Spoiler Petite Mother of Four Big Shots

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Alina Moktan, Nov 27, 2019.

  1. craz

    craz Peach Manic

    Jun 7, 2016
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    More spoilers please
  2. RuLiLa

    RuLiLa Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2016
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    Don't worry. The pervert with a harem is not the male lead. This novel has no romance in the first place.
    The male source of the genetic material of her children is introduced though and even their background together has been revealed. Yet, that's all. He pretty much served as a dog/bodyguard in the story. XD
    If I really have to add more about him; his interdimensional travel contributed to the disruption of space and time.
    (Finish the story to understand why I used the underlined words instead of simply using the word father.)

    The story stays true to its proposed synopsis. It focuses on her and her kids. It's not a reverse harem. The love you would see here is familial love.

    Just make fanfics if you want romance for her. I myself support her to be with the friend of Da Bao.
    RaiLi, Xi-hime, Saraf and 2 others like this.
  3. cityofcyrene

    cityofcyrene Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2020
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    This story IS mainly on familial love but there is a pinch or maybe a sprinkle of romance. I MTL'ed so i dunno if i got some parts correctly.

    MC (Yuan) and ML (Qian) met when they were 12 years old in a different (ancient) world. MC did like ML and they were supposed to get married but shit happened so no marriage, a lot of death etc.
    In the modern world, 17 year old (i guess? he a minor too) ML and 17 year old MC met. ML doesn't remember anything apart from his name and the fact that his parents are dead while MC doesn't remember ML at all.
    So ML, who is like a carnivore kid that's great at kungfu, ends up becoming MC's bodyguard and then later finds out to be the biological father of MC's sons. The sons don't accept him because they thought ML abandoned them and their mother to fend for themselves.
    Although ML's mind is childish and his sons don't accept him, he wants to be a good dad. Example is when someone tried to kill his first son, he hunted down the enemy (a really difficult to find killer) by himself and all in all saved the day haha
    The 3 sons(4th son wasn't found yet) slowly accept (tho a tiny bit) ML not as a father but atleast a part of the family but then ML disappears. Sucked into another world.

    After 3 months (probably? i forgot), ML pops out of thin air at the 4th son's apartment. He looked like a beggar and was full of injuries. The 2nd son who was a doctor, took care of the injuries. This time when he woke up, apart from his name, and his parents' death, he only remembers MC. He doesn't remember that he has sons. Funny, how he thinks his sons were his love rivals and thought they were MC's 'other men' but he again finds out that they were his kids so he tries to act as a father but the sons still didn't like him. He sticks to MC like a puppy everytime his sons were mean to him.
    Finally, ML regains his memory after getting hit by a car. MC and the sons took note of the change in ML. How he was mature and actually has a high IQ (the sons even mentally agreed that their high IQ came from his side of the family although they won't say it out loud).
    MC asks questions about what he remembers. He says he was in the space/time dimension for 3000 years looking for her which caused him to lose his memory (not quite sure if that was the reason why). MC feels sadness and guilt since who would want to be stuck for that long? MC asks other questions about the past but ML won't say anything unless she remember everything by herself but that he would prefer if she leaves the past alone and that they start a fresh new life in this world.
    ML expressed his like for the modern world due to its freedom, peacefulness, no war, no killing.
    Now that ML remembers everything, he doesn't get bullied by his sons anymore, he's the one that bullies them now. He uses his kungfu to escape his sons' wrath and even offered to teach them kungfu moves as long as they call him Dad haha.
    MC and ML goes to school, they are seniors. ML gets higher grades than MC in entrance exam so they end up in different classrooms, ML wants to stay in same section as MC while MC wants to beat ML in academics to prove to sons that their mommy isn't dumber than dad. Sons are secretly happy that their mom and dad have separated classrooms.
    Near the end, MC regains her memories after almost getting blown up by her step sister. She tells the truth to her sons. After the sons leave for work, she confronts ML and tells him that she doesn't like him anymore. ML accepts and says he would chase her again. MC gives him a condition and maybe she would think about giving him a chance.

    In last chapter, ML and MC are college students. ML announces in campus that his girlfriend is MC. MC doesn't deny it tho she doesn't really treat ML as a boyfriend even if the students think their love dovey in the outside. ML leaves for a month due to a project with a professor, MC admits to herself that she misses ML. After ML returns, he gives a matching jewelry (bracelet, i think?) to MC, he says they are the only couple who has it, he gives MC a kiss on the cheek and uses kungfu to run back to his dorm in success.

    Up to you to judge if you consider it as Romance or not.
    RaiLi, Leilacus, Xi-hime and 7 others like this.
  4. Crayon

    Crayon Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2019
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    AWWWWWWWWWW :aww::aww::aww::aww: Pretty sure they ended up together tho, the author did a great job giving them a fresh start in the modern world. Though it's pretty weird that their sons is older than them :blobsweat:
    Xi-hime and stumblmer like this.
  5. cityofcyrene

    cityofcyrene Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2020
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    Its alright actually. You wouldn't really mind their ages since
    the sons act like babies to their mom and their mom thinks like.. well, a mom.
    The sons fight for their moms favor and mom knows that the sons get easily jealous of each other so she treats them equally
    I would say this story is more on comedy. And the 'main relationship' is on familial love. And yeah, I don't doubt that mom and dad ended up together coz'
    dad is obviously pursuing mom and mom treats people their age as 'little boys', her circle of friends are aged 60+. Her sons friends will end up calling her aunt. And there are no other signs of 'other men' that could possibly replace dad
    -NEAR-, RaiLi, Leilacus and 7 others like this.
  6. VioletBlue

    VioletBlue Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2019
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    My heaaaartttt getting warm :love:

    It's really refreashing to see a family love .. i really didnt want a ML i wanted her sons to have all the light but since the ML is thier daddy I love it :aww: it's sad she dont love him now but she will love him again hopfully :blobxd:

    I started the novel resently and im still in the beggenning .. i want to know when they she is thier mother, soon or later? I want the chapter number not how did they discover the truth
    Xi-hime likes this.
  7. vita1961

    vita1961 Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2016
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    Any information on the first and fourth son? What happened to them for all those years. Also I’m confused by the timeline because the only the sons were older. The MC’s family and kidnapper are the same age??
  8. cityofcyrene

    cityofcyrene Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2020
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    Okay soooo, let me remember..

    1st son is a billionaire slash secret operative, he has many enemies which is why he keeps it a secret, he's most dangerous enemy in the story was easily defeated (killed?) by ML(their dad).
    When their mom disappeared, he ended up alone in the streets, he was hot-headed and ended up always fighting with other street kids then he was found by a rich military family, he owed them a lot and is close friends with the family's only son, he was brought to their home.. trained as a soldier then he wanted to become rich so that when his mother returns she won't have problems about finding work.

    4th son is a professor, has very high IQ.
    He ended up in an orphanage and was adopted by a family. His surname was changed but his firstname remained. Among the 4 sons, he was the only one who rejected MC, and he was hurt because MC didn't recognize him when he himself looks like MC the most among the four brothers, he didn't believe the time travel story until their dad popped out of nowhere.
    The 4th son believes he owes everything to his adopted family and is indebted to them while MC took care of him for only a few years before disappearing, thus his attitude at first. But he found out the truth and ended up becoming a mama's boy.
    *more info: 2nd son was worried about his mom because of 4th son's rejection. This is because he believes his Mom favored or was more lenient on the 4th son for being the baby of the fam. In short, he thinks mommy's favorite is the youngest.
    ***extra extra : 2nd son describes his brothers and himself as a kid.
    1st son: Hot headed, beats his younger brothers when mom is not looking.
    2nd son: More mature, helps mom alot, black bellied(he said so himself)
    3rd son: plays pranks a lot, even pranks mom alot, fights with the youngest a lot, gets reprimanded a lot
    4th son: has the highest IQ, uses his wits to make mom baby him more, makes his brothers, especially 3rd son, jealous.
    I just love their interactions ❤️

    I'll try to explain it as best as I can...

    MC's 1st life(modern): (MC doesn't remember this at first but slowly regains it ast story progresses)
    17 year old MC runs away from home.

    2nd life(ancient):
    *I don't know how she ended up here. I don't think it was mentioned or maybe I skipped it. During this life, she doesn't remember her 1st life. She has a whole new different family.
    She meets ML for the first time, the war happened, she took ML's DNA then ran away. She entered somewhere(forgot) and ended up in the modern world, there she raised her sons before she was kidnapped. The crazy perv kidnapper owns a harem and she was supposed to be the oldest and most beautiful in the harem. She ended up dying after being punished by the perv.
    Third life:
    She wakes up from 'death', only now, she is 17 years old. She taught she transmigrated into a novel. She doesn't remember her first and second life, only that she was kidnapped, has 4 sons she needed to find, and was supposed to be dead. Here she was approached by her stepmom and stepsister, telling her to return back home and that she shouldn't have ran away and the story goes...

    So, from what I have read and remembered, the first and second life of MC was the 'broken'/unstable world, and for the world to be perfect/normal/stable, the MC has to 'die', and she did in her second life,
    The third life, which she woke up from death, is the stable world. So I guess the sons being older makes the world stable.
    It wasn't really explained in depth because the story focuses on their family life.

    **There was also some parts that wasn't explained like the guy that told ML that MC was in another world and even helped ML to follow MC by opening up a time travel portal. Though it was sad for ML since he'd been floating through time for 3000 years which messed up his memories.

    Okay, tried my best
    -NEAR-, RaiLi, Leilacus and 5 others like this.
  9. rock.doll

    rock.doll Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Me: Saw the novel name, read the summary and thought it's interesting, looked for spoilers, read the spoilers....OMG :blobdizzy:
    Also me: ....search for another novel to read.:blob_grin:
    Also me: ...thinking that fantasy novels aren't for me. :blobpeek: