Discussion Guide to Saving Yourself From NTR

Discussion in 'Novel General' started by Tennyc, Sep 27, 2020.


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  1. Tennyc

    Tennyc Active Member

    Apr 10, 2017
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    Disclaimer: This post isn't about hating on NTR.
    Keywords: How do I forget NTR? Why does NTR hurt? How do I overcome NTR? How do I get over NTR? How can people read NTR? How to read NTR and not feel like shit? Cure for NTR. Netorare. Moving on from NTR. Trauma from NTR. Forget NTR hentai. Healing your mind after NTR. Depressed from NTR. Erasing NTR from memories.

    Table of Contents:
    Authors Notes
    The Effects from Exposure to NTR
    1. The Exposure Effect
    2. The General Porn Effect
    3. The Effect of Fear​
    How to Save Yourself
    4. How to save yourself from the Exposure Effect
    5. How to save yourself from the General Porn Effect
    6. How to save yourself from the Fear NTR Has Instilled in You​
    Final Words

    Authors Notes:
    If this guide is helpful or not please give me feedback. It isn't entirely polished and I do generalize a lot because this is essentially a case study of myself. I might extrapolate thoughts here and there but honestly it's what I personally experienced. Do show your friends who come out about their issues with NTR. Over a little less than decade ago I watched Otome Dori and felt like absolute crap. I ran into these issues and there was really no one to guide me out of it. This guide is for those people hoping to forget NTR, hoping to read NTR without suffering, hoping to live happy, looking for salvation after biting into the Adam's apple that is NTR. This guide is not going to try and convert you into another religion. This guide will not explain why people like NTR, but if there is enough interest, I'll make another thread or edit this one or pm you the answer if only a couple of you are interested. In any case, I hope some poor souls feel better after all this. My research comes from NoFap, and personal experience (lots of trial and error). I don't know if this guide will be helpful to those whose preferences lie in masochism.
    Edit 1: Point 4 essentially presents an alternative way to enjoy NTR without having to alter/discard your prior beliefs/morals. I noticed that a subset of people continue read NTR despite disliking the pain, because they want to follow their favorite hentai artists who sometimes delve into NTR.
    Those who want to feel the terrible pain from NTR when reading can skip point 4. If anyone has problems getting NTR off their minds and it starts affecting their daily lives, points 5 and 6 should help.

    1. The Exposure Effect: You'll become more interested in NTR the more you see it and might even begin to want to try it in real life if it starts becoming your main preference. Think about it like this, why would you want to settle for a normal relationship if your sexual preference is getting cucked? You'll never be satisfied with normal sex/vanilla sex.

    2. The General Porn Effect: NTR is part of a larger problem. Porn makes you weaker in some ways mentally and addicted to porn; in conjunction with the familiarity effect, you'll expose yourself to more NTR more often, you'll think about it more in your daily life, and it'll eventually guide you to indulging in that tag/fetish as you condition yourself to only feel pleasure from NTR. You're slowly backing yourself into a corner where you lose the ability to resist NTR.

    3. Lastly the Effect of Fear: NTR is not something you want to happen to you in real life. You don't believe it is what should happen in real life, but now that you're exposed to it, you know now that it could happen. So you feel less confident in your relationships and yourself due to the nature of NTR which diminishes the sanctity of relationships and your pride as a man.

    4. How to save yourself from the Exposure Effect: The exposure effect only works if you see it around often, or even often enough that it becomes familiar to you. You can decide to drop NTR in its entirety to distance it from yourself (many websites allow you to exclude certain tags from your searches) OR transform the work from NTR to netori by focusing on the domination aspect and disregard the masochistic aspect involved in NTR. Change your frame of mind. Just like how people see things through rose tinted glasses you can see things from the stealer’s perspective. (If you aren't interested in seeing women dominated you should probably skip to the 5th point)
    • By disregarding the cucked male's perspective in the story, it simply becomes a story about cheating or dominating a woman. People tend to have less issues with stories involving cheating, because it's quite normalized "step mom…housewives…etc.". If you see it from the man doing the stealing's perspective it becomes a story about domination. The goal of the man is to tempt/win-over a woman into becoming theirs in some capacity. The pleasure then comes from the dominating aspect instead of the masochistic aspect of losing a loved one and your pride as a man.
    • The best way I found to accomplish this, is to watch/read the story keeping your focus on the woman, listen closely to what your instincts tell you about what you want. "I want... I want..." Let your thoughts come and go freely. Disregard the feelings of the person being cucked, feel free to even skip the parts where they show up/think/speak.
    • Edit: Currently my best way of changing my frame is calling her or thinking of her as a “slave pussy” in your head when seeing the female. As horrible as it sounds, objectifying and lowering the existence of the female in the hentai as nothing more than just your pussy you get to fuck and fap to is the best way to overcome your empathy, avoid empathizing unnecessarily, and feel dominant. It’s like how soldiers dehumanize their enemies. I do not recommend thinking this during real sex though, you will run into trouble sooner or later unless she likes degradation play. Hentai women are simply fuck toys to play around with, not humans.
    5. How to Save Yourself from the General Porn Effect: You have to limit the time and place you spend with porn and think about sex. You do this by restricting your usage of porn only when you are going to fap and where you fap to a place that you normally don't spend most of your day. Once you finish, you must stop thinking about it.
    • The best way I went about doing this was scheduling the days and times I would fap and once I finished I close it all down and take a shower and forget about it. You'll find it really difficult to stop thinking about sex/porn after fapping if you are a longtime NTR reader at first because you'll think about how the characters are stupid or feel afraid that it might happen to you or can't get the sexy woman out of your mind. In this case, remind yourself mentally "Sex is a waste of time to think about". Anytime you think of something related to sex then move on, let the feelings pass, you are not your thoughts. If you’re not fapping, or have a girlfriend/wife and thinking about sex with her, then remind yourself to stop. If you catch yourself thinking about sex in a way you're not comfortable with (related to NTR/cheating), remind yourself to stop again. It's really important to get into the habit immediately redirect your brain to something else and not grant exceptions to this rule. Do not try sympathizing with the characters. It’s not worth the time, trust me. The goal is to get your mind off of sex, and condition you and your brain to control your thoughts about sex, especially in situations where thinking about sex isn't acceptable or detrimental to the circumstances (like studying for a test). The more strict you are on yourself, the more confident you feel in having control over your urges and thoughts. Remember, anytime you feel the glimpse of sex pop up "Sex is a waste of time to think about". You'll even eventually be able to catch yourself from thinking about sex before you even finish thinking about sex with just gut instinct alone since thoughts about sex are usually accompanied by a "feeling" in your head and sometimes chest.
    6. How to Save Yourself from the Fear NTR Has Instilled in You: The first step is setting up precautions. If you've read enough NTR you'll probably have noticed that in every case, a lack of trust and communication was what led to the circumstances.
    • In every relationship you have in the future, you set precedents and agreements with each other to communicate all hardships and issues no matter how small and make decisions on how to solve or approach them together. Be sensitive and notice changes in your partner, don't just assume because they didn't verbalize it they have nothing to say. Be reliable, show that even with small issues you are willing to listen calmly and discuss solutions and decisions with them. Remember you are trying to instill in them the belief that you will listen to any problems they come to you with without condemning them or judging them and instead comfort them and come to a solution together and share the burden from the decision you made together together. You don't have the time, energy, or leeway in a relationship to future proof all potential NTR/betrayals as you have to respect your partners independence. Therefore, it is understandable if you fear NTR. It is a reasonable fear, but just like any fear, you cannot live a productive life while always being conscious of this fear.
    • I want you to describe what you think is a beautiful world to you. How should things be? Surely, you have some idea of how relationships should be like. How true love should look like, feel like. I want you to know, the reason why NTR is painful to you is because in your heart, you have a beautiful vision of how what love and romance should be like. The reason NTR hurts is because it's outside of what you want from love and romance. It doesn't belong in that world of yours that you envision. We all want to live in that beautiful world we envision for ourselves, no matter how difficult it would be. Finding that beautiful world is like finding the exit to a maze. Every maze has its dead ends. Whenever you encounter a dead end you turn around and find a different path. In life, we'll encounter many tragedies and thus many dead ends where we are forced to turn around and lament at the loss of effort and loss of the vision that was slowly becoming clearer. We'll have to retreat and find another path to take us to the world we envisioned. However, this doesn't mean that every tragedy and obstacle is a dead end. So long as you assess that the path littered with obstacles can still lead you to that world, you can choose to not give up on it. If you can salvage that path and realign it with that beautiful world, you can if you want. If not, I want you to turn back and accept your losses. If it is truly hopeless, acceptance is the only path left to you. Whenever in the future you experience tragedy, you should ask yourself "Is this really a dead end, can I really not fix this?". With this analogy, hopefully you have learned:
      • that you have no choice to take risks to reach your goal, and while approaching your goal, your fears might come true, and so you must find the resolve within yourself to accept that everything can go wrong but move forward anyway
      • if you face tragedy it's not the end of the world when there are other paths to take
      • if you choose to turn around because that path no longer leads to your goal, the best thing you can do is accept it all and move onto the next path without lingering
    Final Words:
    I hope that these suggestions aren't too hard to follow. I know people might find it hard to follow point 5 for the same reason people don't want to do NoFap. I don't know how helpful this would be to women, masochists, people who don't like domination. I think however, there is some value in these words I have written, but it is in no way the best or the only single way of saving yourself from NTR. This guide is really for people who want to read NTR but hate feeling like shit after. I hope this has helped even a single person somewhere. Thanks for reading.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2021
    damada, otaku31, your crush and 5 others like this.
  2. Bias

    Bias Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2016
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    Really, I can do better with 2 words.

    Embrace polyamory.
  3. Daoist Pharmacist

    Daoist Pharmacist Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2017
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    Really, im into step sis or whatever incest in porn, cause cmon man, it is porn and americans are so bad at acting in porn, even hentai i do watch porn, step sis or whatever onichan hentai. But once i get into ntr, i always get away from it. Hentai or not, its always awful to see it. Even in novels i read, i abhor it i instantly drop the novel. I mean, who doesnt? I always think about my girlfriend and my family, and me getting ntr is awful. I mean its hypocrisy, because i watch porn with tags like incest, but i cant think about doing it with someone related to me. It is awful. Its an abomination.
    Brago130sf and Tennyc like this.
  4. Tennyc

    Tennyc Active Member

    Apr 10, 2017
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    Let this be the last effortless response I respond to on this thread. Not everyone can embrace polyamory which is why you don't see everyone having multiple wives or husbands. There is even research indicating the harmful effects of polyamorous communities. My goal with my OP is to give people who can't just get up and think, "Yeah I don't have to feel bad anymore I give up on my current morals/beliefs". Surely you understand that people are more nuanced and complicated than that so I assume this response is a joke. Please treat this post with the same respect as I had for for you all while writing this guide. Thanks for reading at least the title.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2020
  5. Tennyc

    Tennyc Active Member

    Apr 10, 2017
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    I certainly agree. Anyone who can escape NTR should by all means. This post is meant for those who have already fell into the NTR hole and can't escape. I'm an avid reader of books involving maledom (male dominates woman) and books tagged with it are not as many as you would believe. NTR showcases maledom pretty clearly as the act of stealing or enticing another man's woman is domination in of itself. People who enjoy domination want to see their will followed/obeyed regardless of what punishment and humiliation the woman is put through. NTR presents the idea that a woman should not want to enjoy sex with the individual who is blackmailing them but ends up enjoying it regardless. Having sex with a man you hate is punishing and humiliating which means if the woman feel pleasure from it, they are honestly enjoying it and to some degree masochistic which satisfies my desire for maledom. In any case, NTR IS bad for the soul. But it is readable once read from another perspective. Anyone who took a bite out of NTR and can't get it off their mind to the point it's affecting their daily life would benefit from this post. Any stories, not hentai, involved with NTR I also drop nearly immediately. Because if it isn't for the nut, it isn't good enough to read for this mutt.
  6. Zones

    Zones Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2016
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    Eh NTR is a mixed bag. All kinds of things get called NTR but at it's core NTR is something intended to make you feel bad. If you can read it without feeling bad it's not a good ntr, it's not actually ntr, or there is something wrong with how you experience emotion.The first time I learned what NTR was had to be because I found the most depressing thing ever. Tachibana-san-chi no Dansei Jijou Matome Ban that made it so I couldn't even read romance series that had a love triangle in it. That Masamune Kun Revenge thing that was popular for a while got dropped because of that. I can't begin to say how much I hate that I had to stumble across that before I knew what NTR was.

    Things don't generally bother me too much as long as they doing give much development to the dude being robbed and don't ruin it by constantly shoving the robbed dude in your face. In that sense every ntr novel is unreadable, at least all the ones I've seen descriptions of.
    Tennyc likes this.
  7. Miserys_End

    Miserys_End 「Lv1 Pretend Person」I'm the preson i pretend to be

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Communication, understanding, and trust. Those are the three main aspects of a successful relationship. If you dont understand their needs they will dump your dumb ass for someone that does. If you dont communicate, you will never learn what it is they are even looking for in a partner. Trust is something that comes later, but is just as important. After all, how can you love a person you can trust with your own heart?

    How to avoid NTR? Build an actual relationship with your partner, dont expect it to just work out like so many fantasy novels we all read. Learn their fantasies and desires. Find out the life goals, and and general outlook on life. Tease out their kinks, fetishes, and all the places that drive them crazy in bed and any surface that can support your combined weight. You want a life partner that will never leave you? Plan on devoting the rest of your life to learning everthing that person and giving them that fantasy they never expected they would find.
    Tennyc likes this.
  8. Tennyc

    Tennyc Active Member

    Apr 10, 2017
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    I absolutely agree with basically everything you said! Just know that most of this post isn't meant for those who actually want to feel terrible and fully experience NTR in all its terrible glory. This is for those who have read NTR and want to continue reading NTR without feeling the full breadth of shittiness it puts you through. This is essentially an alternative way to enjoy NTR without having to discard your prior beliefs/morals. Those who want to feel the terrible pain from NTR when reading can do it as they like. But if they can't get it off their minds and it starts affecting their daily lives, points 5 and 6 should help. Point 4 is the alternative method to reading NTR for those who follow hentai artists that delve into NTR because they love their art but not necessarily feeling like shit. Hopefully this clarifies things.
    Cutter Masterson likes this.
  9. Lazriser

    Lazriser Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2016
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    This could be an actual thesis paper on the biopsychology and sociology. Albeit, the adultery and cuckoldry samples must be real people with real life situations... AND NOT THOSE FUCKING RETARDED H SCENARIOS! Of course, some scenarios can be applicable in real life, but chances are there will be consequences unlike the "idgaf mindset" in Stockholm victims.
    Tennyc likes this.
  10. Maomaomao

    Maomaomao Cardboard cutout

    Mar 19, 2020
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    I'm truly sorry I cannot like this as my like limit for today has reached it's end.
    Tennyc likes this.
  11. Tennyc

    Tennyc Active Member

    Apr 10, 2017
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    Thanks for reading. Don't mind it! I'll give you my like lol
  12. Cutter Masterson

    Cutter Masterson Well-Known Super-Soldier

    Oct 24, 2015
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    You know what I give MAD props to. The person that spent the time to write it all down.
    It was a good read. A lot could be reused. Just replace NTR with another fetish. But otherwise I enjoyed the read. I’m still going to read NTR in the future because taboos/ naughty plot is so thrilling.
    At least that’s what I think
    Tennyc likes this.
  13. 01

    01 [REDACTED]

    Nov 6, 2017
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    When I clicked this thread...I didn't expect this...such a well written guide...
    Tennyc likes this.
  14. novaes

    novaes Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2016
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  15. Daoist Pharmacist

    Daoist Pharmacist Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2017
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    Some novels idropped because of ntrs. I pity those novels and myself for dropping it, because of ntr. I agree that ntrs are made to make u feel bad, and i felt bad about it especially when im into it, like the novels i read, then some shitshow ntrs ruin it for me. I mean i get it, theres some scenarios going on and maybe character development, but i cant trick myself to accept it because its necessary for the mc, and when shits go down, i cant help picturing myself in that situation, or that situation happening to me. Thahts when i drop it
  16. Maomaomao

    Maomaomao Cardboard cutout

    Mar 19, 2020
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    Thanks ฅ( ̳• ◡ • ̳)ฅ
  17. Tennyc

    Tennyc Active Member

    Apr 10, 2017
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    Right? I read novels to be happy. When authors invite you to empathize with the main characters and then dumps something like NTR when it could be any other obstacle/tragedy. I immediately think the author's a sadist for making me take the perspective of a person who is in that situation.
  18. unkxz

    unkxz Lurker

    Nov 27, 2015
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    I thought this was a meme post about NTR phobia, but it's a serious post, unless...?
  19. asriu

    asriu fu~ fu~ fu~

    Jan 9, 2016
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    most NTR story be it netorare, netori or netorase is weak on emotion stage~ plot armor or something like that~ on comparison with xuanhuan or xianxia lucky plot armor, get lucky take treasure then the end~ convert treasure into romance bleh something close to that, then that common NTR~ on netorase eh that kinda rare on story most just netorare~ most cat wailing but when it turn into netori most convert into loud cheer..... that fine weird logic there~ afraid of get stolen but more than glad to steal, hmm bandit and thief perhaps?

    to avoid porn addiction, do something else? mainly physical activity, or follow ntr story example work to death~ you have no time to think about fap if ya overwhelm from something else~ if ya feel too late then consult with doctor cuz yeah sex addict is real health problem~

    overcome ntr(netorare) fear, learn how relationship work and how to let go something~ it hurt feeling, it hard to cope but thats it~ you see it like relationship paranoia, when someone keep think da partner cheat or leave or break da relationship~ such behavior can lead to really can this cat smack your head? go see medic~

    this cat read novel for entertainment~ it not same for being happy, if that the reason there no way on butt this cat read tragedy nor mtl cuz why bother decipher puzzle?

    ntr just like drama, many try it but most fail~ or should this cat say romance?
    Tennyc likes this.
  20. Tennyc

    Tennyc Active Member

    Apr 10, 2017
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    Your wisdom is beyond mine oh great one! You are cat thus I am slave. Thank you for existing.
    asriu likes this.