Spoiler Overgeared

Discussion in 'Novel Discussion' started by yexiu, May 29, 2019.

  1. yexiu

    yexiu Daoist No-life

    Jun 12, 2017
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    Hi guys, I would like to read Overgeared but there are few tags that concern me and before I read this novel I want to clear these points.

    - What means the Death of loved ones? (who dies, when and how big it impacts the story/MC)
    - A lot of people say that begging is bad (Is it true? In which chapter will it get better?)
    - I like romance/harem novel (When the romance/harem starts, is it well written?)
    - And lastly your opinion on this novel

    Thanks in advance ^^
  2. guigs

    guigs Active Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    1-His blacksmith mentor dies in chapter 7XX, there is some impact, but not much;
    2-In the star the MC is total garbage, he starts getting better for chapter 100;
    3-Forget romance;
    4-A good one, worth of the time.
    yexiu likes this.
  3. Bad Storm

    Bad Storm no thought, head empty

    Jun 8, 2017
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    Major death was from the blacksmith mentor. Personally, I think that the scene was dramatic. And the mentor does get mentioned sometimes, not completely forgotten. (But I think the circumstances of the character named Agnus is more sad than that death...)
    It is horrible. The MC is a complete trash in the first 100 or so chapters. He does get better. Kinda felt him maturing even though it's late.
    Lol, don't expect anything at all.
    I think you should read it. I like the story's world building and characters. And the history inside game world is good, things at least got some sense of connection and not just haphazardly written.
    yexiu likes this.
  4. noriga

    noriga Smile ..

    Jan 6, 2017
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  5. JHI

    JHI Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2019
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    2) The MC at the beginning is an immature, ignorant, cheap, greedy, stupid and irritable person. He is quick to judge, subject to constant mood swings, an absolute failure in life etc... He legit thinks having an IQ in double digit is praiseworthy. So in real life, he'd be avoided by any sensible person. It is also emphasized repeatedly that he had average grades at high school and that he could only maintain those grades (which tend to be in classes that requires memorization such as history) by studying more than everyone else. I believe his idiocy is generally maddening in the early chapters but there are a few exceptions where his qualities enrich the novel at the beginning.

    The example I'm thinking of is about a guy who started playing the game about the same time as Grid did (maybe a bit later) but has double his level in a hard to level profession. This person actually incites the crowd against his original quest giver to receive a new quest. Grid realizes his ignorance and stupidity once he sees a ranker actually using his brains to generate a new quest which wouldn't have been generated if he played the game like everybody else (namely not betraying his previous quest giver and just doing what he was supposed to do). This is exactly the sort of creative thinking and genius he is lacking as a talentless person. In fact, this quest gave that person his second class which somewhat offset the deficiencies of his first class. However some of his decisions are just plain stupid and irrational. For someone who regularly reads the forums and commonly available tips to not realize that he could have sold the first legendary weapon he created for at least ten fold the price that an NPC paid to him is ridiculous. Grid has betrayed people who gave him quests before for monetary profits and I am supposed to believe this greedy disloyal person would not know the basics of basics regarding equipment prices? Unfortunately, cases like the latter are more common at the beginning of the novel.

    I don't think it is correct to say the novel gets better after chapter x since the mc constantly but slowly improves himself. However before chapter 90 he is just a whiny loser and after chapter 90 he starts to kick ass. He improves slowly though. Around chapter 210, he still believes just spamming his op class skills is a good way to play the game which changes about 10-20 chapters later. After that there are cases where he chastizes himself for having poor control skills and keeps saying "if it was K he would have dodged that". Around early chapter 300s he still doesn't pay attention to details of the world and actively ignores worldbuilding info from one of the most knowledgeable characters in the entire world. Moreover he still doesn't develop his super valuable pets because they started at level 1 while Grid was way over level 300 and he doesn't want to share experiences or act as a bus for low level pets. So it all depends on how much you can tolerate. Generally people prefer starting at around chapter 90 since he starts to have his moments (ass kicking, epic shit etc.) but if you want to see a slightly more mature character 200-210s is a good place where he grows really fast.

    3) Grid's self-esteem in the dating arena gets smashed by his hs crush. After that he doesn't believe any girl would look at his way. NPCs have affinity points so he is nowhere as dense when it comes to NPCs. The female side consists of confident independent women somehow falling for him for reasons... However they help him slowly build his self-esteem so it's fine I guess.

    4) Before reading the novel I read the warnings about the early novel and found them to be somewhat understating just how repulsive the mc is after reading the first 100 chapters. Then, it started getting better and over time, with the exception of National Competition arcs (which feel repetitive but show the development of Grid as well as the change in how the world perceives him) the novel just keeps one upping itself. While the world feels smaller than the one in LMS you actually get to feel that this is a real world with a rich cast of likable characters. Many of the side characters leave an impression as they seemed to have their own stories and emotional scars/problems. This is probably why characters such as Agnus, who is an unambiguous antagonist, are loved by the fan base (with many even rooting for him in particular). Moreover there are certainly morally gray and immoral actions the mc takes which are always welcome. I would also add the world has a history and that history matters. The past is not just distant folktale but something which affects the present day in many ways. Finally, unlike Rebirth of the Thief who Roamed the world, guild wars are are not super important. In terms of power no other guild can hope to match MC's guild with possibly one exception which builds its own kingdom. There are some guild wars and revenge actions for previous humiliation so it is not non-existent. When it comes to major raids, they are unmatched though (Great Demons that can destroy countries and armies have only been defeated by MC and his companions and without their help no other player organization could have achieved those feats).

    All in all if you enjoy the genre, appreciate gradual character development and love hype moments there are few series which can give you the joy of Overgeared.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2019