Discussion Uzaki-chan's body is unrealistic in western?

Discussion in 'Anime Discussion' started by JinVodka, Aug 21, 2020.

  1. Raebit

    Raebit Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2018
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    Sjw logic is double standard

    "love your own body"

    But bashing skinny people

    I mean, there is a person that can't get fat
    JinVodka and SquadCammander354 like this.
  2. Clipo

    Clipo Active Member

    Apr 5, 2019
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    Realistic, but uncommon. Check for example Ella Knox, busty Latina 5 ft 2 in / 157 cm of height. Or Shibuya Kaho, 5 ft 0 in/1.52 cm
    SquadCammander354 likes this.
  3. kouk2002

    kouk2002 Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2016
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    I feel this topic came about in every way for the same reason I read all the posts... I'm bored.

    A few points, I'm pretty sure Asian countries like Japan size their clothes far differently than we do in the west. So a J cup isn't really a J cup as far we are concerned. Regrettably, it wasn't me but my mate who was dating a girl who was like 5'2 (about 155cm if converted) with H cup breasts, she was slim ignoring that and her rather nice behind. Considering she was 16 I can be 99% sure they were real. At that time we were 17 or 18 so all of us younger than the character in question. All of us born and raised in England and no obvious traits or family history to show us as anything more than your typical white English kids. I will say I was 6'5 (about 195cm or so if converted) by that point in time and always struggled both mentally and physically regarding girls/women being on average a foot shorter than me. Funnily enough, even though I was so tall I tended to be told by people they thought I was younger than I was, I like to believe it was based solely on looks and not how I acted...

    I think it does also need to be considered that outside your local ethnicity people tend to not be great at recognising features of foreign ethnicities. Where I grew up it was a bit like those old stereotypical American films with the token black and Asian kid. So with so few people around us, we didn't really learn to spot the differences in facial structures and how age shows differently depending on your ethnicity. It does kind of lead to that old racist joke that they all look the same.

    This then leads into the talk about how as Westerners we see Asian people as younger looking than they are, as a result of us not being able to spot the signs of age on their face. I don't believe Asian people share that view that they look particularly younger than they are, though I also imagine once girls pass certain ages they will more likely be happy to hear it. Never really found it an appropriate question to ask others, all kinds of rude and bad manners.

    As for anime and whether or not things are realistic in any way shape or form. I personally believed that the art styles they used were to help take away the realism so no-one can confuse the nonsensical happenings as fact or hold any relation to reality. I also based on experience think that only people who watch enough anime, read enough manga etc develop a taste for those art styles in a way that leads to the thought processes on what character traits be it physical or personality-wise that lead the viewer to consider it attractive or appealing. A more simple way to put it is that only Otaku will think that way, non-otaku will see it with no emotional investment.

    I think a pretty good example of otaku thinking and the difference between fiction and reality is the otaku obsession with the 'imouto'. To an otaku, an imouto is an ideal and whilst not every otaku will have the same preference of what traits make the perfect imouto it still holds value to each of us. Then reality is basically a slap in the face as it is impossible to find a living human that would naturally fit those ideals whilst also being your younger sister. As such to those of us outside of Japan an imouto only exists in fiction instead you have a younger sister simply because they do not qualify for the title of 'imouto'.

    So we recognise the difference between reality and fiction and that some things only have value because it is fiction(fantasy could be another way to word it).
    runsing likes this.
  4. Lovise

    Lovise Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2016
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    I love the sjws. No really, they want to censor uzaki chan then objective woman in their own little way. And then ... released Cutie netflix.

    SquadCammander354 likes this.
  5. Mnotia

    Mnotia The Trash Man

    Apr 12, 2017
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    Nah theres actual people born with huge honkers and no ass. My mom is a literal example

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2020
    tornberry and SquadCammander354 like this.
  6. SquadCammander354

    SquadCammander354 『Early Life Crisis』〖Stormy's Bro〗『Lord of Storms』

    Nov 13, 2016
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    Choto matte.
  7. Odyssey

    Odyssey Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2015
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    does she have narrow shoulders and small waist?
  8. Valex

    Valex Active Member

    May 4, 2019
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    Well i understand what you mean, but i think people have their own personal experiances with these things, so whilst you can personally claim that you would prefer to have smaller breast i don't think you can technically say the same for women with smaller breast.

    I guess its all just perspective really
    runsing likes this.
  9. Shio

    Shio Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2015
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    This started because the protest for government ads that use uzaki chan, isn't it? As a citizen, I won't like it if the government use ecchi female protagonist for poster model either.

    It's not a problem because uzaki is busty. We all know that's not the main problem.
    cheonsa-nim, runsing and Anra7777 like this.
  10. animefan217

    animefan217 Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2019
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    Man this thing aint dying
  11. Uzi30

    Uzi30 Active Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    As far as anime goes, her character design doesn't seem too bad. Her body type does exist, but I haven't too many since that height isn't too common to begin with. I did have a friend who would kind of fit Uzaki's description but more balanced. She was more curvy both on top and bottom.
    It is animation and proportions will changed from reality. Its not that different from other characters such as Jessica rabbit or any ecchi anime. This makes me think it is mainly non-anime viewers who are complaining and people who think it is over sexualizing a character who (if you only look at her face and short stature) looks like a child. But she is not a child; she is apparently 19. I haven't seen anime or manga, so I can't say if they are or not sexualizing her, but she is an adult either way and shouldn't be a problem if correct tags are added to it.
  12. animefan217

    animefan217 Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2019
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    She turned 20 and dont think they sexualize her much if at all.
  13. Chrono Vlad

    Chrono Vlad 『Banned From Drinking』

    May 24, 2017
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    Some westerners does not believe or have no idea that asian women can be short at the same time be well endowed :blobpeek: Also japanese who have similar/close body type to Uzaki-chan shared their body pics saying something like (iirc) how dare you deny of our existence!

    Twitter is a western centric social media platform and over the years it has become a breeding ground for toxicity sjw but it's fine as long as you ignore the western peeps
  14. cheonsa-nim

    cheonsa-nim Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2019
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    Anime is whatever the creators want it to be. It can be realistic or it can be total fantasy. People that gripe about what they don't like have issues that they are projecting on others.

    And in the west, particularly "The Stars Union" they just want something to pick on something that's like an easy clickbaity thing. Western Social Media is a dumpster fire. But hey it keeps people warm & entertained.
  15. BugEater

    BugEater New Member

    Jan 10, 2021
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    my only problem is how she's super slim (that's not a problem) yet her boobs are that big like yeah people have big boobs but boobs are fat. like it just looks dumb and disproportionate, there's a difference between exaggeration, and just bad anatomy.
    Anra7777 likes this.