Spoiler Latest Chapter Discussion Thread for Death Mage Raws

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by FussyBadger, Nov 25, 2017.

  1. mai.rain

    mai.rain Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2018
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    I know we are trying to find vans theme but i do believe i have found Aldas...

    just replace aliens with vidas races.
    Reman Scimitar and hillo315 like this.
  2. Nimitz

    Nimitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2018
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    What about Lacuna Coil- trip the darkness for Van.
    I'm also happy someone else here likes within temptation.
    hillo315 likes this.
  3. ssj4maiko

    ssj4maiko Welcome Back Sadpanda!

    May 5, 2018
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    Light Translation of SS 59

    “To protect Mei and Hiroshi”, to those unspoken remarks, Narumi reflexively was going to raise her concerns, but Amemiya stopped her, and instead asks about what are the problems he is implying, so Banda replies that they would understand if they check what is happening on a terminal, but Banda doesn’t seem to know how they work, so Iwao suggests taking the one Moriya was using, as it should still be working, and they watch the news.

    Their reaction is bad, looking at the pillar outside that wasn’t there when they went in, they are afraid Rokudou is up to something else, in the middle of smoke and flames, a huge white pillar, filled with eyeballs and mouths pulsating, and in another news, the new president Sergei Dallant, who took control of the country on a coup d’etat announces to the world that “This is God!”, and the multiple groups of believers of 8th Guidance, scattered around the world who would protest against the acts of Bravers also release a statement, that President Sergei is correct, that is the God of Death (Just in case, “Shi no Kami”, not Shinigami) that their Goddess Pluto believed, the one called Undead.

    There are also reports saying that was the result of Magic experiments from NEF, or monsters or weapons that failed in the Chinese Republic, some even said that that is the alien Johnny Yamaoka, revealing that not necessarily everyone believes in those statements of it being God, as the only official government statement came from the US, and due to confusion in the media and reportings, fake news are spreading side by side with the truth, but that’s no wonder, and the confusion is helped by a variety of reactions from the people, some fainted, others had hallucinations, others were listening to unknown things, and disregarding that panic behavior are the 2 countries attacking him, although there is no threat, their case is that they were already confused before Vandalieu appeared in the first place, and although some parts are already calm, once they learn that their missing presidents, the major villain and a couple other influential people are just below him, thing will get agitated again.

    Iwao reads that the neighbor countries are preparing military action, Derrick wonders if they will have to fight “That” now, but someone (I guess Joseph) tells them that it’s Banda’s main body, Vandalieu, he remembers seeing it on a dream, and the two are surprised, but Banda confirms, he is suppressing the shockwaves of Death to avoid any leakage, he apologizes for the confusion, the two immediately nod as if to forgive him as fast as possible. Hiroshi comments that he thought it was Banda, he recognizes him, although he wasn’t sparkling like now, Mei seems confused that he is a big circular pillar, but the many mouths, it seems they are all well brushed (?). The children are calm, over all, those that already knew him had a very different reaction from those who didn’t.

    Amemiya agrees, he has no idea what to do about this situation, if the presidents are alive, but Banda confirms they are all dead, Mei seems to think about gathering the Ojii-sans who may be around, Amemiya smiles bitterly, but then, the ghosts of presidents won’t really work on a trial, the situation was beyond his control. Bravers is a non-governmental organization, they work on missions issued by countries, and because of that, they have no authorities. Of course, they are big and have many connections with influential people… But those were made by Rokudou, and most of them were involved in this mess.

    Even with his position as a leader, because of the position the perpetrator was in the organization, it’s useless, he could only wish for a stable job now, but in this situation, it’s impossible, not only the chaos after so many leaders died, but they won’t be trusted either. Banda suggests checking with Sergei Dallant who should help, because the government was made from a coup, it should be a little authoritarian for now. Upon that remark, not only Amemiya, but Joseph and Nanamori were surprised, of course, they didn’t knew Sergei as a believer of 8th Guidance, and there is no connection between Banda and him, but to Banda, it was more like an old friend. Mari asks if they meet in dreams like it happened to them, which Banda confirms in a muddy voice, it’s hard to admit that he is a God of Origin now, and because of that, he receive all his thoughts as if he is right beside the man.

    They don’t know much about him, but if Banda/Vandalieu says he can be trusted. Amemiya accepts the proposal, and also says they should find the studies around, he didn’t do it last time and left it to others, but now he will do it himself, Banda tells them that the neighbor countries were planning on destroying everything here including self-destruction devices, and are now preparing the armies. Narumi is surprised and calls everyone to leave as fast as possible, but Banda just tells them he is dealing with them, so they can just continue their discussion, she could only blink at him as he said he was dealing with 2 super powers, but Banda didn’t had any problems now. There was a huge burden before when he arrived as just a soul, both during the transfer, but also in keeping himself, but now, as part of God of Origin, he is not an alien existence anymore, so he inherently stronger and before, and although it’s not as stable as a physical body, but still should be a stable as Banda.

    Amemiya asks Banda where exactly he intends to protect Mei, Hiroshi, and the other abducted people, Narumi is still a little unstable and shouted, she doesn’t understand why the need for that, the problem has been resolved, so why, but Amemiya cuts her off, reminding her that even if they cooperate with the president, there is no telling how long fixing things will take, it won’t be soon. She was surprised on how Amemiya was ok with Banda’s proposal, she tried to listen to him, he continued, the power of the US is strong, but not global, there is no telling what will the rest of the world will do, and most of their leaders are dead. In fact, even if everything is explained and understood, it could still lead to a Second World War. Amemiya continues, even their organization “Bravers” may be in danger, if they were soldiers or politicians they would be sent to prison, or take responsibility, but their situation is unknown, after all, the problem was solved by Bravers, but it was also started by Bravers, but of course, they will still not take responsibility over the problems related to the politicians that joined Rokudou, but that could still lead to individual attacks from governments, and Amemiya stepping down would not be a solution, as his power is too great to be released like that. There are ways to block magic, but nothing in regards to the cheat abilities.

    And then he finally adds that Mei’s Death Attribute will eventually be known, and the reaction to that… Although he doesn’t know that she is pretty much a Holy Maiden in the US, and president Sergei is working to protect her, but indeed, a normal life is impossible now. So to him, it’s convenient that there is a secure place that she can stay, but Narumi can’t accept that yet, she understands the logic, but she can’t leave her daughter. Mei murmurs not knowing what to do, Hiroshi is also lost, but Banda calls for “Me-kun’s Mama”, that she may be misunderstanding, he has no intention of stealing them, and they will still meet again, she wants confirmation, and he tells her that it’s not good for the children to be away from their parents, but he can’t do it every day, however, there should be no problem if it’s once per month, and once things settle down, things can go back to normal. Hearing that she felt relieved that at least she would be able to meet once a month, but she still doesn’t believe, is there such a place that is so protected? And that they can still meet once a month? But he denies her, there is no such place “around”, still, she it’s better for her to see. And the sound of glass breaking and a hole appeared in the middle of nowhere.


    “Nice to meet you, hard to recognize, but still me”

    “Indeed me, it’s not like I wanted to be a god, but I can’t do anything about that now.”

    Banda knows that the fault lies in his actions, he forgot about the satellites, and considering that the Gods of Origin are entities that change to conform the faith and fears of the population, it’s no wonder he turned into a God, however, it’s thanks to President Sergei, who announced his identity as the God of 8th Guidance, and as the Undead that he ended up like this, if they had mentioned nothing, it would just be another variant based on him who would be a god. In the end, the fault lies on Rokudou, he made indiscriminate attacks that forces those actions, so it’s not Sergei’s fault. So God Vandalieu tells him that, if reincarnates in Lambda, to destroy him for sure now, and Banda assures him of that, although it won’t be him, but the main body. And both nod to each other.

    And then Pluto arrives, glad that Vandalieu joined the gods, and reminds them that there are things that they can do now precisely because he is a God now. Because most humans recognize Vandalieu, he is the god with the biggest capacity in the Gods of Origin now, and thanks to that he was able to increase the Divine Protection on Amemiya compared to initially, and then killed Rokudou, also he could ask Sergei to help Bravers, and it also turned easier to connect Lambda and Origin now, he lost nothing in turning into a god, rather, he gained more, besides, it’s not like he got more work now, the things in Origin, those are parts of the work of the Gods of Origin only, and it’s not like it will remain for long, it’s just something that is happening strongly now, with time things will be forgotten and he will eventually disappear, but Pluto doesn’t think he will disappear in a couple centuries, not with the fear that the people in the NEF and chinese Republic will get from this, but whatever, they can just deal with it in the future, but Pluto seems to hope he remains for very long.


    At the sound of shattered glass, Amemiya is surprised, Derrick checks empty air where there was a wall before, what they see is a carpet of flowers, and trees and a number of playground equipment around, and they were in the third floor of a 5 floor building, looking at other similar buildings around (?). Joseph seems to think they were teleported to Japan, but Amemiya notices there are no sounds, nor birds, nor cars, there is no city around here. Someone asks Banda where they are, and he answers this is the shelter he built for Hiroshi and Mei, this is a place in a world that is not Origin, this is an inner world inside his body that is located in the world where they will be reborn next time. Amemiya asked what he meant with that, but Banda ignored it, and Vandalieu took the conversation.

    Amemiya was surprised by the strange boy, but Mei jumped from Banda and run towards him.


    “This is the first time we meet, Me-kun”

    He holds her up, but Amemiya and Derrick look at Banda and Vandalieu alternatively, not seeing any resemblance in how they could be seem as the same. She tells him that everyone is confused because there is no NyoroNyoro on him, so she inserts her hand on his mouth and pulls his tongue stretching it, he doesn’t seem surprised by such an act from her, but warns her that it’s dangerous, as he has fangs now, and reveals some antennas for her.

    Hiroshi asks if he is the real Banda, he confirms, but asks him to wait, as Mei is playing with his antennas now, but he tells him that he is good with “NyoroNyoro”. Hiroshi has dismissed the transformation equipment, and is staring at Vandalieu who looks like a normal boy if not for his sister stretching his tongue and antennas. He recognizes him by the eyes and the voice, he is impressed that they are the same age, but Van tells him he will be 13, (Don’t know what Hiroshi replies here), but Van tells him that Hiroshi is taller for his age, and he is short for his, that’s all. Van is a little taller than Hiroshi, and seems frustrated by having to admit that, Hiroshi tries to console him that he can grow even if temporarily, if adding the antenna, he would be quite tall, Mei also adds that he can also increase the number of eyes.

    So Banda tells them everything about what will happen after they die while Vandalieu is playing with the children. Joseph was surprised, event thought he already knew the story, but he was convinced, learning the difference in power between him and themselves who are also reincarnators, and also his word in protecting the children, indeed, nobody will be able to attack them in a different world. Banda adds that this is his inner world, a world that he made similar to Origin because of the differences in the physics, but this place still could be affects if anything happens with his body.

    (I have been noticing that besides Amemiya there is usually someone else talking, I call that person “someone”, but while I thought it could be Narumi, some questions don’t seem like something asked by her. It could be not Amemiya, but Iwao and Derrick, who seems to be acting as the common sense boys. Some of the Amemiya ones here are either that it’s said he is the one who asked, or that it seems like he is replying to, otherwise, it’s “someone”)

    Someone mutters that this is inside his body, but it’s harder to imagine that Rokudou could be reborn. Amemiya asks about what happens to this world during his movements, does it shake? So Banda says that there is no such things in small cases, however it’s possible that if he is cut, burned or crushed it could happen. Amemiya had a weird face to such an answer, but he understands that this inner world seems much safer than the outside world (The former NEET speaking here). Someone adds that no matter how safe a country is, there is always a chance of a meteorite falling. The physical ability is similar, but the mana of Vandalieu is many times that of Banda, upon such conditions, Amemiya doesn’t think that anyone would be able to do anything against such Banda.

    He asks if there is something in Lambda that can do such things against him, but he confirms, he is not invincible, and he doesn’t know if Rokudou is reborn, someone recognizes that it seems like a terrible world, yet, it’s safer than Origin, but then someone asks about, if the laws of physics are different, isn’t there a problem with the bodies? But Banda reveals that he has been doing experiments. Banda has been experimenting with weird bodies made of DK, tentacles and jointed legs could be seen in capsules similar to that of Arch Avalon. Banda pointed to the chunks of meat and gold that are floating in the capsules, that’s the device and materials he prepared that can reshape and make a body that works in Lambda, and he adds that it won’t be bald like with Rokudou, and there should be no significant difference in appearance beyond the head, and even that it would be maybe the hair color or eyes.

    The technical details is that the mechanism removes the soul of the body and replaces it in the body with Life Gold, Soul Silver and Root of Life, it’s similar to Rokudou’s mechanism in a way, but it’s much milder and handcrafted by Vandalieu (Familiar Demon King). He is worried though, because of Rokudou, he is worried that he could end up being compared, the group that is not guided may take it bad, he wonders if it would be useful to bribe them with V-Cream and Blood potions, but it could be counter productive. And while Banda and the Demon King Familiar were arguing, Mari who was listening eagerly enters into one of the capsules. Narumi and Iwao notice that and are surprised, the capsule closes, the transformation device around Mari is released, and the culture fluid fills the inside, and Mari is wrapped by the lumps of gold and meat.

    They wonder if she is fine, but Banda assures them. He tested this many times on himself. While trying to make a world for the two, suddenly something urgent happened in Origin, and he had forgotten because of Banda, but his body can’t enter the world of Origin, so he researched and experimented on his own body for a way to adapt to the Environment of Origin. He succeeded with plants, then with the humans from Lambda that had their face peeled of by Braga, then on himself, as it was judge it was good enough for a practical test.

    Yukijoro, who is calm unlike the Amemiya’s group, asks how Mari is feeling, and she replies that it’s like a full body massage, the group is now relieved. Amemiya accepts everything, and thanks Banda to take care of the children, and to the victims and experiments, and themselves too, commenting that this could be the 2nd coming of 8th Guidance (?). Yukijoro seems bothered, who is he to ask anything for themselves, Bokor tells him not to mind their business, and as he hangs his head, he still appreciates them, he knows that’s how they are. Mari tells them that they should have just stayed quiet, but Banda doesn’t mind, he said he would protect them disregarding what was said, but a bitter smile could be seen in the faces of Mari and Banda. (HAHAHA, take that Amemiya!)

    Amemiya knowing it was useless to keep on that topic, asked if Rokudou would also reincarnate in Lambda, but Banda doesn’t know, Rodcorte dislikes the power of Death Attribute, but in the end, he has no idea what Rodcorte is thinking. He then adds that Asagi, Tendou and Akagi are in that world, but he won’t accept passing any messages to them. Amemiya seems to remember Asagi, but notices that there seems to be something, but asks about his other friends. Amemiya was also worried about the boy similar to him that Narumi had mentioned, and seemed to try to find more about him, and it was Asagi who testified. It seems that nobody besides Asagi remembered him. Banda did not like that Asagi seems to not remember him either and went with false information, he wanna protest now. Amemiya comments that Kouya did warn him about not giving too much credit to Asagi, then he asks about Kouya and Mao.

    He seems to think about the name, and then that Endou Kouya is one of Rodcorte’s angels, same for Machida and Shimada, they should meet during the reincarnation. [Noah] Mao Smith and [Super Sense] Gotouda supposedly reincarnated, but he never met them. Chronos, Odin, Silpheed, Marionette, and Gungnir were destroyed (No mention on Death Scythe). Amemiya seems to understand a lot happened after their reincarnations, specially those that died together… He starts considering about stopping Asagi, but gives up, it’s Asagi. Iwao seems to feel nostalgia on his “brute force”strategies, although they seem bad now. Joseph seems to have suffered a lot when Asagi asked stuff to him (A reminder, Joseph was one of the teachers in Earth). Nanamori mentions that he told Asagi to stop draggin the old relationships, but also, she can’t defend Murakami’s actions.

    Then after some pause, Derrick asks about Venus, Tsuchiya, Doug Atlas, and he doesn’t remember the name of Saotome, also Tanaka, Samejima and Mckenzie, and someone (probably Amemiya) asks about Gazer. He replies that he met no Mckenzie, Samejima is the nephew of one of his subordinates (He is Sarua Legston), and Tanaka is the son of his Master (Sieg von Bellwood). And about Kanako, she is on his party, but they asked not to talk anything besides that. Seems like she warned him not to talk about them, even if there was the opportunity on talking to Amemiya’s group (most likely referring to everyone in Bravers), because if he talks about being engaged (Yes, the kanjis for marriage), or about being an idol, it may end up confusing and with a lot unexplained, also, she would prefer to do that directly, so she can wait for another opportunity. And in regards to Legion, if seen how they are now it would just make him look distrustful, so just say they are friends. Derrick seems ok with Hitomi being a friend, but Tsuchiya also betraying her ally Murakami, he seems to understand that Murakami really fucked up somewhere there, and wonders things are fine, but Banda assures him everything is fine.

    Of course, the Bravers seem to think that Kanako is just a betrayer similar to Murakami, they don’t understand why she would be an ally, but from Banda’s reply, there is nothing more to be said besides “Ok, if you say so, I trust your judgement” and withdrew. He Asagi was with him he wanted to ask more questions, but Derrick understand that although Banda may give them some credit, there is not much trust, and at that moment, the “Demon King’s Familiar” rings a handbell announcing the conversion is over, Mari leaves the capsule and asks if she looks any different. She is wearing the Transformation Device again, but there doesn’t seem to be any. Banda replies that neither the eyes nor the hair changed colors, so she is happy with the success, and announcing that it’s time for everyone to decide, cause she will be at Banda’s… Vandalieu’s world, since she doesn’t have a place in Origin anymore, and she won’t be returning to a cell (A reminder, Amemiya jailed her before she “died”).

    As Mari urged the others to decide, she gave her answer, and nobody could deny hers, indeed, Origin has no place for her anymore, worst case, she who was forced into taking Rokudou’s place could be aimed by countries over specific information. Since she is supposed to be dead already, then she can just go. And from that division created from Banda and Hiroshi, Gabriel and Ulrika, also the victims and experiments, and also the undead.

    “Waa, it’s outside!”

    “Follow that girl! Let’s go everyone!”

    The children who were confined by Rokudou and made into experiments don’t understand about different world, but their expressions brighten up rushing towards Mei. They don’t have homes to return in Origin, they don’t have families, and if left in Origin, they will be targeted by people trying to replicate Rokudou`s experiments. Bokor calls Gabriel, it worked! Someone (Yukijoro?) confirms, helped her father (Who? There is a tou-san there...), made a monster of ice boil, and was praised by Banda, and someone else (Vandalieu?) confirms what was said, and so, Gabriel and the others go as if it was the most natural choice. Repeating the tragedy of 8th Guidance must be avoided. And with the Undead, because they are under Mei’s control, they can’t leave her (I can understand that the Undead will join Mei who will stay with Banda, but will they return to Origin later?).

    Ulrika, who seems to been talking with the ghosts (of the presidents, I guess), decided to go to Lambda, she won’t be able to stand a world without Banda, Mei and Hiroshi. Because her mental health is being supported by Banda, if he is gone, she won’t be able to recover. Joseph comments that Mei would be happier with more familiar faces, so he thanks her, Youdo tells her that they won’t be going for a while, they will stay to help Mei and Hiroshi’s Papa and Mama because, with Baker alone, it’s too unreliable, Nanamori tells them that she can’t go now because she is crying, but she will come to help (?).

    Joseph asks if he needs to return the transformation device, his has helmet, cloak and is much better than the “Rubber suit” given to Derrick and Iwao, Joseph disliked the design, but the functionality made it hard to return, Banda tells him there is no problem, he will upgrade the features and design at another time, make it look more like a metal armor, Joseph asks if it’s not good as it is now, but he worries, what if he gets hurt just because the device was not upgraded, he would feel awful for that, it defeats the purpose of the device. Joseph starts imagining such a situation, then Vandalieu’s huge soul appears from the sky, and the whole location is leveled off simply because Joseph needed to be saved. He gives up and thanks him for the consideration. And it was at this moment that the Brave Warriors Joseph, Youdo and Nanamori were born.

    And then Banda looks at the Amemiya couple, Amemiya never considered another option, he will take responsibility over Rokudou’s actions and deal with them, but Narumi… She decides to stay with him. Vandalieu and the others thought that Amemiya Hiroto would remain alone, but Narumi decided to stay with him. If she couldn’t meet the children anymore she would go with them, she confirms one last time, and Banda assures her, he can’t schedule dates because he has his own problems, but vows to do his best in that regard. She thanks him again, and is fine with that, she knows how an unplanned life can be, but if he can promise to do his best, she can trust him, cause she seems to understands he is quite exaggerated when talking about efforts.

    He repeats again, he is only prioritizing Me-kun and Hiroshi’s happiness, so he has no intention of excluding them, although at the start, if the Amemiya’s showed themselves to be improper parents because of her Death Attribute, and decided to attack, he would take them to never return again. Although parents are important for children, the reality Vandalieu’s knows about Origin is that there are parents who don’t care about their children, however, the Amemiyas were not such parents to Mei and Hiroshi, so his personal opinion on the Amemiyas is irrelevant. Narumi thanks him, and apologizes for the struggle of connecting different worlds again and again, although maybe it’s easy for him, but in whatever case, it could lead to trouble in the world where he is, perhaps, a world where their common sense may not work… Banda does not deny that. She recognizes that it hasn’t been a day since all of this start, and she hasn’t taken it all yet, so she wants to calm down and think more, and she can’t afford to ignore everyone else now. Banda was turning his head round and round seemingly in trouble, before he would say that Origin is fine as it is, but now, he can’t say that.

    However the current Origin has Sergei and others liek the 8th Guidance believers, besides Joseph and the others will remain, and of course, a part of Vandalieu is now part of Gods of Origin. Hiroshi dashes to his parents, and tells them that he is find with it, he used to see his parents constantly only from the TV or internet, so now it’s just like that, can even think as a homestay in a foreign country, and Banda enters in that he will be the teacher, Hiroshi apologizes. Vandalieu decides that once this is over they should see Bakunawa. Narumi (or Hiroto?) apologizes to Hiroshi, they know that he is well behaved from Ulrika and the others reports, same for Mei, He tells her that they will see each other again, and he hopes that she does her best for them to live together again, Narumi (who seems to be hugging him, just nods repeatedly), and Mei tells her that she is going to meet them in a dream, which prompts Vandalieu to wonder if they can meet in a dream.


    The two connected worlds are divided again, but actually, they are still connected, and Vandalieu who remained asks if he is going to have to keep watching over the Amemiya couple even if they are not believers… But whatever, it’s for Mei and Hiroshi.


    So, observations:

    Bravers now know everything, and Amemiya can be considered an ally for sure now, even though Bokor still complains at his self-important bullshit.

    Ulrika and Mari, plus all LDAs and the undead may have just revived and will be going to Lambda, however, the feeling is that Mei and Hiroshi will also go through the conversion, which means, once they are able to go back they will have to go through conversion again, OR, the Amemiyas will go to Lambda, otherwise, I question how they former Undead and Ulrika would return after all this.

    Kanako is legally waifu now. After Privel, Gizania and Myuze as the legal brides, and Tiamat as the first mother, does it make Kanako the 5th one?

    Thanks to being a god, Van can now have a lot of control on Origin, plus the power boost could be reflected in Lambda, we shall see it next chapter.

    Considering Mei and Hiroshi will go to Lambda, they will be at the mercy of status, which means they will be able to join Van, be guided, and grow into supermen, only for them to be returned to Origin later (maybe?). Ironically, Hiroshi could end up stronger than Amemiya because of that. It would be interesting if Mei were to also be blessed by the Gods and have instant compatibility with them.

    I now also wonder about their reaction upon meeting the waifus, like the Ghosts, the Scyllas, Arachnes, the Vampires, the Armor Maids and their father, Quinn, Eisen and so many others. This is going to be fun, the School Arc just got much more spicier, and better yet, Alda will see these new people, and may wonder who they are, and possibly recognize them also as people from another world.

    Since Van is currently at school, it’s more likely that they will remain in Talosheim making a big tour, maybe even some training, but it’s also possible for them to visit Orbaume, where they would see how schools work here. (I can just imagine Mei and Pauvina now, I can see them being great friends, meanwhile, Hiroshi’s common sense+Ulrika would go great with Miriam, who is in Orbaume with Van.

    I’m not sure about the one who said something about father and boiling ice (?), I guessed it would be Yukijoro, but could it be that she lost her LDA with the reincarnation? Although 8th Guidance still had them, the situation was different though after all. No news on Rokudou

    I’m expecting Asagi’s team to be informed of all this events in a way, either to say that Mari and Ulrika are in Lambda, and with Van, or to actually explain more that Van saved Origin from Rokudou, I’m unsure about this second case cause, if Rod has Rokudou, he should not allow the angels to reveal it. Another situation that came to mind, Asagi will meet Heinz, if they hear about Rokudou, they will be able to sense him with their DA radars, he should be able to call for help from Heinz, and go by himself, telling Akagi and Tendou to find a way to call Vandalieu. Asagi should be immune with his Mage Masher, but his MP is not infinite. Urd may also end up learning something about it.

    I also got to wonder if the angels may call Asagi and/or Urd to call upon Mao and Super Sense somehow, like “if they stay too far away they may end up not being protected from a possible attack by Rokudou”.

    In regards to the angels, they never got proof that Van could be negotiated with, and even didn’t had any news on the two reincarnators, now they have it, and know he can be reasoned with, worst, Rod may actually betray all their expectations and, if Rokudou is with them, that would be the worse case. Although I guess Rod would be vigilant over what they would say, they may tell Urd about some news, and suggest her to go to Orbaume as a way to make her meet Van. Urd would then be able to connect Van with everyone else, or at least, update him on news about Rod’s plannings.
    Last edited: May 22, 2019
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  4. sirin423

    sirin423 Well-Known Member

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    School Arc?
    Hiroshi x selen ?
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  5. toxinpsd

    toxinpsd Well-Known Member

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    :blobspearpeek: I do not approve
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    sirin423 Well-Known Member

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  8. Nakakure

    Nakakure Zadiris Empress Faction. NNN member Nr.1.

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  9. FussyBadger

    FussyBadger Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2017
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    Thanks for the translation ssj4maiko I really appreciate it. I'm sure the others here do as well.

    Now that this arc is pretty much done what are people's thoughts on it? I'm kind of upset Van's identity didn't have as much of an impact as I thought it would.
  10. Reman Scimitar

    Reman Scimitar Princess Zadiris Faction

    Sep 30, 2018
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    Prob too much on the plate at the moment to add the identity at that time, but on the side they know they wronged a good person (and give time and good folk around Van credit for his vengeance to dissipate). Plus we already seen Amemiyas and company figuring it out over time so the impact would've been minimal anyways telling them would only confirm their investigation, but so would being silent about it (either way, impact would've been little vs what he has become as he's practically a God of two worlds now).

    Origin arc is done, but wouldn't be surprised if we get the occasional Origin SS (truths finally being revealed, post combat emotions and what happens to everyone once the world has settled, plus we also have the parents/kids visiting), basically prob hitting the cool off part of the story, but that's just me.
    NekoMK2 likes this.
  11. kari-no-sugata

    kari-no-sugata Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2016
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    Well, Kanako and Zadiris have officially been on the waifu list since #382.
  12. Nakakure

    Nakakure Zadiris Empress Faction. NNN member Nr.1.

    Jul 10, 2016
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    Waaah ,
    hillo315 and Reman Scimitar like this.
  13. Nimitz

    Nimitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2018
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    Hiroshi meets pauvina. He looks up and up. "Hi, I'm pauvina! I'm 9 too!" :blobdizzy:
    Korleone, hidefreek, NekoMK2 and 3 others like this.
  14. toxinpsd

    toxinpsd Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2019
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    This calls for a fan fic:blobhyperthink:!
  15. kari-no-sugata

    kari-no-sugata Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2016
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    Yeah, a bit more impact would have been nice. On the other hand, the others are all 30-something adults and there was lots of other stuff going on. Narumi did specifically talk about wanting time to think over things, which felt like foreshadowing that discussion on this subject isn't over.

    The arc overall was quite fun and Van becoming a god on Origin was certainly unexpected. The fun (on Origin) isn't over either.

    Looking ahead to the next arc, my guess is that it'll largely start off with Van's school life and various political things but the climax of the arc will revolve around Heinz.
    Bla8bla, hillo315 and Reman Scimitar like this.
  16. Reman Scimitar

    Reman Scimitar Princess Zadiris Faction

    Sep 30, 2018
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    Safe bet Asagi and co will be in this part, I'd assume? (haven't really heard much their end other than in Birgit Duchy and still waiting for the day they start a war unknowingly over DA)
  17. Nakakure

    Nakakure Zadiris Empress Faction. NNN member Nr.1.

    Jul 10, 2016
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    I wonder if our bet will resolve before final arc . But i just realize even if isn't resolve , you will win by default huh.
    hillo315 and Reman Scimitar like this.
  18. Reman Scimitar

    Reman Scimitar Princess Zadiris Faction

    Sep 30, 2018
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    Technically this part needs to be resolved, can't really leave out a part that's been added and toyed with here and there.
    Nakakure likes this.
  19. Nakakure

    Nakakure Zadiris Empress Faction. NNN member Nr.1.

    Jul 10, 2016
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    Hahaha true. I wonder if Van Marry his fiancees at the same time. It will be funny if Vida become the priestess that asked Van and his Brides vow of marriage:blobnosebleed:.
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  20. Reman Scimitar

    Reman Scimitar Princess Zadiris Faction

    Sep 30, 2018
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    Prob won't see the wedding until after the issue with Alda is dealt with (possibly before the war blows, but kinda see it afterwards).