Discussion using acting skills to suppress another actor on set

Discussion in 'Novel General' started by lailai, Apr 16, 2021.


Talented actors can use their acting skills to “suppress” other actors on the scene...

  1. True

  2. False

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  1. lailai

    lailai Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2018
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    In the entertainment and acting novels and manga/anime, is the phenomenon of suppressing the other person through acting skills a real thing? I know nothing about acting or the industry of this creative profession.
  2. Tilgarial

    Tilgarial [Chaos Tiger] [Paradox] [ded][Houseplant]

    Jan 9, 2018
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    I can think of several things that can refer to, but in short - kinda.
    But it's also a bit overdramatisized, since actually actively, intentionally doing it is either going to need a concerted effort from basically everybody else, or would need to make yourself look like an idiot, if your role isn't fit for it

    I'd say it's mainly just distracting from/overshadowing that person, or, in a group effort, putting the person out of tune with the rest, which can have quite the mental effect on-stage, and thus lead to some sort of suppression.

    But in general, I'd say it just ain't a thing. At least, in my experience?
    Maybe in higher tiers, with a more competitive atmosphere and dynamic role assignments, but in general it's a lot easier if ya'll aren't basically fighting each other, since an act (?) Is definitely a group project

    Although, consider this from a standpoint where I didn't read any acting novels or some such in recent memory, so I'm possibly a bit off on what exactly you mean
    AliceShiki likes this.
  3. ANonMouse

    ANonMouse Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2019
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    maybe he's been reading Life, once again!
    on paper, it's a relive one's youth story. In reality, it turns into an acting story.
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  4. Liyus

    Liyus Laksha's Desu~ Cat

    Nov 10, 2015
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    when actors lines are supposed to follow a script, it's difficult(amost impossible) to suppress other if they aren't deliberately messing up thing for other....so i don't think they can supress other with acting, at most they can shock other by suddently not following the script line.
    AliceShiki likes this.
  5. Teadragon

    Teadragon Book Wyrm

    Jun 5, 2016
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    The way most authors describe it I don’t think is real. What is real is a new actor facing a very famous actor is going to be tripping over themselves because ‘omg that is so-and-so and they are right in front of me and it is so amazing!’ I have heard of famous actors going out of their way to make a new actor more comfortable so they can get in character without being so star struck.

    The one way I have seen the novel authors describe that I think is accurate is positioning. New actors not only have to get in character and say their lines, they also have to hit their marks without appearing to stare at the floor and keep the correct camera angles without blocking anyone else. If the famous actor made their character so engrossing to watch that the new actor forgot one of these points then the blame would fall on the new actor. But only as long as the famous actor stayed completely within character and the director’s vision for the scene. Which really means not an intentional act of aggression unless suppression is called for in the scene.

    The real ‘got you’ stories I have heard most from actors at panels mostly involve making someone laugh when they are not supposed to in the scene.

    Except for Chris Rock in Rush hour. He apparently decided a confused Jackie Chan was more entertaining. He knew Jackie Chan had rough English skills at the time, and thus he intentionally changed his lines and sometimes even movements on every single take, to make Jackie Chan slow to react. The director enjoyed the results so let him keep doing it.
  6. Zeusomega

    Zeusomega M.D of Olympus Pvt Ltd. Seeking [Boltzmann brain]

    Apr 17, 2018
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    Well it's basically how verbose and expressive one is, and if the other actor is sensitive enough to get intimidated.

    Its not a norm, like some hierarchy establishing, that does happen, but it isn't on reel.

    Maybe if it's method acting, and it's very intense, the strong character could infact leave a mark on other actors' psych

    Ofcourse this is all speculation, I have no experience in the film industry whatsoever
  7. Darkcrow.

    Darkcrow. Foul Tarnished

    Feb 8, 2018
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    This is one of the scenes where an actor surprises another actor (His coworkers said in an interview), But it is nearly impossible to find an actor who is intentionally trying to suppress another actor, I mean it is childish and idiotic to do that.
    Gitami likes this.
  8. CountryMage

    CountryMage [XSanguine8] not my blood...

    Nov 10, 2015
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    There's a good example in Thor the Dark World, Anthony Hopkins in the zone just growls, and everyone shuts up. He didn't drop character, he didn't ad lib any words that ruin the scene, he just acted in a way that changed the way everyone else acts.
  9. lailai

    lailai Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2018
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    Thanks everyone. I guess I need more explanation of “suppressing.” Does it mean to make another act bad?
    I think the idea of leading newer actors is an interesting concept, or handling a nervous and starstruck actor. I didn’t think of the foot positioning that needs to be memorized for preferred camera angle! On the other hand, perhaps making the other actors not get into the scene is the “suppression”? But isn’t that just bullying? I am unclear how acting a scene could “bully/suppress” another person, e-cards most of the time ad lib is used to improve a scene.
    In the above posts about Chris Rock/Jackie Chan & Thor in Dark World are different examples. Ad lib doesn’t necessarily “suppress” other people, but is what the actor believes is the most effective choice on scene.
  10. Halcyon Observer

    Halcyon Observer Full stop

    Jul 21, 2019
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    Talented actors suppress less skilled ones all the time.

    During a scene's dialogue with them, talented actors will usually T-Pose to assert his/her dominance and show the pecking order around here. If you do not see a particular actor T-posing when speaking to another in a movie, you can safely deduce that they have cripplingly low self-esteem and are not confident in their acting skills.

    There is one specific method for less talented actors to resist this social hierarchy, though many lack the courage to follow through with it. Let us label the less talented actor as 'A' and the T-Poser as 'B'. A first must maintain firm eye contact with the T-Poser. Then, if A is physically taller than B and has ate at least 35 Chicken Nuggets within the past 36 hours, they can take a shortcut. If both A and B are men, A can grab hold of B's jaw and proceed to lock lips with B for at least 4 seconds. This is a POWER MOVE for A to assert that they are in control and are more manly than B, because the one thing more manly than a man kissing a woman is a man kissing another man. A must make firm eye contact with B during the entire process, otherwise, it may look like he is cowardly and not confident in pulling off this maneuver. A gets +25 Style Points if he does not say "No Homo" afterwards, as it makes the statement to double down that A is in charge, and that this has nothing to do with A's sexual orientation. If at least A or B is not a man, A cannot take the shortcut and must engage in a battle to the death in a children's card game; whoever loses gets sent to the Shadow Realm. Every card A plays must be played with great poise.

    If A is unfortunately physically shorter than B and or has not eaten at least 35 Chicken Nuggets within the past 36 hours, they must first internally monologue for 3 minutes and 34 seconds while maintaining a STRONG eye contact with B. A will know when eye contact is strong enough when Japanese Symbols start appearing out of thin air. Afterwards, A must confidently walk up to B while still maintaining eye contact and firmly grab hold of B's crotch. A will know they succeeded when B breaks eye contact or whether B stops T-Posing to look visibly confused. Unfortunately, there is a chance of failure even after following the directions to a tee, and if unlucky, A will have to continue following the pecking order for the next 35 turns. Every subsequent challenge against the hierarchy must have an initial deposit of 50 USD and an in-person interview before the challenge is accepted. If B is female, do NOT grab B's genitals. A must hope that B folds and breaks eye contact beforehand; otherwise, they must submit to the pecking order. In this case, however, A does not have to pay an initial deposit of 50 USD and pass an in-person interview for any further challenge. However, in exchange, they must follow the hierarchy for the next 50 turns, not 35.

    In case anyone hasn't realized by this point, this is a joke.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2021
  11. Teadragon

    Teadragon Book Wyrm

    Jun 5, 2016
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    Basic web novel actor suppression is when the better actor makes it clear to all (in some fashion) that they are the better actor by far (often by making the new person miss their mark, positioning, lines, timing, expressions, etc). The method used changes with novel, and many authors don’t even bother trying to explain it, which is why it now seems to have almost mystical qualities in some novels. But as many people here have said, doing this so called suppression is stupid. All you do is make more trouble and work for everyone and thus no one is happy. That said, I have heard many stories about the lengths people on sets will sometimes go to for a good laugh. And that afterwards it can take as many as 20-30 takes or more to get through the entire scene with no one laughing (laughter is contagious!). Even though those are in good fun, taken too far it still can annoy the director and crew.
    lailai and Tilgarial like this.
  12. prasantbagale

    prasantbagale Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2017
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    I think suppression depends on how talented the actor is. If the opposite actor is less talented then this gives the talented actor an opportunity to suppress/surprise/outperform by giving his/her 101%. This gives the untalented actor pressure and s/he tries to match the tone/performance of the talented one which leads to match the tone or make mistakes.
  13. CountryMage

    CountryMage [XSanguine8] not my blood...

    Nov 10, 2015
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    It's basically like in an improv class, the better actor can get others to follow their lead, or pick up from whatever others are doing. In the stories it's basically the bloodlust/thirst from the cn stories, where the stronger one can just stop someone's heart by looking at them, other people don't even notice, so it's just the one person flubbing their lines. So going with the improv example, the better actor can make the newbie trip, and make it part of the scene, through their skill. To the audience it just looks like it was part of the script.
  14. Fluffums

    Fluffums 【R-18 Researcher】【Seeker of Moe】

    May 12, 2016
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    I haven't done much acting, but I have done enough entertainment to understand how it works. Let me see if I can explain it to you:

    I'm at a music recital. I'm nervous because I've never performed in front of an audience (or not often). The person in front of me plays a song that is ridiculously complicated, and does so extremely well. I get even more nervous. Because now I feel like everyone else is going to expect Chopin, and instead I'm going to play Chopsticks.

    Or hey, I'm going to be dancing in front of people with a much more experienced dancer. She doesn't care how well the performance goes as long as she looks good, and she doesn't like me much, so she simply goes straight into the routine at her best without trying to have chemistry with me, making me follow her without helping by leading me the right direction, and if I fail? She can ad-lib because she's experienced and turn it into a solo routine if needed, and then I'll get replaced with someone she likes more (maybe).

    In the entertainment world, popularity is a relative thing. Everyone else in the industry is a rival, even if you're working together at the moment. And the best way to look good? Be next to someone who looks bad and still put on a great performance that can save the show. The only times you want to match with someone else are when you are just confident they'll never threaten your position (because you're the best, because you've got a lot of connections, because your fanbase is completely different, whatever reason) and you don't dislike them or know that they're necessary for the show to do well.
    Jevanka926, lailai and CountryMage like this.
  15. lailai

    lailai Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2018
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    I really appreciate a play by play (there a nonsense one earlier; yours is much more relevant)!

    so in essence while novels/manga say “suppressing” they really mean not cooperating, acting selfishly, or even a bullying mentality.

    thank you everyone!!
  16. Jevanka926

    Jevanka926 Grumpy and Awkward <3

    Mar 4, 2018
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    Those are actually good examples. Thanks for the explanation <3
  17. lailai

    lailai Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2018
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    Wow I just realized this is always why the phrase 卡位 card/popularity ranking (although sometimes translated as coffee position for those who MTL) in the Chinese entertainment novels! So those with higher 卡位 or greater popularity/background could suppress someone to make themselves look better. Now I better understand this versus some brainless villain making trouble.
  18. CountryMage

    CountryMage [XSanguine8] not my blood...

    Nov 10, 2015
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    Acting skills can beat popularity though, trick someone into saying the wrong line, or refuse to stumble when they feed you the wrong one, and you can get their popularity.
  19. lailai

    lailai Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2018
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    Oh! That must be why during those scenes the newcomer MC actors seem to “defeat” the others! I am thinking Skip Beat. Because the other way around are the reborn film emperors and empresses.
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