Game Sign Up Adventurer's Guild - Registration

Discussion in 'Community Games' started by AliceShiki, Jan 28, 2019.

  1. Xalysian

    Xalysian Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2019
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    He takes the wooden identification badge, studied it for a moment and looked back at the feline-looking receptionist. "..." A light hum can be heard as he stores the badge into one of his jacket's pockets.

    "Say thanks, dummy."
    "..." he looked distressed as he opened his lips, trying to say something. He couldn't.

    "Please forgive his manners, he's just shy - that's all!~"
    He, bowed down before he leaves the counter area.

    ((I will make sure to remember that, thanks.))
    jbturkle and AliceShiki like this.
  2. Hasr11

    Hasr11 [Cat] [Fujoshi] [JP TL in Hiding]

    Sep 11, 2016
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    She takes the badge with sparkling eyes. It was as if she could see the sardines calling out to her. Ah, a job at last!, she thought. She resisted the urge to huge the receptionist as she hopped towards the tavern...

    “Thank you, nyan!”, She said as she left...
    Xalysian likes this.
  3. Heckaton

    Heckaton Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2019
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    Name: Grendel
    Gender: Male
    Race: Half-Oni / Half-??? (Demon)
    Age: 86
    Class: Warrior
    Rank: E
    Points: 0

    a 2.4 m tall man with a dark blue skin and a pair of black horns on his forehead. His prominent features, crimson eyes and unkempt long black hair gives off a slightly barbaric look.
    Iron Poleaxe
    Leather Pauldron
    Leather Vambraces
    Leather Boots
    Hunting Pouch
    45 Large Copper Coin
    Novice (E) < Intermediate (D) < Advanced (C) < Expert (B) < Mastery (A)

    Lightning magic:
    Thunderclad (E): The ability to cover himself with a coat of lightning. It can also be applied to anything he touches (max range of 5m, the area of coverage and lightning intensity is proportionate to mana cost)

    Electrocute (E): ability to electrocute anything that came in contact with Grendel’s lightning. The damage inflicted varies with the intensity of lightning and the target’s size, ranging from a simple numbness to paralysis

    Blademaster (E+): Novice level proficiency in wielding conventional bladed weapons (shortsword, longsword, greatsword, katana) and pole weapons (spear, halberd, naginata) and intermediate proficiency in poleaxe and one-handed axe (due to both being his preferred weapon)

    Stealth (E):
    Novice level ability to hide in environment

    Animal skinning (E): Ability to skin an animal decently

    Wood carving (D)
    : Grendel’s pastime hobby. Can make a slightly detailed work

    Racial skill:
    Wrath mode: a derivative skill of the oni’s berserker mode. While wrath’s power boost is significantly lower than berserker mode’s (about 50%), it is possible to maintain wrath for a longer duration, which lasts around 90 minutes.

    Strong constitution: a superior resistance to poisons and high tolerance to alcohols
    Rations, a tent, lantern, water pouch, tinderbox
    Born to an oni father and an unknown mother, Grendel spent most of his life living in a forest on the eastern part of the northern continent with his father. Spending day by day with rigorous training by his father with little in the way of entertainment, Grendel became a person with great curiosity and interest towards things that are new to him.
    After many years of his hermit-like life, his father gave him a test: to go on journey to test his strength and hone it even further. And so, Grendel sets out to his journey, wondering what new things he will encounter
    michael.kx5 likes this.
  4. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Grendel? Your name reminds me of an old tale from my home world... It doesn't matter though, besides, it's not a happy tale anyways, welcome to the guild~

    *takes out a knife and starts scribbling in a small wooden badge*
    *gives said badge to you, it has the guild's symbol in it*

    This will be your identification badge, please be careful with it as a loss will incur a fine. I wrote your name in your back so you can claim it as yours~

    That will be all, once again, welcome aboard and may the gods blessings be upon you~ *bows*

    ((Welcome! Please put your character's information within your signature~

    And remember to have fun~))
  5. Heckaton

    Heckaton Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2019
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    "Oh? A tale about another me from another world? I wonder what happened to him. Anyway, thanks for the registration." The man then proceeds to leave the counter and headed to the quest board
  6. Skarmie

    Skarmie Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2019
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    A man red to the face open the doors of the guild. he made way towards the counter staggering and opened his mouth, "Cansh I- *hick hab a jhob hewe pwease...*hick". The receptionist made him fill out tiny details then used technology to map his skills... as----, the drunk man slowly slouched obver ze counter zz. *hick.
    Name: Maga
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Age: 27
    Class: None
    Rank: E
    Bearded middle aged man, sun-tanned skin, burly, lots of skin hair making him appear rough on all sides.
    Common Tank Top
    Common Under Wear
    Common Pants
    Fishing Rod
    Alcohol (99)
    Dried Squid Treats
    17 Large Copper Coins
    • Freak Aura [Unranked Lifestyle Skill]: Maga wields a creepy aura (from being creepy). Intelligent creatures know it's best to stay away from him.
    • Stinky Ward [Unranked Lifestyle Skill]: Maga constantly smells weird due to alcohol. Predators with good sense of smell would think he doesn't taste good.
    • Mean Stare [Unranked Lifestyle Skill]: Causes weak monster to think Maga is strong.
    • Tell Weather [E Rank Navigation Skill]: Context.
    • Alcoholic Breath [E Rank Fire Spell]: Maga is capable of breathing flammable gas.
    • Flame Pouch [C Rank Magical Appendage]: Maga's liver is now a living habitat of Flame spirits (Alcohol).
    • Taunt [E Rank Mental Skill]: Can induce rage effect... not specified.
    Maga is a sailor... and a divorcee after spending too long in the sea. He retired because of the sadness then spend all his assets drinking. 3 years after, he awakened to a crisis; He ran out of funds for his alcohol. So Maga went out of his way to look for a job to spend the money gain from it for his alcohol consumption. On his Nth time looking for a job, he finally stumbled upon the perfect job where he won't have to worry about constantly working for that monthly pay, and pays only when he needs it to... The Adventurer's Guild.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2019
    Xalysian likes this.
  7. Lenaia

    Lenaia Queen of Smiles

    Dec 7, 2016
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    Something about the new registration sent the living receptionists on a sudden break or such. Thankfully the hooded construct sitting behind one counter was immune to creepy and/or smelly people. The green orbs visible inside the hood flickered sapphire blue and a woman's voice came out of it.

    "New registration? Mister Trump Maga, isn't it? Welcome to the Adventurer's Guild. I see your registration form is in order, yes. Here's your badge..." the construct took out a knife and carved out the piece of wood with almost robotic precision, finishing in less than ten seconds. "...losing it will incur a fine, so make sure you dont! Your name is carved on the backside!"

    "The job counter is over there, bring the report to any one of us available when you're done. The tavern is on the other side, we also provide lodging for a price. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Have a nice day!"

    ((Welcome! Please put your character's information within your signature and remember to have fun.))
    Yul B Allwright and AliceShiki like this.
  8. Skarmie

    Skarmie Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2019
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    Maga, slightly sobered now, accepted the badge handed over by the hooded woman and slowly drifted to 'over there' to grab a quest on his way out.

    ((Thanks~ Will do.))
    Xalysian likes this.
  9. Ddraig

    Ddraig Frostfire Dragon|Retired lurker|FFF|Loved by RNG

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Wait what??? Lenaia chan is a receptionist here now?
    Anyways @AliceShiki how should I proceed if I want to make a new char here?
    Blackwater likes this.
  10. Lenaia

    Lenaia Queen of Smiles

    Dec 7, 2016
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    Follow the guidelines at the first post.
  11. Aion Satria

    Aion Satria Active Member

    Apr 4, 2019
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    "Hello again. Is this proper?" Raven asks, handing her registration form.

    Name: Raven Ringo
    Gender: Female
    Race: Human
    Age: 17
    Class: Mystic
    Rank: E
    Points: 0
    A bit on the tall side at 178cm, lithe and pale. Her atire is a knee-length woolen robe with runes embroidered with silver thread on it by her own hand and straight woolen pants. Short trekking boots seem to be the only shoes she owns. She smiles rarerly, resulting in a harsh resting face, with rose red pursed lips and a slight scowl. Raven black hair with an accent of magenta in the middle. Often lost in thought, her eyes seem intimidating to most.
    Weapons: Wooden sceptre with an amethyst on the head; 9 throwing knives
    Armors: None.
    Coins: 1 Large Copper Coin
    Raven's skills are mostly the spiritual manifestations of mental constructs. These function like lesser spirits, allowing an assortment of elemental spells, but their true power is in affecting mental states. Her school of magic aims to form and shape separate egos in the constructs, but has yet to achieve that goal, with the most powerful among constructs being a mere fragment of the caster's self, copied and detached as a separate entity. Raven's current constructs are as follows:

    Ignis: A small floating flaming sphere with 7 closed eyes. While sleeping it absorbs ambient energy; when the eyes open the fire bursts out in a cone shape toward a target. While the initial burst is one-shot, if the flames manage to burn a target, some portion of energy could be reabsorbed.
    Phantasm: A magenta mist or a constellation of 5 pale wisps. Capable of affecting moods and sending images accross a visible distance. For long range communication, the wisps spread from horizon to horizon, communicating through short bursts.
    Blade: A collection of throwing knives that crawls around on the tips of the blades, seemingly. Actually a telekinetic construct. It's capable of moving lighter objects around for short durations. While not using this ability, the construct can operate the throwing knives as its limbs, or launch them with the strength of an average man. Cannot be manifested for long, and requires the weapons as medium.
    Travelling bag with assorted tools for camping; Nothing else of practical value.
    Formerly Raven Steel, she was born from an aristocratic line who fell on hard times, the proud 12th generation of a former marquis house. As the second daugther, she loathed the thought of marrying her childhood playmate from the neighbouring fief, thus negotiated with her father to be allowed exile, at least. After a long journey to Nagrand, she found herself penniless, due to her slightly warped sense of money compared to other travellers. After learning of the Adventurer's Guild, she reluctantly applied for registration.

    OnceandFutureLurker likes this.
  12. Lenaia

    Lenaia Queen of Smiles

    Dec 7, 2016
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    Catherine's construct sprung to life at the presence of a customer, transmitting her words from who knows how far.

    "Raven, yes? Everything seems to be in order, I'll file you in among our rank. One minute..."

    The construct took a blank badge and a knife, mechanically carving it into the guild badge with robotic precision. It flipped the badge over and carved another line of word on the back before handing it to the new adventurer. Exactly one minute after it began.

    "Here's your guild badge. We'll fine you if you ever lose it so try not to, yes? Welcome to the guild, enjoy your time and try not to die!"
  13. Aion Satria

    Aion Satria Active Member

    Apr 4, 2019
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    "Thank you," Raven sighed in relief and tried to smile at the construct. It was a bit awkward, so she turned away and slowly headed for the quest board.
  14. Yul B Allwright

    Yul B Allwright Not a suspicious person

    Apr 3, 2019
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    Name: Fillian Direson
    Gender: Male
    Race: Wolfkin
    Age: 15
    Rank: E
    Points: 4
    Fillian is a fairly short young man with shoulder-length black hair and honey colored eyes. He has pale skin and thick black fur covering his arms, feet, and tail. He wears a dark-colored vest with his own tribe unique pattern and a knee-length pant with similar pattern like his vest.
    Ritual Knife made from Obsidian
    Normal Knife for stabbing and skinning
    Traditional bow crafted from animal horn
    Hunting Kit (Baits, Rope, Traps, arrow, etc)
    Palm-sized wooden wolf statue
    25 Small Copper Coin
    8 Large Copper Coin
    Bone Crushing Canid: Fillian has fairly strong and sharp teeth that he inherited from his parent and he strengthens this further by having specific diet since childhood. He also has a sharp claw that he often used to hunt.
    It is said that his teeth not only able to rip his prey flesh but also crush their bones. Unfortunately, the full potential of these teeth completely held back by his small jaw. But nevertheless his jaw strenght already far surpassed normal wolfkin.
    Sharp Nose: Just like member of his tribe. Fillian has a strong sense of smell and able to differentiate smells and discern information from it.
    Light-footed: His nimble and springy feet enable him to sneak efficiently and chase his prey without easily getting tired.
    Trapper: By utilizing his knowledge about traps, he can make and also disarm simple traps.
    Fresh Meat from his last night game
    Cooking Kit
    Book :
    How to Cook Delicious Meat based meal for Dummies
    Wonderful World Of Traps
    Heroic Tale of Bardulf the Ferocious Dire Wolf
    Coming Soon

    ((Excuse me is this registration passable, I didn't make my character too strong or weak right ?_? ))
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2019
    Quaesitor likes this.
  15. Quaesitor

    Quaesitor [Scholar]

    Jan 3, 2017
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    "Fillian Direson, is it?" After looking over the information, Garret nods to himself. "Alright, it would seem that everything is in order. Welcome to the guild." With these words, he hands a wooden guild badge to Fillian.
    Yul B Allwright likes this.
  16. Yul B Allwright

    Yul B Allwright Not a suspicious person

    Apr 3, 2019
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    After receiving his badge, fillian eyes went wide and his face break into a smile showing the fang inside. "With this.....with this i'm officially an adventure right!? Thank you so much suspicious white mister, i'll treasure this thing!" Excitement and happiness can be cleary seen from his face. "Once again thank you mister!" He said while running toward quest board.
  17. Novetsu

    Novetsu Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Name: Onety-one (Unit 11: Soldier Class)
    Gender: None
    Race: Automaton
    Age: ??? (above 500 years at the minumum.)
    Class: Automaton-Soldier
    Rank: E
    Points: 0
    A 5'6 armoured automaton with a single arm. It's head is a helmet that a knight from a castle would use yet it can barely be recognised as one because of the damage it has sustained, through the visors you can faintly see a shine coming from faintly glowing eyes. Patches of it's ancient armour is covered in rust.
    Weapons: A single rusty broadsword of an unknown metal.
    Armors: a rusty and dented platemail that looks as if it would shatter at any moment. It's made of a strange material.
    Coins: None.
    Slash (E): A basic swing of the sword.
    Overheat (E+): A special skill of Automatons that allows itself and it's blade to overheat and deal increased damage coupled and literally roast the enemy to death. Efficency raised as Unit 11 is a soldier based automaton.
    Pride of a machine (E+): A special skill of Automatons that allows Unit 11 to temporarily increase his defense. Efficiency raised as Unit 11 is a soldier based automaton.
    Self-Repair (E): Uses Unit 11's superior automaton knowledge to repair any damage sustained as long as he has the proper materials. It can also upgrade or add additional parts, limbs, and equipment as a result of being an Automaton. Efficency lowered as Unit 11 is not a repair based automaton.
    Basic Swordsmanship: Although Unit 11's mastery has been lost overtime, its built-in basic swordsmanship still remains unscathed by time.
    Fearlessness: Despite Unit 11's AI possessing functioning emotions, fear is not one of them as it's creators decided fear isn't necessary for a war machine.
    Nothing but itself and it's trusty sword.
    Unit 11 is originaly from an unknown man-made dungeon. The humans running this dungeon have long since perished but they managed to create a chain of order, a individuality to each Automata, and a production line for the creation of Automata ranging from Repair Automata to Leadership Automata, Unit 11 is the first and strongest soldier class and was hand-made by the humans with the purpose of becoming the strongest combat automata known to man, however this is a story that has long come to pass and the crumbling remains of the dungeon are all that remain from the passage of time, Unit 11 is the last remaining automata who's AI and limbs are both functioning perfectly albeit after tearing off it's non-functioning arm. All of the other automata in the dungeon have either become mindless husks not all that different from those in regular dungeons as a result of their AI degrading or are suffering a cruel fate as a limbless hunk of metal, awaiting their inevitable loss of all thought. An ironic twist of fate that the man-made dungeon designed to become the greatest army has come to it's roots and became just another dungeon in this vast world. And so begins the Journey of the once Strongest Automata, Unit 11, who's lost his weapons, skills, and his arm, to once again, reign supreme as the greatest creation known to mankind.

    I got way too into this character and made something I'm actually proud of. I'll be satisfied with this even if it doesn't get approved lol. I wanted to go more into the Chain of Command and how the Unit numbers work but that's a bit too much for a character sheet.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2019
  18. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    There are too many problems with this registration and I can't accept it... Let me try quoting them.
    I get the idea of wanting to make something with a weird material and what not, but it's honestly more trouble than it's worth, please specify one.
    Dungeons are not man-made.
    The setting is medi-fantasy, no way we have anything remotely resembling a production line.
    Please see the guidelines for power level, being the strongest is no good.
    Yeah no, please work with way smaller scale than this kind of thing.

    The rest seems... Passable I guess? A golem that can repair itself and is able to increase it and its sword's heat isn't too bad.

    Also, give a proper name for your character please, it breaks my immersion to have someone named "Unit 11".
    Yul B Allwright likes this.
  19. Novetsu

    Novetsu Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Honestly I didn't expect this to get accepted in the first place, I'll fix these issues and come back better than ever! Also it's name is Onety-one, I just said Unit 11 to make it seem more like a report since I thought it would fit the whole Machine thing.
  20. Balthazzar

    Balthazzar 『Reformed Member of NuF Society』

    Jan 31, 2016
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    @AliceShiki I'm back baby! WOOO!

    also the back story is like 2k words so you dont have to read it if you dont wanna

    Name: Khione
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Class: Mercenary/adventurer thing/ idk yet
    Rank: E
    Points: 0
    -Leather armor

    The words resounded in her mind as she took them in, barely able to comprehend the meaning behind them. Her tiny body shook and she kept her head down, looking at the weeks of accumulated dirt on her clothes. Hearing the sounds of crying, the little girl looked up and saw her mother fall to her knees.

    “Just…. just get out…. never come back. I don’t want to see you again.”

    A coldness gripped the little girl. It wasn’t like anything she’d ever felt before. Sure, she’d been freezing during the night because of the like of clothes but this…. this was a coldness of the heart. It swept throughout her body like an avalanche and reached into her bones. Tears stained her eyes but strangely enough, she was silent.

    Turning around, she shakily walked outside their shabby little hut and into the slums of the Empire of Man. At the young age of 8, that was the last time Ava had ever seen her mother. Always a resourceful one, Ava quickly found a new home in the slums. A group of abandoned children had banded together in an effort to survive. There were many of these groups that were scattered across the slums, often referred to as rat packs. At first, all went well. She had seemingly found a new family, one that was thicker than blood but everything changed when the culling had happened.

    Entirely unsure of what was happening, men kitted in full armor would travel throughout the slums and capture any children that seemed young enough. Ava was unlucky enough to be in the line of sight of one of these men and they chased after her. Se tried hard but eventually she was caught. Her group was tightly knit however and they tried to resist.

    But what could a group of kids do to a squadron of knights? Swiftly they were all bound in chains and moved to the higher echelons of society. At first, some kids held out hope that their empire, the great Empire of Man would come through and they would be saved. Saved from lives of starvation, poverty, and suffering. For a while, that was true.

    Given actual clothes, food to eat, a place to sleep, the kids were dumped into large sites where all they seemingly had to do was live the best life possible. They were happy, they were together, and they were wrong. Maybe a couple months into their new lives the men came back and bound the children in chains once again before selling them off as slaves. They fought, they cried, and they protested but it was to no avail.

    Ava, 14 at that point, had found it funny how little the one and only Empire of Men cared so little about the lives of well, men. Some kids got lucky, sold into well off families that took care of them. Ava was not so lucky. At first, she held out hope. She was bought by a man who brought her back to his estate. It was clear that he was a rich noble and she held dreams of glamour. Maybe he wanted her as his daughter? Maybe she would have a better life? Maybe, maybe, maybe.

    Her heart, originally cold from her mother’s betrayal had thawed from the years of being part of something. Being a part of a rat pack where other kids held hope. Her hope was pure, unadultured. Reality on the other hand was cruel. She tried to resist, she tried to fight back. But she was just a little girl from the slums and he was a man that had been raised in the finest conditions. Her hope, like her, wasn’t pure any longer.

    She was a slave, and he was free to do whatever he wanted with her. Every night the man would come to her and drive that thought home. For weeks she resisted, but eventually she stopped. For months after that, she simply laid still and suffered in silence, but when the man threatened her life, she held in her tears and cooperated unwillingly. Every sick and demeaning thing he wanted, she had to learn.

    The years passed and Ava, now a young woman of 19, had snapped. One day, while the man was going through his usual ministrations, she snuck a knife away from the kitchen with hatred in her eyes. No longer would she be a victim. No longer would she be subjected to this disgusting man’s whims. Tonight, things would change, and they did. Over the years, she had learned many things. She had learned how to read, write, and cook. But she had also learned to manipulate, she had learned to bide her time, she had learned to only strike if success was certain.

    Halfway through their coupling, she had managed to get on top of him. She pushed her breasts into his face as he had liked so many times before and there was nothing but a cold indifference in her eyes as she grabbed the knife she had hidden beneath her pillow. Raising herself up, she smiled at the man and grabbed his head. He smiled back, feeling entirely comfortable with her. But soon, a sharp pain had found its way into his neck and he frowned.

    What was happening? He raised his hands to his threat and he felt a warm and wet liquid slide down his body. He looked at Ava with confusion and what he saw managed to bring him to a realisation. There was a look in her eye, cold with hatred. It was one he hadn’t seen since he first acquired her but he knew it well. Shock covered his features as his vision started to go dark. Seconds passed and eventually, he couldn’t feel anything anymore.

    Getting off the man’s dead corpse, Ava looked at what she had done. The bed where she laid her head so many times was stained in red. She felt nothing. There was no sadness, regret, or worry. There was no joy, accomplishment, or glee. Indifference. For years she had suffered under this man and now that he was gone, that sense of hate was gone. The only thing driving her now was a will to live.

    Putting on her facade, she wrapped herself in a clean sheet and stepped outside. Walking around the mansion she had familiarized herself with was suddenly more free. She spotted a familiar maid and she put on a fake smile and greeted her, asking for her to not disturb the master until morning and to bring her a set of clothes for after her bath. The maid readily complied and Ava stepped inside the large bathing room before dropping the sheet and encompassing herself in the warm water.

    Within minutes, she had cleaned herself and she stared at the ceiling. A new life, that’s what awaited her, and a new life needed a new name. Her mind drifted for a while before centering on a memory that she had long since forgotten. A young Ava, dressed in formal clothes being held by her mother. She might’ve been 4 or 5 at that point. It was before her father abandoned them. Before she lived in the slums. Before… all of this.

    She was being told a story about some goddess of ice for the umpteenth time or so. It was her favorite book and she had forgotten about it. Straining her mind with all her willpower, but in the end she sighed with disappointment. It just wouldn’t come to her. With reluctance, she left the bath and clothed herself before heading back to her room. Opening the door, she was immediately assaulted with the smell of copper but she had no reaction.

    Quickly and quietly, she gathered any of the useful items around the room before jumping out the window in a graceful manner. One of the things that was required of her from the man was that she stay fit, so she was far stronger than most damsels of noble society. As she made her way quietly through the kingdom, she was spotted at the very last step. The gate. The guard her arms in rope and brought her into a room and Ava laughed at herself. Brought so far, to fall from a mere gatekeeper. She thought it was hilarious. Soon though, she felt herself surprised and a long lost flicker of hope was reignited in her heart.

    The guard that had captured her took off his helmet and as it turned out, she recognised him. It was a member of the rat pack she had been a part of all those years ago. One of his eyes had been scarred and he had various burn marks on his face but he still had that familiar grin she’d remembered him having.

    “You’ve grown beautiful Ava, life treat you well?” He spoke.

    At that, her smile faltered. Noticing this he quickly changed the subject. “Looking to leave the kingdom?”

    “As fast as possible Brent.” She had replied. She followed that by filling him in on most of the major points of what had happened since her enslavement. At the end of it, he was quiet, a solemn look on his face.

    “Wait here for a bit.” He had said, and strangely enough, despite all that she had been through, she trusted him and waited. Minutes later, he came back with a new set of clothes, some leather armor, and a knife. “Might not really be your size but its the best I got for women.”

    She thanked him and with one final drawn out hug, she left. He pointed her in a direction and she had gone. Eating familiar plants or roasting a rabbit she had killed became an everyday occurrence. Days passed, weeks even before she happened upon what her old friend had told her about. A decent sized town far outside the reaches of the empire. She navigated her way through and was greeted warmly but some of these people were more foreign to her than she ever thought possible.

    She made her way down the roads for awhile before she came upon a building and she paused slightly before making her way in. Inside was a sight she hadn’t seen before. Humans, beastmen, and other races all together, enjoying each other’s company. She froze slightly upon seeing the other races but quickly snapped out of it. The empire taught her to fear them, but she wasn’t a part of the empire any longer. She was her one person and now she could make her own judgements.

    Striding confidently up to what seemed like a receptionist, Ava prompted the cat girl with a question.

    “Is this where one can sign up to be an adventurer?”

    The cat girl looked her up and down and Ava became slightly uncomfortable. It seemed two decades of prejudice being driven into her head wasn’t going to go away just because she decided it. She would have to work at it. As soon as she had that thought, the cat girl smiled at her and handed her a piece of paper.

    “Of course, just fill out this paper and I’ll handle the rest.” She said with a sing-song tone.

    Ava picked up a quill and dipped it into some ink that was off to the side.

    Age: 19

    Race: Human

    Profession: None

    One thing stumped her however, and that was her name. She struggled momentarily before a smile came upon her face. It was her first genuine smile in a long while, and gods be damned did it feel good.

    Name: Khione
    TiggerBane and Xalysian like this.