Spoiler I Swear I Won’t Bother You Again!

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Shizun, Oct 24, 2018.

  1. ecaayu

    ecaayu Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2020
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    23 page and I'm still wandering... where are the spoilers?
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  2. Creolenerd

    Creolenerd Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2019
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    That's not even funny. First of all the only person deserving on punishment is the dad. In those times he's the head of the family. He has final say. He's made her life hard. And by punishment we mean hard regret fit his actions and consequences. Not rape. Why would that even make sense? step mother and step daughter don't deserve rape. They didn't do anything. That's the end of that. I really don't like this trend of only one female character can be happy. We get up in arms reading and then we go and do the same thing.
  3. Lamune44

    Lamune44 Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2020
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    So... Apparently the readers who assumed that Yuran was the one behind the second chance of Violet might be right. In the first timeline he heard about the assassination attemp the day after and since then tried to save her. He was mad at all the nobles insulting Violet without knowing or trying to understand her at all. Yulan, because he knows her past and state of mind understood why she did it. More than anything, he was also mad at the Prince and the step sister for being so obnoxious and blissfully ignorant of the world around them. He was glad when the execution did not happen but also very sad because he knows how the prison is and just how horrible her future will be caged this way for the rest of her life. He wanted to break her free, thinking that a peacefull life suit her better than a prison without freedom and food only in a barely sufficiant amount to survive. Before plotting, he prayed a lot in a chapel for God to help and save Violet. We learn at the same time that Second timeline Yuran remember everything.

    For now, impossible to tell if time turned right after his wish to God or if there will be more next chapters (like him plotting to overthrow the crown prince to get the power he will need for it).
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2020
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  4. AnnHime

    AnnHime Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2020
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    I partly agree with what you say about the father., but as for the stepmother and the sister, doing nothing also does as much damage as doing something.

    Violet has many scars generated by the mother and the father's absence / indifference. If the stepmother or the sister ever showed that she disagreed with the treatment given to Violet, maybe the things could change...

    I hope for spoilers that show that karma will return to her family... I really don't like them...
    Pansy25, Tt123, DOHere and 3 others like this.
  5. Avery Very

    Avery Very Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2020
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    Wow! That is a plot twist right there. And he also remembered eveything? This is getting interesting.:blobowoevil:

    Thank you so much for the spoiler❣

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  6. Creolenerd

    Creolenerd Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2019
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    Ok well they go back to being commoner. But rape should not be a " punishment" because we didn't like them.
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  7. kawaii12345

    kawaii12345 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2020
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    I really hope Maryjun, The prince and their self destructive views of the world have long lives as commoners living in this kingdoms equivalent of an occupy wall street homeless camp
  8. theilikepie

    theilikepie Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    So is Vio the only one who's supposed to have a second chance at life?The main theme of the novel seems to he second chances but peolple here want them to suffer without even trying to become better.

    Have soemone who didnt read the novel read the thread theyd assume vio was the cliche pure cinderlla and the others the mustache twirling villians from the way people talk about them. Even I sometimes forget that vio tried to muder MJ in the past life. The dad seems to he the main problem tbh

    Maybe I'm in the minority but all this hate and vitorl seems really misplaced.

    Is it cause the novel dosent really have a clear set villian so the next easiet target are the bystanders who's crimes were being passive and not interfering to stop the douche dad? I may sound a bit soapboxy but I'm starting to think that all these revenge novels have gotten readers wanting retribution and punishments for the smallest acts people other then the protagonist commit. Idk. Most of the time if they didnt commit heinous acts id rather see redemption. Redemption stories will always be better and more interesting then plain revenge stories. (ATLA example)

    Which is why I was drawn to the novel. It was a remdeption story of someone who did bad

    Too bad most eastern novels go the easier route of kill your enemies or anyone who annoys you. But I sincerely hope that dosent happen here

    Maybe I am weak willed or an optimist but redemption is more satisfactory then revenge at least too me. Given that the person didnt anything really bad

    Fuck revenge novels. There I said it. There basically some sort of wierd school shooter fantasy type shit and are terribly written. Give me redemption novels instead. Let that become the next trend
  9. DOHere

    DOHere Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Hmm, but to be fair, Vio already suffered all her life because of her imbecile parents. I mean, even though she didn't stay much in prison after the attempted murder, all the suffering that she didn't do anything to deserve kinda evens it out and you can say she got her punishment.

    Whereas, Maryjun and the prince who've hurt others because of their self righteousness (even prejudice in the prince's case) didn't get any retribution. I know Maryjun is just naive, but that's because she's lived a happy, blessed and loved life. She obviously needs to go through some hardships to wake up from her pink outlook on life. She was bullied a bit by Vio in her past life, but it wasn't that bad tbh(and we've already seen that others would've done the harassing, even it if wasn't Vio). Plus she had both the prince and her family on her side and Vio's treatment at home was much worse than that.

    Btw, Maryjun is obviously not fit to be a noblewoman. At least in this lifetime, Vio made her realise some things. With that personality, plus her background, she wouldn't have been accepted into high society even after Vio died.
    The prince also isn't fit to be king. He had a narrow view on life, jumps to conclusions without proof. Plus, as royalty, he should most keenly aware of status, but just completely disregards it.

    Maryjun is obviously not the villain. Their father would be one. But I just don't understand how she can act completely oblivious to her parents completely ignoring Vio?
    She's someone who stands up for what she believes in. Like she argued that everyone is equal and status doesn't matter. But she doesn't say anything of Violette's treatment? Her mom as well.
    Her parents only ask and say stuff to Maryjun and her father scolds Vio thanks to Maryjun all the time. Every servant in the mansion can see it, I just don't get why she acts like she can't see it and everything is normal? Or does she think it's normal for her to be the center of attention and number one priority?
    Not too mention that all throughout their childhood, their father spent all their time worth her mother and her and obviously neglected his other daughter. And immediately after the child's mother dies, the mistress and illegitimate daughter move in. And expect her to be happy, not even a word of "I'm sorry for the death of your mother". In fact, all 3 of them must be happy for it, obviously.

    I'm not saying what Vio did was right. But can you expect anything else? She was mistreated by her parents and then there comes a girl who is treated like a treasure by her father. One was abused and the other had loving parents and received only happiness. She was groomed into being like that. You can only blame her parents that pushed her to that point.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2020
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  10. theilikepie

    theilikepie Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    I mean vio did try to murder her. The ultimate form of bullying

    I dont think MJ needs to face hardship to attain enlightenment. These characters go to there doom because no one told them what there doing wrong. Soemome just needs to tell her to her face whaya going on. But no one will. Her parents spoil her. Vio is one her path to self martyrdom. Yulias is probably planning to murder everyone and isn't close to her,same with the prince in this timeline.

    And It should he clear that attempted murder is worse then being stupid/oblivious . I feel like alot of people seem to gloss over that fact in this thread. Yes she was abused and had really shiity useless parent's and its understandable but whenyou try to commot muder people wont look at your sad childhood anymore. As I said its school shooter mentality. Alot of them were bullied as kids but no judge or person is gonna look at there record of being bullied and go "understandable. You're free to go". Same with the general public. If vio existed in the real world no one would take her side the same way we dont take the sides of school shooters or domestic abuuers who become that way because they themselves were abused.
    Yeah some people might understand what led to it but no ones gonna he going "they should ve forgiven cause ect ect".

    Also Not every mistake is deserving of retribution. The prison system for exmaple is more focused on rehabilitation. Alot of studies show that punishment can in most cases make a person worse. So instead of getting karma or dying as hobos on the street, which will honestly help no one itd be better if they make amends and fix the mistakes they've caused.

    Honestly the way MJ acts I'd just attribute to bad writing. The author purposely made her stupid so the woobiyng of violet could go on. I wouldnt e supirsed if there was a plotwsit and she turned out to he a robot or something

    Like why would you write your ou character like that? It's so infuriating. No human acts like that. Its the reason I'm hoping she gets development. Everyone else is written as a human being.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2020
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  11. DOHere

    DOHere Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Here I was taking about what little "suffering" Maryjun had in her otherwise blissful life. Which was only the bullying.
  12. theilikepie

    theilikepie Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    Well you can say that MJ was groomed into being a naive sheltered girl too. Making your child purposely stupid and unaware of the world isnt good. Peple seem to forget that MJ was a product of her parents upbringing too

    I dont think the author really knows what to do with her character anymore tbh
    Creolenerd likes this.
  13. DOHere

    DOHere Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Vio did explain her responsibility as a noble last time. Anyway, you've probably noticed that Maryjun has her own opinions and is pretty stubborn. Thankfully, she ultimately understood, but who knows if next time it might backfire on Vio. As Maryjun mentions this stuff to her father as usual which leads to the father reprimanding Vio as usual.
    What else was the supposed to explain? Her father's mistreatment which is obvious in plain sight?

    But I was saying she already got her punishment for it. Only technically, not that she should've been forgiven by the police.
    Although, if you have a good conduct and show signs of remorse, you do get off on parole. So it's not as of the prison system doesn't forgive as long as you show remorse and that you've changed, which Vio did.
    Anyway, was saying you can consider her second chance as a compensation for what she's been through. And she herself doesn't aspire for anything else now other than retiring as a nun. That would be better than her current situation for her anyway since she'd be able to escape that house.

    I also don't think they should be homeless or anything. But still think a person needs to go through at least a bit of adversity in all their life, in order to develop. This is why children are sometimes selfish, mean etc. Cause they've been sheltered, spoiled, don't understand pain.
    Yeah, she was also groomed this way: she ended up like this cause she was treated too well. Which is why she needs to also go through a bit of pain to mature.
    The damage to Maryjun was pretty minimal, with just a bit of bullying. Anyway, the way the novel is going now, MJ seems a bit fixated on Vio, following her despite Vio's obvious discomfort, liking the things she likes, she seems low key jealous of her. I don't think she's gonna do anything bad by the end, but maybe the father might? To help MJ? Then he could get demoted maybe?

    Maryjun' s mother was originally a commoner to begin with. It wouldn't be a harsh punishment to her anyway. Since both Vio and MJ wouldn't mind being nuns, they wouldn't mind being commoners even less.
    While their father definitely deserves his rank being demoted from his deeds. If the wealth was originally his wife and he just got it after cheating on her and virtually abandoning his marriage altogether, he deserves it even less (using his deceased wife's wealth on his concubine and illegitimate child is just shameless).

    Yeah, that clueless part of her that only applies to this situation doesn't make any sense. But you can't help but see characters as real people, which is why she annoys us. We can't just go: "She's not real anyway, we'll just ignore this part".
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2020
  14. Creolenerd

    Creolenerd Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2019
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    Phew you say how i feel but can't always find the words. I agree. You know what unless it's abusive parents i actually don't think i care for the revenge either. Something about only one female can be happy at a time seems lazy to me. The sister and step mom are passive. But for that time period what were they to do? If they talked up they could've just as easily been slapped for talking outta place. They need to start doing better with Orig FL because making them naive to the point ppl want then to suffer our making them completely out of character and evil is annoying. The sister reminds me of Jeanette LMAO. And her getting attacked or left homeless isn't going to help anything. The dad being held accountable will
  15. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    I respect your I opinion but I disagree. The protagonist of the story is Vio and while you may have some consideration for other characters (which is good, it made you feel something), most of the time, the MC gets the most development, most attention the most of everything simply because they are the protag. I get that you wanted the happy ending for everyone but sometimes, it isn't possible. It isn't lazy writing, it's called priorities. MC is the protag so it makes more sense to develop them and prioritize them over others. There is a reason for having main characters and secondary characters. If this is a full length novel that can explore all complexities of each character, dynamics and relationship of the cast, I will be with you. But it isn't. So it is more acceptable in this form to leave some charters underdeveloped. Developing them will make the writer write more and give more effort for less. Characters are not created equal but I would assume MaryJun would have a happy ending albeit different.
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  16. Creolenerd

    Creolenerd Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2019
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    If only one person can get proper characterization why bother reading it? What's the point of having any other characters in the story. Just make the story I am Legend. Why even world build? I don't think saying that saying it's not a full length novel do other characters aren't developed is a good enough excuse. Of course I'm going to consider other characters because they're in the story. Their actions affect the protagonist in how they move. It's also not about a happy ending. This was about someone saying MJ and her mom deserving to be raped because they're passive to Vios dad. And ppl wanting her to suffer like she did something
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  17. ATrueStory

    ATrueStory Villainesses, Historical Shit, Noble Circuses

    Feb 6, 2019
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    Well you can not read it. There are many stories (usually story ones) with one character and they have a good development. They have their own particular conflict, usually internal and they can make a good story without another soul in the story.

    I am not familiar with the title so I cant comment on that.
    On other characters: As someone who don't want tot write ensembles (coz it's hard for to track and develop them), supporting characters does a lot of things. they can support the protag, support the antagonist (if the conflict is external), cause the conflict, give variety to a monotonous, check the diversity requirement and so forth. They can do all these things without being developed and they also be killed off screen or disappear into nowhere..

    World building is also optional. If you're creating an imaginary world, its best to do that people always assume the world in the story is by default the none we experience in reality. If don't like world building, you can always ignore the details.

    Not all characters affect the protag though. See the stepmother. She is a character and in the manga , we saw her. If I'm the author, I could easily kill her off screen and I could bet most will not care. Because the attention is on Vio, Maryjun, Pirnce and Yulan. Maryjun is a supporting character or possible antagonist that's why she has more screen time and development but so far, she doesn't warrant the screen time because the plot revolves around Vio. If it does, then we're not reading the same story.

    If you want to consider them, fine. Good for you. But most readers are fixed on two characters - protag and antagonist because these two drive the story. Add in the love interest if it has a romance angle.
    The rest of the cast can be unnamed and undeveloped because they might not contribute as much to the plot.

    It might not be about getting a happy ending for you. But I am willing to bet some fans want the same treatment of Vio and Maryjun in terms of the ending. That's fine to expect but not a guarantee. some readers want that guarantee. Even in stories, life can not be fair.
    I don't subscribe to that. IMO passive and naive characters irritate the heck out of me. Either they develop or I wish they are cut coz they drag the pacing.
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  18. sjmcc13

    sjmcc13 Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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  19. kawaii12345

    kawaii12345 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2020
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    I really have trouble seeing it as over the top revenge to Maryjun and the crown prince should have to live with the consequences of their philosophy. They are just a horribly annoying duo far more concerned with correcting others than living good lives themselves.

    As to Maryjun's character from what the author has given us is far too toxic to be good natured, or accidentally destructive. Oh gee Violet so nice of you to help me with the violin recital that was supposed to be yours. Gee willikers 3 days ago I didn't even know how to hold the violin and now I've surpassed what took you years to learn. Oh don't mind me while I try to move in on your boyfriend, and invite myself to everything you're doing. She just keeps landing critical hits on Vio, and never does anything to help her. I'm a really really insensitive guy, but how can anyone not realize they have to make some effort after work things out family wise. Even the dad is aware of it but he hates Violet so you get what you get

    The novel is far too random to predict, but it wouldn't surprise me at all to find MJ really is a green tea b!#ch
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2020
  20. missingmeso

    missingmeso Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2020
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    Fr fr fr!! I mean ppl can have their own opinions but i can't stand mj, she's really bad idk how ppl excuse her actions but again it's their own opinions ,
    Mj is like a beast trying to eat vio and everything she have in order to turn into her, or maybe she thinks "if i lived here with vio from the start i would maybe share or have it all myself too" late chapters in second life timeline, vio almost left everything for mj and mj still after vio, to even go as far as touch her close friend which is her" last landmind" and say she likes him cause i think she knew vio loved him, so why him now not the prince like the first life time? I mean yes she's sticking to the prince which he is supposedly vio future fiancee or w.e, like it's not enough now she's after her new love interest,...?
    Obviously to me she's targeting vio.
    maenochka, Nukuchan, spchntrt and 2 others like this.