Isekai powers! What would you choose?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Caged01, Oct 6, 2018.

  1. KuroKohai

    KuroKohai Active Member

    Sep 13, 2018
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    come on the person who made the post said "But you can only choose 1 passive skill (passive is something that is always on) and 2 active skills (active skills is something you have to activate to use by spending mana/rage/health/stamina)." something like intangibility would work i just got confused on what intangibility was. but the exp one is downright a passive nothing can make it a active
  2. TheZephyrStorm

    TheZephyrStorm Rock God

    Apr 25, 2016
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    I interpreted passive as something always on and can’t be turned off. I’m treating it like a trigger effect in yogi oh where it’s not active until it’s triggered so in this case, it would be triggered from earning experience and then it would activate and turn it into more experience.
  3. KuroKohai

    KuroKohai Active Member

    Sep 13, 2018
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    hmm interesting concept but i honestly think it would be considered more of a passive because something like exp multiplication would cost a lot of mana/rage/health/stamina. if u did it with it triggering when u get exp it would be a passive because u yourself are not triggering it but if u did something like its a skill that u activate when u start fighting a monster and depending on the rest of mana u have by the end of the fight it multiplies by that amount that would be doable but op XD
  4. knighteem

    knighteem Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2015
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    Passive powers are honestly more op than active powers in my opinion, well it depends on the power/buff/etc it gives but its a power u dun need to manually control all the time at least
  5. Ruyue

    Ruyue Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2018
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    Distortion to distort space and time. String theory.
  6. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Infinite mana, limitless teletransportation, time stop~

    Essentially, I would teleport back to Earth, and then use my infinite time to work as much as I could in home-office and to clear all my hobbies out~
  7. Yosete

    Yosete Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2018
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    I want to stop time as an active. For no apparent reason. I just want.
    I want infinite stats as a passive. For no apparent reason ofc. I just want.
  8. xalvarez

    xalvarez Active Member

    Nov 22, 2019
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    I've been thinking about this question for a while. At first, I've always wanted immortality, since I want to experience everything the world has to offer without rushing through life. Then, after learning about the manga One Punch Man's hero King, I started to grow attached to the idea of super luck. Heck, with a lot of luck on hand, someone might just discover how to unlock human immortality and accidentally give it to you or use you as an experiment subject. Plus, your every needed and desire would essentially by cared for by the universe itself.

    Nevertheless, after years, I've finally come to a conclusion on what power I would like to have based on the MC of the manga "Potion-danomi de Ikinobimasu!"

    Basically, that MC has the power to make any potion she wants, with any effect she wants, within any container she wants, with no restriction on creativity or usage, all instantaneously. Essentially, I can effect anything I want that can reasonably be effected by a potion. Potion of immortality? Done. Potion of super strength? Done. Potion of super luck? Done. Potion of game XP? Done. Potion of gender swapping? Done. Potion of all status effect immunity? Done. Potion of reanimation? Done. A chemical that explodes as big as a nuclear explosion does when in the presence of air? Done. Potion to change your facial features? Done. A Potion of reality warping powers? Done. A potion to turn stone into Golems? Done. A Potion to satisfy all human need for sleep? Done. A potion to satisfy all human nutritional and calorie requirements? Done. A potion that makes it so I never need to sleep again? Done. A potion that makes it so I never need to go to the bathroom again? Done. A Potion to turn human flesh into Gold? Done. A Potion that makes you a great manga artist? Done. A potion that can heal people just like in RPGs? Done.

    You get my point, and I only talked about the potion effect part of this power. The ability to instantly create these potions in any container I want also has its uses. For example, I could just create anvil out of know where, as long as it hold the potion within it somewhere. Swords, bows, phones, tanks, guns, divine blades, etc. All that is possible as well.

    lightmage5 likes this.
  9. xalvarez

    xalvarez Active Member

    Nov 22, 2019
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    If that power is too OP, the idea that I can make any potion I want as long as I have the ingredients would also be an amazing power. However, it should be noted that any potion ideas that I wish to make have to be possible to craft with the materials currently within the world I am in.
  10. lightmage5

    lightmage5 Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2016
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    I've been thinking about this as well and barring any cheat powers, I'm trying to create powers that are close to cheats yet not quite at the beginning.
    Passive: Absolute control of anything in/part of/or in contact to your body. The basic idea of this is to limit at times what you need/ don't need and to setup the foundation for the active skills and stop power leaks.

    Active 1: Ability to use your energy to change aspects of yourself. Thought process here is basically using your energy to get a stronger body, improve your talent, or even create talent if you have none. While it does seem borderline broken, this does take time so I suppose it should be fine before you can eat galaxies for lunch. This ability should also keep you safe reasonably, like camouflaging yourself. The passive helps here since you can force what you want if it turns out weird.

    Active 2: Ability to merge/demerge with anything in contact with your body, retaining your sense of self. My main thought with this would be for safety, get attacked?, merge into the ground. Enemy might think you just vanished. Yes you can move your self through the ground. while merged, somehow, chalk it up to magic. Or I suppose you could merge with the air or water, but that would seem harder to get your body back together.
  11. Sproutling

    Sproutling We are the Sproutlings

    Nov 20, 2015
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    Woah, dudes read the date.
  12. layyu

    layyu Adopt me plsss

    Aug 3, 2020
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    My passive skill would be immortality.

    My 1st active skill would be Molecule Manipulation, I could easily turn anything into basically anything that I want to. I wanna be rich? I could just turn my chair to gold.

    My 2nd active skill would be Superior Adaptation, the ability to adapt to anything and quickly evolve. Basically, this powers will give me "powers" to adapt to my situation. I needed to go somewhere yet it's way too far? It will give me teleportation.
  13. ScaredTeacup

    ScaredTeacup Active Member

    Oct 15, 2020
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    The power to perfectly control when I sleep and wake up. No longer will I lie there tired yet unable to sleep, and I will wake each day fresh and full of energy. With my kickass sleep schedule, I will have the energy to succeed in academics, sports, and live a satisfying life :)