LCD Little Tyrant Doesn't Want To Meet With a Bad End

Discussion in 'Latest Chapter Discussion' started by gaianova, Sep 24, 2020.


Best Girl?

  1. Alicia Ascart

  2. Nora Xeclyde

  3. Charlotte Sorofya

  4. Lilian Ackermann

  5. Wilhelmina

  6. Yes

  1. Bachingchung

    Bachingchung Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2019
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    The shops are nothing but deux ex machinas. The system is a hypocrite for saying that it wants Roel to grow on his own, yet always provide the MC with nothing but convenient discounts.

    MC: I need something to get stronger!


    MC: What do you know! It's the item that I specifically need right now! What are the odds?! *winks to the readers*
    lunarshadow, NotCreative and Astaroth like this.
  2. NotCreative

    NotCreative Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2020
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    Sure that people are fast to add tags to novels o_O
    I was checking if there was a new translated chapter and i was left speechless
  3. Delusion

    Delusion Dark lord

    Oct 3, 2017
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    Wow, just saw the new tag. Who is the lucky girl :sneaky:
  4. Koslov

    Koslov Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2016
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    Nah, see, that isn’t even the problem as all the discount does is highlight how “lucky” MC is for getting a discount on such valuable items, which you know are valuable because of how high their original prices were. I suppose there’s the secondary goal of the system highlighting the products for the MC to direct his attention to them as well, and I can somewhat forgive that as whether or not that’s better than the MC just randomly browsing the shop and finding what he needs would be up to the individuals themselves, and adding an item search function to the system could also pigeonhole the author accidentally if they don’t have enough foresight or haven’t sufficiently mapped out the events of their story.

    In any case, the system is seemingly aware, gives advice to the MC, and very accommodating to them, so it directing items the MC needs to them is just in line with what it’s already done.
    I even suspect it’s got some relation to the Goddess of Destiny, but I dunno.
    The discounts are just shameless, though.
  5. Bachingchung

    Bachingchung Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2019
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    Like I said, the system doesn't give any advice to the MC as respect for his free will, and so it won't coddle the MC. Also there're tons of items since the minimum price is as low as 500, yet there are only 1-10 discounted products during event sale.
    That happening once, could be luck. Twice, means he's really lucky. But everytime? That's just BS. And the discount is up to 90% off.
  6. NotCreative

    NotCreative Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2020
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    Afterwards the system give more choices.
    For example 3 items that can help the mc but he can chose only 1. So i think that the author knows about how "lucky" the mc is and he is trying to fix
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2021
  7. Koslov

    Koslov Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2016
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    It respecting his free will is represented by the fact that it doesn’t require him to do anything. No missions of any sort, no actual penalties for anything. Even the penalty for missing the repayment of his loan is to merely lose access to the system, and yet, the reason why he has to loan something in the first place is to achieve something that would be impossible otherwise. I’d say the MC is being coddled pretty hard.

    It offering these discounted items (and even offering the discounts in the first place) is its advise. It’s essentially telling MC that these items are real good for his situation at the time.

    Setting that aside, I feel like you don’t actually get what I’m saying. You’re too focused on the price, which is the same problem the author has with how they give these discounts. The discounts are meaningless from a story perspective, and they’re just there to make the readers feel like the MC isn’t losing out on a business deal. For those that type of thing is for, it’s great, and for those it’s not (like you), it’s bad, but it’s missing the point to get angry at how convenient the discounts are. It’s in the nature of this kind of system cheat story to be convenient when the system’s strength is to give stuff to the user. The real problem here is that the discounts are just being used to artificially create the feeling that the MC is getting a bargain.
    Hanada, Astaroth and NotCreative like this.
  8. Bachingchung

    Bachingchung Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2019
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    My main point is the system is a hypocrite. And I'm not just talking about the bargain, my first comment was mainly on the "specific" discounted items. The discount never go to the useless items or the MC didn't need, it just conveniently pasted on items he needs. Also, the descriptions were vague. Yet it just clarify itself when the MC needs it. Which leads back to my point that these shops are nothing but deux ex machinas. It hides behind the facade that it's not helpful, yet it basically spoon fed everything to the MC. Which is kinda annoying, because there's barely any tension for the MC. I just know for the fact that the system will just put up an item for a loan, when he needs it. Discount an item when he needs it. It just take away all the fun for me.
  9. Astaroth

    Astaroth empty

    Dec 7, 2015
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    There seems to be one big thing you're overlooking, there's other items than the ones shown directly in the novel. They're just not mentioned because they're not even being considered to be bought, regardless of discounts.

    So MC talks about maybe 3-5 items that are discounted, out of lets say 100, and let's say there's another 5-7 items that are discounted. None of the rest is being brought up, and for good reason, since would you actually want to read through a list of items MC won't be buying every few chapters?

    And obviously the author wouldn't spend all that writing items just to not use them.

    With that said, in reality I find it hard to believe that out of so many items, let's keep in mind there's many months where MC buys 0 items because there's nothing he think is useful to buy (the shops change inventory every month), MC couldn't make use of any other item than the ones he bought.

    There has to be hundreds of items (and tens of discounted items) that were ignored, and I'm supposed to believe that none of them would've been useful? If there's a really good or badly needed item MC should've bought it even if it wasn't discounted.

    Ofc the author was a bit smart about it by making all the items have illusive descriptions and MC is scared of wasting money on junk, but still.

    All in all this is just a huge issue that comes with a system that sells things, if it was a manga or something it would've been fine to just draw a few icons to show other items, so I think for what it is the author made the most out of it.
    Being plot armor is what it was all about since the start, these things are called "cheat"s for a reason.

    If anything I think it was pretty insane how the system did practically nothing for the first 200 chapters (especially the affection shop)
    Koslov likes this.
  10. Bachingchung

    Bachingchung Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2019
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    No there are excerpts where the MC is disappointed that there's only "One" discounted item, but good thing it just happened to be the one which he needs the most, and just right around his budget. There weren't any mentions of 100s of items that you claimed, at most there were 10 discounted items along with the snake staff. Which he bought because it's the most expensive.
  11. Astaroth

    Astaroth empty

    Dec 7, 2015
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    I found out something interesting because of this comment. I went and checked which chapter the staff first appeared in and was a bit confused at first, because it actually showed up already way back when Roel checked the shop for the first time (and didn't buy anything). (Chapter 3)

    So there's at least one item that has shown up in the shop twice, though the staff didn't have the (incomplete) suffix so maybe it would've counted as a different item.

    Anyway, so I did go back and check the chapter when MC bought the staff

    Roel was currently looking through the list of items in the events page earnestly.

    【Commemoration of Debt Repayment
    70% off all of the items listed!

    So in other words, every single item was discounted at the time, but the only item mentioned was the Staff.

    Now, there's no direct mention of how many items there were, 100s of items were just a (reasonable) speculation by me, but clearly there's items, including discounted ones, that aren't being directly mentioned.

    Also, on another note, it seems like I probably underestimated the amount of discounted item there's been.

    I've got a very hard time imagining that everything in the shop would've been so trash that even with a 70% discount they wouldn't have been worth buying.

    Edit: Re-reading your comment and only just noticed that according to you when he bought the staff was the best case scenario example, so maybe this response isn't convincing enough.

    But even though you complained about me speculating there's 100s of items without proof, you yourself just arbitrarily decided how many/few items there were (at most 10?) even though there's no mention of other items or the number of them other than that be browsed through a list.

    Anyway, if there's an example where there's only a few items discounted, feel free to mention it.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2021
  12. Hanada

    Hanada Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2019
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    So in the latest translated chapter, where was Alicia? Why would she just let him stay, we didn't even get a goodbye scene so did she just leave?
  13. lunarshadow

    lunarshadow Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    So here's my thinking (this is strictly guesswork):
    • From last chapter's discussion between Roel and Carter, it looks like Carter changed face yet again and has decided that it's fine if Charlotte/Alicia/Nora all marry Roel, but he's leaving the final decision to Roel. The whole conversation about the academy is pretty much Carter basically saying "You got 3 high quality, high upkeep waifu's. Any more will get you killed. Don't fall for anyone at the Academy.
    • As such, I'm pretty sure Alicia is still Carter's favorite, so he's not going to drag her away from the battlefield.
    • Nora came separately from Carter, so it's not impossible Carter left Alicia with Nora. Also I think the author would have mentioned Alicia leaving. Charlotte is basically saying if she let's Roel go home, Alicia can just follow and can monopolize Roel.
    • Roel is currently investigating the Twilight Sages Assembly and plans to investigate that before heading home. He knows that Alicia is at Origin level 4 now after the First Roel Waifu Wars™ that Roel managed to end before there were any casualties. Considering at the end of the day Roel much prefers hugging thighs than doing things solo, I have the feeling that he'll want Charlotte, Nora, and Alicia with him when he goes to Karon Forest. He may have requested his father to leave Alicia with him. Also he suspects that the current recruiting spot for the Twilight Sages Assembly is at the Academy, so he may want to get tokens not just for him, but for all the girls.
    Hanada likes this.
  14. animanaicT

    animanaicT Nobody Important

    Oct 21, 2015
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    Does anyone know if his shop ability is due to his bloodline or reincarnated status?
  15. Hanada

    Hanada Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2019
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    The latter, he didn't awaken his bloodline until the labrynith arc
  16. Bachingchung

    Bachingchung Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2019
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    I just read the entire novel this week, so I recall it clearly. I'm just too lazy to backread the entire novel. My point is there are tons of stuff, yet he's so lucky everytime because everything he needs is on the discounted list. Because the prices could go as low to 500pts/gold up to millions or more. So even if the list could go as much as 100 listings of items, the odds are still very low for the stuff he needed to be on it every time. Although I don't mind the lack of details on most part, because I prefer it to be straight to the point. I'd still expect some misses, during these kind of events.

    As if the shop & his bloodline is still not enough of a cheat. The non-stop hits of the discount is just an overkill.
  17. WanderingOakTree

    WanderingOakTree Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2019
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    Anyone want to spoil when the school arc starts? Specifically what chapter.
  18. starvecleric

    starvecleric Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2016
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    It starts at chapter 232
    shyja likes this.
  19. shyja

    shyja 『Seinen』『School life』『Sports』

    Feb 27, 2021
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    will Alicia have a "snippet of history" episode with her Lord Bro?
  20. lunarshadow

    lunarshadow Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    At some point I expect yes, but I don't see it happening until after they reach the academy. I think this arc is all about gathering Roel's flock.