Discussion Politician Won Election By Proposing To Fight Against Censorship And Erase Mosaic In Anime

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by SoulZer0, Jul 26, 2019.

  1. Wujigege

    Wujigege *Christian*SIMP*Comedian

    Oct 6, 2016
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    Humans are fundamentally sexually defiant deviant.
    That premise makes things clearer.
    If the age of consent doesn't exist, predators would have a field day
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2019
    Disgusting likes this.
  2. Disgusting

    Disgusting Fetishist

    Jan 4, 2018
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    We can say the average age of an otaku would be around 25ish. Due to long exposure to ecchi shounen, they would have acquired a feeling of normality viewing the same "style" that is popularly depicted by shounen artists. The reason for this is because of the lack of seinen works. There is lack of adult works in the industry which causes an audience who have grown to have nowhere to move to as they have aged. I will say that the average otaku will be attracted to the "teenage" character depicted within anime and there may be an overlay in real life, but they dont directly correlate. For as long as mankind has existed, males have been sexually attracted towards developed females. I will leave that at that.

    The women depicted in anime have unreal proportions that appeal to the male and female fantasy. I believe that is what attracts otaku/weebs and not the fact that they are young. The ideal biological specimens shown in anime may or may not arouse those of adult age. But this is still on topic of ecchi shounen which highly avoids additions of lolis. While were on this topic, females also admire the beauty of bishounen which may or not be of legal age. Keep in mind the term "of legal age" fluctuates depending on the persons country of residence. For me it is 18. But i would not say they are an adult until they can also think for themselves.

    So yea, i still stand by the fact that anime doesnt promote pedophilism. I believe pedophiles already had existed before watching anime at all. If not, how does one get converted? Watching loli anime is a choice, so is watching ecchi anime. People arent forced to watch them, nor are they surrounded by it having no escape but to give in. Damn im tired now.
    reagents 11 likes this.
  3. Disgusting

    Disgusting Fetishist

    Jan 4, 2018
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    It doesnt promote pedophilism. It only appeals to what you already like. Why else would you return time after time? Maybe you are denying the fact that you yourself are a pedophile and blame Japan for "turning" you into a pedophile. Alright I hope that puts it to rest. Check. Checkmate if you dont type back. Im tired, maybe reply to u in a week or 2.
    Ai chan likes this.
  4. Wujigege

    Wujigege *Christian*SIMP*Comedian

    Oct 6, 2016
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    It is simply a nature vs nurture debate.
    In a media class we were asked
    does media make the culture or does the culture make the media?
    There is a reason why they say you are what you eat.
    You are what you consume is more apt.
    Consume loli media and you become a lolicon.
    It is psychology 101 well psychology 102 to be exact.
    I believe in conditioning and subliminal messages. It is naive to think it all has all the best intentions and innocent because it is supposedly aimed at kids
    Brainwashing is a word for a reason but to each his own.
    Over and out
  5. Disgusting

    Disgusting Fetishist

    Jan 4, 2018
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    Wait. I posted tgis earlier, but i have to repeat it.

    Will you at least acknowledge that it is a choice to consume loli material?

    If you believe so, that person was already innately already a lolicon. Whether he would lewd them determines if hes a pedophile.
  6. Wujigege

    Wujigege *Christian*SIMP*Comedian

    Oct 6, 2016
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    Let me rephrase, it promotes pedophilic tendencies, better?
    You gravely underestimate the power of media.
    Last I checked, you can come across a story by random, nothing is tagged for pedophiles.
    Soft Power is a big deal for a reason.
    Also propaganda, you gravely underestimate how much media can affect a society.
    Desensitization and normalizing deviant behaviors for one.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2019
  7. Disgusting

    Disgusting Fetishist

    Jan 4, 2018
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    Scare tactics, misinformation, basic propaganda. I understand basic media tactics. But what do i do to stop it from influencing others? Well back on point, anime doesnt promote pedophilic tendencies. The minor animes about sexualizing children only give outlet to these people. If there were no audience to watch them, they wouldnt exist. This also reinstates the fact that pedophiles were already in fact pedophiles before finding such entertainment. After finding such anime, many people would stop watching wouldnt they? Not pedophiles. And you cant say that the fact that loli sexualizing anime's existence would justify it being an accepted norm in society, when as a whole the majority look down upon it. And just because it shows up every here and then doesnt mean it has desensitized the public from their morals. Like my previous post said, pedophiles either have no sensibility or no humanity(morality), maybe they lack both.

    And on desensitization of deviant behaviour, there is a scale of acceptability for this one. Swinging, cheating, and lying are looked down upon, but where do you see people just let other people just fuck children? My point. There is a spectrum of acceptability of where you and a regular person knows if you should or should not intervene. Desensitize the act of child rape all you want, it wont be effective in a sane society. Why do atrocities make you feel uneasy not in the head, but in the gut? Because as a "proper" human being, your humanity tells you it is wrong.

    Blame the media all you want. Blame other influences all you want. There is always a choice. Deep down inside, you know what is right from wrong. And if you dont, you are probably that pedophile who cant help himself.
  8. FranckOA

    FranckOA Killer Klown From Outer Space

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Why are you going to a complete other subject here, resorting to vulgar personal attacks instead of continuing to discuss the original issue ?
    Are you that short on arguments (or are you trying for a lolicon style godwin point, too bad the trolling wasn't on par with the previous one this time :blobnobully: ) ?
    We were talking about the fact that anime oversexualize young characters (lolis), you were saying that this industry doesn't and I was saying that it does. The fact that anime promote lolicon values wasn't the subject here.
    Seing what you answered to Wujigege :
    it seems you forgot about all of those lolibaba tropes and that nearly all of the harem animes has at least one way too young character that is sexualized a lot (panty shots, beach/bath scenes, "lucky pervert" scenes, etc...).
    But you at least admitted that there is an huge number of way to young characters used as fan service bait, so thanks for helping me resting my case.
    I won't say it's a check as you just put a othello board on top of the chess board without playing your move while going full seppuku on another board.
    Wujigege likes this.
  9. Disgusting

    Disgusting Fetishist

    Jan 4, 2018
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    The original post stated anime promotes pedophilia. I argue it does not. Pedophelia covers all children from infancy to young/quasi-adulthood. I stated that anime doesnt promote pedophelia. I argued one point that people are already pedopheliacs before encroaching upon said anime. If you were not, why are you still watching? Tbat question is rhetorical and self explanatory. At one point i even gave you guys a cop out with how i sympathized with these "otakus" from their evolution of childhood to adulthood. I even explain why you still watch ecchi, and in support of my statement i also gave you credible reasons. I purposely struck a nerve so you would lash back at me. You guys are attacking me from two different angles, but neither of you will contest the issue of whether these weebs were already in fact pedophiles before finding a way to entertain themselves.

    This is similar to blaming candy for type 2 diabetes. People who will become diabetic will consume many other things in their lifetime. The lack of candy will just shift their focus towards other things like cake or soda. Candy doesnt promote diabetes, but it will exist so long as people will buy it. In this case, can you say candy promotes diabetes?

    Diabetically aligned people and Paedophiles in general will gorge themselves upon things they like. It just happens that Anime is a pedo's candy.

    If its not clear, I am arguing Accessability, Tendencies/Urges, and a predisposition towards a certain "hobby".

    Anime is easily accessable.
    Repeat customers in the form of Pedophiles are people who have tendencies. (They like ecchi/loli)
    Pedophiles were already innately inclined or already seeking an outlet to quench their nature.

    Anime doesnt promote it, its just an outlet.

    On the off chance you really arent a pedophile, you're just a horndog who finds ecchi stimulating because you dont think too much about it. True pedophiles like to "rob" innocence and that is why i state my point. Edit: Until you have a strong case, i'd like an empty inbox.
  10. Wujigege

    Wujigege *Christian*SIMP*Comedian

    Oct 6, 2016
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    Sexualizing children is promoting pedophilia.
    You cannot explain away a camel toe in an anime as innocent.
    I wanted to mention kissxkiss as an example but it's Seinen.
    Someone did put it perfectly "characters don't dress themselves, the author dresses them"
    Authors are usually adults, its adults sexualizing kids. Until you get an Eragon situation, I am calling Bullwinkle!

    Last edited: Jul 29, 2019
  11. Disgusting

    Disgusting Fetishist

    Jan 4, 2018
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    I agreed ealrier, that there is no innocence. If you see what you like, you keep watching. Anime doesnt promote pedophilia. It only has what pedos like. There are no slogans promoting molestation of children. There are no songs encouraging pedophilia. Anything usually found in anime involving small children is either ironic comedy, or some form of comic relief. As for teenage characters, there is little to none promoting child/adult relationships.

    If you ask the animation corporations why they sexualize children, they will very likely tell you it is because that is what the people want.
  12. Wujigege

    Wujigege *Christian*SIMP*Comedian

    Oct 6, 2016
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    It is called soft power it doesn't have to be direct just like reverse psychology

    They are a lot sexualizing kids= made in abyss

    Adult child relationship = Usagi Drop, Uchi Musume etc. With obvious grooming.

    The problem as you can see in the resetera thread is that such content have become the majority of anime available.
    Maybe it's lost in translation or you missed the Innuendo but Under 15 model is a category in Japan. Seventeen magazine there is very famous.
    You actresses like Fukuda Kyoko and Hirosue Ryoko that started off as under 15 models.
    Anime is very deep

  13. zdracko

    zdracko Active Member

    Apr 5, 2017
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    There's absolutely no law that dictates genitals must be censored. There are only very vague anti-obscenity laws and what's considered "obscene" is up for interpretation. At some point in the past a toga-wearing ossan decided it was "obscene" for genitalia to appear in media and because Japan is a country that abhors change the ossans that followed the first one upheld the original ruling when it was challenged in the past.
    Ai chan likes this.
  14. Ai chan

    Ai chan Queen of Yuri, Devourer of Traps, Thrusted Witch

    Nov 7, 2015
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    It is indeed very true that it is very vague. Unfortunately, the interpretation is very broad, so you either mosaic what the government consider as obscene or you don't get to have it at all. Most people are fine with their porn being mosaic than not getting any at all.

    Technically, porn is outright illegal to be sold or distributed in Japan, but apparently the old dudes at the diet thought it was too much. The punishment for distributing, and selling porn can be jailed for up to 2 years or fined 2.5 million yen. So they instead unobscene them by censoring the obscene parts so that it becomes a fictional documentary and not porn.

    And yes, manga and anime are also subjected to this. So when you watch censored hentai, you're not watching porn, but a 'fictional documentary'.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2019