The Measles Cases in USA

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by cap.toon, Apr 11, 2019.

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  1. sinyueliang

    sinyueliang 『World Traveller』『Demon Slayer』『Hinokami』

    Feb 18, 2016
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    1. Even if you were vaccinated, there's still about a 3% chance that you'll get the measles.
    2. Even if you were vaccinated, I think you still need to get a booster if there's a measles outbreak in your area if you were not vaccinated recently enough.
    3. Those who are immunocompromised or allergic cannot get the vaccine.
    4. There are many people who will claim religious exception and not get the vaccine.
    5. There are anti-vaxxers who will not get the vaccine for their children because vaccines cause autism (completely no proof whatsoever of this). They can claim religious or philosophical exception I think (and in states where there is no philosophical exception, many will claim religious exception instead).
    6. Young babies cannot get the vaccine (I'm not sure, I think MMR is either given at half year or a year old? Can't remember).

    So, given all the reasons above, if the population has a significant number of unvaccinated children, there is risk of an outbreak.
    Not vaccinating your child can be equivalent to indirectly murdering children who cannot get vaccinations either due to their age or the fact that they are immunocompromised - these people rely on the so called "herd immunity", but because many people are refusing vaccinations due to reasons stated above, herd immunity can fail.
    So, vaccinate your children people.
    BTW, tons of studies have gone into whether or not there is a link between vaccinations and autism and there has been no conclusive evidence of such a link. So don't be stupid and believe some random shit you see on the internet, because no, vaccines do not cause autism.
    Also, for those people who claim to be worried about how much mercury is in vaccines that are given to children in such a short amount of time - the mercury that is supposed to be detrimental is not actually in infant vaccines or the MMR vaccine at all (it is banned from them). Basically, worries about mercury and vaccines is just like worries about vaccines and autism - completely unfounded.

    Also, not gonna lie, you sound either a) unbelievably ignorant or b) purposefully trolling.
  2. Ratatoskr

    Ratatoskr [Aruruu's proud dad] [The False Gentleman]

    Nov 4, 2015
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    I don't know about other countries, but where i'm at, there's already emergence of diphtheria. Its like a kingdom being breached by demons after years and years of peace when the holy barrier was erected by the predecessors. We will never be safe again as we don't know where them demons might lurks.
    I laugh too hard on this joke when i imagine 'woke' moms at the park and sneeze on some kid playing in the sand box. And then freddie mercury voice sing the line 'mama just killed a man' while the kid looked at the lady who sneezed on him.
  3. animanaicT

    animanaicT Nobody Important

    Oct 21, 2015
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    Diseases are bad.
    Now watch as the kids get sick.
    From shit they shouldn't.
    Maybe they die maybe not.
    I don't really care.
    I could even get sad or mad.
    But the choice is made.
    Now i sit here watching.
    As the people complain.
    Complaining while kids get sick.
    From shit they shouldn't.
  4. Eternalce1

    Eternalce1 Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2017
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    Anti-vax = Pro-death
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  5. reagents 11

    reagents 11 disaster personified

    Oct 29, 2016
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    If the vaccinated children infected then there's no point to the vaccines. Seriously pathologist and bacteriologist have pointed out that overuse of drugs and related chemical to combat all disease to the most common non threatening cases have increased the diseases resistance to them and leaves the body natural immunity underdeveloped to resist them. That's two step backwards for ya.
    CDLevit likes this.
  6. Suijin

    Suijin Blood God [Medic]

    Jan 3, 2016
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    infected become a breeding ground for a new strain immune to the vaccines. so everyone dies if that happens

    read what i wrote ffs
  7. FranckOA

    FranckOA Killer Klown From Outer Space

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Nowadays, you'll probably get a highter risk of heavy metal contamination by eating a lot of fishes (especially wild fished predatory fishes) than by getting vaccinated...
    But if you also believe that earth is flat, I've got nothing more to say and hope that natural selection will sooner than later do it's job.

    If they weren't harmfull to immunodeficient people, I'll probably be petionning for antivaxxers to get an honorary darwin award as a whole community.
    Imawa, Eternalce1 and raitei like this.
  8. raitei

    raitei ⟪Procyon lotor paronomasiaabsentii⟫

    Sep 8, 2017
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    And I find your 'facts' are sorely mistaken and you are deeply misinformed.

    - No, most vaccines nowadays don't have any heavy metals in it.
    The main concerns for US parents in this matter is thymerosal, which is currently ONLY can be found in influenza shots. Almost no other vaccines have it, and if they do, they would have their thymerosal-free alternatives. While thymerosal (or ethylmercury) itself contain mercury, it doesn't really dangerous because it was quickly broken down (and excreted) much more quickly than its related sibling, methylmercury, which is a really dangerous shit. Quick enough that it won't have any effect on human body. Of course, it also do not cause any spectrum of autism. The thing that you have to watch is allergies, because some people do react strongly on certain vaccine components.

    - You should check the schedule for your children's vaccinations with your pediatrician. It seems that you're surprised that why on earth did your children got shot monthly in the past 5 months. Did you ever ask the doctors what vaccine is it or you just completely oblivious of the schedule the pediatrician has given to you? Please remember that each regions has their own variation for vaccination schedules.

    - Who are you asking to? FBI? Because that's the kind of answer that I'd assume trolls within FBI would came up with. Of course the people in the government doesn't really know it, because it wasn't their fucking job. Even if they have the responsibility to know and answer it, they might not have the time to deal with every inquiry they're facing especially with their tops that are currently lacking in many ways.
    Try asking CDC, your child's pediatrician, your doctor, and any other medical facilities that have time to patiently answer all your questions. Would you ask your dad how to handle pain when giving birth? No, of course you'd ask your mom or any women that has given birth in your family.

    yes i'm a masochist to properly discuss about this matter
    CDLevit likes this.
  9. Jigoku Shounen

    Jigoku Shounen An Envoy From Hell

    Jul 21, 2016
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  10. justmehere

    justmehere Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2015
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    The thing is. You have to be weary about anything you do. Regardless on what your government tells you.

    I have personally lived through these kind of bullshit all my life. I was allergic when I was a kid. Back then it was said you have to drink milk to be healthy, so my mom would shove milk to me all the time. When I'm old, I just realized my allergies were all due to the milk. So I researched the year they say milk is good for you is when the government was handling a surplus of milk. I did a milk experiment with my kids, they decided to stop drinking milk when they were sneezing, coughing and had a rash after drinking milk daily.

    My wife debated with me for months about cervix vaccines. I said she didn't have to and I don't want her to. I explained the vaccine only treats 3 varieties out of 50+. Which is frankly pointless and you can prevent it by doing yearly checkups. She finally shut up because the vaccine was recalled to to nano glass particles found in the vaccine. I asked her why we discussed this in the first place, turns out her friend was selling the product.

    Lookup for handwashing. there was a doctor who told people that doctors caused deaths on pregnant women because they didn't wash hands after handling babies. They (the doctors association) put that doctor in sanatorium and leave him to die. Back then we didn't know anything about bacteria.

    Im not against medicines or vaccines. But I've noticed when something forceful and fishy going on like this, usually there is an agenda by politicians to push a product. And they would demonize the people going against their way. Usually they don't give a fuck what's going to happen to us.

    So I just let people do what they want. I'd give my kids all the info on both side and let them decide when they are old enough.
    Imawa and mir like this.
  11. Lenaia

    Lenaia Queen of Smiles

    Dec 7, 2016
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    It's fine, the dumbasses dies and we solve overpopulation. Win win if you ask me.
  12. mumfie

    mumfie Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2018
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    i wanna put out there that on the tv box, you 'ALWAYS find pro vax pro vax pro vax debates vs pro vax pro vax pro vax.. even if it's a blood moon in the sky, and you find a pro vs anti vax, you will find out he is in fact just helping the pro vaxxer selling his points home.. there are no real debates and only sold in favor of chemicals .. i tell you, when the governments around the world can FORCE unknown shit in your veins, is the time people must stand up
  13. mumfie

    mumfie Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2018
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    hell, the swine flue vax almost killed my family inadvertently.. my mother took it, she got all kinds of problems afterwards, specially the problem with sleep, she can doze off out of the blue, and it caused a road accident, even tho she got badly hurt, it was half a meter away from certain death for my mother,me and sister when crashed in the mountain side.. But here's the kicker, later it was found out they only "tested it" for half a year before pushing it out
    justmehere likes this.
  14. darksaint124

    darksaint124 Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2017
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    I personally attribute kids with autism to the growing number of mothers who think its cool to have children in their late 30s early 40s, but of course the problem can't be the decaying body of a pre-menopausal woman s it must be the doctors and pharmaceutical companies. Never mind that vaccines are generally not something that produces profit.
    Sabruness likes this.
  15. darksaint124

    darksaint124 Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2017
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    Why anyone gets flu shots is always weird to me. It is also NOT a vaccination. I have seen tons of people that get flu shots every year come down with serious cases of the flu, and I, who avoids the flu shot like the plague, have not come down with even a mild case of the flu for more than a decade. If ever anti-vaxxers were right about anything it would be the utter uselessness of the flu shot to actually inoculate anyone from anything.
  16. Sabruness

    Sabruness Cultured Yuri Connoisseur

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Yeah. Herd immunity only works effectively if immunisation levels are (i think, dont quote me on this) like 95% or so.
    Here in Australia, there have been outbreaks mostly because of anti-vaxxer loonies being their idiotic selves.

    @cap.toon you sound like an anti-vaxxer (though a slightly less stupid one). Go talk to some doctors or better yet, find an elderly person and talk to them about the old times where there werent many vaccines and kids died left and right. After that, use the space between your head and think. here's a simple version:

    Vaccines good. immunisation good. conspiracy theories bad. Anti-vaxxer stupid.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2019
  17. Seraphic

    Seraphic Uncomfortably close

    Aug 10, 2016
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    It's a rather tricky subject to sort out what's being pushed with an agenda and what isn't when it comes to public health.

    I suppose one might want to consider looking at a different public health issue to get a different angle. When I was growing up in Thailand, the government had funded a massive awareness campaign about HIV. As a result, the number of new people infected fell extremely rapidly. The Thai government is corrupt as all hell, but it's not like the small change generated by increased sales of HIV medication would make up for the massive social/financial cost of having an AIDS epidemic ravage the country.

    Similarly, even the current administration in the US is doing quite a bit to stop American citizens from using nicotine, despite the very wealthy interests behind it, because public health is going to be important to all but the most short-sighted of governments. It's not like the gum industry is paying off politicians to get more people to try to lay off smoking. Having disease run rampant is simply a high cost to bear.

    It's true, there are quite a few things which are pushed despite not necessarily reflecting the whole truth (looking at you, food pyramid), but don't throw out the baby with the bathwater. Most of the anti-vax movement has been the result of either sham doctors trying to peddle their snake oils or fear of sharp needles and lack of understanding of how vaccines and the immune system work.
  18. jbturkle

    jbturkle Fruit

    Oct 26, 2018
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    The milk issue here seems to be more of a personal one because of your own allergies. Regardless of the government's purpose in pushing it, milk is good for you. As a child, me and my siblings never experienced these symptoms after drinking lots of milk everyday. There's no way to account for everyone's allergies when releasing statements like this.

    The HPV vaccine recall was due to an isolated incident of a small number of vaccines being affected. Not all of them, only a very small number. Sure, that's bad anyways, but it hasn't happened other than that one time. The recall was voluntary and done by the company which produced the vaccine, not the government. There were no cases of any serious effects, so technically, there was no formal need to recall the vaccine. It was done just to be safe.

    I don't know about the doctor thing, but you said that we didn't know about bacteria then. Obviously, science has improved since then, so you should expect medical treatment and methods to do so as well.

    The idea of letting your kids decide what they want to do is a nice one, but that only works when people aren't getting the viruses. Anti-vaxxers keep their kids from being vaccinated, putting other children at risk as well. If you wait until they're at an age where they can decide for themselves, your children are at a significantly greater risk of being affected. In the past, people could afford to do that because of herd immunity and the relative rarity of outbreaks. Children wouldn't come into contact with the virus, and so, could wait to get the vaccination later. But even then, that increased the risk of harm.
    CDLevit and Moonpearl like this.
  19. justmehere

    justmehere Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2015
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    I don't really want to argue with you but I'll lay up the facts.

    The government setup free Mmr vaccines for kids in his/her school. I was curious because that I couldn't get the vaccine 2years prior (which I checked monthly up to that time). My friend who was a doctor was upset because our government enforced the vaccine and telling people to take the vaccine 5 times. She didn't agree.

    The health ministry who signed the free vaccine was asked by a newspaper what's in the vaccine. They didn't know because they never researched. IT'S THEIR FUCKING JOB. How can they sign something that is obligatory but never did a research on it?

    I'm not telling people to stop vaccinating. But you better find out what you're vaccinating your kids with (OR NOT) and live with the consequences. DESPITE WHAT YOUR GOVERNMENT TELLS YOU.
    Imo, Autism is caused by a bunch of factors meshed together.

    I had a relative who ate clams too much during pregnancy that has an autistic kid. My sister had a problem with her kid (hormone imbalance that causes growth) due to pregnancy milk. The kid was suffering for years everyone suspected him autistic.

    But mostly it's due to metals and hyper exposure to vitamins or minerals, Good and bad.

    But heal
    No its not just my spesific case.

    It has been researched by Harvard University that daily consumption of milk reduces your bone density because the protein extracts calcium from your bone and cells. In my case my cells were weak (cells has barriers reinforced by calcium) to the point that it caused my allergies. A local doctor pointed this point to me and told me to stop taking milk and start drinking calcium supplements. Moreover Dr john McDougall says milk and red meat causes a lot of the problems in modern health these days, he has a medical clinic restoring people with heart problems, diabetes and obesity for 30 years.

    What I was implying like how the US founding fathers choosing republic over democracy, Plato already figured out that total democracy would lead to anarchy because the majority has been proved wrong time and again. This is why individual rights has to be respected when he's not breaking the law. And The law should not force an individual the right to refuse treatment.

    I vaccinated my kids, but I still understand people who don't vaccinated their kids. I listen to their stories and most of the time they are worried because their kids are allergic most of the time or weak in general. I don't believe for a second that vaccines are safe 100%, nothing in this world is, Vaccines were well known to cause fever (and some condition that is detrimental to health in extreme situations) , that's why the government has to put in law that Farma is not liable to problems caused by vaccines. Even my doctor refused to vaccinated my kid when he had a runny nose. If a parent deemed his child unfit for vaccination, his/her personal doctor can explain/persuade. But in no way shape or form a person whom I've never known can dictate what I do to my child and I have to bear the responsibility if something happens to my child.

    If the vaccine works, my vaccinated kids are safe even when his friends are sick left and right. At that time they would feel really stupid if they don't get vaccinated over anything else. If my kid got it, I blame the vaccines on failing and demanding a new one, not blaming others that don't take the vaccine.

    Frankly speaking, I choose my battles. I can not fight polio and tuberculosis (which infected, crippled and killed millions) . I can't fight rubella if it infected my baby, that's why we vaccinated the mother before pregnancy. But measles? There was only a couple of deaths recorded and that's because of extreme genetic problems, neglect and malnutrition during the sickness period.

    BTW the argument of herd resistant is false. It was well known vaccinated people can still carry the disease and infect others even when they are looking healthy. If you believe in the vaccine, take it.

    What I hate about these arguments is that people calling the other stupid and misinformed. Even the current knowledge can be proven wrong in the future.
    Imawa and CDLevit like this.
  20. Suijin

    Suijin Blood God [Medic]

    Jan 3, 2016
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    autism is a genetical issue. activated by certain factors like genetical degredation and environmental effect.
    nothing related to vaccines.
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