Discussion [Poll] Would you take responsibility for the baby?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by lychee, Nov 7, 2019.


Would you take responsibility for the baby?

  1. I'm male - Yes - I would quit my current job for the baby (temporarily)

    1 vote(s)
  2. I'm male - Yes - I would move to my parents' home and find a new day job in their city

    17 vote(s)
  3. I'm male - Yes - I would find the cheapest (but sketchy) childcare option and keep my job

    1 vote(s)
  4. I'm male - No - I would send the baby to the orphanage

    10 vote(s)
  5. I'm male - No - I would dispose of the baby somehow

    1 vote(s)
  6. I'm female - Yes - I would quit my current job for the baby (temporarily)

    3 vote(s)
  7. I'm female - Yes - I would move to my parents' home and find a new day job in their city

    4 vote(s)
  8. I'm female - Yes - I would find the cheapest (but sketchy) childcare option and keep my job

    3 vote(s)
  9. I'm female - No - I would send the baby to the orphanage

    4 vote(s)
  10. I'm female - No - I would dispose of the baby somehow

    1 vote(s)
  11. I'm unsure

    12 vote(s)
  12. I do not wish to answer

    5 vote(s)
  1. lychee

    lychee [- slightly morbid fruit -] ❀[ 恋爱? ]❀

    Jul 22, 2017
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    Last one for tonight!

    For this poll, assume that you are an adult, financially independent, and single.

    Last night, you had a very strange dream. Specifically, inside that dream, you gave birth to a baby. It doesn't matter if you're male or female — you dreamed that you somehow gave birth.

    When you woke up this morning, you were shocked to find that exact same dream baby in your lap.

    You have no idea where it came from. You've never seen it before (apart from your dream), it doesn't look anything like you (different hair color, eye color, etc), and nobody lives with you. Your apartment has an alarm system so it would have been set off if somebody broke in.

    Somehow you ended up with a newborn baby in your lap.

    Pretty soon, it starts crying because it's hungry. Newborn babies need to feed every 1.5 to 3 hours, Since you are unable to produce breast milk, very quickly you realize that you will need to go buy formula milk ASAP, so you rush to the convenience store.

    Meanwhile, you start reflecting on exactly what happened.

    Suddenly, a Celestial Being appears before you. You are told this baby was gifted to you from the divine realm (the childbirth was magically taken care of), and you are welcome to do whatever you like with the baby. Other than this, the baby is a completely ordinary healthy human infant and its birthday was 1:11 AM in your bedroom last night.

    The Celestial Being asks you to name it and then promptly disappears.

    ...So essentially you were suddenly dumped with a random baby.

    Tomorrow you still have work, and you work a regular 9AM to 5PM full-time job with inflexible hours. However, if you know anything about babies, you cannot leave them alone for that long. Ordinarily, people would take maternity leave for a newborn child, but you do not have this option available to you.

    You could turn to your parents to help, but they live halfway across the country and lately their health has been poor. They certainly will not travel to you, and you cannot count on them to wake up every three hours 24/7 to feed a baby. At best, you can only count on them to be baby-sitters during the day if you moved to their city. Furthermore, you have a lot of explaining/convincing to do about where the baby came from (especially because it looks nothing like you, you were never pregnant, never dating, and the DNA test would fail to show maternity/paternity).

    Assume that you have no other relatives who can foster, you have no lovers/friends that you can count on for such a big commitment, and you are mostly alone.

    Also assume that full-time childcare costs are prohibitively expensive ($2000 USD/month) on your current salary. You could try to find a cheaper option on craigslist (or some other online website), but it would be sketchy, non-professional, and you're unsure what risks it would hold.

    What would you do?
    1. Serious: What would you do? How would you get a birth certificate? See the doctor? Etc? What ideas do you have?

    2. Would you see the baby as your own? Would the fact that it is a divine baby make a difference?

    3. In general, would you pick child or career?

    Note: For the sake of the poll, pretend that you are NOT psychologically insane :blobsweat_2::blobsweat_2::blobsweat_2:
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2019
    Master and leegood like this.
  2. A5G_Reaper

    A5G_Reaper [DCLXVI, sohyee, and iampsyx's cute imouto]

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Call the cops, duh.
  3. otaku31

    otaku31 Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2015
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  4. ongoingwhy

    ongoingwhy Meat Pie Lover

    Oct 22, 2016
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    Are you pregnant? :hmm:
    gheist1234 likes this.
  5. leegood

    leegood Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2017
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    1. Serious: What would you do? How would you get a birth certificate? See the doctor? Etc? What ideas do you have?

    (o.o)! *places the baby in a basket*
    *places baby on front doorstep*
    *call police*
    *police register the baby in a state and federal database and search for parents*
    *no parents found and blood tests find no parents*
    (~^o^) *apply to be the baby foster parent*
    (*.*) *apply Grants/Monetary help from government/charities/food pantries*
    (~^o^) *play with babu*
    2. Would you see the baby as your own? Would the fact that it is a divine baby make a difference?
    (~^o^) *hugs babu*

    3. In general, would you pick child or career?
    (~^o^)/ *pokes babu*

    --Babu version--
    (~^o^)? (^o^~)
    (~o.o)!? (^o^~)
    (~^o^) (^o^~)
  6. jbturkle

    jbturkle Fruit

    Oct 26, 2018
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    Oof, this is a tough one. I can't get by this one based on logic alone... Okay, here we go.
    1. Serious: What would you do? How would you get a birth certificate? See the doctor? Etc? What ideas do you have?
    I wouldn't get rid of the child. Yes, I am in no way equipped to take care of a child, no would I really want to, but a divine child? It feels like a very bad idea to just drop it. No, the best idea would be use an orphanage. Send the child there and adopt it at a later point. Basically foist off all the legal issues on that orphanage. Adopting the baby would more than a hassle, so that's perhaps the riskiest part of the plan. From the information you've given, I'm not the most ideal candidate for adoption. It'll take a fair amount of work to get it back, but it's not entirely impossible, especially if you choose an orphanage ill-equipped to handle many children. After that point, you can treat the child like any other.
    2. Would you see the baby as your own? Would the fact that it is a divine baby make a difference?
    Sure. There's no real difference once you've adopted them between them and any other adopted child. Well, other than the divine stuff, but let's just mentally repress that little bit.
    3. In general, would you pick child or career?
    Honestly the toughest question of the three. Child. I'd have to go with child. The odd background of this sort of encounter would push me towards it. I can't help it.
    leegood and lychee like this.
  7. CyberCypher

    CyberCypher Air Breather

    Jan 17, 2017
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    Probably. I like children. While I know that its expensive for child care, my mom would like a grandchild. She isnt pestering me or my siblings its just that my family really like babies and children
    btw heres a childs skull with teeth
    ongoingwhy likes this.
  8. runsing

    runsing status : bleeding, health -10/s Novel Updates Staff

    Nov 4, 2015
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    i demand the option of singing Billie Jean and doing moonwalkslither
  9. elengee

    elengee Daoist Ninefaps

    Mar 15, 2016
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    What's the going rate on the black market?
  10. lygarx

    lygarx Lazy Translator

    Feb 16, 2016
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    while the child may physically be normal, it may have a destiny that could be influenced by what I do. It could become the next 'Hitler' or grow up to be someone who will save/guide humanity. I have the opportunity to make the divine savior re-shape humanity in anyway I choose depending on how I raise the child. I would prioritize the child. apply to remote job positions which is possible due to me being a computer science major. I would still report the baby to the proper authorities. but apply for parentage. either way, the child will be grateful for me saving it from where I claimed to have found it. while I am not allowed to use friends or family to deal with the burden of caring for the child, I am technically allowed to use my connections to secure the child as my own through adoption since I know various people in social services and government.
    leegood likes this.
  11. MangoGuy

    MangoGuy Rambling Mango

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Don't go for a baby when you are not ready for one.

    Clearly, I am not ready for one.
  12. FranckOA

    FranckOA Killer Klown From Outer Space

    Jan 24, 2016
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    I'll want to take care of the baby but there would sure be legal problems for the adoption as I am single.
    But I would certainly ask the celestial being to send me back to the real world, where childcare isn't that stupidly expensive and my mother live on the other end of the town (around 15 minutes with a car)...
    And I would complain about this pretty unfriendly isekai.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2019
  13. EnerHighwave

    EnerHighwave Holy Daugther of Kyuu 8❤️ Speedy's pet Lovely's ❤️

    May 13, 2016
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    I still live with my parents so I won't need to quit my job. Still I'm unsure as to how they will react to me suddenly having a baby out of nowhere.
  14. Deadmantellnotales

    Deadmantellnotales rebmeM nwonK-lleW

    Dec 18, 2018
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    Send him to me, I have shortage of workers.
    ongoingwhy likes this.
  15. lychee

    lychee [- slightly morbid fruit -] ❀[ 恋爱? ]❀

    Jul 22, 2017
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    Oh, but the numbers I pulled are real for the US. We are looking at infant-care numbers.

  16. IceLight303

    IceLight303 Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2018
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    Well to obtain a birth certificate by filling for one. There are cases for births that happened outside of the hospital. So for females wait a month or two, but find a babysitter right away, there are more websites then Cregslists. Take a few sick days. Then apply for the birth certificate you usually have about a month. Just say you gave birth and didn't know you we're pregnant.
    For males do the same thing except wait a year, take the kid to the hospital say you and this girl had a kid from a one night stand. She showed up with a kid saying it was yours then disappeared today. You don't know where she went or how long shes been gone. File the report and even if the child isn't your geneticly there are cases where step parents get custody. So pretend you thought it was yours but would still like to raise it. Also when they ask for birth certificate just say she said she took the baby to that hospital act scared and chances are you'll get custody after some investigation.
    Yup I would raise the kid, since I'm raising it, it would be my kid. Also I would choose both career and kid.
  17. Mr_Magika

    Mr_Magika Big oof

    Nov 11, 2015
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    I mean, now some god owes me a favor right? When I die, reincarnate me because I don't want to live on this planet anymore. I'm a nurse, not a midwife though but I'll find a way I guess.
  18. FranckOA

    FranckOA Killer Klown From Outer Space

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Thanks god I don't leave in US then !
    In France, it's way more affordable, my mother is a retired licensed childminder (she took care of kids until they reached 3Yo at our home with the partnership of a local state founded nursery so I know the drill and childcare costs here, and you can get quite a lot of helps to pay for it (social security, tax cuts, etc...).
    Adoption is also legally possible for single males in France but it's quite hard because social workers seems to not have received the memo and Doctors of the World's administrative board put a lot of work in making it hard for them to adopt orphans from other countries not caring about the fact that it's internationaly allowed since La Haye's convention of 1993.
  19. Nightow1

    Nightow1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2019
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    You do realize that taking care of the kid is basically kissing your love life goodbye? People shy away from parents with kids and your time is going to be spent all on that mini-commando. Kiss marriage goodbye.
  20. Alina Moktan

    Alina Moktan LaLisa Stole My Heart

    Jun 15, 2017
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    My mom joyously will adopted or taking baby from me. She will say to me, you are still young and give me baby to take care and love her/him when she/he grow up, I will give them to you. She wanted baby badly and shamelessly, half joking ask my elder sister for her one baby cause she had four children. But Sister refuse mom as she reluctant to separate from her baby. Mom was not sad by her refuse. She understand feeling of her.

    Also We live in US, My mom wanted adopted baby but she worries that one day baby will left mom for her biological mother and search for her.