Spoiler Remarried Empress

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by midnight reader, Jun 9, 2019.

  1. Tarnar

    Tarnar Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2020
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    Hey guys I've just got the info that the main story has only 262 chapters, and everything else till chapter 325 are side stories.
    So as naver released chp 217 today, it will be only 45 left, so we will have full story in the open in 6 months more or less.
    It's a great info for me, as I'm dying to know how will it end.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2020
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  2. Katforte

    Katforte New Member

    Dec 20, 2019
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    This This This. God, I Iove and appreciate your take on the story. Literally logged myself in the forum to reply to this. Oh, and might I just add that I really feel uncomfortable and uneasy when Heinley questions Navier if she loves him only for his body. Navier summarizes best the situation on her mind: "When you (Heinley) talk about [insert 18+ talks], it's love. But when I put my hands on your pants, I'm a pervert."
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2020
    azinine likes this.
  3. Tarnar

    Tarnar Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2020
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    Thank you. And Navier words are truly spot on. She spoke about this problem several times in the novel.
    There are 262 chapters from main story and I read 230 of them already, and I have to say they still can't speak openly with each other. Heinley does a lot of things behind Naviers back, and only when she finds out about something disturbing or 'shit hits the fan' and she tries to search about the issue there is an 'important conversation'. During that conversation whenever Navier hits points out of something Heinley doesn't want to talk about he will just change the subject or try his routine of lovely dovey marriage spell with kissing/touching her etc. so she won't dig in more into the problem. He also turns into bird a lot and tries his charms this way, as he can't speak human language in that form and doesn't have to respond to Navier words.
    I feel like Heinley treats Navier as his pet, not the other way around. He trains her to get the responses he wants from her, and whenever she tries to be more independent he will strike and change her actions and thoughts. And it's going on forever. She doesn't even know him as he tries his best to not let her know about his past.
    For me it looks like she is truly his trophy wife, and he doesn't want her to do anything she did before, as he tries to cage her like a beautiful exotic pet, so he can admire her, but nobody should touch his possession, as Navier is (don't lie to youself) Heinley possession.

    The novel is really heavy and full of examples where Navier 2nd marriage is just a drama play from the theatre. It's like Heinley wrote and decided her whole life beforehand without her knowing anything about it. And from time to time when something unexpected happens Heinley wasn't a part of he will just adjust his play to match his main idea.
  4. Ismalia

    Ismalia Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2020
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    [QUOTE = "Tarnar, post: 5956066, member: 296020"] Enquanto leio os raws até o último (cap. 215) e grande parte das discussões sobre o romance em vários sites, sinto que muitas pessoas pulam muito e apenas depois disso, eles compartilham suas opiniões sobre personagens e enredo.
    Sim, recentemente (capítulo 214), Sovieshu pediu a Navier para levá-lo de volta para o lado dela apenas para que ele pudesse estar perto dela , mas ela está mais focada em memórias dolorosas do que em qualquer outra coisa. Depois de cair da varanda e receber um grande golpe de trauma mental e backslash por entender que ele perdeu tudo que ele amava profundamente ele regrediu a si mesmo de 6 anos antes , quando eles (S + N) ainda eram príncipe e princesa, quando eles eram felizes juntos, até o dia do primeiro beijo.
    Ele está perdendo tudo em sua vida, mas como você pode dizer que ele traiu Navier com o divórcio (eu não me importo com o 'caso' e filho com Rashta, Navier + Sovieshu eram imperadores, e por conclusão ela saberia que imperadores muitas concubinas para ter sangue real; o que quer que você diga, ela sabia disso desde o início e estava preparada, ela estava preparada para seu papel de imperatriz desde seu nascimento, ela até propôs (concubinas) a Heinley várias vezes após seu divórcio com Sovieshu), MAS ela o traiu também, por não entender.

    Eles não falavam um com o outro. Ambos tomaram tudo o que tinham como garantido. Eles assumiram as coisas por serem uma festa tão marcante, fazendo tudo perfeito no tribunal. ELE presumiu que Navier entenderia sem dizer nada a ela. ELA presumiu que ele estava cego pelo amor para Rashta e a abandonaria ... Navier sua outra metade, jogou fora de seu lugar de direito como imperatriz, o lugar em que ela nasceu e deveria estar. Eles eram um par tão lindo. Eles se amavam muito antes. Ele achava que Navier tão perfeito quanto ela, com todo o resto sempre estaria ao seu lado e ao seu lado. Afinal, em sua mente, eles foram feitos um para o outro. Ambos assumiram muito.Por que eles não falaram um com o outro? Eles achavam que não deveriam falar sobre emoções como governantes do Império. Errado, não é? Meu coração dói muito. ; /

    Depois de ler tudo o que nos foi apresentado até agora, posso sentir que há coisas importantes na história.
    1. Navier começou a se relacionar com Heniley por motivos políticos e por sua suposição de que ela não vale nada sem ter um título. Seus sentimentos agora estão ainda mais confusos, porque ela admite que ama sua nova banda, mas ela realmente não o conhece. Ela conhece apenas 'Heinley brincalhão / playboy', a máscara que ele mostrou a ela quando se conheceram. Ela não conhece seu lado sombrio. Heinley é para ela como Rashta para Sovieshu: uma bela e nova flor que dá emoções divertidas tão diferentes do relacionamento frio e calculista da família real PERFEITA em que eles (S + N) se tornaram.

    2. Heinley é manipulador e reservado. Ele se apaixonou por Navier, mas sua ganância pelo Império do Leste é tão forte e pesada que ele não parou de destruir apenas grande parte das forças do Império do Leste ao tirar a magia de seus feiticeiros para si mesmo com joias mágicas que eles forneceram do Oeste, suas maquinações destruíram a FAMÍLIA REAL oriental . Sim, foi devido aos planos meticulosos da Heinley de frear o Sovieshu + Navier com muita água ruim entre eles. Ele a queria, então ele a tomou de uma forma, o coração de qualquer mulher palpitaria. E ele criou muito sangue ruim entre ela e seu agora ex-marido. Foi mais pesado para o Império do Oriente perder sua imperatriz do que podíamos ver à primeira vista.
    É verdade que as decisões N + S os levaram a desmoronar em um ponto no passado (porque 6 anos antes eles ainda eram um casal apaixonado), mas você tem que concordar que foi devido à falta de falar o que pensavam e de falar a verdade um com o outro . Eles se tornaram governantes, então tudo o que eles fizeram e disseram tinha que ser perfeito. Eles eram tão perfeitos em suas próprias mentes, eles pensavam em si mesmos como uma combinação perfeita e uma existência excelente na forma de imperador e imperatriz e tudo o que eles representam, então depois de algum tempo eles nem mesmo falavam um com o outro, tornaram-se frios e calculistas como eles sabiam o que dizer e o que fazer como 'casal perfeito'. Eles pararam de ser um par de adolescentes com seu primeiro amor, eles tiveram que se tornar uma base sólida para o governo. Um 'governantes perfeitos'.

    3. Não sei como a maioria das pessoas lê o romance, mas o duque Elgy enviado por Heinley para a corte oriental era um ovo ruim. Ovo realmente, realmente terryfying e podre. Suas ações (o duque) foram todas forçadas e terríveis. Ele se colocou profundamente nos salões nobres, destruindo o relacionamento das pessoas, suas manipulações sobre Rashta a deixavam boba e louca. Ele, diligentemente e com a máxima premeditação, sugeriu a ela todas as coisas desagradáveis que se ela as fizesse, Sovieshu + Navier se quebraria irremediavelmente e sua própria reputação e viver se tornaria mais amante do que já era. Rashta era uma escrava, ela não sabia nada sobre grandes nobres e cortes, e política todas essas coisas. Sovieshu deu seus professores, mas para aprender tudo de que precisava em pouco tempo, ela ouviu o conselho da pessoa que ela pensava ser sua única amiga. Sim, duque Elgy. Uma bomba-relógio perfeitamente colocada dentro do palácio do Império Oriental. Uma bomba que até os últimos momentos dentro abalou os alicerces da nação.
    Por que você acha que ele emprestou tanto dinheiro a Rashta? Por que ele a 'ajudou'? Todas as suas ações foram para destruir o poder do Império do Oriente e sua família real e até mesmo para obter um porto livre (o Ocidente não tem acesso ao mar / oceano, eles estão cercados por montanhas e outras nações). BTW, o duque Elgy sabia sobre os esquemas das mães Sovieshu (ela era uma imperatriz com ciúmes das concubinas paternas de Sovieshus).

    4. Heinley não é um cara bom. Talvez suas ações em relação a Navier pareçam doces e inocentes, mas esta é apenas sua máscara. Ele também é um governante. Ele é ganancioso e calculista, frio e ressentido além de qualquer medida. Por mais que eu goste de seu lado brincalhão, e às vezes em que ele está com Navier sendo adorável com ela, me dói tanto que ela esteja em tal posição agora.
    Você poderia dizer que o governante do Império Ocidental é um rei das sombras. Brilhante como uma joia à primeira vista, mas implacável e terryfing no final. O que significa: Navier ama sua máscara e espírito livre, ela não conhece seu verdadeiro eu. E ele também não pretende mostrar a ela.

    Há outras coisas que eu poderia estragar ou contemplar do meu jeito, mas como leio por 2 dias e 2 noites seguidos, estou cansado além do normal. Meu coração dói, meus pensamentos estão pesados. Sinto-me deprimido e muito, muito triste por Navier, ou você poderia dizer ainda mais por ela e Sovieshu juntas.

    A história. Essa história é tão boa. Sim, mas me atinge um pouco demais. Sei que as feridas cicatrizam com o tempo, então espero que as vidas de Navier, Sovieshu e Heinley se revelem e suas emoções, suas vidas mudem para melhor. Não sabemos ainda o que o autor nos mostrará mais tarde, mas agora estou buscando personagens fictícios para serem felizes. Desejo a eles tudo de bom. E estou chorando muito.

    Eu quero ver seu passado ruim queimar e novos dias felizes por vir. Você não pode dizer que nenhum dos personagens está feliz agora. [/ QUOTE]

    Oi! Eu amo essa história! Melhor WebNovel que li este ano, e ler os comentários me diverte enormemente. Gostei da sua análise que ambos (N + S) davam tudo como certo e não havia comunicação, os dois presumiam muito e acabavam sendo prejudicados por tantos mal-entendidos, mas discordo de alguns pontos:
    1 - Não acho que Navier o traiu, porque como ele não explicou nada, ela não tinha como adivinhar suas intenções, de dizer que seu filho com Rasta deveria ser o herdeiro de Sovieshu, Sovieshu teria que dizer porque tinha certeza ela era estéril e por isso contava o incidente sobre as pílulas abortivas nos biscoitos, e ele não confiava nela para contar essa história, ao mesmo tempo, como Rashta não tinha status de nobreza, baseou seu reconhecimento mostrando que ele estava apaixonado, então não apenas a aristocracia como Navier e a própria Rashta acreditavam no amor de Sovieshu por Rashta, no processo ele feriu os sentimentos de Navier, feriu seu orgulho e não confiou nela. Ou seja, ele era um marido / amigo horrível.
    2 - Também acho que o Navier passou a se relacionar com Heniley por motivos políticos, mas acho que você subestima o nosso Navier, desde o início ela percebeu que Heniley era falsa, que ele mudava seu comportamento de acordo com a pessoa com quem se relacionava, embora ela gostava de sua máscara lúdica (e de seu corpo escultural) ela sempre soube que havia mais camadas e que ele escondia coisas (Navier até mandou seu cavaleiro investigar Heinley), então apesar de concordar que Heinley é manipulador, ganancioso e calculista, não, acho que Navier foi enganada por ele, ela sabe como ele é. Ela foi criada para ser imperatriz, assim como você disse que ela sabia que reis têm concubinas, ela sabe que eles podem ser gananciosos e travar guerras por novas conquistas, Navier não acha que Heinley sendo ganancioso é uma coisa ruim, e ele sendo inteligente o suficiente para ter tantas camadas os aproximando porque ele entende suas piadas, percebe quando ela faz uma cobertura fria para disfarçar outros sentimentos, etc. Nesse aspecto, ele é muito mais adequado para Navier do que Sovieshu, que não percebeu o quanto a estava machucando quando trouxe o Rasta. Apesar disso, ela não quer que Heinley vá à guerra contra seu país de origem, pois ela sabe que as pessoas vão morrer, e ela ama sua terra natal e o país onde se tornou Imperatriz novamente, então quando Heinley diz que não não vá para a guerra primeiro, em vez de ficar com raiva dele por ser um rei das sombras e usar suas habilidades de espião / pássaro para enfraquecer o império oriental, ela está grata por Heinley colocá-la em primeiro lugar. Li um webnovel “O Imperador e a Cavaleira” em que o jovem e ambicioso rei Lúcio conquistou todo o continente,
    3- Concordo que Elgy manipulou Rashta, mas também acho que você está subestimando Rashta, ele emprestou dinheiro dizendo que ela tem que se defender, mas é todo mérito de Rashta contratar assassinos para matar / vender como escravos as pessoas que ela não faz não gosto. A autora conquistou meu respeito ao criar esta personagem, pois ela tem as características de uma heroína clássica, jovem, bela, escravizada pelos erros do pai que, ao tentar escapar de sua vida de sofrimento, encontra o jovem e galante Rei que se apaixona. amor com a menina ingênua e bonita que faz de tudo para sobreviver. Aí vem a trama, porque ela faz tudo, engana, mente e mata, ela aprende e com sua lógica distorcida aplica o aprendizado, ela aprendeu que o rei deixou o arrogante Navier por uma inocente Rashta, então ela tinha certeza de que ele poderia trocá-lo por uma Maga inteligente, Rashta é como uma rede neural tomando decisões com base em alguns casos de uso sem empatia por ninguém além de si mesma. Além disso, estou super curioso sobre Elgy, que considero o personagem mais enigmático desta história.

    Eu amo N + H, porque os dois são poderosos juntos. É muito bom debater essa história!
    Last edited: May 10, 2021
  5. Elihs

    Elihs Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2020
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    What I got from reading the new spoilers is that Navier used an uno reverse card on sovishoe; like him and Rashta but instead it's Navier and Heinley. Seemed our empress just jumped from one hell to another. *sigh*

    I see now that Heinley is pretty much a two faced snake but let's not use that as a pretext to absconed trashoe of any responsibility for his actions and make it seem like he's the lesser of the two evils when most of it is his fault. Yes, both him and Navier lacked communication which caused misunderstandings but at least Navier treated him with respect and acted according to her role as empress but stupidshoe, on the other, acted like a horny teenage boy when he should've been more wise as the emperor. And no, his past is not a valid excuse for his apparent stupidity. Navier also had a difficult childhood but she never once thought to spite her husband for her predicament and still prioritize the empire's welbeing over her own which imo makes Navier more worthy of being emperor. (If only...)

    Despite their closeness before trashoe did not hesitate to hurt and humiliate Navier not just as an empress but also as his other half so it makes it very suspect if he actually loved her to begin with seeing as he only felt remorse when things are already at the point of no return. Sure some manipulation was involved, but ultimately it was still his decision to be an absolute tool and take advantage of Navier's goodwill towards him for selfish reasons. He's as much of an accessory to his own downfall as Rashta, Duke Elgy, or Heinley was. So stupidshoe indeed got what he deserved in the end for being a dumb ruler, husband, and human in general.

    Now the only one I'm worried about is Navier... Unfortunately, seeing as the title is Remarried Empress, and the fact that she and Heinley will have kids can only mean that they're endgame. Besides, I doubt people can stomach another long-ass divorce arc after the first one so...
  6. XiaoWenTian

    XiaoWenTian Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2020
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    Can you tell me which ch in translated ver is when mc divorce?
  7. badsanta88

    badsanta88 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2020
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    This is why I still reading K-novels. I know k-novels sometimes are too angsty and have over the top dramas, but the characters are multi-dimensional, they have questionable choices and make people debate about them. It's not just "bad ex-husband cheats, divorce bad ex-husband, get revenge on him, then move on and live happily ever after with another perfect-true-love man" or "get free transmigration for thousand times so you can have thousand chances to punish bad men" like the trending C-novels nowadays.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2020
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  8. orichan

    orichan Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2020
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    You give Naiver too little credit. I don't think she is fooled by Heinley at all. She knew what she was getting herself into. She knew very well Heinley is two faced, she just doesn't know all the details. She married Heinley for revenge and pride and not for love.

    But in my opinion, at least Heinley's feelings for her has always been genuine. If he used schemes to win her affection after, I think I can just applaud him for knowing Naiver well enough to do so. We all do stuff to make the person you like like you more -- and in terms of Naiver changing after she is attached to Heinley... well so did he too? He was a much colder and crueler person before he met Naiver and Naiver kind of tamed him a bit, the change is definitely not a one way street.

    Also, while Heinley did lie to Naiver, he did tell her the truth later and did stop the war plan. That's detrimental to his kingdom, and completely killed what he had been working toward for years, so it's not exactly a bone he just threw at her, but his whole hand. Navier wasn't totally tricked either, she had suspicions, and whens Naiver finds out Heinley was responsible for the war, she wasn't actually that surprised. She realized that he is the king of the Western country and he is doing what is best for his country, which as an empress she gets and can't even really be mad at him for doing what he did. All she wants to do at that point is to minimize damage to her home country.

    So in summary, yeah Heinley is manipulative and he was influencing Naiver, but Naiver was also using him and changing him too. She uses what was available to her (Heinley's interest in her) to stay in power and stay relevant and get her sweet revenge because her ex hurt her pride.

    They say a fully good person can't be a good king, well a fully good person can't be a good empress either.

    I like both of them because of that.
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  9. Emeraldmimi

    Emeraldmimi Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2020
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    This my first time ever posting, please be kind.
    First, THANK YOU WONDERFUL PEOPLE for taking your precious time to share spoilers and insight into this incredible novel. I really appreciate it.
    Second, I've read through everything so far and I have a couple comments and questions.
    1- Remember, Navier's lifelong goal was to be a good empress. Anything else, is just a bonus for her. She is not naive or slow witted. Don't underestimate her.
    2- Heinley could be perceived as the real villain because everything was orchestrated by him. However, I think he underestimated how he would truly feel for Navier when he planned to steal her away. You can tell he had planned to utilize her long before he met her. I think he truly fell for her and this was one of the few things he did not foresee. It made him change his plans to some extent and made it change himself. It was very easy to see that Heinley & Elgy were destroying the Eastern Empire from the inside very early on. If you overlooked this, it was because the author so brilliantly distracted you with two infuriatingly selfish and genuinely stupid antagonists. If you think about it, Heinley & Elgy are friggin' brilliant. It is not easy to crush an empire without an outright war. If push came to shove, Heinley could start a war and finish them off effortlessly, however, now he deeply admires and respects Navier. I think he tries to hide stuff out of fear of losing Navier, but he does not need to worry because the way he has handled everything is better for both kingdoms than what he COULD have done. He has no love for the Eastern Empire. His restraint demonstrates much concern for Navier.
    3- I like the fleshed out, well-developed Rashta and Sovieshu, and even Christa. Why? They are maddening, but some of their actions are very realistic if we were in their shoes. The problem? (1) Rashta was too dumb and greedy. She could have lived a decent life if she had not sought out more. Even with Elgy's manipulations, they are her choices. (2) Sovieshu's ego is his downfall. His empress was more skilled and greatly respected. Although, Navier's goals and his conflicted. She put the empire before herself and he put himself first. Not a bad thing in real life, however, you are the emperor. I think he forgot that. (3) Christa's one sided love caused her envy. She really screwed up because unlike Rashta, she was highly regarded, powerful, and could have continued to live a lavish life. Envy and, possibly obsession, ruined her.
    4- Still some chapters to go, so we could learn some new things. Can't wait!
    Questions for you beautiful angels: How many kids do H&N end up having? Any more info on her magic skills? Did it mention what S's illness actually was and does he get cured? Heinley and Elgy seem like allies, but any conflicts rise between their countries? I'm not quite understanding what he is gaining from this.

    Thank you sooooo much! Xoxo
  10. Akesato

    Akesato Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2017
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    H&N have two kids, twins, boy and girl. Main story ended without much development of Navier’s magic. Sovieshu got mental because he lost everything: his wife and empress, then his child (last hope), his empire’s power was getting weaker (mages losing mana), Elgy scamming Rashta into giving him land. He got split personality: he was crown prince during the day (obviously not remembering anything past that age) and current emperor during the night. The crown prince Sovieshu criticized his older self for being stupid idiot and saying mean things to Navier. He gets his shit together in the end but has severe (?) headaches. Elgy gained personal revenge on Sovieshu, his mother (???) Alicia was Sovieshu’s father concubine and was framed and exiled. This is explained in extra chapters and I haven’t seen the translated version of those but someone mentioned that in previous pages
  11. rock.doll

    rock.doll Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Alicia is Elgy step-mother. After Alicia got kicked from/by Sovieshu's father, she got together with Elgy's dad who is a duke/grand duke?, was already married and had a son, Elgy. I only read the main story till the end so this was mentioned there, but there's like a bulk of chapters titled "Elgy's past" in extra stories part that im still waiting for TLs.

    in short some details about Elgy's past from the main story:
    1. Alicia, a young noble daughter from Elgy's country came to the empire to have some fun/debut. She was beautiful and lively, so she attracted the emperor eyes, Sovieshu dad.
    2. Sovieshu dad was a HUGE handsome douchebag, he had a wife/empress, Sovi's mom, BUT he was shoving his d*ck left and right, he had countless mistresses and favourites. But only one heir, empress son, Sovieshu ....the empress made sure of that, heh.
    3. The empress/Sovi mom loved the emperor but had to live with battling countless mistresses of her douche husband. She made sure that Sovi is the only heir ...so she basically fed all the mistresses, especially the long term ones with infertility stuff.
    4. In all this mess, came Alicia, who became another of the mistress of the emperor. She started to get favored more and more. The empress was more and more mad ....and little Sovi saw all these and his mom's crying all times and on some occasions Alicia was around (basically living in the royal palace) parading in front showing her being the favorite. Sovi started to hate her.
    5. Empress's scheme got exposed, her infertility cookies for one of her husband mistress who may become pregnant got exposed ....so the emperor questioned her but Sovi made an appearance and he knew that his mom did this but he told the emperor that he saw it was Alicia's doing.
    6. Emperor was furios, got Alicia kicked. So Sovi kinda had his revenge.
    7. Next scene show Elgy coming back home. Alicia calls him 'my son' but Elgy wants to barf ....he doesn't even look at her. Elgy dad is furios at his son not greeting his mom, at which Elgy says he has a mother.
    8. Elgy mother is alive, she is very sick and lives in the same mansion as her husband and his new wife, but Elgy mom lives in an annex small house deep into the mansion garden forgoten by everyone. No one basically cares for her besides Elgy.
    9. I don't know how Alicia become the Elgy step-mom and new duchess while the original is still alive and living in the mansion even now. And why Elgy real mom is still living in the mansion...and living so miserably...sick and no one cares for her like she's crazy. All the details are in extra ch/s which im waiting to read.
    10. What I understood, Elgy hates all of them who made him and his mom miserable. So he started his revenge, 1st being Sovieshu ...bc in Elgy's view he made Alicia leave the empire, come back to Elgy country, seduced Elgy's dad and destroying his family. Now, next in line are Elgy dad himslef and Alicia, his step-mom. Elgy wants revenge for his mom, so after he and his real mom can be free. The territory he took with Rashta's help was his or was dowry from his mom(?) ...so he wants that territory so he can take his mom there to live peacefully.

    This is it for now.
  12. infireation

    infireation Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2019
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    Omg yes please Thank you
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  13. Sherlockisk

    Sherlockisk Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2020
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    After reading the spoilers I feel like I have read the entire Novel
  14. Ismalia

    Ismalia Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2020
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    Thanks! That explains why Navier mother said that if Sovieshu had a mistress is for Navier don't mix with them and find one lover for herself, because she doesn't want that Navier has the same life as Sovieshu mother.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2020
  15. McKenna

    McKenna Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2020
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    Wow! What a rich back story. I hope there's a sequel or spin-off regarding Elgy. He really intrigues me.
    Nom de Plume, Ismalia and Tarnar like this.
  16. Heinly and Navier for life

    Heinly and Navier for life New Member

    Dec 11, 2020
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    Please someone tell me where to read the novel and webtoon for free pleaz?
  17. MaskedMan1543

    MaskedMan1543 Member

    Sep 20, 2020
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    The opinion I've formed from this thread is, Sovieshu might've been a dick, but Heinley was a bigger, homewrecking and manipulative dick, and I hate him more than Sovieshu. I never really liked either of them from the beginning, but when people spoiled the complete story after 175 and the ending, I'm beginning to hate Heinley more.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2020
    orange_cat, Tarnar and kawaii12345 like this.
  18. theilikepie

    theilikepie Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    But I do agree. These KR/JP novels can never write men well. There just designed to be love itrests and revole around the MC and that's it. Cause of that you get terrible terrible human beings as love interests

    I think the best thing a writer could is brainstorm there personality and character arc first and then add the romance later. Dont make characters based off of there romantic relationships. Alot of there novels with there romances seem hallow and soulless. Yeah I go kyaaa kyaaa but thats it. Flat fanservice
  19. luvsunny11

    luvsunny11 Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2020
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    I'm having a Deja Vu :blobdizzy: I'm afraid that this thread will be locked like The Abandoned Empress if we continue these kind of argument. This thread is a spoiler thread, not a discussion thread after all. What is the point of trashing the novel and its ML in a spoiler thread? :blobdizzy: are we trying to discourage people from giving spoilers? :blobdizzy:
    Tasnuva, Wapdyne and Ismalia like this.
  20. Baby yoda_002

    Baby yoda_002 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2020
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    Holly sh*t! I just wanted to see the spoliers. But should i reallllllyy read 96 pages?!!!!
    Nom de Plume and AnniePoo like this.