Discussion Inverse relationship between graphics and game quality

Discussion in 'Gaming Discussion' started by jacobpaige, Mar 16, 2021.

  1. phobos

    phobos Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2020
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    rather master of orion2 than 3
    3 was a automation simulator or a press next turn simulator on top of that ships were annoying instead of nicely drawn 2d models you get some pixels flying around - strangly i never even manage to clear the techtree in MoO3
    the wargaming reboot - i prefer round base fights over realtime ones that makes it hard to control ships gunarcs etc just to see you ships fly in the next nebula to disable their own shields to die faster ... and just 1 dreadnought ?
    mir and userunfriendly like this.
  2. userunfriendly

    userunfriendly A Wild Userunfriendly Appears!

    Oct 23, 2017
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    I meant 2. :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm: Despite the spreadsheet style of combat, MOO2 is still the best space sim for pure strategies.

    Do you have Master of Orion, Conquer the Stars? I’ve heard it was great...:D
    phobos likes this.
  3. phobos

    phobos Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2020
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    early on i didnt have so much games for 2x86 there was a f1 "sim" 4 colors 4 tracks , and some club wielding prehistory human

    for win95 it was mostly simcity 2000 , transport tycoon, sim tower later on sc3000 , MoO2, Heroes of might&magic 3 , might&magic 6-9
    age of empires 1/2 , civilisation (mostly 3) caesar ,c&c ... so not much dos gaming gog should sell MoO(1) for 5-6$

    some games were truly great but 640x480 and the walk speed from diablo 1 would be hard to stomach now-a-days while starcraft 1 would be fine, i even replayed dungeon keeper 1&2 some time ago
  4. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Mmmmm, personally speaking, I don't mind this kind of thing at all.

    I dunno, I play a lot of games on emulators, and I'm totally fine with playing at a 640x480 resolution... Like, sure, I prefer to use 800x600 when it's available, but I don't see any issue with the lower ones.

    At the end of the day, I usually don't care too much for the graphics, I just care for the gameplay mostly, and to the storyline to a smaller degree.
    Fulminata and userunfriendly like this.
  5. phobos

    phobos Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2020
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    "and the walk speed" that would be an aspect of gameplay for me ;)
    aShinyVaporeon likes this.
  6. userunfriendly

    userunfriendly A Wild Userunfriendly Appears!

    Oct 23, 2017
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    I’m actually thinking of getting Morrowind for my Xbox one X...:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: I still love that game.:p
    AliceShiki likes this.
  7. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Ah, I specifically cut that part out because I also hate sluggish walking speeds! XD

    I mean, I can endure them, but I totally hate it! >.<
    I still need to try it out. First Elder Scrolls I played was Oblivion~
    jacobpaige and userunfriendly like this.
  8. userunfriendly

    userunfriendly A Wild Userunfriendly Appears!

    Oct 23, 2017
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    With the idiotic leveling system...seriously, I’m reminded of the early days of computer games, where you had to map things. Though...using notepad, and calculator, it should be possible to level efficiently...and get 5 stats per level...:rolleyes:
    AliceShiki likes this.
  9. ANonMouse

    ANonMouse Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2019
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    I'd recommend Monster Hunter World when it's on sale. You can easily get hundreds of hours of amazing gameplay. Story is meh though, and it's a bit of a steep learning curve at first, but it's super rewarding. I ended up playing over 2k hours. In general, Capcom was nailing it pretty hard for the last few years in terms of AAA titles.
    Joospinch likes this.
  10. Shiroikaze42

    Shiroikaze42 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2016
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    It would be more accurate to say that graphic quality has no direct connection to gameplay quality. Yes, there are plenty of bad AAA titles with amazing graphics, but you just have to go swimming in the indie pond a bit to find equally bad games. Or heck, there are plenty of big companies trying to cash in on the retro nostalgia with bad 16-bit games too. But you should be cautious of games that try to sell you on their graphics. If the graphics are the main point the advertising is trying to push, then that may be all the game has to offer.

    As far as recent titles with higher quality graphics and good gameplay/story, some of my personal favorites have been...
    Dark Souls 3
    Tales of Berseria
    Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness and the Secret Hideout
    Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin
    aShinyVaporeon, mir and jacobpaige like this.
  11. Ddraig

    Ddraig Frostfire Dragon|Retired lurker|FFF|Loved by RNG

    Apr 6, 2016
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    It is monster hunter, it has never been about story. It does have a little bit o lore though, although even that tends to be buried.
  12. Witchilich

    Witchilich Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2020
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    Prey (2017) is an example of a AAA game with great gameplay.
  13. Nimroth

    Nimroth Someone

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Cutting down on graphics wouldn't really make a difference if there isn't any plans for interesting gameplay or story in the first place, and some gameplay/story ideas even require good graphics.
    However I do think that an overfocus on graphics can limit what you can do with a game, either by it being too expensive/time-consuming to render all of what you have planned, or it being too complicated to even get it working, especially if you are trying to build a completely new game engine from scratch or working with one that need major modifications to suit the game.
  14. Ai chan

    Ai chan Queen of Yuri, Devourer of Traps, Thrusted Witch

    Nov 7, 2015
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    Eh, it goes both ways. The gamers are also at fault for praising pretty graphics as the next step of gaming evolution. When developers make good games without emphasis on HD graphics, there would always be these gamers who insult it for having low quality graphics. There are people who only look for games with HD graphics and insult games without those photo-realistic graphics.

    These players with high-end rigs would insult players without high end rigs. Whenever people complain about unnecessarily high system requirements, these high-end players would say something along the line of "Git gud, scrub!" as if having high end rig determines whether or not you're a good gamer. There are people who insult WoW for its graphics despite its large playerbase while praising Life Is Feudal Online just because LIF has much better graphics (but absolutely poor gameplay). And you know what, LIF Online has closed after only 1-2 years running, because it's fucking boring.

    Nowadays, the trend going for virtual reality games, where graphics is everything and gameplay is pretty much in the trash. Players look for these virtual reality games and insult those who are not playing VR. It's something along the line of "I have better stuff than you, so I'm superior. Get on my level, dweeb." But Ai-chan doesn't want to get on your level, because you're sheep and your games suck.

    If players do not support these HD graphics games and only support games based on how enjoyable it is, the gaming industry wouldn't be like this. As it stands, the industry giants think players enjoy HD graphics games without good gameplay or story because people keep buying them. Stop buying them and the industry giants will eventually wise up. They speak the language of money. No sales, no money. So stop buying them.
  15. phobos

    phobos Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2020
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    i dare to disagree

    where do gamers praise ? arent that testers, outlets etc and they are kinda dependent on the publishers, so would they bite the hand that feeds them ? then again you see publishers skip the reviewprocess and patch in the annoying stuff after the reviews are done.
    Even more take a look at the indie game scene some games like "banished" - done by a single person
    or masses of games with a pixelated look and their numbers should hint at the fact that they are accepted
    isnt it even the case that most game prices, innovation prices etc go mostly to such indie games ?
    FIFA makes money for EA but it doesnt win awards and its pretty much the same all over the place need for speed, the EA sport games, MW, CoD, battlefleld etc every year a new game with hardly anything new.

    also the language of publishers isnt words but money so they hardly care what anyone writes as long as they get their sales

    is VR really so big ? why arent there masses of kits/sets on the market ? hive ocolus etc all in all i could probalbly name 4 or 5 rather few for the next hot shit
    and for the games ? there was halflife alexys, and it should work with elite dangerous and other space pilot/shooter/sims

    final question would you buy 30 EA indie games per year ? would you accept some big company going indie or would you expect "more" from them ? so it might work just that way indies cant go AAA and big ones would probably look "cheap" going the indie way
    Astaroth likes this.
  16. Joospinch

    Joospinch Don't click my avatar!!!

    Sep 23, 2019
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    Game development has slowed down in the past couple of years thats for sure
  17. Khaos-Thanathan

    Khaos-Thanathan Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2021
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    The heck? I know that opinions differ, but FF XIII is literally one of the worst games ever made. You could even argue that it isn't even a proper game but rather a glorified interactive movie. In fact, the whole trilogy is an inconsistent and incoherent cringe-fest. If you like sarcasm and black humor, I recommend watching Dartigans GAME SINS videos.

    Have to agree with this one. There's a reason why Ubisofts open world formula is as successful as it is. Every single Ubisoft game literally plays the same and has the same design elements and despite being utterly mediocre, people hail titles such as Assassin's Creed Odyssey as the next coming of Christ.

    I also have to agree with the second argument though. Seems to me like the indie scene in general is overglorified just because there's the occasional gem. If you look beyond these few gems, there's a huge amount of trash. People just don't want to see that amount of trash since gems are shiny shiny shiny.

    I also have to agree with this one. Graphics are important especially if you've gotten used to good graphics. Even retro style games offer good graphics which wouldn't be possible in the past. Graphics are also important for creating a good atmosphere.

    Nah, he's right. Graphics are important and people will be happy if a game offers good graphics.
  18. phobos

    phobos Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2020
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    so minecraft was so successfull because it had a bombastic look/graphics
    or take a look at WoW
    at least half of the indy games comes along with pixalated graphics
    mobile/console games (like switch) would have toned down graphics and they are widely accepted and played
    most citybuilders, 4x , strategic games etc never tried the "graphics first" first approach

    they arent bad or less successfull because of it i would say based on gameplay, replayability , immersion etc this games should be even more
    played and valued than some shooter like far cry making you say "wow , nice" and after 4 h "done whats next?" age of conan might have been the only "high graphics" game that bound me for a longer time while i couldnt even count the hours i spend with master of orion2, heroes of might&magic3 , civ3 etc
    heck did you tried even games like might&magic? ugly as hell even when they came out, but world, story...

    thought perhaps thats a generational thing and the kids nowaday needs some explosion every other second, realistic graphics to not loose their attention mobiles, TV , the net ppl are flodded these days , who takes the time to read a book so im not suprised kids might lack in phantasy and need it all spelled/drawn out in form of graphical overload
  19. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    You have the right to dislike a game, but calling it one of the worst games ever made is just silly, you're trying to compare a very solid game to stuff like E.T.

    The game's gameplay is fun and has enough depth to it to make it quite enjoyable even after many hours of play.

    It also has a variety of bosses with unique mechanics of their own that you need to learn and play around.

    It also has characters that are pretty different from one another even when you're deep into the postgame, not to mention how changing your leader can drastically change how you the game plays out... Also, the character are all pretty balanced and can fulfill most roles well enough, allowing you to optimize your party for a given playstyle or according to your personal tastes and still have things play out just fine.

    The story is also great and it definitely had a lot of work put into it. You can find some moments cringy if you will, or some characters boring, but that doesn't suddenly kill the whole story who was definitely well-made.

    Also, I don't know that much about the sequels, but I'm looking at the game, not at the trilogy, so I don't see why you bothered with bringing them up. I saw my brother play the sequels and they seemed interesting alright, but I didn't feel like playing them much.

    And I guess you can complain about the lack of exploration in the game, but this has never been a requirement for any game whatsoever, so it's not really a fault of the game itself, but more of a fault of you wanting something that the game doesn't offer.

    Another complaint I can see is that the game lacks replayability... Which is true for sure. It does have some replayability if you try playing with different party setups or with different setups, but there still isn't much to look at in terms of replayability... But again, a game doesn't need to have replayability to be enjoyable, it's just something that you want and that the game doesn't deliver. That's not a problem of the game, that's a problem with your expectations.

    Reception to FF XIII was incredibly good and its sales were great for a good reason. It is a good game. Pretty graphics and a brand name won't sell the game by itself.

    ... And you wanna talk about reviews? Sure, let's talk about reviews.
    4.5/5 from Game Industry News.
    8.2/10 from Ausgamers.
    4.5/5 from Cheat Code Central.

    ... And I can link to plenty more, or you can check them out yourself.

    Out of the critic reviews listed on gamefaqs, there is one 4/10, one 5/10 review, two 6/10 reviews, three 7/10 reviews, and two 7.5/10 reviews... Compare that to the 52 reviews that give it a score of 8/10 or higher.

    You have the total right to dislike a game and to say it's not for you... But saying that it's one of the worst games ever made is silly. Sales numbers speak against you, critic reviews speak against you, and just actually bothering to look at the game speaks against you.
  20. kkgoh

    kkgoh Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2017
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    I just finished Divinity 2 Definitive Edition, Honor Mode!! :mad:

    It only took me goddamn 1 yr, 500 hrs, 3 replays from team wipes, multiple drops, and hours of cursing before I crawled to the finish line ... I'm now part of the useless elite 0.7% Honor achievement badge crowd.

    unlucky and Silver Snake like this.