Spoiler Remarried Empress

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by midnight reader, Jun 9, 2019.

  1. yeojin

    yeojin Member

    Apr 27, 2020
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    Rasta said that Sovie's a eunuch or something like impotent, and said that he divorced Navier because of it then order Rasta to sleep with another man to have an heir. Heinley wanted to ask Navier whether he's really impotent but he cant :blobjoy:
  2. Marinette

    Marinette Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2018
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    Woah, then she come seeking for his help when she was about to die. :confused:Rashta is pretty inconsistent. Tho is definitely already proven she had some screw gears in her head :/

    Once again my theory about her being selfish is proven. She lash at Stupidshu to save herself then search for Stupidshu to save herself once again. Believe it or not but the poisoning was actually mild punishment... Not saying it's right she dies but, all of it is definitely Karma tied. Not to mention, ignorant and naive she might be, Trashta's cruelty couldn't come by unpunished one way or another her wrong doings comes back at her.

    Any spoiler about the discussion during the trial? :love:
  3. Kezi

    Kezi Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2020
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    Wait, people are upset about Christa's suicide? Why? Did you expect birdboy to just forgive all their acts verging on rebellion, undermining his authority, threatening his wife and baby, and last but not least, drugging him? At least he gives the other family members chances to be loyal to him, with the occasional pettiness like not inviting their kids to the children's banquet lol, just to make them know they're not in his favor yet, and keep them in line.

    Anyway, I'm more impressed by Rashta's ability to delude herself and believe in her own lies and innocence until the end. An unrepentant liar is the worst type of sinner to me, and because of that, I won't ever feel sorry for her, cause her lies are just catching up to her.

    Strangely enough, the lie that always stuck with me is the lie about Koshar pushing her. She's insisted on it for 100 chapters, never once coming clean. It hurts that nobody except Navi, her brother and friend will ever know for sure what happened.
  4. Akesato

    Akesato Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2017
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    Christa didn’t drug him... it was Grand Duke Kapman. She was used by everyone in their schemes basically. Not to deny her own scheming, but some things were not her fault.

    Rashta and believing her own lies, name a more iconic duo. If you believe in your lies everyone will eventually? Yup, seems logical, let’s go ruin some people’s lives.

    Unfortunately it will be hard to believe that Rashta dropped on her butt because Koshar threateningly tried to approach her.
    IzKir and rock.doll like this.
  5. FIEND

    FIEND i eat crayons

    May 17, 2020
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    It wud have been great to have her rot in the prison slowly, no food no water no nothing.
    Come on poison? Thats so nice of them
  6. FIEND

    FIEND i eat crayons

    May 17, 2020
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    Howd she find out???
  7. Akesato

    Akesato Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2017
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    Sovieshu told her about the abortion cookies they ate when they were kids. She also was the source of Navier’s infertility rumours in the Western Empire.
  8. Roy realer

    Roy realer Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2019
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    okay this pieces of spoiler is killing me. Gives us the summary of the pretrial, trail and aftermath.
    and why the hell would he stupid shoe tell rasta about the cookie? and what belief did Rasta had for revealing ( about stupidshoe) this in trail? i mean how is it going to save her?
  9. Akesato

    Akesato Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2017
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    To tell her the position of the empress is not hers, she’s getting it to legitimize her child. Who knows, he’s a stupidshoe for a reason. And for revealing it... probably if I’m falling I’ll drag you down with me.
  10. theilikepie

    theilikepie Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    Honestly the way some characters act so inconsistent makes me think its just bad writing. Some characters seem like there two different people

    I am get one chracter having there scrw loose. But you cant just call all the character that act inconsistent as having there screw loose. Thats just masking you bad character writing

    Characters go from one way of thinking to another for no reason whatsoever. I get character development but we legit see no development from anyone besides Navier

    Its like the writer just wanted to give the readers emotional catharsis without putting any thought or logic into it
  11. Akesato

    Akesato Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2017
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    Rashta has nothing inconsistent in her character. She always told lies, she always believed her own lies, she always pointed finger at those threatening her. The one who is inconsistent is Sovieshu. His behaviour is inconsistent, his preferences are all over the place, his thought process is backwards all the time at least.

    Again, there are no black and white, everyone is more of the grey with more inclined towards black or white. They all do good things, they all do bad things, Duke Elgy is good in front of Rashta but actually schemes to use her and harm her, Sovieshu... is just stupid.
  12. orichan

    orichan Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2020
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    While I do think the birdman is cruel, I also think he did give Christa multiple chances to just let him be and that Christa wasn't totally innocent.

    He gave Christa multiple warnings and it was Christa who was actually tried to make the court believe he spent a whole night with her to force him to take her into his court.

    Birdman had no desire to give her a bad life. He wanted her transferred out of power, yes, but that's not a wrong thing. That's as expected. In fact, he wanted to take care of Christa and give her a quiet but good life like his brother asked, but in the end, a newly crowned king who is still trying to stabilize his kingdom can only take so much before he has to act.
  13. Kezi

    Kezi Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2020
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    Yup, like the other poster said, Rashta has always been crazy, the type to call the wife of the husband she just stole sister, and feel victimized when the wife isn't excited to see her.

    The only inconsistent character is Shovelshit, and that's because it's so hard to guess what he's thinking. I don't even know how much he ever truly loved Rashta, and when he completely gave up on her. Did he even love her at all? He never got jealous over her, even his fight with birdboy was about him calling her a liar, he didn't seem to care about them being penpals. He definitely always felt pity for her and wanted her to live a happy life. But, like Navi said, it seemed like Rashta was the only one who got his pity, not the people she hurt. I kinda want to see a pov chapter about his first meeting with Rashta, she must've looked like an angel fallen to earth.
  14. nobinot

    nobinot New Member

    May 11, 2020
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    Excuse me, but does anyone know where I can read the new updates from novels that have been translated into English?
  15. FIEND

    FIEND i eat crayons

    May 17, 2020
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    shovel shit hahah
    honestly someother user pointed this out alread, but if we were able to see his perspective more, a little on how first found her to his thought process of how he might lust over her but his love will always be for navier kinda thing, and maybe his thought process on other matters...like fucking telling her about the cookies. IT IS BAD charecter writing on authors part. I mean stooping to trashtas level to explain thing when it can be used against him, using schizo and amnesia didnt really cut it. But overall he got what he deserved, and that is a far greater punishment to see his lineage and what he built crumble than taking the pill to die
    flamingorangesoof likes this.
  16. Reio

    Reio 【Random】

    Oct 3, 2019
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    I wouldn't say bad character writing cuz it was intended, usually unhappy(unfaithful) married men compare other women to thier spouse, and cheat with the one that differs the most from them
    Correct me if I'm wrong, wasn't it discussed that he liked how Trashta inflated his ego and acted lovable to him
    He called her at first my cute prey or smth ugh *gag*
    She cries and depends on him
    And he wanted to make navi jealous
  17. Navi_X

    Navi_X Active Member

    May 10, 2020
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    Back in the East (before the paternity test). Allen went to see Rasta, he brought Ahn with him. The baby was fully covered to hide his resemblance with Rasta but there was a bird (if translations were correct, the bird has a rolled letter wrapped around the leg - I haven't found out what the letter was about though as it didn't appear in the future chapters. Either that or we missed something when we were translating it). The bird flew and came down attacking Allen. The bird's tail or wings may have hit the hat that was covering the child's hair and it came off. Rasta rushed to get it but other people had seen the baby already.
    Ever since it was revealed that Allen's child looks like Rasta, the servants and the maids had a new topic to talk about. They talked about how Rasta lied to Sovieshu and not tell him that she had a baby. The thought that Sovieshu doesn't know this. He had to let Navi go to marry Rasta even if she's a fraud. They begin to suspect that the princess inst Sovieshu child.
    Rasta agonized and waited for the rumors to dissipate as it had reached even the aristocrats. They had nothing to talk about but her story. She thought that she should have Allen killed and not Rivetti. Sovieshu isn't saying anything too and not even defending the princess. She wanted to divert the rumors again like before with Duchess Tuania. At that time, it was possible because Nian was famous but now there was no such person.

    In the West, Evely was found and rescued from the Moon Forest. Her carriage was tampered by a man paid by the Isqua couple so she could be in an accident. She was saved by her magic. Navi was confused because she knew that Evely lost her mana.
    Navi and Heinley talked about who could do this to Evely. Heinley thought that maybe it's one of the people Sovieshu sent with Evely, but Navi told him that Sovieshu may be the worst husband but as an Emperor, he is good. Heinley went quiet and told her that he doesnt want Navi to say anything nice about Sovieshu (little boi is jealous). Navi asked if what she said sounded like a compliment. Heinley nodded, she said she didn't mean it. Heinley rubbed his forehead on Navi's hand, but got reprimanded by Navi to not do it in front of other people. He sulked so she had to kiss him on the cheek. Heinley knows how to play this though and still pretended to be sad. He knows how to look sad and cute. She told him that he looks cute whenever he pretend to sulk. She also asked if there is anyone else that adores him whenever he do it. Heinley told her that there is no other person aside from her. Navi wasn't so sure about that, she told him that he knows her past but she doesn't know much about his. She left him and went to Evely.
    Evely handed Sovieshu's gift to Navier (Tears of a Fairy). She remembered that she had asked for this jewelry as a birthday present before but Sovieshu told her that he will give it to her when they have their first child (the hell is this guy thinking then? Why give it to her?). She wants to give it back but Evely will be placed in a difficult position if she did.

    Kapmen came to Navi and asked her if she was very close to Evely. She asked him if there is anything wrong about it if they are. Kapmen answered that he was jealous and want's to be close to her too, but that's is irrelevant now. He came to report that Evely was deceived so I came to visit her. She asks her what is it?
    -"I want to hide this ability so that you won't be afraid of me. I keep telling you everything, My Beautiful Ice that I cannot get close to...sorry. It was suspected that the West Empire had attacked the wizards of the East."
    -"Yes, There seems to be a good reason behind it."
    Navi remembers what she heard between Heinley and Mckenna when she snooped during their conversation. The Dean was also wary of her when she visited.
    -"The East Empire is not going to make this public because they lost conclusive evidence during the investigation."
    She thanks Kapmen for letting her know.
    Heinley went to see her in her room then. She isn't sure if she can ask Heinley directly about what she now knows. She was lost in thoughts when Heinley broke through and asked her about the box where Sovieshu's gift is.
    He came to me and kissed me on the cheek.
    -"Why do you look so sad?"
    Should I tell him about Sovieshu's gift or should we talk about the "it" I wanted to ignore?
    -"I'm thinking about it"
    -"I don't think it's something nice, looking at your face..."
    -"I have two things to say"
    -"Are you thinking whether to tell me about them or not?"
    -"I'm thinking which one to say first."
    I have to say both. I divided to start with something bigger. The box from Sovieshu will make Heinley jealous but it's more important to talk about the decrease of mana.
    -"What is it Queen?"
    -"Are you causing the decrease of mana in the East?"
    Are you a criminal? I wanted to say that but I have to choose my words properly.
    -"Are you behind it?"
    In the midst of this, I thought he was being treated as a bad guy because he is called a killer because of his brother. If he had caused the mana reduction then he would have already made hundreds of victims. Heinley must be a bad guy for them. In the blink of an eye, Heinley's face became as cool as if it were ice.
    -"Navier." :eek::eek:
    He called me in a cold voice. His eyes less warm than usual. He wasn't angry with me. At my question, the friendly, sweet mask that he always wore over his head was gone.
    It was heartbreaking to see him hardened without even making excuses.
    After calling his name again and again, I put my hand on his cheek.
    I called his name three times and kissed his upper lip lightly. Heinley shook his eyes, and slowly blinked.
    -"Navier. Queen. Navier, I..."
    -"I'm not trying to blame you. I want to hear it from you directly."
    The room became completely quiet, I could only hear the ticking of the clock. The reality disappeared and it felt like he and I were the only ones left in the world. No matter what he says here, it will be acceptable.
    When he called me, the atmosphere that had enveloped us in a magical strange stillness was shattered. Reality snatched us again and returned us to the room. Suddenly, everything became scary and my palms and tongue itched with tension. I couldn't feel anything from the palm of my hand wrapped in Heinley's.
    -"Not anymore"
    Heinley talked about the conclusion first. Then he quickly continued to speak, overlapping his hands on my cheek.
    -"It's true that I touched the wizards as a way to pressure t he East. Wizards are the pillars that made the East the strongest nation and the power of the Emperor's themselves. But not anymore.
    Heinley's eyes looking at me looked so scared.
    -" I married you from the Eastern Empire. I don't want to wage war on the Eastern Empire for you. I'm telling you the truth."
    -"Evely is?"
    -"It's true that she lost her mana because she was swept away by my plans. But I'm the one who gave back her magic, Queen, for you. Because I saw the child and it hurt you."
    I was going to ask what happened to Evely, who regained her mana. Heinley being scared told me everything on his own. Various emotions ran in my head at the same time. It's hard to tell the difference between themselves. I just held his face with both hands without a word a brought my forehead to his forehead. In all these, only two emotions were clear. A grateful heart and guilt. As I've determined before, I can't stop him from preparing war with the East Empire. My husband is attacking my mother country, my family and my friends. However, Heinley said that he would no longer put a war on the East Empire for me. It's been planned for along time. He gave it up for me. I want to thank him, but I was sorry that his identity as the Emperor of the Western Empire was shaken because of me. Of course, there were mixed feelings of sadness toward him, thinking that if we hadn't become a couple, we would meet as enemies. Heinley called me over and over again. He seemed to be more scared when I stayed silent. I must say something, but what? I searched around for various emotions that travel quickly between my mind and heart. I picked one of them. I need to say what I need right now.
    -"Thank you for your consideration" (Aye, Katniss Everdeen from District 12!!!)
    I whispered low in his ear. Heinley flinched and asked in a low voice.
    -"Are you not angry?"
    -"You said you won't go to war for me."
    -"Even though I'm the one who made Evely sick?"
    -"You're the one who also gave it back."
    -"If I hadnt taken it away from her in the first place, she would have been stronger than she is now."
    I don't think all the mana has returned, But this was the part where I couldn't say it was okay on Evely's behalf, because I'm not Evely.
    -"Are you disappointed of me, Queen?"
    -"I'm not disappointed."
    Had Heinley admitted to being "right" to my questions and apologized, he probably felt a different feeling from now. He loves me, but as an Emperor, he must go to war. Even if he said that, he would have reacted differently. But he said he would no longer proceed with what I was afraid of. What should I tell him who has already given up great greed for me? His confession that he loved me came to mind again.
    He's serious this time. He truly loves me. I feel dazed. In a daze, a box of Sovieshu's gift lying on the table caught my eye. I suddenly became curious. What would Sovieshu do to this situation? I don't know. I can't even guess his behavior pattern now. When I was in the East, I never imagined that the proud Sovieshu would continue to send me such gifts after the divorce.
    -"Queen, you said you had two things to talk about. What is the other one?"
    I lost track of time, Heinley asked in a nervous voice. One was not aware of Sovieshu's story, so once again the muscles of my shoulders and arms were stiff as if they were nervous.
    -"This is not your story"
    -"Sovieshu sent me a very precious gift."
    -"You mean the craft that the mission brought this time?"
    -"He personally sent one more."
    Heinley saw a crumpled box on the table.
    -"Is that it?"
    I nodded.
    -"I'd like to send it back because it's too much for me to get something like this from Sovieshu. I'm sending it personally becaude it might cause misunderstanding. Will you let me go?"
    Heinley's expression turned sour. Then he took turns looking at me several times and he chewed his lips nervously. It seemed as if he wanted to show jealousy as he did when I said, Sovieshu is a good Emperor. Failing to act as usual, he ended up sighing, leaning his forehead on my shoulder.
    -"Queen, this is how you chose to speak, isn't it?"
    -"Are you disappointed?"
    As I asked after what Heinley had said, he burst into a low laugh and raised his head to make eye contact. I made up my mind.

    Sovieshu loves Glorym so much but is checking her everyday to see any resemblance with him - there was none. The situation placed him to take a paternity test because people are already talking. He wanted to trust Rasta one last time. He tries to remember if Rasta made any contact with anyone else during her time with him. If she didn't then maybe Glorym really is his daughter. He was a caring Father. In the midst of this, He visited Glorym frequently and took care of her from time to time.
    Rasta remembers Elgy's advice to never respond to a paternity test (during hiring of fake parents). It was a humiliating thing to have a paternity test.
    -"It's weird for her to refuse a paternity test, isn't it?"
    -"She's not a princess. She's a bastard."
    -"It would be a big deal if only the Emperors blood wouldn't match. "

    There are already a lot of families wanting to produce the next Empress that is targeting Rasta and she has no one to protect her. Roteschu could help her but he's busy looking for Rivetti. She is mainly scared that the paternity test will reveal that she is not a nobleman. Fortunately, her Father is now a commoner. She thinks that it's better to be a commoner's daughter than a slave's daughter. Although she cannot make Glorym the next emperor if that is the case.
    Whoever the princess' father was and who concealed that she had a first child was in trouble. This ruins asking help from Elgy.

    She receives a letter from her real father delivered by her father's maid, asking for a larger sum of money again. She was expecting something else from her Father. She broke down in tears, he didn't even asked how she was. Rasta only wanted to be loved, she wanted to smile, she wanted to be happy. She want's to stay happy forever. She wants to have a father who didn't push his sins to his daughter and was free. She wants a lover who wouldn't push her away with promises of love, but someone who really loves her. She wants to not be criticized for being a slave who is fully loved and has done nothing wrong. She thinks that she is being punished now for taking the throne of the previous Empress. Should she just waited for her Father to rescue her, lived with such expectation and die a decent death? Rasta planned to give her Father something big for the last time. She told her Father's maid to have her Father meet her at the palace back street. When she went to meet her father, a knight ran after her father and abducted him. She wondered who took her father, was it Sovieshu? Sovieshu still cares for her to protect her then. Rasta's guess was half true. Sovieshu had her father abducted because if it is revealed that Rasta is not the Isqua couple's daughter, even if the paternity test shows Glorym as his daughter, the future of the princess will be troubled. Isqua couple left Rasta to look for their real daughter. She gave them the money she intended to give to her father combined with the money she initially wanted to give them. Unless Evely dies or disappears, she won't look for this couple. She expects not to be bad mouthed by them by the amount she gave.

    She went to see Sovieshu in his bedroom (she couldn't before because of the blue bird incident). She forced herself in his bedrooom. Without a moment to recall the days of being loved by Sovieshu, she was bitch slapped by the large picture frame on the wall. It was hung so that it could be seen from the very front when sitting on the bed. There were two frames. One of Glorym, with a lovely smile lying down on the cradle. and next to it, the woman next to him. Empress Navier looked down at Sovieshu with a cold look on her face. Rasta laughed vainly. No matter what anyone said, the wife of Sovieshu is her. The minister himself allowed Navier's divorce, and allowed Sovieshu to marry Rasta. But he hangs a picture of a woman who has already become someone else's wife in his bedroom, with Rasta's child.
    The eyes of Sovieshu were indifferent and reckless. Rasta looked at him resentfully but Sovieshu did not change his expression. The bird shook the cage wildly with a strange shrill sound. The bird's screams carved out a close atmosphere.
    -"Yes? Do you have something to tell me?"
    Sovieshu went to the cage and asked, soothing the bird. Rasta was originally going to ask about her father. I would say thank you for not hurting my father with my own hands. Although the relationship has become awkward these days than before, I wanted to say that it was Sovieshu that always saved her in an emergency, Sovieshu always lifted her up. I also wanted to tell him not to worry about the princess. I thought that if I said this, Sovieshu would feel guilty for causing harm to his wife's father for whatever reason...I don't know. The moment I saw the picture of Empress Navier in the bedroom, my confidence disappeared. I became doubtful whether Sovieshu felt guilty for killing my father. When the premise that Emperor Sovieshu loved her was shaken, everything seemed to be a mess.
    Sovieshu, who calmed the bird, calmly sat in the bed. He is rubbing his wet hair. He had his ex-wife's painting hanging in the bedroom, but he didn't care at all.
    -"Your majesty...Do you love Rasta?"
    -"What are you talking about so suddenly?"
    -"Answer me please, it's important."
    -"Rasta, this is not the time for your whining."
    -"Even if it wasn't Rasta but someone else who got caught in the trap, would you still have saved her?"
    -"I have no queer taste in collecting dead memories, Rasta. Of course, whoever was hurt, I would have brought her and treated her."
    -"Even if she wasn't Rasta...do you think your Majesty is going to make her a concubine?
    Sovieshu didn't answer.
    -"I'm here to tell you that I'm going to have a paternity test."
    Suspicions that spread like wildfire slowed down when Rasta agreed to have the test.

    *Navi wanted to give Heinley something as a gift but can't decide on it. She asks her Mom how to make a cake as her Mom "bakes" one for her Dad. Mom isn't really the one baking it. Her brother suggests to give Heinley clothes, hat, shoes. Nian suggests sexy underwear. Mckenna tells her that there's a dance Heinley loves and he'll be happy is Navi dances with him. Mckenna also tells her that Heinley's ideal type is woman who can dance perfectly.

    *Navi learns that the culprit behind Evely's accident is the Isqua couple. Evely has no idea why the Isqua couple wants to harm her. She thought that maybe it's because Rasta thinks that Evely is going to be Sovieshu's next concubine. Navi asks Evely to stay at Western Empire, Evely refused. Navi want's to punish the culprit but leaves it to the Eastern Empire. She sends a report to Sovieshu instead.

    *Navi prepares several gifts for Heinley.
    He tells her that there's something he really wanted as a gift (makes Navi disappointed as she prepared a lot of gifts for him). He asks to have the jewel Sovieshu gave Navi (Fairy Tears). She thinks that it would be weird to give him the jewelry from her ex-husband but remembered that Sovieshu wanted to give her ring to Rasta before, so she gave it to him. Sovieshu sends Count Pirnu and Duke Lilteang as the East's delegation on Heinley's birthday. Count Pirnu recognizes the jewelry Heinley wore.
    The delegation from White Wond gifts Navi (late baby party gift) two paintings of warships and trade ships and documents stating that the ship's authority was transferred. However, Navi realizes that the ships can only be used if you have a port (which they didn't, and White Mond has).

    *She went to look for Heinley but was interrupted when someone screamed. Duke Zmensia's grandson was pushed by Duke Lilteang to a pond and almost drowned. He was saved by a maid. Heinley and Zmensia saw the incident and had Lilteang detained in a room (everything was part of Heinley's plan, he told Lilteang beforehand that the child was Zmensia's grandson and Zmensia had a pretty bad reputation in the West. Heinley didn't order Lilteang to do anything, it's just that, when Lilteang knows something, he gets excited so he kinda have accidentally pushed the child to the pond as his grandfather is bad. It isn't clear how Heinley knew this behavior of Lilteang but it served as a revenge when Lilteang insulted Navi in front of him before - I think this is when he was crowned as King). Heinley tells Mackenna to report that Lilteang will be sentenced to five years imprisoned in a tower to Sovieshu, they think that it will benefit Sovieshu and he won't disagree because Lilteang and his son is a threat to him if the princess is proven not to be his daughter. He orders Mckenna to lock Lilteang in the tower with a stone sewn up in his mouth (you guys, he keeps his promise) :D

    *Navi shows the boxes for each gift but tells Heinley that he can only choose one (for each day from his birthday). He unknowingly chose the box with the sexy underwear, Navi snatched it from him and lied that the box was for Randre. He had to choose another one (He picked the one with Navi's painting depicting a dance - Mckenna's suggestion). Navi thought that it;s now silly so she returns the first box and told him that's it's really for him. When Heinley opened it, he thought that Navi is joking.

    *She finally tells him about the White Mond case, and show's him the paintings of the ship (either they take White Mond's ports by force - Navi is against this or work with White Mond). Heinley's wants the ships and the port.

    *Evely arrives back at the Eastern Empire and was asked what was Navi's reaction to the gift by Sovieshu. She answers that Navi is always calm whatever you gave her. He orders her to leave and ponders that he should have given her the jewelry when she had asked for it. He thinks that Navi will think of him upon receiving the gift. He also received the report about the Isqua couple and Duke Lilteang. Before the Isqua coouple could leave the East, He interrogated them. He asks them if this was Rasta's doing but they told him it's not. They just wanted to get rid of Evely wo she woudlnt come back to the palace. Sovieshu didnt believe them though.

    *Marquis Karl reports that they found the slavery document.

    Sorry if they have different format. I can only do this during my lunch breaks, and I sometimes forget how I wrote the next day (too busy at work). These are summaries of what we have before Rasta's trial. If you have questions, I'll try to answer it if I can. We are translating chapters 200 and up now. I will reread the continuation and hopefully share it to you by tomorrow.
  18. FIEND

    FIEND i eat crayons

    May 17, 2020
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    yea i see that, ur right for the most part it was intended, and the author did show direct cause and effect for each action the charecters took
    wish trashta got a far worse ending
    Reio likes this.
  19. FIEND

    FIEND i eat crayons

    May 17, 2020
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    thanks for the translations
    -when did she find out about her father, and how did he become a commoner again?
    she did get short end of the stick in life, but at one point she had the opportunity to turn everything around
    Im a little confused about one part, so shoe ordered her real father to be killed?
    Did her fake parents ever find their daughter
    Mega lol for that painting bitch slapping her.

    ALL of this would have been resolved if shitshoe had just properly communicated with navi and said sorry about the cooki, and it was in good intention turned wrong. And then proceeded to talk about adopting a baby or other options etc.
  20. Akesato

    Akesato Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2017
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    It was mentioned a while back around chapters 150. He payed off his debt but never bothered taking Rashta from the lord’s mansion (viscount Roteschu) because “you lived pretty well with lord’s son”. So technically she wasn’t a slave anymore, but no one bothered to tell her.

    That is what he told her when he came to see her in the palace. She got upset and was thinking of killing him immediately but figured it would be too obvious and dangerous. It was actually Duke Elgy who found him and convinced him to see his daughter.