[Poll] Would you watch your language around a senstive acquaintance?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by lychee, Oct 5, 2019.


Would you watch your language around a senstive acquaintance?

  1. Yes - Always, because you never know who is sensitive regardless of who is present

    28 vote(s)
  2. Yes - If I knew there was a single person present who would be upset

    24 vote(s)
  3. Yes - If there were sensitive acquaintances present, but I don't care about strangers feelings

    11 vote(s)
  4. Yes - If there were sensitive friends present, but I don't care about acquaintances feelings

    2 vote(s)
  5. Yes - Because I want to look good to my friends

    1 vote(s)
  6. Yes - Other reason

    11 vote(s)
  7. No - Because I have the right to say what I want and anything else is censorship

    5 vote(s)
  8. No - Because I wouldn't hang out with someone this sensitive

    20 vote(s)
  9. No - Because this acquaitance needs to learn how to deal with it

    11 vote(s)
  10. No - Because the acquaintance should go somewhere else

    0 vote(s)
  11. No - Because I don't think the acquaintaince is serious and she's being overdramatic

    1 vote(s)
  12. No - Because they're just being politically correct and nobody is actually hurt

    7 vote(s)
  13. No - Because watching my language would kill at the fun

    2 vote(s)
  14. No - Other reason

    10 vote(s)
  15. I do not wish to answer

    2 vote(s)
  1. Moonpearl

    Moonpearl Professional Yuri Girl ❀ [Yuri Garden Creator]

    Oct 6, 2016
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    You'd be playing a 4 vs 5 no matter what. Someone being practically AFK isn't going to save you from defeat.
    AMissingLinguist likes this.
  2. starwarscards

    starwarscards Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2016
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    I agree she should have made her feelings clear. Then when you refused to acquiesce and she left she should have refused further invitations.

    Or in simpler terms she should have grown a pair and spoke up herself the first time.
  3. Vincent1873

    Vincent1873 Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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    She has the right to leave and I have the right to not want to play with someone who will randomly leave.

    More likely to trigger someone if you direct it at them then just randomly saying it.
  4. Feng Tian

    Feng Tian Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2018
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    Honestly, what he described as game is either league or dota, maybe OW. Every last server in every last of these games would be hell for this snowflake. I'd be surprised she even made it past the first 10 games. The toxicity in these games is considerable and while people like me are naturally immune to even the worst verbal toxic wasteland some are not. A cyke blyat a day keeps the boredom and political correctness away.
  5. Anra7777

    Anra7777 All powerful magic grammar hamster queen pirate.

    Apr 13, 2018
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    But it wasn’t being randomly said. Those words were being directed at a person, and it isn’t weird to think that Girl-Chan would have an empathic response.
  6. GotDied

    GotDied Just a friendly rotten hermit~

    Jul 27, 2017
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    Yeah, most players can't help but cuss in games. I've experienced being swore for being a noob. It's kinda toxic.
  7. Myriadfold

    Myriadfold 『Silkmaid』『Ishhara's Devotee』『Daoist』『WW Vet.』

    Sep 21, 2016
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    so let me get this straight... A-kun has gamed with you many times before and knows your behaviour, invited the additional people including the easily triggered person despite knowing what you are like... WITHOUT bring it up or even thinking to give you a heads up the first time around??

    ok here's my answer: No- I need to form a team without A-kun. not only is he hiding his own issues by using another person as his mouthpiece, it would be suspect whether he is the cause you are short those other people, and the only thing worse than an easily triggered child, is a manipulative SoB.

    If they had given me notice before the first match I would not mind using a non-triggering word to vent. but the fact A-kun refused to provide this warning and yet treats me as the problem come the second time around, means he just isn't right for being in the same team as me in the first place. Hell, perhaps A-kun should learn from his own shortcomings and invite somebody who won't just quit the match because somebody in the match used a word they find "triggering"

    surely I can't be the only one who finds A-kun incapable of learning from their own mistakes, as someone who resorts to pushing the blame onto another when recreating the same problematic situation. who is to say that I won't quit the match before it ends because I found the ditchers and A-kuns behaviour triggering myself? how likely would A-kun be to take my side had I been the one to leave? surely I would just have to face constant complaints and interrogation because I ditched the team.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2019
    Snowbun and Feng Tian like this.
  8. Vincent1873

    Vincent1873 Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2016
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    Well in real life you'd see her reaction and ask her about it. Then stop when she says the language is bothering her.
    Can you even hear the other team talking while you're playing? Since you can't then it's basically not being directed towards them.
  9. GotDied

    GotDied Just a friendly rotten hermit~

    Jul 27, 2017
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    Being sensitive to others feelings is good. But sometimes there are just people that'll get you annoy. If you speak about something this or that they'll get sad but if you are polite they'll overthink that you hate them. Even shutting your mouth makes them depressed.

    Ate, kuya, what the f@ck do you want me to do?! :blob_thor::blob_catflip:
  10. sleepingloli

    sleepingloli Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2019
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    Can't relate at all. If I'm trying to have fun, why would I want to be anywhere near any of the persons pictured in your post (including MC)?

    They all seem like the typical 8yo screeching retard, plus one SJW.
  11. Anra7777

    Anra7777 All powerful magic grammar hamster queen pirate.

    Apr 13, 2018
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    It doesn’t matter whether the person the words being directed to can hear it or not. She can hear it and the hostility behind it. It’s like, imagine an abusive parent ranting about the leader of your country and how terrible that person is. Even though the leader obviously can’t hear the words, you, the child, can, and it isn’t hard to think that that anger will be directed toward you next.

    To me, that’s what this is about. You, the child, know what it’s like to face the parent’s abuse and so have a sympathetic reaction toward the object, here the leader, of that abuse.

    It isn’t strange to think that that person, the child, would have a similar reaction when facing violent hostility in other people.
    AMissingLinguist and AliceShiki like this.
  12. SilverFeather

    SilverFeather [Seeker of Yuri]•[Likes tomboys]

    Dec 5, 2016
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    ... Why on earth would I accept somebody in my team who leaves once there's a small thing he or she does not like, even if somebody was directly insulting her or him, you can just mute them, for god's sake, bless the heart of those persons who can't stand a single word, bless their heart really hard

    I do however watch my language almost all the time (and use other words instead of said words but with the same meaning for those that do understand it), however why on earth should I do so when I'm with my friends and we are messing around?
  13. Viola

    Viola Studio Ghibli Fanboy Mother of Learning Fanboy

    Nov 25, 2015
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    No, i don's swear excessively around strangers but around close friends i do. I don't quite swear like a sailor but i'm not far off.

    At the end of the day i don't care one bit if someone is swearing up and down, direct it at me maliciously though and we have a problem. So i follow that rule when i swear and cuss. Ill say whatever i want and no one should have issue with it unless it is directed and malicious to someone present. If someone is so sensitive that they cant hear certain words without getting intensely uncomfortable then i don't know how they function in the real world and i'm not going to cater to someone so disconnected from reality and oversensitive.

    Just my take. In text i very rarely swear because there are better ways to structure a point and thoughts... but verbally, oh boy.
  14. auraizen

    auraizen aeu •.*°☆「procrastinating 」『always sleepy』

    Mar 1, 2019
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    Okay so I rarely ever swear around people in general at all, maybe I'll occasionally do it online but that's it
    This friend though..they definitely overreacted and if they get this sensitive about something as casual as this they're really not a friend I'd want to be around, imagine the drama they'd cause
    So I probably couldn't care less about how they felt aha
    otaku31 likes this.
  15. Nonon

    Nonon Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2018
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    Yeah, sure.
    It's not like I'd die if I didn't cuss.
    And besides, people who are sensitive towards words like that probably have their reasons too.

    Though disconnecting part is a bit weird. Might as well just come out and ask for the other person to tone it down a lil bit.
  16. Myriadfold

    Myriadfold 『Silkmaid』『Ishhara's Devotee』『Daoist』『WW Vet.』

    Sep 21, 2016
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    that's a lot of assumptions made on the basis that everyone would experience the event in the same way and come to the same terms. people by nature will make different choices even if up to that point they lived identical lives.

    just as you can't predict behaviour you can't predict encountering people who will force their views on another, which is what using the "triggered" excuse is.

    many people hear stuff that triggers them all the time in daily life. people handle it differently, either over-reacting or shrugging it off. to be triggered is just to have a reaction to something. the people who use "triggered" as a justification to have others change their behaviour are in fact less bothered about the offense than they are about finding out there are people who don't conform to their expectations.

    even worse is those not personally affected making demands on another's behalf, the so coined "social justice warriors". these are the same people who have determined that because a specific term was abused for a short-time against a very minute group of people in 1 place, everyone the country/world over should be barred from uttering it at all. despite many of those who have been "targeted" by this term having no issue at all with the term itself, but rather the people using it. they are people who confuse whether the person or the words used were the ones guilty of being "racist/sexist/insert offense here".

    If i were to consider this whole scenario to have had many failings, the one most at fault is neither the one who ditched or the one who cussed, but the initial person who allowed the situation to occur knowing fully that it would occur. the guilty party in this scenario is without a doubt A-kun. A-kun is a perfect example of what it means to allow an offense to occur, just so they can act on the moral high ground to enforce their views on everyone come then 2nd time around.
    AMissingLinguist, runsing and otaku31 like this.
  17. lichdeath

    lichdeath undead meatbun ^^

    Apr 18, 2016
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    i generally dont swear when i talk so yes?
  18. Anra7777

    Anra7777 All powerful magic grammar hamster queen pirate.

    Apr 13, 2018
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    I was giving an example to illustrate how Girl-Chan might be feeling. I thought it would be easier to understand using a more extreme example. I am not assuming that Girl-Chan is an abused child. I am merely saying, “Can you imagine this scenario? Can you imagine the person’s feelings? Girl-Chan might be feeling those feelings, even though the scenario might not be true.”
    iampsyx, AliceShiki and lychee like this.
  19. Kadmos1

    Kadmos1 Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2017
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    Realistically, considered I have gotten hit (mainly punching), I would have to watch how I talk around a stranger. Now, someone who is not necessarily a friend but is an acquaintance, less restrictions might apply!
  20. lychee

    lychee [- slightly morbid fruit -] ❀[ 恋爱? ]❀

    Jul 22, 2017
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    This aspect is something that I find really interesting.

    One of the common arguments (and poll responses) is that Girl-chan should deal learn to deal with it because it’s widespread and “normal”.

    That said, I personally don’t game, so from perspective that kind of toxic 4chan/flamewar/incel culture is the “abnormal” thing — whereas everything I’ve lived with in IRL is my “normal”.

    That said, culture also changes over time. Decades ago, it was “normal” to call a black person the N—— word to their face, but for some reason the cultural norm changed.

    Is it really just about political correctness?

    Or is there something else?