Spoiler Male Deity, You Come Over (Quick Transmigration System)

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by MiyaMira, May 4, 2018.

  1. Yukari_me

    Yukari_me I Gotta Put Me First

    Aug 15, 2017
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    Erm I don’t really remember much but I don’t think MC started with a very high hatred points. Pretty sure she had to make him fall for her first which brushed up his good feelings then break his heart like a boss which got to -100

    Omg I forgot about the ghost and mermaid arc!

    The ghost arc was actually funny for me for the most part. Probs because it was the first time we finally learned MC’s weakness which added more humour. Although the ML’s yandere stalking kinda made me back away a bit, but his ending is sad. The way he died reminded of another novel I read which is now making me teary ;-; At least his death was quick or else my tears would’ve flooded the whole place

    As for the mermaid arc, it was actually pretty sweet because MC acted like a mother to teach ML. But somehow I cringed more than I should’ve XD But yeah, ML going crazy after MC sacrificed herself and even stopping himself in time from blackening was actually pretty sad. Usually ML’s like those that I’ve seen so far went ballistic and destroyed everything but in that arc he worked hard to make MC’s dreams come true ;-; I just felt like the side mission from the system made it a bit messy tho which hurt the ML more *sigh*
  2. pandaqueen

    pandaqueen Immature Dork

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Someone already spoiled 28 so I’ll start with finishing 29.

    Edit: Added remaining part of arc 28. It’s been really long so I may remember some parts wrongly.

    After BWW “found out” the truth bout ML, she distanced herself from him and asked him to divorce n let her go, but ML disagreed.

    Cued a life of BWW abusing ML by reminding him of her dead “boyfriend” -to finish up side mission- while ML on the other hand started a life of “attacking” BWW, trying to get her to like him (yes this is the arc where we see ML schemed to get BWW’s love - a reversal of the usual)
    BWW: Is he using my tactic against me?

    The country’s royal family disliked ML cos he was too powerful. During the time ML was missing cos he was being “rescued” by BWW, the royal family thought he may be dead and was showing off their prestige. One day the crown prince was parading by the street when BWW was out on an errand (this was before the wedding). CP felt the dark power (of witches), so he stopped and asked everyone to stop what they were doing. While they kneeled, he used a light magic to pinpoint who was the witch. BWW was almost exposed but ML saved her. Later on he sent CP away to a faraway barren land for hurting BWW w light magic.

    ML tried to please BWW by buying her jewelries and acting shameless. BWW tried to get ML to take her out so that she could resurrect her dead (fake) boyfriend, but ML monitored her too closely even when they were out. BWW stabbed ML with a poisoned dagger (from system shop) and ran out to where BF was buried. She opened the coffer to see an ugly looking corpse (BWW: how come I am ok with ML’s corpse but others I will think is disgusting?), ML took it and stopped her from resurrecting it. While they were bickering, CP arrived, he took control of all the corpses in the cemetery to attack ML and BWW.

    ML acted weak and purposely get himself injured to get BWW to like him. His injury was too heavy, however, that he transformed into a dragon. When BWW first met and resurrected ML, he wasnt actually dead. He was in a seemingly dead state cos his body was absorbing power from a dragon he defeated, but he was actually alive and conscious, just couldnt move. This dragon power now emerged cos ML was too weak, thus he reverted. He turned animalistic and only had one thought in mind, that BWW was his most important treasure. DragonML brought BWW away to an underground cave.

    After a night, ML woke up cos the wound on his chest was mostly healed due to his strong magical power. When BWW woke up, she saw ML had gotten her clothes and food. BWW: How’s someone so severely injured could get me food n clothes? ML had reopened his own chest wound to make it look back just to earn BWW’s pity. Later ML pretended to have amnesia. BWW acted along with him. Everyday ML would reopen his own wound, rendering BWW and System speechless, and used his space magic to get items for BWW (food etc) from his mansion.

    When they finally return to ML’s residence, BWW told him she knew he was pretending to have amnesia. She told him she would never love ML cos BF was the only person for her. Side Mission completed. She proposed to just be friends w him, and asked him to help her cremate and bless her BF’s body. ML agreed, thinking he had lots of time to get her to change her mind.

    ML and BWW went to a state function (forgot what it was), there was suddenly curses showing up following ML. BWW asked System to redirect all the curses following ML to herself instead. When ML realised, it was too late to save BWW. ML regretted allowing the curses to follow him. It was actually very simple for him to dispel them, he just let them be so that he could act injured in front of her. BWW was dying and told ML this was her repayment for the help he gave her. Favorability 100.

    However, BWW didnt die. She was comatose for a month, and woke up to System telling her that ML shared his life w her using magic, so she would stay alive as long as ML lives. ML was so powerful he could live hundreds of years. BWW asked system what weapon could kill ML, System said ML too powerful nothing would work.

    ML confessed to BWW how it was his policy to exterminate witches that had caused BF and mother’s deaths, he handed her a knife and told her this knife could kill him so she should do it for her revenge, he already settled everything so that she wont be blamed and could live a carefree life not lacking anything after.
    System: first time i see a mission target rushing to die.

    BWW told ML she forgave him, but they couldnt remain friends. She didnt want to see him anymore in her life and wanted to go back to her house. ML reluctantly agreed.
    System: Why didnt u kill him so we can leave earlier?
    BWW: That must’ve been a trap. If I had tried to kill him, who knew what he wouldve done to me, probably imprison and torture me. All these targets are abnormal.

    BWW told System that she could just live the remaining years, take it as a vacation. ML actually divided his magic such that BWW would get the bulk of his life, leaving him with measly few years. BWW stayed for five years, during which she was often lucky, from winning lotteries to getting rewarded for helping people (all ML’s act behind the screen). Later on ML posed as a female neighbour, merchant, a cat, all too meet with BWW without exposing himself (but was always found out by BWW&System).

    In the end, he posed as a teenager taking shelter from the rain, getting BWW to let him in the house. He died and dissipated into lights while sitting in her house looking at BWW.

    This reminded me of something, edited reality arc below.

    YYX guided BWW’s soul and system back to reality. BWW confirmed with System that he hadn’t been taking sleeping pills to sleep and was relieved.
    She stayed a few weeks, nothing exciting happened.

    edit: BWW made YYX a sweater from her knitting knowledge learnt in Arc 28 world.

    BWW is the unloved 18yo second daughter of Bai Family, she has mental development problem due to excessive bullying. ML was the 30yo adopted son of Bai Family, he wanted to destroy the family cos Bai Father caused his parents’ death. System gave BWW her “side mission reward”: Pitiful aura.

    BWW transmigrated into the wardrobe, she watched as her sister was kicked off the building to her death by ML. ML brought her to Bai Father who went crazy and wanted to kill BWW cos she survived while the sister died but ML killed him.

    ML and BWW continued to live in Bai House, ML spared her cos BWW acted like she had autism, she followed ML around acting pure innocent and pitiful til ML let her stay in his room and eventually sleep in his bed.

    ML good feeling went up and he started to bring BWW to places with him, letting people think BWW was his pet.

    Side-Mission-Giver System appeared! He actually showed up and was chatting with BWW’s system in her head. Apparently he was a rich system, and BWW system mooched off his food. Side mission task: be a great career lady. Failure would result in disfigurement.

    Unlike before, the side missions came in a list of things BWW had to do. The first one was for her to call a number n told the other end that ML’s location while she was out with him to a business meeting. ML’s enemies showed up and rammed their car, BWW managed to saved n hid him from his enemies til ML’s men showed up and saved them.

    ML felt guilty cos the accident caused severe internal organ injuries to BWW. He invited a famous female psychologist to treat BWW (no males allowed near her!). FP actually liked ML and was harming BWW by giving her a treatment with suggestive suicidal thoughts, FP also tried to hypnotise BWW but failed. Later, side mission task was for BWW to help FP obtain ML’s business document. BWW did it while pretending to be hypnotised by FP to do so.

    Side Mission System issued huge list of tasks, to takeover Bai Company and ML’s business from him and hold it for 3 months, reveal that she wasnt autistic nor had mental conditions, along w ridiculous tasks such as using ML as a chair, whipping him, and making him admit she was better than him (SMS: These were the marks of a great career lady!)

    BWW had system helped orchestrate accidents for ML’s trusted aides and stuffed all of em into system space’s hospital (using prop). She used them to threaten ML into signing off all his assets and company to BWW, all while revealing that she was normal all along. ML was angry and his good feeling went down, but BWW managed to appeal to him by reminding him of all the abuse she suffered growing up and how he had planned all this while to takeover Bai Family. She hinted that she had liked ML from long before and had always observed him. BWW dismissed all servants from the house so that she could order ML around to finish some side missions. ML however was used to treating her like an autistic child so he did things (cooking for her,etc) even before she asked. BWW planned to return ML’s people after the 3 months requirement from side mission ended.

    SM System asked System why they never rejected side missions. The difficulty kept raising as they continuously accepted them. If they rejected just once the side mission difficulty would reset back to level 1. System was too embarrassed to tell SMS that his rejection button was broken.

    ML started treating BWW like she was a child throwing tantrum and was happily accommodating her demands. ML’s employees thought that ML was led astray by his pet cos he loved her too much that he gave up all his assets to her. ML was actually still in control cos his people only listened to him, BWW didnt care cos she only perfunctorily doing what the tasks asked her to do.

    ML then staged a show of being kidnapped to test BWW’s feeling for him. In a meeting, his business partner suddenly took ML, put a knife on his neck and ask BWW to restart the big project else they would kill ML. Right on the spot BWW could not agree to the demand as stopping that project was one of the side missions. So she hesitated and didnt answer, the biz partner “kidnapped” ML and left. ML was disappointed that BWW chose power n riches over him. He decided to wait for the three day deadline.

    On the third day, BWW had a car accident. Her driver was originally ML’s and was loyal to ML. Driver thought BWW was letting ML die in the kidnappers hands (cos he wasnt part of the plan so he didnt know ML staged that) and tried to kill BWW by crashing the car with her in it. ML panicked and went to visit and thus revealing his own scheme.

    BWW was really unhappy cos her face was disfigured, an iron plate hit the right side almost killing her. She has to have bandages at all times. Doctors told ML that her body hadnt even recovered properly from previous accident, this time she became really weak and must be cared for else she would die young. ML felt guilty cos his own scheme almost indirectly killed her.

    BWW bought a tiny whip to whip ML with to finish side mission.
    SM System: Thats not a whip!
    BWW: Mission only said I had to whip him didnt specify how big the whip should be
    She took out the whip n ML obediently stripped down without being asked, offering to be whipped. BWW got eaten by ML in the end.

    Later ML was confronting the man who incited ML’s driver to kill BWW. BWW came upon the scene and was bitten by one of the poisonous snakes the man released. She told ML how she had once looked at him from beneath the tree beside his favorite lotus pond, but he ignored her - but she liked him since then. ML’s favorability maxed out. BWW died.

    ML went to the tree BWW mentioned and found a box with photo of her and a photo of him and family inside. He thought that this was BWW’s wish to want to be part of his family. ML collected jade accessories and silk clothings for dowries to marry her. Once he finished, he passed his company and asset to his subordinates. He died 3 months after BWW died

    BWW couldnt return to reality after she died as there was some fluctuation and the passageway between worlds werent working. She stayed for 3 months in the world as ghost around ML. Once ML died, the passageway was fixed. YYX took her and started moving towards reality.

    When they were almost at reality’s door, BWW and YYX’s red thread was tugged in another direction. YYX persisted and brought BWW to reality.

    When BWW woke up, YYX came over and took her hair into his hand and kissed it. BWW was stunned as that was what ML in arc29 always did. She tested YYX by asking him about jade ornaments (Arc29 ML loves jades and silks and were expert in em). YYX detected her suspicion but he managed to play dumb and deceived her.

    YYX reminded himself that he should be more aware so that she wouldnt suspect that he was the MLs in those worlds. He was always affected by their habits when he just came back from the “dreams”.

    BWW has 15,000 life values by now.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2020
  3. pandaqueen

    pandaqueen Immature Dork

    Jan 22, 2018
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    ML was a renowned General who hated women, BWW was a maid who was promoted to be his concubine by ML’s mom as she looked foxy and seductive. Side mission reward: Good smell. Ancient setting.

    BWW transmigrated on the day she just got promoted to be ML’s concubine. ML hated women and couldnt stand their smell as they made him nauseous. Women who threw themselves at him were kicked n severely injured by him, no one dared to get close. ML’s mom was worried for her family line as ML was the only son and the other males in the family had died defending the country.

    BWW came in to serve ML, he noticed that he didnt feel nauseous nor think that she smelled bad. BWW acted like a white lotus as usual, telling ML she had always admired him cos he was a hero, he saved the country from invasion blablabla. Favorability value went up slowly and ML told BWW to move into his courtyard after she was poisoned (by herself and system) once news spread out that she was allowed to stay in his room for few hours.

    ML’s Mom got BWW to drink fertility medicine. ML was angry and put his mom under house arrest. ML’s Mom wanted him to marry the royal princess, even tho ML hated the current royal family as they were corrupt. The Emperor embezzled the military fund for his personal spending. ML actually had many people in places of power and could take over the country anytime, ML just didnt rebel only cause the family had always been loyal. He placed the people and kept the power to keep his family safe as the imperial family disliked him for being too powerful.

    ML and BWW went on a date at the river and met with the Emperor who was out playing incognito. The Emperor was suspicious ML was tailing him, but BWW introduced herself and managed to seduce the Emperor into forgetting his suspicion. The Emperor couldnt believe ML actually touched a woman.

    Side Mission System appeared with new side mission, assist ML to ascend the throne in 3 months. He claimed that he alrdy tried his best to lower the difficulty by one level. The original side mission was for BWW herself to ascend the throne in half a month.

    BWW probed ML and found out that ML didn’t want the throne. The higher the favorability value rose, the less ML wanted the throne. He wanted to leave the country and live elsewhere peacefully with her instead. BWW called him a turtle.

    Emperor had a birthday banquet and invited ML to come with family. He wanted to expose that ML had his own mother imprisoned, unfilial blablabla in a long game to strip him his power. E had his palace maid brought BWW to meet him. E met n chatted w BWW, and walked her towards the banquet hall for the women.

    Later on, E’s sister the princess insulted BWW. A maid nearby dumped water on her for it and told the P it was E’s order. P loved ML but couldnt get close since he hated women. E actually liked BWW from just that two meetings n wasnt happy anyone insulted her.

    Assassins showed up and ML defended the Emperor telling him to run. E took BWW and ran with her. Later he cornered BWW on a wall, ML saw this and realised that E had been acting weird towards BWW all evening. ML was jealous once he realised E liked BWW (Rebellion index: 60). ML sent E back to the palace and cornered BWW to the wall the same way E did, he asked BWW if she liked it. BWW asked if he was jealous, hug and told him she only liked ML alone (rebellion index:0).

    Emperor conspired w the northern country to kill ML. ML had to go to the northern border to defend it. He didnt allow BWW to follow him. A week later E brought BWW into the palace, telling her that ML had died. BWW refused to eat, talk or drink for 3 days. She then asked the Emperor to spare ML’s life even if he caught him. Rebellion index: 60.

    All the eunuchs were actually ML’s people so ML get daily report bout BWW’s life in the palace. ML was severely injured in an ambush, he planned to win the war asap to save her.

    E started collecting flowers cos he knew BWW liked flowers and especially liked to make rouge from them. He accompanied BWW to make them. Slowly, BWW responded more towards the Emperor and ML was more and more unhappy seeing the daily report. Had she been moved?

    The princess came to meet the emperor while he was w BWW, P poisoned E with aphrodisiac, she wanted E to be with BWW so she could take ML for herself. E was suffering cos of the drug, he sent all the servants out of BWW’s palace and had them lock all doors and windows. E told BWW he wouldnt do a thing but he had to stay w her all night, else others would find out he was impotent and he couldnt be emperor anymore. BWW agreed.

    When ML heard the news, the rebellion index rose to 80.
    BWW: he alrdy had a green hat but still didnt want the throne. he is a green turtle.

    In the end, ML managed to sneak back in the palace. He met BWW who told him that she was like a frog in the well before, not knowing the greatness of riches and power that came with her current position in the palace. ML was glad that she liked the riches and position instead of E. He decided to take the throne.

    He broadcasted that he took the throne cos E took his woman. BWW managed to get ML to spare E’s life. Later on, she had E admit to himself that she had never liked him while ML was eavesdropping and that nothing happened or could between them.

    After ML was throned and crowned, BWW told him she was dying. Apparently since her first week in the palace, she had been poisoning herself with the rogue she was making. She didnt want ML to be associated with her who wasnt pure as she was imprisoned by another man. She felt she had to die for her dignity as well as his. Favorability value maxed out as ML found out she had been true to him the whole time.

    BWW died. ML let ex-emperor go as her last wish was for ML to spare him. Ex-Emperor learnt the news of BWW’s death and that it was his deed of bringing her to the palace that caused it. He spent the next 10 years making rogue and poisoning himself by using them just like BWW did til his death. ML abdicated his throne after 10 years to his successor. He spent another 10 years guarding BWW’s tomb, spending the days showing her all the rogue he made for her for the past years.

    System left w BWW’s soul first. When they were at reality door, divineYYX was there and blocked their way. DivineYYX took a look at BWW’s soul and wanted to touch her, System was guarding her and preparing to run but in the end divineYYX didnt do it. He felt that she was too fragile and she might be destroyed if he touched her as they were now. DivineYYX left and system fleed w BWW’s soul into reality.

    DivineYYX looked at BWW doll that System made before. There was BWW’s photo on it.

    In reality, YYX started to wake up. System was shocked when YYX opened his eyes cos they were golden. It was divineYYX and not YYX. DivineYYX only opened his eyes and glanced at BWW, then closed them again. System was scared, he put a seal on YYX to prevent the divine awakening from happening again.

    Later YYX woke up foreal and started cooking for BWW. His staff came by to pass him the clothes he brought BWW to make the last time (at the dressmaker oh many reality arc ago). It was a cheongsam.

    BWW put it on but didnt button it up and started seducing YYX. She asked if it was true men bought women clothes they like so they could take them off? YYX at first restrained himself. BWW left the room while calling him turtle in her heart, but YYX snatched her and... ate her.

    I think.
    I guess this is their first snu-snu in reality.

    BWW told system to go next world next morning.
    System: u just slept with him and gonna leave alrdy?
    BWW: I’m shy, cant face him.

    BWW thought that she needed to get enough life to live 100 years so that she wouldnt die before YYX so that he wouldnt be sad like those MLs in the worlds everytime she died first.

    YYX sensed BWW left. He went to the bedroom and was thinking bout last night, all blushing. He thought even tho it happened a lot in the dreams it didnt feel real til last night. He was thinking if BWW ran away cos she couldnt accept the change in their relationship. Or was it.., cos it was bad last night? So she was angry n ran to another world?

    YYX started an internet search for guide..

    LOL. I guess that was the most exciting reality arc ever.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2020
    CandleLight, colk, BooBoo and 12 others like this.
  4. Desert

    Desert Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2017
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    Thanks for the spoilers! If possible, could you possibly spoil Arc 28? Since the spoiler for that was only for part of the arc, not the whole arc.
  5. jun_yihan

    jun_yihan Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2020
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    kyaaa so cuteblobmelt_thumbs
    more :blobnosebleed::blobnosebleed::blobnosebleed:
  6. pandaqueen

    pandaqueen Immature Dork

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Edited my post above so that it still goes in order.
    stumblmer and Desert like this.
  7. Desert

    Desert Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2017
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    Thanks so much!!!
  8. Pristine Xia

    Pristine Xia Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2017
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    @pandaqueen OMGG thank you for the all arc spoilers! BWW's life point is nearly to 20k now, can't wait fot YYX and BWW's true haply endings. Looking forward to the next spoiler arc :aww::aww:
    pandaqueen likes this.
  9. IncroyableGirl

    IncroyableGirl Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2019
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    Thank you so much for the spoilers, really loved the length of it
  10. IncroyableGirl

    IncroyableGirl Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2019
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    Reallyy loved it. Thanks..
  11. IncroyableGirl

    IncroyableGirl Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2019
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    Thanks for this summary, really loved it
    stony27 likes this.
  12. stony27

    stony27 Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2019
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    Started reading the (incomplete) new arc. Once gain, take things with a grain of salt.
    In this arc, BWW is the daughter of a social butterfly/climber. Her mother(Bai Xiaoyu) didn't know who her father was so she just gave BWW her own last name. BXY met Fu Qian, a wealthy middle aged man with a son, Fu Yuheng(ML). FQ is rich so her mom turned her charms on and tried to rope him into marrying her. ML hates BXY for her shallow-ness and won't let them marry. He told them to think it over a year while abroad, and if after a year, his father still wanted to marry BXY, he won't stop them anymore. Meanwhile, BXY made BWW live with ML as his stepsister. ML is some kind of businessman under his grandfather and has good connections. He wanted BWW to move out, she said she would if he got her into some university. He made it happen and then our BWW transmigrated.

    When BWW first woke, she was hungover and noticed that her surroundings were messy. She went to wash up and saw her delinquent appearance with excessive makeup and dyed blonde hair. She was afraid that underneath all that makeup, she was ugly but later realized her beauty in this world was pretty good too. ML's favorability for her at the start is at -10. In order to make progress, BWW first took the superficial route and enticed him with her good appearance. She went around wearing camisoles and shorts because it's summer and keeps using his bathroom because hers was "broken".

    BWW got herself a high fever on purpose to "accidentally" sleep in ML's room. He ended up taking care of her and heard her mumbling for her mother. She made herself out to be the neglected daughter of a social-climber daughter who just wanted a normal childhood. His favorability went up pretty slowly because he thought of her as being the same type of person as her mother. Everything she did, he suspected was done with the intention of seduction. He once tried to test her when she used his shower to see if she was actively trying to get in his pants. She got pissed of and hit him, but it made him feel better because it helped confirm she wasn't like her mother.

    The next morning, she dressed conservatively and made him feel guilty. She wanted to move out, and after some plot-related shenanigans, he made her stay using a fake-contract to debt her for her mother's expenditures. He also made her mother convince her to stay, doing whatever it takes to ensure BXY's comfort, even if it costed BWW's integrity.

    Around this time, things started to heat up on ML's side. Some of his business associates wanted to get rid of him because he was too big of a threat for their future. They planned a kidnapping but ML anticipated this. Somehow, BWW got involved when ML saw her from inside his car when she was speaking ambiguously to a male friend. ML chased the boy away and got BWW in the car with him, and later on they got kidnapped together. She wasn't their target, so the kidnappers didn't care if they killed her but when one dude tried to stab her, ML grabbed the blade and injured himself.

    The were locked in an abandoned hospital room, and BWW used weiwei-logic to convince their kidnappers to give her bandages and disinfectants for ML's wound. He tried to rub the blood away to not scare her, but it just made the wound look worse. At this point, his good feelings completion was still mediocre, so she decided to speed things up. BWW was like, "there might not even be a tmr TT^TT" and proceeded to kiss him and probably sleep with him. He was pretty into it to until he noticed what a good kisser she was. He got jealous and became suspicious that her pure image was a lie, and that she was like her mother. He kept asking if she's ever had a boyfriend and when she said no, he asked how she was so good. She said she watched videos and practiced(ML:... oN WH O). She kept racking her brain and finally came up with ice cream.

    The next day, someone told them to come out but the person didn't have a mask on. Seeing this, BWW realized that things were going downhill because since the kidnappers won't even hide their faces, something might happen to them. I'm not sure what happened at this point, but I think ML's pre-emptive plan got into place and the whole place was on siege. Bombs started going off and the building was collapsing. ML and BWW tried to run away, but a piece of the ceiling fell and trapped him. He told her to leave, tried to make her think of her mother and live on to be filial. She straightened herself up and just when he thought she's leave, she lifted the debris off and dragged him out with his mangled legs. This is all for chapters out so far.

    Also details I missed in the Princess & Commander Arc
    After BWW forgave ML following his self mutilation, he kept being insecure and acted spoiled. He felt threatened by everyone after he saw that even an ex-spy like Xiao Liu would fall in love with and die for her. He treaded carefully, afraid that she would change her mind and ignore him again. At this point, he was already dying but used all his strength to keep his outwards appearance up to spend good times with her. One day, they went out to either see the moon or fireworks together and BWW got drunk. When she woke up, ML was kneeling beside her bed and told her to kill him for offending her. She then "remembered what happened last night". I'm pretty sure this means they slept together. She told him to put the blade down and to help her get ready, which made him happy because this meant she accepted him and still liked him. He felt that it was worth living right now but coughed blood up right after :'))
    Yukari_me, BooBoo, stumblmer and 7 others like this.
  13. Whutzittooyah

    Whutzittooyah Active Member

    Mar 2, 2020
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    One of the four novels that made me willing to do MTL... :blobphone:
    I just hope it won't get to 5k chappies 'cause that would be too long for me to endure
    stumblmer likes this.
  14. Eclat123

    Eclat123 Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2018
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    Whoaaaaa can't wait for the full reality plot. I sure hope this novels won't continue on for years like many other cn qt novels
  15. kikitu

    kikitu Active Member

    Aug 22, 2019
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    Omg, I am just hoping please please please for BWW YYX to have a happy ending in their real life It would be so suck to have a tragic end after allll of thoseeee
  16. kuroneko36

    kuroneko36 Active Member

    Sep 24, 2017
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    I just really want to know what happened to the green tea sister and the betrayed bastard. They seem to just disappeared in the novel and was left with the sister hospitalized
  17. Uhoh_

    Uhoh_ Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2018
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    Does this have smut or snu snu
  18. elaii03

    elaii03 Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2018
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    Yes, IRC they first REALLY did the snusnu w/o simulation in the vampire arc base on the spoiler. There is already a spoiler about when they did it.
    stumblmer and Uhoh_ like this.
  19. Shimozuki Yue

    Shimozuki Yue Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2017
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    Finally! They snusnu in real life.
    stumblmer likes this.
  20. Aquaa

    Aquaa 『We Lost The Summer』

    Mar 15, 2018
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    Any more spoilers?