Spoiler (Bl) Don’t Pick Up Boyfriends From Trash Bin

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by morticia_addams, Apr 15, 2019.

  1. maripants

    maripants Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2018
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    brother? do you mean cousin? she didn’t go to jail, she just had to pay reparations

    no in the first life scum got off scot free and married a girl and had a kid with her (I think? at least he was planning to)
  2. Zhen_Qing

    Zhen_Qing <<Danmei Sect Temp. Summoner>>

    Mar 19, 2018
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    Got anything on arc 2? :aww:
  3. maripants

    maripants Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2018
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    Not yet but my last final is Monday so I’ll try to post by then hopefully!
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  4. Bears111

    Bears111 Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2016
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    So the MC occupies the host's body when he was being bullied and rescued by YXF for the first time. The MC was holding a broom in front of himself at this time for self-defense. At this time he is still blank about the plot and didn't know who YXF was. But YXF reveals that they had met earlier in their childhood.

    YXF the leaves with HCS after "helping" the MC. Later in the cafeteria when all the kids were eating the head bully then comes to ask the MC if he really knows YXF. In the original plot the MC replied that no, he didn't really know him. This caused the bully to feel relieved and thus continues to bully the host. The MC says that no, he doesn't know Fan-ge. This made the bully more panicked seeing how intimately the MC refers to YXF as thus the bullying stopped within the MC's school.

    Later the MC gets a phone call from the host's mom, which puzzles him as the mom rarely contacts the host in his last life. However, the mom reveals that it was his uncle who called the mom to tell her that the host needs to take a break, this then causes the mom to tell the MC that everything has been arranged for him to go on a vacation back to the main family.

    However, the host didn't have an uncle which makes the MC very suspicious of this "uncle." However, the system assures that the uncle is just an NPC and the reason why MC didn't know about his existence is that he played such a little role in the host's life that the host didn't know about him. The system also says that this is the butterfly effect.

    Although the truth is that the uncle, Dong Feihong (DFH) was created by the system to help the MC in this arc- this angers the Lord God who threatens the system as the system has broken a rule but the system argues back and Lord God was forced to let the issue go.

    DFH then takes the MC out to eat to which the MC argues that he has to go to practice but finally relents once DFH says that he already alerted the coach and that he will return the MC in the morning.

    During this time 061 (the system) as a fellow colleague to be his stand-in while he has the conversation with Lord God from above. 089 (the other system) asks why 061 doesn't want to let MC know and 061 replies that he doesn't want to get MC involved and that if MC knows then MC will become a co-conspirator and thus 061 says that he wants to be responsible for it all if Lord God chooses to punish them. 061 says how MC is responsible for completing the task, while he (061) is responsible for the MC and 089 shouldn't question him any more.

    061 and 089 then switch places again and when the MC wakes up 061 (at this point I'm tempted to just put ML lol) informs him that overnight he has dug up some info about DFH: 27 years old, cartoonist. Has no bad habits, but his father was very unhappy with the host's father and thus he wasn't able to contact often. 2 years ago he got a serious hand accident and wanted to go abroad for treatment, however, when there was news about a famous surgeon coming to Bizhoung he stayed instead.

    The MC thinks that this is reasonable since if in the host's previous life DFH went overseas for treatment then the man wouldn't be able to appear in front of the host in his most desperate time.

    Then the MC has breakfast with DHF where he thinks that even though this uncle of his was so unpredictable since the man was sincere he should be of help to the host. The two has another conversation where they made a deal wherein DHF is able to pick MC up every Friday in exchange that the MC be able to practice near a skating rink near DHF's house.

    Later as DHF drops MC off back to his boarding school he overhears some men talking about how some kid (I think that this is the MC they were referring to but I'm still unsure) didn't give their brother face yesterday and beat him thus they want revenge. And they want to cut his leg up since the kid in question is an athlete. DHF heard the entire thing and thinks about how the previous host was bullied by YFX enough and how YFX's brother didn't have to intervene, so there was never this scene. But now it appears that the man talking about his brother losing face was YFX's brother.

    We then cut to the MC who began a high-intensity practice session with the other kids. Due to being unused to it, he fell asleep during English class making the people who saw him jealous as the host always gets either 1st or 2nd in terms of academics (I think?). And when the teacher wakes him making the MC translate a sentence from the textbook, the MC does it perfectly.

    The MC then waits for DHF outside the school gates, having returned from buying some food for the two of them. However, the man appears to be late. The MC goes to look around and finds DHF in an alley standing over the men who were previously talking about beating up the MC and threatens them to not bully the MC anymore. The MC then leaves the scene to return to the school gates, hearing a scream from the alley. 10 minutes later DHF shows up, showing a warm and gentle smile and simply asks if the MC has waited for a long time.

    DHF, you really are a serious guy.:blobfearful:
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  5. Poor_Hero

    Poor_Hero your hope is crushed under the flag of "REALITY"

    Jan 15, 2016
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    such a bro, wasted on the scum orz the host should hug his thigh instead
  6. morticia_addams

    morticia_addams Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    No i mean mc bro in past life since he got arrested for trying to stab scum bf
  7. maripants

    maripants Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2018
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    Oh! From what I understand he was arrested but didn’t go to jail because he didn’t really hurt the scum
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  8. maripants

    maripants Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2018
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    Arc 2 was genuinely really confusing for me to read. I don’t think I’ll be able to be as detailed as arc 1. This is what I have so far

    Original Host’s Fate:
    So the original host was someone called Shen Changqing and the scum was named Zhou Kai. Shen Changqing was a middle of the road business man whereas Zhou Kai was like an overbearing president type. He had previously been married, but his husband had passed away. When he met Shen Changqing, he pursued him and eventually won Shen over. The two of them got married. This is where the trouble started. Turns out that Zhou Kai was a sexless/unisex person and was only attracted to women. However since he lacked the right body parts, he only got with men since people would ridicule him for not being able to have an heir (idk man this some next level logic.) Not only that, he was also violent. He beat the previous husband to the point of killing/driving him to suicide. He also started beating Shen Changqing as well for three years, going as far as killing Shen Changqing’s dog and feeding him to the unsuspecting Shen Changqing. In the end the host couldn’t take it anymore and killed himself (I think?)

    After MC’s arrival:
    ML is seriously upset because this world is an A level mission. The highest MC should get was a B level mission. Obviously this was planned by the Lord God, but Ml doesn’t know he’s evil yet. Meanwhile MC is happy because he’s the first one EVER to get an A level mission so early.

    I’m unsure at what time MC arrives exactly, but he’s already married to Scum. The dog is alive at least. MC’s locked up in Scum’s villa. The original host got bullied by the servants but MC quickly puts them in their place by slapping one of them. The previous husbands hadn’t dared offend the servants bc they were scared of what Scum would do. MC knows that Scum loves to save face, and the servants would never dare complain about their treatment.

    MC uses a cheat to poison/weaken Scum. At first it makes Scum forgetful, and he’s late to an important meeting with high class business men. Then, he falls asleep during one of his company’s huge runway shows. Images get leaked online and he becomes a laughingstock. Some of his business partners decline his offers.

    ML gets worried that Scum will take his anger out in anger, but MC assures him that he won’t since a certain date is coming up (idk if it’s a dinner or a holiday or something else). Therefore, he knows that Scum will go to his mistress to vent. He records Scum’s conversation with the mistress where he uses the N-word and says some shitty racist things.

    A couple days later, content of the Scum’s multiple affairs get leaked online. Scum is humiliated because people can tell he’s using a dildo instead of his real thing. He calls his assistant to get rid of it but his assistant (who is black) sneers at him and hangs up. It’s then found that his speech was also published. The internet is in an uproar, and several employees quit in protest. Scum responds by saying more shitty racist things, and he beats up his mistress. This is the first time mistress has any sympathy for host, thinking this must be what he’s suffered for all these years.

    The chairman visits MC, hoping MC will make a statement to quell the public ire. At the press conference MC garners a lot of sympathy from the reporters, especially considering his husband’s affair. Many people have pieced together who the mistress is, even though her face was censored. MC says that Scum had shown signs of dementia and was acting out recently, which the chairman jumps on since it’s a good excuse for his behavior. :blobunamused: Unfortunately I think Mc has to play along mainly because Scum’s affection points are at 45 and he needs to get them to 100 (idk that was never pointed out it’s just my guess, not sure if Scum’s affection ever gets to 100?)

    Scum is satisfied with MC’s performance and decides not to beat him until after the yearly banquet he’s throwing. What he’s not aware of is that once of his subordinates who he’s been humiliating for years is using this chance to take Scum’s seat as CEO from him.

    At the banquet, the chairman announces the fact that Scum has been demoted (in like a polite backhanded way) and Scum throws a fit. MC uses this chance to make him jealous by chatting with the subordinate. He also uses a cheat card to increase Scum strength so that when he pushes the table, he ends up flipping it over. Everyone looks at Scum like he’s a monster.

    Somehow he gets injured (MTL was confusing), and MC tries to get him to go to the hospital. Scum says if he takes him, then he’ll kill MC. People head this, already thinking Scum is an abuser, and start to call the police.

    MC is driving Scum to their house, but Sum hits him and causes their car to crash. By this point, the police catch up, and they see the MC’s face is bruised and his wrists are swollen/dislocated. They try to calm MC, but MC keeps begging to go home... he says he’ll kill me if we don’t go home... at this point obviously the cops launch an investigation.

    Anyway the truth is leaked all over the internet, Scum is left paraplegic (as in completely paralyzed), reputation ruined. MC holds a press conference and presents all the details to the public, including a servant and the doctor who used to work for Scum and treated host’s injuries. Father of the first husband also files for an investigation of the murder of his son. MC hires a divorce lawyer in order to set up original host for life.

    There’s a really heartwarming moment where Shen Changqing wake up and gets to reunite with his parents, and then he visits Scum at the hospital and tares up his most precious possession right in from of his face.


    Tbh I missed the MC and ML interacting. They didn’t get to do it much this round. They had some moments though, like ML would make up different ending to movies that made MC sad (like one where Sirius didn’t die). He also washed MC’s hair and kept worrying about him.

    I also liked that ML confronted Lord System about putting MC in a level A mission when he wasn’t ready yet, straight up telling him he wouldn’t deal with that BS and threatened to report him. He said that MC wasn’t an experiment and he wouldn’t risk MC’s safety ever. :blobpopcorn: LMAO that’s MC’s man. Lord System couldn’t even stutter.

    Or when MC asked ML how many points he needed to complete his missions, since he wanted to take ML home with him. MC also told ML a little about his childhood with abusive parents.

    Bear111 spoiled most of arc 3 so I might just spoil the ending? And then on to arc 4.
    Last edited: May 16, 2019
    gnyaa, juanexbi, reader_O8 and 33 others like this.
  9. Zhen_Qing

    Zhen_Qing <<Danmei Sect Temp. Summoner>>

    Mar 19, 2018
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    That's mess up...
    Thanks for the spoiler!
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  10. maripants

    maripants Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2018
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    If someone had killed my dog and fed him to me, I would have pulled a John Wick
  11. maripants

    maripants Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2018
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    I skipped to the ending bits because MTL was hurting my brain, but after MC leaves, HCS develops a crush on original host O(≧▽≦)OHe even gets jealous when he sees host getting close to one of his friends. The friend teases him for getting jealous.

    Coach asks Host (MTL calls him winter song so idk what his name actually is) what he wants to for the exhibition game and host says he wants do a doubles/pair routine. The two other coach’s students are ready to step out, but it’s not even necessary because HCS volunteers himself. Coach says there’s never been two males doing pair figure skating, does that matter. The two of them automatically reply no.

    So then the exhibition arrives, and host actually takes HCS gloves and holds his hands, which wasn’t in the routine. Coach: . . . was that supposed to happen?

    After a year or so HCS buys a house and the two of them move in together.

    Original timeline:
    The host in this world is named Ji Zoushan and the scum is named Yan Yanchao. In this world, there are six genders, including alpha beta and omega. However, it’s slightly different from the typical ABO since gender can be changed. Once a year every person who turned 18 participates in a mecha battle. If they collect a lot of points/energy they can change themselves to an alpha or beta, but if they lose they revert to an omega.

    The mecha fighting is compulsory (I think) so noble families who don’t want to sacrifice their children contract someone to replace/protect their child. Ji Zousan was such a person who sold himself as a sacrifice because his parents died and he had to take care of his siblings. Ji Zousan was a beta but he had a lot of potential and even showed signs of becoming alpha during training. That’s when he met Yanchao, who I believe was the owner of Ji Zousan’s contract. Yan Chao bullied Ji Zousan but was also super possessive and obsessed with him (like a tsundere/yandere mix). He promised Ji Zousan that he could be the world’s strongest alpha (which Ji Zousan didn’t really want, he just wanted to take care of his family), but at the same time seemed to want to make Ji Zousan into his omega. He also forced Ji Zousan to lose to him whenever they were pitted against each other. Ji Zousan resisted for the sake of his siblings, but in the end he got into an accident and lost all his energy, reverting to an omega.

    (Ji Zousan’s feelings for Yan Chao were complicated, but he did consider Yan Chao one of his special people up to this point. He planned to become a top soldier and buy two houses, one for his siblings and one for Yan Chao so there wouldn’t be any fighting between them. Of course, this was ruined by his accident.)

    Yan Chao kept Ji Zou far from his siblings, trapping him in his house and treating him roughly during bonding/mating. He brought Ji Zousan to the battlefield but refused to give him inhibitors. Ji ended up being assualted by nearby soldiers who cut off his legs. Yan Chao came back and killed one of the attackers (at least ripped some guy’s arm off). After, Scum was prosecuted for being irresponsible but he got off with a slap on the wrist due to his father’s influence.

    Host siblings planned to help him escape, but something went wrong due to a Zerg attack. Host’s mecha crashed and he saw scum was looking for him, so he crawled into a burning house. Host chose to die in the fire instead of going back to Scum.

    After MC arrives:
    This arc was different in that MC didn’t obtain control of the body but rather is sharing it with the original host, Ji Zousan (JZ from now on). The arc opens up while JZ is still in the academy and a beta. MC is currently in control. There’s a girl named Luo Wei who wants to buy out JZ’s contract and have him work for her. In order to this she needs to get permission from the scum.

    Scum of course, always refuses such requests, but MC knows his father is around and deliberate provokes him so that he will overreact. It works, and father witnesses the event. Ashamed of his son’s possessiveness of JZ, he forces his son to hand Jin over to JZ. Luo Wei and JZ/MC leave.

    For the most part, MC lets JZ have control of the body only intervening in diplomatic moments. JZ and MC meet, and they becomes friends. JZ thanks MC for helping him out, and he resolves that this time around he will become powerful in order to defeat the Zerg (it seems JZ isn’t really focused on revenge, still worrying more about protecting those he loves).

    Meanwhile Scum is at a loss. He thinks JZ will come back to him in a little while, but he starts to realize JZ won’t come back. The next class, they have mecha training and Scum matches against JZ. He’s used to JZ letting him win, but this time he’s defeated and left there. At this time, Scum’s brother Yan also notices JZ and does a background check on him.

    JZ keeps working on his mecha with Luo Wei and MC. He joins a tournament that will allow him to get an upgrade if he gets first place. In the mission he makes more friends, including one girl who eventually becomes a GL pair with Luo Wei. Scum also joins the tournament and chances upon JZ sitting by the fire, laughing with his friends. He thinks that when they were together, JZ never laughed when they were together. He’s been replaced as JZ’s special people.

    He talks to JZ, saying that he’s sorry, he won’t abuse JZ again. MC takes over and provokes him, making Scum mad. MC’s like, oh? Angry again? Guess you’ll be using the whip after all. Scum is left speechless, he has nothing to say.

    Later, he and the older brother have dinner together, brother hears Scum mutter that if he made JZ his omega then he would have to come back to him. He says to Scum, do you know what being an omega means? Scum replies that it would mean JZ couldn’t leave him. Brother’s like... I have to teach this boy.

    He takes Scum to a high class omega brothel/entertainment house. Scum is confused. He’s somewhat affected by the pheromones but he’s still a beta and can control himself. One omega notices Scum seems pretty influential and tries to cozy up to him. Scum is furious and pushes him away, causing omega to be harmed since he’s so delicate. The owner apologizes and offers to get another omega. Scum says he doesn’t want any.

    Brother watches the whole thing and tries to explain to Scum. Do you see now what being an omega is? Omega’s are weak like porcelain. They can’t fight. They can’t work. Their only perk is that they have higher fertility, but every gender can give birth. In reality, their just high class bedwarmers.

    Scum kind of reflects on himself for a hot second, but don’t worry it doesn’t last long. Then he’s like, but JZ wouldn’t be like that, he has spiritual powers. Brother says that all omega become like that. Even if they have power they will lose it and become practically mindless. Furthermore, how could he join the army? An omega in a military camp is bound to get assaulted. They are seen as “material”. (Scum is shocked because apparently he did not know this at all, apparently).

    Suddenly, Scum realizes everything he would be taking from JZ if he made him an omega. JZ has the potential to be their world’s strongest alpha. So he’s like... okay but if become an omega, then he would have to take pity on me. How could he reject me if I showed up at his door?

    Brother: ...This guy is an idiot :facepalm:

    (Honestly props to Scum. Not many yanderes willing to switch in order to get the object of their obsession.)

    School starts again and there’s more mecha matches. JZ and Scum fo against each other, and Brother’s advice has been long forgotten at this point. Scum tries to force MC to destroy his mecha/turn him omega (I guess bc that would make him take responsibility). However, JZ refuses to do so and only disactivates Scum’s armor, leaving him there again.

    All seems in the clear. MC and JZ go to camp in order to fight the Zerg. JZ has grown his spiritual level to 3s. Higher than anyone. Besides that, his fight was broadcasted to the entire empire, so everyone admired him for his battle power. However, all is not well.

    Scum shows up to JZ door in full blown estrus. JZ and MC panic, call for someone to lock up the omega immediately. The two are affected by the pheromones which have an approsiatic effect. MC scrambles for the inhibitors but doesn’t get in time to administer it before sinking into his internal space. ML gives him the inhibitor instead, following MC into the internal space to calm him down.

    MC kisses ML. ML panics at first, instinctively kissing back. His system automatically downloads kissing manuals. Pfft. It stops at kissing though.

    MC calms down and compliments ML on his talents. He must have had a lot of practice. ML is embarrassed. MTL was a bit confusing but it also seems to be MC’s first kiss. At first ML didn’t believe him since MC had a kissing scene in a movie, but MC says it was just a double because the actress hated him.

    MC goes to see Scum later, and Scum is a bit rattled. I forget what MC said, but judging from the way he looks at him Scum realizes that ‘JZ’ doesn’t have feelings for him anymore. He recalls a time back when they were fourteen and still roomed together. JZ was always forgiving of Scum unlike everyone else, so Scum couldn’t help but test his bottom line. One time he went to far, and asked JZ if he was angry. JZ replied that he wasn’t angry, just disappointed. One day he could probably be so disappointed that he would leave and never come back. It seems that the day has finally arrived.

    As he’s leaving, ML ask MC why the retribution wasn’t as harsh in this world. MC says that it’s not his call to make *side eyes JZ*. (It seems JZ might still have feelings for Scum?)

    In the end the Zerg invasion happens. Scum slightly redeems himself by leading a battalion to intercept the wing, giving JZ troops a chance to kill off the Queen.

    MC leaves, and JZ asks him to stay. MC says that he has to go back to his original world and JZ accepts it. Once MC leaves, it becomes like a dream that JZ had and he wakes up crying.

    Later, he looks for Scum and finds out that he’s in the hospital. He calls his brother up and promises to visit.

    I guess I forgot to mention the siblings, they’re alright. JZ bought a house for them all to live in together.

    Later on JZ runs into a madman crying out that he wants to go home to his original world... he wants to speak to the Lord System... it seems this was one of the previous transmigrators.
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  12. maripants

    maripants Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2018
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    I jumped around a bit since there’s six arcs left and I’m not sure i’ll finish but apparently this is the criteria for a host (based on mtl and edited) are:
    “First, they have a strong obsession in life, and an unwillingness to die.

    Second, there have been records of medical treatment for suicide attempts or mentally illnesses.

    Third, there is a propensity towards homosexuality and intentionally conceal sexual orientation. It is best not to have a love experience.

    Fourth, their parental relationship is not harmonious.

    Five, they don’t care to reach the 'intimate' level of friends.

    Sixth, they are living alone, the circle of daily life is narrow, and have little communication with outsiders.

    Seventh, I have lost important things.”
    Apparently MC matches all of them and you only need three... and actually if you annualize other fast wear novels it’s actually pretty accurate criteria :sweating_profusely:
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  13. morticia_addams

    morticia_addams Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    So whats up with the crying transmigrator
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  14. maripants

    maripants Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2018
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    It wasn’t really explained in this arc. I figured it will be relevant later on tbh it’s almost halfway point and a lot of things about Lord System’s plans, MC and ML’s past are a mystery.
  15. Bears111

    Bears111 Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2016
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    The MC then eats dinner with DFH and the atmosphere was very harmonious. However, deep inside the MC was worried as he wonders how his real body will be once he finishes all his missions as it takes a lot of time to complete just one mission. Not to mention the fact that MC has to make up 13 years of regret for the original host. 061 reassures the MC drawing his attention to an item in the shop called "compression card" (or something similar) that is worth 20 points or regret or 40 points of favorability and is the most expensive item in the shop. This card would slow down time in the real world, there is no time limit but it is a one-use card, meaning that if MC cancels the effect he needs to purchase another card to use. The lowest level card will let MC's real-world slow down by 6 times. There are better versions of the card, but they are also expensive.

    061 thinks of how all his previous hosts all rushed through their missions, not caring at all the methods they used to complete the task and not willing to act as the host, and would complete it quickly to purchase the card. Complete this long role-playing game and return to your own world.

    However, seeing a host that was going to spend 13 years to complete the mission was a first. Not to mention the fact that the MC will have to be in constant contact with the scum to raise the regret value.

    The MC thinks about the previous missions he did and felt some regret (although I can't understand why) and he and the system has a quick chat.

    MC and uncle bonds some more before MC returns to his school, at the ice rink the MC practices jumps. Even though it wasn't perfect it still looked beautiful, and the MC does various movements as though searching for a "feeling."

    Before the original host was arrogant- and this attitude leaked into his skating thus even though he was talented and his skating beautiful there were still people who resented him. However, now MC portrays a melancholy air instead, taking the original host's tiredness from all his first life and displaying it.

    Compared with others who might fear to display their talents and being scrutinized and doubted the MC wants to show off all of the host's talent. Show all of the host's excellence, and his decade's worth of experience on the ice, let everyone see and admire.

    No need to be acknowledged by anyone else, I (MC refers to himself as Laozi 老子 in this) am a genius. :blobowoevil:

    The head coach looks at the MC, and begins to consider the MC's talent. Before he thought that the MC wasn't fit to be put into competition as coach saw how host was a genius but his personality was too terrible- too eager to advance, too eager to prove himself, coach would have to slowly polish host before host could be displayed in competition.

    Otherwise, the head coach knows that such a person like the host- once achieving success will either become complacent or become even more eager for more success, a vicious cycle. But now it seems as though he has been reborn. Although his movements were a bit sloppy, it was filled with seriousness and self-confidence that made his performance charming.

    The head coach asks MC's coach if MC has attended any competition yet to which the other give a negative reply. The head coach then put MC on the competition for National Skating Junior Series- which catches a lot of people's attention as the host prior to this has no experience competitively and the competition was a very prestigious and widely watched by many making MC being one of the competitors a surprise to his schoolmates.

    The MC then states how he likes it when they look up at him, to which 061 thinks that MC is a child. Though 061 worries since the target's remorse value is still 0, and his favourability 50. This is due to how little contact MC has with the target and 061 worries about how with no contact there will be very little progress and MC will have to stay in this world for a long time, although the MC doesn't seem to care at all.

    MC immediately calls DFH to tell him the good news and the man came to give him mushroom chicken soup as a reward. While seeing MC eat DHF thinks about how MC is still a child who is estranged from his home just to pursue his dream and thinks about how depressing everything was and DFH couldn't help but pat the MC's head. This causes a slight pause in the MC which makes DHF regrets his decision, but then the MC continues eating just as before.

    061 thinks about how he had to accompany MC for a long time before he could act more intimately around MC and when seeing this scene his heart has a slight imbalance. :blobpopcorn:

    Forgot to mention this but I might miss some details, or completely misunderstand others but please bear with me! :blobsweat:
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  16. Bears111

    Bears111 Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2016
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    DFH remarks how this is MC's first skating competition and he will give his parents a call to ask for them to come.

    MC thinks about how when host became famous he became the child of the country and was no longer the child of the family. Later his parent's temper also cooled down and they wanted to reunite with their son and repair their relationship and take care of him. However, the timing was too late and the host was closed off to them and didn't care for his parents.

    They tried to break down his walls but in the end, it was unsuccessful, and it only caused their relationship to grow tenser. When the host died the mom collapse and began to obsessively watch all of the host's previous performance. She finds that the skating videos bring her closer to her son and was her only source of comfort. She loves the host when he competed for the first time and only got 5th place as back then he was the closest to the child that she knew- silent and shy, and an eagerness for approval.

    The mom then also watches the video with the dad and regrets how they didn't go to the competition where he got his first trophy.

    Coming back to the present wherein MC is hesitant to invite them stating how they were busy with their jobs, only for DFH to shoot that idea down and says that he'll call them anyways.

    MC then spends the next three months as before- still practicing and training, but there was no urgency in his actions. And reserves at least one hour a day to doing something outside of skating- watching fireworks, watching the moon, sometimes just thinking, sometimes not even thinking at all.

    The MC also didn't cut his hair as he didn't like haircuts. DFH visits the MC often and obtains a visitor pass and watches MC practice in place of his absent parents. While watching MC, DFH begins to sketch and promises MC that he'll make a comic and gift it to MC once he graduates.

    It was unknown how DFH did it but on the day of the competition, he manages to convince host's mother (HM) to come to the competition. She constantly questions if MC is doing well and whether he can get into a good college through a sports school, stating that while liking skating now is okay, it isn't a good future career. DFH states how MC is doing well and is performing very well in school, listing how he manages to enter into such a big tournament without competition before. HM complains about how ice skating is dangerous and how she sees all the jumping and axels on TV and is worried.

    DFH then states how this is MC's first tournament and since he is a newcomer and even his own mother isn't there he will get bullied and looked down on. The mom hears this and is immediately unhappy- this is a child she has raised, if he is bullied how can she bear it?

    When HM was in the stands she was very anxious, inside her heart HM has doubts about MC still remembering that clumsy child from before and is worried that he will get hurt. When she sees MC skating out onto the ice rink she immediately gets worried that he's not wearing and scarf and is concerned that he'll be cold :blobmelt:.

    The audience is shocked and someone next to DFH snidely remarks how MC is a "pretty boy" and another person mentions that he looks like a child star. The qualifiers has a live broadcast and MC is not worried about the media or cameras and begins his first routine. The onsite commentary was performed by a retired skater along with a commentator with no senior experience but a good mouth.

    They talk about how confident he is compared to the other candidates. MC doesn't smile, and appears sorrowful matching his performance. MC performs some more techniques and the retired skater begins to look at him differently finding that MC is very talented for an 11 year old. Thinking about how MC's techniques were good but his understanding of beauty and the art of skating puts him at another level compared to the others. As a child with no previous experience, this already cements that he is a genius.

    Everyone who is experienced feels excited as they witness MC's performance as even though it didn't contain much in terms of technicality it was still very good.

    Later we find out that 061 had to regulate MC's lactic acid level to prevent muscle soreness :blobxd:.

    Unexpectedly HM begins to excitedly cheer for MC at the end waving her arms to MC looking as though she was 20 years younger, and even though her shouting was easily drowned out by the other sounds in the stadium her son stared at her for a few moments before smiling and waved.

    Surprisingly both the target's good value and remorse value rose by 8. 061 thinks on how this is the first time he saw the two rise at the same time. MC explained how YXF must've seen MC's performance on live TV and right about now. MC clarifies how good value doesn't translate into love and remorse doesn't translate into actual regret. The reason for the good value is that the MC fits with YXF's "type" in that he was also bullied and "rescued" by YXF just like HCS which fits with YXF who sees himself as a savior. And the reason for the remorse was also the reason why HCS only could only stay as YXF's white moonlight and never closer.

    In one sentence: "I hope my friends will do better than me, but I don't want my friends to be better than me."

    So, in other words, YXF might say that he wants HCS to do better, but in actuality, HCS and host can do better- just not better than YXF himself.

    Thus why YXF feels regret.
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  17. Bears111

    Bears111 Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2016
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    Some interaction between YXF and HCS as YXF acts and thinks as though he's very close to HCS though it appears that he's not as close as he thinks he is. YXF thinks about how cold HCS usually is while in truth it just takes HCS a long time to react, causing YXF to think of him as cute. YXF thinks of this as a "secret" and thus feels closer to HCS as he considers himself HCS's close friend.

    Their other teammates who were with them at the restaurant at the time began talking about the competition the MC is participating in and how coach forced them to watch the live broadcast. YXF thinks about how similar the MC is to HCS. Thinking back to the memory where he helped HCS and how while HCS was weak and being beaten up badly by his bullies his eyes were strong, refusing to admit defeat. YXF also thinks of how the host was also as lonely as HCS- secretly feeding a small dog, skating alone- a person who is thorny but kind and sensitive. The best type to evoke a protective response.

    However, the most important factor was that while host was being bullied HCS looked upset so YXF was obligated to help. HCS was curious about the MC's performance and both he and YXF view the video clip of MC's routine. This time MC's routine was more lively and involved more jumps and overall it was another successful routine. HCS compliments the MC and states how YXF will have to learn from the MC.

    YXF, as expected, wasn't very happy about that. YXF redirects the conversation stating how they- YXF, tbh- helped MC gain first place. HCS thought for a moment and thinks that rather than them helping MC they were helping his bullies instead. As HCS thinks about MC's figure holding the broom and thinks that MC probably would've killed all four bullies. Thinking of this image HCS laughs. YXF then thinks that HCS laughs because of him and this lifts his mood.

    When seeing MC on the ice YXF couldn't help but think that if it wasn't for him helping the MC then the MC would still be bullied and would never get such a wonderful opportunity to shine. (In fact YXF's "help" didn't help the host at all.) In other words, if it was for YXf then the MC wouldn't have had the chance to shine. This causes YXF to feel a bit agitated, but then thinks of how MC will be loyal to him like how HCS is and with that mental gymnastics is finally happy again. :facepalm::blobconfused:

    MC is too disgusted with YXF's train of thoughts that he didn't even bother to think about it.

    Since his first appearance, MC became the media's darling, and after his advancement to finals, there were a lot of interviews with him and his mom. When HM was first interviewed she was nervous and embarrassed and the MC held her hand to try to comfort her. The questions got tough when she was asked how did she raise such a good child, to which she didn't know how to respond. She glances at MC only to find that he was staring at her too before realizing that he was caught and looking away.

    When they were in a hotel room Canada's tournament was playing on the TV and the mom remarks how they almost looked like the MC and the MC says how they are much better than him.

    The mom says that MC looks better. That she is looking at him. It is at this point that the MC cries. The mom also begins to cry as well. The two is hugging each other at this point and it seems that they have both have reconciled. MC runs to the bathroom, 061 is curious as to he cried. MC reveals that he didn't want to cry, but it was the host who cried.

    DFH arrives ready to pick MC up for dinner, HM is now reluctant to let her son out of her sight now that they have made up. DFH convinces her to take MC out eating tomorrow instead as tomorrow is the finals and MC needs to eat a healthy meal today. MC whispers to his mom that he will win the championship and the mom feels happiness inside her heart.

    The next morning HM arrives early to the stadium. While waiting she bought commemorative albums and coins, and even bought a pair of pretty skates that didn't even seem functional. Her anxiety was clear to see. Due to MC being first last time he will be performing last thus the mom was pretty much nervous the entire time. When MC arrives HM stands up to cheer when she realizes that the people around her have done the same. This is when she realized that they are cheering for her son, a rising star, and she begins to tear up.

    MC's costume this time made him look like a young phoenix. The final was shown through live TV, some friends of host's father saw this and compliment the MC. Dad is shocked as the child he remembers previously has grown into a teenager now. HCS and YXF was also watching the final. HCS was looking forward to seeing how this younger brother with unlimited potential would perform, while YXF didn't know what he was thinking.

    The theme of MC's routine this time is rebirth and at the end he performs a triple axel which was a shock as he was only 11. But the MC didn't see any change when he landed, instead he continues skating- at ease.

    He is back.

    When the music stops, MC cries. And this time it was his own tears. :blobmelt:

    This scene made the media crazy and multiple compliments were directed towards the MC. When MC returns to his school a letter was sent out as an invitation to him to join a team.

    author's note:
    YXF: He has this opportunity because of me. He will thank me. ( :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:)
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  18. mmem

    mmem Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2016
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    Does anyone know when MC learns that ML was reformatted in the past (aka has fractured memories), and when does he find out who the ML is?
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  19. Attica

    Attica Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2018
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    I just wanted to pop by and say: I really enjoyed this novel. It's a nice deconstruction on the usual abusive partners in some BL novels, and it's really fun to see the original host get to live happily (including some awesome side couples). The side characters are just sooo good <3


    Just to clarify the 4th arc since I know the details can be intimidating... yeah this A/B/O arc is less like traditional A/B/O and more similar to Qizi.

    This planet was frequently attacked by alien bugs, so their society was designed to emphasize physical strength. Everyone is born a Beta, and they're all put into a giant mech-fighting competition with each other. In this competition, the victors absorb energy from the losers. Those with most energy get to become Alphas, while those with the least become Omegas. Alphas are physically superior in every respect, while Omegas are seen as pretty much useless except for on the bed.

    Some rich and wealthy families don't want to risk their precious children in this battle, so they will hire poor kids off the street to be "human sacrifices". Basically, the "human sacrifices" participate in the competition in place of the rich kid, taking all the risk onto themselves. Then at the very end, they purposefully lose to the rich kid, giving the rich kid all the energy so he can become an alpha instead.

    In the "original timeline", the MC of the 4th arc was the "human sacrifice" to the "ML". MC was a quiet but very reliable and powerful child, matching his name (His first name is Zuoshan, which means something like "to be a mountain".) He volunteered to be a human sacrifice in order to take care of his little brothers and sister after they were all orphaned.

    The "ML" of this arc is one of the more unique "scum gongs" in the book: he's an extremely childish and immature bully. He really does like MC a lot--mostly because the patient doormat MC is the only one who takes his annoying bullshit without a word of complaint. The problem is that his desire to monopolize and control MC isn't really love, but merely a sense of possessiveness towards "an object/toy that belongs to him."

    MC was super loyal to "ML" because in one instance, ML casually promised him that if MC wins the competition, ML will let MC become an alpha. That was MC's hope for a better future, one where he would be able to stand shoulder-to-shoulder to ML instead of as his servant, and one where he could take care of his siblings.

    Unfortunately, last life MC was too much of a doormat and let ML run rampant over him. MC indeed got super strong to win the competition. But surprise surprise, ML had forgotten all about the promise to let him be an alpha. ML demanded that MC become his omega instead, since that way ML would get total control over MC's life.

    MC did end up becoming an omega, but ML wouldn't stop throwing temper tantrums. (ML was so immature that he didn't understand that omegas are very physically weak, so he would always hurt MC when the two were intimate.) ML even dragged MC onto the battlefield despite MC's weakness.

    Then during one temper tantrum, ML locked MC inside a shed--a shed on the front lines!! MC went into heat, and was subsequently assaulted by some passing soldiers (the soldiers could get into the shed, but as an omega MC could not escape.) ML came back to see this and was furious enough to kill all those soldiers. But he never apologized to MC.

    At this point MC had finally broken and given up hope on living. His only wish at this point was for his siblings to be able to make it out. While trying to run away from ML and regroup with his siblings, he was attacked by alien bugs. He managed to kill the alien bug (despite being an omega!) but was mortally wounded in the process. He heard ML calling out for him and trying to find him. But MC dragged himself into a burning building, just so ML would never get his body.


    ...Yeah every single "previous life" backstory is extremely depressing in this novel.

    Luckily, in this life, with our protagonist's help steering the body (while the original host comments from the side), this MC manages to fulfill his true potential as a leader. Harnessing one of ML's early temper tantrums, MC manages to leave ML's side early. He then begins to display his astonishing strength and is seen as the most promising military talent of their generation.

    ML is initially furious about MC's "betrayal", but he slowly grows to realize how important MC was to him. In this life ML's older brother also takes the time to try and instill some maturity into him (ex: what the true nature of omegas is).

    ML is so childish that at one point he really wants to be an omega just so that MC will "take him back." Unfortunately, it's too late. ML even dreams of the tragedy of their previous life.

    In the end, MC becomes the "battle god" and pretty much singlehandedly wins the war against the alien bugs for good. He then becomes a leader for social reform for omega rights, etc.

    He and ML develop a civil relationship as fellow soldiers on the battlefield, but never really go past that. ML keeps chasing MC even in the epilogue. However, he remains too childish and possessive. MC never gets back together with ML, but instead stands proudly on his own.
    Last edited: May 26, 2019
    gnyaa, Scapezz, JoshyM62 and 35 others like this.
  20. namio

    namio Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2018
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    It's a bit hard to really say exactly when CXC figures out 061 was reformatted (he inferred from timeline and quite a bit of side information, and it's built up over the course of like dozens of chapters) but it's safe to say that he fully accepts that 061 is Lou Ying in the 7th world. Prior to that, he was too scared to seriously contemplate the possibility of 061 being Lou Ying (scared that it's not him, and scared that it IS him and that he'd see what a trainwreck CXC became after LY's death).

    The matter of the reformatting IS plot important though and the memory loss ends up more or less patched up through several means.

    Actually, it brings me to another question in this thread:
    He was a host who chose to return to this world line after completing his 10 missions. Except he finds out that well... since he was using another person's identity to get close to this one man, the man doesn't exactly know who he is. The original owner he occupied iirc was alive, too, so he was stranded in this world homeless and jobless.

    He ends up sort of a proof to CXC and a supervisory body that the Lord God of the system was playing hooky, not disclosing important things and being intentionally misleading to harvest as much negative feelings (chaos energy) as possible by screwing over the scum gong, original owner AND host. Yep.

    NGL this novel overtook my life. Chi Xiaochi is perfect. I hope he knows I love him.
    gnyaa, reader_O8, Ahmya and 25 others like this.