Gensokyo Everlasting - Registration

Discussion in 'Roleplaying Games' started by lychee, Dec 10, 2018.

  1. lychee

    lychee [- slightly morbid fruit -] ❀[ 恋爱? ]❀

    Jul 22, 2017
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    Reading List:
    Registration -|- Monster Reports -|- Battle Thread -|- Tea House
    Gensokyo Everlasting (PvP Magic RPG)

    Long ago, Gensokyo was a desolate, haunted region of ancient Japan. The youkai that lived there began to terrorize the surrounding lands, and powerful humans were sent to exorcise and exterminate them. The constant battle between humans and youkai continued until the 19th Century, when Gensokyo was sealed away from the rest of Earth with the creation of the Great Hakurei Barrier.

    Japan was thus blessed with bountiful peace, but the realm of Gensokyo remained cursed to suffer constant battles between youkai and the humans left behind. During the events of Touhou Project, many heroines strived to make Gensokyo a peaceful place where humans and youkai could coexist. However, their peaceful harmonious dream was only fleeting. After the death and departures of those famous heroines, Gensokyo fell to chaos once more.

    Hundreds and hundreds of years later, Gensokyo has returned to its origins as a battleground between Evil Youkai who believe humans are nothing more than prey, and Good Youkai who wish to protect the fading peace.

    Which side will you join? And will Gensokyo ever see unity again?

    Gensokyo Everlasting (GE) is a Touhou spin-off writing RPG about two factions struggling to control the entire world of Gensokyo.

    The two factions are Good (human-friendly) and Evil (anti-human). In this game, you can create characters of either faction and battle with players from the opposite faction to claim territorial influence for your alignment.

    This game includes a fully featured PvP Spellcard battle system, which represents danmaku from the original Touhou series, as well as the ability to design your own custom Spellcards.

    Finally, this game is a writing roleplaying game at its heart, so all sorts of friendships, plots, adventure, and creativity is very much welcome and encouraged!​

    Map of Gensokyo

    Character Creation
    To play Gensokyo Unlimited, you must first create a character on the Registration Thread (this thread).

    Please fill out the character creation form with the following items:

    Base Stats:
    • HP: 10
    • STR: 6
    • DEF: 5
    • SPD: 3
    • INT: 0

    Regarding character [Race] and [Gender]:
    • Many races are allowed (check here for examples).
    • It is totally fine to be a "good youkai" or "evil human".
    • We allow male characters in Gensokyo Everlasting.

    Regarding character [Faction]:
    • Please choose between [Good] and [Evil].
    • No neutral characters (while it's okay to lean in a direction, pick a side!)

    Regarding character [Skill]:
    • Your character skill is the [Basic Attack] that they use in PvP battles.
    • [Basic Attack] can be "blocked" by other players.
    • Therefore, do not make your character skill OP.
    • Please make sure your character skill has obvious weaknesses.

    Regarding character [History]:
    • All characters must be born in Gensokyo. No travelers from the outside!
    • Humans in Gensokyo have a medieval lifestyle. No modern technology!

    Regarding [Base Stats]:
    • When creating your character, you can add 2 points

    Monster Reports (PvE)
    Once you've created a character, you can go to the Monster Reports Thread and begin writing about your character's encounters with enemy NPCs.

    There are many different ways to write a Monster Report. [Good] characters could write about exterminating evil youkai, and [Evil] characters could write about doing evil things to humans, but these are merely suggestions. Feel free to let your creativity loose!

    Please use the Monster Report Form when posting to the thread:

    • Character Name: Your Name
    • Character Level: Level 1 (Total EXP: 1)
    • Location: Kourindou (see map)
    • Enemies Defeated: 1 enemy
    • Report: -write your story-

    Every time you make a Monster Report...
    ...your character's total EXP goes up by +1

    Experience points contribute to your character level, which allows your character to take on more NPC enemies in a single quest report. Here is the level table:
    • Level 1: 0 EXP - 1 enemy NPC Max
    • Level 2: 6 EXP - 2 enemy NPC Max
    • Level 3: 22 EXP - 3 enemy NPC Max
    • Level 4: 51 EXP - 4 enemy NPC Max
    • Level 5: 100 EXP - 5 enemy NPC Max
    • Level 6: 173 EXP - 6 enemy NPC Max
    • Level 7: 274 EXP - 7 enemy NPC Max
    • Level 8: 410 EXP - 8 enemy NPC Max
    • Level 9: 583 EXP - 9 enemy NPC Max
    • Level 10: 800 EXP - 10 enemy NPC Max

    After posting your Monster Report, use @justabot to claim your reward.

    EACH enemy that you defeat will drop ONE random Spirit Stone.

    Use @justabot to roll a 5-sided dice for N number of enemies defeated:
    !roll 1,5,N
    Pay attention to the number you roll.

    Each number represents a different [Spirit Stone] type:
    1. (T) Wood (Tree)
    2. (F) Fire
    3. (E) Earth
    4. (M) Metal
    5. (W) Water

    Spirit Stones are used to synthesize [Spellcards], so read on to the next section!
    Synthesizing Spellcards

    Spell cards are single-use magical spells that can be used offensively or defensively in PvP battles. Every character's spellcards are unique, and most characters will spend a lot of time designing their signature moves.

    Spellcards are made from [Spirit Stones]. By fusing Spirit Stones together, the resulting Spellcard gains the elemental properties of the Spirit Stones used to synthesize it. The more Spirit Stones you use, the more powerful the resulting Spellcard. Please note there is a preliminary tax of 1 Spirit Stone (any type) to synthesize every Spellcard.
    • 1-core Spellcard: 1 HP damage (cost: 2 Spirit Stone)
    • 2-core Spellcard: 2 HP damage (cost: 3 Spirit Stone)
    • 3-core Spellcard: 3 HP damage (cost: 4 Spirit Stone)
    • 4-core Spellcard: 4 HP damage (cost: 5 Spirit Stone)
    • ...pattern continues...

    The elemental types that go into the Spellcard are extremely important.

    This is because we have an elemental cycle:


    From this diagram, you can see that water (W) is strong against fire (F) [Red Arrow] and that Wood (T) is weak against fire (F) [Grey Arrow].

    This is important in PvP battles because players can defend against Offensive Spellcards by using Defensive Spellcards with an elemental composition that neutralizes the attack. As a result, you should design your Spellcards carefully and keep your Spellcards closely guarded secrets! If an enemy discovers what Spellcards you have in possession, it will make their time fighting you a lot easier!

    To synthesize a spell card, first you should start a PM (private conversation) with a GM like @lychee. In your PM, you should keep track of your inventory so other players cannot see it. Every time your inventory changes, you should update your PM inventory. Please use this form:


    • Character: Marisa
    • Spirit Stones: 0T 3F 2E 0M 1W
    • Spellcards: 1 Master Spark (FFMM), 3 Tiny Spark (FM)

    Please refer to to these Spirit Stone abbreviations:
    1. (T) Wood (Tree)
    2. (F) Fire
    3. (E) Earth
    4. (M) Metal
    5. (W) Water

    When you would like to design a brand new Spellcard, please use this form:

    • Character: Marisa
    • Spellcard: Master Spark
    • Spell Formula: FFMM
    • Research Cost: 0
    • Materials Spent: n/a
    Spellcards must be researched by your character before they can be synthesized.

    Every time you research a new Spellcard, the Research Cost for next Spellcard increases by +1. Your first Spellcard research costs 0 Spirit Stones. Your second spellcard research will cost 1 spirit stone, the third research will cost 2 spirit stones, and so on.

    Since Spellcard Research gets more expensive over time, design your spells carefully! Having a large arsenal of different spells comes at a cost!

    After researching a Spellcard Design, you can synthesize Spellcards according to the formula:


    • Character: Marisa
    • Spellcard: Master Spark
    • Spell Formula: FFMM
    • Quantity: 1
    • Materials Spent: 2F 2M 1W

    Please remember that making each Spell Card consumes 1 Spirit Stone as tax. The taxed Spirit Stone does not enter the Spell Formula and simply gets sacrificed in the process. You can choose any Spirit Stone in your inventory to serve as the Tax Sacrifice.

    Important: You cannot synthesize Spell Cards in the middle of a battle.

    This is considered cheating! Make sure to prepare properly before battling!
    Challenging Players (PvP)
    When you're ready to fight somebody, take a look at the Map (and the associated spreadsheet) to decide if there's a territory you want to claim.

    If the territory is unclaimed, then you can simply write a Battle Report and claim it for free. Congratulations! Now you character lives there (or whatever your character wants to do with it)?

    If the territory is claimed by somebody else, then you should @ the player who is listed as the champion and challenge them to a duel in the Battle Thread. Each one of your characters can issue a challenge a maximum of once per day.

    The other player has three days (72 hours) to respond before they lose by default.

    If the other player responds, this triggers a turn-based battle.

    Each character starts with 10 HP.

    Each phase of the battle has an [Attacker] and [Defender]. The defending champion always gets to be the Attacker first. The Attacker and Defender switch every turn.

    Here is the order of operations:
    1. Attacker:
      1. Roll 6-sided dice for [Basic Attack]
      2. Write a [Battle Report] and use Spell Cards (optional)
    2. Defender:
      1. Roll 6-sided dice for [Basic Defense]
      2. Write a [Battle Report] and use Spell Cards (optional)

    Let's run through this in detail.

    A). Attacker rolls their [Basic Attack]
    Here's the code to roll a dice:
    !roll 1,6
    For now, we will just remember the number.

    B). Attacker writes their [Battle Report]
    Here's the Battle Report form:


    • Character: Marisa (@lychee)
    • Opponent: Reimu (@yuzuki)
    • Location: Kourindou (see map)
    • Level: Level 1 (Total EXP: 1)
    • HP: 10/10
    • Turn: 1 (Attacker)
    • Spellcard: Master Spark (FFMM)
    • Report: Write story here

    Every turn, players have the option of using one Spellcard from their inventory. Attackers can use Spellcards to add to their damage output. Offensive Spell Cards deal +1 damage for each spirit core. For instance, a 5-core Spellcard has the potential to do 5 damage.

    Importantly, when writing your battle report, do not assume that your attacks will hit. There is still a chance that your opponent might dodge or block or use a Spellcard that turns things around.

    Remember to +1 EXP each time you make a Battle Report too!

    C). Defender rolls their [Basic Defense]
    Here's the code to roll a dice:
    !roll 1,6
    If the Attacker rolled a bigger number than the Defender, this means that the Attacker's [Basic Attack] succeeded! The damage received is the difference between the two dice rolls.

    For instance, if the Attacker rolled a 6 and the Defender rolled a 2, [Basic Attack] will deal 4 HP damage to the Defender.

    Nothing happens if the Defender rolled a greater number than the Attacker.

    D). Defender writes their [Battle Report]
    At this point, the defender should write their Battle Report. Use the same form as above. At this point, the defender has all the information necessary to know whether their character will take damage or not.

    If applicable, the defender should decide if they should use a Defensive Spellcard from their inventory.

    Remember the Element Cycle?


    A Defender can protect themselves against an Offensive Spellcard by activating one of their own Spellcards with an elemental composition that neutralizes the attack. For example, a 3-core Spell (FFE=Fire, Fire, Earth) can be perfectly neutralized with a 3-core Spell (WWT=Water, Water, Wood), causing it to do zero damage.

    The same FFE spell could be partially neutralized with a 1-core Spell (W=Water), which reduce the damage dealt to 2 HP instead of 3 HP.

    Be careful though!

    If your defending spell contains element weak against the attacking spell, your defending spell could backfire on you! For example, if you defend against an FFT spell with a WWW spell, two Water will neutralize the two Fire (-2 Damage), but the remaining one Water will amplify the one Wood (+1 Damage).

    The final damage received is (3 base) - (2 neutralized) + (1 amplified) = 2 HP damage.

    Always calculate neutralization effects before calculating amplification effects.

    Remember, only one spellcard can be used each turn.

    E). Next turn and switch roles
    Now, the Defender and Attacker switch roles and the next turn begins!

    At any point in the battle, you can choose to have your character [Retreat]. If you retreat, there is a -1 Spellcard penalty, meaning you need to choose 1 Spellcard to discard from your inventory.

    If any character's HP reaches zero, that character is knocked out and is defeated. There is a -2 Spellcard penalty for losing, meaning the loser needs to choose 2 Spellcards to discard from their inventory.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2018
  2. lychee

    lychee [- slightly morbid fruit -] ❀[ 恋爱? ]❀

    Jul 22, 2017
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  3. villain

    villain [DCLXVI's] [cat-loving evil mastermind]

    Oct 20, 2016
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    Reading List:
    Character Name
    : Sample Villain
    Gender: Male
    Faction: Evil
    Race: Nue

    Skill: Flying Claws
    Sample can shoot his claws like projectiles, dealing piercing damage.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

    Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.
  4. A5G_Reaper

    A5G_Reaper [DCLXVI, sohyee, and iampsyx's cute imouto]

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Is that Haruhi vs Marisa
    lychee likes this.
  5. lychee

    lychee [- slightly morbid fruit -] ❀[ 恋爱? ]❀

    Jul 22, 2017
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    Oh, for anyone who's on the fence about playing this because they aren't familiar with the Touhou franchise, that's totally okay!

    I actually don't know that much about it either. >.< I've only tried the first two games. I think it's okay to play this game knowing nothing about Touhou! This is sort of a AU (alternate universe)-like setting anyways, so it's bound to be different from the original setting.

    If you're curious about Touhou, there is a really short fan-made touhou anime called Touhou Fantasy Kaleidoscope that might be cool to check out! I think it's quite well animated, and it gives a pretty casual overview of Touhou as a series even if you know nothing else.

    XD I have no idea!!
  6. A5G_Reaper

    A5G_Reaper [DCLXVI, sohyee, and iampsyx's cute imouto]

    Oct 26, 2015
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    I wanna join but I also have to finish the abyss dives
    yuzuki and Silver Snake like this.
  7. Silver Snake

    Silver Snake Magician of NUF|Show-off|Awkward|Genius

    Oct 27, 2016
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    It's so beautiful, everything I've dreamed. :blobsob::blobsob::blobsob:
    yuzuki likes this.
  8. A5G_Reaper

    A5G_Reaper [DCLXVI, sohyee, and iampsyx's cute imouto]

    Oct 26, 2015
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    If I ever play I'll name one of my spellcard Magical Flammerwerfer
    yuzuki and Silver Snake like this.
  9. AkunDami

    AkunDami Neu membar

    Nov 13, 2017
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    Nope, that was reimu in white clothes from certain saddest fangame... Suddenly i feel like crying seeing that picture.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2018
    yuzuki likes this.
  10. yuzuki

    yuzuki [sweet night] [plum blossoms]

    Nov 24, 2015
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    Note: Since @lychee is a @yuzuki clone (meaning the GM is playing), I'll be playing with an open hand. I will use a PM with @AliceShiki as my anti-cheating inventory PM, and anyone who would like to join that PM to see freely my cards is welcome to just ask!


    Character Name
    : Rose Coriette
    Gender: Female
    Faction: Evil
    Race: Vampire

    Skill: Unseen Knives
    Rose is a throwing knife specialist. Every one of her knives come in pairs -- a material one and an immaterial one. The material knife is physical, cuts the body, and can be blocked like an ordinary throwing knife. The immaterial one is invisible, cuts the soul, and cannot be blocked with physical means. Enemies beware: watch out for invisible flying knives.

    Rose has silver hair and red eyes, not unlike many of her species. Otherwise, she appears deceptively much like a youthful five-foot tall human girl, although in reality she is 131 years old (quite young for a vampire). Like many vampires, she has superhuman strength and speed, and can display her vampire wings to fly if she wishes. She can also transform into a bat and can regenerate her injuries spontaneously if given enough time.

    Rose's skin is pale, a consequence of being weak to sunlight. Although silver metal is a mortal weakness of her species, Rose loves the color and she likes to adorn herself with shiny embroidery made with similar materials. You will occasionally find her outfitted with pieces of steel armor. As a hobby, Rose fancies swordplay with the rapier, and sometimes you can find her bullying a poor under-trained human swordsmen.

    Rose was once a human who resided in the Human Village. However, after Gensokyo fell to chaos after the disappearance of the Hakurei shrine maiden, she was bitten by a vampire and thus became a youkai, forever preserving her youth. Initially she was weak and inconsequential, but over the years she has developed increasing confidence and independence from her Vampire Originator.

    Currently, Rose resents humans because her closest friends and families rejected her after she became a youkai, leaving deep scars in her heart. She believes that no relationships are genuine, and that humans are fundamentally treacherous, corrupt, and selfish. There is nothing "good" about humans at all! They're equally as demonic as youkai, if not at least extremely hypocritical and naive about the true nature of the world.

    Besides, right now she drinks human blood, so humans = food. She thinks it is preposterous that some "Good" youkai want to live in peace with humans, because what is she supposed to eat if youkai aren't allowed to attack humans?

    That aside, Rose lives a mostly lonely and isolated life. She wanders of the night roads of Gensokyo looking for human prey, often challenging them to a playful duel with swords for her personal amusement before killing them.

    But here is a question: is she happy?

    That is much more difficult question to answer.
    leegood and Silver Snake like this.
  11. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Hai hai! ^^)7
    leegood and yuzuki like this.
  12. yuzuki

    yuzuki [sweet night] [plum blossoms]

    Nov 24, 2015
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    I feel like I’m beginning to write this like teenage angsty bad fan fiction at this rate :sweating_profusely::sweating_profusely::sweating_profusely:

    Is it showing??? My chuuni is sticking out, isn’t it? :blob_coughblood:

    Someone should come write with me!

    Save me from this chuunibyou snowball of teenage monologues!!!
  13. Quaesitor

    Quaesitor [Scholar]

    Jan 3, 2017
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    I'll join once I'm home, which should be in about 4 hours.
    yuzuki likes this.
  14. Quaesitor

    Quaesitor [Scholar]

    Jan 3, 2017
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    Reading List:
    Character Name: Tanetsu
    Gender: Male(?)
    Faction: Good
    Race: Magician
    Skill: Shooting Stars
    Creates a few glowing orbs which fire projectiles or beams at the enemy, which have a surprisingly high mass, but are not as hot as one might imagine.
    History: Tanetsu is a magician specializing in using the mysteries and constellations of the skies to affect the world. Orphaned by a Yokai attack and lost in the forest, it was a hermit that found and raised Tanetsu.

    From her, Tanetsu learned much about the world, but it were the distant stars which were the most fascinating. After years of research and experiments, ignorant of the conflict which filled the world, Tanetsu became a Yokai magician, not needing food and not aging anymore.

    It was at this point that the hermit told Tanetsu of the conflict, and Tanetsu decided to make a stand for the humans and coexistence.
  15. lychee

    lychee [- slightly morbid fruit -] ❀[ 恋爱? ]❀

    Jul 22, 2017
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    Since there's now more than one player, the Tea House has opened! :blobsmilehappyeyes::blobsmilehappyeyes::blobsmilehappyeyes:
  16. A5G_Reaper

    A5G_Reaper [DCLXVI, sohyee, and iampsyx's cute imouto]

    Oct 26, 2015
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    It's a trap!
    Ddraig likes this.
  17. Quaesitor

    Quaesitor [Scholar]

    Jan 3, 2017
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    No no no, it's an androgynous person! The gender was never properly specified, Tanetsu might be a girl!
    lychee and A5G_Reaper like this.
  18. Refan25

    Refan25 [The one on the back ground]

    Oct 29, 2018
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    Reading List:
    Name: Manatee:cookie:
    : Male:blobcheeky:
    : Neutral:facepalm:
    : Trichechus:blobsmilehappyeyes:
    : Cooking/Flying fart:blobhero:
    Age: (?????):blobpeek:

    History:He came from the nameless mountain :blobReach: not knowing why he's there or who he is:hmm:,but he has a feeling that a great change will happen on this planet:blobsleeping:...alas the change indeed happend the hoomans split in two factions the good(hooman-friendly) and the evil(anti-hooman):blobfistbumpR:.He is the overseer :blobpopcorn_cool: of all he watched the great war and changes of the world:blobsweat_2:.No one knew how old he is not even he himslef knows how old he is.:blobdizzy:
  19. A5G_Reaper

    A5G_Reaper [DCLXVI, sohyee, and iampsyx's cute imouto]

    Oct 26, 2015
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    MaliMi and Silver Snake like this.
  20. A5G_Reaper

    A5G_Reaper [DCLXVI, sohyee, and iampsyx's cute imouto]

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Someone should turn on clothing damage and beat him/her/it in PvP :hmm:

    For science! :blobthinkingsmirk:
    yuzuki and Quaesitor like this.