Looking for interesting isekai idea to write (Male MC)

Discussion in 'Author Discussions' started by LuceLucky, Jun 2, 2020.

  1. LuceLucky

    LuceLucky Active Member

    Dec 23, 2019
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    I made a thread a month agi with the same title, but it was focused on female mcs. This one is for our lovely (murderous) boooooys UwU.

    • Timetravel
    • Kingdom/village/career building
    • Military
    • Unique (rare) profession/status/humanoid race
    • Harems are okay I guess. I'd rather not though because nobody ever does them well cuz writers are sexist perverts.
    • BL/GL/BG are nice!
    Go wild!

    Disclaimer: all ideas posted here are up for adoption, unless you explicitly say your idea is yours alone.
  2. deepon

    deepon One who inevitably awakens

    Feb 9, 2016
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    I once saw a novel where mc was reincarnated/transported as a sword. That made me think of a scenario where what if an ego sword's .... well ego gets reincarnated as a human or is transported and takes over a human body.
    LuceLucky likes this.
  3. tahzib1451

    tahzib1451 Title?is it food?

    Jun 29, 2017
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    write a novel on Isoroku Yamamoto getting isekai-ed after getting shot down that day....
    here is a military mastermind, and stupid isekai use first year high school brats as strategists......
  4. DocB

    DocB "I see you, little mouse! Run along"

    Nov 10, 2015
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    here is a unique spin
    dense harem seeking male, nothing innovative yet
    terrible charmer, all the beauties don't care about him, even after rescuing them like a knight in shining armour.
    childhood friend is a yandere, that kills all other "love insterest" that basically rejected him and use their blood/body to create clone of herself that look and act like the "harem member".
    So basically his harem is the clone army of his yandere childhood friend and he is completly unaware.
    Plot twist: In the end, his harem gets to big and he completly forgets the childhood friend name/indentity, so then all the harem turns on him and kills him.
  5. Zeusomega

    Zeusomega M.D of Olympus Pvt Ltd. Seeking [Boltzmann brain]

    Apr 17, 2018
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    Make a story where mc finds himself in fantasy world, he goes on to defeat the demon king, and demon queen becomes a tsundre.

    The holy Church's priestess tags along to keep an eye on demon queen. And slowly both of them start falling for mc when he is on a mission to calm the destroyed cities and help rebuild the kingdom after the great war.

    And oh make him oblivious to their intimate advancement, that would be sooo fun!!.


    And one day all of a sudden the king sees mc as a danger and plots to send him back.

    But something happens and the mages that were part of the king's team instead takes the mc's powers to bring back the demon king.

    And the demon king slaughters all, he f**ks the brains out of the mc's two women, mc then realises how much he loved them and grieves.

    Before the demon king could take the final blow on mc some third party intervenes and sends mc back in time.

    But mistakenly he is sent back to his world and way back before even his birth.

    He finds himself in the industrial evolution period, he becomes a inventor and goes on to create a dimension gate. ..

    But he is too old so he waits in a Cryogenic chamber until his past self is born and reaches the age he was sent to the world. .

    Then he kidnaps the past self and sends him to the fantasy world with a note. But for some inexplicable reasons the mc now in fantasy world never checks his pocket.

    now back to the old mc. He suddenly feels wierd and checks his front pocket only to find a stained and crumbled note saying "kill the king and keep the cherries safe".

    And a nauseating smell wafted and brought him back to reality.

    He finds himself back in a dumpster and rotten Banana peel lying on his face, his face bruised black and blue, and his shirt torn and scribbled with red marker

    " Here lies the weeb!".
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2020
  6. xluferx

    xluferx [The writer who writes for fun][Meme lord]

    Feb 7, 2017
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    Reincarnated as a doorknob of a girl's changing room and every time they twist me I get stronger to the point I can open myself.
  7. anonmily

    anonmily Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2019
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    MC dies, then finds himself reincarnated into a recently dead corpse murdered in the wilderness near an altar. He gets hungry and thirsty. But even after eating wild plants and even a rabbit, nothing sates his hunger. Turns out he’s a demon, and he needs to eat souls and life energy to survive. Later on he becomes known as the king of demons, but he controls the demons under his reign and because of his previous humanity, he tries to reach a mutual understanding and uneasy peace with the humans. At the end the humans betray him and he falls, breaking the seal he had created to curb the madness in magic/demons and setting another era of chaos into motion. After his death he returns to his original world and is reborn....but he retains his memories as well as his abilities from when he was a demon, then realizes the madness he saw in that other world was present in his original world as well.
  8. Fishy_MC_FishMan

    Fishy_MC_FishMan The Fishiest of Fishes

    May 17, 2020
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    How about a MC who has a system that lets him reincarnate into a recently killed corpse every time he dies. The system does this based on paying the points he earns by doing quests the system gives him. Reincarnating into better quality creatures takes more points, and he can even reincarnate across time and space if he is able to pay enough. As for romances he could have them, but they'd probably end every time he dies.
    DiXanthos likes this.
  9. Ram5

    Ram5 [Noodle Stealer]

    Jun 3, 2018
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    Mc is a harem-hate person and he reincarnated as an amulet to guide a person to become an emperor, he wants him not to have harem so he advises plan, which actually backfired and ended up the man with harem instead.
  10. Negiomi

    Negiomi Idiot | Grandurr's

    Nov 16, 2018
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    Maybe the MC becomes reincarnated as the last creation of a master doll maker inside a fantasy setting? He becomes a child sized mannequin puppet doll that becomes abandoned in the workshop after the doll maker died and gains mana along with motor ability after a few hundred years and lives in the hidden underground workshop. The workshop gets discovered and destroyed by a wandering adventurer. Afraid of getting killed and labeled as a dungeon monster and slayed, he plays the role of a normal doll and gets sold to a antique toy store. One day MC found the chance to escape. Escaping, he meets a weak little boy of the slums getting chased by those who want to kidnap him for his purple eyes. They escape the town with the help of a girl.

    Hmm, and maybe our MC will take care of the little boy like an elder brother and protect him even with a slightly reinforced normal doll body out in the enchanted forest(?). The boy eventually grow much much stronger physically than the doll... They eventually go back to civilization in the boy's teen years and they meet the girl again, the doll hiding himself with an amulet of invisibility.

    I haven't worked out the rest yet... ek this is a big horrible mess that looks like it came out of a randomizer ^^"

    Hmm... Would this story work better if we're in the perspective of the boy?
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2020
  11. 8theaven

    8theaven Active Member

    Feb 2, 2020
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    Isekai's are nice, but I think we've seen too many similar tropes of "I reincarnated as a XXX" in the same magical, kingdom world.
    I think the most important part of a story is to remember that these are people, not characters. People with feelings, hopes, dreams and traumas. My story would be a general. A general who fought for his country, but lost everything in the process. To save the capital he had to abandon his home village. In the battle of the Capital he lost his most trusted aids and comrades. Although he won at the end, he was crowned as a Earl for his bravery but despite his mansion and wealth his soul felt empty inside. He gave his wealth away to his comrade's family members and through the years he's slowly learned how to forget about the past, he became an instructor at a military school educating the next generation of commanders and soldiers. He soon remember the feeling of love, to love and be loved. He fell in love with the Natalie, a mage who also lost her comrades in the war. They dated, hugged, kissed, bonded and finally the church bells rang. He loved Natalie more than anyone else, he loved each wrinkle that would show when she smiled, each bad laugh and corny jokes. Natalie was the beacon to his dark life once again. (NO we will not kill her). Although Natalie was always smiling she was also an archmage studying the laws of time in a desperate attempt to rewind time before the war. However, Natalie didn't meet with success rather she met with the Seliopos an ancient civilization who has mastered the laws of interdimensional travel who communicate with intent rather than words. They're particularly keen on exploring new dimensions and Natalie's dimension was one that was untouched. The Seliopos' long culture in interdimensional travel gave them a unique appreciation for different native civilizations. When they realized that leaving a young civilization untouched gave them more access to new resources and products they've decided to approach the conquest of a civilization with a more conservative approach. Instead of sending their weapons of mass destruction into a new dimension, what they'll do instead is to have a symbiotic relationship with the new dimension. The Seliopos is an ageless race where they do not reproduce and they do not die. They aren't short on resources (well because they can just open up a dimensional door to a random dimension and mine the shit out of it) instead they lack the mind to look at things from a fresh viewpoint. The Seliopos instead want to hire Natalie and her Husband to gain power, influence and connections so that in the future the Seliopos can easily merge into human society. If they want classified information on the newest product then they can get it. If they want to poach a brilliant mind from that dimension then they have the people in place for that. If they want the King to display these foreign aliens as "Noble heroes" then they can accomplish that. The Seliopos would rather have a good long-term relationship due to their age than a short-lived one so they also dictated that anything they do for the Seliopos will be paid back with interest.
    Of course the Seliopos are willing to pay for these services, they have the capability to throw Natalie into a different dimension where time flows backwards and then transport her back into her original dimension before the war. The problem is that they don't want the dimensional's structural integrity to wear so they can't do this too often. When they open a dimensional door they're essentially ripping the fabric of space-time then churning in anti-matter to stop the fabric of space-time from repairing itself. Of course Natalie also wanted the general (Damn it I'll just name him Carter) to be in this deal. Of course the Seliopos agree with a couple of terms. The moment you betray Seliopos you will die. Seliopos have virtually infinite amounts of resources so it's best to avoid in-fighting with other people from Seliopos. So Carter and Natalie go back in time, before the war, before everything. They get a glimpse of the Seliopos culture when they entered the reverse dimension and there they saw a society so advanced that it felt unrealistic. They saw other dimensional gates that Seliopos has already conquered and the races, well they were living quite peacefully. Through the universal language of intent interdimensional species didn't find it too difficult to communicate with one another. So Carter and Natalie are back to before the war. When they were still a young soldier and an apprentice mage. They found each other and promised to build a safe haven, a country without war and a fair ruler. One so that their comrades, friends and families don't need to die in the future. The twist is that the Seliopos didn't only hire Carter and Natalie, they've also sent back fallen princes who were the victim of schemes, successful merchants who got taken over by their own board of directors, underground lords who were betrayed by their own men. We'll see a story where Carter and Natalie try to build a safe haven with Seliopos as their "System" while we explore the stories of other people Seliopos has also sent back. As someone who has experienced war he despises it but he isn't an MC so naive to believe that peace can be brought without war, but he has a natural disposition against wars. We might see how a politician brought back by the Seliopos can be his adviser or how he creates a sky kingdom, a moving mountain. This world has so much room to be built upon! I would personally add a rule from Seliopos which states that to keep the advancement of civilization pure the only technology that Seliopos can offer is technology of the same level. So that either means Carter and Natalie have to improve the level of technology in their home world or they have to be creative with what they have. Go crazy! I'm not the best writer but I really wish to see something like this come true.

    *I honestly see a lot of potential for this novel. One where we can explore different MC's and how they interact with one another. There could be a system where they would meet with each other via Seliopos technology and they can interact even if they're across the world. It would be really fun to see how they'll interact with one another and how they each see the world. The underground lord perhaps doesn't see his business as wrong, he probably acknowledges that people will always do crimes regardless whether or not he is there, his role is to make the crime in a country controllable or the Merchant isn't seen as the stereotypical evil merchant who is greedy, rather he views his profits as the means to expand his services to different more remote regions. We as the readers understand that there is no absolute right or wrong, rather there are only people doing what they think is right and accepting any consequences that comes with it*
    If you are going to write about it please tell me the title as I would be so hyped to read it
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2020
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  12. DeadOpossum

    DeadOpossum Active Member

    Oct 19, 2018
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    Two delivery guys from a space ship hacked into lizard planet's virt and started playing dumb quests, after tutorial they were transplanted into bodies of real lizards. Hey, being a lizard is definitely better than being a sword or a slime... Want magic? Just squeeze it in, why not. Oh, if there is a mix of sci-fi and magic then some of the idiotic cliche will not work, be ready that there is no need to travel one year to deliver the ring.
  13. Darius Drake

    Darius Drake A poster of verbose posts

    Sep 24, 2017
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    First Idea: Typical Class-Summoned-To-Another-World Isekai... from the Kingdom's King's Perspective. Prologue is the Summoning, First Arc is about why a Kingdom applied the resources required to do the summoning despite it having uncertain results, no certainty that the summoned beings would be willing to work with them, or any reason why some theoretically powerful individuals (in that they're theoretically either already powerful, or can reach the state of being powerful rapidly) would work with them or be easily tricked into some sort of magical slavery.
    Second Arc is the after the summoning, the King watching how the politics of his court and the church/s interact with the Summoned Class, the internal politics of the class, and things like that. Make sure to mention some of the class "dying" in the first Dungeon/Magical Training Ground the King sent them to, probably one of the most easily survivable in the Kingdom, and how this has interacted with the political and moral situation. Third arc is one/some/all of the "dead" children returning, vastly more powerful or skilled than their counterparts that remained, either through necessity, leveling, "lost" secrets of the ancients, or some combination of them all. Third Arc may include the destruction of the Kingdom, and thus may also showcase how the King and (possibly) his family live after being dethroned, and how the common people saw him and his family.

    Second Idea: Isekai'd to be a Ghostly Grandpa in a Cultivation Novel, despite knowing NOTHING about Cultivation. Might have read a Cultivation Novel or two, but knows nothing about how it actually operates. Demerits mitigated by being able to actually see Qi/Ki/Chakra & Meridians, and benefits of being a "Ghost", meaning that the MC doesn't need light, sleep, air, and doesn't care about things like walls, formations, and other protections Sects have. May want to bind being able to see the MC to some rare ore that, while pretty, doesn't have any known effect, and it's only effect is to see things that are both invisible and intangible even to Formations. MC wants to learn Cultivation in the hopes that they could learn to Cultivate themselves, or do something like build themselves a new body.
    DiXanthos likes this.
  14. Ruyi

    Ruyi translator at CG

    Jun 19, 2016
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    I’ve had this idea for a while but never had time to act on it. If you can write it I’d definitely read it. Then again, maybe I’ll write it myself if I’m motivated enough.

    Story starts at the “climax” of the plot. The MC and allies finally reaches the stronghold of the main villain and defeats it after a long and hard fight. By that I mean they kill the villain but basically everyone except the MC dies. He’s relieved but also grieving and very, very tired.

    So what does he do? He decides to rest and takes a nap in the villain’s bed. Great. Strange things happen when he falls asleep, such as a seal activating and the castle vanishing from thin air, etc etc.

    Fast forward. The MC wakes up and decides to head out. Here’s the twist: it’s 1,000 years later, the world has moved on, and all the of strong magic he and his allies used are nothing more than a weak whimper in the new world. Instead, magic itself is now seen as something inherently evil and twisted.

    What’s more, something’s gotten terribly mixed up during the interim and the legends about his victory are distorted. They’re all saying he’s the nasty evil villain defeated by the unsung hero. He’s known for his terrible powers and destined to revive one day and seek his revenge, so they’re to hunt him down on sight and kill him when they find him.

    Moreover, the villain’s stronghold has “accepted” him as its new master after he defeated the original villain, furthering complicating his image. It bonds with him and follows him wherever he goes, like a portable base. It also keeps encouraging him to do more evil deeds to support its existence because whoops, their fates are tied together now.

    So what does he do next? Does he live his life as an ordinary dude? Try to correct the perception of history as he knows it? Tame the evil castle and try to change its wicked ways? Embrace his destiny as the new villain of the millennium? Start his own kingdom and military to protect first his life, then his assets?

    And what happened to the magic in this world anyways? Why is steampunk and technology taking over in their place? What about his family, his homeland, the rest of the world?

    I also considered a subplot where he meets reincarnations or related descendants to his allies and friends, but I haven’t worked out how they’d fit into the overall mystery and plot. I guess you could make that up as you go if you adopt it.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2020
    LuceLucky and DiXanthos like this.
  15. 8theaven

    8theaven Active Member

    Feb 2, 2020
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    The grandpa one has kinda been done by History's Number 1 Founder. It's honestly pretty good and the MC has to act like he's an all powerful sage to recruit disciplines but all he has is just his system which isn't all powerful either so he outsmarts his ways to keep his powerful sage persona.
  16. Darius Drake

    Darius Drake A poster of verbose posts

    Sep 24, 2017
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    So similar idea, just a MC without a System who's connected to a ward who believes that the MC MUST have been a Powerful Cultivator. After all, how else could a Remnant Spirit be able to effortlessly pass through defensive formations and keep themselves hidden from all the powerful embodied Cultivator's around? No matter how much the MC denies it due to their humility.

    In other words, my thoughts were more along the lines of "I Was A Sword When I Was Reincarnated" in a Cultivation World, though with the possibility of the MC becoming some sort of Clan Legacy Item given to Promising or "Important" Children to be their Early Cultivation Teacher, discovering more and more of the Cultivation World one decade, and student, at a time.
    DiXanthos likes this.
  17. 8theaven

    8theaven Active Member

    Feb 2, 2020
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    Interesting idea but I'm just wondering where the novel will go from there. I feel like that's a good premise for 100 chapters or so and beyond that is just stalling. Like where would the story go after he becomes powerful enough to be a real grandpa ghost? We can't have the MC do nothing for 100+ chapters and still be a grandpa that knows nothing about cultivation. By that point he'll be competent enough to stand up by his own feet and not have to bluff. Like what would be his goal in the far future?
  18. Darius Drake

    Darius Drake A poster of verbose posts

    Sep 24, 2017
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    The MC's goal, from beginning to... 70% the way through the story, would be to be able to make himself a body and use it to actually start to cultivating himself. Or to work out how he could cultivate in his spirit body as an alternative. Basically, the MC wants independence, but can't do it due to being bound to an object. So to be able to do gain his independence, the MC needs to travel and learn from anything he can, either to discover a new way he can cultivate as a Spirit, or to discover a way he can make himself a body that can cultivate. And I know that every cultivation novel under the sun has 1 to 20 different methods of creating a human body from scratch, just in it's pages, but the MC can't use most of those, as they're designed for actual Nascent Souls, and the MC is a Mortal Soul that can be mistaken for a Nascent Soul.

    70% through, the MC finally succeeds, and starts his rapid journey to, potentially, becoming the most powerful cultivator due to his overwhelming and unwavering knowledge of his body and cultivation he's gained through being a Grandpa Ghost. From being a Mortal Cultivator, and probably surrounded by some of the most powerful Cultivator's who want to use him simply as a training tool for their kids, like they had before.
  19. Chu2

    Chu2 Sunshine~

    Apr 18, 2020
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    I feel like an isekai version of the underground railroad/civil rights movement would be interesting. Maybe smuggling enslaved beastmen away in the dead of night, while trying to lay the grounds for a social revolution during the day.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2020
    LuceLucky likes this.
  20. Kutaifa

    Kutaifa Pokémon trainer

    Sep 23, 2017
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    I've had this one idea in my mind for some time now.

    An isekai where the enemy is the hero and/or his god/goddess. The hero would be a part of some kingdom that has gained divine favour and consequently begun to war against its neighbours.

    The story would follow the remaining kingdoms and their war against "the choosen people.

    Or the premise itself, the isekai world vs. A foreign puppet and his power hungry deity.
    I imagined that it would be some kind of world war, where the battles would take place everywhere, and everyone was involved.