Bareia: Collective Worldbuilding Game

Discussion in 'Roleplaying Games' started by The Everdistant Utopia, Feb 12, 2020.

  1. The Everdistant Utopia

    The Everdistant Utopia Honorary Maou | Part Time Writer | Crau's

    Mar 9, 2017
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    Welkom to Bareia!

    This is (supposed to be) a collective worldbuilding/roleplaying game. The basics of it is that players will write their own bits of worldbuilding/nationbuilding within the world of Bareia and the growth/progress of their parts of the world.

    How to Play

    In general, to play you just need to:
    • Have a general idea in mind of what you want to do;
    • Choose a location;
    • Start writing.
    Aside from that, and following the general guidelines, it's mostly freeform/left to the players to settle discuss, unless a situation that requires mediation happens.

    General Guidelines
    • Be sure to follow general forum rules;
    • Date your accounts in regards to the general timeline;
    • Be reasonable with the speed of progression, and if possible use your common sense (and research) when writing;
    • If possible, be as much descriptive as you deem sufficient when describing aspects of your worldbuilding and its progression;
    • If possible, try to keep a place to refer to in regards to history, stories, descriptions and etc. Either a post containing information of all things done by you or a collection of links to your important posts;
    • If possible, add a map indicating clearly the region you intend to work with (it can be a small portion of the map marked or encircled);
    • Respect other user's work, but don't be afraid to discuss possible disagreements that may appear;
    • On the Maps: While the maps should be followed, players are free to interpret more finer details, like coastline irregularities or smaller coastal islands;
    • On the Timeline: For the sake of simplicity, a single OOU (out of universe) timeline will be used, with year 0 representing the year when the first organized groups started forming, meaning that the earliest date of the world's prehistory is year 0;
    • On getting started: It is encouraged to start with a single or just a handful settlements, since it'll allow you to write your worldbuilding from the beginnings, but it's not a rule to do so; Just remember not to spawn a superpower from day 1 without a reasonable explanation.
    Info on Magic

    The flow is a vague energy that regulates the 'natural flow of things in the world'. Consider it basically as a kind of mana, but deeply linked to nature. The flow manifest itself in certain patterns, or elements, of which there are six (the classic four elements, plus sun and moon), with things that are within the power of the flow to affect either falling within the elements or being related to them.

    Certain things/creatures can have an attunement to those elements, which can vary in a case by case basis but in general are considered rare occurrences. Sentient creatures that do have attunement to the flow and the elements are able to utilize them in three ways: by manipulating the existing flow/elements, by enhancing the existing flow/elements or by manifestation, with certain restrictions, of new flow/elements into the world.

    In general, the use of flow is is divided into two categories, either through indirect use or direct use. And in general the ability of one to use the flow is defined by their innate attunement to the element he wants to invoke, but also by how much training the user has in both flow manipulation in general and the use of the specific element. And in general the limitations for the manifestation of flow and elements is that the flow cannot create things from nothing, and you're rather transforming one flow to another in order to create things where there were none. While the manifestation of formless things, like water, winds and flames is easy (to some degree), the manifestation of physical objects with specific shape require much more effort and even catalysts.

    Indirect uses of flow come in all sorts of flavors, but the general idea is that the systems/practices used by them convey a 'will' of the user to the flow. It basically implies the use of the flow surrounding the user and the place where he's performing his practices.

    Direct uses of flow are achieved by intaking flow into your body and utilizing it more directly, which comes with some good and bad effects. The first being that, due to the flow you're utilizing being within your body, it'll always have a rebound effect, as in part of the effect you're trying to achieve through the flow will affect yourself. The second being that the flow within your body will help preserve your body for a little longer than the usual life expectancy of your race. The third, and more troublesome being that intaking flow within your body makes the flow, though the origins, slowly starts to influence your mind, with the degree and strength of the influence depending on the degree with which you're aligned to the element that is 'corrupting' you. Direct users can be identified through marks in their body. The marks being the place where their flow is stored, which can move around the body and change shape (though mostly stay at a certain unique shape when idle).

    Basic magical resources present in the map are:

    Flux Crystals [Placeholder Name] are crystals created by the accumulation of flow. They're effectively a 'solid' form of flow, and can be used to store quantities of it inside them.

    Flux Amanitas [Placeholder Name] are mushrooms with a large amount of flux trapped within them, which they use as their method of spreading their spores. When ingested, the flux trapped is quickly released in a torrent. The flux pulse exits the body of the one who ingested, forcefully opening channels for flux to flow through, which improve the ability of one to use the flow. As a side effect, the pulse also has an euphoriant effect (specially when consumed in large amounts) and can be addictive.

    Flux Shale [Placeholder Name] is a mudrock that has an amount of of flux soaked in it. It can be ground up and processed to either be used in the manufacture of magic materials, or mixed with metals to increase their magic conductivity.

    General Maps (may be updated along the way)
    Note: The map colors are indicative of the elevation of the terrain (while the small strip in the coastlines indicates... well, coastal areas). The general idea of how the climates look like is that the northern part is more temperate and the southern part more equatorial.
    Elevation Map and Map with Scale
    Iron Deposits
    Copper Deposits
    Tin Deposits
    Coal Deposits
    Silver Deposits
    Gold Deposits
    Flux Crystal Deposits
    Flux Shale Deposits
    Flux Amanita Distribution Area

    Why Bareia? Well, it was the first name the RNGods gave me.

    That is all. Have fun and may Luminous be with you.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2020
    leegood, Pyoo, Derrax and 5 others like this.
  2. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    In a small island near the Center of Bareia, lies a village of... Rabbits. No, not normal rabbits, Rabbit-people, with like, really long ears, they're quite weird.

    Their numbers are small, and apparently they venerate the moon as a deity. Also, they seem to despise Luminous... I wonder why? Maybe it's because they're nocturnal and the sun is too strong for their eyes?

    Oh, and they like hunting monkeys, apparently due to an old rivalry, gods know what caused that...
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2020
    leegood, Derrax, Ddraig and 6 others like this.
  3. Viator

    Viator [Cult of Pyoo: Pyoo's Oak Tree]

    Mar 25, 2016
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    I would take a small area next to the northern most lake on the west side between the lake and the foot of the mountains (or higher elevated area) Note that it is not the largest body of water on that side but the one slightly above that.) as for the species... a small undefined humanoid species for now. For specifics, I have to get the brain juices working.
    leegood, Pyoo, Derrax and 5 others like this.
  4. The Everdistant Utopia

    The Everdistant Utopia Honorary Maou | Part Time Writer | Crau's

    Mar 9, 2017
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    So, like, this area?

    I should have included in the guidelines something about adding clear indications as in a marked map (even if made in paint), but well...
    Derrax, Exitiumm, Way and 1 other person like this.
  5. Viator

    Viator [Cult of Pyoo: Pyoo's Oak Tree]

    Mar 25, 2016
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    yup that is the area I intend to develop.
    Derrax, Exitiumm, Way and 1 other person like this.
  6. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Edited to reflect that~
    Derrax, Exitiumm, Way and 1 other person like this.
  7. The Everdistant Utopia

    The Everdistant Utopia Honorary Maou | Part Time Writer | Crau's

    Mar 9, 2017
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    Will take the chance to add to the guidelines;
    Pyoo, Derrax, Naraku and 3 others like this.
  8. pass1478

    pass1478 I'm in Despair!

    Dec 15, 2019
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    You must be an amazing dnd gm
  9. Way

    Way Crimeless Raubritter

    Nov 6, 2016
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    Near a small river, a small village arose- they knew the mere basics of agriculture and domestication but were fortunate to be in what could only be called a menagerie, full of nature's bounty. Wheat, millet, barley, sorghum and other sorts of grains were plenty, as were roots, tubers, bulbs. They even domesticated dogs, pigs, poultry, and even some cattle, and hunted boars and rabbits to add to their diet. For a long time, the village was content.

    This joy was one they attributed to the Sun, whose gaze sent energy sweeping through the land, allowing them to move as they pleased, the animals to rise, and the crops to grow, and the Earth, who nourished their fields with a richness that no other place received the honour of.

    To this end, they decided to dedicate a day to the Sun and Earth and as it turns out, a miracle was achieved, for as the residents danced, they managed to form a sympathetic bridge- a primitive one, but one nonetheless to the flows of the Sun and Earth.

    Their warm and earthly embraces passed through the bodies and spirits of all involved, and quickly they realised that they were well and truly blessed.
    leegood, Pyoo, Derrax and 5 others like this.
  10. Naraku

    Naraku 『』『』『』

    Jul 14, 2017
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    amanita (2)_LI.jpg
    (Okay, that should be around there.)

    At the foot of the Eastern Mountains of Bareia lies a "settlement", recently formed out of necessity. If they were able to organise themselves for the sake of primal needs, it is hardly the case for other matters which barely existed. Eat, sleep, hunt and rest-- that was the routine. Time is needed for them to develop the necessary curiosity for them to simply-- do something out of the norm.

    Only one thing could be said about this "tribe", their origin which is simply-- a hooman being pitied another hooman. Just that, the pity that one felt for another of their same species was the genesis of this tribe.

    With small numbers, between ten and twenty, they do not seem to have developed any kind of culture or history yet, neither do they have a common language. After all, it is only the start.
    leegood, Derrax, Way and 3 others like this.
  11. The Everdistant Utopia

    The Everdistant Utopia Honorary Maou | Part Time Writer | Crau's

    Mar 9, 2017
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    That is actually a weird, but interesting comment since I've never played DnD :sweating_profusely:
    leegood, Derrax, Way and 3 others like this.
  12. Viator

    Viator [Cult of Pyoo: Pyoo's Oak Tree]

    Mar 25, 2016
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    Race: Gnarlu
    Extremely rough and unfinished concept art. I have never drawn a humanoid figure in my life. But I've been trying new things I've never had talent in, and got a little overly ambitious. too tired to work on it any more tonight. They aesthetically look like a mix between a goblin and a satyr. I imagine them to have differing exotic skin colors. (basically a gobo with horns and a little deer tail)

    *these are just the general physical details as a placeholder for the race. Future posts will have much more detail of course!

    Last edited: Feb 13, 2020
    Ddraig, Derrax, Way and 2 others like this.
  13. Dravde

    Dravde Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2016
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    I'll take the most eastern isle and a bit of it's surroundings as my developement area.

    Due to the abundance of Flow the isle floats 10 meters above the sea. The isle is filled with jungle like woodlands where alot of strong vines are hanging from the trees. Instead of enriching the isle the Flow has formed beings of spiritual kind.

    The smallest of these creatures can be 5cm and tallest 1.5m, the smallest adult can be 1m. They are born with their own element and symbols on their bodies glow with the color of their element. Those born with Sun and Moon elements are rarest but they hold they each hold the qualities of a leader.

    As they are born from the Flow, they also live off of it. As long as they stay in Flow rich areas they don't need to feed on anything but after they leave they start to weaken and they need to consume food to regain the flow.

    (Since we use the term Flux and I imagine these beings as pixie like creatures that can somewhat change shape, I shall call them Fluxies)
  14. SpearOfLies

    SpearOfLies [Lucky Dad][Has a lovely daughter]

    Dec 5, 2015
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    From deep into the sea, a forgotten and nearly extinct race decided to emerge to the new land in the hope to survive and raise their population.

    Half tentacles and half humanoid, they could easily grab, pull and choke weak prey, but they lack any other means to fight stronger creatures in the deep sea. Their tentacles were surprisingly more fragile than they look. They did have one of the most powerful natural camouflage skills: They can easily change the color and the texture of their body to trick their enemies and ambush their prey. But it wasn't enough to survive in the deepsea as there were predators that could see through that perfect camouflage as they weren't limited to their eyes and sense of touch to hunt. As their number was just a handful they were finally forced to migrate to survive.

    The new environment on the land was more beneficial to them than what they expected. As most of the creatures weren't very wary of them, they can easily hide in the river and wait for unaware prey to pull and drown them. It was a paradise compared to what they need to deal with before. This is when this race returned to develop into civilization from his near extinction.

    OoC: I probably need to think of a name for this race. Oof.
    Derrax, Way, Naraku and 1 other person like this.
  15. The Everdistant Utopia

    The Everdistant Utopia Honorary Maou | Part Time Writer | Crau's

    Mar 9, 2017
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    @AliceShiki @Way @Naraku @SpearOfLies @Dravde @Viator
    ~ Short Announcement ~​
    Have a look at the original post, as some maps were changed:
    The three last maps to give a white background and make them more easily readable;
    The coal and tin map to make some slight changes in size and placement of deposits (no deposits were removed, just more small tin deposits added and a couple of coal deposits moved and merged);

    End of announcement, have fun~
    The Lay of the Land
    Nested among the highlands, with hilly terrain to its south and the open plains of the nearby peninsula's neck, the region of rolling hills, cut through by two large rivers and their tributaries. The fertile hills turn into fertile plains towards the coast as the rivers make their course to feed into the bay.
    The western region, due to higher precipitation, is the most fertile and crisscrossed with rivers. A forested expanse that covers the rises and falls of the terrain. The eastern regions, much like the nearby neck, is a partly forested fields where many herds of beasts make home.


    The inhabitants of the region are migrants from the peninsula to the east, human groups of herders and sedentary farmers, that traveled into the region between 450 OUT (Out of Universe Time) and 600 OUT. The groups made little effort to settle the westernmost regions, remaining at the banks of the easternmost river and the coast, with many instead migrating even further inland through the passages to the north. Together with them, the humans brought together with them millet and domesticated poultry from their originating region, which together with fish, wild vegetables and wild game, composed most of their early diet in the region.

    Temporary To Do List:
    • Flora
    • Fauna
    • Lay of the Land for settlements
    • Language
    leegood, Pyoo, Derrax and 4 others like this.
  16. Viator

    Viator [Cult of Pyoo: Pyoo's Oak Tree]

    Mar 25, 2016
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    A diminutive race known as the Gnarlu appear on the shores of the lake. They are primarly nocturnal as their eyes see well in the dark on water or land, and follow the best times to fish at night or early morning. Highly emotional but communal they banded together for protection. Born to three separate skin colors; red, green, and blue, a primitive social hierarchy forms as the Blue-skins display a little more social intelligence. A cross between a Goblinoid and a Ram they gradually develop a crude settlement structure on the outskirts of the woods between the lake and the mountain. The First generation survived for about 60 years with little in the way of natural predators.

    Surviving as carnivores off of fish from the lake, and occasional lucky catch forest creature. They are amazingly adept in the water. Eventually, in the second generation, developing basic tools to assist in their hunts and fishing practices, But they are little more than sharpened sticks or stones and shale found around their settlement. Some begin using the shale to carve decorations into the horns of their companions, which led to the development of a rudimentary form or pictographs and communication. By the third generation, more Gnarlu began exploring short distances away from their home. A special kind of shale is found that is held sacred by the Gnarlu for it's special feel and sharpness. The piece is taken by the blue-skinned ones for special horn carvings.

    Some Gnarlu are born with cloven hooves; predominantly red skins, this is taken as a special sign and children are sent to the foot of the mountains with their mother's and left there. They are thought especially to be children of the mountain. Few Gnarlu go towards the east due to fear of increasingly bad weather; Those that do tell of the wrath of the Endless Water. Storytelling begins to develop towards the end of the generation. Shortly thereafter the Gnarlu begin to make their own sense of the world.

    *Edit I forgot to mention they are naturally hairy and are typically just fine in their climate without the use of fire so far. They eat things raw. Fire will come later. Don't miss the Gnarlu creation myth! Which technically shows up sometime in the 200-300

    Gnarlu Creation Myth:

    The Gnarlu tell that their Origins begin with the love between Gnorak Spirit of the Drifting Mountains, and Luthu The Spirit Hollow Lake. Luthu was the daughter of the Great Moon Godess Athora and the tempermental God of the Endless Waters Burak. But Burak coveted their daughter more than his own wife; for she had both the powers of water and the moon. Burak tried to take Luthu for himself, but she was saved by the strength of her mother Athora before he could claim her.

    But Athora couldn't protect her daughter from the wrath of Burak by herself, so she asked for the aid of Gnorak to give her shelter on land and away from the powers of the Endless Waters. Gnorak was a righteous deity; he agreed to help Authora and provided a hollow in his lands for Luthu to rest. When Gnorak took Luthu from her mother he immediately was enraptured with her great beauty, and swore in his hear he would forever shield her from her father. Luthu too fell for the rugged Gnorak who was her rescuer, and asked him coyly to visit her whenever he was free.

    Many seasons after their escape, Athora and Gnorak would join hands to repel rage of the God Burak but between those times Gnorak would send his avatar in a goat down the mountain to visit Holow lake the home of Luthu. Seeing this, and seeing that her child did not reject the mountain God's advances; Athora quietly blessed their union and soon after the first of the Gnarlu emerged from the lake.

    *Story told to young Gnarlu to revere the Mountains (Earh), Lake (Water), and Moon. But also to warn them against the harsh storms beyond the buffer of the mountain that ravage the Endless Waters, and to take care lest the Angry Burak take out his rage on his daughters children*
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2020
    leegood, Derrax, Way and 2 others like this.
  17. Ddraig

    Ddraig Frostfire Dragon|Retired lurker|FFF|Loved by RNG

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Can I take this area? ((I will start worldbuilding once it is approved))

  18. The Everdistant Utopia

    The Everdistant Utopia Honorary Maou | Part Time Writer | Crau's

    Mar 9, 2017
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    Feel free to~
    Derrax and Way like this.
  19. Haxagen

    Haxagen Fallen's|Addicted to Gacha

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Near the peaks of one of the mountains in the range along Eastern Bareia, there is a group, a tribe. Their methods of hunting and gathering are barbaric, their tools and equipment primitive, but nonetheless rather effective---not that anyone has said otherwise. (It is rather difficult to argue with a big guy with a club, even if said club is made of animal bones.)

    Due to the density of flow in the area, the denizens are quite attuned to their immediate surroundings---intense heat from the blood-red mountain they inhabit---and thus have strong affinity to fire. They are inherently destructive and love brawling, and have the capabilities to back it up. Most possess tall and muscular frames adapted from years of roughhousing around, and follow no code of honour; might makes right in the tribe and the rest gather under the strongest. There have been some unique individuals spotted within this group, however.

    Also, most of them have horns jutting from their foreheads, dressed in the skins of animals they hunt and slaughter, and honestly bear quite the semblance to oni, but that's just a coincidence. Yep, just a coincidence.
  20. Derrax

    Derrax Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2018
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    Entry 1:
    The first Aeran settlements are founded on the Eastern mountain range. They live as hunter-gatherer, hunting mountain goats and harvesting berries to survive.
    Sequestered in high mountains atop tall trees, the Aerans, sometimes called birdfolk, evoke fear and wonder.

    From below, Aerans look much like large birds. Only when they descend to roost on a branch or walk across the ground does their humanoid appearance reveal itself. Standing upright, Aerans might reach 5 feet tall, and they have long, narrow legs that taper to sharp talons.

    Feathers cover their bodies. Their plumage typically denotes membership in a tribe. Males are brightly colored, with feathers of red, orange, or yellow. Females have more subdued colors, usually brown or gray. Their heads complete the avian appearance, being something like a parrot or eagle with distinct tribal variations.

    Aerans reach maturity by age 5. Compared to humans, Aeran don’t usually live longer than 30 years.

    They are mostly omnivorous and can eat what most birds can.
    Nowhere are the Aerans more comfortable than in the sky. They can spend hours in the air, and some go as long as days, locking their wings in place and letting the thermals hold them aloft. In battle, they prove dynamic and acrobatic fliers, moving with remarkable speed and grace, diving to lash opponents with weapons or talons before turning and flying away. Once airborne, an Aeran leaves the sky with reluctance.

    The resemblance of Aerans to birds isn’t limited to physical features. Aerans display many of the same mannerisms as ordinary birds. They are fastidious about their plumage, frequently tending their feathers, cleaning and scratching away any tiny passengers they might have picked up. When they deign to descend from the sky, they often do so near lakes or rivers where they can catch fish and bathe themselves.

    Many Aerans punctuate their speech with chirps, sounds they use to convey emphasis and to shade meaning, much as a human might through facial expressions and gestures. An Aeran might become frustrated with people who fail to pick up on the nuances; an Aeran’s threat might be taken as a jest and vice versa.

    The idea of ownership baffles most Aerans. After all, who owns the sky? Even when explained to them, they initially find the notion of ownership mystifying. As a result, Aeran who have little interaction with other people might be a nuisance as they drop from the sky to snatch livestock or plunder harvests for fruits and grains. Shiny, glittering objects catch their eyes.

    They find it hard not to pluck the treasure and bring it back to their settlement to beautify it. An Aeran who spends years among other races can learn to inhibit these impulses.

    Confinement terrifies the Aerans. To be grounded, trapped underground, or imprisoned by the cold, unyielding earth is a torment few Aerans can withstand. Even when perched on a high branch or at rest in their mountaintop homes, they appear alert, with eyes moving and bodies ready to take flight.

    Once tribes of Aerans settle in an area, they share a hunting territory that extends across an area up to 100 miles on a side, with each tribe hunting in the lands nearest to their colony, ranging farther should game become scarce.

    A typical colony consists of one large, open-roofed nest made of woven vines. The eldest acts as leader with the support of a shaman.

    Aerans enjoy peace and solitude. Most of them have little interest in dealing with other peoples and less interest in spending time on the ground. For this reason, it takes an exceptional circumstance for an Aeran to leave his or her tribe and undertake the adventurer’s life. Neither treasure nor glory is enough to lure them from their tribes; a dire threat to their people, a mission of vengeance, or a catastrophe typically lies at the heart of the Aeran adventurer’s chosen path.