Discussion Just a thought? Boring night and ranting a little.

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Lazriser, Feb 12, 2020.

  1. Lazriser

    Lazriser Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2016
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    TL;DR at the bottom.

    I'm quite serious a little about my delusions. One of them includes on the manipulation over reality. Been shifting gears about the problem as to why I can't manipulate said reality. I have arrived in few obvious answers about as to why I can't.

    • I am human.
    • This is a world of science and entertainment.
    • Lack of magical evidence or belief to support actual magical history in a global level.
    Now let me state this old saying, reality can be often stranger than fiction; I believe in such a maxim. If we apply belief in our consciousness, then reality can be manipulated to various degrees. Observation comes into play in the physical universe, through human activity and inhuman activity. Human activity is a force empowered by thoughts, emotions, and action. Inhuman activity is the natural state of things in the world, basically the laws of physics, quantum physics, metaphysics, etc.

    I originally view emotions as negative values in the human value system, but it would a contradiction to consider them as negative values, when they're neutral values by set alone. Splitting them into positive and negative emotions, I can enforce belief in my consciousness alongside thought. Merging them together, human activity happens in actual reality.

    We can't separate both activities to achieve substance, but in truth, we can via science now. Virtual reality is another layer to reality. Imaginary reality or fantasies in general too, are considered another layer to reality. These can be influenced by consumption through knowledge or drugs. Now we have multiple realities if we believe to some degree. To further add complexities in multiple realities, we must transform our core belief that reality isn't a single truth, world, or event. From multiple realities, we can have infinite realities, because each human is their own reality with each reality having over multiple layers that sum up to their worldview.

    Now, not many may believe in the concept of mind over matter, and same can be said to me; but I like to affirm that the mind is a powerful driving force behind everything we made up until now. Should we have a substance alongside our fantasies, we can very likely manipulate reality like those characters in fiction. A warning though, in order to do so, one must clearly deny reality as a whole. Deny themselves as a human of scientific world; deny themselves the entertainment of the mundane. A complete rewrite of their own consciousness, by coercing themselves in their subconsciousness that it will happen, it can happen, and it must happen. In actual reality, these are observed as delusions, because it lacks substance.

    I have come with a hypothesis to our problem. We don't need to rewrite reality, we simply need to overwrite their imaginary realities. Coercion done in the smallest level until it becomes sufficient enough to actually affect reality via thought, emotion, then action. Super-action I call it, is our prototype magic, or supernatural interference over the information dimension. Dimensions also play another part in this system.

    TL;DR I think I came up with a valid "warping", but I'm too lazy to do it and finish writing my thesis about it. It needs a lot of sacrificed time and resources to build up substance and actualize "recreation". Rather than seek "creation", it would be easier to apply "recreation" in this dimension. We are doing so already with technology. I think I'll just use this idea for writing another fictional system again.

    Last edited: Feb 12, 2020
    yue chen likes this.
  2. Westeller

    Westeller Smokin' Sexy Style!! Staff Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Maybe you're just not trying hard enough.
    Snowbun, BigBadBoi and Lazriser like this.
  3. Nightow1

    Nightow1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2019
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    We ALL manipulate reality. It just depends on if you can recognize it. Opening a door with your hand, isn't that "manipulating reality" already? Or using an ax to chop down a tree. Isn't that manipulating "reality"? Insisting on manipulating reality with only your mind and nothing else is just laziness, you are already "manipulating reality" every day and every minute. You just don't recognize it.
  4. Lazriser

    Lazriser Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2016
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    I don't want to manipulate this reality. I want to manipulate other people's realities. That's the point of my thread. I don't want to rely on technology from the science side to manipulate. Doing so would be awesome, but it would defeat the purpose of having magic differentiating from science.
  5. otaku31

    otaku31 Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2015
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    Your post challenges the limits of my attention span...

    and I'm not up for challenges ATM.
    juniorjawz, Zomula, Snowbun and 4 others like this.
  6. replay

    replay ★Milk and Honey smelling Merchant★

    Apr 22, 2016
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    well you can manipilate other peoples reality. . .
    Music, Movies, or even a freaking recoews and even a freaking youtuber making videos can alter other peoples reality. . .
    Nightow1, otaku31 and yue chen like this.
  7. Lazriser

    Lazriser Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2016
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    I am utterly slothful... desu?
    Do you not read or see the tl;dr?
    Without using technology, just our mind and feelings. Also it should affect a large amount of people and the world too.
  8. replay

    replay ★Milk and Honey smelling Merchant★

    Apr 22, 2016
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    welp, what do you think religion is? and how did they spread years ago?
    what are stories that were told by parents when they want us to sleep?
    what are folk lores that even dated aince ancient past?
    what about the teachings of the wise?
    Nightow1 likes this.
  9. Nightow1

    Nightow1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2019
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    Magic = laziness.
    You want to manipulate other people's reality with your mind? Simple. Walk to someone along a street. Smash your head against his nose. Congratulations, you just manipulated his reality (aka his nose) with your mind (aka your forehead).

    Not recognizing that you manipulate reality every day, even other people's, is due to people setting their sights too high, not due to inability.
  10. Lazriser

    Lazriser Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2016
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    You're... technically right. To think my random thread would give me insights I rather not discovered from my own vanity.
    Still, I want more than just communicate. I want to coerce... no, enforce my reality over theirs! Only then it would be a proper "warping".
    So I should start moving or burning little objects first using my own mind? Tried, but it's hard. I only succeeded in warping a coin from one location to who knows where. As for probability manipulation, I can already do that using imaginary numbers. That's how I won in games involving sequences. Things were easier when I was younger, but now? Sighs~

    I can only do small weather coercion and minuscule memory overwriting.
  11. replay

    replay ★Milk and Honey smelling Merchant★

    Apr 22, 2016
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    then become a dictator. . .