Is miso... Good?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by UnGrave, Mar 3, 2020.


Which is the weird one

  1. Miso

    7 vote(s)
  2. Me

    11 vote(s)
  1. Ai chan

    Ai chan Queen of Yuri, Devourer of Traps, Thrusted Witch

    Nov 7, 2015
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    Amazingly delicious? Not really. But be aware that there are many kinds of miso. Ai-chan doesn't know what kind of miso you get in America but if it tastes weird to you, then maybe you'll like a miso with lighter taste. Something like miso soup. Everyone loves miso soup, it's like soup, but with soybean taste.

    Does miso suit everyone? No. There are people who just won't like it. There are people who think it's great. You think of it as something like a condiment, something you add to food when you cook it and is an accompaniment to the whole meal, but is not central to the meal itself. If you want to compare it with something in the west, it's probably similar to tomato sauce, garum, or mayonnaise.

    Oh you said you don't like miso soup? Yeah, you're weird. :blob_patpat: There is not enough miso in there for one to have strong opinions of it. It's just soup.
    imK and Snowbun like this.
  2. ongoingwhy

    ongoingwhy Meat Pie Lover

    Oct 22, 2016
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    The taste of miso is something you get used to. I didn't enjoy it the first time I tasted it but I am fine with it now after so many years.
    imK likes this.
  3. baka8roukanako

    baka8roukanako Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2018
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    It's too salty for me. I never use salt when I cook for meself.
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  4. mir

    mir Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2016
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    Having different tastes isn't weird, and miso soup isn't weird either, so I can't vote.

    For me, I like miso soup, but the broth's taste is kinda just ok. I like the taste of the seaweed they put in it alot more.
    I've bought the paste and experiemented with it a bit. I don't find I like soups more when I add it, which is disappointing.

    All my experimenting includes tasting the ingredient by itself (unless it's raw beef or something). Miso has a bit of an interesting taste to it, and the differences in the kind (white miso, red miso, and that other one I can't remember the name of) is slightly noticable, but it's all kindof drowned out by the saltiness. Personally, I don't like it's particular mix of tastes. If I could get the miso taste without the salt taste, I think I'd like it alot more. (this is for eating the raw paste directly)
  5. Deleted member 41274

    Deleted member 41274 Guest

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    Never had it but I bet it tastes great