Resource Not Yukkuri's Syosetsu RAW Archive. But still tell me I'll download it and upload it

Discussion in 'Translator's Corner' started by Xxsafirex, May 10, 2020.

  1. Xxsafirex

    Xxsafirex Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2016
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    Thought it was a good initiative from him but as he seems dead ( F) I'm proposing to revive this project.
    So the conditions, give me the syosetsu (or kakuyomu) code (also taking novel18.syosetu but precise it) and english title if there is one.
    I will update them regularly (it's taking me under 3 min so I think i can keep it going for quite some time)
    I will put them on cloud (open it in list view for more visibility) when i feel like it, takes more time with my trash internet.
    If you want to download one of the novel listed below and it isn't in the drive just put a msg in the thread, I will reply after uploading it
    [the drive isn't up to date so if you want to be sure to have the latest version do post a msg]

    [22 august 2022 not dead yet]
    so far got these:
    code chapter name
    1177354054880238351 213 Darenidemo Dekiru Kage Kara Tasukeru Maō Tōbatsu
    1177354054880275117 30 愛した人は、ネカマでした
    1177354054880870871 376 先輩冒険者さんが助けてくれるのできっと大丈夫なのです! 新米冒険者の日記帳
    1177354054880870980 19 蝿と少女
    1177354054881037571 44 魔王の称号
    1177354054881104551 122 勇者召喚が似合わない僕らのクラス
    1177354054881126544 804 次元の裂け目に落ちた転移の先で
    1177354054881454400 328 宵の国戦記(■旧題:最強の暗黒騎士は定時で帰りたい! )
    1177354054882072437 9 偏差値10の俺がい世界で知恵の勇者になれたワケ
    1177354054882154317 487 デーモンルーラー ~定時に帰りたい男のやりすぎレベリング~
    1177354054882198684 222 ホームレス転生~異世界で自由すぎる自給自足生活~
    1177354054882227981 110 暗殺拳はチートに含まれますか?
    1177354054882233465 320 迷宮学園アジテーション『WEB版』
    1177354054882251471 87 格安温泉宿を立て直そうとしたらハーレム状態になったんだけど全員人外なんだ
    1177354054882295905 61 花街の用心棒【ひとひら舞うは、追憶の花】
    1177354054882434925 157 女神に騙された俺の異世界ハーレム生活
    1177354054882641261 113 異修羅
    1177354054882654068 31 本屋の店員がダンジョンになんて入るもんじゃない
    1177354054882725960 81 I Got a Cheat Ability in a Different World, and Became Extraordinary Even in the Real World (WN)
    1177354054882979595 66 She Is a Quiet Girl, But a Noisy Telepath
    1177354054883073884 39 多分僕が勇者だけど彼女が怖いから黙っていようと思う
    1177354054883233994 65 I Was Summoned to a Parallel Fantasy World for Too Many Times
    1177354054883294943 32 あなたの健康を損なうおそれがあります
    1177354054883810864 149 アビス・コーリング〜元廃課金ゲーマーが最低最悪のソシャゲ異世界に召喚されたら〜【Web版】
    1177354054884043614 372 Nazekano
    1177354054884214319 162 辺境都市の育成者
    1177354054884293503 124 【WEB版】年上エリート女騎士が僕の前でだけ可愛い
    1177354054884297356 273 魔女に育てられた少年、魔女殺しの英雄となる(旧題:魔女と狼に育てられた子供)
    1177354054884482847 286 山育ちのドラスレさん ~異世界でドラゴンスレイヤーとして生きていく~
    1177354054884503755 45 Karate Baka Isekai
    1177354054885049300 63 (mtl) Defeat of Dragon Demon Princess Valalice
    1177354054885111468 228 やがて本当の英雄譚ノーマルガチャしかないけど、それでも世界を救えますか?
    1177354054885219317 40 魅了スキルでいきなり世界最強
    1177354054885279201 27 元英雄、HP1の妹を伝説の勇者にする ~女神もダンジョンもボスキャラも、俺がぜんぶDIY~
    1177354054885281336 200 勇者パーティーで回復役だった僕は、田舎村で治療院を開きます
    1177354054885347926 39 【書籍版】太陽と月の聖女~乙女ゲームの真ラスボスになって全滅の危機です~
    1177354054885391346 143 フラレた後のファンタジー
    1177354054885436251 529 迷宮クソたわけ
    1177354054885631754 580 魔石グルメ ~魔物の力を食べたオレは最強!~(Web版)
    1177354054885937880 104 転生した社畜は異世界でも無休で最強へ至る(旧題|剣は光より速い-社畜異世界転生)
    1177354054886022279 127 新米オッサン冒険者、最強パーティに死ぬほど鍛えられて無敵になる。
    1177354054886093350 316 【書籍発売中】スケルトンは月を見た
    1177354054886208726 255 百花宮のお掃除係~転生した新米宮女、後宮のお悩み解決します。
    1177354054886295035 62 Dakara, Anata o Koko de Koroshimasu
    1177354054886318284 98 【Web版】13番目の転移者、異世界で神を目指すスキル【アイテム増殖】を手に入れた僕は最強装備片手に異世界を満喫する
    1177354054886355340 105 四畳半開拓日記@公式連載スタート
    1177354054886355517 41 好感度が見えるようになったんだが、ヒロインがカンストしている件
    1177354054886450593 190 32歳、《ルールブック》片手に異世界救世紀行
    1177354054886505887 145 全肯定奴隷少女:1回10分1000リン
    1177354054886575829 463 Law and Chaos online 7 ~俺は人生をかけて人類の敵、やってます~
    1177354054886667259 238 異世界 英雄譚
    1177354054886749500 75 ファンタジーには馴染めない 〜アラフォー男、ハードモード異世界に転移したけど結局無双
    1177354054886930727 446 ジョブホッパーの魔導譚
    1177354054886963857 324 イケメンなあいつの陰に隠れ続けた俺が本当の幸せを掴み取るまで
    1177354054887038720 69 隣の女のおかげでいつの間にか大学生活が楽しくなっていた(旧題隣の女に優しくなんかしない!……はずだった。)
    1177354054887261261 175 絵筆の召喚術師〜神絵師が描いたら何でも具現化できました〜
    1177354054887274351 185 幼馴染が引きこもり美少女なので、放課後は彼女の部屋で過ごしている(が、恋人ではない!)
    1177354054887370254 28 優しい死神は、君のための嘘をつく(旧題:桜色に染まる空の向こうで優しい死神は笑う)
    1177354054887393067 105 アイツが最強なのを、私だけが知ってる
    1177354054887515191 129 元異世界転移者だった課長のおじさん、人生二度目の異世界を駆け廻る
    1177354054887646455 69 転生したらSpreadsheetだった件
    1177354054887852233 70 異世界忍者無双〜俺の異世界転生特典がどう見ても万能忍者スキルだったので超絶に忍びます〜
    1177354054887969550 52 The real hero was abandoned, so can I get him
    1177354054887969550 52 本物の方の勇者様が捨てられていたので私が貰ってもいいですか?
    1177354054888263710 521 引き籠り錬金術師は引き籠れない―何だか街が発展してるみたいだけど家でのんびりさせて下さい―
    1177354054888285587 249 ふるさと納税のお礼品は異世界嫁たちでした〜第七特殊地域・特別振興納税制度
    1177354054888349392 55 侯爵令嬢の借金執事~許嫁はお嬢様!(31スニーカー文庫様より発売☆)
    1177354054888524829 316 宮廷魔導師見習いを辞めて、魔法アイテム職人になります
    1177354054888541019 139 昏き宮殿の死者の王【Web版】
    1177354054888809773 386 悪役腐令嬢様とお呼び!
    1177354054888890038 214 疎遠な幼馴染と異世界で結婚した夢を見たが、それから幼馴染の様子がおかしいんだが?
    1177354054889108517 32 Ascendance of a Scummy Hero
    1177354054889208141 159 ナンバーワンキャバ嬢、江戸時代の花魁と体が入れ替わったので、江戸でもナンバーワンを目指してみる~歴女で元ヤンは無敵です~【書籍化:江戸の花魁と入れ替わったので、花街の頂点を目指してみる】
    1177354054889370224 316 厄災の申し子と聖女の迷宮(原題:厄災の迷宮~神の虫籠~)
    1177354054889430999 216 The Bastard Called Brave And The Former Fiancé, I Will Crush All Of Them
    1177354054889433953 543 無敵の万能要塞で快適スローライフをおくります~フォートレス・ライフ~
    1177354054890150195 257 Power munckhin under the edge-I'm rejuvenated after subduing the Demon King, so I'll support you from behind at the school-
    1177354054890150195 257 縁の下のチカラモチャー~僕だけが知っているスキルツリーの先~
    1177354054890293039 172 Story of The Ancient Demon King!
    1177354054890293039 172 古き魔王の物語をっ!
    1177354054890497524 116 I'm a court wizard. Recently, I'm worried about the staring from the princess
    1177354054890497524 116 宮廷魔法士です。最近姫様からの視線が気になります。
    1177354054890610908 197 完全無欠の新人魔術生 伝説の最強魔術師、千年後の世界で魔術学校に入学する
    1177354054890662228 165 手垢に塗れた英雄譚
    1177354054890796896 66 世界最強の復讐神官 〜神に仕えし者、魔王の力を手に入れる〜【web版】
    1177354054890917756 61 魔王のJK冒険者育成計画! ~お前をトップ冒険者にしてやろう~
    1177354054891139802 489 転移したら山の中だった。反動で強さよりも快適さを選びました。
    1177354054891248346 144 恋人代行をはじめた俺、なぜか美少女の指名依頼が入ってくる
    1177354054891294702 31 失格世界の没落英雄
    1177354054891382678 159 [Reberu] ga Arunara Agerudesho Mobukyara ni Tensei Shita Ore wa Gēmu Chishiki o Ikashi, Hitasura Reberu o Age Tsudzukeru
    1177354054891382678 159 『レベル』があるなら上げるでしょ?モブキャラに転生した俺はゲーム知識を活かし、ひたすらレベルを上げ続ける
    1177354054891810408 249 憧れのあの子はダンジョンシーカー〜僕は彼女を追いかける?〜
    1177354054891820919 140 ポーション成り上がり。~楽に簡単に稼げるスキル下さい~
    1177354054891954906 183 外れスキルの追放王子、不思議なダンジョンで無限成長
    1177354054892338550 186 I got fired from being a brave man today
    1177354054892338550 186 今日勇者を首になった
    1177354054892388444 110 幼馴染の魔王の娘が家出して、今はうちで居候してる
    1177354054892485914 503 エルフに転生した元剣聖、レベル1から剣を極める -Hero Swordplay Breakdown-
    1177354054892697959 76 キミに捧げる英雄録
    1177354054892704529 40 培養カプセルを抜けだしたら、出迎えてくれたのは僕を溺愛する先輩だった
    1177354054892986191 45 異世界召喚されてきた聖女様が「彼氏が死んだ」と泣くばかりで働いてくれません。ところでその死んだ彼氏、前世の俺ですね。
    1177354054893087715 37 キルタイム・オンライン-Kill Time Online-
    1177354054893223257 125 大賢者への進化条件それは、どん底を経験すること』〜奴隷の君と共に、レベルアップの先を目指そう!〜
    1177354054893528679 17 コンビニ夜勤のバイト先に現れる(幼馴染だった)人気読者モデルさん。俺をカモだと思ってるのだろう、美人局を仕掛けてくる。
    1177354054893757334 96 【WEB版】生き返った冒険者のクエスト攻略生活自分だけがもらえるスキルポイントで他の誰より強くなる
    1177354054894182669 579 【10月1日発売】天才美少女な幼馴染のくせに、なんで俺の前でだけそんなにスキだらけなんだよ
    1177354054894493713 50 素直になった幼馴染が可愛すぎる
    1177354054895275959 10 For some reason, I was searched by the Knights after being flirted by the Takamine flower of the knight order
    1177354054895773617 26 拝啓 俺が足元にも及ばなかった君へ。今から君を殺した勇者に復讐します
    1177354054896003592 417 黒猫ニャンゴの冒険 ~レア属性を引き当てたので、気ままな冒険者生活を目指します~
    1177354054896611050 202 I’m Gonna Live with You Not Because My Parents Left Me Their Debt But Because I Like You
    1177354054896845962 42 Somehow I, a person who was dismissed with a “Kukuku… Even though that guy is one of the Four Heavenly Monarchs, he’s the weakest” became the master of both the Hero and the Saintess
    1177354054897331951 35 助けた女子はモデルをしている年上で、俺の家に上がり込んで迫ってくる
    1177354054903131424 42 コンビニバイト仲間の女子が辛い境遇だったので俺の所に来いと言って同居したら嫁力が素晴らしかった
    1177354054907038047 45 Date This Super Cute Me (WN)
    1177354054911665171 334 A skeleton who has been swinging his sword for 500 years in the interior of the dungeon, becoming the strongest after being born as a person
    1177354054911665171 334 ダンジョンの奥地にて剣を500年振り続けたスケルトン、人と しての生を受け最強に至る
    1177354054911831019 240 特級探索師への覚醒 ~蜥蜴の尻尾切りに遭った青年は、地獄の王と成り無双する~
    1177354054917543406 274 聖女様に醜い神様との結婚を押し付けられました
    1177354054918133671 34 あなたのことならなんでも知ってる私が彼女になるべきだよね【らのすぽ!ラノベ図書館】
    1177354054919146074 86 神は遊戯(ゲーム)に飢えている。 神々に挑む少年の究極頭脳戦
    1177354054921433163 271 When I woke up in the morning, I was my character in a world I didn't know
    1177354054921865154 73 王女殿下は、俺との関係を秘密にしたいらしい(俺との関係って、何?)
    1177354054922453508 226 泣きゲーの世界に転生した俺は、ヒロインを攻略したくないのにモテまくるから困る――鬱展開を金と権力でねじ伏せろ――
    1177354054922536062 118 魔物だもの
    1177354054935147867 84 世話係として弟子にした獣人は美少女に進化した。頼みますから出ていってください。
    1177354054935232232 98 命を助けたのは学校一の美少女で、彼女は何故かおれにだけデレてます。
    1177354054935284889 52 コンビニ強盗から助けた地味店員が、同じクラスのうぶで可愛いギャルだった
    1177354054935510183 67 クラスメイトに『根暗』と呼ばれ馬鹿にされている俺ですが、実は超人気声優です。
    1177354054940782652 628 壁役など不要!紙防御の仲間を助けまくってきたのにS級パーティから追放された俺は、未開の地で≪奴隷解放≫スキルを授かり、助けた美少女たちから溺愛されている内に……史上最強の国が出来ていた
    1177354054971779256 247 クラスで2番目に可愛い女の子と友だちになった
    1177354055406408162 30 カッコいい僕になりたくて! ~VRMMOがログアウト不能になりましたが、強ユニットを引き当てたのでつまらぬものを斬り続けます~
    1177354055503576578 120 Let's run an inn on Dungeon Island
    1177354055617066897 144 俺はこの理不尽な異世界に逆らわずに生きていく!
    16816410413912129478 339 ソウルパーチャス!~魔獣の魂を集めてスキルを購入!~
    16816452218426379313 2 究極進化したフルダイブRPGが現実よりもクソゲーだったら
    16816452218457185925 9 最強不敗の神剣使い
    16816452218876618100 5 武装メイドに魔法は要らない【先行試し読み】
    16816452218977662850 83 転生したら最強種たちが住まう島でした。この島でスローライフを楽しみます
    16816452219018389523 39 勇者パーティを追放と思いきやちょっと違うようです
    16816452219449457673 161 世界でただ一人の魔物使い~転職したら魔王に間違われました~
    16816452219814758602 110 殺戮学園の卒業式
    16816452220999346801 385 In Another World With Little Devils
    16816452221208071305 99 I Become a Rogue Lord in a World Where Only I Level Up
    16816700426164487050 24 Are there any quests that can take you
    16816700426571243467 77 ハズレ武将『慎重家康』と、エルフの王女による異世界天下統一
    16816700429097793676 86 The Case About Two Sisters Becoming Extremely Obsessed With Me After I Saved Them
    16816927859110037021 41 The Strongest Female Masters, Who Are Trying to Raise Me Up, Are in Shambles Over Their Training Policy
    16816927861125942344 85 The Story of a Man Who Is Reincarnated as the Shitiest Guy in a Doujin, but the Heroine Keeps on Coming Close to Him
    16816927861715414090 45 An executive of an evil organization, but the organization is likely to be hijacked by a magical girl who has fallen into evil
    16816927861739102333 17 「愛する方とは永遠に結ばれないでしょう」と予言された王子のお話
    16816927861823677597 81 I came back as a brave man in a different world, but the appearance of the four sisters next door is strange
    16816927861951071835 114 When I Fell Madly in Love With the Heroine, the World Changed. ~the Strongest Gamer in the World Becomes the Strongest Knight in the Game World
    16816927862035862886 105 異世界で配信活動をしたら大量のヤンデレ信者を生み出してしまった件
    16816927863280791284 14 Vtuberになったんだがガワが意志を持ってヤンデレになったんだけどどうすればいい?
    16817139554636545012 40 生まれ変わったと思ったら家族が特大の地雷だった件
    16817139555202466108 118 Is it different from what you thought it was a chastity reversal world
    16817139555217983105 79 I Got the Hypnosis App, Now I Can Do Whatever I Want
    4852201425154898215 466 Because I’ve Been Reincarnated as the Piggy Duke, This Time I Will Say I Like You (WN)
    4852201425154936055 110 医療魔術師は、もう限界です!
    4852201425154953954 190 始まりの魔法使い
    4852201425154954562 28 天と地と姫と 織田信奈の野望 外伝/春日みかげ
    4852201425155009384 51 Eje(c)t
    n0087ep 161 The Betrayed Hero Who Was Reincarnated As The Strongest Demon Lord
    n0088bq 126 Vermillion
    n0089bk 518 Aim the Deepest Part of the Different World Labyrinth (WN)
    n0138dh 160 Jichou shinai Motoyuusha no Tsuyokute Tanoshii New Game
    n0141ec 377 The Strongest Black Knight (♂️), Changing Job Into a Battle Maid (♀️)
    n0172eh 382 It’s Sudden, but I Came to Another World But I Hope to Live Safely
    n0260dj 465 Ihoujin, Dungeon ni Moguru
    n0284ev 146 Level 99 Villainous Daughter
    n0304fu 122 I’m a D-Rank Adventurer, for Some Reason I Got Recruited Into a Hero Party, and Now the Princess Is Stalking MeI’m a D-Rank Adventurer, for Some Reason I Got Recruited Into
    n0389fp 185 (mtl) Reincarnation magician fights with cheats to find one side
    n0406dr 107 The Sorcerer King of Destruction and the Golem of the Barbarian Queen
    n0447ca 114 Isekai Cheat Magic Swordsman
    n0552ep 178 I Reincarnated as a Losing Heroine, the Hero’s Childhood Friend Who Lost to the Main Heroine, so I Switched Jobs to Alchemist
    n0617fd 322 Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-dai) no Slow na Second Life
    n0635eh 1790 I Got Stranded in an Uncivilized Planet and Since It Seems I Can’t Go Back Home I’ll Aim Towards an Inhuman Harem
    n0640dc 161 Higawari Teni ~ Ore wa Arayuru Sekai de Musou Suru ~
    n0646fx 106 It’s Not That I Like Using a Blunt Weapon
    n0651fj 288 The Executed Sage Is Reincarnated as a Lich and Starts an All-Out Wa
    n0672fo 166 My Seatmate Tries to Make Me Fall in Love with Her by Teasing Me Repeatedly, but Somehow She Was the One Who Fell
    n0674fu 212 Yatarato Sasshi no Ii Ore wa, Dokuzetsu Kuudere Bishoujo no Chiisana Dere mo Minogasazu ni Guigui Iku (WN)
    n0677hq 60 I was reincarnated as a villain aristocratic son of a gal game who spent time, so think and act ~ Bad End is beheaded to break his engagement, but he'll manage to survive ~
    n0692es 1437 The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People
    n0695bs 352 Kansutoppu
    n0826gy 251 Sousei Mahou no Saigen Mono
    n0833hi 26 あたしの悪徳領主様~俺は星間国家の悪徳領主!外伝~
    n0835fj 188 Umarekawatta “Kensei” Wa Raku o Shitai
    n0884fk 114 Ie ga Moete Jinsei Dou Demo Yoku Natta kara, Nokotta Nakenashi no Kin de Dark Elf no Dorei o Katta
    n0891gd 82 (mtl) The world where the dungeon has appeared Aiming to be the strongest with unique skills [I want treasure, the strongest, and she! ]
    n0904cx 284 The Prodigy Sefiria’s Overpowering Program
    n0931bp 154 Second Earth
    n0934ft 86 The World's Strongest Beastmaster
    n0936fa 60 Princes Battle to Concede the Throne
    n0955el 130 From Mightiest Hero to Demon King (WN)
    n0955gd 83 (mtl) Taking care of a talented woman-At a prestigious school full of flowers in Takamine, I will take care of the young lady of the academy (no living ability)-
    n1105o 2400 The Branded Female Fencer
    n1114fz 44 The Saint Who Has Been Summoned to Another World Just Cries and While Saying, “My Boyfriend Is Dead” by the Way, That Dead Boyfriend Is Me From the Previous Life
    n1132dk 368 Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai
    n1154gq 642 A reincarnated wizard who will eventually become the strongest ~I was reincarnated in another world, but I was kicked out of my house because I had no talent with the sword. However, I was able to meet a magical talent and a wonderful te
    n1170bs 120 What’s Wrong with a Great Hero Being Jobless
    n1201ee 93 Isekai Ten’i-sha no My Pace Kouryaku-k
    n1217et 347 Clearing an Isekai with the Zero-Believers Goddess – The Weakest Mage among the Classmate
    n1264hr 81 A girl with an uncontrollable urge to destroy seems to do her best to destroy the world of VRMMO
    n1267ew 317 My First Trip was to Another World
    n1281fr 188 My Cheat Skill [Resurrection] revived me, And I ended up resurrecting The ancient demon lord’s army. ~The Strongest Healer that won’t let anyone die~
    n1388cd 367 Sukuwanakya Dame desu ka Isekai
    n1393fy 334 Tatoeba Ore ga, Champion kara Oujo no Himo ni Job Change Shita to Shite
    n1400fq 9 (mtl) The guardian spirit, who likes me, tries to confess to the beautiful girl next doo
    n1405hb 154 Since My Previous Life Was A Wise Man, I Can Afford To Live
    n1456gm 99 I’m The Only Multilingual Master a Russian Transfer Girl Student Who Can’t Speak Japanese Can Rely On
    n1512cg 159 戦場のフロンティア ~気がついたら銃と兵器のゲーム世界に生産職で転生してた~
    n1542ga 129 (mtl) The World's Strongest Effortant-My talent was [Effort], so I will make efficient and non-standard efforts-
    n1563fd 425 Level 1 no Saikyou kenja ~Noroi de sai kakyuu mahou shika tsukaenaikedo, kami no kanchigai de mugen no maryoku o te ni ire saikyou ni~
    n1579gp 38 迷宮殺しの後日譚 ~正体を明かせぬままギルドを追放された最強の探索者、引退してダンジョン教習所の教官になったら、教え子たちに崇拝される~
    n1621fg 146 Adventurers Who Don’t Believe in Humanity Will Save The World
    n1624fi 150 Noble Reincarnation~Blessed With the Strongest Power From Birth
    n1669do 499 This Time, I Became the Fiance of a Duke’s Daughter. But She is Rumored to have Bad Personality, and Ten Years Olde
    n1678cx 165 Sairin Yuusha no Fukushuu Hanashi
    n1691gd 32 (mtl) A boy who was abandoned and abandoned the Marquis family without the talent of a sword. Obtain the blessing of the God of Destruction and become warriors
    n1716dz 588 Kurogane no Mahoutsuka
    n1785ek 306 I became the strongest with the skill abnormal state condition
    n1799dt 95 The Last Boss Witch Will Keep Her Past Self’s Crush Until Her Dying Day
    n1834cn 24 Impregnable Dreadnought
    n1850ew 328 Yakudatazu Skill ni Jinsei o Sosogikomi 25-nen, Imasara Saikyou no Boukentan Midori Kashi no Akira
    n1851hl 103 A Berserker Mob, I’m Going to Participate in the Main Story
    n1862hs 150 Reincarnated in the Mastermind of the Story-evolving Magic Swords and Game Knowledge to Defeat Everything
    n1881dn 582 Isekai kara no Kigyou Shinshutsu
    n1896dc 295 Using Gacha to Increase My Companions and to Create the Strongest Girls’ Army Corps
    n18n0344eb 3 TS Reincarnated as the Sub Heroine
    n18n0371dk 48 Tensei Inja wa Hokusoemu
    n18n0768gj 445 Gakuenmono no Otome Game no Sekai ni Tensei Shita kedo, Cheat-mochi no Haikei Danshi Seitodatta You desu
    n18n1753fp 382 Annoying sexual skills of reincarnation Lord〜Lord, I, it is useless if it is not you〜
    n18n3271bm 62 Zombie no Afureta Sekai Ore Dake ga Osowarenai
    n18n4111da 67 Gang of yuusha
    n18n4165cv 151 Nobunaga’s Imouto is My Wife
    n18n4489cs 94 Asuka of the Scarlet Sky
    n18n5291fa 69 Isekai NTR – Having a Secret Harem
    n18n5305eg 435 Otherworldly Warrior with Erotic Skills
    n18n6309do 86 Tsunderu Moto Akuyaku Reijou wa Do S Ouji-sama kara Nigedashitai
    n18n6426w 310 Maou no Hajimekat
    n18n6669dp 156 Reincarnated as an Elf Magic Swordsman Paving a Path to His Peerless Harem
    n18n6894fb 99 Sex & dungeon ~ A dungeon of H times = level has appeared in the basement of our house
    n18n7616gv 36 A Story About a Hero Exterminating a Dragon-Class Beautiful Girl Demon King, Who Has Very Low Self-Esteem, With Love
    n18n8176ca 225 When I woke up in the morning I became a silver haired loli vampire
    n18n8321do 378 せっかくチートを貰って異世界に転移したんだから、好きなように生きてみたい
    n1910ft 99 I Told You I’m Not 〇〇 ~When I Helped Out the Most Beautiful Girl in My Class, My Identity Got Found Out~
    n1912fp 52 Aren’t You Too Sweet Salt-God Sato-San
    n1913dt 28 Unmotivated Hero Tan Gaiden (WN)
    n1913hg 76 [The strongest butler in the world] I was banished from the black workplace, and I was picked up by an ice daughter
    n1926fm 360 (mtl) poisoned hero want to travel with a vampire
    n1980en 313 Frontier Lord Starts Out With a Population of 0
    n2027ci 174 The God Slaying Hero and the Seven Covenants
    n2029gb 261 (mtl) Kensei's childhood friend hits me hard because of power harassment, so I decided to insulate and start over
    n2033ep 64 Lonely Loser, I’ll Become Blonde Frivolous Gyaru’s Favourite (WN
    n2060gt 123 Skill Lender's Retrieving (tale) ~i Told You It's 10% Per 10 Days At First, Didn't I~
    n2064hh 30 (mtl) An oppressed slave is picked up by an angelic lady from an enemy land ~I was just following orders as a slave, but it seems that I became the strongest magician without knowing~
    n2099gj 53 (mtl) A reincarnated person who killed Shinryu. When a dragon was killed for a sacrificial girl, he was arbitrarily made a savior-I don't need a position, honor, or harem-
    n2133fo 127 Shadow Hero’s Everyday Life
    n2153hs 77 [Complete] My unique skill is perverted is exposed on SNS and it goes viral and my life sucks. As expected, the country's top officials and transcendent beauties came. It's too late to hide it now, right Ha
    n2166fe 189 Yume Miru Danshi wa Genjitsushugisha
    n2172gb 137 (mtl) I was banished from the loser skill Gacha and awaken by self-insulating my childhood friend ~ Get a universal cheat skill and aim for the strongest slow life ~
    n2207fq 63 落第魔術師を伝説にするまでの果てなき英雄譚【※ポンコツクロニクルより改題】
    n2223fo 72 S Rank Boukensha de aru Ore no Musume-tachi wa Juudo no Father Con deshita
    n2248el 88 Garbage Brave Isekai Ni Shoukan Sare Suterareta Yuusha No Fukushuu Monogatari (WN)
    n2266cx 209 Bandit, Be Ambitious To Accomplish Kingdom Revival
    n2267gp 407 Sneaky I was kicked out by the hero's party, so I decided to become a member of the thieves guild
    n2273dh 1254 I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace
    n2276dz 382 isekai de slow life
    n2283hi 50 Realize Online – A Gamer Who Loves to Play with Bug Tricks Overruns the eSports World with His Inhuman Skills
    n2291dx 23 Only I Who Got The Initial Job As Demon King
    n2321dc 96 I Will Quietly Disappear
    n2330fy 56 Roku-hime wa Kami Goei ni Koi wo Suru Saikyou no Shugo Kishi, Tenseishite Mahou Gakuen ni Iku
    n2354di 177 completed high spec village
    n2360eu 199 The Legendary Rebuilding of a World by a Realist Demon King
    n2361by 148 Kakei Senki Wo Kakageyo!
    n2361gc 204 (mtl) I was said to be incompetent at home, but it seems that he was super capable globally
    n2367fm 106 (mtl) The weakest incompetence reaches the throne-The fall of human society, becoming a subhuman genus-
    n2427er 14 The Hero Cucked Me of My Childhood Friend, so I Think I’ll Steal His Fiancee
    n2435cr 414 Himajin, Maou no Sugata de Isekai e Tokidoki Cheat na burari Tabi
    n2451fw 44 魔王を以て魔王を制す ~ギフト『魔王』を持つ勇者~
    n2468ca 454 Chiyu Mahou no Machigatta Tsukaikata ~Senjou wo Kakeru Kaifuku Youin~
    n2494fq 275 Disciple of Immortal
    n2496gr 109 A very popular idol classmate has taken a liking to me, a person who doesn't want to work for life
    n2501fv 355 The Iceblade Magician Rules Over the Worl
    n2534hj 55 パーティの美人女剣士が塩対応なんですが、読心スキルで俺にだけデレているのがまるわかりなんです
    n2650bx 388 I Kinda Came to Another World, but Where’s the Way Home
    n2662ca 158 atelier tanaka
    n2666gj 2 (mtl) I was exiled and killed, and I was saved by the stone of the wise ma
    n2671do 524 A Demon Lord’s Tale Dungeons, Monster Girls, and Heartwarming Bliss
    n2679fr 572 (mtl)School life of the strongest adventurer-I, the strongest adventurer, meet her in school life-
    n2713ev 227 Hazure Skill “Kage ga Usui” o Motsu Guild Shokuin ga, Jitsuha Densetsu no Ansatsusha
    n2732ev 160 The Kicked Out S-rank Appraiser Creates The Strongest Guild
    n2834dj 350 The Reincarnated Boy’s Growth Log ~The Harder I Work The Stronger I Can Become~
    n2851fy 163 Story of The Ancient Demon King
    n2884dl 54 I Became the Villainess’s Brother
    n2933fj 348 The Hero King, Reincarnate to Master the Art of War ~And Thus, I Became The Strongest Knight Disciple (♀) in The World~
    n2941fe 279 Rose Princess of Hellrage Although I got Killed for Political Reasons, I got Revived as the Strongest Undead
    n2959bs 396 Yuusha Party no Kawaii Ko ga Ita no de, Kokuhaku Shite Mita (WN)
    n2969fe 100 Sasaki to pii-chan, Isekai de Slow Life wo tanishimou to shitara, gendai de inou battle ni makikomareta ken ~ Mahou shoujo ga App wo hajimeta you desu ~
    n3009bk 1107 Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (WN)
    n3009gm 114 Retrograde Hero~The Unskilled Boy Protects His Childhood Friend, The Female Hero, This Time~
    n3023gg 88 The Versatile Butler Who Served a Selfish Princess Will Become a Peerless Upstart Soldier in the Neighbouring Empire
    n3026ch 1391 魔法女子学園の助っ人教師
    n3040bl 114 The Rising of Tanaka in Another World
    n3053em 308 異世界で俺の中二設定が活き活きとしている
    n3081fc 6 (mtl) the character i raised too strong
    n3128fq 132 Negai o Kanaete Moraou to Akuma o Shōkan Shitakedo, Kawaikattanode Kekkonshimashita ~ Akuma no Nīdzuma ~
    n3139du 256 VRMMO Gakuen de Tanoshii Makaizou no Susume Saijaku Job de Saikyou Damage Dashitemit
    n3154gf 1 (mtl) I've been sold off to a slave dealer by my parents, I contract with a fallen angel and take revenge ~ For the time being, all fall to hell ~
    n3191eh 176 The World of Otome Games is Tough For Mobs
    n3202da 64 Isekai no mahou gengo ga doumitemo nihongo dattaken
    n3215gp 174 Until The Chore Granting Sorcerer Realized His Strongest
    n3245fy 163 I'm Not The Hero
    n3260fe 212 Fushinokami
    n3275cf 87 There is More to my Childhood Friend
    n3352gq 120 一瞬で治療していたのに、何もしてないとパーティを追放された天才治癒師~今さら戻ってこいと言われても、闇ヒーラーとして楽しくやっているので治療は高額になるけどおたくら払えますか?~
    n3353fc 759 My 【Repair】Skill Became an Almighty Cheat Skill, So I Thought I’d Open Up a Weapon Shop
    n3382ee 392 The illegitimate prince decided to enjoy a different world
    n3383cd 72 Shinwa Densetsu no Eiyuu no Isekaitan
    n3420cm 127 Cook of the Mercenary Corp
    n3426fz 143 (mtl) survival in the devil castle
    n3464gc 52 (mtl) Counterattack at the bottom of the world
    n3465dn 22 (mtl) Glittering Hero
    n3547eg 194 AWEON Mall Isekai Store, Grand Opening Today
    n3581fh 375 I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship, so I Became a Space Mercenary
    n3641cn 22 Mouchido, Watashi ni Koi Sasete
    n3684gc 5 (mtl) something in me stopped to expect
    n3705hd 47 The Bride Of A 100 Gold Coins
    n3707eg 105 100 Things I Don’t Know About My Senior
    n3742ey 435 Goshujin-sama to Yuku Isekai Survival
    n3771fq 69 My Room Has Become A Dungeon’s Rest Area 2, after school isekai adventure clu
    n3823gm 49 Sono Munou, Jitsuha Sekai Saikyou No Mahoutsukai
    n3830dd 152 Murabito Desu Ga Nani Ka
    n3843cw 41 The Immortal Demon King and the Impaired Hero
    n3843dl 223 I Somehow Got Strong By Raising Skills Related To Farmin
    n3846fn 104 About How The Childhood Friends I Don’t Get Along With is my Friend in an FPS Game I’m Addicted To
    n3851gr 189 Beyond saving the world-A different world of heroes and useless angels-
    n3852fh 78 二の打ち要らずの神滅聖女 〜五千年後に目覚めた聖女は、最強の続きをすることにした〜
    n3876bm 170 Din no Monshou (WN)
    n3891ek 47 (mtl) Rotating stars and the sky of the moon-another world, a virtual world, reality and its end-
    n3912dy 183 reworld frontier
    n3929fu 77 帰って来た元勇者のRe:START
    n3956eq 335 Keizoku wa Maryoku Nari -Munou Mahou ga Benri Mahou ni-
    n3967gw 61 I Was Exiled From The Heroes’ Party So I Tried Raising The Demon Lord To Be Unbelievably Strong
    n3987fe 131 My Lover Was Stolen, And I Was Kicked Out Of The Hero’s Party, But I Awakened To The EX Skill “Fixed Damage” And Became Invincible. Now, Let’s Begin Some Revenge
    n4014ds 955 VRMMO no Shien Shokunin ~Top Player no Shikakenin~
    n4023fn 370 The Tale of the Teapot Hero’s Revenge
    n4045ed 175 From The Strongest Job of Dragon Knight, To The Beginner Job Carrier, Somehow, The Heroes are Depending on Me
    n4072er 94 Her Royal Highness Seems to be Angry
    n4076cm 307 Manuke FPS
    n4084cc 175 Miniature Garden Chemister
    n4154fl 204 I Became a Magical Cheat Loli Witch ~My Different World Life With My Reincarnation Privilege [Creation Magic] and the [Seed of Magic]~
    n4176eh 179 Is It Odd That I Became An Adventurer Even If I Graduated The Witchcraft Institute
    n4191cj 117 Bijo to Kenja to Majin no Ke
    n4214hb 360 Is the destination a hero or a demon king
    n4269cp 300 Tensei Shoujo no Rirekisho
    n4315ga 101 (mtl) I was the weakest certified and betrayed because the level upper limit was 1, so I level up the instant death magic and become the strongest
    n4344dy 224 World Strongest Rearguard – Labyrinth Country and Dungeon Seekers
    n4349fu 53 (mtl) surely the world is yours
    n4393gd 76 (mtl) I want to survive the use of reflection -I, who was reincarnated as an enemy character, still wants to change the future ruled by the Demon King-
    n4405cp 800 Kuishinbo Elf
    n4452ge 75 (mtl) I was the only evil lord in the world
    n4456fl 235 (mtl) ragnarok of braves
    n4464fx 123 Maou Reijou no Kyouiku Gakari
    n4468cs 41 the girl who fell from the polar star
    n4547df 205 Cheat na Kaineko no Okage de Rakuraku Level Up
    n4553db 41 ReBirth ~ From the Upper World to the Lower World
    n4565dq 169 My Reality is a Romance Game
    n4581fd 783 (mtl) I'll be revenge on the guys who were bullying me in a different world after being tempted by an evil god (beautiful woman)
    n4638gb 44 伝説の勇者らしいけど、記憶がないので好きに生きることにした!
    n4662ec 166 Tadashi Tanaka (41) Birth of a Kingdom – ‘Medieval Europe Is Too Harsh’
    n4694ep 261 Santairiku Eiyuuki
    n4712ft 52 Magic Hero with Zero Aptitude
    n4731hr 21 When my tsundere sister-in-law told me to go away, I really went missing
    n4734fn 316 (mtl) When I reincarnated I was a soldier
    n4805gf 105 (mtl) ordinary knight transcend levels with the worm skills
    n4814fw 101 The Gloomy Me in Class is Actually the Vocalist of a Very Popular Band
    n4824bz 83 I Got Reincarnated And Mistaken As A Genius
    n4836fm 289 (mtl) Welcome to Immortal Devil's Castle-Debuff is welcomed by the highest rank of the Demon Lord, the Demon King, who was driven out of the Hero Party!
    n4838hc 326 (mtl) Earth with Dungeon ~ Saving the world is booming
    n4845ec 98 She Was Both Called God, as Well as Satan
    n4890bm 152 Yuusha-sama no Oshishou-sama
    n4908bv 1331 The Summoner is Going
    n4934hj 60 Black Cat Blacksmith ~I decided to conquer another world with a replay character I raised~
    n4979et 281 Nido Tensei Shita Shounen wa S Rank Boukensha Toshite Heion ni Sugosu ~ Zense ga Kenja de Eiyūdatta Boku wa Raisede wa Jimi ni Ikiru ~
    n4997ga 306 (mtl) The boy, raised by the devil and the dragon king, seems to have an incompetent life in school
    n5011by 114 The Strategist Knows Everythin
    n5016cn 193 99 Way to Keep Poor Life With Onii-cha
    n5017hp 20 A low-ranking soldier escorts a condemned banished daughter
    n5028gf 12 (mtl) bell
    n5080fi 126 Gravity Mage's Different World Incident
    n5135gg 169 O Miai Shitakunakattanode Muri Nandaina Joken o Tsuketara Dokyusei ga Kita Kudan ni Tsuite
    n5162ex 113 (mtl) Even if you are the strongest swordsman with no equipment frame, you can attach 9999 pieces of curse equipment
    n5166dm 667 The Road to One Day Be the Strongest
    n5177ge 64 Quickly Recommend me a Vtuber ~The Beautiful Girl in the Class, Vtuber Throws Me a Superchat~
    n5214bb 186 kuro no senki
    n5279bn 280 Unmotivated Hero’s Tale (WN)
    n5288en 180 Dekisokonai to Yobareta Moto Eiyuu wa, Jikka Kara Tsuihousa Retanode Suki Katte ni Ikiru Koto ni Shita
    n5321er 121 The Heir of the Dragon Emperor and his Bride Corps (WN)
    n5361em 193 Do You Think Someone Like You Can Defeat the Demon King
    n5378gc 361 (mtl) OverLimit skill holder
    n5391ci 1065 Sword Of The Philosopher
    n5473ge 543 (mtl) The strongest girl is a revenge
    n5486ce 58 Isekai Dungeon de RTA
    n5503fn 42 Teihen Ryoushu
    n5520de 187 Demon Noble Girl ~Story of a Careless Demon~
    n5530cf 213 For My Daughter, I might Even Defeat the Demon Lord
    n5547eo 181 The Villainess Will Crush Her Destruction End Through Modern Firepower
    n5599eq 220 (mtl) Different World Absolute Colosseum and Deathly Girl
    n5606cq 544 The Supreme Magician's Retirement Plan
    n5610ec 38 Hated Young Lady Accepts Her Fate
    n5657fv 156 Tensei Shitara dai Nana Ouji dattanode, Kimamani Majutsu o Kiwamemasu
    n5678gf 21 (mtl) indigenous people sneak into another world reincarnation cheat
    n5746gb 134 (mtl) If I was doing special training as my sister told me, my brother had become ridiculous strength ~ Overcoming the strongest sister ~
    n5754df 330 Struggling Hard As The Lord Of A Castle In A Different World
    n5870bn 246 The Annals of the Flame Kingdom (WN
    n5871dy 138 Hazure Skill ‘Mapping’ wo Te ni Shita Ore wa, Saikyou Party to Tomo ni Dungeon ni Idomu
    n5894el 61 Life with a tail
    n5897fs 115 (mtl) The unlucky job Blacksmith but the strongest-The slow life of a man who could make anything if he noticed-
    n5920ex 46 Tag-Team
    n5943db 218 Stranger’s Handbook
    n5945w 429 Teleporter
    n5946gi 77 My Wife in The Web Game is a Popular Idol
    n5947eg 158 Boukensha ni naritai
    n5976ha 70 The Villainess Wants To Be Called Onee-San
    n6001gz 135 Legendary Shinobi, sneak into another world
    n6022cs 421 Will the Re-Summoned Hero Live as an Ordinary Person
    n6033co 355 (mtl) Breeding diary of a stalker girl
    n6073cm 113 GM has logged in to another world
    n6093en 340 Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter’s Hero Dream
    n6172gf 4 (mtl) i will defeat the demon lord so wait for me, the death flag forced my soul into the body of the hero
    n6204gb 212 Bonkotsu Shinpei no Monster Raifu
    n6240cp 580 Isekai Sagishi no Consulting
    n6243gf 10 (mtl) Magic amount 0, student of the magic school
    n6247ex 172 Genius Scammers Want an Easy Life After Reincarnatio
    n6309ex 153 The Strongest Wizard Who Makes Full Use of the Strategy Book
    n6332bx 404 Nidome no jinsei wo Isekai de
    n6424ge 106 (mtl) Saint No, he's a revenge
    n6473bp 176 Yuusha Isagi no Maou Hanashi
    n6475dd 242 Being Able to Edit Skills in Another World, I Gained OP Waifus
    n6526gb 112 Inkya no Boku ni Batsu Game ni Kokuhaku Shitekita Hazu no Gyaru ga, Doumitemo Boku ni Betahore Desu
    n6567gc 44 女神から貰えるはずのチート能力をクラスメートに奪われ、原生林みたいなところに飛ばされたけどゲームキャラの能力が使えるので問題ありません
    n6583ct 150 Sword Saint’s Disciple
    n6583dj 189 Juu Sai no Saikyou Madoushi
    n6599ds 137 I Quit the Going-Home Club for a Girl with a Venomous Tongue
    n6621fl 139 Kuraki Kyuuden no Shisha no Ou
    n6640gb 47 (mtl) Incompetent and Despised Wizard, Aiming to Be the Strongest at the White Party ~ Since the power harassment childhood friend exclaimed, I decided to insulate it ~
    n6654fn 62 Never Going Home Again ~ Since I Was Persecuted, I Should Repay the Favor, or Else I’ll Be Unreasonable ~
    n6682gf 34 The person inside the villainess
    n6715ge 101 (mtl) Former hero, now Pimp ~ The story of the strongest hero leaving the Black human race and becoming happy with the White Demon King ~
    n6745hq 150 I got a holy sword and a demon sword when I was heartbroken
    n6755gk 140 Villager A Wants to Save the Villainess no Matter What
    n6771dp 130 Second Story Online Aiming To Become The World’s Number 1. Ideal Witch
    n6774eh 344 Moto Sekai Ichi’i no Sub-chara Ikusei Nikki
    n6779ft 165 ニートの逆襲 〜俺がただのニートから魔王と呼ばれるまで〜
    n6803co 115 My Entire Class Has Been Reincarnated – I Became the Weakest Skeleton
    n6829bd 483 She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman
    n6861ga 214 (mtl) What sloppy adventures they told me
    n6882gg 144 双子の兄に全てを持って行かれ、家を追い出された俺を待っていたのは……
    n6895gp 121 An Old Man from the Countryside Becomes a Swords Saint I Was Just a Rural Sword Teacher, But My Successful Students Won’t Leave Me Alone
    n6912eh 146 My Skills Are Too Strong to Be a Heroine
    n6932gg 62 I’ve Changed My Job From [Sage] to [Thief]
    n6945dr 62 Another World’s Zombie Apocalypse Is Not My Problem
    n6958ex 90 (mtl) Exiled and the rise of a demon messenger ~ A boy with the ability to anthropomorphize demons adventures with demon girls in Harlem ~
    n6970df 411 live dungeon!
    n6980gi 39 妖刀で断ち切る魔法学院〜千年の時を超えし最強の剣士と呪われた聖王女は、世界に反逆する〜
    n6990ch 186 No Fatigue 24-jikan Tatakaeru Otoko no Tenseitan
    n6993ds 143 Yuusha Dakedo, Maou Kara Sekai Wo Hanbun Moratte Uragiru Koto ni Shita
    n6995dp 96 Goblin Survivor
    n6998ge 11 (mtl) princess The demon lord is already dead, so please stop hitting
    n7078cd 254 Yamato Nadeshiko, Like a Lovely Flower
    n7225df 301 復讐完遂者の人生二周目異世界譚
    n7236dp 196 Magic Muscle Is Much More Important Than Such A Thing
    n7244bl 148 Modern Weapons Cheat in Another World
    n7266fe 656 Kajiya de Hajimeru Isekai Slow Life
    n7294dm 184 Kikanshita Yuusha no Gojitsuda
    n7299da 114 Attouteki Gacha Un de Isekai wo Nariagaru
    n7345eq 127 kuzu inou
    n7346dt 363 Magan to Dangan o Tsukatte Isekai o Buchinuku!
    n7365fo 48 Craft Game No Nouryoku De Isekai Kouryaku
    n7384dm 147 room turned into a dungeon rest
    n7392gi 20 Shinwa Jidai no Saikyou Kenja
    n7408y 217 Ori of the Dragon Chain - Heart in the mind
    n7412gl 123 The Villainess's Beloved Plan
    n7437dj 262 Do You Think You Can Run After Reincarnating, Nii-san
    n7500bd 257 Isekai Cheat Magician
    n7505bx 253 Boku wa Isekai de Fuyo Mahou to Shoukan Mahou wo Tenbin ni Kakeru
    n7551bn 39 Yuusha, Aruiwa Bakemono to Yobareta Shoujo
    n7608cw 167 Neta Chara Tensei Toka Anmari da!
    n7614gv 146 mechanical annihilation girl
    n7625ex 220 Ohanabatake no Maousama
    n7638eq 91 The Ultimate Middle-Aged Hunter Travels to Another World ~This Time, He Wants to Live a Slow and Peaceful Life~
    n7655gi 47 (mtl) Craft x Survival-Aiming to create the strongest base with crafting ability together with friends who met in a devastated different world-β World Line
    n7671do 315 Lonely Attack on the Different World (WN)
    n7673ff 211 The Reincarnated Great Saintess Hides the Fact That She Is a Saintess!
    n7702fq 64 I was hired as a private tutor by a cute little devil
    n7848gp 41 人脈チートで始める人任せ英雄譚 ~国王に「腰巾着」と馬鹿にされ、勇者パーティを追放されたので、他国で仲間たちと冒険することにした。勇者パーティが制御不能で大暴れしてるらしいけど知らん~
    n7900gc 151 (mtl) The weak said to be unnecessary became stronger and came back for revenge
    n7912cc 82 傭兵と小説家
    n7938eq 254 Kamo-san doesn't talk ~I can't leave her alone because the taciturn girl in the next seat is unreasonable~
    n7953ec 18 The Deadbeat Master and Genius Disciple’s Misunderstood Workshop
    n7961ej 122 The Hero Who Returned Remains the Strongest in the Modern World
    n7979cu 117 A Slave Career Planner Can Be A Successful Professio
    n8031dk 634 level eater
    n8034gd 106 (mtl) I was insulated because I was told that I do not need incompetence, but it was actually the strongest ~ I was raised
    n8045dg 67 Meccha Shoukan Sareta Ke
    n8089dn 327 Dark Knight and Holy Knight's Another World War
    n8092em 1260 (mtl) the other world is too much for the weak boy
    n8106fn 8 Because I’ve Been Reincarnated As A Girl I Just Want To Do Yuri Things, But Things Aren’t Going Well
    n8143bt 201 Instant Messiah
    n8162cb 276 Yomigaeri no Mao
    n8287fp 136 The Banished Villainess’ Husband
    n8355fb 182 The Second Life Cheat Reincarnation Mage ~When The Strongest Reincarnated After 1,000 Years, His Life Was Too Much For Him~
    n8356ga 236 Silent witch
    n8376eu 326 Working Again A Regular Person Returns from a Far-Away Place
    n8390hh 210 The thing that governs the monsters, with the strongest support special ability, before you know it, the world's strongest party
    n8399gu 59 I’m a low rank adventurer, but I decided to excel in magic ~I’m going to use my [Magic Creation] and [Item Creation], which are Godly skills that were once useless, and become unmatched~
    n8418ff 55 Orc Eiyuu Monogatari Sontaku Retsuden
    n8475el 152 Kanzen Kaihi Healer no Kiseki
    n8497bj 233 Dimension Wave
    n8517en 118 Free Life Fantasy Online ~人外姫様、始めました~
    n8562ep 188 (mtl) the class transition was just a dark story
    n8573z 215 My knight is a girl ~ Beautiful girl continues to be a knight even if she is stubborn ~
    n8577dn 662 Nozomanu Fushi no Boukensha
    n8581fo 234 Black kishi-dan no Dorei ga White Boukensha guild ni Hikinukarete S Rank ni Narimashita
    n8607dt 66 Instant Messiah_2
    n8630db 242 Hero No, I’m an Ordinary Citizen (Monster)
    n8693gg 110 On The 10th Year, The Transferee Who Gave Up Returning Finally Becomes The Protagonist
    n8717ge 5 (mtl) Listen to stories of B-class adventurers and exile adventurers
    n8723ge 8 (mtl) Swordsman Warriors of Rakudai Swordsman-I, who broke through infinite hell, became the strongest when I realized it ~
    n8748ff 108 Genkai Level 1 kara no Nariagari Saijaku Level no Ore ga Isekai Saikyou ni Naru mad
    n8748ge 73 (mtl) If I'm a nerd, I helped JK, and I became friends with each other
    n8759fg 253 A Misunderstood Mentor
    n8760ei 113 Isekai Apocalypse MYNOGHRA ~The conquest of the world starts with the civilization of ruin
    n8839dt 64 Miss Demon Maid
    n8872gy 64 The Fifth Prince was banished to the frontier, but for some reason his sisters-in-law became widows
    n8893fz 174 The Classless Transferee’s Skill Cop
    n8925cq 177 Cheat Majutsu de Unmei wo Nejifuseru
    n8936hn 44 A former hero returning from another world, a dungeon suddenly appeared in Japan, so I'm quitting my part-time job
    n9004cy 102 Fake Cinderella
    n9021cb 308 Build Error No Tate Souryo ~When the Strongest Tank Gets a Job as a Healer in Another World~
    n9110fe 67 The Reincarnated Adventurer with the Cursed Seals
    n9220gb 83 謎のゲームワールド転移
    n9275ei 100 (mtl) The summoned wise man goes through a different world ~ The strongest was the unnecessary inventory item ~
    n9282ds 212 (mtl) A story about a secret of a certain princess and a certain adventurer
    n9283fo 365 I was the heroine of an otome game when I was reincarnated, but I will defeat the demon king alone
    n9289fr 67 The Noble Girl Who Finds a Nerdy and Plain Guy Moe Thinks that the Arrogant Prince is In the Way
    n9296gk 29 前世は勇者だったが裏切られたので魔王になってみようと思う~無気力次期魔王様、こっそり魔王を目指します~
    n9340du 463 Munou To Yobareta Ore, Yottsu No Chikara Wo Eru
    n9351gb 158 (mtl) I gained the versatile ability to make experience a skill and became the strongest explorer
    n9402bs 273 slime tensei
    n9483ge 226 (mtl) My hero took my lover away and I was banished, but my experience saving skill broke and I reached level 300, so I'm thinking of taking a leisurely trip
    n9492v 91 Dragon's life
    n9517fc 249 Blunt Type Ogre Girl’s Way to Live Streaming
    n9525fd 280 the revenge of the soul eater
    n9527fv 69 Last Boss, Yametemita ~Shujinkou ni Taosareta Furi Shite Jiyuu ni Ikitemita
    n9573fw 182 Different World's Nanpa, Fantasy World Pickup Artist
    n9633eq 105 It Seems like He Is Trash According to the Rumors
    n9669ct 575 I Was Naked When I Reached the Other World
    n9676fu 94 異世界帰りの大賢者様はそれでもこっそり暮らしているつもりです
    n9701et 66 If You Win, The Prize Is The Princess
    n9748gs 85 Since I’ve Entered the World of Romantic Comedy Manga, I’ll Do My Best to Make the Heroine Who Doesn’t Stick With the Hero Happy
    n9759gl 186 Even If She’s the Demon King’s Daughter, She’ll Betray Him Because the Hero’s Party is Yuri Heaven
    n9802dy 110 腹ぺこな上司の胃をつかむ方法~左遷先は宮廷魔導師の専属シェフ~
    n9814bu 134 29-Years-Old Bachelor Was… Brought to a Different World to Live Freely
    n9814fq 97 The Villainous Daughter’s Butler ~I Raised Her to be Very Cute~
    n9846ee 493 The Simple-Looking Sword Saint is Nevertheless the Strongest
    n9854go 42 Reincarnated Little Girl in the Elf Forest-Exile Level 782, All-you-can-eat Spiritual Master's Diary of a Heartwarming Different World-
    n9925eo 13 (mtl) The magnificent sage, who has failed the Reformation and was left as an island, makes disciples and lives leisurely on the southern islands
    n9985cb 2690 Boundary Labyrinth and the Foreign Magician
    wuxiaworld 627 Trash of the Counts Family
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2022
    Prothean, Ddraig, Vesica and 6 others like this.
  2. otaku31

    otaku31 Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2015
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    Continuing God's work! :blobsalute:
    Xxsafirex likes this.
  3. Kanjeng-Prabu

    Kanjeng-Prabu Active Member

    Mar 19, 2020
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    I left a kunai here, so I can return sometime... :blob_grin:

    Xxsafirex likes this.
  4. sonachi

    sonachi Active Member

    Aug 24, 2018
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    Hi, how can you upload the raws for n9492v 91 Dragon's life please!! Thank you so much for keeping everything :LOL:
  5. Xxsafirex

    Xxsafirex Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2016
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    changed the drive link (if the folder is empty when you go it's bcz my snail of internet connection wasn't fast enough try again later)
  6. sonachi

    sonachi Active Member

    Aug 24, 2018
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    Thank you so much!! :))
  7. jefffe

    jefffe New Member

    Jan 3, 2021
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    Thanks so much. Do you have "Kanzen Kaihi Healer no Kiseki"? We are looking for vol 4-6 and I don't see it in your list
  8. Xxsafirex

    Xxsafirex Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2016
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    i have till chapter 152 (it looks like the last chapter of the novel ) (btw it is in the list, ctrl + f for quick search)
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2021
  9. tet_420

    tet_420 Active Member

    Sep 30, 2019
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    kakuyomu 1177354054884043614 Nazekano raws
  10. Xxsafirex

    Xxsafirex Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2016
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    the .rar ( file should be up in the next 10 mins
  11. frostydeathknight

    frostydeathknight Active Member

    Nov 7, 2020
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    how come you do not have dragon life in your folder?

    never I found it
  12. Xxsafirex

    Xxsafirex Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2016
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    He is in the cloud, but yeah just saw he isn't in the list :/
  13. Fishbaby

    Fishbaby Active Member

    Aug 21, 2020
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    Could you make a guide on how you where able to make these backups? I haven't found a reliable method yet and would like to archive some of my favorite webnovels.
  14. Xxsafirex

    Xxsafirex Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2016
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    i'm using this python script for archiving, there is a video on how it should be used if you are interested (if you don't understand how it works feel free to ask me).
    why bother tho when i can do it for you ;)
    Last edited: May 9, 2021
  15. Fishbaby

    Fishbaby Active Member

    Aug 21, 2020
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    After installing the python modules everything works perfectly, thank you so much for making this! The fact that I can just plug everything into a list and only have to run the program every so often is amazing. Thank you for your hard work.
    Xxsafirex likes this.
  16. folna

    folna New Member

    Aug 25, 2021
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    can you help me with how to install that? I can't make it work.
  17. Xxsafirex

    Xxsafirex Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2016
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  18. folna

    folna New Member

    Aug 25, 2021
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    I followed the instruction but I got
    "Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\Users\songf\Desktop\WNovelArchiver-master\", line 8, in <module>
    import Downloaders
    File "C:\Users\songf\Desktop\WNovelArchiver-master\src\", line 2, in <module>
    import requests
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'requests'
  19. Xxsafirex

    Xxsafirex Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2016
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    that's because your python environment doesn't have the module named "requests", to add it, you will have to type in your cmd "pip install requests" (you might have to do it for some other modules too)
  20. folna

    folna New Member

    Aug 25, 2021
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    Thank you! It's working now.