Spoiler Emperor and the Female knight

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by the Legendary Frog, Feb 7, 2020.

  1. chamchaworld

    chamchaworld Lazy Chibi

    Mar 25, 2016
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    I can't imagine Aino Seki harassing a maid since he's just so Emperor minded in the manhwa. People more easily trust there's something between him and Emperor more than there's something between Polly and Emperor, lol.

    (And yes for Polly's "kick in the ball" style, it helps Emperor conquer the land and save lots of people in the end)
  2. chibihana

    chibihana Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2020
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    Not so sure but i think its take 2 years something - the words is ambiguos as the author implying years by seasons - i tried to count but GT screw it up xD I think Lucius is around 37+ when they married.

    Before they married, Lucius only show the overall draft of new at Pollyana and asking her to fight together with him....its said thie will take 10 years or in his lifetime to completely endorsed the new law or via versa.

    awww...you make me blush..hahahaha i buying it due to out of boredom of lockdown LOL xD Its via Ridibooks. I've try to buy thru others platform such as Aladin or yes24 but it doesnt have international payment method. I thought the e-book can be download thru their website but its turn out i need to install their apps to read the books:( i'll try to talk to my niece to do the translation if she's not so busy with university assignment. Yeah, GT is soo screwing up the translation but its the only way to for me to read the novel...some of the scene i just assuming it...hahahahah

    There's a sneak preview of the novel thru this site one site...since i cant paste the link try write - book interpark . com

    Sadly, it actual r*p*d :(

    oh yeah he is!!! there's a scene where Aino asking permission from Lucius to married his maid lover ( i think all the nobles need to request emperor special approval to get married kinda stuff) and Lucius asking him is it mutual love but Aino said its not...yet..LOL + he said he doesnt want to be like Emperor whom so coward in matter of love (not confessing and yet being jealous while having 3 wives) If you think he's already pathetic while jealous of Danou confession, its more ridiculous in Book III and i really hate him for it... =__=

    I guess so too but Lucius being such ......how in the world you asking someone you having feelings with to become special knights to your wives or just let it be?!! I really hate him cause he's an Emperor but keep require the Elders approval .Idk how or when, one of the reason Lucius keeping his feeling all by himself is when the nobles accuses that Pollyana is being infertile. Oh well, in Book IV the Elders stop the accusation as the 1st male heir is born from Pollyana xD

    Not just them, i'll also will be part of the great Pollyana harem xD

    I really sad on how the author makes Rebecca passed away alone without Polly or Lucius around. She whom having a frail body, giving all her willpower to give birth but her important persons is not there for her final moment. Lucius, saddened by the death of Rebecca, in his drunken state; accidently hurting Pollyana with his words (actually im not sure he's or Aino's but its but its makes Pollyana said "i'm sorry i'm did not have husband, im sorry i did not have any child to be taken care of..this scene is soo sad...urghhh). She she is lonely and hurting, so she to propose to Frau out of loneliness of being left out....He only knew about the accident after Aino mentioned that Polly gonna get married and about his words (or Aino? GT is messing my head) to her while drunk. Lucius cried in anguish cause he cant undo his mistake and its already one month after :( - this is been covered in Book III

    Ah!! the twins!!! i almost forgot about them!!! they're Danou and Howe wife xD I really like how jealous Polly was in chapter 55 when they easily brought 40kg deer at their shoulders xD its hilarious and yeah, their children also having the same strength xD

    Yep. She thinks this is all her fault (no she'd not; its drunk Lucius request her to kiss him and one lead to another >.<). Plus, she unable to abort it due to Lucius atm didnt have any male heir + wives so she think about her master situation and decided to give birth to the Royal child whether is girl or boy. When Polly taking a long vacation, Lucius is busy with the palace + also thinking of a way to propose to her so he doesnt know she's pregnant at that time. Their reaction? Being akward of each other and Polly decided to forget about it although their relationship will never be the same anymore. But yeah, Lucius is going all out since Polly unable to stand up properly afterwards + lots of bruise and love bite + fluids..you know what its mean *ohohohohoho* Thank God the s** scene is not too detail like Lucia xD

    While Polly is out for long vacation, Lucius, is impatient and longing for Polly makes a plan to visit her in Citrine castle (Pollyana territory - may refer Chap 45 or up) during his continental tour. When he's arrive, Pollyana just barely giving birth and unable to escape from him. Polly atm thinks Lucius already knew about her condition + babbling here and there >.> Lucius, confused and tried to comprehend what exactly she's talking about and while theyre talking; he's looking at the surrounding room and found out a baby who look EXACTLY like him sleeping soundly in baby crib. Yeah, our Jared is 100% Lucius lookalike :D [\SPOILER]

    Lumine have black hair + Lucius face while Jared is looks 100% Lucius and a momma's boy..hahaha [\SPOILER]
    kimbabiskidding, _J_, Viliel and 32 others like this.
  3. theilikepie

    theilikepie Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    So she has a son and hell be the one who become crown prince instead of the first born daughter. This whole novel was about challenging the old age patriarchy yet in the end it still conforms to it. Seriously did any other female character besides polly actually get better treatment or a happy ending?

    It feels very hollow.
  4. chibihana

    chibihana Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2020
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    At first.. This is why Lucius change the whole constitutional law; one of the law is the first born either boy or girl gets the family inheritance which in this story; its implied Lumine will be the Empress and Jared as a knight.

    If my assumption is correct based on GT, Tori (already Lucius ex-wife) become Empress secretary (Pollyana sect is her husband ex-wife LOL xD) and get titled Baron; Stra is (also Lucius ex-wife) is the palace Head of Maid; Lumine Claire is the Empress :)

    ARaine : For your question either Polly hates Jared - Its not like she's hate her own son. Polly is a career woman; she earn Marquis title; got her own territory; be a high ranking Knight; having a comrade etc tec. This soon will be reduced into nothing once she gave birth to Royal family's child. She eventually need to enter the palace (either become Empress or concubine) and all of the wealth she had before will be absorb to the Royal family's..
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2020
  5. VioletBlue

    VioletBlue Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2019
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    I only read the last page but omg im going to read alll of pages once i get my free time, i must admit im surprised by some stuff ..
    Personally i dont want them to end togther, i believe it will have a whole drama for it and so far i dont think been and empresss is something polly will ever want but seems it will end that way ..

    Is this novel completed? What is the ending exactly and should i consider the ending good or bad :3?
  6. ARaine

    ARaine Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2020
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    - I know what you mean. There's always this nagging feeling that Lucius would have fallen for Aino a long time ago if only he wasn't a jerk. Both are close and loyal to Lucius and he admires both of them. The only difference is Aino is a jerk and harsh while Paul is kind, affectionate and a hardworker. That's why Luc fell for Paul instead. :)

    - Thank you. But he still tweaked a smaller part of the law so Paul can keep her Marquis title. I guess making Lumine empress and people accepting the new law will be the biggest hurdle that would take years. :)

    - It's true. Thank you very much for sharing spoilers <3 I love it! Thanks for the headsup about Yes24 and Aladin. Does Ridi accept paypal or Visa? :( I'll buy it once my hangul reading gets better. It's much more better if your niece translates it, I hope she does. I think she'll enjoy it too. :3 I already read The sneak preview. It's actual r*p* T_T. I'm glad then that ehas is no more and that commander is dead!

    -I think in his own twisted mind, he adds Paul there to look like she's part of his harem. =,= I read that part! It was very insulting! I read they were kicked though coz Tori revealed their plans. hahaha! That's why no one can oppose Lucius now. He can do whatever he wants like marry Paul or changing the law.

    -Where was Paul and Lucius? Is Lucius and Rebecca close? I bet Lucius said it. He's the only one capable of hurting Paul. He thinks highly of himself when he wants Paul to fall for him without doing any effort. Ugh. I agree with Aino, Lucius is pathetic and a coward! It's better if Paul stays with her harem instead! We're plenty :v
    -It's okay. Some names were changed in Eng trans like Shibu=Ribo, Banisa=Vanessa, Lord Buffalo=Lord Bika so they're hard to spot in GT unless you know a bit of hangul. Woah, I didn't know Howe married the other twin. Yes, that chapter was sad T_T and also hilarious! :D

    -Paul getting bamboozled by Lucius for the first time. LOL! It was always the other way around. Did the people around them notice that they're acting awkward, especially Aino? hahaha. I scanned Lucia manwha and I definitely know what you mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) but knowing the artist, I bet they'll tone it down so thanks for the juicy detail ;) What is Lucius' reaction upon seeing Jared? I was hoping he has green eyes. At least no one will question the paternity (eat that elders! lol). Momma's boy=like father like son. We all know where he got that. I'm glad she doesn't hate Jared :)

    That sounds so weird! All your husband's ex living in the same roof-- Oh wait! I forgot! They're Paul's harem! ROLF
    Viliel, Astezt, Assassin997 and 5 others like this.
  7. lilmsotaku23

    lilmsotaku23 Active Member

    Aug 25, 2016
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    Thank you for all the spoilers :love::blobnosebleed:

    I wonder how many chapters will it take to cover the whole novel?
  8. LaurenE

    LaurenE New Member

    Apr 30, 2020
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    Does anyone know where I can buy the complete novel in English?
  9. ARaine

    ARaine Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2020
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    - I saw Kakaopage Novel version has 135 chapters, complete.
    - Sadly, there is no English version of the novel yet. :(
    chibihana likes this.
  10. chamchaworld

    chamchaworld Lazy Chibi

    Mar 25, 2016
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    Idk how their interaction in the novel, but in the manhwa Aino is too affectionate towards Lucius in front of others, but he's so casual when there are two of them, lol.
    vesperia, MianneChan and chibihana like this.
  11. chibihana

    chibihana Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2020
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    Yeah in Book III, i think the leader of treason accident is Marquis Sieje and yeah due to that, Tori is been out from the harem, i need to re-read again why Stra decide to get divorce >.<. Oh and out of those 3 wives; Stra the only one knew about Lucius feelings towards Pollyana.

    I think there's a riot/rebellion somewhere (not sure is it either in Central or South) and Lucius as the new emperor decided to went there. Polly atm is guarding the 3 concubines abort her post and decided to go together with Lucius. Which lead to her punishment later on and the hurtful words from Lucius.

    Well about Lucius effort; he went 200% effort of courting her after Polly giving birth. I think this because of Nobles already accepted Pollu and Lucius doesnt want to get another concubines after their love escapades night together. Its really sweet on how Lucius tried his best to woo Polly; as Polly still doesn't see him as a man even after giving him a son xD

    Yeah since its already been arranged marriage between two fathers xD Yeah i think hangul is a bit difficult rather than katagana & hiragana. Pollyana = Paulina; Lucius = Luxor; Jared = Gerard/Gerald and others too..

    Actually in the novel, Lucius eyes color is green but yeah, Jared is nothing like Polly >.>

    별장에 들어가 두문불출한다는 소식에 혹시 큰 병이라도 앓 나 싶어 걱정이 생겼다. "폴리 아나!"그리운 여인, 사랑하는 여자를 본 룩 소스 1 세가 두 팔을 벌렸다. 온천의 원천에 지은 별장에 머물 렀 는데도 폴리아 나의 피 부와 머리카락이 푸석 푸석했다. 사지와 눈, 코, 입은 멀쩡 했 고 머리도 잘 몸에 붙어 있었다. 그러나 얼굴 엔 깊은 근심과 피로가 엿보 이니 황제 로선 의아할 따름. 폴리아 나는 황제 앞에 무릎 끓었다. "죽을 죄를지었습니다!" "응?"룩 소스 1 세는 당황했다. 폴리아 나의 휴가가 생각보다 길어진 건 맞다. 그것이 죽을 죄냐 물으면 할 말이 없었다. 황제가 묵인 한 무기한 휴가 였 다. 10 년을 써도 룩 소스 1 세는 웃어 넘겼을 것이다. 폴리아 나가 바닥에 머리를 박았다. 쿵! 돌 바닥에 두개골 부딪 치는 소리에 룩 소스 1 세의 골이 아팠다.“포, 폴? ""신이 감히 폐하를 능멸하고 황족의 출생을 바꾸려 했습니다! 폐하의 은혜를 받아 기사가 되었으면 서 불충으로 갚았으니, 죽어 마땅합니다! ""폴! 진정해라! 무슨 일 이냐! 짐은 네가 어떤 죄를 지었 든 용서한다! "룩 소스 1 세는 폴리아 나를 걱정 해 일으켜 세웠다. 그는 그리움을 못 이겨 좋아하는 여자 얼굴을 보러왔다. 좋아하는 여자에게 사과 받으려고 찾아온 게 아니었다. 룩소

    스 1 세의 얼굴에 당혹감이 서 렸다. 폴리아 나는 얼굴을 일그러 트 렸다.‘모르시는데 자수 한 거? ""황 자라니 도대체 무슨 말이냐. "• 이런 염병! '폴리아 나는 그제야 황제가 개죽이에 대해 아무것도 모른다는 사실을 알았다. 자수해서 광명 찾은 게 아니라 죄만 나불 나불 불어 버렸 다. 자수는 이미 해 버렸고 뱉은 말은 주워 담을 수 없다. 질 나쁜 농담으로 치기 엔 너무 악질이었다. 세상에 농담으로 쓸 소재가 있고 아닌 소재가있다. 처녀 입에서 총각 애 뱃다는 얘기는 천 년 뒤에도 써먹 지 못할 저질 소재였다. 총각이 아 니라 돌싱 이어도 마찬가지다 아예 헛소리를한다는 선택지가 존재한다. 폴리아 나가 난 처해하며 이치에 맞지 않는 말을 주워 담아도 관대하신 주군 께선'사정이 있구나’여기시고 넘어가 주실지도 모른다. 그러니까 더욱 사실대로 밝혀야했다. 그것이 진짜‘자수해서 광명 찾는 방법 '이었다. 별장의 가장 안쪽, 안락한 침실.
    침실 엔 침대가 두 개였다. 일반 침대와 아기 침대. 아기 침대는 고급스럽고 호사 스러웠 다. 비록 비밀리에 낳은 아이이긴 하나 어머니는 후작 이요 아버지는 제국의 황제 다. 폴리아 나는 개죽이에게 그녀가 줄

    수있는 건 모두주고 자 노력했다. 아기 침대에 누운 개 죽이는 미동도 않고 곱게 잤다. 아이가 자고있어서 창마다 커튼을 쳤다. 채광이 나쁘지만 아이의 얼굴을 확인 못 할 정도로 어둡 진 않았다. 룩 소스 1 세는 눈을 비 볐다. 좋아하는 여자를 보러 왔는데 그 여자 집에 그와 똑같이 생긴 아이가 자고 있었다.“서, 서, 서, 설마.”룩 소스 1 세의 뒤에 선 폴리아 나는 허공에 주먹질을하며 신경질 냈다. • 젠장! 좀 더 알아보고 자수 할 걸! ' "설마 짐의 아이 냐?"룩 소스 1 세의 입이 점점 옆으로 찢어졌다. 룩 소스 1 세와 폴리아 나가 대형 사고를 쳤다. 하룻밤 사고 였을 뿐인데 결과물이 나와 주다니. 상상도 못한 선물이다. 황제는 당황하면서도 기쁘고 행복했다. 그는 터지는 미소를 감추지 못했다. 대륙을 통일했을 때부터 운이 좋다는 자각이 있었다. 아크 레아 왕실의 유일한 왕자로 태어나 별다른 잡음없이 왕세자가되었다. 경쟁자가 될만한 사촌 동생은 유순 한 성격 이었 고 무엇보다 왕위에 욕심이 없었다. 왕이되고 10 년 만에 제 국의 황제로 등극했다. 제일 부족하다 싶은 여복은 다른 방향으로과하다고, 그렇 게 여겼다. 아니었다. 사실은 여복도 넘쳐 났나보다. 늘 박복하다 여기 던 여복에 서 대박이 터졌다. 어쩌면이 순간을 위해 박복했던 것 일지도.

    Do your best to translate the most dramatic reaction of Lucius I . xD

    I know right?!! and whats more weird is even after they know about Jared existence; they stills a good friend with Polly; heck even gave her marriage advice!! ROFL 3 times xD

    Both of them is childhood friends which is why they're really close with each other. Novel and manhwa tend to be a bit different; its up to the manhwa team to personalize the character from the novel into manhwa :)
    DOHere, Assassin997, Xi-hime and 10 others like this.
  12. Reita_360

    Reita_360 Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
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    I tried translating in via Google translate. Gosh, All I can understand is that Polyana thinks she deserves to die. In her point of view, she thinks the Emperor was gracious enough to her who is an outsider. He had given her a title, land, position and authority yet she betrayed this by getting pregnant. Meanwhile, Lucius is like, Polyanna, Please calm down. That is all I understood. HUHU I don't know how the hell Dogskin comes in in this scenario.
    Viliel, DOHere, Astezt and 7 others like this.
  13. chamchaworld

    chamchaworld Lazy Chibi

    Mar 25, 2016
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    Considering how Polly think of him as kinda God, Lucius should feel lucky Polly didn't stab herself immediately with her sword after realize she's sleeping with him.
    Viliel, Astezt, Xi-hime and 5 others like this.
  14. ARaine

    ARaine Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2020
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    -I'm glad he finally had the balls and I hope Paul made him crawl :D I just wished he did it earlier like days after they did it. I read she was shy with Lucius' advances. I'd like to see Paul blush this time. xD
    -Tbh, Idk Japanese writing so I can't tell which is harder. xD

    Gaejug-I (Jared's nickname) lying in the crib slept finely without shaking. The child was sleeping, so each window was curtained. The lighting was bad, but it wasn't so dark that I couldn't see the child's face. Lucius I rubbed his eyes. I came to see the woman I love, and there was a child sleeping in her house who looked just like him. "N-n-n-no way."

    Pauliana, who was standing behind Lucius I was nervous, fist-clenching in the air. Damn it! He will try to find out more and I'm going to turn myself in!

    "Isn't it Jim's child?" Lucius I's mouth was torn sideways. Lucius I and Pauliana had a major accident. It was just an accident overnight, but the result came out. It is an unimaginable gift. The emperor was embarrassed and happy. He couldn't hide his popping smile.
    -I tried a small part and cleaned it a bit. Shock, embarrassment and very happy after realizing he's a dad and his beloved Paul is the mother. I'll be waiting in anticipation for this scene in the manwha version, including the courting too. Thanks <3 xD

    -Based on my research if you look at namu wiki Jared's nickname is 개죽이 gaejug-i. 개 means dog, 죽 is bamboo in Chinese character. It means an exemplary person or someone who serves as a good role model. I'm guessing that's where the Dog comes from.
  15. chamchaworld

    chamchaworld Lazy Chibi

    Mar 25, 2016
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    Awww... His reaction is adorable. Like 'i want to find the woman that I love but instead I got a baby too as a bonus?'
  16. Winter Melon

    Winter Melon Member

    May 4, 2020
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    For those who want to read the novel you can read it at WuxiaWorld (i couldn't paste the link, sorry)

    There are currently 94 chapters translated for now!!
    Viliel, BhaiBandara, Xi-hime and 4 others like this.
  17. ARaine

    ARaine Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2020
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    Thank you very much! (y):)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2020
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  18. chibihana

    chibihana Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2020
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    Hahahaha same here xD ...i almost give up to fully use of my imagination on enjoying the novel. With all the 'dog' here and there..i almost think Polly give birth to a real dog >.>

    After the 'reaction' scene, instead of courting her, Lucius just ask her to marry him. Pollyana, whom just barely get her strength from childbirth angry at Lucius confession. Instead of happy, she rather sad and if GT is correct, she said something like "why i should be with someone i dont even like + why do i suffer from this unwanted pregnancy".
    -Possible due to unstable of emotion from childbirth and yeah our ML is such a dumb***

    and yeah soon after that he start to courting her after they compromise and Polly atm think about Jared and she doesnt want Jared to be illegitimate child.

    i can't wait for manhwa version..arghhh i want to see the 'majestic' Pollyana while she dancing with Lucius >.< and yeah Lucius is being the perfect gentleman; kissing Polly's hand, sending her flower everyday etc etc xD

    -back in my teen days, i used to learned Japanase so i can read the manga spoiler..LOL xD

    Thank you for the links..i wish its from another genuine translation site as wuxia tend to ste*l the translation from other site xD ..i think the main site of the translation is from https://www.webnovel.com/book/13587399205358305/The-Emperor-and-the-Knightess. Its already chapter 95 = half of Book II i think :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2020
    DOHere, Astezt, Xi-hime and 4 others like this.
  19. ARaine

    ARaine Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2020
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    Oh Gawd help Paul. If I were in her place, it looks like he wanted to marry her for Jared. Declaration of love or marriage right now seems fake. Yep, he's dumb!
    "why i should be with someone i dont even like?" - OUCH! THAT HURTS!! BUT NEEDED TO BE SAID!
    "why do i suffer from this unwanted pregnancy?" - SO TRUE! SHE WILL LOSE EVERYTHING! but on a serious note, wasn't she at least happy that she was pregnant? That maybe she can finally have a family? I felt sorry for her when everyone thought she was barren.

    - He can't inherit his mom's rich stuff nor can he be in line next to the throne. :/

    -Me too! Does that mean we'll see Paul looking very pretty? KYA! (I'm kinda annoyed how they always say she was so ugly, she just needs grooming) and what was Lucius reaction upon seeing her? xD Aw. Finally, Paul gets treated as a woman worthy of love! xD

    - I'm doing the same for webtoons now. XD
    Astezt, Xi-hime, Icepride and 2 others like this.
  20. chibihana

    chibihana Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2020
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    Actually Polly feels sad not because she's thinking Lucius married her for Jared but its more deeper than that; her self-worth.

    Its actually pretty sad the way Pollyana reply on Lucius confession..she even cried in front of him :(

    Pollyana reply:
    정말 잔인하게도 룩 소스 1 세 혼자 사냥 당해 버려졌다.“이 감정은 사랑 이로구나. 부정하고 묻어도 사랑 이구나. "폴리아 나가 거절 할지도 모른다. 그것은 각오했다. 어차피 둘은 결혼해야한다. 결국하게 될 결혼이라면 마음이 통하면 좋다. 룩 소스 1 세의 머리가 빠르게 새로운 청사진을 그리기시 작했다. 자신을 꼭 닮은 아들, 사랑하는 부인까지. 세상에서 가장 운수 좋은 사내 만 누릴 수있는 최고의 가정이 아닌가. 꿈조차 꾸지 못할 정도로 멀었던 행복이 코앞에 펼쳐지고 있었다. 그의 바로 코앞에.“짐이, 내가 오래도록 그대를 은애 해왔다.”룩 소스 그는 반지를 꺼냈다. 내내 제자리에 돌려 보내지 못했던 반지가 지금이 순간 주인을 찾아 가고 있었다. 손가락을 잡기 전, 룩 소스 1 세는 부끄러워 고백하는 내내 보지 못한 얼굴을 올려다 보았다. 폴리 아나 앞에 한쪽 릎을 꿇었다. 황제의 얼굴에서 미소가 사라졌다. 폴리아 나의 얼굴이 얼음처럼 차가웠다. 대륙 최고의 신랑 감에게 고백을받는 얼굴이 아니었다. 방금 전까지 머 금고 있던 미소와 홍조는 옛말처럼 사라 졌 다. 대신 충격과 배신, 원망이 자리 잡았다. 폴리아 나의 눈가에 눈물이 고이기 시작했다. 룩 소스 1 세가 쥔 그녀의 손이 미세하게 떨렸다."폐하 "폴리아 나가 말을 잇지 못하고 입술을 깨 물었다. 룩 소스 1 세는 직감했다. 그는 잘못된 선택을했다.

    "폐하, 나의 주군, 아크 레아의 황제, 대륙의 주인 이시여. 이런 말씀 드리면 놀라실지도 모르나 소신은 이제껏 한 번도 여자로 태어난 사실을 원망 한 적이 없습니다. 상관에게 강간 당할 때에도, 전장에서 힘이 약해 죽을 뻔했을 때에도, 여자라는 이유로 얻어 맞을 때에도, 포박 당할 때에도, 따돌림 당할 때에도, 부하들에게 무시 당할 때에도, 간 살 당할 뻔했을 때에도, 적과 아군에게하지 않은 일로 욕을 먹고, 그저 여자라는 이유로 루머와 음해에 시달려도, 얕보 고 달려 드는자가 있어도 한 번도 원망 한 적이 없습니다. 그것은 전장이란, 인생이란 본래 그런 것이기 때문이라고 일찌감치 체념했기 때문일지도 모르고, 아니면 제가 하도 그 런 대접을 받아 익숙해 져서일지도 모릅니다.”미세한 떨림이 손을지나 몸 전체로 번졌다. 폴리아 나는 말을 멈추지 않았다."폐하, 소신은 이제껏 한 번도 여자로 태어난 걸 원망하고 후회 해 본 적이 없습니다. 그런데 방금, 폐하 께서 절 그렇게 만드셨습니다. 폐하, 제가 믿고 따르는 주군 이시여. 제게 은혜를 내려 준 분, 제게 검을 주신 분, 제가 뒤를 따르도록 허락 해 주신 분, 저를 기사로 만들어 주신 분.”그때까지 폴리아 나는 눈물을 흘리지 않았다. 눈물이 가득 고인 눈으로 앞에 선 황제를 응시했다. 그녀의 망막에 아름 다운 남자가 비쳤다. 폴리아 나는 감히 욕심 내지 못할 정도로 아름다웠다. 그런 남자에게 고백 받았지만 기쁘지 않았다. 도리어 슬펐 다. 제국의 황제 룩 소스 1 세로 말하자면 그녀의 주인, 그녀의 주군, 그녀의 모든 것이었다. 생명을 바쳐도 아깝지 않고 부

    당한 명령에도 기꺼이 따를 것이다. 그러나이 순간 폴리아 나는 황제를 비난했다.“그 절벽 위에서 당신의 뒤를 지킨 이가 남자 였다면, 소신이 남자 였다면, 평범한 남자 였다면 그 순간의 떨림과 호감이 연정이 되었을까요?”사랑에 빠지는 건 타이밍. 그때 자리를 지킨 폴리 아나 윈 터가 남자 였다면 룩 소스 1 세는 반 했을까? 답은.“그렇지 않다. "절대 잊을 수없는 심장의 고동. 수런 거리 던 속내. 너무 아껴 건드리지 못했고 남의 손길 닿는 것만으로도 괴 로워 미칠 것 같았다. 지랄 염병이 깊어 차마 건드리지 못했 더니 추하고 간악한 뱀이 그녀를 노렸다. 지켜주고 싶었다. 누구도 건들 수 없도록, 상처 입히지 못하도록 품에 안을 생각이다. 그런데 이번엔 룩 소스 1 세가 그 녀를 상처 입혔다. 간악한 뱀이 그녀를 난도질했다면 룩 소스 1 세는 그녀의 심장을 난도질하여.“짐은 경을 울리고 싶지 않았는데. 울려 버렸군.”룩 소스 1 세가 떠듬 떠듬 말을이었다. 그는 종종 소설과로 망스에 푹 빠져 현실에서 그와 같은 일을 바라는 자들을 비 웃었다. 그랬는데. 지금 그런 어리석은자가되어 버렸다. 현 실을 잠시 잊었던 대가는 충신의 눈물이었다.이를 악문 폴리아 나의 볼 위로 뜨거운 눈물이 흘렀다. 프 라우의 일이 있던 때보 다 더 서럽게, 세상에서 이보다 더 억 울하고 원망스럽고 죽고 싶은 일이 없다는 듯, 폴리아 나가 울기 시작했다. 룩 소스 1 세는 그녀가 울도록 품에가 뒀다. 폴리아 나는 뿌 리칠 힘도 모두 우는 데 쓰 겠다는 듯 울었다. 소리도없이 눈

    물만 흘려 더욱 가슴 아팠다. "짐이 잘못했다 .. 짐이, 짐이 잘못했다 다 짐의 죄다 ...... 아이 어르 듯 룩 소스 1 세의 손이 폴리아 나의 머리와 등을 쓸어 내렸다. 손길은 다정하고 상냥했다. 또한 귀한 것을 만지듯 조심 스러웠다. 황제는 무죄 무치. 사과 할 일을 만들어 선 안되고 설혹 만 들었어도 사과 해선 안된다. 그런데 룩 소스 1 세는 계속 폴리 아나에게 사과 할 일을 만 들었다. 어쩌면 둘의 인연이 그렇게 이어진 걸지도 모른다."짐은 사과 해선 안되는데, 언제나 경에겐 사과 할 일만 하 는구나. 짐이 잘못했다. 짐이 잘못 했어. "룩 소스 1 세와 만나기 이전의 폴리아 나는었다. 생존을 위해 살고 노력에 지쳐 늪에 가라 앉았다. 그랬 던 폴리 아나에게 룩 소스 1 세는 목표를 제시했다. 제시에서 그치지 않았다. 그녀에게 제안했다. 같이 가지 않겠 느냐? 목적이 없 가족들에게 버림 받고, 군대에서 따돌림 당하고 학대 당했 다. 살아갈 이유도 없는데 필사적으로 살기 위해 노력했다. 누구도 인정해주지 않고 알아봐주지 않은 노력을 인정 받았다. 알아봐 줬다. 필요하다고, 좋아한다고 말해 줬다. 여자 인걸 알면서 기사로 받아 줬다. 기사 인 폴리아 나를 인정 했 다. 범인은 꾸지 못할 원 대한 청사진을 제시하고 그 일원이 될 수있는 기회를 내려 주셨다. 가슴 벅차도록 멋진 꿈이었다. 폴리아 나는 룩 소스 1 세를 위해 강해졌고, 더 공부했고, 더 필사적으로 생각했고, 더 노 력했고, 더 굳건 해졌다. 무엇보다 스스로를 긍정적으로 볼

    수있게되었다. 룩 소스 1 세가 그녀를 칭찬 할 때마다 가슴이 뿌듯했다. 감히 상상도하지 못할 위대한 꿈을 공유했다. 전우가 생 기고 존경 할 수있는 상관과 말 잘 듣는 부하가 생겼다. 외로 움을 달랠의 동생을 얻었다. 세상에서 가장 위대한 주군을 모신 결과였다. 모두가 함께 위대한 업적을 달성했다. 룩 소스 1 세가 없었다면 절대 얻지 못할 소중한 나날이었다. 그녀의 인생에서 가장 소중한 업적이, 상상 만해도 아름 다 웠던 청사진을 이룬 현실이 모두 깨졌다. 조각 나 부서졌다. 룩 소스 1 세가 주었는데, 가져가 직접 깨트 렸다. 룩 소스 1 세처럼 반짝 거리고 아름답고 투명했는데 더럽혀졌다. 황제를 홀린 마녀, 색녀, 요부, 창녀, 미친년, 피도 눈물도없는 년. 욕설과 비방은 익숙했다. 사실이 아니어도 눈살을 찌푸 릴 정도로 심각한 발언이 있어도 웃어 넘겼다. 폴리아 나와 주군이 결백했기 때문이다. 그렇게 웃어 넘긴 모든 욕설이 룩 소스 1 세가 고백 한 순간 사실이되어 버렸다. 주제도 모르고 날뛰는 계집이 황제의 총기를 흐렸다는 말들이 모두 사실이되었다. 질시에 차고 폴리아 나를 깎아 내 리는 게 목적이었던 그 말들이 진짜가되었다. 폴리 아나에게 향했던 말들 중에서 그녀를 가장 비참하게 만든 건 따로 있었다. 여자는 어쩔 수 없어.‘그 말 그대로인가. "여자는 정말 어쩔 수가없는 걸까. 필사적으로 노력하고 바꾸기 위해 발버둥 쳐도 한계가 있음을 알았다.

    Actually she do happy to have a family of her own but not with Lucius I..ouchhhhh

    In my opinion, Pollyana is an androgynous type, its possible more into a guy type rather than women. There's a part in novel saying she's just average looking lady :/

    Lucius can't breath but said he love the 'cutey' Polly more :p Its say nobody questioning her to be an empress if they looking at her 'majestic' visage.

    and yeah, after that they slept together...again.. Lucius (being a pervert), asking Polly for a daughter after their lovemaking...i was like "Hold on dude...the woman you love just barely give you a son now you're asking for more?"

    I'll give you a tons of hangul for you to practice xD ..since i'm a lazy mother xD
    Last edited: May 6, 2020
    Viliel, Kittycat1115, DOHere and 14 others like this.