Spoiler Fairy Tale for the Villains

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by makarich, Apr 20, 2019.

  1. flowers.and.hearts

    flowers.and.hearts Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2019
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    This... is super dark... isn't it...
  2. LunarCiel

    LunarCiel Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2020
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    More spoiler? Since the twin bro’s are dead set on revenge what about Sasha? I know she went aboard what happened when she came back?
  3. LonelyHomie

    LonelyHomie Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2018
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    The spoilers made me cry cuz of the injustice they went through.They could of just tortured them in secret and had them killed.Then explain to the public that they were kidnapped or killed due to an accident(towards the relatives).However, the king just let them be.They were trapped and tormented for so long.As kids they were very powerless against them since they were adults abusing them.They even lost their poor sister.I would of gone the villian route too if i were them.How can they live a normal life after that? Who can they trust when their own relatives stink so much.Their parents died plus now a sister and even the older brother was suicidal.They could of lost him too if they didn't save him in time or checked up on him.They were so innocent and it's a sad reality that this happens in real life too.
    Spoilers please on how they got their revenge:blobpensive:
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2020
  4. mijikado

    mijikado [Unorganized Member]

    Jul 27, 2020
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    Did somebody ask for the Ending?

    I just MTL the Side Story and got some overal ideas about our protagonists (but no information about their revenge :blobsweat_2:)

    - Benya and Sasha have 3 children: 2 twins boys - Ruben and Harvey (Harvey has silver hair btw), and a baby girl - Ethel (not much description about her). For the twins, it was an unexpected and premature birth that weakened Sasha very much for a period of time :blobconfounded:.
    Seems like Sasha was quite anxious during the first part of the side story, it's said that she cried very much:blobpensive: (Actually Benya also admitted that he cried too :blobjoy:)

    - Lettis is married to Alcy (or Alfoncina) and they have a boy named Enrique. Not sure but I think Lettis became the Duke of Serpente.

    About the Serpente's Estate, well it didn't change much: The Duke family (Lettis, Alcy and Enrique) lives in the main building whereas the Annex is dedicated to the younger family (Benya Sacha and their children). That's why the 3 boys always play together :blobhighfive:

    - The Crown Prince Assad becomes Emperor, is still good friend with Benya. They love teasing each other. For example: while Benya stopped smoking when he's married, Assad began smoking when he became emperor:blobxd:. His Empress is Libby I think. Apart from the fact that they didn't have a son (yet?), the emperor loves the empress very much.

    - Chrismast is near so the children began to write their wish list for St Nikolai. This part was funny btw because the twins said that their father didn't like them since he only likes their mom :blobrofl:
    - While at the same time, Lettis and Benya discussed about Chrismas, gifts and stuffs, and suddenly Benya had an idea to disguise himself as St Nikolai to surprise Sasha :blobrofl:

    - Returning home, Benya discovered that Ruben had made a little "accident" by breaking Sasha's necklace. Actually, it was the first necklace that Benya gave her during her 23rd birthday and it acted like her talisman ever since that's why Sasha was very sad. :blobcry:
    Benya conforted her by saying that they should arrange the necklace with Ruby (in tone with her eyes color :aww:) while Sasha prefered Aquamarine blue (Benya's sky blue eyes haha)

    ...Then..they had snusnu :blobbunny:. It was really unexpected for me but I'm not complaining :blobjoy: Anyways Benya would like to do it every night and morning but if he did Sasha would only have nothing but bones :blobrofl:

    - Chrismas arrived, and Benya surprised Sasha in St Nikolai's outfit and Sasha just grabbed her belly and bursted to laughter :blobjoy:. He gifted her shoes and the Necklace with Ruby in it and Sasha suddenly sank
    "Sorry, just suddenly..you're so nice to me, and I always seem to worry you"
    "I like to worry about you, it's the only productive thing"
    "But I'll give you the right gift..I mean..I chose it, but it wasn't special, and so I wrung it out, and it wasn't as pretty as I thought it would be..."
    He grabbed her face with both hands and rubbed her wet eyes with his thumb
    "Why do you think so? You're the mother of my children. Did you forget that? It's a gift you can't pay for your life"
    "If you're so concerned about it, I'd like to ask you for something else"

    So Benya asked for a babysitter since they didn't have one and a trip to Vibrato since "It's where you've lived for seven years, and I've never been.'Cause I want to go and see it with you"

    - Next morning, Harvey, a chatterbox like he was, was blabbeling about the fact that he saw St Nikolai and....his mother who kissed St Nikolai :blobrofl::blobrofl:. Well, rumor spread, leaving no adults unknown in the morning of the new year :blob_grin:
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2020
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  5. mijikado

    mijikado [Unorganized Member]

    Jul 27, 2020
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    Sooooo the novel is divided into 3 books, with 14 chapters , 1 epilogue and 1 side story

    I really don't have the courage to MTL book 1 and 2 (especially when everybody said that it's really hard to understand the MTL :blobsweat_2:) thus I'll just read the last book (chapter 12 and so on) and put on the summary of each chapter :blobsmilehappy:.

    There were sooo many dialogues that I often lost track about what they were talking about and their links to the story :blobflag:

    Anyways, the first chapter of the 3rd book:
    There was a murder on Christmas Eve in the hotel (a poison attempt by Sasha to kill Lord Kozimo).

    Valentina (Sasha's friend, she appeared on the side story) and Yan/Jan (her brother) were surprised seeing Sasha's ears wrapped in a bandage (it was to get rid of suspicion about the muder) and tried to questioned her about what happened, thinking Benya was the cause haha.
    The next day was new year, so Sasha decided to go to the Imperial palace to surprise Benya and having a date with him.

    Arrived at the Palace, Sasha met Princess Parque (=aka Adriana the OG MC of the story) who attended the meeting instead of her stepmother since she was ill. She asked why Sasha was there since the palace was not a place she could come and go. Instead of answering, Sasha turned her eyes to Assad (the Crown Prince) who was talking to Benya. The latter was really surprised by her presence, felling guilty for her ears and holding her tighlty. While Sasha was reassuring him, Assad was watching all the scene with a calm and bitter lament and asked them to just go out and do it :blobrofl:

    During their date on Chrismas Eve, Benya and Sasha went to a restaurant to eat, department store for some clothes, watched exhibitions and horse racing, wandering around downtown and finally reached the Central Church which was empty.

    Then they talked about revenge and Benya asked Sasha if she wanted to step-out before it became too late.
    "I'll kill them all"
    "Don't be ridiculous. Do you think the imperial family will leave you alone if you do that?"
    "Knoxus, Empress, Fibonacci, or Parque, tell them to come. I'll kill everything you'll ever be satisfied with"
    "Why don't I just kill them all...until only the 2 of us were left in the world....I should have done that before you came back...."
    "Stop it, you're not the one to ruin my pleasure". Vengeance was her share. This is what she had to do and what she could to entirely.
    If they had broken all the political situations and throw themselves in the path of ruin, they would not have come all the way here.

    Sasha promised to Benya to live until she dies with him, even if they fell into hell together.

    The New year's Eve was held at the Lisa Square in front of the Imperial Palace. Assad was confronting Sasha about the murder, and told him that the people on Kozimo's sides would gnashing their teeth for revenge.

    Benya joined them later on and they joked around before Knoxus arrived and suspected Benya to be behind the murder . Some serious exchanges happened between Benya and Knox (well more like they were fighting each other with words)

    Sasha, on the other hand, went to the bathroom and surprised an Adriana crying. She took out her hankerchief and gave to Adrianna but she slapped her hand and asked her to go away. Well, Adrianna was mad because for her, since Sasha showed up, everything that "belonged to her" was gone. Sasha retorted back and asked if Adriana had a fight with Juan (seems like Juan is Adriana's brother).

    Adriana left, Juan arrived and talked with Sasha then the 2 of them joined Assad, Benya and Knoxus.
    There were some talking (again), Knoxus noticed Sasha's ears injury and nearly attacked Benya, Sasha and Juan but managed to restrain himself. He gave a warning to Sasha.
    I just skipped the next part where there were mostly some talking between Valentina and Jan

    The chapter ended with Sasha having a mental breakdown (yep seems like she was pregnant but didn't know it yet) and Benya who came and reassured her
    The chapter 13 is pretty long (almost half of the book) thus it'll take a little bit more time to put on summary :blobsweat_2:
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2020
  6. Wr3n

    Wr3n Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2019
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    So who are alcy & libby? When do they show up in the main story?
    pupupupu, SoyUnGirasol and Pansy25 like this.
  7. mijikado

    mijikado [Unorganized Member]

    Jul 27, 2020
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    Concerning Libby, I have no info about her so I suppose she only appears in the Side Story.

    According to the MTL, she is the daughter of Count Orsini. She was married to Lettis when he was a 19 years old alcoholic.
    When Sasha was away, well everyday was like a battlefield to her, it was like walking on thin ice.
    Only after her return that Alcy began to feel confortable with her husband. She didn't know what happened between Benya, Lettis and Sasha and she chose not to know, since "Everybody has a situation that can't be said". She just hoped that all of them would have a good future together :blobsneeze:. She seemed like a really good person.

    I'm skimming through chapter 13 and 14 (the MTL is killing me :blobdizzy::blobdizzy:).
    The 2 upcoming chapters concentrated on their revenge so I'm trying my best to understand

    Anyways, here's some quite important infos in order to understand what happened later:
    • Sasha acted like a psy for Knoxus' side (but in reality we all know that she is on Lettice and Benya’s side).
    • The ear injury that Sasha made herself (chapter 12) was to make people believe that Benya beated her (and at the same time made them believe that she was not responsible for the poisoning of Kozimo)
    • Jerome, Gonzalez and Bjvara/Bivora are Lettice and Benya’s uncles (or great uncles). Only 3 left since Kozimo is dead since the hotel’s muder.
    • Knoxus is the 2nd prince. He is on the uncles’ side. He killed his mother the late Empress
    • Knoxus and the Uncles belonged to an organization named Fibonacci (?) Anyways, Fibonacci = Benya and Lettis’ enemies
    • Jan Fest (brother of Valentina) is the head of the Dallas Meyer Club. The Club and the Serpente family have an open relationship.
    • Juan is Adriana’s brother and the illegitimate son of the Duke of Parque. I think he has romantic feelings towards Sasha. He hates Benya.
    Jukki, Tobbit, Neyva and 70 others like this.
  8. Pansy25

    Pansy25 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2018
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    Hi. Can you spoil us to whatever happened to Adriana, the original female lead?
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  9. mijikado

    mijikado [Unorganized Member]

    Jul 27, 2020
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    Well guess what she was in love with Benya :blobupset:
    But Benya only had eyes for Sasha that's why she thought that Sasha took everything away from her. I think that's also the reason why her brother Juan hated Benya.

    The Parque family didn't side with the Fibonacci so they didn't receive any punishment.
    Actually, Adrianna had no idea about what happened since her brother protected her from knowing.
    Juan eventually became quite good friends with Benya :blobokhand:
    In the last chapter, Juan asked Adriana to give up on Benya because he'd not give her what she wanted. Instead, he'd be the one to give her the best things :blobsalute:

    Later in the side story, it was mentionned that the Duke of Parque was organizing a wedding which implied that Adriana ultimately found her own happiness (it was not specified who the groom was, but he was neither Benya, Lettis or the Crown Prince)
    Jukki, Tobbit, Fenrironcrac and 73 others like this.
  10. mijikado

    mijikado [Unorganized Member]

    Jul 27, 2020
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    The Revenge part 1
    I've put it in chronological order and tried my best to make it the most understandable possible

    It's pretty long and the infos are intricated together, so prepare your brains and enjoy!

    The chapter began with the first court meeting in January 1730 after holidays ended.

    Benya met with Assad and the latter informed him that Knoxus would attend the meeting and there’d be a petition between the Serpente and the Royal family (referring to chapter 12 + since Knox is royalty)

    Assad asked Benya to be careful and told him that he would take out a tax audit card against the Python Bank (affiliated to the Dallas Club) so he needed to be prepared. They also talked about Sasha’s ear injury (which looked like Benya and Sasha had a fight to get rid of the murder’s suspicions)
    Returning to Sasha and Valentina’s side, they had a visitor: it was Juan. He didn’t know that her ear injury was part of her plan and came to give Sasha a book “Suit-wearing snake” criticizing the Serpente.

    The book was intended to be a weapon against the Serpente to help Sasha escape the household. It talked about the death of the late empress and how the Serpente could be involved in the murder.

    Little did he know that Sasha knew the truth, and while reading the book, she also got a hunch that it was not the Serpente but the 2nd prince who was responsible for the Empress’ death.

    Later, Sasha met Count Bjvara (Flore’s father and Lettis and Benya’s great uncle) on her way to meet up with Knoxus and managed to slap him (haha) before Knoxus arrived.

    Knox then embraced Sasha, stroked her head and drove the Count away.
    He told her to stop doing crazy things since it was the snakes who were responsible for ruining her life, that she was a brave woman and he’d guarantee her safety. To Sasha, his voice seemed somewhat desperate. (Sasha acted like a spy against the Serpente family here)

    Sasha followed him to a building near the meeting point. It was the secret headquarters of the Imperial underworld.
    Someone cursed at her: it was Manuel. He told Knox that he shouldn’t believe Sasha and it’d be better to get rid of her right now and pointed a gun at her.
    Soon, everyone in the conference room took out their guns and pointed at each other, between those who agreed with Manuel and those who did not.
    Finally, it was Manuel’s father who managed to stop him with a slap (yep another slap)

    Later, they talked about the open relationship between the Dallas Meyer Club (the head was Jan/Yan) and the Serpente, if the Club had a scandale, wiping out all the charges for the Serpente was impossible . That’s why the audit of Python Bank ordered by the Crown Prince would reveal all the traces of money laundering of the Club and the Serpente would be entirely up to the mercy of the imperial family.

    It only depended on which side the Crown Prince chose (well they didn’t know that Assad was in Serpente’s side like Sasha). Knoxus and his men, including count Gonzalez were convinced of their victory.

    Then they asked Sasha if she was prepared and anticipated for the job in which Sasha responded that she was in complete control of the hotel books and other important documents.
    They warned her to not be caught since she would be in danger and the rest of her ear might be cut off (they didn’t know she was a double psy).

    Sasha promised them that she’d be loyal and prepared to leave before Knox held her back. He promised to not abandon her and he’d make Benya’s knees boil in front of her. (poor them falling into the trap)
    The Victory Day (which commemorated the victory of the 2-years war against Pzeya) was the day where the factions of the aristocracy which participated in the war were revealed to the public, sharing all kinds of beautiful and heroic stories about them.

    The Serpente was a war veteran and seemed to build a strong friendship with the Crown Prince. With that in mind, Juan had decided to approach the other prince (Knoxus) on impulse. And Knoxus unexpectedly liked Juan and decided to help him when he was in difficulty. And now, this help had become a debt and a shackle that cannot be taken off until death.

    One day, Knox decided to call Juan and asked him a favor: During the Victory day, while he was busying destroying the Serpente family (with the Python Bank and the Dallas mayer Club matter), he would like Juan to kidnap Sasha by sending her a letter using his sister Adriana name.

    -> Of course, by asking this favor, Knoxus made a few mistakes:
    - Juan was not really on his side: he didn’t want to kidnap Sasha. On the contrary, he had already tried to help her by sending her the book criticizing the Serpente.
    - Knoxus didn’t know that Juan and Adriana often quarreled these days, and it always revolved around Sasha and the Serpente Family. Moreover, Adriana hated Sasha for stealing Benya from her. Using her name to bait Sasha was impossible.
    Returning to the Parque’s Estate, Juan surprised his sister holding the book he gave to Sasha, and Benya who was casually drinking tea next to her. Terrified, he took the book off her hand and asked her to let both of them alone.

    Juan and Benya argued and insulted each other for a while (about not to involve Adriana, the poor Sasha who was “seemingly” suffering in the Serpente’s household,..) before Benya revealed that the book was actually written by a Fibonnaci’s accomplice and Sasha was on his side all along.

    Juan finally confessed to Benya about Knox’s plan (making Sasha a hostage + destroying the Serpente family on the Victory day).

    To hide their discussion to the 2nd prince and made him think that Juan was still on his side even with Benya’s appearance in the Parque household, Benya made up a story for Juan: “When the prince asks you why I’m here today, tell him like this: that I found out that you stopped by the hotel and met Sasha, that’s why I went to your Estate and threatened to kill you if you ever see her again.
    => After that day, Benya got Juan to their side.

    Later on, Juan went to Knoxus and did what Benya told him to do.

    Knoxus didn’t doubt Juan’s word but was very angry, he clenched his fist with so much force that his veins popped out.
    “But why did you go to the hotel to meet Sasha in the first place?!”
    “I was just worried...that her ears were like that, and I did it impulsively”
    “Geez Juan, I knew you were an idiot, but I didn’t know you were that stupid...Are you aware of what you’ve done?”
    “You’ll have to give me more instructions….”
    “Go on, please don’t do anything. Please stay still. It’s my instruction and request”

    Juan was just trying to hold back his laughter at this moment and left.

    Knoxus was then facing a problem: in order to carry out his plan, he needed to kidnap Sasha on the day of the Showdown but her whereabouts were currently unknown. He gave the order to find her.

    Meanwhile, our Assad the Crown Prince was sneaking out of the Palace, dressed like a beggar to meet up with Benya and Sasha and carry up their plan for the Victory day.
    [To be continued]

    PS: While MTL-ing, I was impressed by how Sasha managed to seduce so many powerful men around her unintentionnally :blobrofl:
    - Benya (of course our ML) - 2nd son of the Duke of Serpente
    - Juan - son of the Duke of Parque
    - Knoxus - 2nd prince. Actually he really didn't want to hurt Sasha but on the contrary wanted to save her from the Serpente's and wished her to smile at him
    - Assad - the crown prince. Not 100% sure about this but Sasha would be one of the reason why he sided with the Serpente
  11. mijikado

    mijikado [Unorganized Member]

    Jul 27, 2020
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    The Revenge part 2

    The Victory Day finally arrived: it was February 14th, 53 days since Christmas Eve.

    At the hotel, Jan (director of the Club) and Jorge (director executive) were dressed up as repairmen and were setting up bombs in the sky lounge (actually they were the owners of the hotel so there was a whole long paragraph talking about how heartbroken they were to destroy it haha)

    Remember Benya and Lettis’ great uncle the count Bjvara/Bivor (who Sasha slapped) ? Well, his daughter Flore didn’t know about her parents’ wrongdoings. Sasha used her to lure his father out by inviting her to the Serpente’s mansion on that day.

    At the same time, Lettis also just returned home (I think he had to travel somewhere for a while). He was surprised to not see Sasha and Benya at the mansion and was questioning Faber (the butler) about their whereabouts when he saw his cousin Flore standing awkwardly. At that moment he understood what his brother and Sasha were trying to do, and with his wife Alfoncina, they invited Flore inside the house.
    Sasha, Benya, Valentina and Yan were standing in the construction site where a second hotel would be built. While drinking coffee, they gave encouragement to each other and finished their final preparations for the showdown. The 2 men left first. Some time later, Valentina and Sasha climbed on a wagon and headed to their destination.



    It was 8 o'clock. The parade started at 10 a.m at Lisa Square.

    Knoxus had just left the palace after completing his preparations. The only thing that still bothered him was Sasha’s whereabouts.
    He met Assad, the latter warned Knoxus the last time before glaring at him and leaving with a cynism smile.

    At 10 a.m, the parade began, attended by 10.000 veterans and active-duty soldiers around Lisa Square.

    Count Bivor was anxious, since his daughter Flore disappeared from nowhere. A young man (I think it was Jan) came to Count Bivor during the parade and threatened him for his daughter. The count became furious and turned white: he was convinced that it was Benya’s doings and was terrified about what they could do to Flore. Fearing for his daughter, he decided to follow the youngman like a pig going to a slaughterhouse

    At the same time, Juan came to Marquis Pero/Ferro (he was also in the Fibonacci’s side) and warned him. After listening to Juan, Ferro knew things had gone wrong for the Fibonnaci, feared for his safety and disappeared like the wind along the path that Count Bivor had just taken. Juan later also left Knoxus’ sight.

    Concerning Knoxus, he was forced to sit with Assad and the emperor and saw all the scenes far away. He noticed Ferro, Bivor and Juan leaving unusually and didn’t understand what happened. The Emperor called him and asked him to not hurt Assad anymore, and that had made Knoxus really angry. “Is he the only one you’re worried about?”
    Knox then went straight out of the venue, looking for those who welcomed him: not Ferro, not Bivor or Juan, but Sasha (I feel a little bit bad for him in this part though..)





    Valentina and Sasha arrived at the Serpente’s villa located in Lake Galisha. Assad also joined them.

    Sasha begged Valentina to leave the place:
    “What? You want me to leave Sasha alone? With all the guys out there?!”
    “I’ll be safe”
    “What the...will you be safe even if the Fibonnaci come in here in the future to find you?”
    “You can’t help me until the Emperor arrives anyways..”

    Valentina eventually left Sasha with Assad. Sasha asked Assad to hide in a secret passage inside the closet on the 2nd floor
    “What if something happens to you while I’m hiding here?”
    “You’ll see me in the double mirror inside”
    “Even so….”
    “You promised. You must never come out until I send the signal”.

    The Crown Prince soon disappeared beyond the closet. He had his handgun in his thigh in case of emergency.

    Sasha then went downstairs, opened the oak barrel by the fireplace and dropped a few drops of the potion she received from Valentina. She did the same with the water bottle on the table.
    Knoxus and his men invaded the Hotel and threatened Jorge (he played the bait/the sacrifice for the plan) in order to know Sasha’s whereabouts.

    Ps: I laughed at the dialogues and Jorge who compared the Fibonacci to Chimpanzees and monkeys :blobrofl:. I didn’t know who was the person who was threatening him, but it went like this:

    “Where is the b!tch?”
    “Why ask me where your mother lives?”
    The chimpanzee hit Jorge who spat out a pool of blood in his mouth.
    “Where is the b!tch?? The whore of snakes”
    “Aha, your mother?”
    “You’ve been playing with me a while ago” . The chimpanzee grinned, showing his teeth and put a gun in Jorge’s forehead

    Jorge tried to look like he was scared.
    "My last question. Where did you hide the b!tch now?"
    Jorge thought ‘If I survive here, I'm sure I'll pull his tongue out with my own hands’
    "......Galisha. She's locked up in Galisha's villa.”

    As soon as he answered, Knoxus and some of his fellow men left for Galisha, leaving the rest at the hotel to search and kill the rest of the people residing in the place. A Fibonacci man came pointing his gun at Jorge when Valentina arrived, shot the man with her rifle and saved Jorge. Not long after the two of them disappeared into the labyrinthine waterway of Eldora Street, a magnificent explosion eroded the area. It was the sound of bombs installed in the basement of the hotel exploding at once.

    Meanwhile, Jan and Benya came to the farm and invaded the Secret headquarters of the Fibonacci. At that time, the majority of Fibonacci members were tied elsewhere (The hotel or Knoxus’ side), making the farm an almost unprotected fortress.

    In this part the MTL was really weird but it went something like:

    • Jan and Benya learned from Count Bivor that Lord Gonzales was inside the building
    • Jan and his teams hid behind the bushes, waiting for the signal
    • Jerome (Benya’s uncle) went inside the building under Jan’s order (I think for his own survival he betrayed the Fibonacci???)
    • The raid began. There were gunshot from all side
    • Gonzales, angry at his brother’s betrayal, pulled a pocket knife in Jerome’s direction. Well the brothers denied their crimes, accused each other but finally Gonzales died, crushed by an iron railing falling to him (?)
    • Ultimately, Benya and Jan managed to capture some enemies, the majority of them were the main executives of the Fibonnaci.

    Returned to Knoxus, he was too dumbfounded to know what to react to after receiving the news.

    "Again... ...tell me again properly and slowly. What's going on?"
    "Yes, Your Highness, I think we've been hit. Their homes are full of crime traps, our districts are attacked and fightings are taking place. In addition, farms were attacked."

    Knoxus still decided to go to Sasha’s (Galisha's villa), leaving his men checking the headquarters and calling the reinforcements.
    [To be continued]
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2020
  12. Adri33

    Adri33 Active Member

    Jun 27, 2020
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    Thank you so much for the spoilers :blobmelt::blobmelt:
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  13. mijikado

    mijikado [Unorganized Member]

    Jul 27, 2020
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    The revenge part 3 (last)

    The Python Bank audit finally took place: basically, it was a really important financial institution. Therefore, the atmosphere was not so chaotic and dramatic when the auditors rushed into the main gate. It was none other than the appearance of the Serpente’s duke that served as a decisive ambush.

    With a chestnut-shaped pad on one eye, Lettiss went straight into the security room, sat face to face with the auditor's representative and scoured over documents.

    "There's no place where dust doesn't come out, but it's the first time we've touched it so lightly that it's dusty. It's a very big one."
    "You may be aware of it, sir, but we're here today to delve into the circulation of funds from Python and Dallas Club under the orders of your Prince. This usually takes a few days or weeks…”

    Some furious exchanges happened between the auditor and Lettis, and as soon as the auditor finished speaking, a grotesque noise flowed in the thick walls. It was the sound of the Hotel exploding.

    Lettis didn’t know about the plan and questioned Faber the butler about what Sasha and Benya had prepared behind his back for a few months.




    Manuel and the Fibonacci remnants came first at the Gallisha villa and met up with Sasha who was still playing the psy role:

    “You'll have to stay with us until the work is done. His highness (Knoxus) will be here soon, so he knows."

    "All of you will die." Sasha whispered "If you stay here, all of you... ...no, I'll die first, and then you'll die. You can't let him come here. I shouldn't have joined hands with you in the first place... ...but I wasn't planning that. Benya... he must have been prepared somehow. You don't know how cruel he can be. You shouldn't have come here to look for me."

    Manuel and the Fibonacci were staring silently at Sasha with unknowingly dreadful eyes. A sigh came out of nowhere. "We’ll take him to hell. You'll be safe."

    After a strange silence with no way to express it, Manuel, who was staring at Sasha, suddenly thundered the table with his palms. "Don't get me wrong, miss! You have to live for our king!"

    After looking around the villa, they noticed the oak barrel and asked:

    "Well, ...what's in that oak barrel?"
    “It's honey liquor.” Sasha answered
    “I see. Luke! Come find the glasses, we’ll have a toast in advance! We are going to make sure today they know who the true king of the Imperial underworld is!"

    Little did they know that Sasha had put a few sips of the poison inside the oak barrel in advance.

    It was not a deadly poison, but still, the red saliva, which came out of the mouths of the generals sitting around the round table defiled the tablecloth. Some of them were dirtying the floor.

    Sasha wondered what Assad was thinking while watching this now.

    When the villa door was once again opened and tilted without knocking, Sasha was sitting among such absent-minded men staring out the window.

    "Sa......." as soon as he stepped in, Knoxus was speechless and embarrassed by the scenery he faced. He couldn't believe his eyes.

    "What the hell is going on..."
    "Don't worry, I'm not dead. It's the same kind of poison you used for me on the night of the hotel's opening ceremony."

    Sasha just grinned and lifted a new glass.
    "I don't want you to just die. What do you say, do you want to join me for a drink? If you don't like it, I'll just drink alone.”

    Knoxus didn't budge. He seemed almost breathless. Sasha snooped her head and filled the glass with alcohol.
    Not the honey liquor in the oak barrel, but the new Absinthe she brought out earlier (but Knoxus thought it was the same liquor as the one his men drank).

    "Now, then, in memory of the martyrs and heroes who led the battle of honor to victory…” "Wait." When she opened her eyes wide, Knoxus, who had come a few steps this way, was reaching out his trembling hand. "I'll... ...I'll drink."

    Knoxus still thought that Sasha wanted to kill herself. He emptied the glass. There was a moment of silence. Knoxus was gradually becoming curious. He seemed puzzled as to why he didn't throw up blood and fall down like the rest of the guys around him.

    "There's nothing to be surprised about. If I had tried to poison you, I would have done something different. For example, give me a book of venom."
    He looked up blankly at Sasha, who was raising herself quietly. A look that was out of focus, a look that seemed to look at someone else.
    "You don't? You know the effects best."
    "Since when..."
    "Princess Parque brought me a book. The book that killed your mother."

    The Count Bivor was still sitting on the floor of a cold warehouse at a construction site full of tar cans, cement pouches and shovels. On the other hand, Benya stood with one hand in his pocket and looked down at her uncle.
    Benya then sat with one knee on the floor, matching the count's eye level. A faint smile rose around his mouth. It was more like a twisted cynicism smile due to satisfaction.

    “You shouldn't have pushed Sasha in with us then. What you did to us is fine. I'm not really impressed now. But it's different if it's irrevocably destroyed her"

    "I'm not sure how long you'll last, but if you manage to get out, I'll let you go. There will be no place for you to go back anyway. “

    The count Bivor’ shin was kicked down by Benya, who was lighting a new cigarette while kicking his tongue and he left the warehouse with Jan.




    Back to Jorge and Valentina, when they finally arrived at the farm, both Jan and Benya had already left the place. Valentina knew exactly where to go: it was no other than the place where they gathered this morning.

    Valentina quickly moved to the construction site in question with five or six people, and finally met up with Jan when Lettis rushed to them, holding the neck of the first one he saw. Of course it was Jan's neck
    He was searching for Benya, furious about him doing things behind his back. Unfortunately for him, Benya wasn't here.
    This part was really interesting so I decided to translate almost all their conversation :blobokhand:

    Knoxus opened his mouth again. A voice almost groaned as the snow
    "No way. Why the hell? How could you? You've been fooling us all this time?"
    “Fooled? I never said Benya was bothering me. I've always told the truth about him. I just didn't bother correcting you."

    Silence fell. In the midst of a heavy and sullen silence, Knoxus was just staring at Sasha.

    She let out a false sigh.
    "The result is that we may cheat and cheat. I'd say thank you for your solid faith."
    "Well, Christmas Eve was all part of your plan? But then your ears... ...he's got your ears…”
    “ ...that's what I said."

    Sasha grinned and leaned her hair over her shoulder.

    "I thought there should be reasonable evidence to make you want to drag me inside Fibonacci. I told him my plan, and Benya said no. He cried and begged. He couldn't cut my ear off his own hand. I did it myself. He was in so much pain that I didn't feel any pain at all."

    Knoxus gasped hard.

    It was very nice to see a happy face that was completely out of color.

    "To that extent. I've been so persistent in my dreams of revenge... A little cliché, but it's not surprising, is it? Did you think we'd have a vacation while we were stuck in it?"
    “I thought you were... "

    “You're the one who plays with your mother's enemies, so it's no wonder you don't understand. Are they accomplices, not enemies? Like Juan Parque? I've always thought it was a strange friendship, but what kind of friend asks his friend to kill his mother? Did you feel any less guilty after making him kill his own mother?"

    He shook his head and clenched his teeth. Rather than a mere gesture of negation, it was a gesture of desperation somewhere. His hands were trembling, perhaps because of the shock or medicinal effects.

    "Even if it's true, it has nothing to do with you."

    "It doesn't matter? You're the starting point for all this in the first place? If you hadn't killed your mother then, you wouldn't have killed a duchess who noticed the assassination and we wouldn't have been trapped in that fucking rat hole. Our Estelle would still be alive, and Lettis wouldn't have lost his eyes because he was kicked by this lunatic. You're the one who ruined my life, not the Serpente. I don't know how funny it was because you wanted to be my savior on that subject."

    Aside from the burning insides, there was a giggle of laughter. Knoxus, who jumped up, came straight up and grabbed Sasha. The burning eyes looked at her like they were eating her eyes.

    “Why... ...why on earth are you doing this?”

    “Why do you love those serpents? They're all the same people anyway. If only they weren't there in the first place, you'd... at least I could have done anything for you. Then why are you blaming me? Of all those people, you should have been on my side, but if you hadn't abandoned me, I would have been by your side. "

    “You poisoned me. Did you forget?"

    As if he had been stabbed when he spat out quietly, he flinched loudly. It's a new reminder. “It was...... it was a mistake.”

    “Lies. It was a mistake. I was foolish enough to make a mistake.”

    “Lies. You made me sick. You were happy to see him fall down with blood up. Just like that day nine years ago."

    "No! It was all a mistake! I've never regretted a moment.”



    "Get your hands off her, you mad bastard," the blaring voice was low, but there was a chill like a well-abandoned blade. Sasha forgot for a moment.

    Knoxus and her turned their heads at the same time. At the end of their gaze stood the Crown Prince, who looked like a burning flame. There was a moment of silence.

    While Knoxus became a statue on the spot, Assad came down the stairs and strode forward this way. His eyes, glaring through his brother, were like purple ice with sparks.

    “I didn't know it was you. I wondered what my father was hiding, and I couldn't help but wonder if you did it...... it was you. You did it."

    Power slipped out of the grip of the hair and shoulders. Slowly away from me, Knoxus turned completely and faced his brother

    "What the hell is wrong with you..."

    "I thought you were at least sad because you were crying like that at the funeral. I thought hanging out with Fibonacci was just stupid and hopeless, just trying to hurt my feelings with an ill-considered head. Ha... ...you were the one who killed my mother. I've looked on you very much. My dad was trying to protect a guy like you.”

    "Shut your mouth," the shoulders of Knoxus, who exhaled with a bad tooth, trembled.

    He would have been more careful if he had been in a sound state of mind, but now he was under the stimulant drugs that Sasha had put in the Absinthe

    After that, there were some talkings between Knoxus and Assad about their mother. I just skipped that part since I didn’t understand much of it :blobsweat_2:

    It happened in a flash when Knox pulled out the gun.

    "To shoot me? Now you're gonna kill your brother because it wasn't enough to kill our mother? Can you handle the aftermath?"

    'Why do you think you can't? It's the fault of my brother who was here at this moment. If my brother dies here, the snakes' would be accused of killing the Crown Prince. After killing my brother, I'm going to achieve everything without even lifting my hand."

    "You're still delirious. You really think your father will believe that crap? “

    "Our benevolent father has long been withering away. He'll probably lie down after you die. You have only a few days left, so it wouldn't be a bad idea to give you an earlier goodbye”

    Assad, who was staring at his brother with cold eyes, looked back at Sasha.
    The eyes of Knox also stared at her, glaringly.

    This time Assad also pulled his gun out, taking advantage of the time Knoxus was putting it in Sasha. Beautiful princes pointing guns at each other, what a spectacle.

    "I'd love to shoot you right here but my father would be sad if I killed you."

    The full face of Knox, who turned his blank gaze back to his brother, soon twisted into ridicule.

    "Are you sad? Cut the bullshit, brother. You don't have to do that now. He's always thinking about you. I wonder what it would have been like if you weren't so lucky to be born."

    "Was that so envious?"

    "Shut up! Before you cut a hole in that face."

    It was then that Sasha felt a loud noise outside. It was the sound of the Python knights approaching, accompanied by Jan, Benya and Lettis. "Your Highness!"

    There were some shootings, and the chandelier from the ceiling fell over Sasha but Benya managed to rush over and cover her. He eventually recovered from his injuries later in the story.
    - he finally understood that all the incidents at Python Bank were self-made and that Piero (his son) was a bait from the beginning
    - he begged Benya to save his son in exchange, he could do everything Benya wanted
    - Benya then asked Jerome to hang himself without forgotting to write a suicide note:
    " It's simple. You can write mournfully that your young son is innocent and all he's told you to do was your father. Add to that the past mistakes of penance. Only to the extent that the friendly brothers conspired with Fibonacci and somehow killed the empress and the eldest couple in their family. A relatively recent one would be good to describe the murder of Sir Gonzales and Sir Kozimo. It's like a fratricidal war between greedy old people. Your son will take you as a shame for the rest of his life"

    Count Bivor family:
    - his daughter, Flore, learned what her father had done to the Serpente's and Sasha. There is a conversation between her and Sasha that I found quite sad:
    "My mother told me everything: the assassination of the empress, my father, my uncles, and everything you've done with my cousins"
    "I see."
    "So you've been planning to get back at me all this whole time? Is this your revenge? My father's dead, too, isn't he?"
    "Considering the current situation, it would be more painful to be alive"
    "I'm no longer an aristocrat. My family and everything you did... ...why did you save me?"
    "That's a strange question."
    "Why, why did you let me live? Why did you...?"
    "It's just, you look alike."
    "You look so alike. With my Estelle."
    "But it's so unfair that you're alive and she's dead. "
    Flore looked up at Sasha blankly.
    "So I wanted to show you. I wanted to show this end to you, the human's daughter who killed her, and to look so much like her, and let you know the whole truth. That's all."
    Tears streamed down in Flore's eyes. Unexpected tears flowed down without stopping.
    "If you want revenge on me, feel free to do it. It would be fun if you could walk the way we walked."
    "......I, I... "
    "Whatever you choose, the choice will be entirely yours."

    - he was exiled to Pzeya, and his family, including Fibonacci, were destroyed
    - Assad and the Serpente's family were worried that the survivors might dream of retaliation, so they tracked down all the remnants and removed them.

    I might as well do a part about the pregnancy later if you guys are interested :blob_grin:
    (but be warned, it happened at the same time at the revenge part so it'll not be fluffy :blobsneeze:)
    Jukki, Saijka Riin, Shizun and 75 others like this.
  14. Rinfantasy

    Rinfantasy so much to do so little time...

    Oct 16, 2017
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    The butterfly effect is strong in this one... Even if the MC character changed the events, how come the original heroine liked Benya instead of her supposed ML?
  15. lightreader90

    lightreader90 Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2018
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    Thank You for the spoilers so far!!!! If you don't mind could you also spoil a bit about the pregnancy please? :)
    Saijka Riin, Neyva and mijikado like this.
  16. Mikaa

    Mikaa 〘༄⚘〙

    Mar 24, 2020
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    I also want to know more about the pregnancy:):aww:
    And thank you for spoilers:D:blob_plusone:
    mijikado likes this.
  17. mijikado

    mijikado [Unorganized Member]

    Jul 27, 2020
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    Haha yes, here you go! :blobhero:
    Sorry I needed a little bit of time to relook for some details since the events were quite blurry in my head :blobsweat_2:

    After meeting up with Knoxus and the band in the secret base, Sasha came back to the mansion.
    While eating with Valentina, Sasha rushed into the bathroom and vomitted.

    The worried Valentina tapped on her shoulder and asked if she was okay and when was her last menstrual period?
    Sasha strongly denied the possibility as she was usually irregular and she drank the whole contraceptive tea.
    Valentina insisted, saying that the symptoms might not have been caused by stress and Sasha just broke up crying.
    "Why now?! How can I tell this to the guy who's in front of me who can't even affort to care about anything else but revenge??" (she talked about Benya of course)
    She felt powerless, but nevertheless asked Valentina to keep this a secret until everything was over.

    After that, she had a few mental breakdown due to hormones, once in front of Benya but he only thought it was weird that she cried all the times these days, and once in front of Knoxus (the Gallisha Villa event).
    When did Benya know?

    Actually, when the angry Lettis came and grabbed Jan by the neck, Valentina blurted out that Sasha was pregnant during her tentative to calm him down.
    The shocked Lettis then rushed to Benya side and shook him violently
    "Let me go"
    "I can't let you go! How could you do that, you impudent and insidious son of a b!tch?!!!"
    "Please let me explain"
    "Let's say you're ignoring me! Let's say it's not a day or two, but how could you even do that to our Sasha?! How dare you to touch her and get her pregnant?!!"

    Benya blinked slowly amid a scorched silence. A dazed sensation all over his mind, as if a huge hammer slammed him in the back of his head
    "You shouldn't have anything to say now, you son of a b!tch!"

    About 10 min later, there was Valentina who was trying to explain to Benya while Jan tried to soothe the wailing Lettis.
    Benya pressed his forehead with his hands. His head was full of Sasha. He felt dizzy. Sasha had a baby. His child. Why didn't he notice it earlier? There was a burning pain in his heart. He felt suffocated by her cruel consideration 'I wish you've told me'

    Benya soon opened his mouth and asked his brother to help him going to her side (in the Gallisha villa)

    When Benya rushed over to Sasha to cover her from the falling chandelier chandelier. Sasha broke up crying, seeing the injured Benya:
    "No, I'm not going! I'm not going alone!"
    "You said you're not going anywhere without me, you said you're not going alone! You said you couldn't live without me. Why are you going?"
    "Sasha, calm down."
    Benya took her arm off and held her hands tightly. The painful light blinked on the light blue eyes staring at her eyes with tears rolling.

    "I'm not dying. Don't worry, I'm not going to die like this, so don't worry. First you..."
    She shook her head. She shook it desperately and recklessly.
    "Lies! You're going to die! Because of me, you're gonna leave me alive and die!" '
    "Not because of you. I'm really not going to die, so go ahead. You're not alone. You have kids."
    "Don't make me laugh! I don't even have the heart to live alone without you, so don't give me that excuse! I knew you'd keep your promise, you promised me you wouldn't go anywhere without me, knowing I wouldn't be able to eat without you! If you had believed that I would eat well and live well with my child, then you'd dream right now, you son of a b!tch!" She sobbed out, cried like a child, shrugging off his hand and clinging to his neck.

    "Ben, please don't die. I hate everything. I can't live here without you. I can't eat anymore, so please don't die. I'm sorry. It's all my fault I didn't tell you about my child, you. I told you not to do it, and I insisted on revenge. I've done everything wrong, so please don't leave me alone."
    This part happened after the last chapter, in the Epilogue

    "Sasha, it's you."
    "I'm back."
    She could feel the touch of his hand of carefully patting her back. Sasha carefully stroked the swelling stomach.

    'I wish you good health. I know you don't even deserve to be healthy, but I hope you stay healthy.
    It didn't matter what the child looked like. It was a place where I realized that I would love regardless of whether I was a boy or a girl, healthy or weak.
    Your father worked really hard... ...to make this world safe for us. So blame your mom for having one thing to blame. '

    "The clothes are thin, Sasha. ?"
    Benya, wearing a jacket on her shoulder, bent over and picked up the doll that fell on her feet. Sasha opened her eyes wide.
    The light blue eyes holding the doll in his hand were blinking,
    "You're crying again. Why did you cry alone again? Is it bothering you already?"

    She shook her head.
    His hand carefully stroked her wet cheeks.
    "I tried to pick you up sooner... ...but I'm sorry I'm late."
    "Really?" She dragged her lips. The awkwardly sweet mouth finally opened .

    "You know, I, I had a dream... ..."
    He lifted one eyebrow slightly. As if I were listening to anything important.
    "On Christmas, when it snowed, you and I... ...little kids who looked like us were playing snowball. Just like when we were kids... ...and I was sitting alone and watching them, and suddenly, suddenly, you showed up on the chimney. It was a St Nikolai makeup"
    "And... ...I kissed you."
    It seemed to her that it was getting weird. So Sasha blinked hard and tried to come up with some other details to add to it.
    But Benya didn't let her talk anymore. His arm clasped her tightly. Sasha closed her eyes as she dug into the arms that had known her all its life, always kept her alive and made the whole world look like a dream.
    "Yes, let's live like that. Let's live like that, us."
    Jukki, Tobbit, ISTP23 and 72 others like this.