[Poll] Could you accept being a concubine?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by lychee, Aug 10, 2020.


Could you accept becoming a concubine?

  1. I'm male - Sure! I'm happy in this position

    0 vote(s)
  2. I'm male - Yes, I can accept this arrangement

    1 vote(s)
  3. I'm male - Yes, but very reluctantly. I'd rather be the main spouse.

    0 vote(s)
  4. I'm male - Yes, but very reluctantly. I'd rather be monogamous.

    3 vote(s)
  5. I'm male - No, I'd only consider it if I could be the main spouse.

    0 vote(s)
  6. I'm male - No, I'd only consider it if we were monogamous.

    12 vote(s)
  7. I'm male - No, I don't want to get married to someone who can use me a weapon

    4 vote(s)
  8. I'm male - No, I don't want to get married to anyone

    5 vote(s)
  9. I'm male - I'm unsure

    0 vote(s)
  10. I'm female - Sure! I'm happy in this position

    0 vote(s)
  11. I'm female - Yes, I can accept this arrangement

    3 vote(s)
  12. I'm female - Yes, but very reluctantly. I'd rather be the main spouse.

    0 vote(s)
  13. I'm female - Yes, but very reluctantly. I'd rather be monogamous.

    1 vote(s)
  14. I'm female - No, I'd only consider it if I could be the main spouse.

    3 vote(s)
  15. I'm female - No, I'd only consider it if we were monogamous.

    16 vote(s)
  16. I'm female - No, I don't want to get married to someone who can use me a weapon

    9 vote(s)
  17. I'm female - No, I don't want to get married to anyone

    12 vote(s)
  18. I'm female - I'm unsure

    2 vote(s)
  19. I do not wish to respond

    4 vote(s)
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  1. lychee

    lychee [- slightly morbid fruit -] ❀[ 恋爱? ]❀

    Jul 22, 2017
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    You were reborn in a plagiarized universe where your gender has the ability to transform into a weapon (i.e. sword, bow, gun). In order to transform into a weapon, you must pair up with someone of the opposite sex whom you have good affinity with.

    Generally speaking, the culture in this world is fairly biased against your gender. Your gender gets paid less, has inferior rights, and less job opportunities. Eventually, every Weapon is expected to find an Operator — and having a committed relationship is basically the same as marriage. Beyond a certain age, it's is very unusual for a Weapon to remain unmarried, and are viewed as "trash" if they're unable to get married to an Operator.

    Polygamy is common in this world. Many Operators are married to multiple Weapons. The main Weapon is called the "husband"/"wife", and all the secondary Weapons are called "concubines".

    In this universe, most people get married soon after university. The reason for this is that high schools and universities have an "Arena System", where it's common for students to pair up with each other to have mock battles with each other. Most people figure out who they have good "affinity" with (...basically it just "feels" really good), and they get married to that person when they graduate. It's harder to find someone after university because most people don't have the time to continue sports when they are working, and most people have already found their partners, so there isn't much of a post-graduate dating scene.

    Anyhow, during university there was this person (Operator) who you had fantastic affinity with during arena battles. You felt absolutely great with that person and you're definitely attracted to them. Being with this person felt at least 20X better than anyone else you've been paired up with. The powerful affinity made you stronger as a weapon and more effective. You also dated them for a while (in human form), and you like them a lot.

    This Operator also likes you, and proposed to marry you once you graduate.

    However, there's one minor thing. This Operator is fairly popular and has a small harem of a handful of other weapons (~3-4 people) they are going to marry. They admit that you wouldn't be the Main Weapon, as there is somebody else ("Rival") whom they have a stronger connection with. However, they would be fortunate to have you as a concubine on their team nonetheless, and they promise that they would love you no differently than before.

    1. Would you agree to marry this person?

    2. Could you ever tolerate a polyamorous relationship? What if you couldn't be the main husband/wife?

    3. What would you do if nobody was willing to promise having a monogamous relationship? (i.e. polyamory is so normal in this society that monogamy is a crazy idea)

    4. How would you talk to your spouse if they wanted to get another weapon and marry someone new?

    5. Imagine that you are the "main" husband/wife. Recently, your spouse married a new concubine, but your spouse seems to being paying a lot more attention to them than they do to you. You're anxious that you'll lose your status as the "main" weapon. What would you do?
    nyamachi, Arash1, Woho0 and 2 others like this.
  2. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    1) Most likely yes. It's not an ideal arrangement, but I'd feel happy to be with the person I like~

    2) I don't think I'd handle it easily because I can get jealous with some ease, but uhn... Well, it would definitely be easier if I had grown up in a society where this is common.
    Regardless, I still think I'd be able to at least give it a shot.
    As for not being the main wife... Uhn... In modern day society, I probably wouldn't be able to accept it... In a fictional setting where it is a more common place thing though? I think I would. It kinda feels like I would be cheating in a way in current society I guess, even if that's not how it works with Polyamorous relationships.

    3) Well, I think I'd manage somehow... I'm reluctant to the idea, but not completely against it.

    4) I think I'd just say my honest feelings about how I'm not comfortable with it at all, but not absolutely opposed to it I guess. That I'd prefer if he didn't get one, but wouldn't stop it if he felt it was absolutely necessary or something along those lines.

    5) I think I'd just have a honest talk about it. I'm used to being a big worrywart and I get troubled by the most trivial things that should not be bothering me... The best way to handle those things is to talk about it, so talk I would.
    Baldingere and lychee like this.
  3. BigBadBoi

    BigBadBoi Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2018
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    What LN did you rip this off from?
  4. lychee

    lychee [- slightly morbid fruit -] ❀[ 恋爱? ]❀

    Jul 22, 2017
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    None in particular! Although there's a bunch with the weapon-people-transforming idea, isn't there?
    imK likes this.
  5. Klazy Labbit

    Klazy Labbit Peko peko peko~

    Sep 8, 2019
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    hmm...I am a very jealous person so I won't accept a harem but I would agree if the harem is all feamle i.e a yuri harem with me being the only male muhahahaha
    RaiLi likes this.
  6. Lisarra

    Lisarra 『 The one under the rock 』

    Feb 24, 2020
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    1. Most probably no.:sick:

    2. I can be quite jealous person to be honest. I dislike the idea of polyamorous relationships. Sharing things is a totally different thing from sharing a person. And I am not the main wife as in the settings. I cannot accept the idea of being a concubine:confused:

    3. If I have to get married, I would rather like to be the main wife. And it is better to marry without any deep feelings involved so that jealousy won't be the issue anymore. The man will get married to others but atleast I can maintain my pride as the main wife:rolleyes:

    4. It would be their decision. I won't prevent them from the normal marriage goals of that society. But I will tell him to treat me the way The main wife should be treated and should not favour the concubine more than me.

    5. I will try talking to them about my worries while preventing the talk to escalate to a quarrel. I will try to maintain my status. And if nothing goes right, turn into a weapon and :blobspearpeek::blobspearpeek::blobspearpeek: Can't ever let go self respect :blobjoy:
    Jevanka926, imK and lychee like this.
  7. UnGrave

    UnGrave ななひ~^^

    Jun 27, 2016
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    1. Would you agree to marry this person?
    Nope! I would just continue down my own path and do things I enjoy. No need to get involved in sports or marriage.

    2. Could you ever tolerate a polyamorous relationship? What if you couldn't be the main husband/wife?
    I don't think I'd enjoy that either way. Seems like even more relationship bullcrap then a monogamous relationship and would be too much trouble for me to bother with.

    3. What would you do if nobody was willing to promise having a monogamous relationship? (i.e. polyamory is so normal in this society that monogamy is a crazy idea)
    I'd stay single. I don't need a particularly large amount of money either. I just would get by with what I can get, work on things I like, and enjoy my life.

    4. How would you talk to your spouse if they wanted to get another weapon and marry someone new?
    I would certainly voice my opposition to it, and probably have spent any relationship up to that point making my views on such a thing clear. They would know very well what I think about it, and there would be nothing they can do about it.

    5. Imagine that you are the "main" husband/wife. Recently, your spouse married a new concubine, but your spouse seems to being paying a lot more attention to them than they do to you. You're anxious that you'll lose your status as the "main" weapon. What would you do?
    Be manipulative and sly. I might classify as a yandere to some people, but I'm fine with doing my research on how to control a person's life. I would hold things they love hostage, make everything they experience seem like their own fault, and overall just force them into a position where they either break down or do what I say.
  8. Halcyon Observer

    Halcyon Observer Full stop

    Jul 21, 2019
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    They won't be calling me "trash" when I beat them up after evolving into a sword spirit :blobpats::blobpats::blobpats:
    I'll also study the scriptures and recreate the I AM TAEPODONG technique :blobhero::blobhero::blobhero:

    1. The short answer is no. This type of relationship simply does not sit well with me. I, however, would stick around in the vicinity because this Operator is giving me some serious MC vibes and things are likely to be interesting around them.

    2. Stated above.

    3. Oh well. Their loss. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    4. Congratulations! You found two different Weapons that want to marry you! Now pick one.

    5. Stated above.

    But I'm quite curious what an Operator brings to the table. Ah yes, you can wield a weapon. But so can a Weapon not in Weapon Form. I wonder if I could legitimately pass as an "Operator" because I just never transform; that would be a twist for sure.
    Also, what's with this Pavlovian positive reinforcement system? The thought of being able to be attracted to a person who's personality I absolutely hate leaves a bad taste in my mouth. They're only marrying me for my stats, anyways.
    ... That being said, I now pity all the characters in gacha games that aren't picked or as used as cannon fodder. Now I know how it feels to be in their shoes.
    Baldingere and lychee like this.
  9. pass1478

    pass1478 I'm in Despair!

    Dec 15, 2019
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    Nothing. That's exactly what I want.
    In the miniscule chance of me actually having a spouse, I'd probably have left her long before she wanted another man/woman. If I'm still with her at that point, then I guess I'll use her request as a reason in order for me to leave.
    As stated in my previous answer, having a spouse is pretty unlikely for me, but for the sake of discussion, I'll answer it anyway.

    I'm a very possessive person who easily gets jealous due to my heavy insecurities. If my partner shows real interest in someone other than me, I'd probably ditch her no matter how much I love her or no matter how much she loves me. This is also one of the reasons as to why I'll try to never get married or even be in a relationship; why would I willingly step in a train that's headed towards a cliff?
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2020
    blaze27, Baldingere and lychee like this.
  10. .Lance

    .Lance Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2020
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    1. NO
    2. ^
    3. Can I be a hermit in the woods? Or maybe an artist..
    4. Pick one. Or maybe I would just leave
    5. Yeahhh, nope, bye
    lychee likes this.
  11. Melodious Nocturne

    Melodious Nocturne [Dance, water, dance!] [My name is Demyx!]

    Sep 27, 2019
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    *immediately sees a flaw* What about people who are homosexual or bisexual or asexual or transgender or non-binary? Do they have no rights in this world?
    AmethystCherry and lychee like this.
  12. ..

    .. Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    ah... then, I identify myself as attack helicopter gender before reincarnation. only people who identify themselves as attack helicopter in their previous life can be a weapon.

    1. Yes. Other people who hold the delusion of being attack helicopter in their previous life should unite.

    2. Yes.

    3. Nothing

    4. Ok.

    5. Ok.

    joking aside. Since gender is a social construct, to get maximum benefit, let's go with true hermaphroditism. Then I can "marry" myself.
    Baldingere likes this.
  13. Anra7777

    Anra7777 All powerful magic grammar hamster queen pirate.

    Apr 13, 2018
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    1. Would you agree to marry this person?
    As a person with my current world views, probably not. If I had lived my whole life in the world, I guess I probably would.
    2. Could you ever tolerate a polyamorous relationship? What if you couldn't be the main husband/wife?
    For others, fine. For me, no. I don’t want to share.
    3. What would you do if nobody was willing to promise having a monogamous relationship? (i.e. polyamory is so normal in this society that monogamy is a crazy idea)
    I honestly don’t know. I’d like to think that not getting married was an option, but according to your scenario, it doesn’t seem plausible.
    4. How would you talk to your spouse if they wanted to get another weapon and marry someone new?
    No. I’d rather get divorced.
    5. Imagine that you are the "main" husband/wife. Recently, your spouse married a new concubine, but your spouse seems to being paying a lot more attention to them than they do to you. You're anxious that you'll lose your status as the "main" weapon. What would you do?
    Let’s get divorced.
    lychee likes this.
  14. Woho0

    Woho0 Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2017
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    1. Would you agree to marry this person?
    Only if I can't find someone to have a monogamous relationship with.

    2. Could you ever tolerate a polyamorous relationship? What if you couldn't be the main husband/wife?

    Well there's always a way, somehow the main husband and all rival concubines died in an accident, but luckily I was able to save my beloved wife. :blobhero:

    3. What would you do if nobody was willing to promise having a monogamous relationship? (i.e. polyamory is so normal in this society that monogamy is a crazy idea)
    So... People prefer to end up allone, or are there way more males born than females?
    Well polyamory it is than, combined with the aim to become a great assassin.

    4. How would you talk to your spouse if they wanted to get another weapon and marry someone new?
    I advise against it, you know, somehow all your weapons end up braking... :blobhyperthink:

    5. Imagine that you are the "main" husband/wife. Recently, your spouse married a new concubine, but your spouse seems to being paying a lot more attention to them than they do to you. You're anxious that you'll lose your status as the "main" weapon. What would you do?
    Oh boy, seems this weapon broke as well... I told you it was a bad idea... :facepalm:
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2020
    Baldingere and lychee like this.
  15. ExcitableFoci

    ExcitableFoci Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2019
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    1. Would you agree to marry this person?

    Depends. I would agree if this person provides me something I need. I wouldn't care much about her or the other guys cuz I am quite apathetic towards love.

    On the other hand, I would decline if there's no tangible benefit for me.

    2. Could you ever tolerate a polyamorous relationship? What if you couldn't be the main husband/wife?

    Yeah. As I said, I don't really care.

    3. What would you do if nobody was willing to promise having a monogamous relationship? (i.e. polyamory is so normal in this society that monogamy is a crazy idea)

    Continue my leisure life as it always has been.

    4 + 5

    In the rare chance I actually got married to someone be it cuz my parents were nagging me too much, tax benefits, or survival stuff, I would honestly be happy.

    I don't like high maintenance relationships. I can't imagine how I would survive with someone by my side 24/7. Like, give me some space betch.
    Baldingere and lychee like this.
  16. lychee

    lychee [- slightly morbid fruit -] ❀[ 恋爱? ]❀

    Jul 22, 2017
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    In my headcanon, the Weapons need an Operator they're compatible with in order to transform. So a Weapon with another Weapon wouldn't be able to transform (although someone else could pick up an already transformed weapon, even though that's kind of taboo).

    Yeah, this society is pretty biased. Only people who are the same sex as you can transform, and official marriages are only recognized between opposite sexes. That said, there's probably a bunch of people who have lgbt relationships (i.e. weapon-weapon), although it's a bit shunned by society.

    Yup, let's say the gender ratio is like 3:1
  17. Melodious Nocturne

    Melodious Nocturne [Dance, water, dance!] [My name is Demyx!]

    Sep 27, 2019
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    ....... *doesn’t want his only options to be Kairi, Naminé, Xion, Larxene, or Aqua* *wants to marry Xiggy!* ..... ( *`ω´) *and maybe Zexy and Axel and Luxy and, and...*
    lychee likes this.
  18. Lurking

    Lurking Do the dead suffer, or is it a sweet release?

    May 5, 2018
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    Reading List:
    1. Would you agree to marry this person?
    2. Could you ever tolerate a polyamorous relationship? What if you couldn't be the main husband/wife?
    i'll try it and if it doesnt work out i'll fuck off elsewhere and if anyone asks im totally married still and wandering around for job reasons, totally not just wanderlust.

    this guy can fund me~
    3. What would you do if nobody was willing to promise having a monogamous relationship? (i.e. polyamory is so normal in this society that monogamy is a crazy idea)
    4. How would you talk to your spouse if they wanted to get another weapon and marry someone new?
    i get to try them out too
    5. Imagine that you are the "main" husband/wife. Recently, your spouse married a new concubine, but your spouse seems to being paying a lot more attention to them than they do to you. You're anxious that you'll lose your status as the "main" weapon. What would you do?
    aggresively hug and clingy be then wander off
    lychee likes this.
  19. Ruyi

    Ruyi translator at CG

    Jun 19, 2016
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    I...is this Soul Eater with marriage? Haha okay, let's get going.

    1. Would you agree to marry this person?
    I mean, who's to say his main wife will stay the main wife forever? Don't weapons...break?

    I'm stating that as a fact, not a threat. Don't misunderstand!

    2. Could you ever tolerate a polyamorous relationship? What if you couldn't be the main husband/wife?
    Yeah sure, if it's this world. I mean, even human emperors had concubines in the past. Besides, with the way this world works it's more an issue of survival than love for me as a Weapon, right? This looks like a pretty good deal. He can be happy with his main wife domestically while I'll just hang out with the crew and fight with him when he needs it. And since I'm not his main fling, I won't be in the spotlight as much and can basically live my existence as one of those fortunate side characters who're friends with the main protags.

    This is assuming my Operator doesn't end up as the villain of the world, which would suck. But if he's that bad, I assume I can just divorce right? No binding magical contracts or something that'll end my life, please.

    3. What would you do if nobody was willing to promise having a monogamous relationship? (i.e. polyamory is so normal in this society that monogamy is a crazy idea)
    Deal with it. Love isn't everything, though it's a nice bonus. You can hurt as much as you love, you know. Maybe we can just be really cool friends. And again--if it's so necessary, maybe it's needed to survive. I don't want to die blasted by some enemies one day because my husband ran out of backup in the middle of a fight!

    4. How would you talk to your spouse if they wanted to get another weapon and marry someone new?
    Ask him to let me meet her first. If we can't get along, it'll be Hell for him too, haha.

    5. Imagine that you are the "main" husband/wife. Recently, your spouse married a new concubine, but your spouse seems to being paying a lot more attention to them than they do to you. You're anxious that you'll lose your status as the "main" weapon. What would you do?
    Depends. What's really at threat here? My feelings with him? The thrill I get from being used? Pride and status? Does it really affect me negatively in any way? If it won't kill me then I wouldn't mind if I didn't love him. However, I'd be insulted if he started deprecating me once I turned "concubine." Whatever, if you can't rely on your man, build a bond of sisterhood with the other girls. In the end, what's an Operator without his weapons, right? ;)
    Baldingere, Lurking and lychee like this.
  20. arashi-chan12

    arashi-chan12 Well-Known Member

    Feb 29, 2016
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    Reading List:
    1. Would you agree to marry this person?
    Depends... From a emotional viewpoint I wouldn't want to, but from a practical viewpoint I'd have to marry if I ever wanted stability in life. Romantic feelings aside, it'd depend on the potential of our friends vs lovers relationship (friendship preferred if we're in for the long run) and how well I can get along with the others in the harem.

    2. Could you ever tolerate a polyamorous relationship? What if you couldn't be the main husband/wife?
    Only poly I think I'd be okay with in real life is true poly, where everyone likes everyone romantically lol. Even then I'd probably be a bit iffy about it tho.

    I don't care much for politics, power struggles or being the face of a group so if someone wanna take the job then be my guest lol

    3. What would you do if nobody was willing to promise having a monogamous relationship? (i.e. polyamory is so normal in this society that monogamy is a crazy idea)
    When in Rome do as Romans do.

    But this brings up the question, if polyamory is so common then wouldn't the gender ratios be skewed? Meaning my gender would more outnumber the other operator gender. Why would we still be discriminated against then? Technically we'd be the majority. If we STILL getting mistreated, then time to lead a revolt lolol

    4. How would you talk to your spouse if they wanted to get another weapon and marry someone new?
    "...do you really need one?"

    I mean, they do realize they'd need to support the livelihood if their spouses right? Houses cost money, groceries cost money, babies cost money, weapon maintenance costs money. Arguably the spouses can also work and pitch in, but if we weapons are so discriminated against then there's only so much we can do.

    If they can support us financially while adding another one into the mix then sure. Low-key assuming divorce is virtually non-existent in this world tho.

    5. Imagine that you are the "main" husband/wife. Recently, your spouse married a new concubine, but your spouse seems to being paying a lot more attention to them than they do to you. You're anxious that you'll lose your status as the "main" weapon. What would you do?
    Continue my neutral stance and just try to get along with everyone. No politics for me please. As I said before, if they wanna deal with the headache of managing the harem then by all means lol
    Baldingere and lychee like this.
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