Chinese Supporting Male Lead-sama, Fight! (BL)

Discussion in 'Novel Pickup Request' started by Alvory, Jan 26, 2019.


Who wants to translate this synopsis?

  1. Not me

    17 vote(s)
  2. LOL....HAHA

    6 vote(s)
  3. ME

    2 vote(s)
  4. Too lazy

    9 vote(s)
  1. Alvory

    Alvory Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2017
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    Name: 男配大人,战斗吧!/ MTL Translation: Male with adults, fight!
    作者:莫晨欢 / MTL Translation: Author: Mo Huan Chen
    Raw Link:
    NU Link: N/A
    Why It Should Get Picked Up: seemed interesting from the synopsis. The MTL totally butchered the translation. LOL



    At the end of the last days, I was slammed into the brain. At the end of the women's wear, I watched the protagonist being attacked by the noble and cold. At the end of the farming, I only saw... Hey, is this soybeans not wheat?

    Host No. 1114, system produced, your trust!
    Host No. 1114: Beat the egg, the main brain you give me out! What shit story!
    Main brain No. 1: Shut up.
    Host 1114: ...

    If you like the diligent day of the more Fuwa, you can support Fuwa 哟~→ This article is coming to an end, the new text has been opened, and it is based on the "Wu Xing Tu" that is going through the world.

    Chiiiiiiiii and aelene like this.
  2. FFAx27

    FFAx27 Seeking Enlightenment

    Jul 9, 2016
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    Title should be something like: Great Supporting Male, Fight!
  3. LaDyViL

    LaDyViL New Member Staff Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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    Screenshot_20190126_093720.png That is not the novel title.

    That is not the author's name. Check the Chinese again.
  4. Alvory

    Alvory Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2017
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    I know it was a typo lol...idk how to edit the title so....
    aelene likes this.
  5. Saikyi

    Saikyi Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2018
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    Title: great supporting male, fight! (I guess this works)
    Author: mo chen huan

    At the end of the apocalypse, my brain was exploded with one step.

    At the end of the female transmigrater, i saw mc!shou cooly and elegantly get kicked away by mc!gong.

    At the end of farming, i saw...what, This is soybean not wheat?

    Host#1114, system's product, your trust! (Er..not really sure they were trying for here...)

    Host#1114: wtf, main system, come out! What kind of crap plots?!

    Main system#1: shut up

    Host#1114: ....

    The rest part isnt part of the summary.

    Mc is host#1114, ml is main system#1 (im guessing???)

    Looks like 11arcs/worlds + few extras.
    Based on the titles...
    Arc1 apocalypse
    Arc2 im guessing ancient world, with the mc shou& mc gong
    Arc3 farming, assuming also ancient
    Arc4 xianxia
    Arc5 modern business fight
    Arc6 no idea, title something liike ”pheonix dance in the universe”
    Arc7 idk either, title even more mysterious, “red barrier”
    Arc8 i think its entertainment circle, looking at the chapter decription, they officially get together in this arc ? :hmm:
    Arc9 pretty sure this is also xianxia
    Arc10 interstellar? + abo
    Arc11 ending arc, title something like “the beginning of the end”

    I might read this once im done with my current novel :blobpopcorn:
    Chiiiiiiiii and FFAx27 like this.
  6. JaketheDog

    JaketheDog Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2019
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    aw shit i was too late
  7. LaDyViL

    LaDyViL New Member Staff Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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    Alright, changed the title.
  8. LaDyViL

    LaDyViL New Member Staff Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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    Leaving this summary here, don't open it if don't like spoilers.
    Tag me if someone made a spoiler thread, I'll move these there if there's one. I'm not doing all, just the few early ones. They're really short compared to what I'm used to reading.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2019
  9. LaDyViL

    LaDyViL New Member Staff Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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    Arc 2 is above, if someone watching this thread and missed it, since I just edited that in.
    lykizan, maripants and Saikyi like this.
  10. Saikyi

    Saikyi Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2018
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    Thanks for the summaries, but i am so mc takes over for a short time, completes a task, then original mc takes back over and gets together with ml??
  11. LaDyViL

    LaDyViL New Member Staff Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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    The thing is, the story starts without much information on either MC background or hosts'. Sometime host is destined to die, sometime host will live. It's a Fast Wear with great emphasize on Fast imo However, I do think that if MC completed his tasks and he's still alive, host will returned to the body without memories. Check spoilers below. I can't say about future chapters, but for Arc 1-3...
    Arc 1: MC came in while host was driving. Host didn't die or anything, MC just transmigrate. In original timeline, host would die anyway. So there's no difference here.

    Arc 2: In original timeline, worldMC and all 4 male leads would leave and lived in seclusion from the rest of the world. After some time, worldMC got restless and left to the dismay of her husbands. Host died because of illness. His body was not good. WorldMC's actions and consequences made it deteriorate faster. In MC's timeline, ML (emperor) discovered he is just someone inside host's body. Before anything could happen, MC got attacked by worldMC. MC left the world and host returned without memories of the time MC spent as him. If, MC had stayed, I believe ML would have deepened their feelings. In the side story, it was mentioned how even though host is like MC, he is not MC.

    Arc 3: I forgot what happened in original timeline regarding host. However, after the system announced mission completion and MC was gonna get ejected from this world, he did ask about what will happen to the body. He got confirmation from system - host will return. He got worried because host is rich young master who don't know how to survive alone. So he left a note for host to see telling him to find ML. Unfortunately, a plague hit the country and host was one of the victim. Most of the time, host was emancipated and in a comma so no one, not even ML, noticed his difference with MC. However, I do believe he would have a deeper feeling with ML if it wa not host but MC and he was still alive, not dead. The worldML in the side story noted how ML never cared for anything but just this one person and the care he showed when he was taking care of host (in comma, so didn't notice difference with MC) was so attentive, more so than he ever showed before.

    I'm only at Arc 4, finally shed some light on MC's background.
    From Arc 1, from the start, MC is straight, I think. He's very interested with females. Even his friends, the other hosts, like #1111 and #1118 are girls I think. It's mentioned in this arc, how one of the friend said they don't have feelings, don't know how it is to love. It made me think, maybe they're artificial human? Created to be system hosts. However, Main System #1 is different. In arc 4, he fully took control of the body he left his consciousness in so he can confront MC. Their past interactions left his consciousness too traumatized coz MC left, died in front of him. He doesn't understand, but he only had one goal. Do not let MC die.

    I'm still reading, and don't know when I can spare more time to read so hopefully that'll whet your appetites and someone else would continue where I haven't hahaha
    pcheshire likes this.
  12. SnowTime

    SnowTime Busy Busy Busy, I Dug Too Many Holes

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Sir Male Support, Fight!
    At the end of the apocalypse, my head was destroyed with a kick.

    At the end of the female transmigrater, I watched as mc!shou was coldly and elegantly kicked away by male lead one.

    At the end of agriculture, I saw... What? This isn't soybean but wheat?

    Host 114, where is your trust in the system's items?
    Host 114: Damn it! Show yourself main system! What shitty setting is this?!

    Main System 1: Shut up.

    Host 114: ......

    Why the sama in the title lol
    LaDyViL likes this.
  13. LaDyViL

    LaDyViL New Member Staff Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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    You can blame jujube for that, search "sama" at #secret-den xD
  14. LaDyViL

    LaDyViL New Member Staff Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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    If anyone remembers how ML swore this, that's how MC's tragedy begins.
    This and that happened, MC and ML got hunted down by the "righteous" people. ML over exerted himself and had his cultivation fall some levels. While recuperating, the bad guy of that world appeared. ML swore not to let MC die in front of him, so he self exploded and MC was left somewhere alone, trapped for all eternity.

    And that's it for Arc 4. Now onto Arc 5.
    Then for Arc 5 it was...
    Just kidding. There's a continuation in the extra of Arc 4. This time, it's the POV of the protagonist. He got powered up, easily coz MC and ML went around collecting the things he would have otherwise suffered to obtain. Years passed, friends, acquaintances, enemies all gone. He thought maybe it's time for him to ascend. He thought of those who had left him, even ML and MC. Then suddenly MC appeared in front of him. He asked how he got here and where ML was. MC answered that ML had died and he was trapped somewhere for a very long time. MC thought, it's good that he got system with him or he would have gone nuts. He couldn't have gone and disobeyed the Main System #1 and suicide. Of course, protagonist thought MC was catatonic(?) because he lost ML. But then MC wondered why he didn't get automatically ejected, only to realize protagonist has yet to ascend. So that's why he was stuck in this world and urged the protagonist to hurry up and ascend.

    For Arc 5, it's a Modern Day world about some green tea b1tch/sob and some guy who got reborn for a second chance. While being thankful this time he won't have to "stay alive" here, and doing his role in the world, his host's brother appeared out of nowhere even though he didn't had much screen time in the original story. Surprise, surprise. That's Main System #1's consciousness, telling him that he has this urge to must not let MC die ever since he saw MC. MC asked his system to confirm it, and the response he got was #1 sent instinct to not let MC die across all the hosts he buried his consciousness in, to MC's chagrin. Oh well, at least this world it's just some drama with the reborn guy and the family business.....did you see that flag rising? Just as they got out, MC, ML and his friend got shot at by some assassins. ML and his friend took down some of the shooters.....and I stopped reading there for now.

    Probably can rename this to "Supporting Male Lead: Please Let Me Rest in Peace" :blobthinkingsmirk:
    pcheshire likes this.
  15. LaDyViL

    LaDyViL New Member Staff Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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    This time ML's host only contain a sliver of his consciousness and not Main Brain #1 as a whole, so he felt strongly that he must not let MC die and that's it. He doesn't know the background of the world or story in it, he's just a character in this arc. So close to the end, ML had successfully revenge on MC's family but he vehemently said he won't implicate MC. Due to some things, he had to leave for some time and left his friend (Alex?) to take care of MC. The task is only 40% complete even though MC's family is no longer what it used to be so MC was still stuck in the world. By now, MC is no longer a young master and he did some construction works to get by. He's used to it coz in previous world, he also got used to labor. Until one day he got knocked out and taken to an abandon factory. Some disgusting guys had kidnapped him there and was preparing to violate him. Panicking, MC shouted at system that it's system's job to ensure protection of host! System also hurriedly announce completion of task and told MC to prepare to leave in 3 minutes. Facing the guys, MC felt nauseous and shoved them away making the guys retaliate by hitting him. Dizzy, when he looked up he saw a d*ck coming closer to him. Poof, all he saw was darkness and he returned to the main brain space where he retched and vomit.

    MC got a break. Sister 1111 contacted the space for 111x but there's no one else, just 1114. She's having trouble with her task, there's a bug left by author in it. The female protagonist has IQ 200. Every love she tried to do for busted and countered by the protagonist. MC transmigrate as the most beautiful guy in that world. 1111 flirted with him not knowing she's flirting with her little bro lmao So then suddenly a guy decorated luxuriously came in confronting the MC. It's #1, not just consciousness but the main system itself asking why MC is in this world. Things happened blabla and MC quietly accepted in his heart that he likes #1. While it seems the counterattack is about to complete, the female protagonist did a coup. The worse thing is, one of her pursuers got a poison that can be dispersed through air and there is no cure for it. It seems like everything was going to turn out fine....until one of her other pursuer detonate the poison. Everyone in the vicinity got poisoned, vomiting blood including 1111 and MC. #1 got MC to eat some pill, just one pill exist in the world. While MC was about to swallow it, he saw ML vomiting blood too. He shoved the pill into 1111's mouth. He said, ML doesn't allow him to die in front of him, so how about dying together? Don't leave him alone for 400 years...
    pcheshire, keinnan and maripants like this.
  16. pcheshire

    pcheshire Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Is it wrong that I can't help but see this story as comedic?
  17. lykizan

    lykizan Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2018
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    im so confused between world!mc, world!ml, mc, ml, main system #1, host #1114, what is goin on
  18. baka8roukanako

    baka8roukanako Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2018
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    Another system novel? Eh.... :blobexpressionless: