[Poll] Would you execute your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by lychee, Aug 10, 2020.


Would you execute your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend?

  1. Yes - I believe I'm right, and this is good for my country

    10 vote(s)
  2. Yes - I might be wrong, but rebellion is unacceptable

    14 vote(s)
  3. No - I believe I'm right, and I will fight the rebellion

    0 vote(s)
  4. No - I believe I'm right, but I will surrender to avoid rebellion

    0 vote(s)
  5. No - I might be wrong, but I will still fight the rebellion

    0 vote(s)
  6. No - I might be wrong, and I will surrender to avoid rebellion

    2 vote(s)
  7. I'm unsure

    7 vote(s)
  8. I do not wish to respond

    1 vote(s)
  1. lychee

    lychee [- slightly morbid fruit -] ❀[ 恋爱? ]❀

    Jul 22, 2017
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    Beep... Boop...

    Once upon a time, you were the crown prince(ss) of a certain country named Beastland. You had a wonderful childhood, and you also had someone you dated and liked a lot during your teenage years. Unfortunately, the relationship didn't end up working out (i.e. difference in status, political things) and the two of you ended up breaking up on good terms. Your ex- dumped you saying that they still love you, but being together just isn't possible. They say that they hope to remain friends.

    A couple years passed, and your relationship with your ex- soured over time. The main reason for this is that you made some difficult decisions for the country that your ex- couldn't agree with. For instance, you entered into a trade agreement with Wizardland, hoping to import magic technology, science, and tools, because you understand that technological development is important for the future. However, most of your country is anti-magic (they hate wizards) and your kingdom has a lot of tribal shamans with faith, nature, and religion-based rituals. The cultural values are also very different.

    Wizardland also has a different political philosophy than your country (Beastland). Wizardland is highly capitalistic and has a centralized government. Beastland operates through decentralized tribal rule with a primitive bartering economy.

    Many of the tribal leaders of your country (they're basically aristocrats) dislike your actions because they believe that you are taking power away from them. They also believe that you are disrespecting tradition and that you are a traitor to foreigners. Your spies have indicated the chieftans are preparing a rebellion and looking to overthrow your government.

    Disturbingly, your spies inform you that the leader of this rebellion is your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend.

    Concerned, you privately contact your ex, and they straight up tell you that they can't agree with what you're doing. You are unable to convince them to see your side. They tell you that they refuse to back down, that they believe you're making bad decisions for the country. They also tell you that you've lost the trust of the tribal chieftains, and they will no longer accept you as their ruler. They want you to abdicate the throne and turn over power to them so they can be the new king/queen (they have a distant claim on the throne due to an ancestor from 300 years ago).

    Your advisors tell you that your ex- should be executed. Your ex- is a major player in driving the rebellious sentiment, and if they are executed, it would strike fear into the remaining chieftains, and it should be easy to quell the rebellion if your ex- is gone.

    If you do not choose to execute your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend, a revolution and civil war would break out. You believe that your kingdom's ally (the Fire Nation) will betray your country at this time and invade your country during the chaos, but you have been unable to convince others that this will happen since the Fire Nation is closely allied with your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend.

    Faking your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend's death is not possible because this universe has a tracing spell/ritual, and people could easily confirm if your ex- is alive or dead.

    1. Would you order the execution of your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend? What if the stability of your country depended on it?

    2. Would you be more/less comfortable executing someone if they weren't your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend? What if they were a brother/sister? A cousin? Family member? Former friend? Neighbor? Acquaintance?

    3. How would you respond if your ex- suggested that you hook up together again and started flirting with you? What if you suspected that they were mainly aiming to manipulate you to get what they want?

    4. Do you believe in the death penalty? What about with someone who has a competing claim on the throne? (i.e. if you leave them alive, their supporters will continue to believe there is a chance that their candidate can become king/queen).

    5. What are your overall considerations in this scenario?
    imK likes this.
  2. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    1) Well... I'm kinda forced to at this situation. And I'd hate it, but... Yeah, execution seems like the only way to go.

    2) I think my disgust at my actions would remain the same regardless of who was being executed... Nobody has the right to take someone else's life, but it's either theirs or the lives of many many others... Not much that I can do at that point.

    3) Circumstances already showed that we wouldn't work out, right? In that case they would be probably going for a behind-the-scenes relationship I guess...? That's a big no for me, I can't get involved in this kind of relationship.

    4) I don't believe in death penalty in modern day society, I believe everyone should have the right to redeem themselves and move through life differently once they're out of jail... That said, once you involve politics to the matter, then morals stop mattering as much...
    If Death Penalty is the necessary course of action to save a whole kingdom, is it really fair to say that Death Penalty is wrong when the lives of millions are on the line? I don't think so, there is only so much that morals can do when you're in a position with excessive power and responsibility.

    5) Being royalty is one of the worst things that could ever happen to me and if I get isekai'd into being a princess, I sure as hell hope I can just be someone with no responsibilities whatsoever and that can just be married off to someone without needing to worry about a thing for my whole life. Having to bear with the responsibilities of being royalty sucks.
    lychee likes this.
  3. UnGrave

    UnGrave ななひ~^^

    Jun 27, 2016
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    1. Would you order the execution of your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend? What if the stability of your country depended on it?
    I would kill them myself. They are an imbecile who's existence is a detriment to mankind.

    2. Would you be more/less comfortable executing someone if they weren't your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend? What if they were a brother/sister? A cousin? Family member? Former friend? Neighbor? Acquaintance?
    I could execute anyone who recklessly endangers the lives of the innocent citizens.

    3. How would you respond if your ex- suggested that you hook up together again and started flirting with you? What if you suspected that they were mainly aiming to manipulate you to get what they want?
    Yeah, suspicious.
    Thanks for sure I don't trust my political enemy.

    4. Do you believe in the death penalty? What about with someone who has a competing claim on the throne? (i.e. if you leave them alive, their supporters will continue to believe there is a chance that their candidate can become king/queen).
    I don't think the death penalty makes much sense in a modern setting, but in a dog eat dog world operating on medieval rules it is a necessity.

    5. What are your overall considerations in this scenario?
    They are a traitor, they are going to harm a lot of people, they are a threat to my life, and the regard things like "tradition" and "pride" over the betterment of society.
    Hegao, AliceShiki and lychee like this.
  4. Bloodysin28

    Bloodysin28 The victim of true evil that is reality

    Jun 3, 2019
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    I would gank the traitor mofo no hypocritical righteousness getting payback would be a bonus.
  5. Ashtree

    Ashtree Active Member

    Feb 28, 2017
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    1. Kill the man!
    2. It depends on how much hatred you feel for the someone. Regardless of being an ex or family, humans can do terrible things.
    3. If it is the ex in the scenario, I actually might hook up with him for I had ended the relationship on “good terms.” But, due to the knowledge that he is a rebellion leader, I say it is pretty obvious he is trying to manipulate me.
    4. I do not believe in death penalty. I believe in people rotting in the act of repentance. However, in order to leave no loose ends, I might need to take their lives worse case scenario.
    5. The ex is such a traditionalist. He is threatening your throne and is unable to see that change must happen to survive in the future. You have attempted to communicate. Yet, he will continue his rebellion instead of aiming for a compromise and has now put his own country in danger from invasion. Not cool. I say, kill him.
    lychee likes this.
  6. UnGrave

    UnGrave ななひ~^^

    Jun 27, 2016
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    Vaguely related. Maybe it'll change someone else's mind.

    Ruyi likes this.
  7. RRat

    RRat Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2020
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    1) If I had no other choice than this, then yes. You can't risk a country just for one person, even if they were your ex-lover. As much as I hate to say this, killing the ex would solve all of our problems.

    2) It'd definitely be easier if it were an acquaintance. Any deeper than that would make me more uncomfortable.

    3) Murphy's law: when you're royalty, you always have to assume the worst when it comes to situations like these. I won't hook up with them, even if they were being genuine. It's already proved that we're not fit for eachother, why do it again?

    4) Nope. I understand why there is death penalty, but I won't believe in it. When there are candidates for the throne, I won't mess with them if they don't mess with me. I'll leave them alone when it's clear that I have more supporters, but will still keep an eye out incase they do anything.

    5) If my ex proves that he's better than me in terms of ruling, or if the general populace sides with the rebellion, then sure maybe I'll hand over the throne. In my opinion, if a rebellion is present in the country then I probably made a mistake in ruling lel
    lychee and otaku31 like this.
  8. LittleBigSnowFlower

    LittleBigSnowFlower 悪くないよねぇ 〜

    Dec 13, 2019
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    1. Why shouldn't i kill him/her is more of the question. It's already finished, no strings attached anyways.

    2. Might be if it's someone i'm still close to. Otherwise? Onto the gutter you go ~

    3. Nope. I never believed rekindling love if it's already for so long and i know that he/she has an underlying motive.

    4. Question too vague for me to answer... If it's about favoring death penalty. I follow code of hammurabi and law of karma as my way of living.

    5. No mercy. It ended well already. Why would i still attach feeling to something that ended on a good note. Also if the pros outweighs the cons, as a monarch, i know that selfishness would detriment the people instead, no mercy for someone like an ex
    lychee likes this.
  9. lychee

    lychee [- slightly morbid fruit -] ❀[ 恋爱? ]❀

    Jul 22, 2017
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    Nobody would spare the poor ex so far :blobsweat_2::blobsweat_2::blobsweat_2:
    Arash1, RRat, Haniyeh and 1 other person like this.
  10. UnGrave

    UnGrave ななひ~^^

    Jun 27, 2016
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    Never take pity on an insurgent! :blobcat_knife::blobcat_knife::blobcat_knife:
    Arash1 and lychee like this.
  11. lychee

    lychee [- slightly morbid fruit -] ❀[ 恋爱? ]❀

    Jul 22, 2017
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    What if your ex argued that the wizards are extremely untrustworthy and also racist. Allowing the wizards to ship their magical devices into your kingdom will allow the wizards to spy on your kingdom using backdoor magic spells, and make your country vulnerable to wizard invasion. They are known to perform unethical magical experiments using animals as test subjects, which Beastland has a problem with because it's rumored that sometimes beastpeople are used as experimental subjects by the wizards? :blobpeek::blobpeek::blobpeek:

    Instead your ex believes that it's better to invest in beastman shamans -- who, while less "scientific", their faith-based magic is also formidable and respected by society.
  12. UnGrave

    UnGrave ななひ~^^

    Jun 27, 2016
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    Not that I'm 100% sure about the particular details of the situation just from a few paragraphs, but even if that's the case I still think it would be better to steal existing advanced technology rather than build up an entirely separate school if it's the case. Clearly in this situation I was confident in my decision, and the traitor decided to attack my reputation and life rather than take things up through formal means, so I'm gonna need to put an axe to her neck.
    lychee likes this.
  13. lychee

    lychee [- slightly morbid fruit -] ❀[ 恋爱? ]❀

    Jul 22, 2017
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    Alas, I suppose we must part with our differences :blobcry:

    To be clear, your ex isn't asking for your death. In this case, she just wants you to abdicate.
    UnGrave likes this.
  14. pass1478

    pass1478 I'm in Despair!

    Dec 15, 2019
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    Yes. I'm not so selfish as to risk national stability for the sake of my happiness. A prince/king before a lover (former.) And plus, she probably knew it was coming, if not, then she was too naive.
    Personal relationships come second to national responsibility. No, I will never be comfortable no matter who it is (unless he/she has done something unforgivable.) Tough situations call for tough decisions.
    Been there, done that, regretted it. Always try to get over your past relationship(s) no matter how difficult. I know there are a lot of people who worked it out, but I'm not one of those people.
    The concept a death penalty is too complex of a subject for me to make a proper statement upon. It's basically one of those "Is abortion okay" moral questions. But personally, I think it's justifiable, not saying it's okay, but it's justifiable.

    In terms of competing for the throne, that's not even a matter of "death penalty," that's a matter of murder, indirect or not. Death penalty is used for the law, justice, and all those other stuff, not political and personal benefit, though it's often used with those intentions.
    I'm the ruler of a nation, she's committing treason and risking the 'peace' of the nation. The answer is clear.

    But as an individual, it'll be a sad memory and an even sadder decision, but the moment I became the leader, my life was not mine to own no more.
    lychee likes this.
  15. Deleted member 155674

    Deleted member 155674 Guest

    Reading List:
    1. Would you order the execution of your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend? What if the stability of your country depended on it?
    I will think about it for long enough, killing isn't always the answer but depending on the situation and the individual it might be necessary, first I need to hear the arguments of my ex (as she is the leader, she should have her reasons) and by that I mean an official meeting (with her followers present) after that, depending on the results of the meeting, either make changes to my decision or execute them on the spot :hmm:
    2. Would you be more/less comfortable executing someone if they weren't your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend? What if they were a brother/sister? A cousin? Family member? Former friend? Neighbor? Acquaintance?

    Maybe, maybe not :blobunsure:
    3. How would you respond if your ex- suggested that you hook up together again and started flirting with you? What if you suspected that they were mainly aiming to manipulate you to get what they want?

    I would like to refuse, but if they have a backing then maybe I should keep them at hand reach so I am always aware of their plots :hmm:
    4. Do you believe in the death penalty? What about with someone who has a competing claim on the throne? (i.e. if you leave them alive, their supporters will continue to believe there is a chance that their candidate can become king/queen).

    Yes, I believe in death penalty, but it should be a last resort and yes not just anyone is suitable for the throne, a ruler needs certain qualities, the desire for power isn't a valid quality :blobsweat_2:
    5. What are your overall considerations in this scenario?

    For my ex to have relations and backings with another nation while opposing my descions (even plotting a revolt while calling me a traitor) just because I wanted to keep the tribe up to date with "technology" and 'modern' development seems suspicious, she is either a strong wise fellow with power and who wants the best for the tribe or she is a traitor/spy with ulterior nefarious motives, either way, the tribe needs some stricter supervision :hmm:
    lychee likes this.
  16. UnGrave

    UnGrave ななひ~^^

    Jun 27, 2016
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    She's giving me the choice to either abdicate or die, so I think that means she wants me to die since there's no way I'm giving up the throne. Boom, now I have legal justification.
    lychee likes this.
  17. lychee

    lychee [- slightly morbid fruit -] ❀[ 恋爱? ]❀

    Jul 22, 2017
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    “You’re blinded by power!!! Where is the cute Ungrave I knew in my childhood? I don’t want to hurt you. :blobcry: All you need to do is surrender quietly and then there won’t be any fighting...” :blobsmilehappyeyes:
    Arash1, A5G_Reaper and UnGrave like this.
  18. UnGrave

    UnGrave ななひ~^^

    Jun 27, 2016
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    "uwa, kimoi"
    Arash1 and lychee like this.
  19. SpearOfLies

    SpearOfLies [Lucky Dad][Has a lovely daughter]

    Dec 5, 2015
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    1 Everything is pretty much screwed. I just try to solve everything to my best capabilities and then let my ex stab me to death.
    2 I feel more comfortable executing everyone else than my ex.
    3 Depressed. After she told me that it didn't work before, she want to return as before just to manipulate me? I can only feel sad for my bad taste for woman.
    4 I don't mind. As long someone doesn't try to screw the kingdom stability, he can do whatevee he want.
    5 I hate god for put me against my ex.
  20. arashi-chan12

    arashi-chan12 Well-Known Member

    Feb 29, 2016
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    1. Would you order the execution of your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend? What if the stability of your country depended on it?
    No. That's too extreme. What I'm about to do is fire any of the advisors who came up with that barbaric plan. Violence begets violence.

    2. Would you be more/less comfortable executing someone if they weren't your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend? What if they were a brother/sister? A cousin? Family member? Former friend? Neighbor? Acquaintance?
    Would not want to execute anyone.

    3. How would you respond if your ex- suggested that you hook up together again and started flirting with you? What if you suspected that they were mainly aiming to manipulate you to get what they want?
    I'd be mad, disappointed and reject them. If he really gonna try and use a honey trap to try and manipulate me then that already speaks volumes of how he saw me as a ruler and as a person. That plus he already just went ahead and organized a whole rebellion against me, refuses to listen to reason and has threateningly told me to abdicate the throne or Viva rebellion, basically holding my citizens and the stability of the kingdom as ransom.

    Yes, because a King who can't listen or compromise will be a GREEEEAAAAT ruler with no issues at alllllll. :blobwhistle:

    4. Do you believe in the death penalty? What about with someone who has a competing claim on the throne? (i.e. if you leave them alive, their supporters will continue to believe there is a chance that their candidate can become king/queen).
    No opinion on it really.

    As for the claim question, bloodline does not equal good rulers. Not to mention royalty often interbred with relatives to keep their bloodlines "pure." Just get rid of the monarchy all together lol.

    5. What are your overall considerations in this scenario?
    Honestly if they want the throne so much they can have it. But only if they prove themselves first. Maybe promote the ex, assure him that we both just want what's best for the country. If he can gain a shining track record, present a good plan to keep the country in good shape and win the trust/respect of the people, tribe chiefs and the leaders of the surrounding countries, I will gladly abdicate the throne.

    If he's already regarding me more by my political capabilities rather than as a friend and former loved one, then the political marriage ship has long sailed and passed. I rather head out and find a nice, cozy and deserted corner to live the rest of my days in comfort.