Spoiler Beatrice

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by theilikepie, Aug 11, 2019.

  1. minisma781

    minisma781 Member

    Apr 29, 2020
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    [QUOTE = "bruh123, bài đăng: 5696765, thành viên: 258796"] [SPOILER = "Tập 2: Phần 28"]

    Chloe đã giúp Alexandro cạo râu. Alexandro đang nhìn cô qua gương, đặt lưỡi dao cạo mà cô đang cầm.

    Alexandro: "Bạn đã bao giờ thích ai đó chưa?"

    Chloe ngập ngừng trả lời.
    Chloe: "Tại sao bạn hỏi?"
    Alexandro: "Có ai khác bạn quan tâm ngoài chồng không?"

    Có một sự thay đổi tâm trạng đột ngột. Chloe không nói nên lời.

    Chloe: "Chồng tôi ... tôi chưa bao giờ thích anh ấy"
    Alexandro: "Vậy bạn thích ai? Bạn có còn nhớ anh ấy không?"

    Alexandro hỏi rất gấp. Chloe quyết định trả lời thành thật. Cô không thể nói dối với một câu hỏi mà mục đích không rõ. Chloe ngồi xuống ghế. Alexandro muốn một câu chuyện chi tiết nhưng Chloe đã rất ngạc nhiên trước hành động bất ngờ của anh ta và cố gắng đứng dậy. Tuy nhiên, Alexandro giữ cả hai tay cầm ghế để ngăn Chloe đứng dậy. Anh ta thực sự kéo chiếc ghế lại gần anh ta và chân của Chloe đủ gần để chạm vào đầu gối anh ta. Chloe không dám đứng dậy và ngồi xuống.

    Alexandro cau mày và nói "Nói cho tôi biết thêm"
    Chloe: "Cái gì .... cái gì?"
    Alexandro: "Bạn vẫn thích anh ấy?
    Chloe: "Không"
    Alexandro: "Bạn đang nghĩ về anh ấy? Bạn có nhớ anh ấy không?"

    Chloe không bao giờ nói bất cứ điều gì thuộc về bản chất đó.
    Chloe: "Chỉ là ...."

    Cô nhớ cuộc hôn nhân khó khăn của mình với Gilbert. Cô chưa bao giờ nghe Đại công tước nói quá khẩn trương. Anh ta ở quá gần và cô không thể trốn thoát, cô lúng túng như thể bị thẩm vấn.

    Chloe: "Đôi khi tôi nghĩ ..."
    Alexandro: "Tình yêu của anh ấy như thế nào?"

    Đó là lần đầu tiên Alexandro có thái độ nghiệt ngã như vậy đối với cô và Chloe trở nên lo lắng. Lúc này, những lời khó chịu của thầy bói truyền qua đầu anh.

    Alexandro: "Trả lời tôi". Tim anh đập thình thịch và đó không phải là một cơn đau nhói. Cảm xúc này không quen thuộc và nó rất khó chịu.

    Alexandro: "Ngay bây giờ"

    'Tại sao bạn không quan tâm đến tôi một chút? Làm thế nào bạn có thể nghĩ về một người đàn ông khác? ' Chloe đã ở bên anh cả ngày, mỗi giờ. Anh ấy đã rất thất vọng.

    Alexandro: "Bạn có thích Kích hoạt không?"
    Chloe: "Không"

    Trigger là một chàng trai trẻ đẹp trai và dễ thương.

    Alexandro: "Vậy tại sao bạn luôn tìm kiếm anh ta?"

    Trigger rất thoải mái khi ở gần nhưng Chloe không muốn nói rằng anh ta là gay vì đó là xâm phạm quyền riêng tư. Ngay cả Đại công tước cũng đồng tính. Chloe quay đầu đi nhưng Alexandro đưa tay ra và túm lấy mặt cô để quay về phía anh.

    Alexandro: "Đừng tránh tôi"
    Chloe: "Tại sao bạn làm điều này?"

    Anh ấy không bao giờ hành động như thế này. Tay giữ cằm dường như không có nhiều sức mạnh nhưng cô không thể trốn thoát. Thật khó để thực hiện giao tiếp bằng mắt nhưng đáng sợ hơn để tránh.

    Chloe đã được Evan cứu.

    "Thưa ngài, Evan"

    'Tại sao bạn cạo râu cho tôi? Anh đang làm tôi phát điên lên "Khi anh nhìn lại, Chloe đứng dậy và dọn sạch lưỡi dao cạo và nước xà phòng anh làm rơi. Alexandro đóng cửa phòng ngủ và đi ra hành lang.

    Evan: "Tôi đã làm những gì bạn nói. Nhưng Rio đột nhiên tự hỏi chuyện gì đang xảy ra".

    Về cơ bản, Alexandro đang cố gắng khắc phục Clara với một người tên là Rio. Rio là một hiệp sĩ. Đó là thời điểm thích hợp để anh kết hôn. Tuy nhiên, do tính cách của anh ấy, anh ấy không thể cầu hôn bất cứ ai trẻ. Alexandro nghĩ rằng chúng rất phù hợp nên anh quyết định giới thiệu chúng.

    Alexandro trở lại phòng và ngồi cạnh Chloe. Có lẽ anh đang nói đùa, Chloe dù tuyệt vọng. Chloe đã quay lại cạo râu Alexandro. Cô vô cùng tập trung nhưng không may, cô đã cắt anh một cách tình cờ. Cô ấy bối rối và tiếp tục thờ ơ nhưng Alexandro không thể giúp cô ấy dễ thương như thế nào. Anh cảm thấy có lỗi vì đã cố gắng làm tổn thương cô. "Tôi không nên làm điều đó", anh nghĩ.

    Alexandro: "Đó là sai lầm của tôi, tôi đã sai".

    Chloe sững sờ, đó là lỗi của anh thế nào? Cô không hiểu.

    [/ SPOILER] [/ QUOTE]
    Alex is so cute he's jealous

    Thank you bruh123
    louka aya and bruh123 like this.
  2. bruh123

    bruh123 Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2020
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    Alexandro didn't really like dresses that women wear. He didn't like anything that symbolized feminity, such as teh smell of perfume, chunky dress and long stuff hair.

    But as soon as he saw this dress, he imagined Chloe wearing them. Her shy face and white, feminie, slender shoulders - she would look very good in that dress.

    Alexandro: "Wouldn't you wear something like that?" He hestitated and spoke out. He still couldn't take his eyes off the dress.

    Chloe looked at him and turned to the dress again. It was a dress made for a noble woman. It also looked too big for her.

    Chloe: "Not really...."

    If she had been born into nobility, she might have been happy to wear pretty dresses. She thought back to when she was married to Gilbert, the king asked several times for new dresses asking if there were any sexier and colorful clothes. It was to appease Gilbert because Beatrice was only half princess. This is what she heard from the royal palace. Chloe wondered why he was suddenly asking her that. The dress didn't suit her. She was a slave.

    Alexandro: "Perhaps...Do you want to wear clothes like that?"
    Chloe: ".....?"

    Silence...he wondered if he said something wrong.
    Chloe: "What did you just say?"
    Alexandro: "That dress...do you want to wear it".

    Again, silence. He was speechless at the embarassing mood.

    'Is this a normal reaction?' If you ask a woman if she wants to wear pretty clothes, the normal answer was yes? Shouldn't that be the answer?

    Chloe: "What are you talking about?"

    Rethinking her words, he couldn't even speak to her. Chloe learned she was wrong.

    Alexandro: "Sorry...I suddenly asked you.." How could a question like that come from a man like him. 'There must be a reason for thinking such nonsense'

    A little girl ran up and Chloe by accident. The little girl hit the floor and was bleeding.

    Chloe: "Are you okay?"

    The child was wearing dirty clothes, Chloe guessed she was a slave like her.

    Child: "Yeah, I'm okay". Fortunately, it was clear the child was not hurt but Chloe was not happy seeing her hurt. Chloe comforted and tried to inspect the child to ensure he was okay.

    As they walked silently back to the castle, Chloe rememberd his dinner.
    Alexandro: ".....Tell Evan not to go to dinner today"

    He didn;t look so good for some reason. Chloe was anxious but didn;t bother asking as he was not the one to worry about.

    Chloe: "Okay, are you going to have dinner separetely?"
    Alexandro: "No"

    So you're not eating dinner at all? Chloe wanted to ask but Alexandro turned and headed in a different direction.

    Chloe: "Where are you going?"

    'What is going on? Alexandro was running away.

    Meanwhile, Alexandro was rushing to the stables. He was struggling to hide his red face all the way back to the castle. His heart wouldn't stop pounding.

    'What is this...didn't you tell yourself you wouldn't have children?'

    After seeing Chloe and the little kid together, he began to think of other faces. It was exactly that. Chloe's treating the child....he couldn't stop his imagination.

    His imagination ran wild as he thought of having children with Chloe and how pretty they would be. It would be lovely whether it's a girl or boy.

    'I am not crazy....how how....'

    Alexandro was so confused. He wanted it to stop but the imaginations coming to him were so sweet. He took the horse for a ride. He had to get out and get some fresh air.


    Chloe told Evan the news and came back to the bedroom. She started cleaning the bedroom. As she was cleaning, a black box decorated with red was found. She debated on whether or not to open it. She opened it.


    Chloe recongized the canary flower headband she tried on when they were together but it was worn out. 'Why does he have this...?"


    Chris and Alexandro are together and having a conversation.
  3. bruh123

    bruh123 Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2020
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    Chris was so confused as to what was going on. He noticed Alexandro had changed since the training. He didn;t like the change in Alexandro but he just wanted his friend to be happy. Chris kept teasing Alexandro and he just didn't stop talking on the way back. Alexandro regretted bringing him along. He just wanted to clear his mind.

    'I should tell Chloe to stay away from Chris'


    The Grand Duke was being strange. He didn't even understand his own actions. He finished bathing but still didn't feel better. Chloe was writing her letters to Jorge. As she was writing, she felt a gaze. It often happened but she didn't care much.

    'If you have something to say, then just say it'

    Alexandro: "Chloe"
    Chloe: "yes"

    'Why on earth are you feeling up and down these days? What's wrong with you?' Alexandro said nothing.

    Chloe: "Are you okay?"
    Alexandro: "My head hurts a little"

    He was healthier than anyone, but what he said to Chloe was not a lie. Chris stressed him out. She reaclled the scented bath she often gave Aaron and how it helped him relieve stress.

    Chloe: "Would you like me to light scented candles for your bath later?"
    Alexandro: "Scented candles"
    Chloe: "yeah"
    Alexandro: "Isn't that for women?"
    Chloe: "It's not a flower scent, it's just a herb"

    In fact, he was willing to do what Chloe would do.

    Alexandro: "You also liked Aaron"
    Chloe: "....Aaron?"

    Yes, when Chloe was in the stables, Aaron asked for her every day.
    Chloe: "Have you heard of Aaron's baths?"
    Alexandro: "Yeah"

    Alexandro barely endured the swearing out of his mouth. He started getting angry. Is it okay that you saw naked bodies of many men? it's definitely not her fault and he certainly couldn't be angry with Chloe but he was feeling burned.

    Alexandro: "I already took a bath, so I'll do it next time"
    Alexandro signed and began to beat his chest. He was so frustrated he couldn't stand it. He started to get naked. His nakedness was nothing special to her. He was shocked. He was actually really proud of his body for a knight. A lot of women wouldn't be able to take their eyes off of a knight's body. He looked at Chloe.

    'Oh no...what's going on again'

    Chloe; "Are you okay?"

    Alexandro mind started filling with thoughts. Alexandro didn't want to see her anyone in his head today. He went to bed and thought of the long night ahead....
  4. Denny

    Denny Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2020
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    Omg:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Álex jajjajaja los celos que tiene el pobre hombre jajajaja no me puedo imaginar esto en el manga jajajajja es demasiado:X3:
    Ellavader6666 and Lina1111 like this.
  5. bruh123

    bruh123 Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2020
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    First half of this chapter, Thomas and Chloe are just chatting. Nothing important. It was gossip about the castle.

    Then the journey changed. Because of the change, Alexandro was busier.

    At some point, Alexandro realized everything he read in his book was happening to himself. He now felt like he was the main character of his life.


    Scene takes place with Duncan. When Duncan was visiting the lands, he brought a child back because she seemed ill. Duncan sent a doctor to see him. The child had no nutrition. Why was there such a child in the empire?

    The child ended up dying. Duncan didn't understand. Why did she die? They fed the child, gave medicine and sleep. The reality was harsh. The truth weighed down on him and pushed him to the floor.


    It was Alexandro's nightly training. Chloe squatted on the rock and stared at Alexandro with the towel ready. Chloe thought he was a monster, he was too busy to follow.

    Alexandro: "You must be tired, let's go back"
    Chloe: "I'm fine"

    Chloe didn't want to interfere with his training.

    Chloe: "I didn't walk very much today"

    He wiped the sweat from his forehead and laughed.
    Alexandro: "I should have said I was tired, but I was wrong"

    Chloe could not find anything to say. Chloe thought he was such a sweetheart.

    'What kind of man will be loved by this man?'
  6. Hannah_GG

    Hannah_GG Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2020
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    Idk why but I'm laughing like an idiot at the last line. :ROFLMAO::blobjoy:
    AnnHime, sepheddy, taebelly98 and 5 others like this.
  7. bruh123

    bruh123 Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2020
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    Uhm...so this next chapter is soooooooo juicy....I'm about to make ya'll wait till tomorrow :aww:
  8. Bengoshi

    Bengoshi Active Member

    Jul 7, 2020
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    'What kind of man will be loved by this man?' just 2 funny, poor Alex is a gay in Chloes eyes through and through :D
    Wondering when she will pop up to Alex with that "gay" idea, or maybe he will kiss her sooner or later and she will be totally confused..mhmm
  9. Hannah_GG

    Hannah_GG Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2020
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    She's getting worse hahahaha. I can't even----- :ROFLMAO: Its Alex's fault for misunderstanding her.
    taebelly98, louka aya and Bengoshi like this.
  10. Bengoshi

    Bengoshi Active Member

    Jul 7, 2020
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    I just want to see those faces when they both will realize :D :ROFLMAO:
    Hannah_GG likes this.
  11. bruh123

    bruh123 Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2020
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    Chloe and Alexandro began to walk back.

    Alexandro: "What were you talking about with that servant?"
    Chloe: "You mean Thomas?"
    Alexandro: "Yeah, that short sized servant, touching your head"
    Chloe: "Oh, talking about nonsense. I was explaining something before Trigger came"
    Alexandro: "When did you get to know Trigger?"

    Chloe pondered her memory. When was it? Because she didn't answer for quite some time...
    Alexandro: "It's been a while"

    Chloe laughed as she was thinking about Trigger.

    He stopped in his tracks.

    Alexandro: "Him...do you have him on your mind?"

    He's asked this before.
    Alexandro: "Perhaps...you like Trigger?"
    Chloe: "No...Trigger is definitely a wonderful person but I never liked him"

    Alexandro laughed. He was relieved. At this moment, Chloe thought Alexandro liked Trigger. She wanted to cheer them on, after all, who could reject the grand duke?

    Chloe: "I want both of you to be happy"

    Alexandro paused at her subtle words.


    Alexandro wondered if her words didn't fit the situation. It was a strange discomfort he was feeling.
    Alexandro: "What do you mean?"
    Alexandro looked at Chloe and asked with a serious face.

    Alexandro: "I'm not sure why you are saying that." He wanted to understand.
    Alexandro: "Did I do something strange?"

    Chloe shook her head.
    Chloe: "No..not really, just...I thought it was great to see the Grand Price proudly exposed to the world.

    Alexandro: "What...?" He was so lost and felt uneasy. It was the mistunderstanding that he had turned away. He swallowed his saliva.

    Alexandro: "Tell me honestly....what the hell are you talking about right now?"
    Chloe: "I know"
    Alexandro: "What?"
    Chloe: "Do not worry, I'm good at keeping secrets"
    Alexandro: "What do you know?"
    Chloe: "Ahh...don't worry, I learned that you.. and women...are you interested in men?"

    Alexandro: ".........!!!!!"

    He couldn't say anything. He never imagined Chloe to miunderstand. He began to understand what was happening.

    'How do I....!'

    The rumors surrounding him were familiar. He didn;'t care for them but this was totally different. He was stiff. He was so angry, he couldn't face Chloe.

    Alexandro: "Hoo....."

    Shouldn't you have asked me at least once? Who said that? Why are you so sure I like men? He had a lot to ask Chloe but she was tired. She was a little surprised by his reaction. He was clearly angry.

    At the same time, he had a mischievous thought and wanted to see her embrassed face. He wanted to do a small revenge on the misunderstanding.

    Alexandro: "....Do you want to know?"
    Chloe: "Yes?"
    Alexandro: "What I like"

    She could not answer. She was convinced he was gay but his reason made her rethink if she had understood. But what about it? Whether he was gay or not, he was still Alexandro.

    Chloe wanted to tell him this. No matter what he liked, she still thought he was a great person. She smiled gently at him. He thought something was wrong. He suddently grabbed her.


    The difference between him and her height was so great that she was surprised and grabbed his shoulder. They were never this close. For the first time, Alexnadro and Chloe were at eye level.

    'Were you always that pretty?'

    Looking at Chloe's face, she looked more mature than he thought. Chloe couldn't help but avoid his eyes. She dared not to guess what he was trying to do. Alexander's eyes came close and he kissed her.

    waaaaaaaah, literally dying on the inside

    He lifted his right arm to her hip and supported her body and the other hand naturally went under the right arm holding her body completely. Her legs wrapped around his waist without awkward gaps. He was embarassed, but he naturally moved Chloe's body while holding her lips.

    Chloe just followed his hand without knowing what she was doing. In fact, she had no time to worry about her posture. Alexandro just wanted to hug her face to face.

    Instantly, Chloe seemed to hear the voices of the knights.

    His lips, who persistently sucked on Chloe's lower lip moved to the upper lip. At this time, he opened his mouth slightly and combed her hair and kissed her. Their lips were tightly meshed.

    'This is...is it a kiss?'

    It happened within a blink of an eye. Kissing her exhusband Gilbert was a dirty act. It felt ugly. With the Grand Duke, it felt completely different. Moreover, Gilbert's kiss was an assault.

    In fact, Chloe did nothing but she felt she was sharing something with him. He didn't even put his tongue between her lips. Nevertheles,s it was surprising Chloe could feel this way. She felt she could do more with him. She wanted to open her eyes and see his face but she was so nervous she couldnt' even move.

    They kissed again. Her upper body was pushed back by how hard he put his lips on her but it didn't matter because he was holding onto her.

    Chloe was embarrassed by his unexpected behavior and was unable to think of speak. Alessandro looked at her silently and her face was burning. Alessandro tried to kiss her again.

    When the frightened Chloe tried to pull back, the arm holding her pulled even harder. She couldn't do anything with his big hand firmly supporting her back. Their lips touched again and skin touched that it was hot enough to melt.

    'This man just kissed me...'

    It felt so unreal that Alessandro was kissing her. Alessandro kissed me himself.

    I thought he was gay...but apparently not. Everything felt unreal. Chloe began to feel Alessandro's heart beating rapdily. It contained all his emotions which he never imagined. It got louder and louder.

    JK. I would never, can barely contain this excitement to myself. Okay guys...stopping here for night. Enjoy :)))
    ashash02, Mee Van, AnnHime and 59 others like this.
  12. Bengoshi

    Bengoshi Active Member

    Jul 7, 2020
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    Thanks for your work :) nighty night !
    Have to be patient..have to be patient :p
    mysticalavalon likes this.
  13. minisma781

    minisma781 Member

    Apr 29, 2020
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    I died :DDD hahaaaa So sweet
    GoneGretel likes this.
  14. Hannah_GG

    Hannah_GG Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2020
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    He kissed her....... 2x.........:blobnosebleed: I waited for this moment!
  15. Denny

    Denny Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2020
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    Love you, you are know my best person in the world
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  16. Denny

    Denny Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2020
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    3 times :bloblove:
  17. Marta Tan

    Marta Tan Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2020
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    Thank you, @bruh123 !!
    Love it! :love::love:
    GoneGretel likes this.
  18. Hannah_GG

    Hannah_GG Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2020
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    Then I died 3x :love:
    taebelly98, Avery Very and GoneGretel like this.
  19. Cerealisa

    Cerealisa Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2019
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    OMG i cant :blobnosebleed::blobnosebleed: thank you so much for update
  20. louka aya

    louka aya Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2020
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    OMG this chapter is so sweeeeet❤!!! I love iitt... more pleaaaase and thank you so much!!!!!