Spoiler Actually, I was the Real One / 사실은 내가 진짜였다

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by DearBlue, Aug 19, 2020.

  1. MaryMay18

    MaryMay18 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2020
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    in the present time who release the spirit first? Is it cosette or is it kiera this time?
  2. CaShper

    CaShper Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2019
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    Thank you for clarifying. I always thought only the first born will be the saint, guess I wrong.
  3. lan2001h

    lan2001h Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2019
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    Your welcome
  4. gongkim

    gongkim Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2020
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    She came back in ch 36 in manhwa version. The reaction of noble, what count weinberg says, and even she who was called fake, everything went according to Keira's predictions except for one thing, which was the grand Duke's decision.

    in the first life the duke accepted cosette on the spot but in this life he said he'd make decisions after the party ended and he didn't want to ruin zic's birthday. (I pretty sure the one who asked blonde magician to turned back time is duke. Coz he felt dejavu when cosette came and call him dad. When he heard her voice he got goosebumps and feel uneasy.

    After a few days, the duke called Keira and asked her opinion. keira say cosette should stay at the parvis residence (to keep an eye on her). In the day cosette came to parvis, she was the only parvis family to greet her. it is to show that she is confident and not intimidated. Besides, Keira has played the role of duchess as the only lady in her family for a long time. So, it's her duty to greet a guest.

    as in the past, cosette provokes keira who in the middle of practicing swordsmanship and mocked Keira's mother who committed adultery blah blah blah. unfortunately, Keira was not provoked at all instead she called cosette being fake and count weinberg chose her coz her face resemble the grand duke, which is make she distorted but she must endure it since the maid come :blobpopcorn_cool::blobpopcorn_cool:
    Opelia, LokaLari, babayagu and 32 others like this.
  5. mixordia

    mixordia Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    Finally thanks!!! THIS is what I want know :aww::aww::aww::aww:
  6. gxymlky

    gxymlky Member

    Nov 18, 2020
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    thank you so much for this !!
    gongkim likes this.
  7. Pinkuenemu

    Pinkuenemu Member

    Apr 7, 2020
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    Most of the spoilers i saw are about the past timeline. I remember seeing one that said they dealt with the cosette issue really quickly in the present tho. How does it happen?

    how does she get exposed in the current timeline?

    if this has already been answered, I apologize, please direct me to that specific spoiler. Thank you!
  8. Sofia Razi

    Sofia Razi Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2019
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    FINALLY some details about the present timeline!!! please spoil some more!!!:blobpeek:
    gongkim, Gothita and mixordia like this.
  9. Liannu

    Liannu New Member

    Feb 3, 2021
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    Does anyone know where I can read the novel?
  10. Kezi

    Kezi Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2020
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    A few of the early spoilers seem to contradict new info, so I think all those getting worked up about her "forgiving" her dad should calm down until the actual webtoon reaches that point (or novel translations come out). Then we'll have full context for this "forgiveness".

    For example, before some said that the dad personally reversed time, but now it's confirmed that he was only the requester, and he chose to let Keira keep her memories.
    There's still some confusion about whether Cosette was born male and turned female by the demon, or whether she was stillborn or killed in the womb (all of these make the oracle technically true, so I guess it doesn't matter which one is real).
    Then there's some conflicting information on whether the demon is using Cosette's Parvis blood-line to get access to the spirit powers or if it stole Keira's power, and returned it to her before her execution.
    I also saw some contradicting info about the dad agreeing to execute Keira to remain neutral, despite knowing that she's really his daughter, and the dad being brainwashed by Cosette, only waking up after the execution.
    At least we know for sure that the novel doesn't have an ML, and the story ends with her saying "I'm home" to the shitty dad.
    Ceu, aetheerry, Nefroza and 5 others like this.
  11. Nuzlocke

    Nuzlocke Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2020
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    I always figured her "forgiveness" was more of a "Forgive but never forget" sort of deal.

    Like, unless she wants to renounce her name and live as a commoner for the rest of her life that's literally the only thing she can do. Deciding to leave also brings about it's own problems, considering the fact that she's also the special, she would have probably been strong armed into marrying into another family now that she has no real protection. You know, because power is a thing people want.

    Accept her father made a mistake, learn from it, and move on with her life. He's going to have to live with the fact that his daughter will always have a conflicting opinion of him for the rest of his life after all. People seem to forget the setting in a lot of these stories and want shallow solutions over logical ones lol
    Lunaix, Nefroza, Angela3107 and 7 others like this.
  12. Kezi

    Kezi Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2020
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    Yup, I don't have a problem with her "forgiving" her dad. Especially since the worst he's done in this timeline is child neglect. She's treating him like wallpaper while enjoying the heiress lifestyle, and he can't do anything about it cause she's the saint, that's a win in my book.

    The author obviously wants to focus on self-improvement, finding your own happiness, and letting go of the past. Those kinds of stories aren't bad once in while too. As long as the father's sins aren't completely brushed aside, I'll be happy.
    Nefroza, Angela3107, Th.ay and 6 others like this.
  13. Glass Shard

    Glass Shard 【Fʅσσϝ Hυɳƚҽɾ】【Cαƚ Lσʋҽɾ】【⚓️】

    Feb 9, 2021
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    Thank you for the spoiler and Keira saying that to Cosette and cosette having to keep up her "sainlty lovable image" when the maid comes is totally hilarious
  14. I_am_one_Hell_of_a_Butler

    I_am_one_Hell_of_a_Butler Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2020
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    I can't wait for more of Cosette X Kiera's clashing scenes. Though I really want too see Cosette's face of vain and bitterness after she lost!
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  15. Deleted member 300842

    Deleted member 300842 Guest

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    ME TOO:blobowoevil_horns:
  16. DubiousWaterMelon

    DubiousWaterMelon Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2020
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    The horrible thing about humans has always been their tendency to facilitate 'habit'. Yes this includes violence and even worst, expectations for possibilities.

    I saw so many arguments about how the FL Kiera should not have forgiven her father and needed to take revenge, as well ones that condemned her for not ignoring him enough even though they liked how the novel more or less ended. Yet they forget that, this is a little girl - a barely adult girl who still pinned for her father's love even as her head lay on the execution board. Literally. She didn't get a rechance at 2nd childhood to heal but rather just 2 months with an impending death on the near horizon.

    So I understand her reluctance to completely part or kill off her father because no matter what, a small part of her, even after all the abuse, neglect and injustice towards her 1st life death she suffered from him, a part of her still longs for the care of her father. The FL herself might not be aware of this but a lifetime worth of dependence can't just be erased. She is still afterall, the same girl who harshly subjected herself to self harm (like falling off the stairs) just to get a visit from her father.

    Of course this is my thoughts on it and I welcome anybody who'd like to add on to this or rebuttle. That's always fun.
    lxnkitten, Lunaix, kcis and 8 others like this.
  17. DubiousWaterMelon

    DubiousWaterMelon Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2020
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    IF her father is the other person who could have retained memory then he is a whole lot of new kind of scum added to his muddy resume of crap. Like rather than as an adult with wealth, power and prestige, with which he could have navigated, investigated and cut the issue in a bud - assassination being a strong possibility since no body even knew of cosette's existence at that point, this idiot would rather push the responsibility to his recently killed daughter who has been mentally, emotionally and physically abused???!!!
    Like this guy seriously never even had a inkling to work towards redemption?!
    He Rot in hell! I vote yes!
    kcis, LightYourNovel, Th.ay and 3 others like this.
  18. Deleted member 321603

    Deleted member 321603 Guest

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    Thanks for spoilerss
  19. Nuzlocke

    Nuzlocke Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2020
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    That and the fact that if she did kill her father, she's be thrown in jail for murder.

    And parting means she no longer has her families protection. Don't forget the setting.

    Her father didn't retain his memory though. He only has glimpses of it, because while it's pretty much confirmed he was the one who requested the time jump, Keira's the one who it was used on.

    There's also the fact that, again, the faker was a blank slate. What's happening now is a butterfly effect. He never needed to reevaluate his priorities in Timeline 1 until the end, where everything went to hell and he finally realized his mistake. He does it a lot earlier here because Keira started treating him differently out of the blue, which led to a semi-realization early on. The butterfly effect is a wonderful thing no? lol

    You're just letting your bias cloud your judgement, guy has his flaws but he's not exactly irredeemable lol
    lxnkitten, kcis, LockedPuppet and 4 others like this.
  20. beazacha

    beazacha Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2020
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    I honestly don't understand why he didn't keep the memories since would be obviously way easier to deal with it if he had? She's a freaking demon, kill while its a baby and move on.... of course if that's the case we wouldn't have a plot at all, but still is a serious miscalculation that makes him as a character just look stupid. Hopefully if he ever provide explanation someone spoils it here for us!
    DubiousWaterMelon likes this.