Recommendations Why tell me Why? My 5 pet peevs (2 and 3 really get to me) (Rant)

Discussion in 'I'm Looking For...' started by Emissary Nouvelle, Jan 17, 2021.

  1. Emissary Nouvelle

    Emissary Nouvelle Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2020
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    1.Why so many good chinese novels ruined by the same damn thing?

    2.Why do each and every Chinese mc have a Mommy and Daddy Complex? And the saddest part is...Most of them don't know or haven't even met their parents before.

    3.Why do all modern cn novels have racism and nationalism in them? If I could meet with a room of authors for cn novels that I've read i'd scream and spit in their faces...U b*tches are taking this thing way too far! The novel was cooking great until you dropped those two pieces of shit in them

    4.The humility oh the humility, Why are all cn mcs so humble for no good reason? Nothing is wrong with being humble but why are ALL of them humble.

    5. The cliche's oh the cliche's ,the guaranteed element in every cn novel that I'm sure everyone knows dun dun dun tournaments, auctions etc. Some cliche's are ok but others just are ugh

    I've had it up to here with Chinese novels, mostly 2 and 3 which profoundly disgust me.

    I'm looking for something with harem that's not completed with none of the first 4 or 3 things listed above. Something along the lines of Great Demon King with no father and mother at all and no nationalism and racism. But I'm beginning to wonder if such a thing even exists and if it does, it's probably a boring novel with no excitement but fingers crossed.

    EXtended rant, to all Chinese MCs, Like My Wife is a Beautiful CEO: YOU WERE ABANDONED N*GGA, you had to rely on yourself and suffer all your life but suddenly you meet your mother and oh wait, this c*nt suddenly has a say in your life after not fulfilling any motherly duties before...oh wow.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2021
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  2. Emilyl

    Emilyl Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2018
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    My major pet peeve is why good novels are ruined by harems, so...
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  3. Lovise

    Lovise Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2016
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    Why racism and nationalism? Because they lived in a communism country. Basically the dictatorship of a single party that govern and keep watch over their citizen. If you go out of line, shet happens to you. Basically because of their government. Only in a democratic republic where you do not need to toss those two things in.

    Why humility? Because of the Chinese root of Daoism. Confucius emphasized heavily in “ritual”. If you are interested study Dao De Jing at a university

    Why harem? Cuz they think the MC is sooooo credible that he can handle more than one girl in bed at once
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2021
  4. The Hamster Overlord

    The Hamster Overlord Mad scientist/Revered wizard/Alleged antichrist

    Aug 12, 2018
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    Yeah, it was such a good novel but then the whole nationalism part came out and it got kinda really misogynistic and all those tropes began cropping up. Really hate it when a good story just goes downhill all of a sudden
  5. Emissary Nouvelle

    Emissary Nouvelle Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2020
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    Well fellow daoist unlike harem novels non-harem novels are a lot more common sooo plenty of other fish in the sea and harem novels where mc picks a single girl are also quite common

    I'm Sayin

    well, novels for me are a kind of wish fulfillment, so l like harem cough cough personally I'm a 10-minute man myself but if I were more powerful I could cultivate the daos of harem or threesome wink

    I know there are reasons and laws in their country but it doesn't change the fact that they take nationalism to a disgusting level and racism itself is disgusting especially in the 21st century where they should know better
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2021
  6. keialpha

    keialpha Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    How would the novel pass the censorer otherwise? The department of propaganda will screen these writings. If there is not a minimum amount of writings that promotes government policy, it cannot be published.
    The mummy issue is mainly to promote obedience toward parents, no matter what. The government is everyone's parents. So people who get used to obey the parents also obey government policies as well.
    Saying how great China is can check a box of promoting stability. It is easier to write than any of the other checkbox given by the Department of propaganda.
    seemanta and missyinyang like this.
  7. Isaac20

    Isaac20 Dark Lord | RS

    Oct 12, 2020
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  8. Emissary Nouvelle

    Emissary Nouvelle Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2020
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    Yea, I read all of those, couldn't make it to completion for them though except for Coiling Dragon the manhwa heightened my spirits so I was like 80% percent done but I predicted the ending would be something I didn't like and sad or bad endings in anime , manga or movies always have me some type of way so I usually avoid if I can

    Sadly it's the truth of our world of novels and their by products.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2021
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  9. Grand_Rider_Iskandar

    Grand_Rider_Iskandar Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2018
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    It's for that delicious social credit score
    qpzmal likes this.
  10. Darius Drake

    Darius Drake A poster of verbose posts

    Sep 24, 2017
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    For me to answer this one, I would need more information on what you're talking about... including, but not limited to, examples of "good chinese novels ruined by the thing in question".

    From what I have been informed of, how I understand this would be that it's an issue with Chinese Culture. They have exalted the importance bloodlines to the point where success is directly related to bloodline. This is also why Chinese Cultivation Novel MC's can end up discovering that their family is one of the most powerful families in existence, their parents, whom they've never met or only met for a few seconds recently, should have been the leader's of said family, and basically they're the disinherited prince of a significant portion of the universe. Basically, it's the concept that if your life sucks, it's because you suck, because your ancestors sucked. And it excuses Chinese Societies current acts of Nepotism, as, obviously, those who are benefiting from Nepotism are great, because their Ancestors were great, and thus the nepotism is not only deserved, but beneficial to society. That's the twisted logic to it that only benefits those at the top of Chinese Society, anyway.

    Because China's not, in any sense, free. The people who are writing these things are working for companies which are directly owned by the Chinese Government. A government which uses lies and propaganda as it's primary byword to control it's people. Basically, if the writers are told to include nationalism, they'll include nationalism, and the optimal event of doing otherwise is receiving a pay cut or fine. Racism, meanwhile, is an easy way to make other places look silly, stupid or just encourage those who are already prevalent towards blind nationalism. Think about how many of people who stormed the Whitehouse for Trump are White Supremacists, but considered themselves to be "US Nationalists".

    I think this is two things. One, humility and humbleness being something considered culturally praiseworthy, so their "good" characters do it as much as possible. Secondly, it's a flashing neon sign saying "I'm the Good Person", that distracts from the fact that many of these protagonists are murderers who kill without a second thought or any regret, particularly if there's a tangible benefit on the line.

    Cliche's upon cliche's are in most things now, so...

    This goes back to point number 2, but since you gave more specific information I can give a more specific response. Filial Piety is basically one of the mostly highly considered virtues in Chinese Ethics, and is basically respect to one's parents and ancestors. They kicked you to the curb as a newborn and only spoke to you once you managed to become rich and successful as an adult? You still need to pay them respect and value their opinion because they're the reason you exist, as fulfilling your Filial Piety is YOUR duty, regardless of what THEY did. I'll just give you a few moments to consider all the ways in which that could be exploited that I won't mention...

    Chinese Novel, Harem, No Parent Complex/Issues, No Chinese Nationalism, No Racism, No Obnoxiously "Humble" MC.

    ...Nothing is coming to my mind, sorry about that.
  11. Emissary Nouvelle

    Emissary Nouvelle Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2020
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    Thank you for your input fellow daoist.
    I knew something was off since probability wise a few out of thousands were different while the rest had the same running themes. So it was China to blame all along. Who'd have thought they have such an iron grip over their country. Most Chinese people I know or I've seen seem to have adapted to the 21st century or the culture of the country they dwell in.
    I suppose it's good they have preserved their values in china over the years but just from looking at their novels I can see that they are taking things a bit too far. It's almost like the China is still a dynasty or whatever with the government and ancestors as emperor.

    Lol, You wouldn't happen to know anything about Korea would you, I hope no one can weigh my man SIU down, from his writing alone with Tower of God, I don't think they are but I could be wrong.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2021
  12. Darius Drake

    Darius Drake A poster of verbose posts

    Sep 24, 2017
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    China, as a country, has adapted to the 21st century very well, particularly it's government. I would not be surprised if it adapted better than most English Speaking Countries Governments. But the Chinese Government has been abusing it's power for a long time, since it came into power, and encouraging emphasis of aspects of it's countries culture to strengthen it's rule, discourage protests, and have people ignore any potential issues with it's blatant acts of nepotism, and you get many of the issues that you have brought up.

    I honestly only know as much about China's internal culture due to having a more informed friend and bringing up some of the same issues that the you have. So please don't treat my words as if they are the absolute truth, but as the third hand information filtered through a specific setting that it is. I don't know how much of my information is based on first hand reports, or how much is based on conjecture. I do know that Filial Piety is one of the virtues for Confucian, Chinese Buddhist and Taoist Ethics, and I suspect that that is a significant spread of the ethical ancestry for Modern Chinese Ethics.

    From the little that I do know, South Korea is where we're getting all our Korean web-based content from, and it has some sort of rule where they're "Korea", and they're supposed to consider "North Korea" to be... I don't actually know. All that was mentioned by the character griping about it in the translated webnovel that I read was that "South Korea" is supposed to basically ignore the existence of "North Korea" when casually talking about their country, or something along those lines.
  13. R0hqn

    R0hqn Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2021
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    Thank you like please just add more substance and these harems and generic mcs are just poisoning the actual good parts of a novel like so many of these novels have the talent and great ideas but there just ruined by the bland characters and I feel like they could shine under the right ruthless protagonist or at least not a hero selfless one
  14. Saikyi

    Saikyi Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2018
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    ......a lot of your issues are based off a misunderstanding and lack of knowledge of Chinese culture. From a western/foreign perspective, what you read may seem strange, but since you are reading about another culture, it may be more beneficial to understand that culture instead of ranting about it.

    1. I don't understand what you mean here

    2. Family is **very important** in Chinese culture. This is just fact. You may be frustrated because the parents are evil etc , but it didn't take away that **family is very important** in Chinese culture. So just because the Western culture is "my parents are sh*t to me so i will dump them" that is **not normal** to Chinese culture. There is no right or wrong here, it's just different mentality

    3. I'm really not sure why this is such a big issue on this forum. Do racist novels exist? Yes
    Are they very common? Not in the ones i read, but i see people complain about then all the time, which makes me wonder what people are reading and why do people translate the badly written racist novels.
    On the other hand, i also think a major part is that because it's written from a chinese perspective, the "villains" will obviously be the western countries. Since that is *your* ( a general your , not you specifically) nationality, it's like an attack on your country and you take it personally. In the same way China is currently being overly villianized in the news , social media, etc by the west but no one cares besides "China is evil" It's so black and white , it's ridiculous.

    4. This is a part of Chinese culture. Humility is a virtue. It's just how we are raised. Just because the west is all " I'm #1 , I'm awesome, etc, etc " does not mean other cultures are the same way. Again, there is no right or wrong here, it's just a difference in value.

    5. There are clichés in every type of genre, i don't even know what you expect here? These aren't trying to be works of literature, it's people making a few bucks off a side writing job.

    Bonus* if you're looking for harem stories, those definitely aren't going to have 1. Good plot, 2. Decent writing . Most of them are wish fulfillment and smut stories.

    If those points in Chinese culture are so offputting to you, i suggest you look for novels from another culture/language instead of looking for a Chinese novel with western values, because frankly those don't exist.
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