Spoiler Remarried Empress

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by midnight reader, Jun 9, 2019.

  1. theilikepie

    theilikepie Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    But isnt the act of enslaving children and other innocent peole also bad? Both Sovishu and henley allow slavery in there kingdom and benefit from it. Anyone who
    marries them also benefits from it

    Rashta is a consequence of those actions. Her evilness was only born as a result of inaction and greediness of nobles. First it's the king and his families fault for allowing slavery to even exist. Then its Allen's fathers fault for whatever the fuck happned there and lastly sobishu bought her to the castle cause he wanted someone to simp after hin

    Had anyone one of these bastards not done what they did rashta would probably not have grown to be the person she was

    So everyone in this novel hurts inncoent people. In that context is everyone evil in this novel? Even Navier is cool with heibley enslaving a while family for the crime of one. Thats the guy she saw and was cool with having kids with. Did she not stop to think that they were creating more rashtas? Was that family not innocent? Or do we decide innocence based on who the MCs think are innocent
    Last edited: May 2, 2021
  2. TikkiMania

    TikkiMania Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2021
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    Oh my lord yes to all of this. Rashtas incredibly pitiful but Sovieshu is at the end of the day, the older more powerful person here. She's an 18/19 former slave and he's 25/26 and the Emperor. Is Rashta's pettiness a bit pathetic? Yeah but she's also practically everyone's tool. Shoebox was the one who brought her in, Heinleys friend was the one who manipulated her, and her former slave master blackmailed her with a child she frankly didn't want (which I can't even blame her for, she would have been a child slave herself when she had that kid, thats fucked). As for her ambitions of wanting to be Empress - it's stupid, yes, but how else is she supposed to think? She's not educated, her past lifestyle was pure survival, and shes literally still a kid. At least Heinleys got training and experience to be mature for his age - Rashta has every reason to be mentally regressed, she's been enslaved, has had a dubiously consensual sexual relationship with her owners son before even hitting 18 for who knows how long ( I'd argue completely nonconsensual by circumstance) and is currently living in what equates to every teenage girls fever dream right after that horror show of a life she led before. All the more reason to hate Shoeshit really, because it's pretty clear he knows most of this and knows exactly how underdeveloped she is. This adult Emperor made the deliberate decision to impregnate someone who is clearly mentally still a child, and is in no circumstance to make good decisions by herself, so he can use her as a tool. He deserves a far more pathetic ending than what he got.
    Edited cause I quoted the wrong person
    Last edited: May 2, 2021
  3. Grace34

    Grace34 Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2021
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    Thank you! I get so mad when so many people do so much mental gymnastics for Sovieshu to understand him and make him sympathetic but Rashta is just gets the worst treatment imaginable. Both characters do awful things, but the literal teenaged slave who did not deserve to be oppressed since birth is treated like a literal demon.
    So many people say Sovieshu is a victim of his circumstances and that's fine, but so is Rashta, and it is pretty telling that she rarely gets as much sympathy from readers or the writer for that matter.
  4. sjmcc13

    sjmcc13 Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Rashta gets horrible treatment, because her actions go well beyond what her background can justify to any reasonable individual, being a slave does not excuse having someone's tongue removed, or kidnaped and sold into slavery. Or every other piece of pettiness or cruelty she took part in.

    People try to white knight her, but the simple incontestable fact is that she goes so far beyond what is justifiable that it is not funny.

    Being an escaped slave, her first priority should be not going back, then the safety of her child. Her actions, and refusal to listen when being told what she should do, actually risked both as should she becomes a hindrance or eyesore for stipidshoe he could easily get rid of her to a worse fate then what she had escaped from, and causing problems in the court is a very good way to become an eyesore. She literally had everything she needed to secure a good future for herself and her child, but ruined it with her greed and pettiness.

    Rashta is not hated because she was a slave, she is hated because she is evil to her core and being a slave did not make her that way.

    Stupidshoe was an idiot, but he was not malicious or unreasonably cruel. His sins come from his stupidity and lack of long term planning/communication first and foremost, these are no that likable but understandable and things that can be somewhat forgiven is he is properly repentant.
  5. Grace34

    Grace34 Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2021
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    I get what you are saying, but that wasn't my point.
    I'm not trying to say Rashta having a bad life means she gets to justify her actions. No amount of trauma justifies being violent and cruel to people who did nothing wrong. What I was trying to say is that not only the readers but also the writer go to great lengths to explain the actions of other bad characters (like Sovieshu) and make them complex (by which I mean we don't agree with what they do but we can understand why they did it) but Rashta very rarely gets that treatment.
    I'm not saying she isn't a bad person for being greedy and petty, I am saying that I can understand why she would go to such lengths. The text tells us, multiple times, that she is terrified of losing power because she lived a life of powerlessness.
    I can go on a tangent about how the novel tackles issues of class and hierarchy and how that is pretty problematic but I'm not gonna do that here.
    Also, on the topic of Sovieshu not being malicious or cruel, that's not true. There are so many examples of Sovieshu trying to get rid of or kill people who stand in his way. For example that noble who he accused of trying to kill Rashtas baby, that guy was going to be executed. Or Navier's brother, who he exiled and then tried to frame for sending fake parents to act like Rashta's family. Or the incident with the cooked bird? That last one was extremely cruel and malicious, worse than Rashta lying that Navier hurt the pet bird Sovieshu sent.
    The thing is, I can understand why you would still hate Rashta but have sympathy for Sovieshu because the TEXT does that too. All the time. Rashta never has a good moment and her moments of humanity (like when she regrets leaving her first child behind) are so short and easy to forget because they were written that way. I can't blame you for not remembering them, I had to reread the novel several times to find them. That's how sparse and short they are.
    Not only does the text offer her no sympathy (she might as well be an accumulation of all the worst female traits taped together to form one one-dimensional character) but it goes out of its way to protect Sovieshu. Remember those other two examples of his cruel behaviour, the almost execution and exile of those men? Well you might be thinking, yeah but he didn't actually execute them. Well that's because NAVIER stepped in. Without navier doing something (by which I mean the text making sure there are no consequences for his actions), we can safely say he would have a lot of blood on his hands. He would have been responsible for a lot of deaths and ruined lives but he wasn't, because Navier came in last second and made sure it didn't happen.
    Rashta is an awful character, but she is given no complexity at all, and gets none of the treatment that other awful characters get that makes them sympathetic.
    Fuyuneko, theilikepie and renuac like this.
  6. Thefseech

    Thefseech Member

    Apr 24, 2021
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    Do you think Navier would have returned to S if she never meet Henry?
  7. BUTT

    BUTT Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2020
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    Someone mentioned here before that people commonly commoners who had committed great crime/sin is then demoted to slave as part of punishment. Soo it's likely Rashta's biological father did something really absurd that deserves the penalty to be demoted as slave, unfortunately then offspring from the said person will automatically be a lowborn, someone please correct me if wrong. Thanks!

    Btw anyone can help me read chapter 280 onwards please? (if available kn English) or simply a summarize of Trashta's trial. Thanks a lot. :3
    Last edited: May 2, 2021
    Grace34 likes this.
  8. InTheEther

    InTheEther Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2019
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    I think Rashta’s being given too little credit, weirdly enough.
    She is shallow, petty, uneducated and vain. She is not mentally retarded or have some clear arrested development.

    Spoiler tags used because this is practically a thesis-

    She cries and whines like a child, but it’s pretty clear that it is an act to gain pity. (Interesting cultural note, at least in China and Japan its actually a thing that the idea of pitying someone is closely tied to feeling love for them.). And who could suspect innocent silly little Rashta of doing something untoward? It must be some kind of mistake or have some other explanation.
    She “loves” guys so long as she can manipulate them, but changes targets once that’s not true. And it works pretty well for her up until she finally screws up too big and it turns out they weren’t that into her.

    When it’s revealed that she’s a slave and Elgy suggests she turns everyone’s attention to a different scandal, it’s HER idea to leverage her former master into working for her. Frankly, this is the most affective she is in the entire book and it’s a pretty smart idea. Her control of everyone else is based on her sweet and innocent facade, so she can’t make a request that would break it. The ex master is fully aware of her real personality, and while he has blackmail on her Rashta also has the resources to make things tough on him, so he’s a pretty good pawn to do her dirty work. Again, Elgy’s advice was only to redirect attention, the rest of this pretty decent scheme was all her.

    The biggest indication of her true personality to me will always be when the fell out of “love” with Stupidshoe. She tried to straight up lie to his face about Navier attacking her and he didn’t buy it. Didn’t get mad at her or anything, just pointed out that Navier wouldn’t scream and cuss in the garden. And that darn near sends her into a panic attack. She realizes that he won’t just blindly follow her like Allen did. Rashta knows what she’s doing. She’s using him to punish Navier for not conceding to her (this is after the confrontation in the garden where Rashta basically tries to tell Navier that her kid will become the future ruler and Navier will have to play nanny). No one manipulated her into doing this, nor is it some childish fumbling around.
    She recognizes the necessity of portraying herself as one of the common people, even as she’s looking down on them now that she is/going to be the empress. She’d much rather curry favor with nobility, but she sees the logic in having the masses behind her.
    And she plays on the emotions of her adoptive parents, making a show of helping them find their other lost daughter even as she utterly resents that person’s existence drawing sympathy and affection away from her. And it pays off as she’s able to get them to get rid of a potential threat while keeping her own hands clean.

    Looking at things objectively, Elgy actually gives her pretty good advice through a lot of the book so far. The fake parents was such a good play that Sovieshu went for it too (god this man is the king of bad communication). Elgy’s help with drumming up support from the commoners and press is pretty spot on too. So it makes sense for her to trust him. We know he’s against her because of our omniscient viewpoint and spoilers, but from the perspective of looking over Rashta’s shoulder there’s no reason to think he’s anything but another successfully seduced man who is genuinely helpful and useful. The only bit of foolishness is taking out the loan, and even that’s just a result of her lack of economic knowledge and overestimating her hold on him.
    ((Again side note, there’s actually a psychological thing where people completely loose the ability to judge the value of money once the amount gets much higher than they’re used to dealing with. It’s why so many lotto winners wind up broke. You’re brain knows what $5 is worth, then $50, $100, etc. but after a certain point it just abstracts it out to lots/infinite money. So to someone completely not used to dealing with money or budgeting, no matter their intelligence, they would be thinking of the money like it’s Monopoly money.))
    Similarly, her not following Navier’s instructions and accidentally embezzling is less a sign of stupidity and more a sign that economics and accounting are hard. Like, I’ve seen posters here asking for an explanation of how her donating in her own name was a mistake, and it’s hasn’t really been explained. She did look through the papers for any issues, it’s just that the whole thing is something you really need to have the equivalent of a masters in economics and/or law to really grasp.

    The biggest thing that makes her look stupid is that her shallowness outstrips her cleverness. When the divorce finally happens she kicks up a fuss about Navier remarrying. Later she recognizes that this is great for her, as with Navier out of the picture Sovieshu will have no reason to divorce her. But in the moment she was so looking forward to Navier being humiliated and defeated that she can’t accept that the former Empress is getting out of the situation with her pride intact and mostly breaking even. This is just pure pettiness and envy.
    Her looking silly on her wedding day is out of a need to look glamorous and outshine Navier, and her insistence on surrounding herself with sycophants is out of this inferiority/superiority complex she has. Circling back to her manipulative behavior, the only ones she trusts are those she believes she has completely charmed. And she can only believe she has done so if they 100% go along with all her wishes and whatever she says. If anyone cautions her against her decisions or tries to correct her then they aren’t under her control and may turn against her.

    Rashta knows what she’s doing for the most part. She knows the best play she has is manipulating through a sweet and innocent act. She also knows that it’s really all she has. She has to come out looking pure and innocent, even though she’s genuinely jealous and conniving.
    Rashta’s also aware that she doesn’t have the hold on Sovieshu that she wants to, so she needs to put in more work to maintain her facade. She’s all for committing crimes, but it has the be done by other people so she has plausible deniability. And when they’re found out she’ll completely abandon them like she did her fake parents.
    As things continue to not go her way her genuine cruelty starts slipping through more, and she has to start taking care of witnesses who might reveal it. Hence the imprisonment and torture of that maid.

    . We have access to Rashta’s thoughts, we know her actual emotions and intentions. She doesn’t think of herself as a villain, but then again no one does (how many real life murderers and psychos on trial try to argue that their actions were completely justified?). She “loves” her 1st child, but only seems to do so when she needs to justify doing something horrible. Outside of that it seems more like she resents that the kid could ruin the cushy position she’s got now. She certainly shows no real concern that he’s in the hands of a guy she knows is scummy and who the kid’s father can’t stand up to. She resents that her adoptive parents still care for their missing actual children, even as they’re showering her with affection.
    She just doesn’t care when her actions harm someone else and literally the only thing I can think of that she did for someone else is way at the beginning of the story when she coaches that maid who had been flattering her on how to reel in Heinley as her own sugar daddy.
    Her physically harming that bird is a pretty good warning sign of things to come.
    Later, even if you could argue that her trying to get rid of someone is just her trying to survive, how does selling them into slavery help that? There’s no point to it other than straight up cruelty. She doesn’t really flinch at ordering physical mutilation either.
    If Rashta really was some poor beleaguered little girl in over her head then why would she think to go that far?

    The arguements that we can’t really blame her seem to be predicated on her being a slave and not knowing how to live any other way, but really? Growing in bad circumstances completely makes one incapable of empathy? Trust issues I get, and being cutthroat I could get, but her actions reach a level of unnecessary and pointless cruelty that can’t be excused with ‘it’s the only way she knows how to survive’. And she’s not THAT stupid. She’s ignorant of high society and woefully undereducated, hence a lot of her biggest missteps. But most of the time she knows exactly what she’s doing. Nothing is just an accident and her actions are her own decisions with very little outside manipulations when you look at it critically.

    . To be clear, I’m not really trying to excuse Sovieshu here. Dude sucks. But he has a little bit of a conscience and he mostly sucks in Rashta’s favor.

    He’s terrible to Navier out of hurt pride, engaging in pretty typical toxic boyfriend behavior. I also suspect it’s out of guilt as well, since regardless of what the law says he likely still feels like he’s cheating on her. So he can’t justify outright forbidding her to get a lover, but at the same time he’s wildly jealous and focuses on why she can’t take up with that specific person.
    He goes way too far with things, blaming her for absolutely everything that goes wrong since they can’t possibly be his own fault. And that thing with the cooked bird was absolutely just cruel. But we see in the aftermath that he is capable of feeling guilty. He wanted to hurt her, but not that bad (which is a absolutely childish sentiment but there it is).
    Growing up the undisputed future king seems to have warped his outlook. I’ve already said he’s the absolute king of non communication. He expects to just make declarations and decisions with no outside input and have everyone just roll with it. And it mostly works since he’s got nearly ultimate authority. He declares that Rashta’s former master was just mistaken and people just go along with it, even though they secretly don’t buy it. Declaring his divorce and remarriage, ordering the execution of a minor noble, exiling a war hero, etc.
    And when it doesn’t work it implodes gloriously. Seriously, maybe forwarn Rashta that you’re going to present some fake parents? It’s kinda useful if she has the correct reaction rather than stunned confusion, even if there hadn’t been two pairs. And ya know, maybe Navier should know that you fully plan on remarrying her at a later date. Might need to be something she needs to be in the know about.

    The grand majority of Stovieshu’s later suffering is a direct consequence of his actions. He lost Navier because he was terrible to her. He looses foreign trade because he decided to throw a hissy fit at the foreign delegate. The church isn’t really on his side because of the divorce, the the powerful council that balances the power of the kingdoms is leaning away from him because he almost executed one of their commanders. He exiled one of his best generals, and noble society’s currently a bit of a mess from all the ridiculousness he pulled to protect Rashta. It’s all practically a 1 to 1 correlation.

    On the other hand ...
    But it’s hard to argue that he wasn’t good to Rashta. He pulled so much stuff to protect her. He doesn’t genuinely love her, she’s mostly there to stroke his ego. But he takes good care of her. He’s indulgent to the point of harm and he cleans up a lot of her mistakes. Most of the stuff Rashta’s afraid of him finding out in the beginning of the story he is fully aware of (baby, trading the ring, digging up rumors), and he doesn’t turn against her. Could have pushed her more to confess to him, see poor communication, but he’s clearly not eager to just throw her away.

    And the possibility that Navier is barren was something that needed to be addressed. He did so IN THE WORST WAY POSSIBLE, but it is a genuine concern.

    When he’s not letting personal concerns intrude he seems to be a pretty good king, and outside of romantic matters it doesn’t seem like he goes out of his way to harm anyone.
    Last edited: May 2, 2021
  9. theilikepie

    theilikepie Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    Wut? But literally it did. Her heign aslahe isnehat made her that way. Just like heavier being born with weak a lvong family and the best education made her "lind". Disregarding the circumstances of her birth and saying it has nothing to with her being evil is very weird

    Unless you belive peole are born evil then that's another topic

    What is it that parasite said?

    When you're rich, it's much easier to be generous, and that translates to being nice

    I think all this defense against rashta is a meta thing. Most peole arent defending her narrative choices but her archetype or place in the novel I guess

    I also get why people hate rahsta and defend Soviet. I mean the author seems to hate anyone who doesn't praise her self insert navier and has some weird 1800 ideas about some stuff that you can tell isnt just the characters thinking but her own thinking as well.

    Also is been proven time and time again peole will be easier on male antagonists then females. Its just a rule of this genre

    She also has problem with most women if you read men of the harem too. The way she portrays woemn is either

    a)degenerate scum who hate the MC and deserve no happy ending


    B)females who worship the ground the MC walks on have no life of there own would die for her and never outshine her

    Aslo I mean game of throne. It has rape murder slavery and all that shit. But you can tell George rr Martian dosent think that way because usally the character who perpetrate it are killed off. And peole who free slaves are portrayed as heroes

    In this novel all the scum of the world seem to get rewarded. Literal slave owning people killing asholes are the MCs and praised by others while getting there happy endings. We are meant to clap for them and cheer for them because hey. The may be mass murdering freaks but at least they love the MC

    This novel is a cliche written mess with one d characters and glaring potholes but it's a revenge fantasy so I guess people will like it. I just wish the author didnt write about topics she had no idea of.

    Literally none of this debate would be here if she made rahsta a low ranking noble or maybe even commoner.
    Fuyuneko, Shinxyra and Grace34 like this.
  10. Thefseech

    Thefseech Member

    Apr 24, 2021
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    Can someone tell me which chapter Doshi explains he's the dragon?

    I think the manhwa does a good job of showing that Rasta was a victim

    Navier only has up to chaper 262, can someone give me the link to the rest?
  11. Aiatsu

    Aiatsu Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2020
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    Man, slavery is something common in this world that is inspired by the 13th / 14th century. They were not related to that, it is simply cultural and the notion of human rights does not exist at this time. They do not do it knowing that it is wrong because there is no moral notion that it is wrong. It is very different from what Rastha did, she had Navier's parents murdered knowing that this was a horrible thing to do, cutting off a maid's tongue as well.

    She may have suffered a lot, but she is totally aware of what she did is horrible, she is not a child who has no sense of what is right and what is wrong.

    Henry did not enslave an entire family, he executed and that was very tyrannical, Navier did not like what he did. But even in this terrible action, he did it in a completely legal and self-defense parameter. When someone in the family commits a crime, the rest pays, as is the case with Rastha's son being a slave, as his mother is a slave and his father is a criminal. It is seen as relatively common in that world.

    We don't say that Henry is a saint, he is a tyrant as emperor, but at least he does it to protect his wife and his country.

    Sobieshu and Rastha's actions are purely out of selfishness and lust. Rastha didn't have to become an empress to survive, nor insulting Navier. she was paid a good amount as a concubine. As for Sobieshu ... I don't even have to say it.

    You must see the moral of that time. To blame Navier because slavery exists is to think that she is the goddess of that world, who decided that slavery is legal.
    Last edited: May 4, 2021
  12. sjmcc13

    sjmcc13 Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    No, it did not. thinking so is just plain idiotic.

    There are plenty of examples, REAL WORLD examples of people who have escaped or been freed from similar or worse situations, even in modern times as our world has not gotten rid of it. Most do not have the freed victim becoming a psycho killer or sadist. Many have them just trying to create a happy normal life.

    Rashta's sins are not "I was a slave so I do not know better", there is a line that could excuse and she goes well beyond that and does not stop. They are the actions of a selfish individual who does not care about the damage she does.

    This is not a nature vs nurture debate, most cases both are required to make up how someone acts. But unless she was deliberately raised to be an unempathetic B#^%& nurture is not an excuse for her flaws. As her nurture should develop the opposite traits in most people.

    it is what is her quality of character, and being a slave is 100% not an excuse for her flaws, or why she is disliked. No amount of white knighting or cherry picking can change that.

    Heck one thing slavery does teach someone is to listen to instructions, as not listening tends to get them "punished", and Rashta shows on multiple occasions that she is not wiling to listen to instructions, even ones given for her own benefit.

    Also, her origin might not include finer etiquette and politics, but a sensible person when thrust into a situation they are not prepared for asks for and listens to advice, that she failed to do so on multiple occasions is not a "sorry, I am a simple escapes slave" excusable situation.
  13. theilikepie

    theilikepie Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    She was raised as slave. A postion where is killed or be killed. Not one was there to teach her ethics or right or wrong. Of course that affected her upbringing. Then she goes from the bottom of society to the topmost after running away and being told her kid is dead

    Anyway your argument was that being a slave isnt what made her evil. It was
    Not if she was justified or not. .Add on the sudden wealth and power she got after years of being abused and anyone would do s until to hold onto that power

    "Many or them have tried to create a happy love"

    Lol. Okay. They have PTSD, mental problems and suicidal tendencies but sure many of them tried to create a happy life. Let's go with this train of thought. And those people have resources to help them and arent thrust into positions of power. You can not compare them at all

    You saying that she should be sensible and ask for help , is easy for you to say. We've never been In that postion so we can daydream all we want about how we would have done the right thing and kept our head down. You've also forgotten soviishu refused to hire a tutor for her before and everyone hated her for being a mistress. Our mindset isnt gonna be the same as someone who grew up on slavery. But well if you could learn to keep you head down and ask for help even with everyone hating you and after years of no education, abuse and seeing the dead body if you kid then well. I applaud you. Your stronger then 90 percent of the population and I'd want you to lead us in a zombie apocalypse

    And you ever think maybe the reason rashta dosent listen is due to the fact that shes was a slave? Maybe she dosent want to be reminded of her slave days. Its like how some people of SA refuse to touch anyone and some have sexual relationships so they can feel in control of there own body again. Everyone reacts differently to abuse

    Also why tf do you keep bring up white knighting? Tf? Saying Rahtas nature is due to slavery is white knighting? Jesus. This fandom is full of people who worship the mary sue MC for breathing and a psycho ML for being pretty you pick out the one or two people who dared to have a nuanced opinion of Rashta as white knighting? Do you even know what white knighting is? Or are we throwing out every word we know?

    Many of your arguments seem to be without sympathy and what you as a 21st century person who experienced no hardship would do. Not as a 19 year old who who grew up in slavery without love

    Why is she selfish? She was a slave. Why does she not know anyhting? She was a slave

    So yeah. Her being slave is what affected her personality. Thinking otherwise is delusional
    Grace34 likes this.
  14. Jhrean

    Jhrean Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2020
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    I just finished reading the mtl of remarried empress. And I can't explain how emotional I was struck throughout the journey of the characters. All I can say is that It was difinitely worth the read. Give it a shot guys.
    Kudos to writer. & artists
    Ismalia likes this.
  15. Celebrianna

    Celebrianna ❤️‍Solo Leveling❣️

    Nov 26, 2020
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    For those who are interested, Naver finally posted the manhwa divorce chapter 80.
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  16. Ismalia

    Ismalia Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2020
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    Me too :aww:, this was the first Historical/Romance/Fantasy Manhwa that I read and I liked it so much that already read more than dozens after, but Navier continues my favorite MC :blobalert:. Her decision that sends Sovie to hell :blobdevil: and married another guy :bloblove: and starts another life is the best choice ever! :blob_pompom:
    Ayoe4fun and Jhrean like this.
  17. aldrim_

    aldrim_ Active Member

    Mar 30, 2021
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    Rashta doesn’t just want to be loved. She’s the greediest person in the novel, if she just wanted love she should have stayed with allen. Even “just” becoming the emperor’s concubine is already a safe place since she has the emperor’s child, but she isn’t satisfied with just that. She’s so obsessed with making everyone to be below her even when she has already become the empress, she wants everyone to bow to her. Yes, rashta is dumb, but she isn’t just used by everyone, instead she uses other people more. Did you read the novel? She didn’t just harm the duchess, she cut her maid’s tongue, tried to kill navier’s parents, tried to sell someone to be a slave, and soooo much more. She is definitely not “harmless”
    AkatsukiKawa and Ayoe4fun like this.
  18. Ayoe4fun

    Ayoe4fun Active Member

    Nov 23, 2020
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    Agreed. Rashta is nowhere near harmless. The hardships she faced as a slave is the same hardships Navier faced as a child who is prepared to be an Empress. The condition is different but it have the same harsh struggle. But Navier still trying to tolerate Sovieshu and Rashta's absurd behaviors until he wants to divorce her. Even after that, she said to Rivetti who want to get revenge to live her own life, finding happiness without thinking about revenge. You see the difference? All people has their own difficulties in life, even the happiest person we see on the outside, what matter is their attitude.
    Rashta cutting the maid's tongue, trying to kill Navier's parents due to jealousy is her own doing without anyone instigation.
  19. theilikepie

    theilikepie Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    Holy shit wtf. Say sike right now

    People really comparing being a literal slave to taking empress lessons as a kid

    I'm really hoping this is a comedy bit... otherwise wow....

    That really reeks of privilege and ignorance

    On yea show me the part where naviet had no family or no friends and was forced to do labor from a young age with no rest while living in poverty

    People say fiction dosent affect reality but then you have peple like this who inorcnally start spouting off that an empresss childhood was as bad as a slaves

    Like no. In no way was Naiversrs childhood was worse the Rashtas. Just beucze shes the MC and designated self insert dosent mean you have to make up stuff to somehow show her as pitiful soul

    But why? On what world would you think that statement is okay or true. No human being actually thinks that bro. Please tell me your joking please. It's the only way to preserve my sanity

    Only reason Naviers kind as she is is becuse she never faced the hardship 90 percent of people in her kingdom faced and was born with a golden spoon. Its really easy to be kind when you dont have to wonder when your next meal is coming

    Good idea. She should stay at a palce where they told her her son died and her rapist couldn't defend her from his psycho father/sister
    Last edited: May 8, 2021
  20. theilikepie

    theilikepie Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    When you u post something on a public forum be prepared to have people disagree with you

    Especially when you post soemthing as weird as "an empress childhood was as bad as a slave"

    That is really insutling considering slavery is/was a real life thing and its affect can be felt today

    You cant say soemthing that trivializes slavery and then say "its just my opinion'

    And sorry its not an opinion that a slave has it worse then an empress. It's a true fact 99 percent of the time

    Honrstly i dont even think you belive that but becuse Navier is the MC you have the need to elevate her and defend her.

    But idk maybe this me just being hopeful and wanting to belive that no person in modern times would really belive that
    retardedapplejuice likes this.