in exchange for travel?"

    "Those peaches seems pretty valuable so its prize would be hard to figure." I stared at the peaches as I observed it since it has certain effects. It would as expensive as the healing potion or any medicines in this world.

    "Alright~ Leave it to me~ I got some regular gold and silver coins from the Askians. Since I planned to check the Fujiwara Town for any interesting crops or livestock. I'll go make the deal!" Jin gives a thumbs-up and approaches the ship captain but he hears Leeanne's words and stops midway to leave words before leaving. "Don't worry about it Leeanne and the peaches quite important since it has certain effects. Might be dangerous if it took attention of bad people."

    "That is likely probable,"
    I nodded as I looked at Jin. Then I smiled towards Leeanne as I patted her head. "Thank you very much for the offer Leeanne but it is best to careful in giving it to random strangers. Especially on this Treacherous Port has known to be filled with bad people. I still appreciate your offering, thank you."

    "Alright~" I wondered why they warned me about giving away peaches, though I still decided to accept their advice~ "I wonder how long this journey takes~"

    "Good Day sir, are you the captain of this ship?"
    "Yes I am, what do you need kid?"
    "I heard that you guys are heading to the Fujuwara Town. Can we hitch a ride, I'm willing to pay for it." Jin shows some silvers in his hand to the Captain.
    "Of course~ Also please do remember that the Far East is not a safe place for sightseeing. I heard the Fujiwara Town is recovering and the other area is dangerous. So if you aren't careful you might get in troubles." The Captain accepts the silvers as he bites one for authenticity. He then leads everyone to the ship as it started to sail towards Fujiwara Town.

    "Thank you very much, Jin for paying our expenses." I bowed to Jin and then looked for the hooded man. He was standing on the other side of the ship with several others hooded man with the same scar on their throat. It was pretty suspicious why they are heading to a foreign land. I hoped I could gather more information about them.

    | Location: Far East [Fujiwara Town]
    | Objective: Create Contact with a member of the Masayori Clan

    We finally arrived at the coast as we saw the large town which would be Fujiwara Town. There was a large stone wall that surrounding the town while the building has an eastern appearance. I looked to the direction of the hooded men only to found that they already disappeared. I decided to ignore it as we safely went outside the ship. I noticed the sailors took out several stones and lumber. There were also several crates that might contain construction materials.

    There were races that arrived to take the cargo. They have a face of animals composed of bunny, tigers, and elephants. They have a body similar to a human as they walked with two feet but has fur covering the skin, except for the Elephants which have thick gray skin. Their clothes were like a robe and would probable be called kimono. The one who talked to the Ship Captain was a bunny-kin as what the guild library defined them. Some part of the wall was broken probable due to the war the town experienced. I remembered reading about that war on the data taken on the library about far east. Since it would be good to have someone who was more familiar with a place; I looked towards Jin.

    "Please pardon me for asking Jin. Since you been an adventurer longer than me and Leeanne. Did you ever join the previous war here..?"
    I looked towards Jin and wondered about his knowledge of this place.

    "Yes I did, it was my the first raid I participated. This is also the place where I meet Presia and Flyx." Jin smiles as he remembers the past. He looked around and smiles seeing that the town was recovering well.

    ."Would you be kind to guide us and help gain contact with a member of the Masayori Clan to start our quest?"

    "Alright~ Wait for a second!?" Jin facepalm as he remembers something. He looks at his small body that is quite different from the appearance he has when he first arrived at this place. "Will they be even able to recognize me!? Ugh... This is troubling. Ah, it will be fine as long as we introduce ourselves as a part of the Adventurer Guild."

    "Hmmm? Jin-senpai changed appearences~?" Leeanne looked at him, thinking he was just naturally short and young looking. She looked at the people wearing kimonos and thought it was some kind of fashion trend here.

    "I understood how you feel." I nodded at Leeanne's words since I don't really fully understand what Jin meant. The last raid in this place has not reached a year yet, so I don't expect for a person to change drastically. Probable he talked about his growth spurt but as I observed his age, his still far from it.

    "I remember that it was a bunny-kin that acts as messenger towards the guild and the clan. So maybe we'll ask a bunny-kin?"

    "Understood," I looked around to see the bunny-kin finished the transaction with the ship Captain. Upon closer look, I noticed how he has light brown fur wearing a black kimono with a pattern of red bamboo on it. He walked towards the other beast-kin who carried the crate and ordered them while he pointed to the direction of the Town.

    "Excuse me, I'm from the Adventurer Guild in the Aeternus Floating. I'm called Aime and the other adventurers beside me are Jin Vodka and Leeanne. We've come here on a quest from Masayori Clan. We would ask if you ever know how we could contact the Masayori clan for these quests."
    I bowed to the bunny-kin and then shown my other companions. I then handed a piece of paper that contained the quests list about aiding the Masayori Clan.

    "It's rare to see someone took a labor quest. After-all, adventurers are known for fighting and killing monsters. Ops... sorry for being rude." The bunny-kin read the quests interested but stopped. The bunny-kin clapped his hands and bowed. "My name Usakichi Okunoshima and a member of the Masayori Clan partly responsible for overseeing the reconstruction of the Fujiwara Town. We welcome you to our beautiful and diverse Town. I'll act as the representative of the Clan and guide you tour work/quest.

    First, you could help in the carrying the materials: lumbers, stones or crates and follow the laborers where to place it. Then you can start repairing the walls or help in building construction by listening to the carpenters. Since those guys will shout for people to this and that, just follow it. I'll observe your work to see you have completed it."

    "Thank you very much, we will do our utmost best on this task."
    I bowed towards Usakichi who nodded to my words. Since it was a manual labor, more manpower is needed. "Ezero please come out, your help is needed."

    Beep! Beep!
    Ezero appeared from the item box which surprised the beast-kin but they quickly returned to their works when Usakichi said something to them. I then pointed to the lumbers and stone. Ezero nodded and carried a pile of lumbers on his right shoulder and a pile of stone on his left. I also carried a pile of lumbers and a crate which seemed to have nails. I looked towards Jin and Leeanne as I started to follow the laborers to start the quest. "Let's just follow the laborers and follow the instructions of the carpenters."

    "Umu~ Lets do it~" Leeanne had nodded and cheerfully followed after AIme, ready to help her in her work. Though she had not much of a clue about rebuilding things, Leeanne was sure things were going to work out one way or another.

    | Location: Far East [Fujiwara Town]
    | Objective: Repair the Walls Of the Fujira Town

    "Alright let's do this~ Excuse me, about that large pile over there I'm gonna transport with my magic so please leave it to me~" Jin smiles as he gives a thumbs up to Usakichi who only nods and observes on what will Jin do. Jin then runs as he follows Leeanne and Aime without carrying anything. As they arrive at the location where the materials are being placed. Jin smiles as he created a magic circle next to it.

    Immediately the large pile of building materials was teleported to the vicinity near the wall. The materials on the port have already disappeared as they got teleported by a large magic circle. The laborers where puzzled but Usakichi reassures them and explains that the adventurers are helping. Most of the laborers remember about the adventurers being able to use powerful sorcery like calling meteors so something like this might be normal there.

    "Well, our jobs will be easier then." "We have don't have to carry heavy objects with a distance." "We can finish a lot and go home early~" The beast-kin are happy since they don't need to go back and forth to carry the construction materials.

    "Then shall we start building the wall~" Jin hums.

    "Waaa~ senpai is so cool~ I would have used my item box~" Leeanne looked at the laborers building the wall, It seemed to be a simple enough wall with laborers placing one stone piece on top of another.

    Though one thing Leeanne thought, was that senpai really is carefree~ that must mean he has a really large mana pool to spend. Leeanne looked around, not really knowing what she could help with now she looked around "Jin-senpai~ Aime~ I'll go help with the meal preparations~" She then went to the cooking tent set up nearby to feed the laborers and helped out once she asked one of the cooks.

    "Nice! I'll look forward to the meal!" Jin smiles and gives a thumbs up to Leeanne. He then searches around the carpenter for the next step.

    "Understood leave the repair to us. The workers also need to recover strength and thirst. So I entrust that task to you, Leeanne." I smiled as I nodded to Leeanne's action. It was the best way to support and energize the workers.

    Usakichi looked to the construction materials already placed in the designated location. He thought how Adventurers have really convenient ability that made works easier. They also have this large golem that can do the heavy lifting. He then claps his hand towards "That was excellent work, with this we can save time form transporting materials now please listen to the carpenter's command, Fugen-san."

    "Good Day everyone especially to our new helpers from the adventurer guild. First, we gonna use the stone slabs to place on top of another to fix the holes in the wall. We will use a mixture of sand and reeds to connect the stone slabs from on another until you reach the wall height. After that is to place the lumber that already cut to acts as support and base before we place the roof tiles which will be guided by us carpenters. Does anyone have any question?" A large elephant beast-kin stood in-front as he held a large hammer while wearing a brown Chinese robe filled with dust. He looked around and smiled towards the helpers.

    "Roger! Pfft... That sounds like Bernard." Jin giggles as he remembers his energetic followers. He then raises his hand as he surrounds the stone with his mana and made them float towards the broken wall. He then raises his other hand to make the mixture of sand reeds float to place it to the stone's edges before arranging them to the wall. "I'll do the right side Aime~ You guys can handle the left!"

    "Understood, let's go Ezero and please take the stones while I carry the buckets of the mixture."
    I nodded to Jin as I grabbed the buckets of the mixture while Ezero beeped as he carried the stone slab.

    Beep~ Beep~
    Ezero enjoyed placing the stones atop each other as I placed the mixture in between to make them stick to each other. As we finished a part of the wall. The farmers across the wall laughed as they saw Ezero peeked at them and waved his hand. We continued repairing the broken parts of the wall as the carpenter guided us on the roof part. Finally, lunch arrived as it was time to eat. The laborers were exhausted but with the help of the adventurers. Their works lessen so they experienced it better than before.

    "Thanks for the hard work! You guys repaired a large portion of the wall and I don't see any problems with the work." Usakichi smiled as he looked towards Jin and Aime. Fugen grinned as he patted Jin and Aime's shoulder, while he shook Ezero's finger.

    "Your welcome~" Jin smiles with relief as the work he did is done well and approve by Usakichi.

    "Why don't we have a break before you guys start with helping in building construction. Since your kind companion made a meal! Why don't we eat and recover our strength!" Fugen looked at Leeanne and stare interestedly to the pig as he thought that roast pig would be good for a celebration. But as he saw it was a companion he didn't say it out loud. "So what for the lunch Leeanne-san."

    "It's ready~"
    "I learned a new recipe today from the other cooks~ enjoy~"
    Leeanne placed the trays on a table the had borrowed from the clan shed "We made enough for everyone to get a tray~" Mister sniffles and follower one of course, were already dining on a set each, they had helped sniff out the fruit and brought it back afterall, so they deserve it.

    Leeanne went up with a loaded tray in each hand "Jin-senpai~ Aime~ The other cooks let me put extra for the both of you~" Indeed, on the trays was an extra serving of fish, and a larger bowl of soup.

    "Thanks for the food!" Jin smiles as he tries to use the chopstick. He looks at the other workers and tries to copy how to use it with difficulty. "This taste good~ Good job Leeanne and to the cooks!"

    "What an excellent meal Leeanne-san." Usakichi started eating as the other workers also sat and ate. Fugen even brought a saki and started drinking while he talked to Usakichi about the adventurers,

    "Thank you very much for the meal Leeanne."
    I smiled as I took my share even though I don't need bioenergy right now since the sun is still bright. It would be unwise to ignore once hard work plus the taste was good. Ezero just looked interestedly to the beast-kin as he seemed happy. Ezero really liked animals so this place is like a haven for him.

    "Wait, isn't that..?" Jin's eyes went wide opened as he saw a familiar Tiger with golden fur carrying lumbers to a house that is undergoing construction. He hastily finishes the food as he drinks a glass of milk after. "Thanks for the meal~ I need to talk to someone for a moment!" Jin runs towards the golden fur Tiger.

    "see you soon senpai~"

    | Location: Far East [Fujiwara Town]
    | Objective: Help In Building Construction

    "So what building do we need construct," I asked Usakichi as I ate the food and savor its taste.

    "We need to rebuild the house that was destroyed by the raid. You can see just ahead of us are broken houses. So building a few of those for the residents would be good," Usakichi sadly smiled as he looked at the scenery. The once beautiful homes were nothing but a wreckage. But slowly the house is being rebuilt as it returned to its former glory.

    "Before I forgot,"
    As I finished the meal and readied to start the next objective. I smiled towards Usakichi, "Guildmaster Shadow would like to send his regard to the Masayori Clan."

    "Oh, the Guildmaster! We are extremely thankful for him accepting in aiding us from the invasion. Though some are still reluctant about opening our border. I'm a part of those who would welcome the adventures to help us on a certain task. Please do send our gratitude for helping us in rebuilding our town and solving other problems." Usakichi bowed towards me. "Well then, good luck in building the houses for our people. Please avoid getting hurt."

    "I will send the message,"
    I smiled and bowed towards Usakichi. I then send a salute as answered. "We will do our utmost best and follow safety precaution."

    Leeanne listened in as she ate next to Aime, Happily eating the food she had prepared and happy that she was able to get the recipes down.

    "Wait for a second Rajur! Can I a talk with you for a moment." Jin calls to the golden-fur Tiger Champion which name was Rajur Taiga, he meets on the far east Raid. He was one of the captains of the Tiger Stripe gang and the leader of a certain group that idolize their leader Macangila. When the raid was nearing its end. He was the one who made his troops surrender willingly as their leader was already captured by the guild.

    "Do I know you kid..?" Rajur looks to the little blond child in-front him. He places the lumbers he was carrying near a house. Other tigers were building the house as they took the lumbers while bowing with respect to Rajur.

    "It might be hard to believe but I'm Jin Vodka and due to some circumstances. I turned into a child." Jin takes a three-eyed helmet that he once wears in his earlier adventurer days. He tried his best to explain to Rajur and talk about their meetings to prove himself.

    "Oh? What kind of great master did this to you? Anyway, I'm glad you're still alive and well." Rajur smiles as he shows his fang while patting Jin while laughing. "I'm quite interested in your growth since you are weaker than me before. But instead, you turned to a child hahaha!"

    "Geez... Please don't talk about that. Anyway, what happened as I left you guys to the Guild?"

    "Some of us were released and others are sent to work until we completed our service. My troops and I are serving in building the broken houses now." Rajur waves to his companions who nods to him. He shows a weak smile as he remembers something. "Sadly, we don't know what happened to our leader Macangila. So now the Tiger-stripe gang is disbanded. Do you know anything?"

    "Sorry I don't know any news about her." Jin weakly smiles as he feels sorry. "What are you guys doing next after you finish your service?"

    "We don't know..." Rajur feels helpless losing the one he follows.

    "How about working with me then? I have this Hamlet that I'm guarding. I need some mercenaries that can act us combatants to deal with the monsters and any threat. So I'm want to hire you guys."

    "Another place..?" Rajur looks at Jin conflicted seeing that he looks weaker than before. He then stares at his companions in-depth thought. "Let me discuss it with the others."

    "Take your time, I'm willing to wait. Also, would it be fine for me to assist you guys in building the houses?"

    "We don't mind... A extra help is more welcome." Rajur weakly smiles as he introduces Jin with the others. The other Tigers couldn't believe that he was Jin in his dismay.

    "Let me inform my companion~" Jin quickly run towards the direction of Aime and Leeanne as he waves his hand "Aime and Leeanne! I'm gonna start working now with this Tiger beast-kin~"

    "Understood, I will aid the Elephant beast-kin in building a house over there." I looked towards Jin and the golden-fur Tiger. It seemed they know each other from how they conversed which probable the person Jin was looking for.

    "Leeanne maybe you could help the carpenter by sending water or giving peaches when they are exhausted. Please also tend any carpenters that might get wounded from uncontrolled accidents." I smiled at Leeanne and patted her head. "Then shall we go Ezero."

    Leeanne nodded and went to work, filling up buckets with peach-infused water to the carpenters as time went on while her 'followers' were busy exploring the area around Leeanne.

    Beep! Beep!
    Ezero quickly carried some lumbers as he head to the near construction. The Elephant-kin were quite large but they are still smaller in comparison with Ezero. I started in helping in cutting the lumbers with my chainsaw to make the walls and floors. While Ezero helped in putting the post and support for the houses.

    Jin assisted the Tiger beast-kin as he easily uses magic to move the materials to the designated area. The work was easier and faster as he easily carries heavy lumber and starts building. Jin did his best to control his strength to avoid breaking the lumber. He also flew using [Wind Magic] as he places the tiles on the rooftop. The Tigers where quiet adept in climbing and landing. So they easily transverse to the supports and finish the house swiftly.

    "Hmm... Is this a snack? Thanks," Rajur takes the peach-infused water from Leeanne as he throws the rest to the other tiger-kin.

    "It's no problem~" Leeanne went back to help with the others.

    Rajur nods to Leeanne as he continues to work. As they eat it they feel revigorated and energized. Their exhaustion slowly disappears as they ready for more work.

    "Oh~ It almost dark..." Jin looks to the sky as the sunset appears to the coast beyond the gate.

    "We're almost done, so we can finish this before dinner." Rajur smiles as he saw Jin magic capabilities. He wonders if Jin exchanges his strength and close combat for magic. If that is the case, then it is a bit sad. Though Jin's magic is strong it was still not enough for Rajur to work under him as his subordinates have the same idea. They prefer to work with a strong being, not a mage.

    Leeanne was quite helpful in recovering stamina of the carpenters as the Elephant-kin also enjoyed its flavor. Ezero and I were able to quickly finish the house before the night arrived. Since the houses in this place were eastern style, it has much meticulous workmanship like the windows made with paper that need utmost care. But the duration of the construction was still fast than how it normally it went.

    "Usakichi, we are already done with the building construction."
    I pointed to the house both me and Jin helped in the building.

    "Good Job, the houses are well done." Usakichi smiles as he looks to the farmland. "From the quests list, the last work is guarding the farmlands against enemy raids. The time is perfect since it is usually night time the enemy attack to steal our crops."

    "Understood, we will do our utmost best to protect the farms."
    I bowed towards Usakichi as I went to inform Jin and Leeanne. "We have completed the objective here. Let's proceed to the last one."

    "Un~ the farms make all of the food afterall~"

    | Location: Far East [Fujiwara Town | Farmlands]
    | Objective: Guard Farm Lands from Enemy Raids

    "Alright! Let's finish the last quest~" Jin smiles as he walks beyond the wall. Since the sky is dark, he creates a glowing orb using light magic around them that acts as the lantern so they can see the surrounding.

    "Hmm... Is it Guard Farmlands against Enemy Raid right? But what kind of enemy? It is not stated here so I'm not pretty sure. This continent really is filled with war since the Fujiwara Town is always being attacked." Jin tilts his head as he walks to the farmlands as the others follow. The farmlands were just outside the wall. The crops were something he was not familiar yet. Jin became interested in the crops since maybe the Kobolds can use it in their field. "I fought human, tiger and elephant beast-kin. So we might face either of the three. Also, can I ask... What kind of crops are those?"

    "Tasty ones~"

    "Those fields are majorly Rice Field. But there also few eggplant and soya bean." I analyzed the crops on the field as I looked to the surrounding. There was a vast amount of Rice paddies. A light in the wall from lanterns appeared as the beast-kin prepared for the night.

    "Nisu! Thanks, Aime~ Those crops really are interesting~ I might ask Rajur to help me procure the seeds so I can try to cultivate it to the Askian Hamlet~" Jin gives a thumbs up to Aime as he looks to field. He smiles upon thinking the expressions of the Kobolds.

    "Waaaa~ they plant plants differently~" Leeanne looked at all of it curiously, while mister sniffles and follower 1 followed behind the group.

    Swee~ Swee~
    Skia flow outside from my body as she looked around. She quickly hid inside Ezero if she felt others stared at her. Ezero was pretty excited and happy to see the nature. He was pretty careful not to step on any plants while as we walked to the road made with dirt. I looked Ezero as I leaped onto his shoulder. I activated the sensor and zoomed my sight to found any suspicious beings. "I'll need to have a higher view,"

    "Alright! I'll help you with it!" Jin activates [Stolz Form] as he flies to the sky. He looks around only to see trees in the distance. "Since we have to guard here, we might need to wait for a while for the enemy to arrived."

    A gust of wind pass by as the crops swayed with it. Just ahead of where thick trees as it leaves moved with the wind.


    A small sound of footsteps was heard as long as one focused carefully. Each step was light as if defying the law of gravity. If it was a normal person, no one can detect their presence. But they couldn't escape the multiple sensors in my system.

    "Please be alert, incoming enemies..."
    I took my pistol from my item box as I ready to take aim. The target is still quite a distance, a sniper rifle would be advisable. I'll probable made one if I needed it badly.


    Several groups of men covered with a black robe that made them appeared like a Ninja. There are others that I noticed to be surrounded by strange aura through my OEL system. As my system started to analyze the enemy. I uncovered their threat level.

    "Target incoming: 30 enemies approaching... Threat Level Rank C. Probable has the abilities of a ninja or practitioner due to there appearance. Objective: Protect the farmlands. Please proceed caution..."
    I aimed my pistol as I targeted the nearest enemies.

    Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

    Two enemies were hit as they fall down. The other two deflected it with there swords. The others continued to go forward as they noticed us as hostiles.

    Beep! Beep!

    Ezero rushed forward as he faced to attack the enemies before they got near to the farmlands.

    "Alright~!" Leeanne went into a defensible area while mister sniffles and follower 1 engaged defensively since they were out-numbered. But that did not mean they were outgunned as mister sniffled used his transformation ability and charged at the nearest person.

    "I've been aching to have a thrilling battle. Time to use what I learn from my Oni teacher~" Jin smiles widely as he rushed forwards. He deactivates his [Stolz Form] as he dashes to the enemy.

    A strong punch on the stomach sends the man flying. The 5 men quickly surround him as they attack. Jin dodges the attacks and breaks their bones as he killed them swiftly. He dashes forward and grabs the head of another man before slamming it to the ground. The other men notice the extreme strength of the child as they take caution. They quickly adapt and dodges with their Ki.

    "That's how I like it! Don't die too fast!" Jin grins as he starts kicking his enemies. He sometimes grabs the swords and breaks it. His body might look like a child but as he became a half-demon lord. His strength already transcends human level.

    "Don't let any enemies go pass to the farmlands." I grabbed the grenade launcher and used the [Airbusting Grenade] as I aimed to the enemies growing nearer.

    Boom! Boom! Swooosssssssshhhhh!

    Strong gust of wind was created as it made an impact on the group of enemies. Some were injured and died while others were pushed back by the wind pressure. I swiftly grab the pistol as I released a [Gust Bullet] and normal bullets. The normal bullets were used to finish off the injured enemies. While the [Gust Bullet] to those perfectly well that can easily block my bullet. As they blocked the bullet with their swords it broke due to the wind pressure and continued it's trajectory as it killed the enemies. Some enemies decided to dodges instead but the wind surrounding the [Gust bullet] thus they got injured in the process.

    Beep! Beep!
    Ezero slammed his feet into the enemies. Even though, he has wind augmentation on his feet. The enemies are too fast and able to dodge easily. Though their attacks were pointless as it doesn't even made a scratch to Ezero's armour. Ezero still was able to kill some enemies as he rushed [Ice Ray]. Ezero did his best as he distracted the enemies.

    Swee! Swee!
    Skia also helped as she used intense light to blind the enemies. Since she was incorporeal, the enemies couldn't attack.
    The enemies numbers started to decrease as Jin, mister Sniffles, Ezero and me fought the enemies and made sure they didn't reach or harm the farmlands. I noticed a dangerous object that some enemies held.

    "They are planning to use bombs to lit a fire on the farms!"
    I alerted my allies as I prepare to stop the enemies.They probable gave up on raiding the crops, so they decided to destroy it instead as they couldn't grow closer to the farmlands.

    "Okay! These guys are getting annoying to use that kind of underhand tactics!" Jin grits his teeth with anger as his eyes flicker red light. He rushes forward as he grabs the bombs that are thrown into the air and return it back to the enemies before it explodes.

    Jin quickly emerges from the smoke as he punches the nearby enemies. The enemies notices there number decreasing as they quickly retreated.

    "No one shall escape!" Jin kills the surrounding enemies as he follows. He took a depth breathe as he shouts to the enemies using his [Devitalizing Howl]. "Surrender now! Or else you guys will die painfully!"

    "u-un! or get hurt painfully!" Leeanne had added it in, since it seemed she did not do that much. She was ready for anything, so she had spoken wise words "We're going to go home by tomorrow~" not noticing a death flag disappearing from her inventory.

    "Pfft..." Jin's anger lessens as he hears Leeanne's words. He stops himself from laughing as he smiles. "Yup, it seems we are done here. So we can go home~"

    Beep! Beep!

    Ezero beeped menacingly as he held a lifeless man in his hand while he blocked the exits before the men can enter the forest. Only 5 men remained alive as they drop down on the ground in as they surrendered. I moved forward as I pointed my pistol at them while I kept high guard.

    "Objective complete: Farmland is untouched. Excellent work..."
    I smiled as I looked at Jin and Leeanne. I noticed some footsteps coming from the wall as a sound of clapping was heard.

    Clap! Clap!
    "Good Job! As expected from the adventurers. I never expected that you guys are so quick to take actions! I was watching on the wall but couldn't notice the enemies incoming." Usakichi smiled as he clapped. He was amazed at the quick actions and fast judgment. He bowed in gratitude and looked at a group of Tiger and Elephant beast-kin behind. "Leave the clean-up work to us, we will also handle the prisoners."

    "We only did our assign job. I was able to quickly act due to how my sensor detected them and how they are suspicious. My system was able to calculate their danger level and presumed them as enemies due to how they were acting."
    I tried my best and explained how I was able to decide swiftly. I then looked at the holes in the ground that was caused by the explosion. "Thank you very much but I would like to help in fixing the damage on the ground. Let me and Ezero help on it since it is partly our fault."

    "Well, if you insist then we will gladly welcome your help! Though our Elephant beast-kin won't be defeated when it comes heavy lifting." Usakichi laughs as he taps my shoulder. He then smiles at Jin and Leeanne. "Once again thanks for protecting our farmlands. With this, we can have lots of delicious rice to fill our stomachs hahaha."

    "Glad to help! It is nothing much~" Jin smiles as he gives a thumbs up.

    "Jin-san it seems like your strength hasn't disappeared from that form. But now only that I could feel that you have grown stronger hidden with your child-like appearance. It is painful to admit but I have no chance of winning against you know." Rajur smiles weakly to Jin. He couldn't believe how Jin is still stronger than him even with that little body. "My subordinates also saw your strength. It seems like they thought it would not be bad to work for you. Still, we have to finish our service to the Masayori Clan. Then, we might be able to accept your offer after that."

    "Nice! I'm glad to wait for you guys to be ready~" Jin smiles as he shakes Rajur's hands. He's glad for the possible new members of the Hamlet.

    Leeanne happily grinned and hugged AIME "un~! Now It's just time to go home~" whilst doing so, she checked Aime's body for any injuries and seeing none, hugged her again.

    "Understood, let's go home."
    I smiled as I patted Leeanne as I also held Jin's hand. Ezero was already done fixing the after-effects of the explosions. So Ezero went back to the [Item Box]. I still wondered what happened to the mysterious men that rode the ship together with us since I lost track of them. I planned to investigate it later and heed back home. Home? I wonder if I can call Adventurer Guild as my new home. I smiled as I looked to the night sky as we obtained good results to the quests.

    "Jin-senpai~ It's time to go home~"
    As she said that, the bravest of the captives was dragged away by some of the clan member's farm acres they were going to burn down, and screams of pain could be heard starting a few hours after the adventurers left.
    Note: 1 Pearl taken by A.I.M.E.

    [Together with @JinVodka @leegood ]

    OOC: :blobwoah: Hope this party quest is alright since it was my first.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2018
    shad12ow and JinVodka like this.
  10. shad12ow

    shad12ow 『Semi-Offline』

    Dec 5, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Great Plain|#GC1|C-Ranked|Gather Cyclops Eye [150G | 1 x Earth Orb]
    Iceberg Sea|#GD1|D-Ranked|Gather 3 Water Orbs [60G | 1 x Refined Water Orb]
    Treacherous Port|#SD1|D-Ranked|Slay 5 Bandits [150 G]
    Masayori Clan|#EE1|E-Ranked|Repair the Walls Of the Fujira Town [90 G]
    Masayori Clan|#ED1|D-Ranked| Help In Building Construction [140 G | 1x Qi-Infused Quartz]
    Masayori Clan|#EC1|C-Ranked| Guard Farm Lands from Enemy Raids [200 G]
    "Hmm, you're back, I see," said Shadow as he looked at the adventurer in front of him. "Let me see the report for now."
    After he took the report, he read the report while leaning on one hand. When he finished, he snapped his hand and a small clockwork spider leapt from under the table, carrying a small satchel of gold.
    "Good job, everyone. I'm glad that the rebuilding progress is going along nicely. Quite pleasant indeed. And I see that our trade agreement has started to bear fruit in term of improving our relation with them, although not to the point that they accepted us entirely. Kind of understandable. Well, I'm getting sidetracked. Here is your reward," said Shadow as he gestured toward the satchel. "All 790 G. And also this," Shadow pulled out a small slip of paper and gave it to Aime, "your receipt to get the reward item from the quartermaster. Thank you and take care now."
    OOC: It's nice~ Don't worry~ Hahaha~
    A.I.M.E-02847 likes this.
  11. Ejsarv

    Ejsarv Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Great Plain|#SE2|E-Ranked|Slay 10 Goblins [50 G]
    Great Plain|#SE3|E-Ranked|Slay 10 Orcs [100 G]
    Great Plain|#SE4|E-Ranked|Slay 5 Boar Warriors. [70 G]

    "Miss Hikari, could you please check my quest?"

    Walking into the guild I whistled the place hasn't changed a single bit since I left. Granted I only been there once to grab a guild member’s card and never walked in there since. But, hey a man’s gotta use that trope one way or another in his life.

    Looking over the quests, I chose the easiest looking ones. Slaying goblins, orcs, and two legged boars seemed like the way to go. Since you know finding screaming monsters who want to kill you is much easier than trying to find a herb growing somewhere that’s not screaming.

    Taking the quests I grabbed from the board and placing them in front of the receptionist. I said

    “Hello miss I would like to do these quests please.”

    Perking up the girl sitting in front of me called out,

    "A quest? Just a second please…Manami-san, Hikari needs help again!"

    Hearing footsteps I saw the girl who was sweeping in the back come over. Wordlessly grabbing the card from out of my hand, she read the contents to the other girl listening bellow. And, promptly left.

    Nodding the girl, who I could only now assume was Hikari said “Seems all good, so... Granted! Good luck!”

    And, without further ado I started my first quests.


    After sometime moving through the forest I found my first group of goblins. Sadly there was only five of them but hey all the better to warm up with right?

    Walking towards them blade in hand, I didn’t bother to conceal myself and got their attention fairly quickly. However, while watching them rush towards me I saw something that I couldn’t help but frown at.

    It was their stances, none of their weapons even remotely covered any of their vitals. Hell I even saw one on all four carrying a club in his mouth like a dog. What was I an owner in a dog park?

    But, their sense of spacing was even worse, so much so it was like they chopped over their own heads and threw it in a silver platter. All I needed to do was parry my blade in their general direction and a head would fall off.

    It didn’t take long till the entire group killed themselves like this. Leaving me alone with a sense of disappointment and regret. Making me silently wish for the days I spent reading about these monsters in the library to go away.

    But, no matter how much I prayed I wouldn’t be able to take back those days. So I vented on another group of goblins updating my kill count to 15.

    Now finished with my first quest, I turned my attention to the orcs. The orcs not being the wandering sort were much easier to find grouped up together. So it was easy to find ten of stuffed inside a camp.

    Their stance not surprisingly were piss poor but not as bad as the goblins were. They actually took some effort to kill. My parries still slid into their bodies but with their bodies being surprisingly tough it didn’t directly rip off their arms like the goblins though a slice to the neck still put them down as usual.

    Flicking the blood off my swords, I felt surprisingly refreshed. And, with one more quest to go no less.

    Now the boar warriors were special. If I were to put on a scale on how fun they were to kill I’d put them between the goblins and the orcs. A three, it was like they combined all the traits I hated about animals while adding in the weaknesses of humans to lure me in.

    The fur and thick skin they had on them made it near impossible to cut into them with the flamberge. Twisting my swords I opted for a slightly more different strategy. Changing my flamberge to my main hand and my bastard sword to my other hand.

    I accepted another charge from one of the boar warriors. This time using my flamberge to parry. At first there seemed like there was no difference but soon the expression of the boar warrior in front of me changed as his weapon dropped and a spray of blood emerged from his neck. The same scene repeated four more times. With none of them understanding what had happened.

    Sighing to myself, I thought I really should change that habit of mine. I always had the tendency to use the flamberge as a attacking weapon rather than a parrying weapon like it was supposed to be. Mostly because of me wanting to save it for a crucial moment rather then exposing my cards right away and partly because half the enemies I encountered knew what they were getting into as soon as they saw my weapon. Still this counts a completed quest right?

  12. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Great Plain|#SE2|E-Ranked|Slay 10 Goblins [50 G]
    Great Plain|#SE3|E-Ranked|Slay 10 Orcs [100 G]
    Great Plain|#SE4|E-Ranked|Slay 5 Boar Warriors. [70 G]
    "Welcome back! Hikari is happy to know things went well!

    Hikari will check it in a bit, just let Hikari call for help in reading it, okay?

    Manami-san, could Manami-san help Hikari again?"

    *she comes and swiftly starts reading it out loud*

    "Thanks again Manami-san...

    Eto... It seems like everythin went alright!

    Hikari doesn't quite understand the difference between weapons, but it id okay for as long as the job is done, isn't it?" *tilts head a bit*

    "The reward will be of 220G! Take care! Hikari hopes things keep on going nicely!" *smiles*

    ((Sorry for taking so long to reply! >.<

    I'll go over your new character registration now! ^^)/))
  13. Ejsarv

    Ejsarv Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Great Plain|#SE3|E-Ranked|Slay 10 Orcs [100 G]
    Great Plain|#SD3|D-Ranked|Slay 3 Orc Leaders [150 G]

    Battered in dirt and dust Shao walked up to the receptionist and turned in his quests.

    It seemed like the current world he was in was unlike anything he had anything seen before in the sky there weren’t any flying swords nor were there any giant hunks of steel moving across, instead there was a solitary figure replaced their place over the skies. Illuminated by the lights in the night sky, the city seemed like an undeniable beacon to his heart. Now he knew there was only one way for him to go forward. Towards the floating city.

    After three days and two nights later he finally found the city’s name “Aeternus.” the city of adventurers.


    Now one of them, he headed out to hunt the beasts called Orcs and their leaders. And, with a giant fire lighting the path to them. He was led straight towards their base. A shrine hastily constructed of wood close to a shining bonfire.

    While confident in his strength, he wasn’t the type to blindly charge in ether. As he knew that these monsters weren’t the type worship anything unless they were forced to. The question was, what was forcing them.

    Soon his question came to a close as a pair of heavy footsteps descended down the stairs. The source of the sound was an Orc much bigger than any of the so called leaders or small fry. And, in it hands, it held a giant weapon. He could tell just by it’s erratic movements and will in its eyes that it was a weapon just like his.

    Feeling his weapon shake in excitement, he couldn’t help but stand up and face the Orc. If he wasn’t even as brave as his weapon then he would really be letting down his clan. Pulling his blade out and slamming it across a tree. He got the Orc's attention.

    Lazily turning towards him, the Orc drew his weapon and directed the other Orcs towards him. With the three leaders taking the forefront and their minions taking the back they seemed like an impenetrable shield that could deny any weapon entry.

    All except for his weapon, letting out a cry that didn’t fall behind one’s of a phoenix. The Orcs moving toward him stumbled backwards leaving him an opening that they wouldn’t be able to recover from ever again.

    Like a blade made out of the purest light, his weapon emanated the sole thing their defenses couldn’t block. Chicken intent.

    That’s right, he had long reached the realm of one with the chicken. And, hence was like a fish in water when dealing with the small fry.

    Ripping the heads off of the leaders and leaving the other ten to bleed he faced the final Orc. Seemly nonplussed at the deaths of it comrades, it let it’s weapon give out one last guttural roar before signaling him to come.

    And, so he did twisting the chicken to face the Orc’s tuna. Splintering like the sparks of a lit firecracker his chicken intent was actually being repelled!!!

    That meant one thing, this Orc had comprehended tuna intent! With his eyes widening in shock he thought, that was impossible, how could a mere creature like an Orc comprehend tuna intent. It took him five long years to reach that level with his weapon.

    But, reality hit him in the face as that lapse in concentration allowed the tuna move under his guard and land a hit. Launching him through the woods and dragging him across the forest floor.

    Spitting out blood he forced himself up. If he didn’t get up now he wouldn’t ever again. But, to beat the monster in front of him he had to go beyond. Beyond anything he tried before. This time he couldn’t just be one with the chicken. He had to be the chicken.

    Letting out a roar, he made a desperate attempt to merge with the chicken. Suddenly feeling a sense of danger the Orc tried to stop it but was a tad to late. With a burst of light Shàoyé appeared not as himself but as a rubber chicken. Every step he had an air of dominance as the roar of the chicken appeared every time.

    His hands no longer contained a single rubber chicken, no they now had five on both sprouting out like claws. Looking at him the Orc made one last bid at life by swinging his fish towards him. But, with a wave of his hand the tuna forced to the side and an large hole appeared on the Orc’s chest.

    Not comprehending what happened, the Orc slowly stubbled back and fell down with it’s disbelief not even fading away after death.

    Falling down, Shàoyé let out a sigh of relief before following suit.

    [Skill gained Rubber chicken transformation]

    [Extra loot gained one Large strange tuna]

    (Yeah~, not sure if this fever dream of mines counts. Had a hell of a time writing it through. Though maybe next time I'll try writing it without being hyped up on coffee.)

    (Ed: Yeah, halfway through I screwed up some grammar. Fixed now :blobokhand:)

    Last edited: Mar 26, 2018
  14. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Great Plain|#SE3|E-Ranked|Slay 10 Orcs [100 G]
    Great Plain|#SD3|D-Ranked|Slay 3 Orc Leaders [150 G]
    "Welcome back! Hikari will check the report as soon as Manami-san reads it for her."

    *cleaning girl clearly used to it moves nearby and reads it out loud*

    "... Eto... Hikari... Isn't quite sure on what to say, but... Hikari is glad everything went well...?

    Uhn... The... The quests are cleared! Thanks for the hard work! The reward will be of 250G!

    Take care now!" *waves hand with a stiff smile*

    ((OMG this was so absolutely hilarious! I was all in for a serious fight with some chuuni xianxia movements, and suddenly, BAM! Chicken!!!))
  15. JinVodka

    JinVodka 「Back to Work Back to Suffering _(-ω-`_)⌒)_」

    Jul 1, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Presia "Hello~ Sorry this quest took so long~ Here it is~"
    Great Plain|#SD1|D-Ranked|Slay 10 Lizardmen [90 G]
    Great Plain|#GC1|C-Ranked|Gather Cyclops Eye [150G | 1 x Earth Orb]
    Sandy Desert|#SD2|D-Ranked|Slay 15 Desert Black Rhino [110 G]
    Sandy Desert|#GC2|C-Ranked|Gather 10 Young Desert Worm Hide [160 G | 2 x Pristine Desert Worm Hide]
    Desert Village|#GD1|D-Ranked|Harvest 1 Basket of Magic Flower [75 G | 1 x Bundle of Magic Flower]
    Desert Village|#GD2|D-Ranked|Gather 5 Baskets of Large Dates [100 G | 1 x basket of Large Dates]

    [Day 1: Early Morning, Askain Hamlet]


    Presia 'Master Vodka has finally returned from his quest with a news of possible settlers for the Hamlet. He then let us continue our task to take some quest. Right now, I selected a variety of quest for us to undergo. I showed the quests list to the others waiting for the next step.'

    Bernard "Yay! We are going to fight a Cyclops. I'm getting pump up for this! After seeing that cool large golem defeat one, I will always want to try fighting one!"
    Flyx "Don't forget about the lizardmen. We haven't encountered those type yet, so we need to be careful."
    Lavri "It would be a good experience."
    Goel "What the hell is the reason for this harvest quest!? I would understand about this magical flowers but it still pays a little--- But these Dates are pretty useless..!"
    Sanie "I'm sorry..."
    Presia "Oh my~ Stop overreacting Goel and you don't have to say sorry Sanie~ Since I'm the one who chose these quests." I pat Sanie head while pointing my fan to Goel. "Those magical flowers are helpful for Sanie's alchemist class plus the Dates might have something interesting on it~"
    Bernard "At least there are monsters to slay! That's going to be fun!"
    Goel "Tsk... I'll leave it to you guys, do whatever you want! Just you know this dates will be pretty useless."
    Flyx "I think it's pretty much for food..?"
    Lavri "Most likely..."
    Presia "Now that everything is settled. Let's start our quest and go to Eadwine for more info!"
    We walk to Eadwine's house where we saw him just outside talking to someone.

    Eadwine "Alright, I'll talk about this to master Vodka."
    Presia "Oh my~ Who was that Eadwine?"
    Goel "It's just probably one of Eadwine's Client."
    Bernard "Hello Eadwine we're here to bother you again!"
    Sanie "Umm... Good day, mister Eadwine..."
    Flyx "Sorry to bother when you are busy Eadwine. Can you guys gave us info on quests."
    Lavri "We will pay as usual."
    Eadwine "Let me see the quests," He nods his head as he let them enter his house. He takes the quests list before opening his notebook to search for something.

    SUB-QUEST from Askian Hamlet:
    - [ Hunter Vizlsa ]> Dangerous Lizardmen Group
    - [ Herder Welsh ]> Cow Stealing Cyclops​

    "Weird why there is no info about the rest?"
    Eadwine "That's because my information network is only around the Askian Hamlet. I was to busy to create intel on the neighboring the place."
    Flyx "This two info is fine. After all the two other monsters are for crafting mats."
    Lavri "The Black Rhino and Worms have nice hide."
    Bernard "Thank you Eadwine! We can go and search Uncle Vizlsa!" He quickly runs outside as Sanie and Lavri quickly follow. Flyx only sighs as he follows. Goel pats Eadwine shoulder before leaving. I lightly bowed to Eadwine as I smile gracefully and I give silver coins.
    Presia "Here's the payment Eadwine. Thanks for the hardwork~" He only nods as I went after the others.

    [Day 1: Mid Morning, Great Plain: Slay 10 Lizardmen]

    Bernard quickly leads us to the Great Plain where we found Vizlsa going back carrying a large deer. Bernard starts chatting with him as Sanie join in. The others quietly lessen.

    <Dangerous Lizardmen Group>
    [Hunter Vizlsa]> "We got the problem with the Lizardmen. Since the chaos of the previous war and villagers. The Lizardmen are getting rowdy and their numbers are increasing as they are stealing the area of the Boar Warriors and Orcs that used to live on the Great Plains since they died during the war. It would be nice to lessen the Lizardmen threat around our Hamlet if that would be alright."

    Mission: Eliminate Lizardmen group near the Askian Hamlet surroundings.​
    Presia "Oh my~ That seems a bit dangerous. We really need proper guard troops to protect the Hamlet."
    Flyx "Master Vodka is finding a way for that it seems."
    Bernard "Yup! As long as master Vodka is here we have nothing to worry about!"
    Lavri "Though we can't just do nothing."
    Sanie "Umm... That's right let's do our best!"
    Goel "Enough chatting, let's go already. Where is the area that the Lizardmen usually stays?" He looks at Vizlsa who points to the southeast. He walks ahead as we follow to the Lizardmen location.

    Several minutes...

    Bernard "I found one~ Lizard--"
    Sanie "Sshh... Brother your voice..."
    Lavri "About 10 Lizardmen, there are a lot of them near the Hamlet."
    Goel "Tsk... They got the number advantage plus we got someone who is a pretty burden."
    Flyx "You don't have to point that... It seems they are trying to increase their territory..?"
    Presia "Fufufu~ let's just focus on the task at hand shall we? Let's try that six-man formation fufufu~" I dash forward as Lavri and Goel quickly follow. Bernard, Flyx, and Sanie stay behind as they hold their weapons.

    The formation was simple for the six members. Three members act as vanguard composed of melee while another three stay on a distance to act as a support. This formation was perfect for us because of how our class distributed. Master Vodka is the one who advises this method.

    Four arrows pass us hitting the eyes of two Lizardmen. Lavri as the quickest slash that the blind Lizardmen abdomen first. While Goel went to the other blind Lizardmen as he slashes his ax only scratching the scales. Before the Lizardmen comes nearer, Presia swiftly slashes her whip to stop them from advancing while Lavri and Goel retreat to her side. Flyx starts to play a [Spellsong] while Sanie readies her staff as she summons roots on the ground, binding the Lizardmen to buy time.

    Goel "Tsk... These scales are too hard."
    Lavri "Bernard avoid hitting scales and focus on the eyes."
    Bernard "Can I also hit the nose? There are no scales there ahahaha~"
    Sanie "Umm... Brother..."
    Presia "Oh my~ This would be difficult with their numbers. Just as what the Guild said they have thick scales but at least they have no long distance. Let's continue this formation, it seems these guys are weak with magic attacks fufufu~"
    Flyx "We don't really have a magician in our group."

    I giggle and pull my fans as I look towards Lavri and Goel as I show a smile. They nod as I start to wave my fans as the Lizardmen shouted their battle cry and dash forward to us. The souls of the dead animals in the surrounding that the Lizardmen hunted moves to me. Blue flames appear from my tails and ears as infused my fans with spiritual flames.

    Presia "[Fire Dance: Flame Bursts]" As I wave my fan and point it to the Lizardmen small sparks of flames flies to the first row of Lizardmen. Flames burst from those sparks as it engulfs the 5 Lizardmen. "Oh my~ The souls are pretty weak here. I can't fully use my abilities."

    Lavri "This is enough," he dashes to the enflame Lizardmen and slash it with the Phantom Claw as he quickly to move to the other and kill it. Goel shouts as he uses all his strength to kill the other blind Lizardmen. He was able to kill it easily due to the flame that weakens the scales and Flyx magic music buff. Presia kills the last Lizardman.

    Goel "Hehehe they sound crispy! Keep at it Lady Presia!"
    Flyx "The remaining Lizardmen are coming to us!" The 5 Lizardmen that Presia didn't apply fire debuff rush towards Flyx, Sanie, and Bernard who quickly release arrows.
    Bernard "Wow they really have a thick scales! My arrows cannot penetrate their defenses!"
    Sanie "Brother please be serious!" She quickly moves her staff as she slams it to the ground. Several roots emerge as it moves and binds the incoming Lizardmen. Out of nowhere, two small beings emerge from the bushes. One dash to a Lizardmen and bites its neck while the other headbutted it.

    Sanie "Zinnia!"
    Flyx "Eins..!? Why are you here!?"
    Bernard "Eh!? I'm jealous where is my Wovie?" He looks around to feel something rubbing on his leg. He looks and sees the wolf puppy as he laughs happily.
    Goel "Hey you bunch of idiots! Aren't you under attack take this seriously!" Both him and Lavri attacks the Lizardmen to block them.
    Lavri "Don't worry, Sanie's ability is quite good." He points to the roots binding the Lizardmen.
    Presia "Oh my~ Our numbers just increase fufufu~ Please move away Zinnia and Eins." Zinnia and Eins quickly move back to their owners as they stand guard. "[Fire Dance: Flame Bursts]" The five remaining Lizardmen are inflamed as Lavri quickly rush and Goel follows next. Lavri quickly kills two Lizardmen while Goel kills one. I wave my fan increasing the flames on the remaining 2 Lizardmen as they burn to death.

    Sanie "Umm... Good job everyone!" She smiles as she hugs Zinnia who happily chirps. Eins only looks the flames before he slowly moves forward.
    Flyx "Geez... Eins, those flames are dangerous to you." He stops playing the music as he grabs Eins who tries to struggles.
    Bernard "Why don't you let Eins get used to the flames so he can have resistant to it? Hahaha~"
    Presia "Oh my~ That sounds possible~"
    Goel "Hey! Are you guys trying to make a barbecue turtle!? Look at the turtle his face looks eager. His eager to rush to his death!"
    Lavri "Eins a tortoise... Also, we also completed the quest, that's 10 Lizardmen in total." He looks at the surrounding as lays the corpses of the Lizardmen.
    Presia "Oh my~ Shall we go then..? The other Lizardmen will behave and not mess with our Hamlet."
    Goel "Wait, let me gather all the weapon. Geez... Lady Presia you don't have to burn their armors too. Hmm... I wonder if we can skin this scales?" He looks intently at the Lizardmen while holding his handy knife.
    Flyx "They are humanoids, please have some respect for them."
    Bernard "I think that would just make you a target of the Lizardmen if you wear that hahaha."
    Lavri "That makes sense..."
    Sanie "Umm... Can we just bury them?"
    Presia "I'll just cremate them~" I smile as I wave my hand as flame surrounds the corpse. Tiny souls emerge from the corpse as it flew to the sky and slowly disappears. We went back to the Askian Hamlet to inform Hunter Vizlsa and search Herder Welsh to the farm.

    [Day 1: Early Afternoon, Askian Hamlet: Gather Cyclops' Eye]

    Flyx "The farm animals here looks in good health."
    Presia "Oh my~ You're right~ The cows and sheep are cute fufufu~"
    Bernard "Ahahaha~ We Askians are nomads and pretty good in herding hahaha!"
    Sanie "Umm... They are seemed to be some missing cows."
    Goel "Aren't they getting turned into meat--"
    Lavri *cough cough* "I can see Welsh coming to us."
    Welsh "I'm glad you guys are here to help me!"

    <Cow Stealing Cyclops>
    [Herder Welsh]> "We got a problem as some are cows are being stolen by Cyclops. If it possible please save the cows and return it to us.."

    Mission: Eliminate the Cyclops and save the Cows

    Presia "Oh my~ That sounds terrible!"
    Bernard "That Cyclops is unforgivable! We gonna rescue the cows no matter what!"
    Sanie "Umm.. I'll definitely do my best!"
    Goel "They are probably turned to barbeque--"
    Flyx "Alright let's search this Cyclops cow thief and save Milk!"
    Lavri *cough cough* "Alright guys calm down let's just do the quest."
    With the profound energy and motivation, we found the Cyclops not that long...

    Lavri "We should be careful since we fighting a Cyclops."
    Sanie "Umm... The cows are over there... But some are missing."
    Goel "They are turned to barbe--"
    Bernard "Unforgivable---" His mouth was quickly covered by Lavri who hit him in the head.
    Flyx "So what it's weakness..?"
    Presia "It's the eye but we need to collect it so... fufufu~" Everyone look at me why I giggle. Goel blankly looks with a dead expression like we are doom. Bernard and Sanie were puzzled while Flyx and Lavri only sigh. The plan is simple as Bernard, Lavri and Presia will distract the Cyclops. While Sanie, Flyx, and Goel will rescue the cows.

    Bernard quickly releases the arrows to Cyclops who got irritated and chase after him. As Bernard runs away with the Cyclops in his back. Sanie and Flyx quickly went to the cows sorrounded by the fence and starts to release them. Flyx uses his flute to calm the cows just soft enough to not attract the attention of the Cyclops. Sanie uses her ability to guide the cows back to the Askian Farm. While Goel keeps watching and guard them.

    Bernard runs as he keeps aiming arrows to Cyclops. He looks like excited rather than scared even though a Cyclops is after him. Lavri suddenly appears behind the Cyclops as he stabs the Cyclops' nape. It didn't do much as he his blade stuck making him dangle to the Cyclops.

    Bernard "Hang in there Lavri.. Pfft-"
    Lavri "Not funny..."
    Presia "Lavri don't worry I'll catch you~ So let go!" I open my arms wide to show that I will definitely catch him. Lavri only looks blankly at me conflicted which made me giggle.
    Goel "What the hell are you guys doing!?" He chases on us with a disbelief from what he's seeing. "Sanie and Flyx are already leading the Cows back to the Askian Farm so stop playing around!"
    Presia "Oh my! That good to hear! Now Lavri come here!" I open my arms happily as I look to Lavri.
    Bernard "Right Lavri! Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!"
    Lavri "No!" He leaped as he kicks the Cyclops' head and grabs a branch and hold onto it. I look gloomy while Bernard is laughing. Goel ignores us as he throws the ax to the Cyclops which hits the Cyclops behind. The Cyclops stops chasing Bernard as it looks behind him and stares angrily to Goel.

    Goel "Crops.." He looks so terrified as he quickly runs away as the Cyclops quickly follow him while shouting angrily. He then notices his companions just following next to the Cyclops. "Hey! Why are you guys doing!?"
    Presia "After-all you're Goel fufufu~"
    Bernard "Do your best Goel!"
    Goel "Stop playing around!"
    Lavri "Let's finish this..." He throws his mist knife on the Cyclos' hand that about to grab its hand. The Cyclops only grumbles as it wasn't that deep. Lavri clicks his tongue seeing that his attack didn't even make a damage. He then rushes as he back-stab the Cyclops with a claw. Presia slashes her whip multiple times to the Cyclops. She grabs the ax with her whip as she throws it to Goel. He quickly grabs it as he dodges a stump attack by rolling to the left. He swings his ax trying to cut it off.

    Goel "Dammit, this bastard is hard to kill." He retreats beside Presia where Lavri lands next to them.
    Lavri "This body strength is too weak."
    Bernard "Does it have any weakness beside the eye!?" He keeps distracting the Cyclops as he keeps firing arrows.
    Presia "I heard from master Vodka that he also took this quest about the gather eye-thingy. From his story then we can just hit the Cyclops greatest weakness! No, the man's greatest weakness he said!" The atmosphere changes as everyone turned pale. Suddenly a music plays as everyone look to the location noticing Flyx playing the flute.

    Flyx "We've come back to support!"
    Sanie "The cows are safely transported by Eins and Zinnia... Umm..? Is there something wrong..?" She puzzlingly tilts her head seeing the boys pale face who just gives a thumbs up and rush to the battlefield. I just smile weakly and shrug my shoulder. Sanie seeing everyone hard a time so she uses her druid magic to summon roots to bind the Cyclops' feet. I quickly help as I rotated my whip to help bind the arms as I try to drag the Cyclops on its knees. Goel quickly this chance to hit the Cyclops neck. As it pierces to the neck, Bernard quickly uses his [Power Shot] push the ax deeper. Lavri quickly rushes but the Cylops breaks the bind as he swings his fist towards Lavri who can only block himself.

    Sanie "Lavri!"
    Presia "Watch out!" I swiftly grab Sanie away as the Cyclops throw rocks everywhere.
    Goel "That's why I hate fighting this type of guys!"
    Bernard "Are you alright Lavri..?"
    Lavri "Yeah... Just a scratch." He stands slowly but it was obvious that his arm was numb.

    Presia "Enough..." Blue flames appear in my tails and ears as I feel enraged. The flames cover the whip as I keep slashing the Cyclops while keep muttering 'Unforgivable'. The curse whip activities as it paralyzes its target. I keep whipping the enemy as its bones crack from the noise. Before I know it my vision starts to get blur.

    [Day 3: Early Afternoon, Askian Hamlet]

    Presia "Oh my... Not again, how long have I've been asleep? What happens to the Cyclops..?"
    Bernard "You sleep like a baby for 3 days!"
    Lavri "Don't worry, we're able to gather the Cyclops' eye safely."
    Goel "You almost damage the eye luckily Flyx was able to stop you. Tsk... what you did was scary."
    Flyx "That whip is dangerous best if you don't use it much."
    Sanie "Do you feel better Presia..?"
    Presia "I'm sorry about that, I'll stop using the whip. Why don't we continue the quest?" I weakly smile while hearing the duration I was unconscious. Since it was afternoon, the travel to the desert won't be too hot. Before we could continue we saw someone enter the room.

    Jin "I'm glad you are awake now Presia please be careful next time though I'm not one to say that." He chuckles as he pats me as he shows the person behind him. "Eadwine has something he needs."
    Bernard "Hello master Vodka and Eadwine!"
    Sanie "What... What is it Eadwine..?"
    Eadwine "I heard you guys are going to the Desert Village and remember about the quest. Can I have the Rhino pelt and ivory? Though I know Lavri needs some of the horns for carvings, just a few of it is fine."
    Presia "Oh my~ No worries. we'll do our best to do those task."
    Jin "Alright since everyone is healed up. I'll teleport you guys to the Desert somewhere I last fight the Black Rhinos."

    [Day 3: Mid Afternoon, Askian Hamlet: Slay 15 Desert Black Rhino]

    Master Vodka teleported us to the place of where he first encounters the Black Rhino. Weirdly enough, just in front of us who also seemingly surprise us.

    Goel "Lord Vodka, isn't this too soon..."
    Flyx "He hate being called that you know."
    Presia "Oh my~ There are a lot of Black Rhino here~"
    Bernard "As expected master Vodka!"
    Sanie "Umm... Brother your voice."
    Lavri "Let's end this quickly." He rushes forward as he suddenly disappears and kills 2 black Rhino. Flyx quickly plays the flute while Sanie tries to controls the Rhino so they will be confused. Goel took this chance to knock over to stab its neck. Presia uses her fan to kill 2 Rhinos. Bernard also uses his arrows to hit the Rhinos but the arrows only lightly pierce and are stuck on the skin. Eins was unable to help as he was too small and could only hide in his shell. Meanwhile, Zinnia tries to open her mouth to release poison breathe but--

    Goel "Stop Zinnia! The position will damage the meat! They have softer hide beneath them to turn them over Lady Presia! So won't damage their hides that much."
    Presia "Oh my! That seems like a good idea~ [Wind Dance: Air Wave]!" Strong winds came out from my fan as she knocks over five Rhinos. Bernard takes this chance to hit the Rhinos' neck and kill the five.
    Bernard "Nice one! Presia and Goel!"
    Lavri "Let's keep going this just five more." He rushes forward and kills 2 Rhino as Presia knocks as Goel and Bernard take this chance to kill 4 more Rhinos together. She quickly waves her staff and slams it to the ground. This made the remaining Rhino run away as they flee.

    Flyx "Yup, seems like that is 15 Rhino plus another one. Let's begin skinning it for its pelt."
    Bernard "Leave it to me! I'm also a hunter so skinning animals is my occupation! Ahahaha!"
    Goel "Don't forget the ivory also I'll take the meat."
    Lavri "Are you okay Sanie?" He pats Sanie who seem a bit uncomfortable who just shakes her head.
    Presia "Oh my! Now that I think aren't Druid close to animals. It would be uncomfortable to be killing them."
    Sanie "I'm fine don't worry..." She raises her head as she weakly smiles. She is familiar with animals getting killed for food. But the more is affinity in nature increases, the greatly she is being affected by the sight. Lavri pats as he went to help Bernard and Goel finish the job. As the Rhino is fully disassembled, Goel grins happily as he put the meat as just leaving bones on the sand. They then hear a sudden movement to the ground. Suddenly one Rhino running was eaten by giant worm appearing on the ground.

    [Day 3: Late Afternoon, Askian Hamlet: Gather 10 Young Desert Worm Hide]

    Bernard "Ohhhh! Awesome!"
    Lavri "They are not that big enough to swallow the Rhino but it seems enough to swallow a person." He observes the Worm trying to swallow the Rhino.
    Goel "Wait... Don't tell me that is our next quest?"
    Presia "Yup 10 Young Desert Worm, glad we found them fast fufufu~"
    Flyx "Too fast if you ask me..."
    Sanie "There is more coming towards us from the ground." Upon Sanie words everyone quickly run away and dodges as more worms appear on the ground. But the worms are quite fast while traveling in the sands. Lavri quickly carries Sanie while Presia carries Flyx. Bernard is laughing happily while Goel was saying curse words. Zinnia flew in the sky while carrying Eins.

    Goel "I hate this sands..." Suddenly the ground under him moves as a young obsidian worm appears and swallow him whole. "Dammit..."
    Bernard "Gooooeeeel!" He raises his hand as he saw Goel get swallowed by the worm. "Noooooo!!"
    Presia "Oh my! How terrying~"
    Flyx "Luckily we are in the rocky areas so only young obsidian worms will appear here."
    Sanie "Umm... Shouldn't we save him? I'm sorry but I'm unable to affect the worms."
    Lavri "It's alright, we should focus hitting the eyes and it's inside." We nod at Lavri as Sanie and Flyx are stays on a large rock. Bernard readies his bow as he aims at the worm's eyes that are coming towards us. Since Lavri and I are fast enough to dodge the young worms. We take this chance to attack the young worms killing 5 in total while Bernard acts as back-up. I look at the souls that are left from the earlier Rhino kills as I use [Soul Attarct]. Since I would not be able to use the whip. The blue fire appears on my ears and tails as I have to make do with the fan instead.

    Lavri "Make sure to aim the inside not to damage the hides."
    Presia "Okay~ [Fire Dance: Flaming Souls]," blue fireballs which have the appearance of skulls fly towards the worms.

    *Boom Boom*
    The worms scream as their inside burns killing 3 as it drops to ground. Suddenly the 2 remaining young obsidian worms suddenly start vomiting. Bernard quickly rushes as touch the one body full of spit.

    Bernard "Goel hang in there! Please don't die!"
    Goel *cough cough* "Idiot! I'm here! That's the freaking Rhino! Aahhh, this is too disgusting!" He then looks worriedly at his pocket as he sighs in relief. "This item box really is handy! I'm glad the meat is not contaminated!"
    Flyx "Is that you are worried about!?"
    Sanie "I'm happy you are alright Goel."
    Presia "Oh my~ You really stink but I already know you will be fine fufufu~"
    Lavri "Let's finish the remaining worms... No, it seems like it is needed." He looks to the worm on the ground. As it seems the worms are slowly dying from the flames as their tongue burns.

    Flyx "That's total of 10 young obsidian worm."
    Bernard "Let's do this Goel and Lavri to skin this giant worms!"
    Goel "This will take a long time with how large they are... Wait for a second..." He points towards Presia who was walking away while holding Sanie and Flyx. "Why are you guys walking away and not helping us!?"
    Presia "Well you guys can handle you easily it's not like cause you stink..." She tightly covers her nose.
    Sanie "Umm... I'm sorry it the smell is too horrible for our nose."
    Bernard "Ahahaha~ You really stunk! Glad I got my hood to cover my face!"
    Lavri "But then you can't see... Goel just a keep a safe distance that we can smile it." He covers his mouth with a scarf as he starts taking the pelt of one worm. Goel could only grumble as he moves a distance to pelt another. Since it was pretty big and many. Everyone helped in gathering the hide until night arrives. It is getting colder so we decided to go home and finish the remaining task next day.

    [Day 4: Mid Morning, Desert Village: Harvest 1 Basket of Magic Flower and Gather 5 Baskets of Large Dates]

    We arrive at the Desert Village using the portal gates. Since we only need to harvest magic flowers and gather dates. We decided to divide it among us as each of us hold basket.

    Goel "I think this basket is too small."
    Flyx "The basket you showed us is something even Bernard can hide you know."
    Presia "Since Sanie is best with mana detection she's gonna harvest magic flower with Lavri. Everyone else will get basket each for the dates fufufu~"
    Bernard "Roger! I'll do my best to get many dates!"
    Lavri "Don't gather too much Bernard."
    Sanie "Umm... I'll do my best."

    AS we separate, the Dates group went to the oasis to search Date Palm. Since there is a lot of plants, we easily collected and fill the five basket to date. The date is quite large than regular. Bernard tries to eat one but Flyx stops him.

    After several minutes, we meet up with Sanie and Lavri who already fills the basket with a magic flower. Since the flower is looking beautiful.

    Presia "Oh my~ Are these magic flowers? Beautiful~"
    Sanie "Umm... Yes, I could sense the abundant magic in here. it would be useful for making potions."
    Bernard "Is that so? I could not sense anything! Anyway, we got 5 large Dates in a basket!"
    Flyx "Good job Sanie and where is Lavri..?"
    Lavri "I'm here..."
    Goel "Wait a second aren't this just regular Dates just larger!" He shouted with anger as I giggle and Bernard laughs with his reaction.
    - 15 Desert Rhino Horn and Hide.

    OOC: 5k cause they are pretty talkative ahahaha~
  16. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Reading List:
    Great Plain|#SD1|D-Ranked|Slay 10 Lizardmen [90 G]
    Great Plain|#GC1|C-Ranked|Gather Cyclops Eye [150G | 1 x Earth Orb]
    Sandy Desert|#SD2|D-Ranked|Slay 15 Desert Black Rhino [110 G]
    Sandy Desert|#GC2|C-Ranked|Gather 10 Young Desert Worm Hide [160 G | 2 x Pristine Desert Worm Hide]
    Desert Village|#GD1|D-Ranked|Harvest 1 Basket of Magic Flower [75 G | 1 x Bundle of Magic Flower]
    Desert Village|#GD2|D-Ranked|Gather 5 Baskets of Large Dates [100 G | 1 x basket of Large Dates]
    "Welcome back everyone!

    Hikari will check it in a bit, please wait until Manami-san reads it for Hikari."

    *cleaning girl already comes on her own and reads it out loud*

    "Thanks again Manami-san." *smiles while Manami leaves*

    "Eto... Hikari is happy everything went without many issues, but please be more careful with the giant worms, okay!?" >.<

    "Though the ones Preisa-san found were Obsidian Worms? Hmmmmm, Hikari didn't know they were around there... Well, they're worms and they're in the desert, so it should be fine!

    The reward will be of 685G and the listed items.

    Take care now." *smiles and tilts head a bit*
    JinVodka likes this.
  17. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Reading List:
    ((Ah, please tag the receptionist that approved your quest! In this case it would be @shad12ow, not me! >.<))
  18. Quadrum

    Quadrum Active Member

    Mar 10, 2018
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    Reading List:
    *Gaza-san walks in*
    "Hello! I just finished my quest!"

    [Delta Town|#GE1|E-Ranked|Gather 10 Chickens [20 G| 5 x Eggs]

    So I needed to catch 5 chicken? That's easy! I'm a spider so my race should be able to make traps right?

    But first. Where do I find them? In the forest? Maybe I should ask somebody.

    Do you know where I can find 5 chicken?”(Me)
    Yeah. You can either buy them from merchants or find them in the nearby forest”(Switchable Character Nr.347)

    So I made my way to the forest. Just as I wondered where to find them now, I heard something.


    I looked in the direction of the sound and what did I saw? 6 chicken. And they were not normal size. They were 1 meter(3,2 foot) tall. 1 meter?!! I definitly got reborn in a new world.

    I used my silk and tried to make 6 silk bombs(Balls of silk that explode on contact and wrap around the victim.). I was successful and threw them on the chicken. They got instantly caught in the net. I finished one off with my deadly poison and used lesser paralysing poison on the 5 others.

    I stored away the dead corpse in my [Item Box] and transported the others back to the AG

    ”] You are able to make traps out of your silk. Spiders usually use it for webs but you can do more due to [Silk Manipulation]
    Big Chicken Corpse in my [Item Box]

    Last edited: Mar 29, 2018
  19. shad12ow

    shad12ow 『Semi-Offline』

    Dec 5, 2015
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    Reading List:
    [Delta Town|#GE1|E-Ranked|Gather 10 Chickens [20 G| 5 x Eggs]
    "Oh, you're back? Let me see the report," Shadow said as he put forward his hand.
    A few seconds later, he finished reading the report. A small clockwork spider came from under the table after he tapped his finger twice on to the counter.
    "Well, we did said gather, not kill. Most of the member just gather them and then bring them back all alive. Anyway, some dead one is okay, I suppose. Here's your reward, 20 G and also this," Shadow said as he gave the adventurer a small paper slip. "Exchange this at the queartermaster's office to get your reward item. Take care now."

    OOC: Btw, the part "dead corpse" is kind of weird for me. LOL. I mean, a corpse usually defined as "a dead body.". Anyway, nothing is wrong with that. Just a bit funny for me to read that. Anyway, good start, good start.
  20. A.I.M.E-02847

    A.I.M.E-02847 [Trying to understand Humanity]

    Sep 30, 2017
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    Reading List:
    "Good Day Guildmaster Shadow, here is my quest report." I handed my quest report finally completing it without problems. "I have some questions, thus the library have any information about how to apply the magic capabilities of objects such as crystals and orb to an object? Also some information about spirits especially wisp. I still haven't understand fully the capabilities of Skia and it seems Skia is troubled for not being of help. But if your busy, there is no need to trouble yourself. I'll try to find a way."

    Great Plain|#GD3|D-Ranked|Gather 5 Flower seeds [80 G | 1 x Butterfly Flower]
    Great Plain|#SD3|D-Ranked|Slay 3 Orc Leaders [150 G]
    Sandy Desert|#SD1|D-Ranked|Slay 15 Desert Lizardmen [110 G]
    Sandy Desert|#SD2|D-Ranked|Slay 15 Desert Black Rhino [110 G]
    Gallant Mine|#SC1|C-Ranked|Slay 3 Ice Golems [150 G]
    North Volcano|#SC1|C-Ranked|Slay 3 Fire Golems [180 G]
    | Location: Aeternus Floating City [Tavern]
    | Objective: Preparation for the Quests

    I'm currently planned to do a series of quest to test my weapons. I only tested them on ant corpse so the result probable be different to living beings. I was not really able to fight much during the last party quest. Additionally, further test with Skia and Ezero battle abilities are needed to be done. But before I started the quest, I started to design a CheyTac M200 sniper rifle from my database. I decided to choose that type of rifle since it has 2000-2300 meters range. I remembered how I'm unable to stop incoming enemies in the distance during the farm raid in Fujiwara Town. A sniper rifle could be extremely useful. I lack the needed materials to start so I went to the Guild Tavern. I was able to exchange 2 [Mithrils Ingot] for the [Wind feather] and [Fire feather] with adventurer Jin Vodka. Mithril is lightweight so it would be a good metal to replace carbon fiber. I started to make the rifle's part by smelting it in the blacksmith on the Aeternus Floating City as I paid gold. After completing all needed parts, I polished the parts and assembled it form the rifle. I meticulously checked the rifle and done some several tests with a normal bullet and it gave a good result. Since the material used to craft it was mithril. I decided to call it CheyTac MM as CheyTac M300 is for carbon fiber. I then used the Guild Portal to move to the Frontier Village and went to the Great Plain.

    | Location: Great Plain
    | Objective: Gather 5 Flower Seeds

    The reason I took this quest was for a change of pace and mostly the butterfly flower which would be a good decoration on the warehouse. It would enhance the atmosphere of the place and most importantly Ezero would absolutely love it. I walked around with Ezero and Skia in the Great Plain as they enjoyed the view. I activated my sensors so I will be alerted to any threats while searching for the flower seeds. Several hours passed and nothing much happened as I finally saw the flowers.

    Beep~ Beep~

    "Affirmative, this view is beautiful." I nodded and smiled as I saw Ezero beeped happily on the field of flowers as Skia flew towards the petals flying. I dug the flower seeds that have fallen on the ground until I gathered five. I stood up and looked at Ezero who sat on the grass as he looked at the beautiful flowers. Some birds even rested on his shoulder and head. Skia happily hid underneath the flowers which made it glowed beautifully.

    "Five flower seeds acquired, objective completed. Let's proceed to the next mission." I smiled as called upon my companions. Ezero stood up as he carefully walked to me while avoiding the flowers. Skia flew around me and happily glowed.

    Beep! Beep!
    Swee~ Swee~

    "It's good that you guys enjoyed the view but we need to do the next quest." I looked at them but they seemed to be reluctant to move and wanted to see more of the flowers. Since there is no hurry I decided to accept their request and stayed to the flower fields. The view was very remarkable especially in the night as both Ezero and Skia glow.

    | Location: Great Plain
    | Objective: Slay 3 Orc Leaders

    "Target spotted," I looked at the distance as I activated my magnification settings. There are several Orc Leaders and some orcs which would probable be their minions following them closely. We already walked far from the flower fields as morning arrived. It was almost noon when I found the targets. I only need to kill three Orc Leaders thus I don't need to engage all of them. I walked to a safe distance around 2 kilometers and I leaped towards Ezero's shoulder to used as high ground. I took [CheyTac MM] in my item box and positioned it on Ezero's shoulder. I laid down while I took the perfect position with the rifle for perfect sniping. I activated my senses with the addition of the scope of the rifle. My system locked on to the three Orc Leaders who are bigger and wore stronger armor than the rest. I hold the trigger and calculated the right timing to eliminate the targets consecutively.

    Bang! Bang! Bang!

    Three bullets flew to the enemies as it exactly hit the heads of the 3 Orcs Leader. This caused the commotion to the other Orcs as they search for the culprit. Of course, it was futile as I was 2 kilometers away while the trees covered our location. I only used normal bullets since there would be a witness.

    "Objective completed, moving next to the location. Ezero please return to the item box." I looked at Ezero who nodded as he entered the item box. Skia also glowed as it entered my body. Immediately I activated my mini-map pointer to locate the faster route towards the Desert. The remaining Orcs would highly retreat due to fear and anxiety of being hunted. It would be safe to leave them alone with that state of mind.

    "Booster activated..." I rushed forward at my fastest speed as headed south towards the Desert.

    | Location: Sandy Desert
    | Objective: Slay 15 Desert Lizardmen

    As I finally arrived as I was surrounded by nothing by vast sands. Since I used almost all my solar energy to travel to this location. I took out Ezero who acted as a lookout as I stayed on his shoulder to charge up. I noticed that the location is somewhere near to where my MMEU transverse to collect the crystals for my bullets. I called one that passes our way using morse code.

    "MMEU-24, search for any Desert Lizardmen and Desert Black Rhino. Once located, send me their coordinates." I gave the command as M.M.E.U-24 immediately flew to find the targets. I laid on Ezero's shoulder as he kept watch. Ezero stayed still since they were nothing interesting around us besides the occasional movement of the sands due to the wind. The intensity of the heat was strong that charging to full capacity didn't take long. Ezero kept watching on the surrounding while Skia stayed asleep as she doesn't like the sun much. The night almost arrived as M.M.E.U-24 finally gave the coordinates of the target. I went to the location as I saw Desert Lizardmen with a total number of 20 with spears as weapons. They seemed to be stalking a herd of Desert Black Rhino. The Lizardmen have not made contact yet as they quietly followed the herd and waited for the perfect chance to hunt.

    "Target located, commence combat." I pulled the rifle as I aimed it at the Desert Lizardmen and loaded it with [Exploding Bullet].

    Bang! Bang! Bang!
    Boom! Boom! Boom!

    Three bullets flew as it hit three Lizardmen followed by their heads exploding. It was a horrible sight as blood gushed out and meat scattered everywhere. I should avoid using the [Exploding Bullet] when their civilians to avoid scaring them. This alerted the remaining Lizardmen as they shouted in full alert. There was no terrain to hide my location due to place nothing but sands. I could perhaps dive to the sand to cover myself but with Ezero's height, stealth would be difficult. "Skia please try to activate illusion."

    Swee~ Swee~

    Skia glowed as flew towards the Desert Lizardmen heading to us. Since it was night, her ability is more prominent as a spirit type. It also available in dark forest or night. Skia was able to create something akin to a mirage. The Lizardmen stopped advancing as they seemed under confusion from the hazy surrounding. I pulled the dual desert eagle as I engaged closer to the Lizardmen. "Engaging enemies: Eliminate remaining 12 Lizardmen. Go Ezero..."

    Beep! Beep!

    Ezero rushed forward as he started to crush the Lizardmen. I planned to test the other types of bullets to the targets. While they are under the illusion, I reloaded a magazine that has the 4 elemental bullets as I used it all to hit the Lizardmen non-lethal such as hitting their shoulder, feet or arms to further see the effects.

    Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

    The fastest bullet was the [Gust Bullet] which pierced and passes through two more Lizardman while pushing the last one. The impact was strong that the 2 Lizardman was killed due to blood loss while the one staggered from the impact as it screamed in pain. The [IOD Bullet] hit the Lizardman's arm which made insides to turned red. The Lizardman screamed as I saw his temperature increased on the area hit. The [TDE Bullet] exploded before it hit the Lizardman. It caused some burn marks on the Lizardman but it didn't kill it. Lastly, I checked the effect of the [Frostbite Bullet] which made the Lizardman's leg numb as his movement was slowed. I quickly killed the 3 Lizardman with a normal bullet to end their suffering.


    I noticed Ezero already killed a total of 7 Lizardmen. Ezero easily crushed the Lizardmen with ease. The spears just broke when they tried to pierce Ezero's armor. Though, I haven't applied the [Earth Orb] to Ezero's armor. The prospect of Ezero's defenses increasing was something to look forward. Additionally, the environment has no plants and only barren sands so Ezero was able to use all strength without hesitation. Still, it was a puzzle why he was very cooperative with slaying the Lizardmen.

    "Ezero cease combat!" I ordered Ezero to stop combat as he had already killed most of the Lizardmen.

    Beep! Beep!

    "I understand," it seemed like Ezero wanted to protect the Black Rhino from the Desert Lizardmen. This would be problematic since a part of my mission is to slay the Rhino. Ezero really likes animals and plants and would like to avoid hurting them. But it was strange that he was able to kill the Lizardmen. I should to several tests which type of enemies Ezero is able to kill without hesitation.


    I released the [Tornado Bullet] to the remaining Lizardmen running away. The bullet passed to 2 Lizardmen as it destroyed the abdomen while it pushes the others on its path. It continued too flew until it made an impact to a large boulder which created a large hole. The surviving Lizardmen quickly carried their wounded allies as they retreated.

    "Target eliminated, 15 Desert Lizardmen slew. moving to the next target." I looked towards the Black Rhino in the distance. I loaded a [Tornado Bullet] and aimed at them but Ezero quickly blocked my sight.

    Beep! Beep!

    "Not possible, it's our next mission..." I shook my head as I passed Ezero towards the herd. But Ezero beeped sadly as he looked at the Black Rhino as I noticed some young Rhino.

    "Understood, this is enough for today..." I accepted Ezero reluctance as I decided to inspect the corpses of the Lizardmen for further effects of the bullets. I then went to the Desert Village to go back to the Guild to make maintenance of the weapon and to leave Ezero in the warehouse. There was a chance he would appear from the item box to stop me if I placed him there and proceed to the quest.

    | Location: Sandy Desert
    | Objective: Slay 15 Desert Black Rhino

    The next day, I left as I planned to do the quest alone with Skia during the night. I gave an excuse to Ezero how I wanted him to monitor the M.M.E.U. while we are gone. We then entered the portal towards Desert Village.

    "Skia search for any Desert Black Rhino," I commanded Skia as she started to light up brightly and flew to the sky. I also activated my sensors as I search for the target. Ezero was very reluctant to kill the animals but it was needed to control their population. There might be chances that the Rhino will destroy and eat the crops of the villagers. Some Rhinos also tend to attacked travelers.

    Swee~ Swee~

    "You have located the target Skia? Good job please lead the way." I smiled as Skia happily rotated around me. I followed Skia as I quickly found the herd of Rhino. For some reason, the other Rhino were attacking a passing Caravan. I took my grenade launcher as I load it with
    the 2 [Airbusting Grenade], "engaging enemies"

    Thud! Thud!

    I first aimed to the Black Rhino going near to the caravan with them to push them away from the caravan.

    Boom! Boom! Swoooosssssshh!

    The strong wind from the grenade pushed the Rhino off balance even with their weight. Four Rhinos died from the impact while the others staggered in one pile. I then reloaded 3 [H.E. Grenade] as I released it to the pile of Black Rhino.

    Thud! Thud! Thud!
    Boom! Boom! Boom!

    A large explosion occurred as it killed around 10 Black Rhinos. I then saw the caravan passed me as they waved their hands to convey their gratitude. I decided to finish the mission as I reloaded 1 [A.P. Grenade].


    The grenade pierced the Black Rhino until it hit the other one next to hit. There was no explosion as the grenade was designed for piercing.

    "Target eliminated, 15 Desert Black Rhino slew." I checked the corpses as I took the Rhino's horns as proof. I searched for the caravan which safely escaped in the distance without any problems. I analyzed the effects of the grenade and took note of it before I move to the next objective. I went back to the Desert Village to enter the portal to return to the warehouse to take Ezero with me.

    | Location: North Volcano
    | Objective: Slay 3 Fire Golems [180 G]

    I dropped down the airship to the nearest entrance of the North Volcano. I took out Ezero in my item box as Skia also flew out from my body. As I went deeper into the cave, I activated my sensors to search for my targets.

    "Target located, initiate combat." I saw three Fire Golem after several hours just 1.7 kilometers away. I quickly took my sniper rifle and took the position on Ezero's shoulder. I decided to use the [Freezing Bullet] as the guild library hinted that the golem weakness is its opposite attribute. Ergo, ice against Fire Golen while fire against Ice Golem. Their visible weakness was their core hidden inside their body made of living stone. I looked at my sensors to search for the core which emitted concentrated mana. Skia stayed by my side as Ezero.


    "Insufficient damage," My expression became serious as I noticed that I was unable to reach the Fire Golem's core. They quickly noticed my presence as they start throwing a part of their body.

    Baam! Baam!
    Bang! Bang!

    I quickly dodged the large rocks and continued aiming at the same spot as I ran closer to the target. Ezero quickly rushed next to me as he blocked the flying rocks. I pulled the grenade launcher for stronger impact but realized that I have no Ice-type grenade. It was a pity but I have no choice but adapt with the other grenades.


    Ezero quickly punched one of the closest Fire Golem. The Fire Golem's height was 3 meters but Ezero is taller by 2 1/2 meters. I was worried about his metal that might melt due to the heat. But the Ice core that I installed inside Ezero cooled down his body which countered the heat emitted by the Fire Golem.

    "Ezero aimed for the core," I commanded Ezero for the Fire Golem's weak point. Ezero beeped in agreement as he used his Freezing Rays at close proximity. Continous ray of ice was released until it reached the Fire Golem's core. It crumbled into pieces as the core cracked.

    "Excellent work!" I quickly took the grenade launcher and took a [Buckshot Grenade] which contained an earth crystal. I aimed it at the Fire Golem's core where I pierced the [Freezing Bullet] earlier. My sensor was able to see the bullet just near the core but the ice has almost melted due to the heat. I swiftly leaped from the obstacles and aimed at the core.

    Thud! Crack!

    The core was visible as the rock blocking was destroyed. I quickly took my dual desert eagle as I aimed using the fastest [Gust Bullet] before the Fire Golem could protect the core.

    Bang! Bang!

    Two bullets flew and hit the core as it broke into pieces. The Fire Golem immediately grumbled into rocks. The last Fire Golem was being held by Ezero as he tried to detain its movement. I leaped to Ezero's shoulder as I waited for the core to be visible while I aimed with my pistol. "Ezero destroy the rocks on the area of the abdomen!"


    Ezero quickly punched to the chest where Fire Golem's core was. He dragged the rocks out as the Fire Golem tried to get away from his hold. As the core was visible, I quickly leaped between them as I aimed to the core. I stopped before I pulled the trigger instead as I thought of something. "Ezero grab the core out its body."


    Ezero grabbed the core and pulled it out. As the core detached from the Fire Golem it crumbled into pieces as it fallen apart.

    "Target eliminated, 3 fire golems slew." I placed the pistol and the Fire Golem core I received from Ezero into my item box. If I was alone then it would be quite difficult and damage will not be avoided. But due to Ezero being by my side. The fight seemed easier as he acted as the powerhouse and tank.

    "Thank you very much Ezero... Hold it, some of your steel is deformed and melted." I looked at Ezero's arms and hands to notice the steel deformed. This was probable due to successive exposure to the heat of the Fire Golems. I worriedly inspected the other area for any damages.

    Beep! Beep!

    Ezero shook his head as he conveyed not to worry. I was glad it was the armor and didn't reach the main body. But prevention is needed and maintenance should be done as soon as possible.

    "We should go back to the warehouse and fix the damages before it goes sever." I quickly leaped down from Ezero as I hold my item box. "Please return inside to avoid further damages."

    Beep... Beep...

    Ezero made a sad sound but I stared at Ezero seriously for several minutes till he gave up. As Ezero went back inside the item box, Skia appeared from my body and look to the Fire Golem's body.

    Swee~ Swee~

    "Understood, it would a waste not to use this chance to study the Golem's body." I took the Fire Golem's body and placed it in my item box. The item box is a mysterious item as it has infinite storage space. If I could only study its function and how it worked. I shook my head as I focused on going back to the Aeternus Floating City to repair Ezero's damage.

    | Location: Gallant Mine
    | Objective: Slay 3 Ice Golems [180 G]

    About two days have passed since I meticulously repaired Ezero's armor. I used the airship once again to travel to the Gallant Mine. We are going to engage an Ice Golem which hopefully won't damage Ezero's armor. Skia was sulking a bit due to being unable to help so I planned to find a way for her to participate in some way. I passed by several miners who were hard at work and greeted them. The mission was to control the population of Ice Golems so they could not harm the miners.

    "Target located 4 Ice Golem, Skia please alert us for any sign of hive mind." I looked at Skia who glowed brightly. I have not abilities to notice any mind magic though it probable not work on me. But this would at least gave Skia something to do. Also to avoid the Ice Golem increasing their numbers.

    "Core located," I quickly lock on to the cores as I pulled my grenade launcher. I loaded [H.E. Grenade] as I aimed to the Ice Golem core. Since their defenses are as strong as steel. I decided to use the strong hitting weapon and a high explosive grenade that could easily destroy any obstacles.

    Thud! Thud! Thud!

    The grenade exploded upon contact while melting the ice. As the core was visible I quickly loaded a [Buckshot Grenade] and aimed it at the core. The Ice Golem quickly reacted as they grow closer to our location.

    Ezero quickly rushed to the Ice Golem as it tried to attack me. Ezero continued to punch the area where the core is. Meanwhile, Skia was busy trying to watch for any magic interference. I kept dodging and running away from the Ice Golem movements while aiming to their Cores.


    The core cracked as the Ice Golem fallen apart. I looked towards Ezero who was breaking the Ice Golem apart while on the ground. Ezero saw the core and quickly broke it with a punch. While I observed Ezero, I noticed the Ice Golem grew closer in my mini-map.


    I dodged an incoming punch as I observed it damage to the ground. They were pretty strong but slow just as the Guild library stated. I swiftly leaped to the Golem's arm as I ran through it to go nearer the core. I swiftly released multiple [H.E. Grenade] to the core.

    Thud! Thud! Thud!

    I leaped backward as I dodged the projectiles from the explosion. The Core was visible as I quickly activated my booster. I grabbed the core and pulled it towards me. The body grumbled as it fallen apart as I separated the core from the body. I stood as I look around me where Ezero was pushing the last Golem while Skia was kept on high alert.

    "Target eliminated, 3 ice golems slew. Please cease combat Ezero," Ezero immediately move back but he lightly pushed the Ice Golem. The Ice Golem stopped moving for some reason.

    "Excellent job everyone. Let's us return to the guild." I smiled as I patted Ezero and Skia. Though I can't exactly touch Skia which made me remembered about the elven silver ingot I ordered in the dark merchant. If I made a gauntlet of it, would I be able to touch a spirit? It would be a good study as I planned to focus on research for several days. I collected the Ice Golem remains as I went back to the guild.
    - 1 core of Fire Golem
    - 1 core of Ice Golem
    - remains of the fire and ice golem respectively

    OOC: Finally finished this after being sick :sweating_profusely:. I think Aime is now capable as rank C with her weapons though mostly due to Ezero lol.
    shad12ow and AliceShiki like this.
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