Spoiler Latest Chapter Discussion Thread for Death Mage Raws

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by FussyBadger, Nov 25, 2017.

  1. heiro001

    heiro001 Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2017
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    Well, I think it could have. If (and here we come back to a running theme) Hiroto was willing to listen to Kanako like Van did. If we consider things like USO tours for the United States military, or fundraising concerts for disaster relief, there's plenty of room for entertainers in military and disaster response settings.

    And if we're taking it from the side of Hiroto not wanting to ruffle political feathers, Kanako's position is arguably more politically sensitive now than it was on Origin. There are way more people who would think she's "the evil dark elf controlling peoples minds" on Lambda, and yet Van has given her that freedom within even human populations.

    But hey, we could just switch to another example: why not have Joseph research new crops (help solve food shortages after disasters?) instead of go to disaster sites and war zones he's not emotionally equipped to deal with? As with Heinz, Amemiya was just way too devoted to carrying out his own hero narrative, lacked enough empathy to put himself in his fellow reincarnators shoes, and as such didn't see there were other possibilities. I definitely would enjoy him getting a talking to like Heinz did too, though maybe it should be Mari or Mei instead of Bander, since Van is far more indifferent to Amemiya than he is to Heinz. :hmm:
    Bla8bla, hillo315 and Reman Scimitar like this.
  2. ssj4maiko

    ssj4maiko Welcome Back Sadpanda!

    May 5, 2018
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    I would say yes, he is a lesser worse version of Asagi, but he does seem to have some pluses,, I liked how he was worried about others first, actively trying to help them over himself, his problem is his mouth. He has a lot of potential if he is guided by Van.

    It seems that he doesn't really care if Narumi finds out or not, it's not his problem, so he didn't tell her because there was no reason really. Narumi IS a nobody after all, besides being Mei and Hiroshi's mother, that is.

    Not Amemiya alone though, the whole "council" (I guess I could call it) was composed by more members after all. Avalon, Oracle, Inspector and Laplace are just as guilty on "trying to be as effective as possible".


    Anyway, my "light translation" is done. As I was talking with Loki, I guess it's improper to call it summary, as I'm focusing on details rather than basic story.

    In regards to this new chapter, well, Chiron guy looks ok, I liked him myself, although he certainly can be annoying. Our 4th death too with Sleipnir.

    I would describe Sandman's ability in a different way though, rather than sleep, it's the ability to prevent any new phenomena from happening, so while he may not kill living beings, I would guess he could kill if necessary. Chiron has a lot of potential if he were to join Van. I don't think he could be a guider, as it seems that his ability makes it that much more easy, so I would expect the person himself to lack more motivation.

    And then we got Narumi, so Banda decided to not say anything and accept the deal, I was surprised that Banda felt like he wanted to be part of the mess that are bravers, though I guess he did say he was considering only the 4 of them (Echo, Druid, Sandman and Asclepius).

    Poor Ulrica, I want her to meet Miriam. Ulrica seems to have a strong woman build, but acts like a coward, she needs to meet the average girl who is actually kinda courageous. @_@


    39 reincarnators known now.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2019
    Leekt222, Bla8bla and hillo315 like this.
  3. kari-no-sugata

    kari-no-sugata Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2016
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    It's phrased rather loosely but I'm pretty sure there weren't 10 Bravers there. There were ten defenders in total but none of them had powers that were orientated towards combat.
    hillo315 and ssj4maiko like this.
  4. hillo315

    hillo315 Intact but Tactless

    Jun 27, 2018
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    Good. They're learning. :blobokhand:

    Has Derrick never considered using his cheat on himself? Because if he can freely select the target of his Rodcorte-given cheat, he should be able to use it on himself.


    Aren't pilots trained to not panic during emergencies? Wait, don't answer that. No matter the answer, it doesn't change the fact that panicking accomplishes nothing and is therefore really stupid.

    I don't even know Derrick's waifu-to-be, but I already encourage the future of their romantic relationship. Supportive shipping, if you will. :blobsmile:

    Derrick is the only normal guy present in today's cast of normal-ish but increasingly weird characters. Derrick is this chapter's audience surrogate.

    Sandman could hypothetically stop the explosion that pushes the bullet out of the gun. However, that would require being able to affect the gun itself, which is not necessarily close enough for Sandman to target. Interesting. :hmm:

    Banda: "Take this amulet! It may help you on your quest. Specifically, it will increase your chance of survival on an attacked passenger airplane."
    Joseph: *da-da-da-daaaaa* :blobhero:
    Joseph: "So what exactly does this thingy do?"
    Banda: "It is the latest in bioweapon engineering." :blobowoevil_horns:

    Hang on. So Asclepius can use his cheat over and over to stack the effect until recovery magic reaches 100% effectiveness? :hmm:

    Subtlety, thy name is not.

    car: *flies*
    Banda: "Beep beep, mothertrucker."

    In hindsight, that makes perfect sense. If the cheats don't have room for growth, they can't level up, and that wouldn't work well with Lambda's skill system.

    So this is almost exactly like Sam flying. When Van is involved, it just happens. Somehow.

    Sorry, I phrased that poorly. I meant that Mei is learning death attribute magic. A young child is learning about that one kind of magic that only she and a few select others can use.

    Given Van's definition of a cheat and the fact that Rodcorte is the only god handing out said cheats, that is incorrect. But if you do consider the death attribute a cheat, you would be right. Then again, the Bravers are an organization that accepts anyone with special powers, cheat or not. It all boils down to semantics.

    Making a new body probably takes a lot of time unless you work together with other gods or happen to be Van.

    Lissana let an existing system reincarnate her, but this carried the risk of losing her powers and identity. She basically didn't have the ability and/or enough power to make a body for herself, so she took the easy way out. Definitely not recommended if you can just make a new body.

    As for Rodcorte's system... Why would a demigod ever want to reincarnate using Rodcorte's system? Unless special exceptions are made, Rodcorte's system always cleanses the soul and sends it somewhere random, so it's not desirable for a full reincarnation.

    Demigods subordinate to gods can be promoted to (aptly termed) subordinate gods. Unlike reincarnating into a demigod, promotion to godhood does not require creating a body or subscribing to a soul transmigration system.

    How is it not tactical? If they don't learn about Van from Banda now, they will likely learn about Van from Rodcorte and Alda later.

    That is now my headcanon for his name, on the grounds that the reference may have been intentional. On a related note, who is Derrick Thunder?

    It's a lot more than that. His story is epic, if short.

    Before Asclepius was the god of medicine, he was a genius human doctor, and a son of Apollo. He became so good at his craft that he could even restore the dead to life. Hades got angry because cheating death is taboo, so he complained to Zeus, who smote Asclepius with one of his trusty thunderbolts. Then the gods took pity on Asclepius and made him one of their own.

    Incidentally, Asclepius was raised by Chiron.

    It seems more like they're just pathologically insensitive? To be fair, this is pretty much how Van got over his PTSD, and he's arguably better off for it.

    Mari might give Hiroto a talking to, but Mei? Mei knows almost nothing of politics.
    toxinpsd and Bla8bla like this.
  5. heiro001

    heiro001 Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2017
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    Yes, but she can go "Daddy hurt his friends! Daddy is mean! I hate daddy!":blobmelt:

    To put it another way, Mei will only think about things on an emotional level being a small child, and one of the big problems with Amemiya's handling of the whole Bravers situation is that he hasn't been doing that.
    Bla8bla and hillo315 like this.
  6. LokiTheAccursed

    LokiTheAccursed Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2018
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    We are already used to the weirdness that is Van so Derrick is more the normal man instead of a surrogate.
    hillo315 likes this.
  7. Nakakure

    Nakakure Zadiris Empress Faction. NNN member Nr.1.

    Jul 10, 2016
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    sorry for my lack explanation.
    I mean only Van case, braver have fortune after all, i dare to say there no braver that born to low class citizen ,
    Yeah Narumi is nobody, she not someone that Van try to save in his past life, she not someone who try to search Van , she not someone who have husband that hide information about someone she search. Yeah she only mother of Hiroshi and Mei , yeps she only mother, quite fitting for charater.
    hillo315 likes this.
  8. jemini

    jemini Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2018
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    Exactly the point. If Banda was being tactical in a Spock-like logical way, he would tell Narumi all about himself and Van. The very fact that he doesn't means it's emotional, he doesn't want to tell her. It's a tactical blunder fueled by his emotion. Although, I'm pretty sure this blunder will get sorted out by her husband.

    Mari probably doesn't mean to do anything to upset Banda, but she's already screwed up and let slip enough information for Amemiya to figure out who he really is. She has said 2 things, and if Amemiya puts these 2 things together then he can easily deduce Banda is the undead, and he has already in turn deduced that the undead was AmAmiya. (capitalized the second A for emphasis.)

    Those two things are 1. Banda was teaching her how to use death magic. This means that Banda is a full fledged death mage, not one of those limited death mages. 2. This Banda is in fact the exact same Banda who is with his daughter.

    Also, there is a bonus 3rd that people with the death attribute worship him as a god. The 8th guidance literally worshiped the undead as a god, so there is a pattern here. Unlike the 1st two, this one is just circumstantial evidence, but if you pair circumstantial evidence with hard evidence it helps out to strengthen the case.

    (Since so many people are rooting for Banda to give Amemiya a tongue lashing (figuratively, since a literal one from him would be deadly,) I think I might just oblige that with a short little fan-fic here soon with him discovering his identity using the above circumstances there as the premise. Gonna have to get this out before the next chapter since the next chapter will probably ruin this one.)
  9. kari-no-sugata

    kari-no-sugata Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2016
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    Live Aid, etc.

    I guess we'll never find out what would have been possible. Just that Kanako never got the opportunity. Instead she got severe mental health problems to the extent that she had to mess with her own mind with Venus to stay sane.

    I'm not sure why you seem to suggest that people in general might see her as "the evil dark elf controlling peoples minds". I can imagine people who know about Venus possibly thinking this but even then she's kept very quiet about Venus. For normal Lambda people, Guiders are a known thing and respected so I don't expect Kanako to be treated badly except for religious reasons.

    But yes, she's becoming a major political entity in her own right, though slowly. At the moment, Darcia is probably more significant. The author has recently referred to Kanako as being like a "local idol plus alpha" in the Orbaume Kingdom.

    This is interesting. I've wondered if we might see the Bravers reform in some different style once Hiroto realises his mistakes. Eg, instead of seeing themselves as do-gooder heroes figuratively wearing spandex, they should take a different approach, but what? What you're suggesting here is more along the differences between the production champions and the combat champions in the war 100,000 years ago on Lambda. Hiroto was forcing everyone to be either combat or support but he totally left out production. So in the new organisation, instead of focusing on quick response they would have a range of activities from quick response to long term development and support. Less flashy but more effective and better able to get the most out of everyone's cheats.
  10. ssj4maiko

    ssj4maiko Welcome Back Sadpanda!

    May 5, 2018
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    Well, for next chapter(s), what I think we will get:

    1st, it seems to be following some sort of chronological order, so attack on the house came first, the Mari and Amemiya, then Druid, then Narumi, so, which one will come first?

    - Super Market break. Banda will get Narumi and Ulrika to buy the ingredients, and he himself will make the food, he is not the greatest chef in Lambda for nothing after all. As they travel Banda may even make the food while flying and everyone will be happy eating.

    - Mari's explanations should be done in the background, there is no reason for us to read everything again, so we should get only the reactions at the end, and maybe they mentioning some key parts so we can deduce what was said and not said. Then the flying car, Mari shows some big reaction together with the other 3. After everyone meets, Narumi and Amemiya shouldn't know Mei is a DA user, but unlike Narumi, Amemiya just met 4 people capable of using it, and may understand that Mei also has it. Banda's identity should come soon after, but I don't expect him to mention as he notices Narumi says nothing. He could try talking to Banda alone though, but I would expect Amemiya to be refused or ignored.


    - Avalon should be have received reports from the main targets and how they failed. he could be trying to imagine what he will do against the monster. But I will add one possible twist here: He will remember Rodcorte and pray to him. Well, I think there is little chance of that happening anyway.

    - Druid is at the sea waiting to be rescued with the others, although they should be rescued soon, I would expect Banda to maybe learn something about the friendly trio's situation (Maybe Narumi or Ulrica could get some call from someone talking about it), and decide to rescue them too AFTER Mari and Amemiya.


    - Rod saying stupid things and so on.

    - Once everyone reaches Avalon, Banda goes in the front, most likely telling the parents to stay back cause he will fix it personally, I would expect Amemiya trying to say something about justice or prison, but then at the same time, Banda could just throw in some names at Avalon, like Pluto's, Murakami's and Kanako's. I also expect Avalon understanding who Banda is, and maybe mention it out loud. Banda would read Avalon's mind (Which is great with perfect recording) and learn a lot of new stuff. I'm unsure if he will eat Avalon or just inscribe fear in his soul while killing him normally with a "See you soon".

    - Rod and the Angels are observing the situation with comments from the recently dead reincarnators who are then getting more information of what they will fight against. This part could should come out at the end of the arc, since it would best tie in with the brainwashing option, and then going back to normal chapters.

    I guess I'm going for about 3 or 4 chapters more. But I can see more material being added.
    Bla8bla, Wannabe-shutin and hillo315 like this.
  11. kari-no-sugata

    kari-no-sugata Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2016
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    Yup. It's emotional. Feels similar to why Van doesn't want to meet Selen, for example.

    "Easily"? She might had made it more practical but I wouldn't call such leaps of logic "easy".

    I also suspect this sort of thing was going to come out anyway. For example, I'm pretty sure Bander is going to explain at some point that Mei has the death attribute.

    How does 2 lead to Banda being Amamiya Hiroto? Or are you assuming that Hiroto already knows that Mei has death attribute by this point?

    Overall, I guess Hiroto's ability to make the connections would depend partly upon his assumptions of what kind of person "Amamiya Hiroto" is/was. If he assumes the guy is evil or vengeful then he might find it very hard to relate such a person to Bander.

    I think Hiroto is more likely to guess that Bander is someone related to 8th Guidance. After all, when Bander saved Mei and Hiroshi from the kidnappers long ago, Bander used the 8th Guidance symbol at the time - I'm sure Hiroto remembers that.

  12. Wannabe-shutin

    Wannabe-shutin Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2016
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    With his god complex, rather than relying on a hod I feel like Avalon’s gonna attempt a risky experiment to resolve this issue with the mindset of “It would’ve been better to have additional samples. But since it was made by ME, there’s no way it’d fail.”

    Also, isn’t Van going to drop by to help out?
    He was done with his preparations, then the story we moved to origin 10 days prior. A week has passed since then, so 3 days to go, I guess?
    Bla8bla, Reman Scimitar and hillo315 like this.
  13. hillo315

    hillo315 Intact but Tactless

    Jun 27, 2018
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    I look forward to it! :aww:
  14. jubjub3000

    jubjub3000 Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2018
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    Pilots are trained to deal with emergencies like engine failure, stalling, bird strikes, spins and such, not exactly missiles flying at them. From what I've gathered these pilots seem to be civilian pilots (wasn't it a cargo plane for disaster relief) so yeah I can see them panicking but not screaming.

    Also, since they had just left American airspace why didn't they call in the emergency with approach? (You need to contact them to let you in)
    Reman Scimitar and hillo315 like this.
  15. hillo315

    hillo315 Intact but Tactless

    Jun 27, 2018
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    This sounds like a clear case of engine/wing failure.

    And that still doesn't change the fact that panicking is stupid. If you are under attack and you don't know what to do, the correct course of action is to quickly and decisively figure out what to do, not wail uselessly about your own untimely demise.
    jubjub3000 likes this.
  16. jubjub3000

    jubjub3000 Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2018
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    Agreed on that! I'll just put it down to him being a bad pilot (Or inexperienced)
    hillo315 likes this.
  17. sjmcc13

    sjmcc13 Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Alda believers??
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  18. FussyBadger

    FussyBadger Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2017
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    What are the chances rodcorte sends an angel to origin
    hillo315 likes this.
  19. Nimitz

    Nimitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2018
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    Avalon team has the best weapons, the best equipment. What does team Van have. Experience...in babysitting

  20. Nimitz

    Nimitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2018
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