Spoiler The S-Classes That I Raised

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by moneng85, Jun 1, 2019.

  1. LaDyViL

    LaDyViL New Member Staff Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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    What do you want to know?
  2. twistingfeelings

    twistingfeelings Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2019
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    How MC met with the dragon knight??? And how about the other man from Hunter association???

    In earlier chapter it was said that the relationship between S ranks is not good (I forget which chapter) do you know the example or is it just jealously talk because of Yerim :hmm:
  3. twistingfeelings

    twistingfeelings Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2019
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    And is there scene where MC got hurt???
  4. LaDyViL

    LaDyViL New Member Staff Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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    Dragon knight is the blonde that can transform to dragon? That one, iirc he came over from overseas to Korea due to some stuff and met MC. He triggered his skill with him, and the dragon went yandere on MC, coz his love/affection comes from his twin sister, who showed it in the form of hitting him until he almost die to he have to fight to survive. Therefore, when MC triggered his skill, that's how he reacted to his caretaker.

    The guy from Hunter Association occasionally shows up to do official stuff involving the Hunters. He met MC a couple of times, and he was also the one who told him to disable his Fear Resistance from time to time instead of having it always enable, can't remember why but losing his fear would be bad or something like that. He is also an S-rank but unlike other S-ranks, he works for the Association......he got monthly wages, so he can't afford those fancy stuff other S-ranks have. I remember there's a scene where Hyunjae Oops!rammed his common car with his luxurious one hahaha

    I can't remember why the relationship between S-ranks are bad, it was mentioned before but for the life of me I can't remember why, I do remember that S-ranks are all psycho. He looks nice, sensible and gentle, but S rank? Psycho. He looks responsible, serious and stern, but S rank? Psycho. He looks homely, kind and caring, but S rank? Psycho. As far as the MC is concerned, all the S ranks under his skill, will grow fond, dependant, and possessive of him. They're all yandere I tell you. Just read further in and you'll see what I mean....
    Shey_04, Alandra, Elisee and 13 others like this.
  5. M4rcosR3is

    M4rcosR3is Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2017
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    @LaDyViL @twistingfeelings
    i'm gonna answer so just read the all of text everything in there.
    He meet the dragon rider girl after he was kidnapped by the guild's underling arc .
    simple put to work his taming and growing of monsters he made a deal with guilds that they would provide everything, the building , money and would work together to guard and defend him and his "association"(by association i mean, anyone who join him under his building association would enter in mix) and be protected by all the guilds, so at the very start one of the underling of the big guilds betrays the guild and kidnapped the mc after that things got more serious, where for this does not happen again they got more serious with who they would send to protect the mc and are trying to send "only" the fanatics of each guilds ,the term is not fanatics(this is my own term) but it have been implied in the novel that when someone with rank of lower of S goes to S dg's ranked dg's with S ranked players ,mainly their guild leaders and important people, the aura of dominance and power emanated by them creates someshort of mental affects with those weaker than them that can be neutralized with skills like fear immunity from the MC but since they are rank S the skills would also need to be A or S to have a affect so in the end making those parties be impossible to betray the guy and become more loyal, a good term would be "dominance" aura or things like that, so the S ranked tomboy girl suggest that they send only those ones to guard him, but since they are mainly the main part of the S heroes parties it becomes hard so they choice another heroes who would benefit from the mc and thus would be more "willing" in doing a perfect job and thus the dragon Knight girl shows up, she have a SS ranked dragon rider skill that allows her to do a plus plus with the status of the dragon plus her own and her pet is a black poison dragon/wyvern S ranked dragon, she also likes to mount both dragon sisters/brothers who got their dragon transformation skills 3 year earlier than suppose to do and was not even them who was suppose to get it and allows them to transform in dragons and thus she is super hyped to mount them, the sister likes her because once they mount she becomes even more OP and she is already super OP at the upper level of S class without doubt, and the brother allows her to mount him because when he was going against his sister because of every shit she did to him they could only fight her if she mounted him so the dragon rider skill would active and make a plus +plus with their status since even if the brother is considerate a S ranker, he is more of a fake one also they had a previous friendship where she stalked him to mount him when going to visit her baby wyvern.
    and this brought them close but she is like a super muscle girl and prefers the sister dragon form that is a super sized land black dragon(with bulging muscles) where the brother is flying "knightlike" golden dragon so even if they have good relationship she is more fan about the sister since her dragon form is more of her liking,

    the reason of why S rankers relationship are bad
    is because of the "dominance" aspect i talked before, simple put a mountain can not have two tigers, so they clash in between themselves because of it.
    there is other factors that can influence of course , for example the mc's brothers power is fire and yeerim is water, so they clash even more because of it or moral and monetary reasons, but the main reason in the end is in fact the dominance aspect i talked before, it even stated that this is the reason of why S rank parties does not have more than one S rank, even if is necessary sometimes.

    But as we read on we meet the governmental S guy and
    we got to know a lot the reason of why the government is dying besides the corruption (that is a lot, we even have a entire arc about the mc cleaning it) is that they did not allow government hunters to have their own equipment for example and this huge without i'm needing to write further about it, right?
    he is not so good after talking to the mc to desactive his fear resistance of good will earlier on it becomes clear later arcs that is a trap and that the reason for that is mainly linked to the "dominance aspect" i talked before , since would become easier to get info-control of him if his fear resistance is off if i would say that anyone have a yandere personality would be this guy !
    later on we have a mini arc where mostly S heroes are in dg's to do their mandatory S dg's clearance and there is dg outbreak so the mc goes with this guy and the brotherdragon to fight it and in middle of it the guy's start to question the mc, so he gives his half asses answers and diversion so he uses one of his skills that is a debuff that allows him to decrease the enemy skill By 2 ranks or more on the mc fear resistance/imunity making it go to c or d or e, i dont remember right now but it becomes worthless since it depends on the difference between him and the enemy, and him and the mc rank is too big apart plus they are in the middle of the dg outbreak with multiples monster that even one of them could kill the mc with a slap and without fear resistance the mc start to become a wimp pussy to him because the dominance until rescues comes to save him, mainly the guy is worried of how the mc can make the S hunters work together because as i stated the dominance aspect is a big deal for them and is implied (my personal thoughts on this) that is super important for the countries
    and government since it helps to keep the balance between everyone
    and no one understand how the mc multiples times made multiples S ranks works together(this is breaking the balance) and worse of it all is that the class of those monsters are so higher that without working together would be really hard to win so going on even after the rescue the mc shut himself for a few days if remember it correctly because he can not "endure" the dominance emanated by them, even a A rank knight rider girl is enough to make him go limp, so he stay indoors until his brother that is affected by his carateker skills comes back and his fear resistance restores to C+ or B.
    A extra tip, this guy was suppose to die: because his other skills allows him to pass on a skill to anyone for a few days and thus he was killed 2-3 years later for it, the mc have 2 suspects about the killing his brother and the number 1 of Korean, that was also suppose to die in his previous life, but the mc already resolved his conflict and it seems he is gonna be survive without any problems( or not, read next spoilers to know), so we have a arc where to avoid the death of this guy the mc plans to change the government hunter association and make him the president, because again, the entire dominance aspect plus would be better to keep the overall balance between guilds and he also believes there is a need for the government .

    A extra spoiler for future discussion:
    the system is a fraud, haha i think everyone already thought about it: but the system was created by mythical class beings, the ones who talks with the mc and the only reason it exists is because they tried to copy something that was already familiar for the people of earth but it works as "tutorial" mode and would last 10 years at max (personal opinion: is implied that the time is not fixed and is temporary because have other requirements for example if anyone reach X rank, the system would vanish or start to go down since as mythical beings there is a limit of how much they could "handle" in the system itself)
    simple put those super beings would take the user abilities skills and so on and create the skill for them in the system, with the description and everything else where in reality a person would need to learn about his abilities, learn to control and use from zero developing the potential themselves.
    when the tutorial mode is gone everyone would lose their system's help and would be able to grown, mainly a E could grown to become S or SS, legendary and so on where a legendary or even mythical class being could never reach this standard if he become super lazy and do nothing to learn. the only reason no one is able to do it now is because they are all too fixed in the system and is not "locking-working" outside of it, for example remember the start when the mc teached his brother to use his "flower" skill as air walking path!, even if it was not on the system details and in real timeline the brother only discover it a few years later. (remember there is not even a a few years since everything about dg's started, so info is really hard to come by)
    after knowing about this the mc start to work outside of the system and incentive others close to him to do same and he even requests help from the systems admin's that results in yeerim "starting" to learn magic and control of water by herself outside of the system without using system skills from it.
    Also is implied that the system have a power limit of SS by the chapter i read so far,(personal opinion after reading the arcs so far) and this is the reason of why they killed the mc brother, yes the shit target was never the MC but his brother, the same group who killed number one hero 2-3 years in the future (in previous timeline) and later on killed the mc's brother 5 years in the future in previous timeline because he was reaching SS , it was stated that both of them was deceived/controlled by this group and one of the upper echelon of the group admitted to the mc that the reason they killed the mc brother and (implied killed the other guy) was because he was reaching SS, and as i stated before the monsters and enemies showing up are far outclassing S class, so is needed to join multiples S rank to fight them but them having the "dominance" effect, it creates a rift that makes it impossible so having someone reach SS would really fuck everything, and this is why they killed the number one of Korean before and the mc's brother later on, it is clear related and this is why they are fucked by the next spoiler, because these guy's who controls them are on the same league of the "admins" as mythical beings and keep control of them in both timelines and thus the orb problems comes to be !.
    also is because of this that i made the link between SS and the end of the tutorial mode because they want the earth to be in the tutorial, since the tutorial is a tutorial as stated by everyone they have a limit to their grown in it and would be easier to fulfill their objective of destroying it.
    Another bombshell;
    the mc did not went back in time ^^: what the orb did was to create a "different" world/timeline/universe where the mc went back to and is changing things and both worlds/timeline are synchronizing themselves and clashing with each other until there is "only" one world/timeline again and this is fucking up a lot of things as stated by the novel, as stated by the admins when he discovered it and how his brother would still be dead once the sync is over, because the orb can not bring anyone back to live once the backup of dead brother overwrite the living brother, things will clash severely, for example: the number one hunter of korean who died had their sync caught up (implying the sync is already at more or less 3 years in to a few months in the mc timeline passing) he had DEMENTIA and locked himself in his room.
    the analogy given was : that the previous earth/timeline would work as backup and is restoring the "info" on this earth/timeline and this is why that monsters/dg's/items, are becoming too OP-strong-too fast, is because they are syncing themselves so things that happened in previous world/timeline would happen/showup extremely fast in this timeline as the world is syncing themselves until the "5years" info is dumped back to this timeline in "only" months and maybe a year in the current world/timeline(the timeframe would be as long the sync lasts, and this is why for example the dragon transformation dg's of the brothers that would show up 2-3 years in the future pop up "only" a few months later on the world the mc is staying right now) until the mc reach the standard of 5 years in his current world but only "passing" a few months to maybe a year because of the speed that the backup world is syncing in their current world and this would create severe problems because as we remember at earlier chapter the mc stated multiples times that 5 year later is when things started to get "serious" and even countries like china was destroyed by monsters, so they would only have small time window to prepare for everything.
    edit: just got back after launch and corrected some gramar mistakes, sorry if there is more but well i believe everyone can understand the overall point of it, if there is question just ask i would try to explain better.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2019
    Meri, Shey_04, Alandra and 19 others like this.
  6. winterblossom

    winterblossom Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2018
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    What happened to Hyunjae (#1 S rank) after both timelines got synced aside from getting crazy? And will Yuhyeon (lil bro) really die?
  7. M4rcosR3is

    M4rcosR3is Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2017
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    the entire story is a little fuzzy because it have been a long time since i read but i will try to give more or less a summary of events, if something is out of order or a little different is just because it have a long time and i have put on hold in the chapter number close to 200, because of real stuff and have read it a few months ago.

    this happen as soon the mc is out his house after having his fear immunity downgraded ,at this point in time is on B+ or A, i do not recall the exactly value and is also the number one guy who goes to recue the mc at that time against the government S guy, after the fight when he was going back to his guild was when shit happened to him, it's also implied that outbreak i mentioned before was also caused by the sync, since is a outbreak who happened far in the future with a SUPER S-SS wolf/assassin type monster who "only' goes against stronger dudes for their mana and also have higher intelligence! but by bringing the event forward not only costed this poor wolf dude his life without doing almost no damage by going against the S government guy with the mc's ability of doubling attack power.
    So the number 1 guy got something similar as severely dementia because of both memories of both timeline as i recall that they use the word dementia but the symptoms itself is never explicit stated besides pain,memory loss and confusion.
    so going on: by some luck the knight rider girl talked with him about present info of how the mc was growing her dragon and how she would be able to ride him soon and this make him calm down and have a lucid moment and because of it he lock himself in his room in the guild.
    Later on the mc was called or he hear about that guy problem and make the connection about the sync and resolves to go see him (the entire sync thing was already explained to him by the admins) ( i do not remember exactly if he was called or he came himself, i think he came himself because of sync thing that was already explained by the admins).
    so he tried to talk to him but because of the dementia and the memories being overwrite he did not "know" the mc and tried to kill him and when he was almost letting the mc drown in the pool in his "room" he saw that B shield item he gave the mc earlier on of the novel and he was "saving" it for someone important or someone he cared since defensive items like that is rare and expensive so because of it he also remember that he never gave it to anyone (previous timeline memory ) but now the mc is with it so it should be someone of importance to him so he "saves" the mc to interrogate him about it , the mc takes this opportunity to explain everything that happened in last months and how "they are friends and he was the one who gave him the item" and how the mc saved him of the contract with the higher beings, which surprises him and everything else that happened but the guy of course is not buying it because even at lucid moment he is more like the "previous timeline" guy than "current timeline" guy so he takes everything at front value and pressures the mc in giving important info with his "dominance aura"(again is not called dominance aura but i think i already explained about this so this will be my last "note" about it and i would call it dominance aura) that in the end results in the mc giving important info
    how he came back 5 years to the past
    almost all his knowledge about traveling back in time,
    i think he mentions about his death too in the future.
    how his guild doing in the future.
    going on given the fact that the mc saved him of the contract, he can sense it/feel it it seems and everything seems to be the matching the mc info dump with his own suspicions and problems plus every other info he got in the guild confirms it so he still listen to the mc but the flashes of the overwrite that makes him have pain and dementia like the "new timeline memory>guy fighting the old timeline guy" is still happening so the mc proposes to deal with it with a special magic room he learned but since he is low ranked in comparison to him the guy would need to complete let the mc in and not fight him in any form (he learned the magic from one of his enemies higher beings, he killed with the mermaid queen's help, that guy was the one responsible for curses and contracts read next spoiler if you want to know but if not keep going).
    , since higher being can not direct affects their world in the current state the world is .
    he uses a skill that created something similar as "imaginary room" that is able to take memories/info from the target to the user! (if anyone here read "release that witch, the magic is almost the same as the one that the pure witch "ZERO" posses, about imaginary room, creating things of their mind and using it to fight /torture the mc and take his memories and info, if you do not know just read the wikia about her power and you will understand) and bring the mc on it after playing with the mc for a long time where he "takes" info about previous timeline,"info" about the mc about his knowledge as well, after everything is going on after sometime the mc get the gist of it and start to learn how the "room" works and thus fight back at the guy but since he is not only master of curses (the mc is immune ) making his main attack type not work and is also a dragon class type of that family so his titles given him 2x the power against him and decrease his ability by 2x and start using the ability of the room to fight him after sometime the mc is "winning" and start to reverse use the room and take "info/memories" from him this also goes for a long time until the higher dragon being says is enough and since he can not "win" with the imaginary room he will bring his true body here since is a special space created by him and by doing it the mc goes complete "limp" again in the presence of his true body/power but when the mc is going to be finished off the mermaid queen that is one of admins and the one who talks with the mc since the start shows up and goes along the lines of "since you broke the rules and came here yourself with your true body" don't blame me for doing the same" and they start having a super fight with the mc trying to survive by the side and with the mc support skills and the control of the "room" supporting the mermaid queen she wins and kills him getting his manastone and core, do not remember if it was SSS or legendary but is very higher level, very outside of current standard plus with the "memories/info" ability of the room the mc devoured various useful knowledge about him and some of them are knowledge about the guy own magic, like how he created dragons pets to be contracted to him and how to build the room itself!, the mc thus uses this knowledge and magic outside of the system and is "creating" a dragon with that guy own manastone that SS+ or higher grade since the guy is master of curses and contracts the magic explains that this dragon pet magic he created/uses would be similar as a super contracted/slave to the mc like part of himself and with that super manastone is guarantee to be S or even SS at minimum once is born and grown, so the mc would have the perfect super pet that is impossible to betray him.
    just a cute extra info, the mc also said that if he is successful he would revive that lizarddragon that saved/helped him when he was kidnapped the first time.
    the plan is simple, uses the room to show them the memories of this timeline as how they happen since a "memory" can not be faked like words and the ability to intervene with memories to help with it and let the mc take/absorb from him the memories that is creating the conflict (mainly the memories of this new created timeline by my understanding plus memories of his death or things like that i would expect since is never stated completely what is taken) the mc created the room and explain how it works at the start and the principle behind it and start showing the memories of past months (and start the real plan of taking back the current problematic memories who is creating conflict) and start fighting the guy there, by mc knowledge and ability and without the limit of the real world they are fighting really well, the guy is even surprised with the mc power and even when he is fighting serious he can not win he also starts to develop and assimilate the "overwrite" memories in the process of the fight by using the room ability and start to improve his ability as well and start having a bro moment with the mc about his departure since this one created by the room ability is complete a mixture of both timeline of them but this is because the room ability to assimilate memories and so on by the end of it the one who is going back to real world could not be him and thus they have their bro farewell and the mc takes all the "problematic" memories of the current guy and put on his pet contracted skill that he is creating with that manastone because he did not want him to "simple disappears and be gone."
    as i mentioned before is never complete stated by 1+1 what memories are the ones he got, it just goes along the lines that there was "two" of them fighting for that body and this is why it created the problem and with the room ability of interaction with memories it helps him assimilate/control the overwritten memories and the mc take "back" the problematic ones from him.
    those "problematic memories" would vanish along the lines of discarded memories that he did not need/is creating problems to him and put it on his creating pet slave skill and thus the mc is even afraid if those memories would influence the personality of the pet dragon or the skill itself and maybe in the future there is gonna be "two" number 1 dude born in the world and he can never let the real guy see the contracted slave, because problems would arise, of course starting by the fact that the contracted pet is more similar as slave contracted pet.
    and this is it: they come back to the real world, and the mc goes to sleepy for days because of the pressure of using the skill against a S rank, and is implied that the guy is the "same" of the previous timeline but he acknowledged the events of this timeline and everything else creating something like a "new him" that is not only the past guy but also not the new guy, his behavior goes back to a middle term between both of them, where the past dude was almost cruel in killing the mc and the new dude have all those bl nuances in the novel with him as we have read since chapter 1, but this new dude is not cold but not warm as he was in the past too, at least until the chapter i read maybe he can go back to his previous behavior given time, i do not know!.
    by the chapter i read so far that is close to 200 , his death seems really to be set in stone because outside of "normal" people, those who was/is contracted/affected by the higher beings who is not affected in the first place by the "orb" and thus what they did/done in previous timeline like for example a "contract between them with the bad guy's" would still be valid in this timeline and created this entire overwrite/replace problem and the mc's brother is one of those.
    for example; dg's, the system, and so on have a directed contact with higher beings and they are aware of the orb's use and affect and are not directly affected by it causing something similar as cause/effect problem(my opinion, not stated in the novel) for those in the new timeline
    the mc could not relieve his brother contract with the higher beings and even his body is not on the "main" earth anymore, one of the super higher being took his body and brought it to his nest, so the mc needs to go there to get it back to try to do the same as the other guy, but this dude is not only implied to be stronger than the admins and the villains with time-multidimensional travel type powers, but seems to be one of those eccentric ones who does want he wants and fuck to anyone who have a problem with it because he have the power to do so.
    one thing that i get the feeling since day one is that stupid pet bird the mc get at the start, is reveled later own that he also have multi dimensional travel powers just like the bigger dimensional being who took the mc brothers body, and both of them are also a similar type of bird, and the bird power is also related to time too, and to boost it when the mc was introduced to this super being we have a change of place in the chapter to that stupid bird saying that he wants to go to the mc and thus open his multi dimensional travel power but with the lack of mana it fails to teleport,(the mc was fighting the dragon higher being in the imaginary room at that time)
    Plus as i said the system was created by the admins that is also mythical class beings, and is stated in the novel that even the description of items and skills is done by them to nurture the tutorial mode, so something they did not "know" about can not be "written" in it and So by their statement about the mc skills, even if they complete did not understand everything since he is the first of their type they could still analyze it and give something for the mc, how it works and functions.
    but this stupid bird is clearly all marked with ???? at almost every skill/description and the only reason for that is if he is of a higher grade than them from the start and they could not even begin to analyze to give a crude description or info like the mc skills.
    so i have this crazy theory that the super higher dimensiona being who took the mc brother body and contract from the other guy by force is someway linked to this stupid pet bird and since the guy have time related powers, maybe that bird(the higher being one) is the "adult" version of the stupid bird pet who went back in time/timeline and took the body of the mc brother as favor or things like that because the mc took care of him in his infant period because no one really understand why the bigger bird would take the mc's brother body and contract after his dead and not let it follow it's course in that timeline but put him in his nest by his side.
    or mostly probably both of them could be of the same species as well, but anyway they are linked without doubt and for the mc to save his brother the first step would be to go to the big guy's nest to recover his brother body and contract from him something that the admins can not do , so the bird is without doubt linked to it and will be used in the future in this aspect.
    edit: i wrote that in a hurry before and just got back home, so i edited some errors i saw if anyone have any question just ask my english is not perfect but i would try to explain it better if you do not understand any part of it.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2019
    Am_elf, SkyLisette, Shey_04 and 16 others like this.
  8. twistingfeelings

    twistingfeelings Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2019
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    It turned out to be more serious than I thought. Please more spoiler and I hope it will have a good end :cookie::cookie::cookie:
  9. LaDyViL

    LaDyViL New Member Staff Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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    Only Korean guild when they made this deal.
    You're not talking about this chronologically, are you? As I remember it, that dragon rider girl at first didn't have any dragon mount. That's why she was super hyped about having MC raising a dragon for her. I guess the riding dragon twins happened later on, since where I stopped she still has not ride any of them.
    The one @twistingfeelings was asking is this one, iinm he's called Noah and thus the answer earlier.
    Everyone of those S ranks have yandere tendencies imo lmao
    It got reduced to C rank from S/L rank. It worked on MC but it won't work on other S ranks.
    As mentioned, his memories of world#1 (before MC got rewind) clashed with world#2 (where the story is taking place). Since MC came back 5 years to the past, so a lot of things will differ from what happened in world#1 because the data from world#1 is being transferred over from world#2 slowly but surely. That's why somethings happened earlier than what MC remembered happening during his time in world#1. Hyunjae died early in world#1 so his data clashing earlier might be because there's not much catching up to do. His contract got forcefully terminated by MC might also be a reason for this.

    The story is still on-going so who knows what will happened to little brother in 5 years, since that's when he died in world#1 but MC intend to find and destroy his contract before that. The contract is originally with the admins who were not from System's side, they're like illegal admins giving out shady contracts but the admin gave that contract to another higher being, who's an aloof being taking no sides and not getting involved with their (the system admins and illegal admins) power play on the human. Why they took little brother's contract is unknown at where I stopped since MC have yet to find them but the system admins assured MC that it shouldn't be dangerous.
    @M4rcosR3is's posts might make it sounded serious, probably because of the info dump and the wall of text but the story itself is written in a sarcastic (thanks to MC's narration) and shounen-ish style imo

    For example, the scene where Hyunjae got memory loss, it was not as serious and depressing as it sounded. Yujin went to Hyunjae's house/room/flat (it was large with around 2 or 3 floors) and when he entered there was no one around. Shouting for Hyunjae, got no answer until chains came down and tied him up, dragged (yes, drag and not the gentle kind but not much pain or damage to him since he's equipped and his stats thanks to the equipments made him have B-rank tolerance) him to the top floor where Hyunjae was standing in front of a body of water where he planned to drown this suspicious visitor he has no recollection of, world#1 Hyunjae never met MC. I think I posted snippets of their conversation in a BL server. Lemme fetch that, just bear in mind this was read and typed by yours truly who do happens to be a fujoshi so expect pink fluffs from my interpretation.
    Plus the whole thing with the system admins was pretty humorous. It was something like, the admins are usually pretty competent when it's about other Hunters but when it's something that involves MC, they had to come up with something completely new because it's too fresh and there's no earlier precedence. For example, the crafter/blacksmith guy when he awoken his S/SS skill and got upgraded to S rank, he got imparted with knowledge about his skill and a encyclopedia/tutorial/guide that's as detailed and as large as Wikipedia. But when it's MC, his descriptions are absurd and vague he had to try things out himself to get a feel of what he can do, and his limits. The system pop up even said sorry to him when they got delayed with giving his descriptions lmao

    I can't type so much with my vague memories of this, don't want to give out false spoilers so just ask what you need but be specific. I can also help clarify the above spoilers as much as I can, but again, be specific.
  10. winterblossom

    winterblossom Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2018
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    Thank you all for those delish spoilers! Wanna ask more but maybe later since there's a chunk of it gonna chew on 'em first
  11. twistingfeelings

    twistingfeelings Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2019
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    Please I don't mind with those fluffy pink of yours :aww:
    Talker09 likes this.
  12. M4rcosR3is

    M4rcosR3is Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2017
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    yes i'm not i will try to write a rundown summary of how the mounted event played out.
    by chapter 160-180 her dragon pet is only at teenage stage, a little bigger than a baby but not enough to be a full fleshed mount , so they would go for "walks" with the brotherdragon and the gryphon and dragon following them around the city, they become like minor celebrities at this point in time as i recall only the brotherdragon and the mc have authorization to bring monsters in the city .
    about mounting the brother it happens after the brotherdragon start living with the mc .
    the mc goes with his basic pet training with him because of his transformation and learn that he can not fly-is very bad at it so he start training it in the mc's building center together with the mc's gryphon, by mimicking the gryphon postures, then is said later on that the dragon rider girl started to visit her dragon a lot of times more besides the initial weekly visit and later on we got to know that she have stumble on him on his training and started to stalker him to let her mount him and even creates his fanclub on korean and becomes the number 1 fan-founder later and is said that in "those" visits, the stalking worked and he let her mount him.
    About how they meet(sister x everyone else), was after the suppose assassinate of the number1 of korean, where the mc meet the higher dragon being and helped him nullify the number1 guy of his contract and was brought the attention of the curse and contracts guy and resulted in bringing the mc to that "imaginary" room, this was when he sister was introduced and the brother and sister have a minor fight there, where he stand up to his sister but take a beatdown but the mc is there and intervene saying that he would not raise her pet if she continue acting like that and take the brother side , this give enough time for the government S guy shows up and arrest her because higher hunter traveling to another country without authorization and things like that, she stop resisting because of the mc threat of not raising her pet and she is locked up, later on she makes a deal as S rank that she would do S rank dg's for korean instead of being locked up and would have her charges dropped allowing her to be free and ask the mc to raise her pet by the legal procedures and in the final dg she does what she does better that is shit things up and again the mc and the brotherdragon goes talk to her, before this the mc and the brotherdraggo already had the "talk" about how he would only be free of his sister if he confronts her and put everything in the table, and this is why they go there and he start to shout and complain about everything that she did to him, and she of course was not happy because of the dg's and becomes even angrier and start the fight, he is of course taking a beatdown but them the dragon rider girl shows up in a scouter (or a bike, i do not recall but is a scene suppose to be fun where she "struggled" a lot to reach there like a "hero coming for the rescue scene"), and start talking about how the brother is a good person and so on and she came to help (but we have the nuances in the dialogue about she is talking about how he is a good MOUNT) and how she created the fanclub and goes "let's go, let's use the dragon rider skill and show your sister" and the sister becomes super surprised about it and they fight in equal grounds until the sister ask the girl if she can mount any dragon and she say yes, and she ask if she wants to mount her too and transforming in her land huge dragon form and the girl goes crazy for it and mount her and complete forget about the brotherdragon the mc and everyone else and both of them goes super crazy happy with their "power" combined the sister start to destroy the city and areas around them "testing her new power"!
    later on the government S dude comes with the sister's pet and threatens to kill it if she did not stop and she is locked up again by them but not before combining to let dragon rider girl mount her again in the future.
    and the dragon rider girl becomes sad because she can not mount her anymore, even if she is the number one fan and founder of the brother fanclub, the sister dragon form is a lot better, but she is locked up in prison.
    and this is how she mounted both of them.

    Yes but as stated by my previous spoiler
    ,the sync of world#1 to world#2 is being done a lot faster than they thought, they are already syncing info close to 3 years in the world#1 timeline but only have a little more than half a year in world#2 timeline by the chapter i read, there is multiples points that have proof it: like the assassinate attempt on the number1 guy, it really happened close to 2-3 years in the original timeline, the dg outbreak with the wolf S-SS assassin monster i talked before and a few others, like the existence of the dragon twins for example, monster transformation skill was suppose to appear also later, way later.
    Simple put by the overall amount of info given in the novel so far, they have a few months to a year max for the sync to finish it up and the brother's sync caught up as well, since he was the final thing to happen before the mc going back.
    i'm not saying he is not gonna save his brother right way but i believe would be a good development if the author choice to let the brother "die" and later on when the mc, his pets and friends mature a little more we could have a arc where the mc goes to "save" his brother.
    for example: just a personal theory, the mc could use his imaginary room skill, to take all his "brother" memories and knowledge because he failed to find a way in time (since the sync is becoming too fast) .
    first a little background info:
    it was also explained by not only the admins, but the S rank guy, that higher ranked , be it admins, hunters and so on have their own manastone, once you reach certain rank you produce your own manastone.
    the petslaveskill works by implanting the manastone in the user's body literally giving the owner flesh and body for it to grown! it goes along the lines that the user (the mc) would "birth" this new monster with that manastone inside is own Body, and this is why the pet is more like a slave than anything else, being part of the one who created it himself
    So the mc could take his brother manastone, since as S rank they already have one, and uses the petdragonslave skill to create a petBrother and put all his memories in it basically saving the brother in another way having his own petbrother slave
    or for example: later on the brother finally finds a way to reach the higher being nest and his brother original timeline body that is in there , the author could even flip the table a little and do a mixture with the mc evolving the skill a step further where the mc uses his brothers memories+ his new manatone in the "dead body of his brother" of world#1 to complete revive the brother since not only he would use the flesh,the memories and the manastone of his brother in the skill and since the body used would be the brother's own body, it would become a slave to the mc i believe.
    i just think that the novel will severe drop in quality, at least for me, and overall plot point if the author find a DEUSEXMACHINA to save his brother in the world#2 body without any repercussion, like the number1hunter guy, because the time is moving too fast in "only" a few months left and the author would already thrown him to interact with guy's that is even higher that the normal admins, is just too much.

    this was already explained later on and was not the admins,
    the mc goes to complain about it of how his skills have so much info but everyone else and him is so fucked up and the admins explain that everything was the previous user of the golden forge final ability and wish, is implied that the guy was a really big shot but in the end died anyway and with his last power he saved his knowledge,mats and everything to the next "user" hoping that he would do better and the next-next user(the user after the current one) of the golden forger skill won't have anything like that again, the room, the mats, the Wikipedia knowledge , everything is one time use thing given by the predecessor of the skill.

    after that the admin talk between themselves along the lines of "that if this world "fails" as well and is destroyed, they need to at least save the golden forge user, because of it.
    (personal opinion about the matter: the previous golden forger use probably was a big shot in his world but did not reach the standard of the admins, but got close but in the end he failed anyway and his world was destroyed as well, so he packed all this cheat mats-info- and everything he had to "gift" the next user ,expecting the user to not only overcome the limit he achieved and maybe reach the higher being level and not being limited in this admin x "illegal admin" game. )
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2019
    Alandra, Sara0jan, Pichiminie and 4 others like this.
  13. Cloud0101

    Cloud0101 Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2018
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    Will there be some sad sad sad moments like the death of some characters? Or something that makes you cry?
    I never thought of this while reading the translations but now when I read your spoilers I gave it a thought.

    Will the MC mess up something really bad?

    And... I liked this novel mainly because it’s like a BL harem from the fan arts, I know it’s not like that but from the 40 chapters I read, it sounds like it will be like this if I squint my eyes in the future, will it be?

    There are not a lot of fan arts for the blacksmith guy, will he magically disappear of appear less in the future?

    Lastly, I know orv, tcf, and this novel as the squint your eyes to see the bl magic Korean novels, and the Korean novels that have a lot of beautiful fan arts, is there more Korean novels like that? Other that the novel extra...
  14. twistingfeelings

    twistingfeelings Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2019
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    Hello, on ch 44 it was mentioned about Bak Hayool unawakened person who is artist. Is there a reason MC didn't remember of seeing his face in his previous life? Is he dead or become hunter??

  15. talalan

    talalan Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2017
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    Anyone can point me to the raw of this story? I think I am hooked.
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  16. Bigfanofanime03

    Bigfanofanime03 Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2017
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    What happened? Is the bro still alive? Now there are 300 chapters! Can someone share some general spoiler, please! I give you rice cake!:sushi_singing:
    Ailyrz and Fran.2424 like this.
  17. talalan

    talalan Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2017
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    I'm currently mtl it from ridibooks (Not free). They also received foreign credit card for payment. It's not too hard with google translate. Anyone interested can go try.
    akuma_river likes this.
  18. Zyul

    Zyul New Member

    Nov 13, 2019
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    I wanted to know what happened to yerim after the contract violation on Chapter 50, how they resolved it? I haven't found anything about it and am on chapter 61 when I find them all happy go lucky
    Fran.2424 likes this.
  19. talalan

    talalan Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2017
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    Her stat decreased.
  20. Zyul

    Zyul New Member

    Nov 13, 2019
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    Just that? Didn't he say that he would have talked with her?